Pest Control - Part Four

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#4 of Pest Control

Snap proves to the mousefolk rogue Cory that a life of peace and pleasure is vastly preferable to the alternative in the most direct way possible. Namely, anal sex. :3

This vignette was written for B as their Patreon flash fiction reward for December 2019. It contains M/M sex and other naughty goings on between multiple consenting adults. :3

Pest Control - Part Four

Snap lay on his back against the floor of the kobold den, ready and eager to prove to yet another creature that pleasure was always a preferable outcome to violence. The barrel chested barbarian weredonkey grunted as he felt the mouse's lips around the head of his cock, and he grunted as for just a few seconds Cory didn't just suckle on his erection, but liberally and shamelessly drooled upon it to spit-lube it's substantial length and girth. When the chubby, deliciously big-butted rodent did pull away from Snap's cock however there was still a substantial portion of its shaft un-lubricated, but either the mouse did not plan on making use of that lower portion of the burly equine's shaft, or he simply didn't care about making it any easier for himself.

"Show me..."

The mouse echoed his earlier words as he straddled the barbarian, glancing one last time at the exit of the chamber where he had been held prisoner and probably asking himself how crazy he was for fucking this goblin-allied adventurer rather than simply fleeing now that he was no longer bound, before turning back to Snap with a lustful twinkle in his eyes. The sounds of pleasure, of dozens of goblins and kobolds overcoming their differences through orgasm after orgasm echoed through the cave to reach the mouse's sharp ears, and his cheeks flushed as he pulled himself up and over the weredonkey's substantial cock, his own erection hard and twitching by the time he positioned himself with his pucker resting against Snap's thick, throbbing shaft.

"Show me why life your way is better than mine, why I should pick always searching for the next... oo-oohhgod... the next orgasm, over the next gold piece."

Cory's chunky backside slid down upon the weredonkey's cock with haste and hunger, if not outright ease. His plump cheeks engulfed the first few inches in a matter of moments, and as he began to push down further still onto the less, then entirely unlubricated section of the donkey's cock a little more steadily but without any hesitation, he blushed as Snap actually reached around to cup his ass, not to hasten his actions or push him down mercilessly onto his cock, but simply to hold and squeeze and generally revel in the mouse's gorgeously chubby hindquarters.

"Mnmh... mmmmnnnaahh, so... you like a big ass, huh?"

Cory grunted not just teasingly, but proud of his large rear end as he stared at Snap's own panting, pleasure stricken face. The barbarian grinned, and craned his neck forward to plant a rather sloppy and unrefined, but hungry kiss upon the mouse's lips.

"Snap love a big ass. After all, take one to know one."

The weredonkey grunted with a grin, only to beam all the more when Cory's eyes widened and a brief snort of laughter escaped the mouse, after which point the rogue seemed to stop trying to take any more of the other man's erection, and right then and there simply began to ride the good seven inches or so of Snap that he had already taken inside of him. Immediately he began to squeak and moan in lust, and so too did Snap begin to grunt and huff loudly as they started to fuck. He lay back and let the mouse stay in total control, allowing the rogue to power-bottom to his heart's content if that was what it took to show Cory the value of their way. The freedom, and the pleasure that could be his not just now but always, if he joined Snap and the goblins' cause, and embarked upon their mission of spreading peace and pleasure across the lands.

"Ah! Ah! Ahhh!"

With each bounce, with each time his ass engulfed the weredonkey's cock and his rounded buttocks were squeezed oh so firmly and playfully by Snap's strong hands, Cory gasped in pleasure. With each twitch of the barbarian's ample erection inside of him his own cock twitched and soon began to drizzle the weredonkey's rounded, fuzzy furred belly with little spurts of pre-cum. Soon the mouse was so lost in his delirious riding of Snap's thick cock, feeling his prostate being ploughed by each and every glorious thrust, he didn't even notice the fact that they were no longer alone.

Snap, however, did see the new arrivals. A group of six, three goblins and three kobolds, all sticky and still smooching, fondling and obviously aroused even as they made their way into the back of the cave. They stopped when they saw Snap and Cory going at it, and the kobolds looked back to the goblins with a toothy grin, and an almost perfectly unified set of shrugs.

"Well... I guess we don't have to free the prisoner any more..."

One of the kobolds murmured in a rasping reptilian voice, shrugging once again before turning back to the goblin woman standing closest to her, and reaching out for that goblin's dripping, glistening pussy.

" wanna sixty nine again?"

Soon the sounds of pleasure from multiple sources was ringing out around the chamber. Cory did glance over for a moment as a particularly echoing cry escaped one goblin as a kobold male mounted him and began to pound at his ass with deliciously swift, urgent strokes, but after just a moment of tensing up at the sight of his captors, he realised that sure enough they seemed to have no interest in recapturing him now that he was free. Turning back to the weredonkey whose thick cock he was still riding, feeling more and more of Snap's pre-cum oozing out into his own ass while his pre dripped and spurted across the equine barbarian's torso ever more liberally, Cory groaned to his new lover.

"Looks like you weren't kidding... never would have thought I'd see it. Goblins and kobolds, fucking, rather than fighting..."

Snap grinned and nodded through his pleasure.

"Yes. Sex better than killing. Orgasm better than blood and guts. This truth for goblins, kobolds, weredonkey, mousefolk, elf, human, tabaxi, all creatures with the minds to know truth. We show all creatures truth, let them see, feel it. Feel pleasure, and know is true."

Once again Snap craned his neck forward, and kissed the mouse on the very tip of his nose much more softly and tenderly than last time.

"Like you know is true now. Yes?"

Cory blushed, but this time he didn't look towards the exit or the direction of the kobolds' potential treasure stash for even a moment before answering.

"Y-yeah, I guess..."

He murmured, rolling his hips and grinding his ass down around Snap's thick cock.

"...though, who knows when those violent tendencies might resurface!"

The mouse murmured with a playful moan as he began to ride Snap in earnest once more, still revelling in the weredonkey's tight, teasing grasp of his buttocks all the while.

"So... ah! Even after we're done here... even after you... h-hhahhhgod... cum in me... I'd better stick around with you guys for a while. Join you as you as you go and spread your message to others. Y'know. Just so... ah! Ahhgod, fuck... gonna cum... Just so you can keep an eye on me, and make sure I... ohhgod, god, yes.... make sure I behaa-ahh.... ahhh!! Ahhgod, Snap! Yes!!"

By Jeeves

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Pest Control - Part Five

This vignette was written for B as their Patreon flash fiction reward for August 2020. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults! :3 **Pest Control - Part Five** Snap chuckled as he glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see one...

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Pest Control - Part Three

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Pest Control - Part One

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