A Changeling's Love - Part Four

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#4 of A Changeling's Love

Brandy Snap adores how good her beloved Trueheart makes her feel, but she wishes that just once she could outlast the love-fuelled changeling in bed. Thanks to an encounter with a mysterious and kindly stranger though, at long last the unicorn has the chance to make that wish come true!

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner! It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, magically enhanced lewdness, and takes place in the world of MLP:FiM. <3

A Changeling's Love - Part Four

A gentle tinkling bell rang as Brandy Snap entered the store, wide eyed and already blushing deeply as she looked around her in wonder. She'd known that after living basically her whole life in the small village that was her home, there was bound to be a bit of culture shock visiting a big city like Canterlot. But of all the wonderful things she'd seen and experienced in her week long trip, the unicorn didn't think anything had shocked her more than seeing this shop just casually tucked into the walls of a side-street, with ponies walking past it so casually it was as though it wasn't even there at all. And yet, it was.

'Equestria Erotics - Sex Toys and Accessories for the adventurous pony and their partners!'

That was what the sign over the door had proclaimed, and now, feeling her legs trembling beneath her and her cheeks burning white hot beneath her caramel coat, Brandy Snap was inside. Nervously yet with a giddy fluttering in her stomach as she thought about Trueheart and how much fun it would be to bring him back a surprise from this place, the unicorn began to look around. She huffed in bashful excitement as she saw the vast array of sex toys on display, all sorts of shapes and sizes from pony to gryphon, even including some surprisingly realistic changeling cocks. She whinnied as she looked at some of the kinky accessories on offer. Luxuriously made bridles and tack for bondage, even some complete with blinkers. Scandalous! Before Brandy Snap could explore the shop in its entirety though she saw motion out of the corner of one eye, and felt her face glowing hotter still as from a back room a tall, white goatee wearing unicorn with a surprisingly unevenly shaped horn trotted out and draped himself playfully over the counter to regard her.

"Well well, a customer!"

He drawled in an amused, seductive tone.

"What can I do for you, my dear? Perhaps a magically motorised toy that feels like the real thing? Some cream to hyper-sensitise your genitalia, or that of a lover? Or... hmm... perhaps something to spice things up, and level an uneven playing field?"

Brandy Snap's eyes widened, but she tried her hardest not to react any more strongly than that; not to let the shop clerk know how stunned she was that he had seemed able to almost read her mind and pluck forth the exact sort of thing she had been subconsciously searching for within this place. Either she didn't do a very good job concealing her shock though, or perhaps this unicorn did know more than he was letting on. He chuckled, raised a hoof and beckoned Brandy Snap over to the counter, and as she bashfully trotted over to join him the slender pony's horn glowed and a bottle of bright red liquid floated down from a high shelf behind him.

"If I may be frank, my dear... you seem like a lady who isn't ashamed of her needs. I doubt you would have stepped through my door if you weren't. But, I sense... hmmm, yes, could it be that as forward and open as you are, the person you are with can always outmatch you? Leave you exhausted while you know they could go further, feel more pleasure, if you had the energy to provide it?"

Brandy Snap couldn't hide her shock in the slightest as she nodded in awe. She loved Trueheart with all her mind, heart, body and soul, and though she knew that they had such fun together and he never showed any sign of frustrations, she also knew that his very nature meant that the changeling fed upon her love and passion. Thus inevitably he would always have more energy, freshly stuffed from a big meal, just as Brandy Snap was drained from exerting her body in sharing herself wholly with the man she adored.

The unicorn resting before her now chuckled again, and nodded to the potion which had come to rest upon the counter between them.

"Take that potion when you return home, and for twenty four hours I guarantee you that things will be spiced up between you to the extreme. You'll be able to leave your partner a broken and quivering mess in the most intimate ways imaginable."

Finally, the bashful unicorn found her voice enough to actually speak.

"Is... is it safe?"

The other pony's eyes glinted mischievously, and yet he nodded with what seemed to Brandy Snap like true sincerity.

"Ohhh yes, it's perfectly safe. No harm will come to either of you, only pleasure. Pleasure like nothing you've ever known, in abundance beyond your wildest dreams."

