A Changeling's Love - Part Three

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#3 of A Changeling's Love

Trueheart and Brandy Snap test out just how much the changeling's ability to absorb love can heighten his orgasmic release, with wonderfully and excessively orgasmic results.

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner! :o It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, hyper cum related fun, and takes place in the world of MLP:FiM. :3

A Changeling's Love - Part Three

"I love you, Trueheart. I love you so much."

How many times Trueheart had heard those words over the last few hours, he couldn't begin to guess. The changeling shuddered and gasped as his legs reached up and embraced the unicorn lying over him. He arched his back, tossing his head down against the bedding as Brandy Snap kissed his neck while her soaking wet, flushed pussy rubbed teasingly back and forth along the underside of his huge, straining cock. The unicorn lifted her head and immediately Trueheart craned his up towards her, groaning, begging wordlessly and giving a whinnying hiss as the woman of his dreams immediately gave him what he was craving, and kissed him deeply on the muzzle as she continued to grind and hump against his erection.

By the time their lips parted, Trueheart had to address his lover once again. He knew that he could have kept quiet. That it would have been so easy to say nothing and have her keep on grinding up against his vast, love-swollen cock right up to the moment when Trueheart would begin to thrash and howl and cum. But, he couldn't bring himself to do it no matter how desperate his body was for release. He knew what Brandy Snap wanted, and he knew deep down no matter the intensity of his urges that he wanted it too. To see just how far they could push his body, to see just how potent a release of all the love and passion the changeling absorbed from the pony he adored and who adored him back with equal ferocity he could achieve if it was built up and teased, but delayed over, and over, and over again.

"Brandy... I'm close..."

The unicorn's eyes widened, and she gave a desperate whinny of her very own. Another crashing wave of love and excitement washed over the changeling, but within it he could feel lust, desperation; a more ragged and wild hunger belonging to the mare he loved and craved in equal measure. She might not have been denying herself, but right now she was needy too. Right now she was as close to cumming as he was, and he could feel how much in that moment she too wanted to call off their entire experiment just so she could wrap her gorgeously tight, hot, soaking wet pussy around Trueheart's cock and feel him erupt deep inside of her.

"My... my face, Brandy. Sit on me."

He gurgled, and a second later hissed and wailed all the more frantically as with or without the pony's continued stimulation of his cock the pure and rampant joy and gratitude that burst from her heart and swamped him with its abundance threatened to tip him over the edge. Hurriedly, not hesitating or pretending as though she wasn't that needy for even an instant, Brandy Snap scrambled up her lover's tall, dark and chitinous form. She straddled his handsome, panting face, and whinnied gleefully as no sooner had she pushed her nether regions against his muzzle a long, slender, slithering tongue darted out and snaked its way into her far, far deeper than any normal earth pony, unicorn or pegasus could possibly have reached.

It took less than half a minute of Trueheart feasting upon the woman he loved to drive her over the edge, and once again her screams, her joyous and adoring cries and of course the tangible surges of pleasure and its associated love for the stallion provoking it very nearly drove the love-gorged, powerful changeling himself into the throes of mindless orgasmic elation. He resisted though. For her, for Brandy Snap he held back while his tongue lashed her g-spot and her fluids trickled down the sides of his face. Trueheart focused on her pleasure, her ecstasy, and simply let that further charge his own body's frantic need to cum as yet again, having already gone three days without cumming and having been actively denied release more than a dozen times since they'd retired to bed together that evening, he felt himself trapped on the edge. His cock straining, balls aching, and his love and erotic passion for the mare teasing him soaring skyward at an exponential rate.

Grasping Brandy Snap's thighs and holding her against him as she writhed and bucked and gushed across his face, Trueheart did not relent until he felt the legs resting either side of his face fall limp and the whole of the unicorn's body flop forward, twitching and groaning in satisfaction. He let her go, and grinned as the pony crawled off him, only to circle around on the bed and flop down alongside his own trembling form. Gently Brandy Snap pressed her muzzle to the side of Trueheart's face, and yet again he felt the intent before the words that accompanied it even passed her lips.

"I love you so, so much, True. Oh, Alicorns... I love you, and your cock, and your wonderful tongue so damn much."

She cuddled up against his body, and as the warmth of her soft, caramel coated form pressed to his powerful and chitin-plated self, Trueheart's huge cock twitched where it was currently hovering over his belly and streaked his face with a thick ribbon of pre-cum. Both ponies eyes widened, and as Trueheart groaned in bashful longing Brandy Snap began to giggle uncontrollably.

