Watching Thumper Thump

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Many years after the events of the movie, Thumper invites his closest friends Bambi, Faline and Flower to watch him do what he does best. ^^

This story was written for Yui_olp as part of their top tier Patreon reward for December 2019. It contains M/F sex and masturbation involving consenting adults. :3

Watching Thumper Thump

"C'mon, c'mon! Don't make me keep my lady waiting!"

Thumper drummed his foot against the forest floor impatiently as he glanced over his shoulder to see Bambi, Faline and Flower following along behind him while a small group of other woodland critters lingered in their wake, every bit as curious as the rabbit's friends. Just moments later with a tut of playful impatience Thumper bounded away again. He raced ahead until he could barely see his friends any-more before stopping, then hopping around in urgent circles. His heart pounded with frantic anticipation, and between his strong hind legs the rabbit's erection twitched in pre-emptive excitement for what was to come. No sooner had his friends gotten a little closer, he set off once more at a similarly breakneck pace, and repeated that process another three or four times before he finally burst out into a small wildflower filled clearing. The same clearing where many, many years ago a certain skunk had been given his nickname by a then young fawn, not the proud stag which Bambi was today.

In the centre of the clearing however, there lay a creature a million times more beautiful than any flower. A creature who to Thumper personally, not to mention any other male rabbit within a good few hundred metres, smelled far sweeter than any bloom as she lay in the inescapable throes of her heat.

"Hurry up, can't you smell it? She's waiting for you guys! Waiting for me!"

Thumper drummed his foot once again, and from a short distance away the rabbit he loved so dearly, the mother of many a litter of his kits already and soon hopefully to be one more, gave a brief, desperate squeak of desire. A cry of pure longing as she heard not just the voice, but the passionate and signature drumming of her lover's footpaw against the forest's lush earth. She looked up, and though her face reddened along with the insides of her ears as she saw so many of her friends and other animals she knew from all over the forest trotting and fluttering and scampering their way into the clearing, she didn't try to hide herself. She lay still, sprawled on her back with her long body stretched out, and her legs parted in a way that betrayed the glistening wetness amidst the flushed pinkness of her heat stricken nether regions.

She knew all about what was about to happen of course. In fact, originally, albeit as something of a joke, it had been her idea. Thumper was... he was like no bunny she had ever met before. Not just in his outgoing and confident personality, so different from the normally skittish nature common to their kind, but also in the way he mated. She had teased that he should show off his skills for all their friends. Let them watch what he did to her, what he did to keep the forest abundant with baby bunnies each spring, and ringing with squeals of pleasure in the weeks beforehand. Ever one to miss the point of a playful remark in his abundant enthusiasm though, Thumper had thought it was a fantastic idea, and it hadn't taken much to convince his friends it was at least a fun and interesting way to spend an afternoon too.

All they'd had to do was wait until Miss Bunny's heat was upon her once again. And now that it was, the wait was over. Thus they were all gathered with wide eyes, warm smiles and barely the slightest trace of shame or embarrassment, as they prepared for the show to begin.

"Maybe he can give you some pointers, hmm?"

Faline teased Bambi as she watched Miss Bunny regarding her mate with the same hunger that Faline had felt within her own loins when she was in season. Playfully she bumped her hindquarters up against the side of her mate's own, and though Bambi snorted his indignation was obviously faked, the stag grinning as he leaned over to nuzzle against Faline's neck, and whispered back to her.

"Maybe after we're done here, we can see if I've learned anything... hmm?"

He teasingly licked the side of Faline's face, and threw his head back with a burst of bellowing, warm laughter as her own face burned scarlet, a couple of fluttering hearts springing like bubbles from her rosy cheeks. They floated weightlessly in the air for a few moments before popping as Faline glanced rather more longingly back at where Thumper was now hopping back over to his beloved mate's side. Songbirds flew overhead, chirping and trilling as they circled around directly above Thumper and Miss Bunny to get the best possible view. He nuzzled at his mate's cheeks, and grinned as she rolled over onto all fours, immediately wiggling her hindquarters at him without so much as a word. A breathless murmur and a few trembling, jiggling love-hearts of her very own was all it took, those floating hearts rising up to meet the birds in the air, their own feathers fluffing up with joyous excitement as they flew through those manifestations of adoration, popping them in clouds of pure, giddy love with their pointed little beaks.

