A Changeling's Love - Part Two

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#2 of A Changeling's Love

With Trueheart's identity no longer a secret, he is able to return to his life in Saddleton with only one major difference. Now the changeling has a girlfriend. A very pretty, very sexy unicorn girlfriend, who has some wonderfully naughty ideas of her own when it comes to sharing herself with her hot, horny changeling lover.

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the MLP:FiM universe. :3

A Changeling's Love - Part Two

Over a month had passed since Trueheart and Brandy Snap returned to Saddleton. Things had been tense at first between the reformed changeling and the townsfolk who now knew of his true identity, but thanks to Brandy Snap's kindness, warmth and their own trust in her... albeit only after casting a revealing spell to ensure that she wasn't also a changeling or under any sort of mind control, they had accepted Trueheart back into the fold.

At first Trueheart had felt them all holding back, growing tense when he entered a room and definitely not feeling much in the way of affection, never mind love for him. But as the days went on, and as the changeling in unicorn form not only continued to be kind and generous with his time and his energies to the others, but threw himself back into the spirit of giving he had always tried to maintain with even greater vigour, little by little he felt their fondness for him returning. In some it even exceeded what they had felt for him in the past, and it warmed Trueheart's cockles to know that just as he had always dreamed but never dared hope, the absolute truth of his situation made people even more comfortable with him than before. Now he wasn't just a weirdly strong unicorn whose endless helpfulness sometimes seemed a little too good to be true. Now, they knew that he was a changeling who received strength from their gratitude and affection for him in exchange for his aid, and by the time the month came to an end, most of the village sincerely found themselves more at ease than ever for that new knowledge.

Of course, the townsfolk growing more accustomed to his presence once again wasn't the only reason why Trueheart was feeling particularly generous lately. Truth be told, he was practically overflowing with energy ever since he'd returned, and it was primarily thanks to one pony. To Brandy Snap herself, whose love for him, now no longer restrained by Trueheart's need to keep his former secret at all costs, had blossomed to greater and greater heights by the day, and indeed the night. They couldn't help themselves. Not just in their more emotionally focused adoration for one another, but in their physical affections too. Trueheart had from time to time picked up on desire and loneliness radiating from Brandy Snap in the past; a longing for companionship that was only rarely sated, more often than not by travellers just passing through Saddleton and looking for a night of no-strings fun. Now though, he took great delight in satisfying her every need however fleeting the whim. Each morning they awoke and began the day muffling one another's cries in whichever bed they had fallen asleep. Every evening they raced home from their daily errands and obligations to spend more time together, and though sometimes that would lead them to venture out around Saddleton, more often than not it meant locking the doors, drawing the shutters, and spending many an hour making up for lost time.

Even during the day, if they passed one another on the streets of Saddleton, it would be hard for Brandy Snap to keep from having a wildly lewd thought about Trueheart and his incredible, love-fuelled mammoth member, the feelings crashing through her body almost strongly enough to make her horn spark right there in public. And of course with that strong a wave of emotion coursing through her, the changeling wouldn't be able to keep from feeling it. Thus many a time had they raced back to one of their homes at lunchtime, and on a few occasions they had even found themselves ducking behind stores or racing out beyond Saddleton's boundaries to hide away in a barn, amidst a field of tall corn, or sometimes even just behind a tree.

Their lust for one another was as insatiable as their ever building love, and for that reason Trueheart grew stronger by the day. But, though he had told Brandy Snap upon first revealing his sizeable erection to her that it was a slow, long term process by which the love flooding his body would cause him, or at least parts of him to grow, he hadn't at the time taken into account just how much they would love one another. How infinitely deep her adoration for him in all respects remained, and how much his equally potent love for her trapped them in an endless feedback loop of surging, building, blazingly intense emotion. For that reason even though it had just been a month since their first time, even trying to expend as much energy as he possibly could assisting the rest of the townsfolk with various projects wasn't enough to keep Trueheart from finding himself with an abundant excess each and every day. An excess which as he tried to maintain his prior size and shape in all other respects continued to grow his cock to ever more extreme proportions, much to Brandy Snap's elation.

"Ohhh Celestia, True!"

