The Best Kind of Warm

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There are many pleasant kinds of warmth, but for Maxie and Lily, there's one particular kind which always comes out on top.

This vignette was written for Dred_Furst as part of my themed Patreon request day for December 2019. This month's theme was "Warming Up" and the story contains sexual acts and watersports between consenting adults.

The Best Kind of Warm

For Maxie and Lily, there were a couple of contenders for what was the best kind of warm, and in third place came the warmth which stood in contrast to a prior experience of frigid cold.

The corsac fox and their girlfriend raced in through their apartment's front door, shiving, dripping wet, the wind howling behind them as they slammed the door shut on the torrential downpour that had caught them entirely unprepared in terms of suitable clothes. Hurriedly they peeled off their sodden, waterlogged attire, their fur just as sodden and chilled beneath it. Leaving their clothes behind them in dripping piles, the pair wasted no time in dragging themselves into the bathroom, into the shower cubicle, and groaning in mutual relief as they were immediately doused by warm, soothing water.

It only took a couple of minutes for the hot water of the shower's steady flow to warm them both back to a much more comfortable state, but even then, they lingered in both the water and one another's intimate, naked company. They wrapped their arms around one another, and the dalmatian gave a whimper of wordless, pleading passion to her lover as she felt their cock begin to stiffen against her right thigh.

So came the second favourite of Lily and Maxie's varieties of warmth. The warmth of a lover's body, both outside and within. Maxie slid down to the floor and crossed their legs with their back resting against the rear wall of the shower, and they groaned in delight as Lily settled upon their lap, and eagerly grasped at the base of their cock to guide it into her pussy. Maxie kissed their girlfriend deeply as she settled on their lap, cock hilted within her, and they cradled one another tightly as without much rocking or other motion to advance their passions, they simply revelled in the touch and the desire of one another's bodies.

Smooching, giggling, and speaking in whispers despite the fact there was nothing remotely secret about what they were saying nor indeed anyone around to hear them, the pair tenderly remained there in a constant but never overwhelming state of desire for more than twenty minutes before either one of them stirred. The warmth of Maxie's cock within Lily's depths was heaven to the dalmatian, and the heat of Lily's pussy around their twitching shaft was similarly euphoric to Maxie, yet still there came a point where the corsac fox found themselves desperate for more. Not so much to cum themselves, but to see, and hear, and feel Lily being brought greater and greater volumes of pleasure, hopefully thanks to their own efforts.

And of course, Maxie knew of one way that was almost guaranteed to get Lily ever more worked up than she already was. A few words that wouldn't just drive the dalmatian wild in fact, but would get them both going to a whole new degree once they were spoken, and that knowledge was shared for both of them to know and understand.

"I need to go."

The corsac fox murmured under their breath, bowing their head and nuzzling gently at the side of Lily's white furred, black spotted neck at the same time. Instantly, they felt Lily's pussy tighten around their cock. They felt it clutch not in sorrow, not in expectation of Maxie's cock or indeed any part of the vulpine having to abandon them physically, but in desire and delight as Lily understood those words in their true context. Not as a statement of intent to leave the shower and this intimate moment, but as one of bladder control.

"Do it..."

She begged with a throaty murmur, the shower's water cascading down around them just as before but their nether regions still growing noticeably hotter, and wetter as the dalmatian began to squirm and shudder atop her partner's lap and still hard, steadily twitching cock.

"Please. Ohh, Maxie. Please... inside me. Oh god. Now... please!"

Though thus far it was only a suggestion, only words spoken by Maxie with no other meaningful change to their actions beyond perhaps a slight increase in the rate at which their cock was throbbing, it drove their girlfriend wild. Lily writhed and shuddered, bucking herself against the corsac fox's straining cock as her eyes rolled and she clutched tighter still at their body.

"I'm gonna. It's coming..."

Maxie teased once again, grinning as Lily wailed and gave them a desperate, lustfully pleading look which made the corsac fox crack up, only to kiss their partner tenderly on the tip of her snout and nod more sincerely to her.


They growled, and closed their eyes a moment later, focusing on cutting through the increased pleasure thanks to Lily's greater motion upon their cock, and actually trying to let their bladder go.

"Ohh... okay, Lil. You... ah... you want me to go?"

Maxie huffed, delicately tracing their fingers down the dalmatian's spine, making her arch her back and wail in desire as she nodded and trembled against her lover's touch.

"You really, really want me to..."

"Yes! Yesyesgodfuckingyes! Please, Maxie! Piss in me!!"

Lily cut off her partner's final tease with a strangled cry, and hearing her so desperate, feeling her pussy burning so hot and so wet around their cock, Maxie blushed, grinned, and gave their girlfriend exactly what she craved.

The corsac fox huffed and gasped in blissful relief as they let their bladder go, and their still hard cock began to piss deep into their lover's beautiful, hungrily clutching body. They felt Lily's hands clutching tight around their back, fingertips digging into her partner's flesh, and a few seconds later an almighty, joyous scream escaped the dalmatian. She felt the fox's hot urine flooding the innermost reaches of her pussy in the most obscenely taboo and glorious way, and in that same instant she let her own bladder go, and began to piss right back at Maxie, soaking their crotch and balls with a hot spray of her very own.

Together, the pair writhed and gasped and cried their way giddily through their shared urination, every bit as intense and glorious for both of them as any orgasm they could possibly have indulged in. They hadn't intended this. Neither one of them had purposefully held back from visiting the bathroom that day, but thanks to their being so busy shopping and so happy just to be spending the day together, neither one of them had been to the restroom for many hours, certainly not since before the pair of large sodas they'd each had with lunch. For that reason they had ample supply to pour forth against one another's trembling bodies, and thus with each passing second were able to drive their partner to ever greater excesses of lust with their shared hot, wet, copious flow.

It was heaven. It was ecstasy to be filled and surrounded by so much of their beloved partner's release, and yet no sooner had Maxie's own urine began to trail off, with the last remnants of Lily's piss still dripping through the fur of their crotch and down over their balls, they lunged forward. Without giving themselves or Lily any opportunity to recover they surged at their partner with a growl, toppling the dalmatian over onto her back and straddling her with their cock still buried and rock hard deep inside her. Giddily, huffing and snarling, Maxie drove the two of them right from one sort of bliss to another, and without any delay they began to fuck Lily hard and fast right there on the warm, soaking wet floor of their still flowing, steamy shower.

"Yes! Yes!!"

The dalmatian shrieked, legs kicking out, eyes bulging, fingertips digging into the flesh of her lover's back as that new pleasure consumed them all over again. This time though, with the memory and the sensations of the corsac fox's hot piss still fresh in her mind, her screams were even louder, and her pleasure all the more impossibly, deliciously intense. After all, of all the kinds of warmth that she and Maxie loved, there was nothing better than this kind. There was nothing more perfect, nothing more soothing and stimulating all at once. There was absolutely nothing in the world as warm, or indeed as mind-bendingly hot as the heat of their lover's piss still lingering between them while they fucked one another feverishly and adoringly towards a long awaited, and now desperately needed orgasm.

"Oh god. Ohhhh god! Maxie! Please... right there! Aahhyes, so hot! So good! Ohhhhhh, Maxie! It's... I'm gonna... please! With me! Mmnh... Maxie! Oh, _Maxie! Yes! _"

By Jeeves

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