Slowly, perhaps more so than normal to put on a playful, enjoyable show for all his friends, Thumper hopped around to stand behind his lover, and bowed his head until it nuzzled beneath her tail. His tongue slipped out, and a moment later he withdrew with a giggle as Miss Bunny squeaked in excitement. Her tail shot straight up into the air, and a brief spray of pale urine rich with her pheromones soaked the soft ground just in front of her mate's forepaws. Her tail remained raised, but her hindquarters overall rose higher still, presenting themselves to Thumper as he bowed his head once again to inhale the rich scent of her freshly spilled juices. His foot pounded the ground like a woodpecker at an oak tree, and moments later he sprang forward, mounting his mate with several shuffling, squirming attempts before urgently and instinctively finding his mark, and sinking his shaft into her waiting depths.

"Y'know... I've never actually watched another animal mate before. I mean, not ones that weren't about to mate with me."

Flower murmured under his breath as he sat up on his haunches to get a better view as Thumper got to work. The bunny held himself hilted within the female rabbit, but bucked his hips against hers with force enough not only to make them both shake, but to draw several sharp, giddy squeals of pleasure from her muzzle. Miss Bunny's nose twitched. Her eyes bulged, and a plume of fresh hearts began to erupt in a constant stream from both her open muzzle and the convergence of their bodies. Before Flower knew it, the skunk's right forepaw was reaching down between his legs, and idly began rubbing at his sheath. His lush tail twitched as his own manhood started to swell, and even if his gaze was more attuned to Thumper's own cute, wiggling rear end than any part of Miss Bunny, he couldn't deny the appeal of the very, very pleasant sounds that she was making over the drumming of her mate's footpaw as it began to pound at the forest floor once again.

"Gosh, it's kinda nice seeing how good they feel, huh, Bamb-... o-oh..."

As he found his forepaw rubbing his shaft, toes curling and tail drifting more rapidly from side to side while he idly wondered how he could both keep watching Thumper while also bending down to lick himself, Flower began to address his oldest friend. His voice trailed off however when he glanced over just in time to see Bambi circle around the blushing form of Faline a couple of times, nuzzling and nipping at her flanks, before finally raising his head a little more, and pushing his nose up directly behind her, against the female deer's own intimate regions.

"Makes you feel all hot and fluttery inside, doesn't it, Faline? Like you kinda wanna mate too, even if there's no-one in heat around."

Flower giggled as Bambi and Faline's actions very much already answered his question, and he beamed as the doe looked down at him with a blissful expression while Bambi's muzzle slurped audibly, Faline nodding and letting loose a soft, lowing cry of her own pleasure. Together doe and skunk revelled in their own wonderful sensations, and as yet more throbbing red hearts began to float up all over the wildflower filled clearing, from not just the skunk, the two deer and the breeding bunnies at the centre of it all but so many other creatures too, Thumper really began to show off to the increasingly twitterpated crowd. Miss Bunny's eyes widened, and as her forepaws flexed and trembled against the earth beneath her, a heart twinkling with glittering gold drifted out of her breathlessly gasping muzzle while at long last, Thumper began to breed her in the way that no other bunny ever could.

He didn't just rock against her, he began to pump his shaft in and out of her achingly sensitive, soaking wet nether regions, and with every stroke back to the hilt inside of her, his foot thumped against the ground once again. Thump. Thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump thump thump thump thump thumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthump.

