Slavery Legalized - Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too!

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#17 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too!


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall awoke from the sun streaming across his eyes. He'd slept well, but his master wasn't up yet, so he wiggled his way out from under his arm, and darted under the covers, away from the harsh morning sunlight. He laid there dozing until he felt his master stirring.

"Hmm? Where's my wolf? Randall? Where did you go?" the lion said, noticing Randall was not next to him. He saw a lump under the sheets, though, and looked underneath them, seeing his cute little wolf half awake.

"Aww, someone's tired...come up here and give me a kiss, sleepyhead," he laughed. Randall blinked and cringed back at the sunlight streaming in the hotel window, and sleepily crawled his way up his master's body, and started licking his master's muzzle. His eyes were still squinting as they struggled to adjust to the drastic change in light.

"Morning, Master." he said. Georgio chuckled. The lion decided to play a little rough this morning, flipping Randall over onto his back, sitting on his hips, and holding his shoulders down.

"Morning, slave...Master's muzzle is a little me wet it a little." Georgio leaned down,, slipping his tongue into Randall's muzzle for an aggressive kiss. Randall yelped in surprise, not quite ready for rough play after having just woken up. He didn't mind though, he trusted his master to know what was best for him. He returned the kiss, slipping his elongated canine tongue into his master's maw, brushing it across the lion's tongue. Georgio purred, pulling back to break away. He looked down at the slave, grinning.

"You know, Randall...I was trying to get you to admit you love this life, that of my slave and me control...I can see it in your eyes. You love me so much and being a slave just makes it feel even more right, doesn't it?"

Randall bit his lip. Well, his master was right. He did love it. He didn't know why. He hadn't chosen this life willingly, and until the past week it had been worse than hell. But actually saying so...that wasn't as easy to do. That made it final. Nobody had to know what he was thinking, but if he said something...

"I...maybe...yeah," Randall said finally, looking away, the insides of his ears flushed red. He still had "alpha dog" instincts buried in him...deeply, very deeply, but they were there, which made him a bit ashamed to admit that he liked submitting.

The lion grinned, staring him down. He held his chin up, making him look into his eyes. "Maybe yeah, what? Be specific, slave, tell secrets, and tell me everything...don't be scared, I'm in control here..."

Randall cuddled up close with his master, as though by attempting to cover his face in the lion's fur, that would keep him concealed.

"I...I like being your slave. But...I don't like being a slave. I don't know if I can explain the difference very well...I'm not even sure I understand it. You already know the experience I've had in being a slave...but with you, it's different...I feel weird about it. But it feels right to let you have control. I know I can trust you."

The wolf paused, feeling odd about being this forthcoming. But he continued.

"If I didn't have you I'd hate being a slave...but since I do...I love it. I don't know how but you make everything work. And I never want that to change, ever." He hugged his master tightly, as though he were scared he could pop off and disappear at any moment.

Georgio flipped over, holding him and kissing his head, rubbing his back. "I understand, Randall. Being my slave is something you love, but you hate being a slave at all, you wish you didn't have to...but unfortunately you're a lifer. I can't change that, even with all my connections. There's nowhere slavery isn't legal, nowhere we could go to that could change that even for awhile..." Georgio kissed his ear, pulling him back to pet his cheek.

"That's just it, Master. I don't want to be free. Not when you own me."

"Yes, are my slave, and I'm going to protect you and love you always, okay? No matter what I'll protect you from harm...but, I feel in my heart you being a being my slave is the best thing for you. All that control you're giving to me, I bet it's making those feelings grow even stronger...your love, and enjoyment of being a slave, am I right? I make everything work because I love you and I want you by me always as my slave, so I can always be with you...if you were free, we couldn't do that."

Randall's eyes teared up a bit as he thought of something wasn't just that he was the lions' slave. Yes, he liked this - it was perfect, and he would do anything, even kill, to prevent this from changing. But there was something else - something that screamed at him every time he escaped, and told him it was hopeless.

"I'm...I don't know how to take care of myself, Master. If you disappeared, I'd...I'd die. That's why I need you...and why I get scared when you have to leave, or when I'm alone. It isn't just feeding or clothing myself...I can do that, but there's more to being free than, I can't make simple decisions, because they've always been made for me."

He took a deep breath.

