More than Settling, a Bonnie x Stu Hopps Fic

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Bonnie and Stu Hopps might joke with one another about having settled, but when they're alone together they prove that there's no-one else in the world they'd rather be with.

This story was written for Yui_olp as part of their top tier Patreon reward for December 2019. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the world of Zootopia.

More Than Settling, a Bonnie x Stu Hopps Fic

It wasn't often that Bonnie and Stu got a night to themselves. Ironic, really, since the number of kids and grandkids they had living on the farm with them was very much due to the time they had gotten to spend alone together over the years. But tonight, they'd decided to do something they hadn't done for a few months. Together under the cover of darkness and ensuring that some of their older, now fully grown children were still awake to get glasses of water or soothe the nightmares of any of the younger kits who might have awakened during the night, the two rabbits slipped out of the farmhouse. They walked hand in hand in the moonlight across almost the entire length of their family's property, all the way to the old carrot sorting shed, effectively a barn on the farm's western boundary.

They didn't speak as they walked, just quietly relishing the feeling of one another's paw against their own. The gentle squeezing of their fingers. The warmth, the familiar softness of fur and skin. Long ago, they'd stopped trying to put into words just how much they loved each other. They showed it in every glance, every smile. In every touch they proved to one another without a doubt that words weren't necessary, and indeed most of the time when something did prompt them to talk about it, they'd just casually and offhandedly tease one another with comments about how they'd settled, how for them life was just a humdrum ritual taken one day after the next.

But, that couldn't have been further from the truth, and the only reason they could make such jokes was because of how utterly ridiculous such a sentiment was to each of them.

Upon reaching the building, they smiled warmly to one another as their hands parted, and before even slipping inside the structure both bunnies began to remove their clothes. Their bodies were rounded; softened by age and perhaps one too many carrot cakes since starting up their business arrangement with Gideon. Nevertheless they revealed their furred bodies without shame both to one another and the world in general, and as Stu gathered up his clothes in a ball while Bonnie rolled her eyes, neatly folding hers and gently holding them draped over one outstretched arm, the two naked bunnies finally slipped out of the moonlight, and into the darkened interior of the barn.

With a faded, somewhat dusty-bulbed battery powered lamp soon illuminating the interior space and their clothes set aside upon the former carrot sorting table, Stu began unbinding a bale of hay resting amidst a stack of a dozen or so bales in one corner of the barn. Soon he was tossing it across a portion of the floor, building up a comfortable little layer of crisp golden strands upon which he watched Bonnie lie down, nodding in approval as she sprawled out, spread eagled. With his shaft already rising to full arousal, twitching at the sight of his beautiful wife so exposed and unabashed, Stu lay down beside her, and once again they sought one another out to lie side by side, hand in hand.

They lay there, and they closed their eyes as a rosy redness crossed the flesh beneath their fluffy cheeks. The two rabbits' chests began to rise and fall a little faster. Bonnie's toes flexed and wriggled a little as a soft gasp escaped her lips, and beside her as he squeezed his wife's hand a little tighter, Stu groaned as his cock twitched. Eventually, they would make love. They would share in one another's bodies, one another's passions without restraint or the slightest shame. But first, they wanted to make the most of this time they had without interruption. Quiet, peaceful, just the two of them. They could fuck in minutes. Make each other cum as swiftly as they needed to after decades of marriage and so, so many long and wonderful nights learning every millimetre of one another's most sensitive and intimate reaches. But if they had hours to spare, they knew exactly how they wanted to spend it.

Behind the lids of his closed eyes, Stu delved into his memories. Into vivid, wonderful remembrances of nights and days spent with Bonnie at other times of their lives, some more recent and some long ago. His tail twitched against the hay, and his cock quivered, a glistening bead of pre-cum forming upon it as he huffed, panted, and started to vividly, viscerally re-live some of he and his wife's greatest hits.

He pictured the first time he and Bonnie were together. His nose sneaking up under her dress as the then nineteen year old rabbit pressed a hand across her own muzzle, while the other gripped at his ears and held him in place as he began to eat her out for the first time. He remembered her smell, he remembered the way her hands had gripped his ears so tightly their bases had hurt for weeks. He remembered choking and gasping as she came with a muffled shriek and a surge of juices, and feverishly wiping his face off on the inside of her dress as they heard rustling in the long grass, giddily parting before one of the chaperones present at that outdoor hootenanny could catch them together.

His focus shifted, and the bunny shuddered and huffed, hearing his wife whimper in desire beside him as he thought of her first heat with him. The two of them locked inside their first home, the tiny cottage on a small patch of land which over the years would be expanded upon again and again into the home they lived in now. The key entrusted to a close friend, so neither of them could get out, and so no other bunny who caught the scent of Bonnie's fragrant pheromones could get in. His cock twitched more urgently, and a fresh dribble of pre-cum oozed down his straining shaft as he remembered Bonnie's guttural grunting as she mounted him, so frenzied in her lust that she didn't care if she wasn't the one with a cock. Bucking, humping, pounding her hips against his backside with force enough to drive herself to orgasm over and over again, and not stopping until Stu himself had let loose over the wooden floorboards of their bedroom, the pair of them not even having made it to the bed before Bonnie's heat overwhelmed them.

The more that Stu remembered, the more times he thought about where he and Bonnie had shared such incredible bliss, the more his cock quivered and dripped and even spurted a few times, painting his own belly with strings of eager pre-cum. But as horny as recalling their most passionate moments made him, it only drove him to delve deeper into his memory for hidden gems, for moments less foundational to their relationship, and instead which were just damn incredible moments of pleasure they'd spent together.