Hearts burst forth from Miss Bunny in such abundance that they almost obscured her from view, but they barely made it a foot up into the air before their bulging, quivering scarlet forms erupted, and with a squeal of pleasure from the rabbit herself showers of gold and ruby sparks rained back down over them as she began to climax. To experience the pinnacle of her body's physical pleasure not simply as a physiological reward for having accepted his seed, but knowing from myriad past experiences that thanks to her mate's incredible stamina, this was only a taste of what her body was going to experience. A mere fraction of what all their friends were going to witness her doing thanks to Thumper's undeniable talents.

"Ohh, Bambi... look at them go..."

Faline whispered in blissful awe to her mate, half regretting it a moment later as Bambi raised his head to look, muzzle glistening, and stopped lapping at the rosy nub at the base of his mate's nether regions in the process. The doe bellowed in desire, and with his nostrils still full of her scent and his eyes now wide at the fireworks display going off before him as Thumper moaned and Miss Bunny squealed on and on, Bambi let his own instincts take over. The huge stag reared back, planted his forelegs firmly upon his mate's torso, and dragged himself forward so that he could begin breeding her right here, and right now, heat or no heat.

"Ohhwow... now everyone's doing it..."

Flower gasped breathlessly as he rubbed his shaft between both his forepaws, not willing to take his eyes off Thumper and his mate, at least not for any amount of time longer than it took him to look around at the deer and the birds and the squirrels and the mice all writhing and squeaking and chirping and bellowing and breeding each other. It was all so exciting for him to see, all so wonderful to be a part of. Even if he didn't have a mate of his own right now, just knowing that his friends were feeling so good made Flower so happy. Little hearts bubbled up from the tip of his cock, and glistening liquid followed in its wake as the skunk moaned eagerly. It made him so glad to be able to share these feelings that he too was experiencing. To hear the sounds of his friends enjoying themselves so much as he moaned along with them. In fact, it all sounded so good, Miss Bunny's squealing cries and the near ceaseless thumping of Thumper's paw ringing out above all others, that Flower soon realised he didn't need to be watching. He didn't need to see it to know that all this was happening, and to share in his friends' pleasure with even more of his own.

The skunk was about to curl around himself and take his shaft into his own panting, giggling muzzle, when he heard a whimper from close by.


He looked over, and saw Faline regarding him, in particular regarding his own twitching length as Bambi's much larger shaft filled her and bred her. The handsome stag bellowed as he delivered several sharp, earth-shattering strokes, not able to last nearly as long as Thumper seemed capable of but determined as ever to ensure that Faline enjoyed the experience just as much as him. And from what Flower could see all over the doe's flushed and glassy eyed face, his friend was doing a great job in that regard.

"...c'mere, a-ahh... Flower..."

Faline gestured for him to approach her with a jerk of her neck. Blushing, curious as to what she wished of him now of all times, right when he was about to please himself, Flower approached on all fours. He trembled and moaned as his shaft brushed against the brightly coloured blooms of his namesake below. Soon enough though, the skunk found out the female deer's intent. He gasped and squealed with surprised laughter as she gently butted him in the side with her head, just enough to send him rolling over onto his back. Then with a small but staggering step forward which made both deer cry out as for the briefest moment Bambi slipped out of his mate's hot, dripping core, Faline bowed her head lower still. She licked her lips, and took his smaller but no less rock hard shaft belonging to the skunk into her mouth.

By the time Thumper's own climax arrived, the male bunny hilting himself inside his mate with one final firm stroke and planting his foot down hard one last time as he buried his nose in the back of her neck and inhaled deeply, he had lost count of the number of times he had felt Miss Bunny clutch and quake around him. That wasn't out of the ordinary of course, but it never failed to embolden and render the other rabbit absolutely giddy. He was so proud not specifically of his body, but of the happiness, the pleasure he could bring the bunny he loved so much. The mother of his prior kits and countless more yet to come. And yet when his climax came upon him and he joined Miss Bunny in one last set of high pitched, giddy squeals and shudders, as the fireworks cascading off their bodies illuminated the clearing and even the flowers began to sway and dance in joy as they were surrounded in one vast, beautifully glowing love-heart, Thumper indulged in his own ecstasy every bit as much as that of his mate. He revelled in the overwhelming feeling of his body tightening up inside, then letting loose as his life-giving seed spilled forth in several hot, sharp squirts. Even in the throes of his ecstasy he marvelled at just how incredible his shaft felt inside of Miss Bunny as it twitched and pulsed and stimulated her innermost reaches, and her deepest depths rubbed, squeezed and coaxed yet more of his essence forth in return.