"It's not that I mind that...I don't...I can trust you for anything. But...sometimes when you ask me things, I freeze up, because I don't know what to say. But...I still like needing to depend on you." The wolf felt a bit frustrated that he couldn't just simply accept the things he wanted to, as though he couldn't get rid of this last tiny invader that prevented him from really being who he wanted.

"Well, good, because even if I could, I wouldn't set you free, I want you with me, to be mine,'s selfish and cruel and they say if you love someone let them go, but you? I'm too jealous of someone snatching up my cute wuffie," he said possessively, but with only a loving tone. "It's okay, I understand...that's why I'm here to control you and make things easier for you, take those scary choices away and let you live in a blissful, choice-free a slave to the one you love. But I think you should be able to make simple choices over time...we can work on that, I don't want a mindless drone." He held him close, rubbing his back gently. "I love you my slave, my wolf, my very much..."

Randall sighed in relief, the tension that had been building up within him releasing all at once. He was worried that his master wouldn't understand what he was saying, or be mad at him. He was happy that he understood.

"I love you too, Master." he said, nuzzling him.

Georgio smiled, and pet him gently as they laid there naked atop the covers, full of love for eachother. "But, those little choices...that's what I'm trying to teach you to do. Once you're all trained, you'll be not only the slave I love but the one that runs my household, you know." He kissed him, smiling. I'm going to rely on you a lot more as every day passes, Randall, I trust you and rely on you a lot already."

"I'll try to be good for you, master." The idea that his master would rely on him more and more was kind of scary...what if he let his master down? He didn't want to think what would happen then.

"I know you will try hard for me every day my wuffie...and I just love you all the more for that..." Randall laid against his chest for a moment, enjoying the sensation of his head rising and falling with his master's breath.

"Um...speaking of want me to finish up what we started last night? I still owe you, Master." Georgio smirked at this, taking a glance at the clock.

"Well, we still have plenty of time, but sucking on you is one thing, are you ready for me? I'm kinda big, after all..."

"Well...yeah, but give me a little credit, Master...this is what I was trained for." He sounded a little depressed about that fact, but not too much...maybe he couldn't be too useful around the house yet, but he could for...other things.

Georgio looked at him crossly. "Well, you're not trained to be that anymore, Randall...I love you, and that kind of thing can be put behind you. You don't need to worry about that, don't think you have to overcompensate, just because you're lacking in other skills...I want you to do it out of love and submission to me, not because you feel inadequate, and that you need to make yourself seem useful."

"I do love you master..." he said moving down. "And...I do...submit," he added, with a little hesitation. "Besides...we have a bet to settle, remember?" the wolf grinned slyly.

"A bet? I don't remember any bets..." Georgio grin, giving him a smooch. "All I remember was a slave begging for his master to be allowed to cum...and I remember giving my slave an order, like this one-"

"But you said you could suck cock better than-"

"Rip off of the bedsheets, and worship my package, slave," Georgio said, grinning. The wolf yelped, kicking the sheets off the bed as quickly as he could, moving his head immediately in between his master's legs. "Aww, so quick to please your Master, I-aiieee! That's cold, what are you-?"

Randall had gotten a rather ornery idea into his head, and poked his cold wet nose on each of his master's orbs.

"Oh, you're a naughty thing...but Randall, you don't have to do this still, it doesn't matter to me, yiff isn't a huge deal with me...I can get what I want from Tom and John, so don't feel obligated..." Georgio was feeling a bit guilty, he'd just been joking around and was worried that he had just pushed his wolf into doing something he wasn't ready for.

"I want to make you happy, Master..." he said, removing his nose. "...and this is part of how I know how to do that...this is one way to serve you of many. I don't want you to feel like you have to go to Tom and John for your...needs..."

The wolf murred. "You're so big...and powerful..." he moved in, placing both his paws atop his master's thighs and licked his sack a little, just teasing him for the moment, trying to get him a little excited.

"But if you want, we can wait till later..." he said as he drew back, removing his tongue, giving a rather ornery grin to his master.

"Mmm...well, it's been three weeks since I had a three-way with those two...they're busier than usual, plus one of the cubs was sick last week..." He pet his head, watching his slave go back to licking his sack, his sheath thickening.

