Destiny and Blowjobs

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A man has a lewd encounter with Rocket Raccoon, and shares the tale of not just how it happened, but why he believes it was more than chance. That it was, in fact, destiny. :3

This vignette was written for Silvergatomon as part of my Patreon request days for October 2019. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

Destiny and Blowjobs

All my life, I feel like I've been guided by destiny. When you consider how vast the universe is, how many planets and species and quadrillions upon quadrillions of sapient beings exist within it, I fail to understand how anyone cannot believe that we are in some way guided, if not outright predestined, to fulfil certain goals or meet certain people. After all, the odds of us being born at the same time as those other people, of us sharing the fraction of occupied space with others in a universe that is so huge and so empty for the most part, are so infinitesimally small by any purely mathematical calculation that I am certain there must be some meaning to it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we're all some special chosen being of light and that we were each hand selected for some great and divine purpose. Destiny can be as simple as existing to be there when someone needs a hug to keep them going on a bad day, or to hold the door open for someone so that they don't miss their transport shuttle, thus can head home to their partner, make love, and produce a child who one day might grow up to be someone who saves the lives of millions through some great medical breakthrough or the application of supernatural powers granted by their own brush with destiny. Fundamentally speaking, I simply believe that when life offers us opportunities it isn't an accident. And thus, I believe that we should take the time to carefully consider each and every one of those opportunities as they are offered, no matter the situation.

For example... and, honestly, I really can't believe I'm about to share this particular memory, but, I was at a bar last week. A quiet bar in a refuelling station on an asteroid, just quietly floating its way through a fairly empty sector of the galaxy. My ship was refuelled and ready to go, but I was still on the planetary time of the last world I'd visited, so I figured one last night of drinks and rest here before I set off towards whatever destiny had in store for me next. Then, they arrived. A rowdy bunch, laughing and yelling before the first drops of alcohol had even crossed their lips. I heard whispers about who they were. Guardians, someone said. I heard individual names. Drax. Mantis, Nebula, Groot, Star Lord... that's quite a name, and Thor. Yeah, turns out it was that Thor. But amidst all their merriment and arguing, it was one figure of that group to whom I was drawn with my gaze and my general attention. The smallest of the bunch, a creature clad in fur with a lush, fluffy tail and a vocabulary that would make a space pirate blush.

Rocket, they called him, and it was barely ten minutes after I first laid eyes upon him that I knew destiny was seeking to draw us together.

"Hey, watch where you're going, asshole!"

I'll never forget his first words to me, uttered as he was walking away from the bar while shamelessly checking out the ass of another guy leaning over it. He was at fault, but wouldn't admit it. I was the one supposedly responsible for his spilled drinks, and as he scowled at me while I calmly explained to him that he was incorrect in that assessment of the situation, but that I was glad to meet him and buy him a new drink nonetheless, I was captivated by the beauty of his fluffy, expressive features. Anger has never been a trait I admire particularly in any creature, but him... even seeing him so stern and frustrated, masking his own self-consciousness and distraction under a layer of outrage, it made my heart flutter.

Once he agreed that I could buy him a new drink, things progressed swiftly. I asked no questions of him, but he was quick to share anyway. What of it was true I did not know, and I haven't attempted to learn since. He spoke of the Snap. Of surviving it, living through the period of universal halving just as I did. He spoke of great, impossible things. Deeds that if true would have given every person here on the asteroid reason to bow down before him like a king. But, he sought no worship or reverence, no matter the bragging tone of his words. He was just trying to fill the air. To keep the silence from lingering between us, and thus to keep from having to acknowledge the way I was looking at him.

Eventually however, he couldn't sustain the conversation on his own any longer. Rather than simply leaving and returning to his friends though, which he could so easily have done at any moment, he glared at me with that gorgeous face and those soft, surprisingly warm eyes. He challenged me with another of his defensive statements which no doubt were meant to drive people away, and thus save him from having to open up with any degree of emotional vulnerability.

"Hey, aren't you gonna say anything? Are you really just gonna keep staring at me like that? Coz, if you keep it up much longer I'm gonna think you wanna suck my dick or something."

My response was immediate. It wasn't that this had been my goal all along, indeed the thought hadn't crossed my mind in the slightest, at least not in any terms so clear as Rocket put them. Once he had made the suggestion though, there was only one way I could possibly reply.

"And if I did... would that be something you would enjoy, as well?"