Tucked away at the back of one of the storehouses of the Brandy family distillery, Brandy Snap's forehooves drummed against the side of the barrel over which she was draped. The unicorn was out of her mind with bliss as Trueheart loomed over her and plunged his cock deep, deep into her once again. It was bigger than yesterday, she swore it. It might even have been bigger than that morning, less than five hours ago when they'd last made love. He was spreading her so wide open. Stretching her to the point where his cock was constantly stimulating every last little crevice of her pussy all at once as it slid rapidly in and out, head beginning to flare within her as the pleasure-stricken changeling's horn crackled and his unnecessary but still preferred unicorn form flickered to reveal the still handsome, chitinous black form and deep blue cock beneath it.

As they drove one another towards orgasm, knowing they couldn't spend long together here without risking getting caught but unable to remain apart for even a moment longer knowing that they were both there on the premises at the same time, Brandy Snap trembled while she heard her lover whispering feverishly in her ears.

"I wish I could hear you moaning forever. I... I wish I could feel you squeezing me, your wetness, your pussy. I wish I never had to leave it. Oooh by the alicorns, Brandy... you're addictive. Your heart. Your smile. Your whole body, but... ah, your sweet, soaking pussy in... nnhh-hahh... in particular."

Less than half a minute later with a muffled whinny of ecstasy, Trueheart began to flood Brandy Snap's pussy with abundant volumes of his cum, his heavy balls as ample in size as his cock and slapping against her mound each time the stallion hilted within her. She stuffed a hoof into her own muzzle to hold back her own screams as she too began to cum, shuddering, squirting, lying limp and twitching over that barrel as Trueheart's seed overflowed and started to flood back out of her, dripping thickly down to the floor below. As she lost herself to their shared pleasure though, to the weight of the stallion upon her back and his throbbing, straining erection letting loose deep, deep inside her, a thought crossed her bliss-stricken mind. A thought so wild and potent in its intoxicating delights that it forced another strangled shriek from the mare, and an awed grunt of joy from Trueheart as without warning he felt the woman beneath him spasm, shudder, and be thrown immediately into the embrace of a second back-to-back orgasm.

A second consecutive climax born of a single, perfect thought within Brandy Snap's mind.

Trueheart said that her pussy was addictive. But, what if that wasn't an exaggeration?

After almost a full minute of writhing and shuddering and gurgling into her hoof, Brandy Snap felt her orgasms trail off and panted, giggling and sighing contentedly. Even while they rested there together though, bodies still entwined, Trueheart's horn glowed. In an instant his pink hued unicorn disguise was restored, and the abundant desire they'd spilled down the side of and onto the floor by their chosen barrel began to float up off the various surfaces it had coated and into the air. In several glistening streams it floated over to a bucket resting by a mop against one wall of the storehouse, and with a splash deposited itself in the water within, cleaning up every last trace of their activities besides the lingering wetness clinging to Trueheart's cock when he reluctantly pulled out of Brandy Snap another minute or two later. With another flash of magic he hid his cock from view, knowing it would take longer to go down than the average stallion's erection thanks to the constant, low level arousal he always felt when in Brandy Snap's presence and especially when her emotions were so passion filled as they still were even now. Given how much desire and excitement he could still feel radiating off of her, Trueheart almost offered to eat her out even though he knew they were already pushing how long they could expect to remain uninterrupted in this active workplace. He held back though, trusting his lover to ask if she wanted more and respecting her choice when she slipped off the barrel, gave herself a quick once-over with her magic to straighten her ruffled coat, and lowered her tail in a way that would conceal from view the fact that her pussy was still swollen, glistening and obviously in a state of heightened arousal.

She trotted over to Trueheart, kissed him deeply on the muzzle, and murmured to him playfully in their lip-lock's wake as their horns brushed together and crackled with intense, pleasurable magical static.

"Come by my place after work tonight. I'll leave the door open, but... lock it behind you when you come in. Also... um... if you have any plans tomorrow? Maybe see if you can push them back a day."

Trueheart's eyes widened, but he shivered happily, blushed, and nodded as he looked deep into Brandy Snap's eyes. Even without trying to touch her mind and sense the emotions behind her cryptic plea, the changeling saw the giddy joy and playfulness within her hues which told him all that he needed to know. He grinned, nodded, and after stealing one last kiss and having the two of them share another tenderly whispered series of I love yous, Trueheart trotted off to continue the errands which had brought him here in the first place. For the rest of the afternoon though, he couldn't stop wondering what Brandy Snap had planned. He couldn't stop thinking about that delighted, naughtily gleeful look in her eyes, and of course he couldn't keep from thinking about how even as he'd left, he could feel waves of her longing following after him, her mind still as desperate as her body for more pleasure from him, and him alone.