"Randall, I want what you're comfortable with...tomorrow on Sunday we'll have a whole day to do to one another as we like, hehe...but for me, it's about what you want and how comfortable you are, if we get to the point where I'm hard, but memories come back and spook you...then stop, please. It's okay, I promise."

"I...I won't lie, sometimes I have memories come back...but I think I'm past the point where they scare me when I'm with you. I think."

Randall slipped his tongue into his master's sheath then, teasing his member, then withdrew it. He inched forward, taking an entire orb into his mouth, suckling on it a bit and rolling over it with his tongue. Georgio tilted his head back, groaning, then reached down to pet Randall on the head between his ears.

"Mmmm...don't you tease Master, my beloved little slave, Master loves to tease but doesn't like to be teased, okay? But you can play around, check out the equipment...are you enjoying it? Do I taste well?" He purred loudly as his member began to slip from its confines.

"Yeth Mathber..." he said in response to everything - his mouth was a bit occupied at the moment. "Ooo do!" He switched to his master's other orb, giving it the same treatment, occasionally moving up to lick the tip of his emerging member.

"Oh gods...I love your muzzle more by the minute, heh...but my cock feels lonely and cold, slave, can you make it feel better?

Randall placed his paws on his master's thighs, pulling himself up to lick the tip of the feline's member a few times before moving down, slowly taking just over half his member into his muzzle for now. He wrapped his elongated tongue around the shaft in a corkscrew, and slowly pulled back, sliding his tongue around and around. Georgio placed a paw on the back of his head, gently pushing down to encourage him.

"Come on, wuffy! Oh! Gods, I love your muzzle...mmm, that feels so good...that's a good boy, suck your master..."

Randall let out a whimper, but it was not one of fear or pain, simply of submission. As his master pushed down, he widened his muzzle as best he could to take everything in at once, like a good boy.

He coughed once, it had been quite awhile since he'd had anything that big in his mouth. His previous master had been slightly...under-endowed, especially for a stallion. He took a moment to adjust to his master's length, and was shortly just fine.

The wolf let his tongue rest on the underside of his master's cock, letting it gently slide as he pulled back. Sometimes he'd brush his teeth lightly along the top, but never hard enough to put his master in any danger. As he went back down, he'd move his tongue around to the other side.

Georgio suddenly pulled himself back from the brink of sexual bliss, having suddenly noticed the wolf's whimpering reaction, and the half-choke. He immediately pulled his paw away.

"Oh, god, Randall, I'm sorry...are you okay?" All his pleasurable feelings immediately vanished when he thought he was scaring his little wolf lover.

Randall pulled back briefly.

"I'm fine...doggies just do that sometimes and it doesn't always mean we are scared or hurt or's a submission thing."

He grinned and started to go back to work. Georgio nodded, sighing happily, laying back and letting his wolf suck him off again.

"Oh, thank god...I didn't want you scared or hur- ohhh, that feels great..."

With Randall's muzzle already warmed up from just a minute before, he was easily able to take his master's entire member all at once without trouble. Again he wrapped his tongue around the shaft, drawing back slowly, allowing his skilled tongue to gently slide across and around. After a minute of this, he closed his lips around and began to gently suck, still using his tongue to caress his master's cock.

Georgio let out another few moans, before giving a soft growl, clenching the bedsheets with his fist.

"Mmm, that's a good slave...suck my cock, that's right, you're a good subby little wolf, aren't you?'re my little bitch, aren't you, slave..." He reached down, placing a paw on the back of Randall's head, pushing down on him again. "Suck it nice and hard, boy, I'm gonna give you a healthy breakfast of my seed..."

Randall got a brief flash of some other less pleasant incidents like this at some of the dirty talk...but it was out of his head almost as soon as it entered. This was Master and Master was different. It, not degrading when it came from Master. He wanted to be his master's bitch - that hadn't been the case with the others.

The wolf gave another small whimper of submission as he was pushed down further, and then really began to work his master's cock, sucking harder, and being a bit rougher with his tongue. He moved one paw down from the top of his master's thigh and began rolling his balls around, massaging them.

Georgio groaned, throwing his head back, trying to resist pushing down even further on the back of Randall's head.

"Oh gods, yeah, this is the stuff, slave, suck...gods, suck my cock bitch, my little slave bitch...oooh yeah! You're gonna swallow...every drop..." Georgio panted heavily, feeling his balls being played with. "Mmm, work my orbs, slave..."