"Oh, Trueheart. You're so worked up. Do you... do you think maybe it's time?"

The changeling's eyes glowed with visible intensity for a moment, and he let slip another hissing cry of desire as the next spurt of pre-cum to erupt from his colossal, love-swollen cock sailed clean past his head and over the edge of the bed on which they were lying. A moment later he groaned, and nodded rather hurriedly while Brandy Snap giggled and kissed him once again.

"Well then, let's get started."

She teased, and without moving an inch from her snuggled up position against the changeling the unicorn's horn began to glow. The sound of wood creaking against wood reached Trueheart's ears, and he tilted his head back a little to see the ringed handle of the bedside cabinet illuminated by his lover's magic as the drawer slid open. A moment later an object, a small... though not that small... square pouch floated out of it and as the drawer slid shut again the pouch began to glide over back towards the resting pair until it was hovering directly over Trueheart's chest.

"I've... never actually used one before."

Trueheart murmured bashfully as he glanced up at the pouch, then over at Brandy Snap. She giggled and her face flushed deeper than it already was beneath her beautiful coat.

"Neither have I. But, I read the instructions on the packet about a dozen times. I... I think it'll be okay. Want me to put it on?"

Trueheart trembled and swallowed as a breathy moan escaped him, knowing full well what would happen once that object was wrapped around his cock.

"I really, really would."

Brandy grinned, snuggled up even closer to the breathless, desperately horny changeling, and rested her head upon his torso so that they could both lie back and watch her magic do its work. The square pouch gently pulled itself open before their eyes, and a smooth, rounded object emerged from within. Trueheart's own horn glowed and took over holding the now empty packaging, tossing it aside for Brandy Snap who thanked him with a giggle and another delicate peck as it allowed her focus to remain on the item, the condom itself.

The rubber pouch lowered itself until it was hovering over the changeling's cock, then tilted itself to match the angle at which Trueheart's huge erection was resting. At least, it did so for a moment before Trueheart trembled and his cock throbbed, jerking a good few inches towards his chitin-plated stomach before springing back again as another string of pre painted his upper chest and panting face. Brandy Snap squealed with laughter, and playfully poked Trueheart in the side with one hoof.

"Stay still!"

He laughed and swept a hoof over to poke the unicorn back.

"Stop being so sexy, and maybe I'd be able to!"

Nevertheless the changeling really did try, and he did manage to somehow hold his cock steady as he watched the magically glowing condom slowly lower itself down a little further, then pause as it rested just over the very tip of his flared head before beginning to roll down around Trueheart's substantial length. Both he and Brandy Snap watched the condom intently as it moved to cover all but the very base of his cock, and even then as the unicorn's magic faded they paused for a few moments longer to continue admiring the now pale blue rubber clad length of twitching flesh. Their eyes rose up the shaft of Trueheart's cock once more, and the changeling moaned as his erection strained once more and he watched the first spurt of his pre-cum launch out into the previously empty, somewhat spacious tip of the condom.

"So... this was the biggest they had?"

He moaned, hoping not to sound too big-headed and trembling bashfully as Brandy Snap giggled and murmured both in understanding of the changeling's point and approval of the fact that indeed it seemed as though the condom could barely contain his length and girth.

"Yeah. Heavy duty, extra capacity too. Apparently a stallion could cum into it half a dozen times and it's still guaranteed not to break."

Trueheart groaned, and his cock twitched again, more pre-cum spurting forth and splattering against the condom's interior. As the unicorn explained that fact to him, the most powerful wave of loving desire he'd felt yet that evening crashed through his empathic senses. Just seconds later however another wave of even more potent lust and love all rolled into one swamped the stallion, as Brandy Snap whispered in a throaty, unabashedly lustful tone.

"Shall we... can we test that theory, now?"

Trueheart grinned, and nodded feverishly up at the mare as she reluctantly pulled herself away from his body and moved to sit upright upon her haunches. She reached out and pressed his condom-wrapped cock delicately but firmly between her hoofed forelegs. At the same time her horn began to glow, and while she made use of genuine physical contact to begin masturbating her changeling lover, the entire length of the stallion's cock was engulfed in the glow of her magic to stimulate every inch of him at once. She wanted nothing more or less than for her partner to feel as though her hot, tight pussy was wrapped around him rather than some rubber sheath, and thanks to her skilful application of magic and her in depth knowledge of Trueheart's most intimate reaches, that was exactly what she was able to achieve.