At just after five that afternoon, Trueheart cantered eagerly through Saddleton's main street towards Brandy Snap's home. He knew the other ponies out and about finishing up their own daily work or preparing for a more relaxed evening with friends could see him bounding along, just as he had no doubt that they would blush and grin and giggle to one another in full knowledge as to why. After all, though they had of course kept the more intimate side of their relationship out of sight if not out of public spaces entirely, it was no secret that Trueheart and Brandy Snap had returned from the forest a month ago as more than the close friends they had been, with several dates and more gentle, publicly acceptable smooches shared in abundance since then. Even if they did suspect why he was so eager to get to her place though, regardless of whether their emotions read as amusement, happiness for the new couple or even the occasional twinge of jealousy, Trueheart wouldn't have slowed his pace for anything or anyone.

He arrived at his companion's home, and just as instructed let himself in, closing then locking the door behind him. The changeling shivered as he dropped a portion of his magical disguise to reveal his rapidly re-stiffening cock, already almost able to touch the floor where it hung and slapping up against his belly in rhythmic pulses of arousal. He closed his eyes and for a moment more closely and purposefully extended his empathic senses, seeking out a vivid, living mind within the building and finding it in Brandy Snap's bedroom. Shivering happily as for a moment he touched the other pony's mind and felt such a wonderful sense of desirous anticipation atop the same naughty, teasing playfulness he'd felt earlier cranked up to eleven, Trueheart swiftly made his way to find her. The bedroom door was shut, but all he had to do was knock once gently with a hoof before the beautiful, somewhat lustfully strained voice of his partner called out to him from beyond it.

"Before you come in, True... I... did you re-arrange your plans for tomorrow? Are you free for a while, not just for the evening, but... all night? All tomorrow too, maybe?"

Another wave of desire, of love, lust and playful amusement surged through the door into Trueheart's mind, and he huffed happily as his cock throbbed, spurting a thick ribbon of pre-cum out across the floor and the base of the doorway before which he was standing. He nodded, then chuckled to himself as he realised there was still a door between them, and spoke to the unicorn beyond it in return.

"I'm all yours, Brandy."

Trueheart's face reddened as he realised the double meaning of that comment, and he felt his face burn scarlet beneath his pink coat as he sensed a wave of gratitude and elation surge out from Brandy Snap's mind. A moment later he watched as the handle of the bedroom door began to glow with the other unicorn's magic. The door swung open to reveal Brandy Snap within, the pony sprawled on her back upon the bed with her hindquarters just hanging over the edge and her legs raised up high and wide to show herself off, and Trueheart felt his eyes instantly and voraciously drawn to the mare's pussy. It wasn't just that he was horny. It wasn't just that he loved Brandy Snap and wanted another opportunity to make her feel good. There was a deep, visceral, even for him unnaturally intense need to not just pleasure Brandy Snap's beautiful pussy, but just to be close to it. It was, after all, the most perfect and wonderful thing in all of Equestria. And, though it of course belonged to the woman to which it was attached, Trueheart could not shake from his mind the singular fact that he had to make it his.

Brandy Snap shrieked with joyous laughter as Trueheart surged into the room with a loud, desperate neigh, and did not spare a single moment addressing her, kissing her or doing anything other than closing the distance between their bodies as swiftly as possible, and burying his face between her legs.

"Oooh alicorns, it worked..."

She grunted as with an urgency that somehow surpassed any of their many wild, passionate, supposedly utterly untamed matings over the past month, Trueheart began to eat her out. Loudly and sloppily he huffed and slurped and tongued at Brandy Snap's pussy. He wrapped his lips around her small but sensitive clit and suckled upon it so firmly that Brandy Snap bucked and thrashed hard enough she worried for a moment that she might hurt Trueheart's snout. Just a second later though he was licking her again, burying his tongue as deep as it would go before hungrily gulping down the juices his wild actions were already provoking, then repeating the motion all over again. Without even the slightest pause, not so much as lifting his head to glance up at Brandy Snap adoringly, Trueheart wrapped his forelegs around the unicorn's own hind limbs to hold her tighter to his muzzle, and moaned gleefully into her depths as he felt her starting to buck and writhe against him. He was relentless, single minded in his pure devotion to Brandy Snap's pussy, and for that reason it wasn't much of a surprise to the bliss-ridden pony when barely a minute later she threw back her head from where she'd been panting and watching him work, and let loose a caterwauling scream as hot fluids gushed up and across his muzzle while Trueheart continued to eat the unicorn through her first savagely powerful orgasm.