Randall began to bob his head up and down, working the muscles in his jaw for everything he was worth. He flicked his tongue across the head of his master's member when he got to the top, and then wrapped it back around the shaft on his way down, tightening his tongue around it a little like a vise.

With his other paw he continued to work his master's nutsack around, but not attempting to take control - that was not his place. The lion began to buck his hips, moaning loudly, following by growling getting louder and louder as the went.

"Suck it slave, suck your owner's dick, you subby little bitch!" Clenching the bedsheets hard, he roared loudly, bucking his hips upward as hard as he could, shooting his seed straight into the wolf's throat.


He folded his ears back and looked up apprehensively, slightly frightened by the loud roar, not having expected it. It didn't give him pause, however - he focused on swallowing what he could. He got most of his master's seed, but a little bit spilled out the sides of his muzzle, dripping down his chin and jaw.

"I-I'm sorry..." he said, wondering if he was in trouble for not being able to swallow everything.

The wolf pulled off slowly, then gave his master's member several long licks, cleaning it up for him, although he gave no thought to himself, his past experience having burned this sort of behavior into him. Georgio laid there panting, moaning softly as he was cleaned off, looking down at his wolf.

"Did I make you happy, Master?" he asked, genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"Yes...Randall..." After he caught his breath, he sat up and licked the cum from his slave's muzzle, kissing him deeply and letting their tongues dance. Randall put up a bit of fuss when his muzzle was cleaned off, like a mother cleaning up her pup...but mostly, Randall was in bliss, caring only for his love for his master, and his master's love for him. Georgio rolled over onto his back, holding the wolf to his chest, not allowing the kiss yet to break. As their lips finally parted, he looked at him, only love in his eyes.

"So, how does your master taste, my beautiful slave?

"You taste...perfect..." he said, searching for a moment to find the right word.

"Did pleasing me make you happy?" Randall nodded.

"Well, I'm glad you like it, because I'm gonna give you it once at least daily, alright?" he said in a comical tone, trying to show the wolf he was just joking around. He kissed him again, petting his cheek.

"Did...did you like being called my 'bitch,' too?" Georgio asked, giving a nervous laugh. He'd gotten carried away and hoped he hadn't hurt his wolf. Randall averted his eyes a bit more than normal and dropped his ears back before answering.

"Well...I...coming from doesn't bother me," he lied. It had hurt, a little, even if he liked hearing it from Master - and he didn't want him to stop on account of his fucked up past. "I am your...b-bitch." he stuttered, trying to get the word out naturally. He gave a forced grin and licked his master's muzzle, trying to show him that everything was okay. The wolf's didn't yet understand that he didn't have to be his master's 'bitch,' that even though he wanted to be, he didn't need to be.

"'s okay," Georgio said, having caught the wolf's hesitance. "I won't call you that anymore, I'll try to refrain from the dirty talking..." Randall lurched upward and wrapped his arms around his master.

"You can call me whatever you want...I gotta move on from my past sometime."

"Hehe, that's good...because tomorrow, well, tomorrow...that can't be helped, if you're still up for it. I'll be an animal until I mark" He pet along Randall's shoulder, pausing a moment. "My mate..."

Randall blushed, burying his head in his master's chest-fur. "Alright then, alright then...we can start slow with the dirty talking, 'bitch' works for now...hehe, so who's my bitch? Who's my cute little suck slave now?"

"I am..." Randall said, blushing a bit, giving a shy smile. Georgio just kissed him, then laid back, content in the aftermath of a great blowjob.

"Well, we better shower and dress Randall, we have a wedding to get to, you know...and tomorrow, heh, we'll be having a wedding of our own in a way...I'm going to make you my mate, because even though you're a slave, I love you more dearly and truly than anyone I have ever known."

Randall wagged his tail a bit. "I're the only one I've ever really loved."

Georgio smirked, petting his cheek. "You're such a sweetie, Randall, but I know you'll love others too, like Kana, and even Tom and John...they're all good furs, and I'm sure you'll come to care about them, too."

"Yeah, but that's a different kind of love..." Randall said, nuzzling his master back.