Brandy Snap barely stifled a moan of excitement just thinking about it. Her knees trembled slightly however, tail whipping back and forth against her own flanks as she suddenly became very aware of the limited weight remaining in her coin-purse after the best part of a week spent enjoying her time in the city.

"That sounds wonderful. I'm sorry, but... how much is it? I would hate to waste your time if I don't have the bits to buy it."

The goateed unicorn's eyes widened, and he chuckled warmly as he shook his head.

"Oh, yes. Money. Of course, that's a thing. Well... while I'd love to play merchant trader, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give this one to you gratis."

Brandy Snap blinked, not understanding that last word, not even sure if it was a language she'd ever heard at all. The other unicorn grinned.

"Free, my dear."

This time, Brandy Snap did whimper aloud, though not with excitement so much as wonder; touched by the shop owner's unbelievable generosity. She opened her muzzle to question him, to ask why he was being so kind. But... then she looked around. She thought about this place, about how a shop like this existed in essence to bring joy and satisfaction to others. Perhaps she already had the answer. She bowed her head in gratitude, and gasped in delight as she felt one of the bags slung over her back fluttering open, and watched the potion levitate into it as the store clerk's horn glowed one last time.

After thanking him profusely, and bashfully purchasing a changeling shaped toy for herself so that if she took such a holiday as this again she could carry some small memory of Trueheart with her, Brandy Snap exited the shop and trotted gleefully back to her hotel room. She had been feeling rather sad earlier that day about her holiday being close to its end, but now she was energised and enthused with an even more delightful reason to return back home to the man she loved.

From the window of the shop, the goateed pony watched her go. As she stepped out of sight though, around the corner and out of that particular side-street, the window vanished. Indeed the shop, and the entire street vanished along with all the illusory ponies who had been wandering up and down it, replaced by a fairly empty, quiet alleyway of plain brick walls. Tucked into an alcove about half way down it, the pony vanished in a flash of light, and Discord revealed his true self. He chuckled warmly and rubbed his hands together in delight. He was getting really good at this being selfless thing. Fluttershy was going to be so proud of him. And Brandy Snap, along with her tireless changeling lover, were going to have one hell of a night together.


The next day, Brandy Snap stood in front of her bedroom's dresser, eyeing up the potion sitting upon its surface as her heart raced. She could feel her legs trembling, and the wetness, the heat gathering between her legs just thinking about what might happen when she drank it. Trueheart was going to be arriving any time now. To greet her, to ask her all about her holiday, and to spend their first night together in over a week. She glanced over to the window, the deep reds and oranges of sunset illuminating the sky, then turned her eyes back to the potion. With a giggle, her horn glowed and the cork stopper popped out of the bottle. A moment later the cork fell to the dresser's top, and the bottle itself began to float up and then towards the waiting pony. She tilted her head back slightly and opened her muzzle, and after the first drop hit her tongue, slightly acidic but vibrant with the flavour of rich berries and a smokey aftertaste, she closed her lips around the bottle and chugged its entire contents in a matter of seconds.

The glass bottle had barely lowered itself back down to the dresser, and Brandy Snap had scarcely given herself the opportunity to draw a steadying breath after those urgent gulps, when she felt something. A warmth. No, an intense, radiating heat boiling out from her belly where the potion was coming to rest. Her eyes bulged. She snorted, hot steam erupting from her nostrils, and in a matter of seconds, barely enough time for Brandy Snap to ask herself whether she'd made a horrible mistake in trusting that total stranger back in Canterlot, the unicorn felt her body lifting off the floor. She began to float several inches above the ground as scarlet light erupted from her every orifice, and soon consumed her in a raging ball of crackling magical fire.

The fire burned, it seared at Brandy Snap's body. But strangely, even though she could feel the incredible heat of it against her fur and flesh, there was no pain. In fact pleasure lanced through the unicorn's body as she was swallowed up by the inferno which the potion seemed to be producing within herself. She felt herself melting as though her body was steel placed in a blacksmith's crucible, but even as she was reduced to a floating ball of formless molten flesh, she felt herself being reconstructed once again. New eyes erupted from within that glowing ball, pure black with glowing red pupils. Her face reformed around the eyes, still the same shape as her former features, but no longer a golden caramel, instead a rippling, ever shifting pattern of flickering reds, oranges and yellows as though her very coat itself was on fire. Her mane erupted out of the back of her head as two small but sharp black horns burst forth either side of the unicorn's pre-existing horn, and as she turned her head to watch the rest of her body re-forming, she whinnied at the sight of her mane; jet black with glowing crimson accents like seams of magma running through basalt.