"Ahhyess... yesssss, h-hahh... squirt, please. Keep going! Ohhh Celestia, yessssss..."

Muffled, not withdrawing his maw from between her legs for an instant, Trueheart gurgled those words through his continued efforts to stimulate the other pony. He kept licking her, tongue-fucking her beautiful pussy and perfect clit throughout her orgasm, and once the first was over, he more desperately than ever began to work her towards a second. Brandy Snap squealed as even faster than the first, he made her cum again. Then again barely another minute after that. Each time she came, her body grew more sensitive; more overwhelmed by the constant and furious stimulation he was applying to her pussy. By the same token though every orgasm only made Trueheart more giddy and desperate to make her cum even harder and louder the next time around. He had to make her pussy feel even better. He had to show it the worship, the praise, the divine reverence that it was due and which only he had the true understanding to offer. And though Trueheart himself didn't know why this was the case, Brandy Snap knew exactly what was motivating her lover.

"Ohh alicorns, you taste so good. You feel so... fuck, fuck, Brandy! You're perfect. Your pussy is so... I... a-aahhh! I want it, nnnhh... need it!"

The unicorn giggled even in the throes of her seventh orgasm as Trueheart spoke the name of the spell without even realising it. She knew in the past this spell, the 'Want it, Need it' spell had wreaked havoc where it was cast, recalling a recent case in Ponyville in particular. But since then, through whatever channels magical knowledge spread across Equestria, an effort had been made to ensure that the spell's danger would be limited by teaching as many unicorns as possible how to end it. For that reason, Brandy Snap wasn't worried. She had set the spell to end twenty four hours after it first ensnared someone, namely Trueheart, within its intoxicating embrace, and if for some reason there was any opportunity for conflict with anyone else gaining entry to her home and looking upon her pussy, the target of the spell, she could end it early at a moment's notice.

Truly though, Brandy Snap hoped that she would not have to end it early. Indeed it had taken a substantial amount of willpower on the unicorn's part to even set a limit of one day for the spell to work its quite literal magic. It wasn't that she wanted to be worshipped per se, or that she wanted Trueheart under her control. More simply, she wanted an excuse to not have either of them need to hold back. A reason for Trueheart to put aside his thoughtful, caring kindness and consideration even amidst his most fevered humping of the woman he loved, and just to surrender to the constant craving for her and all the love that she felt for him which she knew that he possessed with or without this spell's intervention.


Brandy Snap whined through what might have been her tenth orgasm, she was already starting to lose count as Trueheart slurped and gurgled and moaned through her soaking wet, sloppy, wildly and deliciously over-stimulated pussy. His eyes darted up across the length of her prone and writhing body, but only for a moment before they greedily returned to stare down at the pussy he was devouring. With another strangled cry, the unicorn mare took a ragged breath, and moaned to him once again.

"...you know how you really make a pussy yours, aaahhh... right?"

As soon as she uttered those words, Trueheart froze. His eyes darted up to meet with Brandy Snap's glazed and wildly lustful hues once again, and this time they lingered upon her as he panted into her pussy, though ceased his stimulation of it as the final dribbles of the mare's latest orgasmic gushing trickled out across his snout. Slowly, with even greater lust and hunger dawning upon his already wild expression, Trueheart nodded.

"I fuck it."

Brandy Snap shivered happily, and nodded giddily to the pony she loved.

"That's right. You fuck it. Fill it with cum. Claim it as your own with your seed. Every drop you have to offer."

Trueheart shuddered. He hesitated for a moment. Just a moment, but long enough to make Brandy Snap worry that something was wrong with the spell; that it wasn't programmed to interact with changeling magic, and thus wouldn't function correctly. An instant later though, Brandy Snap realised what was happening as the changeling allowed his external form to drop and reverted to his gleaming, dark and chitinous drone body, its cock still as large as ever, just a rich aquamarine blue hue rather than its previous darkly dappled pink. He hissed softly, sharp teeth glinting in the fading afternoon light shining in through the window, and a moment later, with all his changeling instincts to take and to claim given an opportunity to run rife after a lifetime spent giving as much as he received, he leapt forward to mount the unicorn where she lay.