Georgio nuzzled him, giving him a soft spank on the butt. Randall yipped in surprise, but didn't flinch - he was improving slowly. "Well, let's clean up okay? I'll shower quick first, can you grab my tux and your outfit from the's in that black protector, just put it on the bed...after you make it, of course."

Randall nodded and got off the bed. "Doesn't the hotel have slaves to do that..." Randall protested, but went to work on the sheets anyway as his master got up.

"Yes, but since you're my maid, you have to do it," the lion teased, laughing, heading into the shower. Randall made the bed, laying the two outfits out, and it seemed like only moments later that his master came out, a towel on his head.

"Hey, you're up, Randall."

Randall darted into the bathroom, a bit excited to get ready for the wedding, if only to see what it was like. He hopped into the shower, stretching out a paw to turn on the water.

Suddenly he realized he'd never used one before. He'd either been hosed off on rare occasion...very rare occasion...or Master operated it for him.

Can't be too hard, can it? Just turn this knob he-

The sounds of some very loud yelping could be heard even several doors down and a blast of freezing cold water hit Randall square in the face, soaking him through.

He sat and huddled down in a corner, wrapping a towel around him, already shivering. Eventually he sat up and moved back toward the shower.

The other way must be hot... he thought.

Georgio had just finished putting on his boxers when he heard the loud cry. He looked down and thought a moment, instead of instantly running to the problem.

"Okay, let's's either the shower or the, he couldn't have fallen in, and I didn't hear a flush...oh crap..." The lion said, the answer hitting him like a ton of bricks. He ran in, sure he knew what the problem was - and he was right.

"Let me guess. You've never used a shower before, have you?

"No..." he said, a little ashamed that he couldn't get such a simple thing working right on the first try.

"Turn the knob and it will warm up gradually...stick your paw in to check the water temperature first so you don't burn yourself...and what did I say about asking!?" he said, a little cross.

"I thought I could run it right..." Randall cringed down and lowered his ears. He did as his master said, the water warming up in no time, Georgio watching to make sure he did everything right. The wolf hopped in the shower, followed by his master who poked head head in.

"Randall, I asked you a question, and I expect a response. Now, what did I say about asking?"

"You said to ask...but Master-"

"And what did you not do?" the lion asked, cutting off the wolf's protests.

"I didn't ask.."

"And what are you going to do from now on? Especially at the wedding this afternoon?"

"I'll ask..." he replied nervously, biting his lip.

Georgio nodded, beginning to head out the door. "I can't help it if I want to try and do simple things myself..." Randall grumbled under his breath, a bit testily. Georgio turned around, pulling the curtain open and looking at him sternly.

"I understand your desire to keep some of that independence, but! Ask. Me. I want to make sure you don't go doing something that could make trouble, if you had just asked I wouldn't have done it for you, I could have just given you a hint, so you could figure it out yourself, okay?" the lion said, trying to appease the wolf's desire to be a little independent.

"I didn't make any trouble though...I just got a little cold," he protested. He turned around in the shower so that the hot water could get along his back side and tail.

"Well, the floor is all wet from a soaked little wuffy hollerin' and runnin' out of it in a corner it seems, so clean it up when you're dried off. And shake off in the shower behind the curtain, not in the rest of the bathroom!" he said, turning around to leave.

"I'll be careful at the wedding though, I promise!" Randall added as his master turned to leave yet again, realizing he was acting a bit grumpy, and remembering his master's earlier threats to leave him in the hotel room.

"You had better behave, and ask, anything and everything, instead of just trying it yourself, okay? I'm going to change," the lion said. "Make sure you use soap and water, and wash behind your ears," he said, closing the door.

"Yes, Master," he said a little meekly.

Once he was completely wet, he lathered up and washed every bit of him down, head to toe, being sure to get in between his paws and behind his ears and as much of his back as he was able to reach. After he was rinsed off, he stepped halfway out before remembering - so he stepped back in the shower, closed the door, and shook off, then got back out and dried off with a towel. He also dried off the floor as his master had instructed. He found a fur brush near the sink and brushed all his fur out the best he could. This took quite a bit of time, but he finally finished and walked out.

"Wow, look good!" he said. Georgio had put on his tux, and was adjusting it a little.

"Heh, you really think so?" he said, smiling as he placed a flower in his pocket. "Well, personally, I hate dressing up so damn much, it's such a pain in the ass...

