Pest Control - Part Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Pest Control

Snap and his new family seek out an ancient enemy of the goblin tribe, and make peace in their very special way. :3

This vignette was written for B as their Patreon flash fiction reward for November 2019. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults in a fantasy setting. :3

Pest Control - Part Three

The goblin village's recruitment tactics were really starting to work out.

Everywhere Snap looked within the labyrinthine cave complex, there were bodies writhing in pleasure. His goblin allies and the kobolds who lived here had been at war for generations. But today, that war had ended as the goblins and Snap marched in without any weaponry, or even clothes upon their bodies. Now, kobolds hissed and shrieked in pleasure as goblin tongues teased between their scaled slits and either coaxed their cocks forth to be pleasured, or tasted the sweet juices of the pussies hidden away within. Clawed fingers scraped feverishly at rock faces as orange skin and deep red scales met in fevered union, and long draconic snouts and toothily grinning goblin mouths cried out in mutual ecstasy when they weren't busy making out with one another.

Snap meanwhile ventured deeper into the cavern, having been informed by the kobold queen that there was an anthrokind prisoner they had captured days before just a few seconds before she began to scream and squirt over the face of the goblin shaman who had inducted the were-donkey barbarian into their family, and was now intent on doing the same to more of their former enemies. Sure enough, as Snap reached the back of the winding passages which made up the kobolds' home, passing by a pair of wide eyed and masturbating kobolds blushing and squirming as a goblin performed a seductive dance for them along the way, he found what it was those two guards had been looking after before they became otherwise occupied.

Bound by somewhat rusted but still sturdy iron chains to the rock wall of the cavern itself, was a mouse. A chunky mouse sitting naked against the back wall of the cave and clearly listening to the orgiastic sounds from beyond, his cock already rock hard and his eyes wide as he watched the also naked, though doubtlessly more willingly so were-donkey step forward, and regarded Snap's own sizeable rock hard cock with a raised eyebrow.

The mouse squeaked loudly as before he could say anything Snap stepped forward, grabbed the metal pin buried in the cave's rock wall which was holding the chains in place, and with an almighty grunt that made his cock twitch, wrenched it free. Blinking curiously, the mouse slid the chains out through the rings securing them to his manacles, and then looked up at the burly donkey looming over him, a cheeky smile spreading across his features.

"So, what's this? A rescue mission, or a raiding party?"

Snap chuckled back, and shrugged while he answered.

"A bit of first. Not second. Diplomacy."

As he uttered that last word in his clipped, somewhat grammar free barbarian manner, he gestured over his shoulder as an almighty shriek of pleasure rang out through the cavern.

"You free now. Free."

He nodded to the mouse.

"You may leave. Kobolds not fight you, but, you may not fight kobolds either. They not dangerous any more. Part of our pact now."

The mouse's eyebrow rose once again.

"Pact? What pact? The pact of naked, sexy barbarians?"

Snap laughed once again, and shook his head warmly.

"Pact to not spread pain, not spread destruction. Only to spread pleasure. Why fight, when we can fuck?"

As he spoke he watched the mouse rise to his feet, pad across the back room and pull open a rather rotten wooden chest against the opposite wall. Snap watched, and tensed up slightly as the plump rodent male bent over, showing off a gorgeous and substantial ass even by the standards of his already rounded form, and began to withdraw first a set of leather armour... and then two sharp daggers, glinting in the torch-lit gloom.

"No fighting, huh? I like that. Always been more about sneaking than fighting. But... I suppose you'll tell me there's no stealing in your pact either."

The mouse looked at the two weapons held in his hands, then over at the naked, utterly unarmed barbarian. He listened to the sounds of shrieking, hissing, wailing kobold and goblin bliss from beyond, and sighed as the tall, powerful were-donkey spoke to him once again.

"Why steal, when you can fuck? Does gold feel better in your heart, than pussy on your face? Cock in your ass?"

For a few moments, the mouse considered how easy it would be to loot the kobolds' treasure room if they really were all busy fucking. How easily it would be to walk out of here not only with the treasure that he had been trying to steal from a passing family of asshole nobles on the road when the kobolds attacked at almost the exact same time, but whatever other loot the little dragonkin had claimed for themselves over time, too. He thought about how many drinks that gold could buy, and how many bodies he could woo into bed with him if he bought them enough of those drinks. But... if he didn't need the drinks at all, if he didn't need the wealth to find ever so pleasurable ways to spend his time...

One last time the mouse looked down at his daggers, at his armour, the tools of a trade that had kept him alive for sure, but which had yet to set him up for life or reduce the complications of that life as he'd imagined they would when he first began to train to use them.

Then he looked up at the patiently waiting barbarian, at the were-donkey's whose cock was still rock hard, and twitching each and every time he heard another orgasmic cry from elsewhere in the caverns which he wasn't there to be a part of.

"Hey, what's your name, big guy?"

The mouse tossed his armour and daggers back into the chest, and couldn't help but blush slightly as he saw the look of joy, of genuine pride and delight which suddenly spread over the barbarian's face.


The were-donkey answered simply, but giddily, proudly thumping his chest with a closed fist as he did so. He nodded to the mouse, stepping towards him with a pinkness starting to glow at the inside of his ears, while the rodent male's own cock continued to twitch beneath his pudgy belly.

"Your name?"

Snap growled tenderly, only to gasp as they reached one another, and the mouse immediately raised a hand to grope at the much taller, stronger male's balls.

"I'm Cory..."

The mouse murmured, licking his lips as he revelled in the sheer weight of Snap's testicles, then shifted his grasp to wrap his pink, furless paws around the substantial girth of the equine male's cock.

"...and right now, Snap... you're gonna lie down on your back for me, let me ride that nice big cock of yours... and prove to me that this pact of yours is worth it."

By Jeeves

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