" Yes!!

Brandy Snap screamed at the top of her lungs as Trueheart's huge cock drove deep into her without any restraint, and though so many times Trueheart had already fucked her so hard and fast she thought she would pass out from the pleasure of his actions, she learned in that moment just what it meant to be fucked with mindless and utterly merciless adoration.

"Braaaaandyyy... mmyyyy Braaaandyyyyy!"

The changeling hissed, voice slurred with wild lust as he rutted Brandy Snap with every drop of strength and passion at his disposal. Her love, her bliss, the passion washing out from her and into him in waves ensured that he would not tire, he would not slow and he most definitely would not stop, but as he closed his gleaming green eyes and pictured that irresistible pussy in which he was buried, Trueheart knew that even if there had been no love upon which to feed himself, he still would have found a way to keep going, and going, and going. He had to. She deserved it. Her pussy needed his endless, ceaseless devotion, and he would offer her nothing less. His balls slapped heavily and firmly against her ass, saliva dribbled down his chitinous chin and onto Brandy Snap's neck as he lay over her, her forelegs wrapped around his neck and his beneath hers in turn. Her cries rang in his ears. He felt his lips brush the base of his neck, the underside of his chin and as he tilted his head down to meet her muzzle, they moaned deliriously into one another's maws just as the first orgasm brought about by his cock crashed through the suddenly convulsing, grunting mare.

Trueheart hissed into her maw, then broke free from their kiss as they both cried out louder, rapturously united in bliss. The changeling pumped into the unicorn's clutching, gushing wet depths a few more times, but with nothing to hold him back the allure of her pussy squeezing and milking him was too much. He wailed, roaring to the heavens as he hilted himself deep inside of Brandy Snap and unleashed the first torrents of his cum into her incredible, perfect pussy. His eyes rolled in their sockets and his whole body shook just at the thought that she was welcoming his cock and now his seed into her flawless, irresistible depths, and the pleasure atop those feelings ensured that his cock didn't stop spasming and flooding the other pony's depths until his essence was drooling liberally back out of her. Overflowing down across her rump, clinging to her fur and Trueheart's heavy balls before trickling down over the base of the mare's quivering tail. They panted, they giggled blissfully together and bumped noses before kissing deeply once again. But even as Brandy Snap lay back, ready to cuddle with Trueheart for at least a little while before the magic drove him to resume as soon as his body was ready, she felt something that forced a guttural shriek of bliss and wonder from her muzzle.

She felt Trueheart start to rock his hips. To hump her. To fuck her all over again, mere seconds after his own orgasm had ended.


He moaned breathlessly to her, eyes still wide and wild.

"Cum for me... for my cock, again. I need it. I... a-ahhh, I need your pussy to be cumming. To be happy. To be hot, and wet, and cumming always. It's perfect. So, it has to feel perfect for you. For its own sake. Such a perfect, amazing pussy needs to be cumming, squirting, aah... and filled with my cock, with my cum, all the time! So, I won't stop until... until..."

His voice trailed off. Trueheart shuddered as he picked up the pace of his thrusting, growing more urgent and passionate still no matter how overworked some parts of his body and mind were no doubt telling himself that they were. The changeling grinned a toothy, savage grin, and hissed with desire as he looked down into Brandy Snap's beautiful, pleasure-stricken face.

"I won't stop."

He corrected himself.

"For such a beautiful, perfect pussy, hhaahh... attached to such a beautiful, perfect pony..."

Brandy Snap's cheeks burned even hotter than the pleasure alone could achieve, and her own heart surged with joy and adoration for her lover as she realised that even now, even with his mind seemingly solely dedicated to her pussy and her pussy alone, he couldn't help but love the rest of her too.

"...I won't ever, ever stop while that beautiful pussy needs me, and while I need it."

And true to his word, he didn't.

Brandy Snap screamed and thrashed and kicked out wildly at the air as Trueheart fucked her again. And again. And again, cumming deep inside her, flooding her with obscene amounts of cum each and every time that seemed utterly unaffected by his prior releases. Her love didn't just fuel him, it reinvigorated him. Every time he came in her and each time the unicorn whinnied and shrieked in absolute rapture, Brandy Snap's mind went blank with the sheer volatile intensity of how much she adored the pony doing this to her, making her feel these things she never could have imagined, and indeed had never dared imagine even when thinking of him more than a month ago. She loved him more and more with every scream, every crashing wave of pleasure, and that love urged him relentlessly onward alongside the magic giddily bewitching him into craving that which he already adored to the most frenzied extremes.