"Well, that's at least something I don't have to worry about much." Randall said plainly.

"Goofball..." Georgio said, swatting Randall's rump. The wolf jumped a little, but playfully, not in surprise. "But you get dressed too, alright? We should leave in twenty minutes, but I'd like to try for ten."

Randall went to his outfit on the bed and looked at it, not quite remembering how to get everything on. He was going to just try it and see what happened, but he remembered what his master had said.

"Um...can you help me, Master?"

"Alright, come here..." Georgio said, smiling, taking his wrists. He put the wrist pieces on, and the band that covered his slave collar, in matching colors. He helped the wolf step into the torso piece, making sure the bottom part was secured nicely, so he would stay "decent" during the wedding. Pulling his tail out the back, he smoothed everything over, running up and down the loincloth flaps.

"Okay, sit down now..." he said, pushing Randall down onto the bed. He slipped the calf pieces on, up over his feet, then stood him up, planting a deep kiss right on his muzzle.

"You look so god damned handsome in that, you know." Randall giggled a bit at his master's comment on his looks - it sounded sort of funny to him. He got up and hugged him.

" look goddamn handsome, too," he said, laughing a little bit more.

"Well, thank you Randall, that little white and gold outfit, you look like some kind of handsome virginal sacrifice...hmmm..." he said thoughtfully. Suddenly he picked Randall up and kissed him.

"Ack!" said the wolf.

"Oooga Booga!" said the lion loudly, making up some nonsense to sound like a sacrificial incantation.

Randall wrapped his arms around his master, clinging on for dear life, a bit confused as to what was happening here. He brought his muzzle up though and nuzzled the side of his master's neck, though - he wasn't incapacitated or anything.

"Hehe, okay, enough playing..." Georgio said, setting him down. "Look in the bag for a matching leash I got you, okay? I need to brush my mane real quick." Randall found the leash in short order, handing it to his master just as he finished. The wolf moved his head back so that it would be easier to clip on.

Randall grabbed hold of his end of the leash, as was his usual behavior. "Ready, Randall?" Georgio asked, pocketing his keys.

"Mmmhmm!" he said, nodding, tugging on his end as he headed toward the door, feeling anxious.

Georgio walked up and held the handle, before letting go all of the sudden. "Oh! I almost forgot..." Georgio turned around, kissing Randall for a moment, holding him tightly to him before parting lips.

"I love you, Randall, now let's go have fun, kay?"

The two made their way to the parking lot. When they got to the car Randall hopped in, and buckled up. He fumbled with the buckle for a few seconds because the belt had gotten twisted around, but he got it attached without much trouble - and certainly without putting up the fuss he did on the way here.

"How far away is it? And how long is it?" he asked as they pulled out, already growing impatient to be there.

Georgio chuckled, looking over at him. "It's only about twenty minutes away, Randall, don't be so impatient..." He paused a moment before continuing to answer his wolf's question. "Well, frankly, it depends on how the ceremony is done, but no more than an hour I'd cousin Max is more the traditional type, he'd want a traditional wedding." He reached over to pet the wolf. "So relax, we'll be there in a few...have you ever heard what happens in a wedding, or seen one?"

"I saw one from a distance, once...but I was in a cage and couldn't see much. Just lights and indistinct voices," he answered.

"Well, you can see one for yourself this time, okay? We'll sit near the back so you can aks all the questions you want."

The rest of the trip passed in silence, interrupted every five minutes by Randall, who wanted to know if they were there yet. Finally, they pulled into a parking lot by a large church. Georgio walked around, taking the leash in hand.

"Okay, now, be polite, respectful, and speak only when spoken to, unless it's to me, okay?" Randall simply nodded, determined to behave, not wanting to embarrass his master. He hadn't realized this would be indoors. Being in a new and confined area would put extra stress on him so he had to concentrate extra hard. When he entered the church though, he realized he'd have absolutely no problem keeping quiet. The large, ornate room almost commanded silence - even the padding of his feet felt out of place. However, plenty of free furs were greeting each other, talking in normal voices, which helped to relax the mood.

The usher showed them to a seat near the back, just as Georgio had wanted for them. Randall followed his master into one of the back pews, scooting up right next to him and nudging his way under his arm.

"It's really big in here..." he whispered.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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