Beside him meanwhile, Bonnie was indulging in the same visions for herself. Her clitoris throbbed, her inner walls convulsed, and she could feel her flushed labia glistening with the dampness of her arousal as with Stu gasping and moaning beside her, she recalled some of her fondest experiences with him and his cock. The night of the open air hootenanny, where hours after she'd dragged him out into the corn field and begged him to eat her out, they finally found themselves together hidden away behind a grain silo. They both had friends looking for them, and with the party almost over soon they'd both have to head home to their families. But, they didn't need lots of time. They just needed each other. Bonnie's eyes fluttered behind their closed lids, and her toes curled, her hand around Stu's own tightening its grip for a second as a deep grunt escaped her while she viscerally pictured their first ever fuck. A barely minute long rut with Stu's hips a blur, and her fingertips leaving scratch marks in the grain silo's metal exterior as she fought not to scream when his hot cum poured deep into her.

From then onward, Bonnie couldn't stop thinking about Stu's cum. About all time myriad occasions when it had boiled up into her, when she had felt his cock twitching as he stood or lay hilted deep inside her, and had felt as though she was going to melt. As though her entire body was going to liquefy with the intensity of the pleasure his molten release deep inside her provoked. Her chest heaved, her ears burned scarlet across their interior flesh, and her free hand trembled as she fought to keep from reaching between her legs. Her body would have its chance to experience more than enough physical pleasure in due course, but for now she wanted her mind to do the work. For now they both wanted to let their memories grant them pleasure, both to ensure they never let those most passionate moments slip from their minds into obscurity, and to be certain that when finally they did set about pleasuring one another more actively, their brains would be primed and ready to store away every detail of it, so it could give rise to yet more vivid and pleasurable meditations like this in the future.

For more than half an hour they lay there side by side, hand in hand in the hay, twitching and squirming and moaning in pleasure, nether regions dripping, alive with the pleasure of their former actions but still craving more, wishing to experience those sensations again much more tangibly. They dwelled in their passionate memories until their desire began to grow so great that fantasies began to inject themselves into their daydreams, already wildly intense and intimate moments being made even more graphic and obscene than had already been the case as their arousal ran out of control. Only then did their eyes open, and so as to not risk re-writing their memories with any enhancements to what had really happened, they instead sought immediately to create some new memories for them to later look back on instead.

"Do you remember the night when we slipped out to the old carrot shed together?"

Bonnie murmured playfully as her husband rolled over and crawled to her, placing his elbows either side of her breasts, and slipping his forearms under her shoulders to cradle her as his plump stomach came to rest against her own, and his twitching cock grazed against one of Bonnie's thighs as it probed its way towards her crotch. Stu beamed, and nodded eagerly to his beautiful wife.

"I do. We lay together in the hay, just so happy to be there together... but eventually, I was too horny to wait..."

The female bunny's face burned scarlet, and she giggled, nodding warmly back to her lover.

"Eventually, I was too horny to wait, too..."

She murmured, trembling, moaning softly as Stu leaned down and kissed her on the tip of her nose, but drew back as she craned her neck up for a deeper, more passionate smooch.

"So, I lay down over you... I looked at your beautiful body, more gorgeous every time I blinked... and, I asked you the question I know you love to be asked. Bon... how would you like me to breed you tonight?"

The female rabbit's toes curled, and she groaned happily at Stu's tender, teasing words, lifting her legs up and wrapping them around her lover's rounded rear end.

"...a-and, on that amazing night we spent together in the carrot shed... I told you. Long and slow. Make it last. Make this night feel like it lasts forever with how badly we want to cum. But, don't stop. Don't stop breeding me, slow.. steady... but never relenting. Never letting the pleasure slip away or get too much to handle, until we see light shining in through the carrot shed's door."

Stu grinned, and nodded in glee to the woman he loved.

"Then even though I knew you know it, and even though I knew I was gonna show you it first-hand before long, I told you I loved you so much. Bonnie, I love you. So, so much. I... I kissed you, just like I was gonna fuck you. Long, and slow..."

His voice trailed off, and slowly, tenderly he lowered his lips to Bonnie's own at long last, and did not withdraw them for more than the fleeting amount of time it took for their lungs to draw in a brief extra rush of air, while many minutes more floated blissfully by.

"...and then..."

He breathed with ragged enthusiasm when finally their lips parted, only to grin as Bonnie whimpered feverishly.

"...then, when I could hear in your voice that you just couldn't take it any more... I slipped my cock into you at last, and... oh... ohhh Bon... you're so hot tonight. I'm so lucky. And... oh, cheese and crackers..."

Stu lost the ability to speak after that, eyes wide, glazed over, and mouth open, panting as he felt his erection come to rest hilted within his wife's depths, and twitched against her tight, squeezing, soaking wet inner walls. What he couldn't finish saying though, Bonnie whispered for both of them as she closed her eyes and listened to her husband moaning, as she felt his cock twitching inside her, and waited for the moment when it would soon start sliding in and out to begin their long, wild night of pleasure together in earnest.

" slipped your cock into me at last, Stu. And together, we began yet another amazing night that neither of us would ever, oh. Ohhhyes... just like that, Stu, Ohh gosh... ah... a night that neither of us would ever, ever forget."

By Jeeves

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