Both my ship and his were close by in the asteroid station's docking bay, but he was too eager. We ducked behind an old, rather worn looking ship that seemed to have been docked there for long enough that its docking clamps had rusted shut, and I dropped to my knees before him, bringing the two of us face to face. He kissed me hard, and as I felt his tongue and mine teasing and wrestling around together, I looked into his eyes and saw within them a need, a longing that made me certain this was precisely where I was meant to be. He had needed this. Company. Companionship. Pleasure. He deserved it. Deep down those five years had weighed on him just like they had weighed on so many, and he still sought connectedness; a reminder that the universe was full of life once again, and life of which he was a living, breathing, active part.

Despite his frustrated cries as I lifted him up to sit on the rear vents of that rusted old ship, he stroked my face as I unfastened his jumpsuit and bared his fluffy chest, allowing him to slip his arms out of it, then tease the garment all the way off him. He was naked without it, not a scrap of other fabric present, and he was already hard. His cock bobbed at eye level, and I am not ashamed to say that I took to it immediately, greedily as much as I did so out of a desire to grant him joy. He in turn responded boldly, passionately. His hands gripped my hair. His hips pumped up off the cool, flaking painted metal of the long abandoned ship, bucking against my face as I gave him what he needed without restraint. His shaft wasn't huge, though for a creature of his size it was definitely bigger than one might have proportionally expected, but the way it laid upon my tongue as it slid back and forth, the way I was able to manipulate its entire length while only occasionally feeling its very tip graze the back of my throat to the slightest, most miniscule discomfort, it was surely predestined that we should be such an ideal fit.

I gave him everything I had. My passion. My experience. My unabashed desire for him. I revelled in his moans as they grew louder, as he tried to quiet himself down before his cries echoed out around the docking bay, and failed thanks to my efforts. I cupped his fluffy balls and listened as he cursed blissfully. I bobbed back and forth to match his every thrust and stroke with twice the passion, and though neither of us wanted this experience to end I worked him harder and faster as his body commanded, not spending a single moment merely teasing when fulfilment and contentment was so clearly what Rocket craved.

Truly, I don't know what delighted me more. The sounds of his ecstasy when I drove him beyond the brink, or the physical evidence of his bliss painting my tongue, the back of my throat, and allowing me to feel his shaft twitching and straining so urgently and deliciously within my muzzle. He was so loud, practically roaring in his euphoria as I made him cum. He grabbed my head so hard and held me down upon him as though terrified I would seek to pull away and ruin that moment when in reality nothing could have been further from the truth. I felt him shudder. I watched his body writhe, his tail thrash and his toes curl. I felt and tasted every drop of cum he offered me, sweet, salty, glorious.

Perhaps the most perfect moment though was just as he was coming down off his orgasmic high, when his hands released my head and I was able to pull back, and look up into his flushed, panting, still blissed out and grinning face.

"Holy shit..."

He growled to me, awed, grateful, free from sarcasm or defensiveness for a few sweet moments.

"It's cock-sucking like that which reminds me why this universe is worth saving so often."

I laughed, pulled myself up from where I'd been kneeling, and kissed him after he said that. He kissed me back, and as we made out I felt his hands roaming across the front of my own clothes, my trousers tented and my own erection desperately ready for him to reciprocate. And, he did. But... that isn't a part of this story, because frankly, the rest of the night was just because we were both horny, and a little tipsy, and very, very attracted to one another's bodies.

The blowjob which started that night however, that was more than just arousal. Like I said before, all my life I feel as though I have been guided by destiny, and I believe it was destiny which drew me to Rocket that night.

After all, you heard what he said to me.

It's cock-sucking like the way I sucked his cock which reminds him why this universe is worth saving so often.

My lips, my tongue, my blowjob made someone believe, even if only for a moment during their post-orgasmic endorphin rush, that they would fight to save the entire universe in order for such joys to continue.

Consider how many people exist in the universe. How many places, and how long in history that has been the case. What are the odds that the right two people out of those countless quadrillions would find themselves in the exact right place out of infinite galaxies, at the exact right point in linear time, so that they could share an experience which would create a thought of such pure and potent good.

Destiny exists. I believe it. I live it, day to day.

Destiny exists, and on that day, in that place, with that man, we each lived our destiny to its fullest just as the universe ordained. With a blowjob, behind a rusted spaceship in the docking port of an isolated asteroid refuelling post.

A blowjob so good, it made the entire universe worth saving.

So, next time you hear of the legendary Guardians of the Galaxy playing a role in averting a catastrophe which could have brought ruin to the very fabric of the multiverse? Well, not to sound too pleased with myself, but... you're welcome.

By Jeeves

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