As Brandy Snap's body rebuilt itself, she felt herself becoming not just stronger than before, but taller too. Not quite alicorn stature, but larger than a normal unicorn, probably bigger than an earth pony in terms of both height and musculature. It was hard to focus on something as mundane as increased strength however when she felt sharp fangs forming within her muzzle, and with a shrieking wail of euphoria, two leathery, bat-like wings erupted from her back. Alongside the culmination of those changes though, the potion had one final gift to imbue within Brandy Snap. Awareness. Knowledge of her own self. Suddenly, with a gasp as the flickering magical fire dissipated and left her hovering in the air of her bedroom under her own power, Brandy Snap's transformation was complete, and she knew what it was that she had become.

She looked at herself in the mirror standing atop her dresser. She looked down at the empty potion bottle, then at her horned, fiery and passionately, toothily grinning reflection once again.

She was a succubus-pony. A demon whose purpose was to incite lust and pleasure in all those around her. She was still herself. Still Brandy Snap, and still head over heels in love with her dear, beloved Trueheart. But now, she was something so much more than that too, and when Trueheart got here... she would use this body to finally show him the full extent of her love and lust for him, in volumes no mortal pony, not even her changeling partner, could possibly withstand for any length of time.


Trueheart beamed as he trotted happily towards Brandy Snap's home, nodding and smiling warmly to other ponies he passed in the street, feeling their warmth towards him and welcoming it to give him a little extra boost of energy for the evening and night to come. He had missed Brandy Snap so much over the last week, and the changeling could not deny that as much as he was simply looking forward to hanging out and catching up with the unicorn; hearing every single detail about her holiday that she wished to provide, he was also eager to be with her again. To hear her scream in pleasure. To feel her quake around and beneath him. To make her cum, and feel the rush of her love and lust refuelling him after a weak of comparably modest meals against the lavish banquets of love that he was used to indulging in daily with her.

Today however, Trueheart didn't even make it to his lover's home before he felt her presence. At first he thought it was simply a matter of her being as eager to see him again as he was to see her. He felt the waves of both love and lust emanating from Brandy Snap's home further down the street, and trembled as he quickened his pace both to get there faster, and to avoid having to extend his illusory form to hide a public erection. The closer he drew to his partner's home however, the more that Trueheart swiftly realised what he was feeling was not simply the result of a week of the two of them being apart. Even if Brandy Snap hadn't masturbated once in the past week, even if she had spent every one of the nights she'd spent away edging her clit with magic but never letting herself cum, he couldn't possibly imagine her being as worked up as the lustful energy that struck him like tidal waves, threatening to knock him to his knees with their formless force. There was something so visceral, so fierce about the intensity of those emotions. He couldn't place it because it simply wasn't something that he had ever experienced before. What Trueheart knew without doubt however was that the feelings did belong to the woman he loved, and that no matter the reason behind them he was more desperate than ever to share those feelings and any actions which might help to sustain them.

Barely a minute later, his head spinning from how intense the feelings were and his heart racing as he fought just to keep his illusion up a little longer and thus disguise the erection which had indeed helplessly swelled beneath him, Trueheart's hoof fumbled with the handle of Brandy Snap's door before finally pulling it open. He staggered inside, and no sooner had he pressed the door shut again, he watched a scarlet red magical glow encircle the key within its locking mechanism and twist it sharply, sealing him and presumably his lover inside. His head turned towards the source of the magic, and the changeling's compound eyes bulged as in an instant, at the sight of Brandy Snap in all her demonically imbued glory, his illusion entirely failed.

"Oh, alicorns..."

