A Shower at the Gym

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A plump mouse gets turned on as he overhears two guys checking someone out in the gym showers. But, they can't possibly be talking about him, can they?

This vignette was written for Serling as part of my Patreon request days for December 2019. It contains M/Solo masturbation and M/M exhibitionism between consenting adults.

A Shower at the Gym

"Damn, check out that ass..."

Leonard's eyes widened, but he tried not to react as he stood in the gym's shower block and continued to soap himself down after his work-out. The plump mouse wasn't honestly that bothered about losing weight, but with winter closing in it was hard to get out for the long walks which normally served his daily exercise, thus he found himself jogging on a treadmill at the gym instead. Now he was done for the day, and way too sweaty to possibly head home without a shower even though he was still a little embarrassed by the idea of getting naked in the same space as a bunch of other dudes. It was for that reason he was doing everything he could to keep himself as unnoticed as possible, up to and including facing the wall as he showered, so that he couldn't inappropriately look at anyone else or even know if anyone was doing to so to him.

At least, that had been the plan until he heard that murmur from somewhere close by, shortly followed by another from a second source.

"C'mon, dude, I know he's hot, but time and place. Save the fantasies for the car ride home."

Leonard tried not to listen, not wanting to intrude on those other guys' conversation and at the same time telling himself that they couldn't have been talking about him anyway.

"Time and place? Don't act like you haven't pointed out a dozen hot guys to me at the gym before. Look at him, showering like nothing's up. Like we're not all looking at what he's packing. You know he's just itching to show it off."

The mouse's caramel furred cheeks burned hot, and though he couldn't believe what he was doing even as he did it, he swayed his hips gently from side to side.

"Mmnh... goddamn..."

One of the voices murmured almost immediately in response, the other grunting in bashful frustration a moment later.

"Fuck, well now you've got me looking too. If I get hard coz of this and someone calls us out, it's your damn fault."

Leonard's toes curled. His tail twitched, and the mouse started to rock his chubby ass from side to side in an almost dance-like rhythm, bashfully but helplessly feeling himself showing off for those two unidentified voyeurs, he could feel his own cock starting to swell.

"Do you think he knows people are watching?"

One voice murmured with a slight edge of raggedness, of desire to its words.

"He's gotta, right? Surely folks are watching him all day every day, with a body like that."

Leonard's ears flushed crimson. He wiggled his ass more overtly, trying not to moan as his cock reached its full five inches in record time and began to twitch urgently while by his sides his hands trembled with the effort it took not to reach out and touch himself.

"Wish I could see more though. C'mon, buddy... you know you wanna show us the goods..."

"I'm sorry, weren't you just chiding me for encouraging things like thirty seconds ago? Now you're practically begging the guy to show us his cock? Shit... you're already rock hard..."

"Yeah, well so are you..."

The mouse shivered as he wrapped a hand around his throbbing pink cock, unable to resist as he closed his eyes and imagined what those two guys watching might have looked like. How big, and hard their cocks really were.

"Fuck, I swear... if he shows himself off, if he shows us his cock, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna jerk off right fucking here in the showers..."

"Shit. We're fucking crazy. We're gonna get in so much trouble, but... me too. C'mon, bro, you're showing off so much already. Show it to us. Show us everything you're working with."

Leonard barely stifled a squeak of pleasure as a spurt of pre-cum dribbled out over his trembling fingertips. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. He couldn't believe that any of this was happening to him, and yet...

He turned on the spot, holding his cock proudly, his hand a blur upon it. He showered off his fluffy, albeit soaking wet, plump form for those guys to see, and... and then he saw them. A wolf and a lion with gorgeous, strong bodies and rock hard cocks that twitched freely, as yet untouched. He saw them staring across the communal shower room; staring at the source of their excitement... a buff donkey showering against the far wall. His eyes were closed almost peacefully as he rubbed bubbling shower gel into his headfur, and the equine male was wearing a pair of swim-shorts that were tight enough to reveal the outline of a truly huge cock pinned to the damp, clinging material. A cock so large that it ran down the length of his left leg almost beyond the end of the shorts themselves, and which surely would have ripped clean through the fabric were it to begin to stiffen.

Leonard's eyes bulged in realisation, in humiliation as he recognised it wasn't him that they had been looking at or talking about at all. Before he could spin around and hide himself once again though, he saw the grey wolf's eyes dart over to him as a result of his swift motion. He saw the stronger, taller man's eyes fall on his rock hard cock with his furless paw still wrapped around it, and watched as the handsome wolf grinned and elbowed his leonine companion.

"Holy shit. Forget that guy, check out the squeaker already going at it. Now that's confidence."

The lion's own eyes soon widened, and moments later, before Leonard could say or do anything himself, those two other guys were moving over to him. Shielding his body from view from the rest of the room with their own larger, stronger forms as at long last, their own hands rose to their cocks.

"Hey, man."

The wolf growled as he nodded to Leonard, and without another word began to jerk his own cock as he watched the mouse doing the very same to his.

"So, I've gotta ask..."

The burly lupine continued as the three of them stood in a rough circle, hands soon a blur on their individual cocks and eyes hungrily devouring the sight of the other two guys masturbating along with them.

"...you new at the gym? Coz, me and my boyfriend have been scoping out these showers for like a year, a-aah... and, I think we'd have remembered a cute cock like yours."

Leonard's cheeks burned scarlet, and any embarrassment or shame the mouse might have felt lingering in the pit of his stomach at his earlier misunderstanding vanished in a split-second. These two guys might not have been checking him out originally, but now? Now he was the one with a cute cock, the donkey utterly forgotten. Now it was him they were staring at as they both jerked themselves, and him that they were about to watch...


The mouse's eyes widened, and he barely stifled a blissful whimper, placing his free hand over his muzzle.


His back arched, his chubby backside tightened, and his eyes rolled back as several hot, urgent streaks of cum lashed out of his cock's straining tip, spurting out over both the wolf and lion's own bare, rock hard cocks as their owners watched him let loose. Soon though the other two guys did more than just watch. Feeling the heat of his load against their skin and watching his cock spurt so wildly and freely, they both began to grunt and gasp as their own seed painted Leonard's quaking, plump body in return, right there in the midst of the shower room. They streaked his damp, caramel fur with their thick, glistening cum. They marked him with the tangible results of their shared exhibitionism, and regardless of how their little encounter had started, every drop of their cum served as a compliment of the highest order to Leonard. An undeniable reminder that regardless of how he felt about himself or his own body, he had been sexy enough right here, right now to bring two big, strong, hot guys to climax just by looking at him. And a teasing, tempting assurance that if he ever dared to set foot in the gym's showers again with his bare ass and cute cock on display, then maybe... just maybe, it might even happen again.

By Jeeves

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