Within moments of Brandy Snap beginning to pleasure him, Trueheart was grunting and whinnying far more loudly than with any of his prior attempts to cum. The difference was of course that this time around he knew that it was possible. This time, no matter how much his body had truly and genuinely wanted to cum on each occasion that Brandy Snap had edged him, he had the backing of his mind to assure him that the mare wasn't going to stop. Thus as she held nothing back, he was compelled to do the same. Crying out in pleasure, hissing and moaning as his hips bucked towards the bedroom ceiling Trueheart offered up all his passion and desire to the unicorn resting beside him. He surrendered himself completely to her, and his shamelessness was rewarded as the more he bellowed and wailed and gasped to the woman he loved, the more rapidly she stroked his condom-wrapped cock within her hooves' embrace and the more firmly she applied her squeezing, milking, magical pressure to every last inch of his straining shaft.

Given their mutual lack of restraint, it was little surprise that before too long Trueheart's pre-cum began to spurt from his already flared tip in ever more abundant eruptions. It was a very good thing that the condom's capacity was supposedly as high as it was, because it took barely a minute of Brandy Snap masturbating the love-stuffed and pent up changeling until the tip of the condom began to fill up to the point where it was drooping and hanging down from the head of Trueheart's erection like a water balloon bulging at the end of a water pump. The changeling hissed and gurgled as with almost every stroke of his erection more pre added itself to that already ample volume, and as his cock throbbed and the swollen, jiggling liquid-filled tip of the condom quaked and shifted against the underside of his cock its visible sloshing motion only served to further excite him and Brandy Snap in equal measure.


Trueheart moaned the mare's name barely three minutes after she'd begun to work him with hooves and magic alike. Yet while was obvious what he was trying to make clear, that he was feeling himself approaching his peak far faster than even he had imagined knowing how needy he was, Brandy Snap didn't relent in the slightest. In fact as she acknowledged his call with a giggle and a lick of her lips, her eyes never leaving the swollen tip of the condom and the head of the cock producing all that volume, her horn glowed a little brighter and its shimmering magical field around Trueheart's cock extended itself a little further.

The changeling's eyes bulged, and he let loose a strangled, hissing wail of ecstasy as Brandy Snap's squeezing, milking magic began to work over his balls in addition to his shaft. His hips rose off the bed, his cock strained violently and the flooded, pre-cum engorged tip of the condom swayed and jiggled ever more violently as it swelled larger than a grapefruit and continued to increase at an ever more rapid, productive pace. He tried to cry out again, to warn the unicorn that he was about to cum even though it was blatantly clear, but all he let loose was a long and mindless hiss of near feral pleasure.

"I love you, Trueheart."

For the last little while the euphoria alone had been so intense that as much as the waves of empathic sensation he'd been drinking in from Brandy Snap all day had helped fuel him to this pent up state of desperation, his physical needs taken precedence. As such the changeling's physiology really hadn't focused on the love and passion it was continuing to absorb from the unicorn while she worked him so ceaselessly and adoringly. Now however, those words being spoken as they had been so many times that day fully drew the changeling's awareness back to just how much love and elation was radiating from his lover. The words themselves consumed much of his mind's focus as the waves of her adoration crashed over him with impact every bit as tangible as the squeezing and milking of his cock and balls, and pushed Trueheart even harder and faster towards orgasm as together with that ceaseless physical stimulation he was rendered even more helpless. Even more gloriously, blissfully bloated by Brandy Snap's love.


He hissed back to the incredible unicorn.

"I l-lloohh... ahhhhhyessssssss..."

He tried to say it. To express at least a little of what he was feeling in return, but though he was so utterly stuffed full of and overwhelmed by Brandy Snap's feelings for him it was almost impossible to get a single word out to share them in return. There was another way that the changeling's body knew however. Another method by which Trueheart knew he could completely and without limitation show Brandy Snap the full force of his longing, his passion, his complete devotion to her and all that she had shared with him in their time together.

"I... ohhh, I can't... can't hahhhh... hold..."

His eyes bulged. His cock throbbed, and a whinny of gleeful anticipation escaped the mare beside him as with the next caress of her hooves across Trueheart's erection the volume contained in his already bulging condom practically doubled in the space of a single, several second long spurt that neither pony nor changeling was honestly certain whether it was the last spray of his pre, or the first release of his burgeoning orgasm. Regardless of which it was though, they didn't have to wait long to know for certain.

"I love you, Trueheart."