He gasped breathlessly as the glowing, fiery-coated demon mare floated down the stairs, wings spread but not flapping, muzzle open, fangs bared in a savage grin. There was no mistaking that it was her. He could feel her. Her love for him. Her need for him. It was still Brandy Snap in mind, heart and soul. But that body. Her body; thighs glistening with liquid, steam rising off them as the heat of her flesh caused the arousal dripping from her pussy to evaporate, it was impossible. It was incredible. It was like no creature Trueheart had ever seen before, and yet he did not fear it. In fact, there was only one instinctive impulse regarding what the changeling wanted to do to that beautifully seductive demonic body, and in a voice that boomed with confidence, with power and with pure lust, Brandy Snap commanded him to do that very thing an instant before Trueheart had planned on doing so entirely of his own volition.

"Show me how much you missed me, True."

Moments later their bodies were entangled, the pair flinging themselves at one another and crashing into a heap right there on the hallway floor. Trueheart ended up on his back, the changeling's chitinous body flailing its legs giddily in the air as Brandy Snap pulled herself upright on just her hind legs, kneeling astride his face and staring down at him as she pressed her hot, soaking wet pussy down against his muzzle. She reached down with her hooves as Trueheart shamelessly began to lick and nuzzle at the mare's pussy, and Trueheart gasped and hissed in ecstasy while amidst his oral ministrations Brandy Snap began to sensually massage his curved horn with her forelimbs.

"Yessss, ahh, just like that! Ohhh True, give me everything!"

After a week without her presence, Trueheart felt as though he was a starving stallion gorging himself on a rich feast after months wandering a barren desert. Her lust and love infused his being and reinvigorated him, but as potent as her love for him always was, today it seemed as though whatever was responsible for Brandy Snap's new form was providing her with more lust, more depths of wild, unquenched urges than even Trueheart's ever hungry core could drink in all at once. Normally he could satisfy Brandy Snap completely with passion and love of his own to spare, stimulating and pleasuring her over and over again without any fear of not being able to keep up. Now though, even as he ate her out and pushed the pony he loved towards orgasm for just the first time that night, he could already sense that things were going to be different. That if he wanted to sate Brandy Snap's needs tonight he was going to need every ounce of strength her heart poured into him, and more.

"Cumming! Oh, True! More! More! Oh alicorns, yesssss!"

Trueheart's eyes bulged and his mind reeled as Brandy Snap climaxed hard and fast, soaking his dark face with hot juices that bore the scent of berries and smoke amidst the unicorn's normally intoxicating natural aroma. She didn't pull away from his face though, indeed she continued to grind and hump down against his muzzle more fiercely than ever not just while she was cumming but even in her orgasm's wake, and with whinnies and desperate cries that grew only more and more intense, Brandy Snap made it all too clear to Trueheart that no matter the source, just one orgasm was never going to be enough for her that night.

Half a dozen times Trueheart made his lover cum before she finally dragged herself off his face, the hallway floor damp with a sizeable puddle of her juices surrounding the changeling's glistening head and neck as his long tongue withdrew from her depths. Brandy Snap wasn't sated though. Not even close. Her powerful body crackled with fiery magic as she simply swept her body down the length of Trueheart's own, and she bowed her head, bringing her main horn to rest against his while the two smaller horns flanking it pressed to the changeling's forehead, as she straddled the prone, panting male and with a guttural wail sank herself down onto every last inch of his straining cock without the slightest hesitation.

"Give me everything!"

She hissed through her fangs as she nuzzled and kissed at Trueheart's face, hips bucking, bouncing, beginning to ride the changeling with merciless urgency.

"Every inch. Every drop. Every feeling I have for you. I want it all. You've held back for my sake too many times. But tonight, I want everything!"

Trueheart shuddered. He whinnied, hissed, but nodded feverishly up to his beloved partner. For a moment his eyes glazed over as he focused, as he reached deep inside himself and summoned forth all the energy being poured into him by the demonically infused unicorn. His cock throbbed and flared within the pussy wrapped tight around him. A thick spurt of pre-cum splashed against Brandy Snap's innermost reaches, and the succubus-pony shrieked in euphoric laughter as with a cry of exertion Trueheart bowled her over despite her increased strength. He pinned her down on the hallway floor, flat on her back, and began to rut her face to face in a bold, savage missionary pose that left the entire lower floor of the unicorn's home ringing with the ear-splitting intensity of her enraptured, soon once more multi-orgasmic screams.