"Ooooh... oohh, golly gee... did... did you see that guys? Bambi? Flower? Don't you wanna see if you can learn to do that to your mates as we-..."

When finally his pleasure settled though, and with fresh songbirds conjured forth to chirp and flutter around his mate's head, the real ones too busy fluttering and singing and rubbing their bodies together with other equally twitterpated lovers, Thumper wearily but proudly lifted his head. He raised his voice with boastful pride, but his voice soon trailed off again as he actually looked over just in time to see Faline toss back her head and bellow in pleasure. White seed streaked her muzzle as Flower fell over onto his back, twitching, giggling and whimpering in the throes of his own orgasm, while Bambi held himself tight against Faline, drooling down the side of her neck. The stag's eyes rolled back, and he let loose a guttural grunt that rose to a thunderous bellow of his own as he began to unleash his load deep, deep inside the doe he loved so much.

All around the clearing in fact, dozens of animals were still in the midst of their own matings while more were equally lost in the throes of climax, hearts fluttering and bursting with sparks an dazzling lights in all colours of the rainbow. They all looked so happy. So grateful to be sharing this experience not just with their lovers, but with everyone else present for this most special act. With everyone, but with Thumper in particular for coaxing them here and awakening within them the desire to express the same feelings that he and his mate had already been so eager to share for all to see. Yet as wonderful as it was to see them all quivering and whimpering and chittering and chirping and cumming, it was impossible for Thumper to ignore the fact that barely any of them were actually focused on him and Miss Bunny themselves. Thus it stood to reason that only a small proportion of the clearing's inhabitants had actually seen just how good he'd made her feel, and how good they probably could make their partners feel too, if they took some lessons from the bunny and actually paid attention.

Pouting slightly, albeit playfully so, Thumper tutted again and drummed his foot somewhat more impatiently against the floor, the vibration running through his member still buried inside his mate with force enough to make her shiver and squeak happily once again.

"They didn't see."

Thumper murmured to his mate, nuzzling gently at the back of her neck once again and bumping noses with her as she craned her neck around to regard him; cheeks flushed, eyes wide both with overwhelmed satisfaction and a somewhat playful, even slightly greedy glint of mischief.

"Well then..."

Miss Bunny giggled, nibbling on her bottom lip as she wriggled her backside against Thumper's hips, and craned her neck a little further back to nuzzle her mate adoringly.

"...I... I suppose, if you really want to make sure they all know exactly how amazing you are at breeding... you'll just... um... you'll have to... mate me again. Right now."

Thumper's eyes widened, and his own tail twitched as within his mate his shaft did the very same.

"Right now?"

He whimpered in awe, though not because he was spent. He wasn't, and his body was more than ready and eager to prove that fact. But because normally after he bred her, even while in heat, his mate could barely keep her eyes open to thank him, never mind for a whole second round.

It took only seconds however before Thumper realised that if she really was asking for this, the last thing he should have been doing was second guessing her.

He giggled. He looked around one last time to see Bambi and Faline tumbling to their knees in a tender pile. To see Flower cuddling up against them, all three of his dearest friends looking over at Thumper and his mate with weary smiles, and lingering, fluttering hearts dancing a merry jig all around them. Then the bunny looked back to his mate, nodded warmly as she quivered and moaned in breathless anticipation, and with his friends staring on in wide eyed, somewhat dazed awe, he started all over again. To mate with his heat-stricken lover. To breed the beautiful Miss Bunny through orgasm after squealing, shuddering orgasm, for his friends and the whole of the forest to see.

By Jeeves

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