Something About Spencers

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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An arcanine fucks his boyfriend's brother in the ass while they're hanging out at the mall. :3

This story was written for Aaronblackfox as their Patreon flash fiction reward for October 2019. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a public place, and crossdressing. :3

Something About Spencers

"Alex... h-hey, what are you... ohhhhhgod..."

They had barely made it out of the door of Spencers and back into the main body of the mall when Nico felt arms wrap around him and press him to the outer wall of the store, hands reaching greedily under his skirt to fondle at the panties beneath, and the sheath and balls hidden away within them. The arctic fox yelped as within seconds he felt his panties being dragged down around his ankles, and he moaned in absolute shameless delight as the back of his skirt was lifted and bunched up above his tail, hearing passers-by gasp and murmur as his bare ass and balls were revealed for all to see.

"Ohhhfuck, yes..."

Whimpering with extreme arousal, too turned on to be confused or humiliated by the arcanine's actions, Nico's toes curled as he felt hips grinding against him from behind suddenly bared and free from their own clothing. He shuddered and panted as while his own erection began to swell he felt an intense heat and firmness stiffening between the cheeks of his ass. By the time he got himself together enough to look around over his shoulder, Alex wasn't just humping between his ass cheeks with his own trousers around his knees. The arcanine was entirely naked, and boldly showing off to a small crowd of staring figures, phones out and obviously recording what they were seeing in a mixture of amusement and in some cases clear arousal.

"I'm dating his brother, y'know."

Alex growled, Nico blushing, giggling helplessly as the arcanine playfully spanked him on one firm cheek of his backside.

"But, don't worry. He knows about us, and he'll enjoy hearing all about this when we get home."

Casually as anything, Alex turned away from the crowd to whom he'd been talking and returned his full attention to Nico. The arctic fox yelped as for a brief moment he felt the arcanine pull away from him, and was left standing there alone against the wall of the Spencers exposed and horny for all the world to see. Then, just another moment or two later, he felt a hot tongue lash against the pucker of his ass, and gurgled, claws dragging down the wall against which his upper body was pressed, as for a short while Alex gleefully, hungrily licked at and within the ring of his asshole, slathering it as abundantly as he could with saliva.

Even before Alex pulled away again Nico knew that he wasn't just going to keep on rimming him, of course. He knew what Alex wanted, and what to be honest he was craving too, and given their location and the fact that it apparently hadn't occurred to the arcanine to buy anything that could serve as lubricant when they were in Spencers just a few minutes ago, saliva was the best option they had to make it happen. Sure enough he felt Alex stand up behind him once more, and mere seconds later the arctic fox could feel his brother's boyfriend's cock probing at the tight, though admittedly rather experienced sphincter of his rear end. He moaned greedily as Alex shuffled closer, tighter up against him and gripped at the arctic fox's slender hips firmly, and threw his head back with a strangled, echoing yelp that rang out across the mall as the arcanine plunged his cock deep into his ass, and without any hesitation or time to acclimatise whatsoever began to fuck the girlishly dressed fox for anyone who strolled by to see.

"Oh god. Ohhhhgod! Aaahhh-Alex! Harder!"

Clawing at the wall more urgently still, hands periodically clenching into fists and drumming against it as their wild fucking drew a larger and increasingly encouraging crowd, Nico howled to the arcanine both for himself, for his lover and for the benefit of their audience. Many figures within the growing crowd were obviously turned on as they watched and recorded the act, and a few were even openly groping themselves through their clothes. Regardless of their observers' actions though Alex only had one goal in mind, and as Nico was pinned against the wall with his cock straining and dribbling against the brickwork and the floor below, the arcanine paid no heed to anything else besides the simple, singular act of burying his cock inside the arctic fox's ass over and over again.

Their fucking continued, ever more wild and forceful until even Alex's strong body couldn't push them any faster or harder, for several minutes. By then several of the observers were openly masturbating, some with their nether regions exposed and others groping themselves to a shuddering state of stickiness through their clothes. It was only when Alex's own cries began to ring out however, loud, deep grunts and barks of imminent euphoria echoing round the mall, that Nico let himself stop holding back. He wanted to cum. He needed it, but not without Alex doing the same. Not without knowing he had served the arcanine's purpose, and granted Alex the release he so obviously and desperately craved.

"Ahhfuck! Aaahhhhh! God, yes! Yes!"

Finally, it happened. The arcanine roared, he drove his hips forward and clutched at Nico's tight, glorous ass while his cock hilted deep within it, and let loose. With a strangled yelp that was all it took to let Nico begin painting the wall between his legs with ribbbons of cum from his own cock, erupting hands free beneath the front of his still bunched up but ever present pink skirt. He whined and whimpered in ecstasy as Alex pumped inside him a few more times, his cock throbbing, spurting and grinding against Nico's tender prostate, but wailed in continued arousal even if the stimulation wasn't quite as intense when the arcanine hurriedly pulled back, and sent the last few streaks of his ample load raining down upon the cheeks of his boyfriend's brother's ass.

"Ohh... ohhh, fuck... that was good..."

Alex growled breathlessly in the wake of his orgasm, leaning forward over Nico and craning his neck round to gently, playfully kiss the arctic fox on one cheek.

"I needed that. Thanks."

Pulling away just a moment later though, leaving Nico still panting and trembling, legs spread, tail up, ass exposed and dribbling cum for all the still staring, phone wielding onlookers to see, Alex wandered over to where he'd tossed his clothes aside and began to get dressed like it was the most natural thing in the world. When eventually he was dressed though, and he returned to lean against the wall beside Nico, grinning and winking at the crowd even as they recognised that the show was over and began to disperse, the fox finally began to pull himself together too, and looked bashfully at the arcanine while he tried to re-arrange his skirt to cover his sticky ass.

"Not that I'm complaining, but... where did that come from?"

Nico giggled as he began to look around for his panties, finding them nowhere to be seen and wondering if perhaps some member of the crowd had darted off with them as a keepsake. When he looked back to the arcanine though, he blushed and pouted as he saw Alex swinging the silk panties around the extended tip of one finger, stalking back over to his friend and lover and grabbing them off him. Only then, as he began to pull his underwear back on and the two of them headed off towards the food court, both having understandably worked up something of an appetite, did Alex answer him, albeit with a non-committal shrug just beforehand.

"Honestly, I dunno. Maybe it's that I was walking around with you in that hot skirt all morning, wiggling your ass all over the mall. But, maybe not. It's just... it's like, y'know..."

The arcanine's voice trailed off for a moment as he tried to think of a better way to describe what he wanted to say. Finally though, he shrugged again, and put it in the only words he could think of to do so.

"...there's just... something about Spencers."

By Jeeves

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