For more than a solid hour he fucked her to over a dozen orgasms of her own and eight of his, and even then, even as Brandy Snap's own body was feeling like it couldn't take any more, he wouldn't relent even in granting her a break. Pulling out of her fucked, filled, deliciously tender and loosened pussy, his huge cock still straining and dribbling pre-cum in amounts more voluminous than most stallion's full on orgasmic load, Trueheart shamelessly brought his muzzle to bear upon it once more. He lapped the cum from her. He kissed and lavished more tender attentions upon Brandy Snap's pussy without ever parting from it, and when after a good twenty minutes of gentle nuzzles and kisses and the most probing, teasingly delicate licks the mare begged Trueheart to make her cum again, he did not hesitate for a single moment in how greedily and shamelessly he began to feast on her anew.

All evening, all night their passions continued. There were points where they rested, or rather where Brandy Snap needed to halt entirely for fear that if she didn't, she truly would pass out and miss potentially hours of Trueheart's continued obsession. But even when he knew that Brandy Snap was too sensitive to bear even the most delicate touches to her pussy, Trueheart would not cease his devotion to it. He kissed all around it. At the pony's thighs, upon her mound, even across the cheeks of her rump. If it was touching her pussy, after all, if it spent so much time in close proximity to it, surely those body parts had to be almost as sacred as the pussy itself.

At some point, darkness fell. At another moment, dawn's light began to shine through the room lit only by the glow of the unicorn and changeling's wildly sparking horns. When the morning light bathed the bedroom in full once again, it brought with it scenes that neither pony had noticed in the darkness. Streaks of cum across the floors, the walls, even lingering stains of where it had dripped from the ceiling during the times when amidst Trueheart's oral worship of her pussy, with Brandy Snap straddling her lover's face and grasping his cock between both her hooves, she had demanded the opportunity to offer him the same release he was lavishing so abundantly upon her.

Their bodies too were coated, glistening with dried, matted streaks of cum and ejaculate. Brandy Snap's loins were a mess, her fur utterly coated with their combined juices. As he looked upon the mare in the morning light Trueheart groaned softly, then without a word lifted Brandy Snap up into the air with his magic, slung her over his back, and began to trot out of the bedroom even as she squealed and giggled.

"Aaahh, True! Where are we going?"

He didn't answer immediately, but his horn glowed again and even before they made it to the bathroom, Brandy Snap heard her shower turn itself on. They entered the room and Trueheart trotted straight into the already flowing shower. Only then did he gently lower himself to the ground and roll Brandy Snap onto her back upon the thankfully large, walk in cubicle's floor, before turning to loom over the unicorn with his cock throbbing as urgently as ever, and his eyes fixed upon her pussy with that same reverent, lustful twinkle.

"I... I couldn't see it properly. I'll clean you. Clean it until it's spotless and perfect as I know it truly is, as I know you are. And then..."

Trueheart trembled, and his cock spurted a thick ribbon of pre-cum across the shower's floor as Brandy Snap moaned in anticipation of her own.

"...then, I'll look at your beautiful, perfect pussy again... and use this brand new day to prove to you that what I showed you yesterday was only a fraction of how much I adore you, Brandy. You, and your gorgeous, sexy, delicious, dripping... o-ohhh, Celestia..."

He shuddered, and though he had just spoken about cleaning it first, Trueheart bowed his head between Brandy Snap's legs and started to eat her out once again, right there in the shower. The mare shuddered. She whinnied in fresh, intense pleasure, and as the warm water rained down over her and she reached up with her forelegs to stroke at Trueheart's face while he worked, she blushed hotter and deeper still as yet another mindless, lust-driven thought crossed her mind.

She was certain that the spell would wear off at the end of that day, at the stroke of midnight if her calculations were correct. But if for some reason it didn't, and if somehow her beloved changeling lover ended up obsessed with and entranced by her pussy for even longer than she had planned for...

"Oo-ohh, alicorns! Yes! True, I... mnnhh, aahh... I'm gonna cum again! I'm... oh! Ohhhyesss!"

...then maybe rather than using her own magic to immediately bring the spell to an end, she'd let him go on. And on. And on, for as long as the magic would let them.

By Jeeves

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