Trueheart gave Brandy Snap exactly what she had asked for. Everything. Everything he had, and more. But to his amazement, to his absolute wonder, it wasn't enough. He fucked her again, and again, and again. He cried out in mindless ecstasy as he flooded her spasming, soaking wet and scorching hot pussy with cum. He pushed himself, used up some of the excess energy from her focused, intense love and lust for him to drive through his refractory period and straight onto the rise to his next orgasm. He flooded her pussy no fewer than five times in the space of half an hour, with her orgasms at least doubly as frequent as his and seemingly every bit as intense, though doing nothing to limit her ongoing neediness.

Eventually, they peeled themselves off the soaked and glistening hallway floor, and staggered back upstairs. Brandy Snap raised her tail, and on the upstairs landing Trueheart finally mounted her, the two of them stumbling the rest of the way to the unicorn's bedroom already locked together and fucking in a more conventional position. Three more times Trueheart bred and flooded Brandy Snap as she whinnied and shrieked in elation beneath him, before he felt himself no longer possessing strength enough to simply urge his body to ignore its fatigue, and pulled out of the mare with a breathless groan and a loud, sloppy slurp of their utterly sodden nether regions parting.


Brandy Snap wailed almost immediately, the force of her desire, her desperation crashing through Trueheart's mind like a heard of stampeding earth ponies.

"Don't stop!! Hoof me! Eat me! I need you, True! I... oh, alicorns, I need to cum! _Again! Now! _"

She sprawled herself out on the bed in front of the changeling with her tail raised high and hind legs obscenely spread, offering herself, presenting her body to be worshipped. Steam rose from her swollen nether regions as her coat blazed with fiery patterns more vividly than ever. Never before had Trueheart seen his lover like this. Never had the word need been uttered with such sincerity, such frenzied passion. He had no choice. He didn't want to have a choice. She needed him, and whether his body was ready to give or not, with all his heart the changeling was determined to see those needs met.

Trembling hooves grabbed at the succubus-pony's flanks, resting upon her cutie-marks as Trueheart pressed his face between Brandy Snap's legs once more. He was rewarded with a scream of ecstasy, a flood of juices, and more love. More lust. More fuel to keep his fire burning almost as bright as the inferno blazing within the woman he loved. As incredible as the climax to which he drove her in those moments was though, Trueheart knew it wouldn't be enough. He knew another would have to follow, then another, and another, and as many more as it took to energise his body enough for another marathon bout of fucking.

He pleasured her, sought to sate her long into the night.

He licked. He suckled. He humped and bucked and rutted wildly, and at times he simply lay back and let Brandy Snap claim him however she wished; riding his cock, his face, sometimes simply grinding against his panting, weary body.

The sun rose, and still her fires burned.

She needed more. Demanded more, and Trueheart gave, and gave, and gave as no changeling had ever given before; every bit as much as he received in turn, and more to ensure that her needs were met.

It was only as the sun began to set the next day, a full twenty four hours after Brandy Snap had drunk the potion, that he felt her lust diminishing. Her love for him remained as potent as ever, but her body's more physical needs finally seemed to be met, as the fires both within and visibly blazing upon her demonic form began to wane.

Within minutes, it was the caramel coated unicorn whom Trueheart knew and loved who whinnied weakly but joyously as her lover shuddered, gasped, and felt his legs give out as he climaxed inside her spasming pussy one last time.

Trueheart passed out before he had even finished cumming, slipping into a slumber born of gleeful, total exhaustion. Brandy Snap however just had time to feel Trueheart fall limp and collapse over her, his weight pinning her to the bed below while his cock continued to twitch and spasm in the final moments of their copious, shared ecstasy, before she too surrendered to her fatigue. Just enough time to think back on the last twenty four hours, on what she'd become, what she'd shared with her lover. And of course, just enough time to realise that for the first time in the history of their relationship... even if just by a few moments, she had outlasted him.

Brandy Snap giggled with pride, and for seven whole seconds she relished her victory before unconsciousness stole over her too, and she rested silently, utterly content, beneath the stallion she loved.

By Jeeves

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A Changeling's Love - Part Three

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner! :o It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, hyper cum related fun, and takes place in the world of MLP:FiM. :3 **A Changeling's Love - Part Three** "I love you, Trueheart. I love you...

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A Changeling's Love - Part Two

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A Changeling's Love - Part One

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