Brandy Snap gasped once again to the stallion writhing and gurgling before her.

"I love your kindness. Your generosity. Your warmth. I... I love your big, strong body, and I love your cock. I... ohh, True. I love your cock so much."

The changeling's eyes grew wider still. His whole body shook violently enough for its chitinous exoskeleton to rattle audibly, and his horn sparked wildly as his lover whinnied to him in pleading, giddy desperation of her own one last time.

"Now please, my Trueheart. Please... oh, alicorns. Cum, True. Let go. Let it all go, and... and please, please cum for m-oh! Oh! Trueheart! Yes!"

She didn't even need to finish speaking, her tender words trailing off with a strangled, giddy cry as the stallion's body quaked and bucked one last time. With an ear-splitting, screeching hiss of rapture, all those hours upon hours of constant gorging on Brandy Snap's love for him with no release, no outlet to share it back physically in return were let loose in one almighty release. The condom, purpose made for volume and resilience, lasted three spurts. The first eruption from Trueheart's cock came in a single cataclysmic surge that poured forth and did not stop for close to ten seconds, surging forth constantly in a high-pressure fountain and filling the condom to at least ten times its prior, already substantial level of containment. The second was even longer, and left the condom's colossally stretched tip bulging and jiggling as it rested upon Trueheart's chest, covering the majority of the changeling's torso while a veritable lake of cum sloshed and flowed and continued to fill its most definitely high capacity interior.

The third spray of Trueheart's cum however didn't just fill the condom to breaking point, it erupted from the wailing, thrashing changeling with such force that the condom's supposedly extra-strong material ruptured before spraying forth with potency enough to strike the ceiling and rain cum down all around both himself and Brandy Snap. It wasn't that third wave which truly soaked them however, but the loss of the condom's structural integrity causing all that was already held within its tip to come flooding out once again.

Trueheart gurgled as he was momentarily submerged under a tidal wave of his own cum even as more and more continued to pump forth from his aching balls, and Brandy Snap's magic faltered as the force of that orgasmic tide hitting her knocked her back across the bed. Beyond the physical impact of the cum tsunami though, being struck by such an abundance of her lover's cum overwhelmed the mare with such glee, such excitement that even when it had passed by all she could do was lie there glistening from horn-tip to tail in Trueheart's cum, and shriek joyfully while pressing a trembling, cum-soaked hoof between her legs to greedily, vigorously rub at her swollen clit.

For more than a minute Trueheart continued to bellow and hiss and shriek and grunt and cum, and less than half way through that remaining duration of his orgasm his pleasure was revitalised as he heard Brandy Snap's screams join his own. He watched as the unicorn shuddered, convulsed, and dragged her way back across the bed to fling herself against his cock and embrace it while still locked in the throes of her own violent, ongoing squirting orgasm. He cried out to her in elation, in gratitude as she cuddled and kissed and humped her entire body against his huge and still wildly productive, unceasingly spraying cock.

And yet even as Trueheart was consumed by that earth shattering and potent, hyper-productive peak, even as he rode it out and finally felt himself beginning to come down on the other side more than two minutes from the moment when it had started, the changeling stallion knew that he wasn't done. He panted, gasped, and whinnied as he felt Brandy Snap fall limp and giggling over his sticky, glistening belly with his cock still throbbing against her hindquarters. But with every moment she remained in contact with him, with every moment she continued to quiver and pant in the lingering throes of her own bliss while nuzzling at his torso, half kissing at his chitin and half lapping up his abundant cum, yet more love continued to surge out of her and into him. Refilling his reserves. Stoking his fires anew before they'd even had a chance to settle to smouldering embers.

Trueheart had just cum like he had never cum before in his life, and he felt so privileged and giddy to have been able to share that experience with the mare of his dreams; the unicorn he loved so dearly, and who by some blessed miracle loved him just as deeply in return.

And now, in the wake of that almighty orgasm, there was only one thing that the changeling wanted to do with his beloved unicorn.

To roll her over. Kiss her deeply. Whisper her that he loved her... and cum for her, cum inside her, all over again.

By Jeeves

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A Changeling's Love - Part Four

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A Changeling's Love - Part Two

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the MLP:FiM universe. :3 **A Changeling's Love - Part Two** Over a month had passed since Trueheart and Brandy Snap returned to...

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A Changeling's Love - Part One

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the MLP:FiM universe. :3 **A Changeling's Love** "Monster!" Tears streamed down Trueheart's face as he ran. "You lied to...

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