Pest Control - Part One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Pest Control

A mercenary barbarian is sent to put an end to a supposedly evil goblin village. When he gets there however, he finds that the 'monsters' he was sent to destroy might have far more to offer him than the closed-minded "civilisation" sending him to hunt them.

This story was written for Burgabandit as their Patreon flash fiction reward for September 2019. It contains sex between multiple consenting adults, size play, dom/sub play and magically imbued transformative lewdness!

Pest Control - Part One

It was said amongst the cities of the north that Snap was named for the sound made as he trod upon the bones of his enemies. Everywhere the brave weredonkey barbarian went, villains cowered and evildoers fled before his mighty maul could crush them, and even the goodly menfolk of the villages to which he came to celebrate after defeating yet another foe grew nervous in his presence, for all it took was one look and their wives would flood to his side, and to his bedchamber as he sat there with his cock hanging out obscenely below the hem of his ragged, torn attire.

And yet, as Snap strode his way into the goblin village with a bellowing battlecry, ready to smash and destroy the entire encampment which had been terrorising local villages for months now until his arrival, none of the goblins fled. In fact they didn't even flinch from where they were lounging around, and Snap's own face flushed as his initial surge of adrenaline fuelled rage faded when no volley of arrows was immediately launched his way. He blushed, and groaned as he realised what the goblins were in fact doing as he tried to threaten their lives.

Beside a nearby shack, an older goblin woman was kneeling on a stool with her head tilted back, rubbing the blunt end of an axe-shaft against her swollen pussy. Past the village's central fire-pit, flames crackling and flickering in the early evening air, two male goblin warriors had their weapons cast aside, too busy sucking one another's cocks to care about the intruder. Shrieks and snarls of obvious ecstasy rang out from several of the other huts around the village, and against walls and on the dusty ground at irregular intervals individual goblins or small groups of two to four or five were writhing, moaning, grunting as they all fucked and sucked and masturbated themselves and one another in bold ignorance of the weredonkey's violent intrusion.

"Evil goblins... try to confuse Snap with sexings!"

The weredonkey growled, feeling his cock twitch beneath his ragged clothes at the sights and sounds of all that pleasure, even if it was goblins responsible for it. He hefted his maul, and stroke over towards the axe-wielding, masturbating goblin woman.

"If Snap get horny... if Snap take pity, you stop and stab! And smash! Tricky goblins try to make Snap feel bad for..."

He started to snarl as he lifted the two handed club up high over his head, only to huff, growl and moan in dismay as he heard the goblin shriek, and felt a gush of hot ejaculate spray out across his left leg as she dropped the axe entirely, writhing, whimpering, squirting so hard that she toppled off her stool and lay convulsing, grunting gleefully on the dusty village ground. His arms relaxed. The maul sank back down to his side, and it was as Snap stood there watching the goblin cum long and hard while the sounds of other goblins enduring similar ecstasy rang out all around him that finally the barbarian heard another coherent voice calling out to him personally.

"Well well, barbarian. Not what you expected, hmm?"

Snap whirled around on the spot towards the high pitched but rasping voice, and his eyes bulged as he saw the figure to whom it belonged. She was another goblin, but younger than the one he was standing beside, or at least less wrinkled. Her short, barely three foot tall form was rather plump, but her mottled orange skin was smooth and her breasts full and firm, not sagging in the slightest. She bore piercings through her nipples, her nose and what looked to be the hood of her sizeable clit, and a dozen more just in her large, bat-like ears alone. In one hand she carried a gnarled wooden staff in which a green crystal was locked, and in the other a small object which at their current distance apart Snap couldn't make out.

The goblin witch stepped closer, and eyeing up her staff with concern Snap raised his weapon once more. The woman rolled her eyes, and chuckled softly in her rasping voice.

"Don't wave your stick at me, boy. Don't come here with your ideas of death and destruction, believing yourself a hero."

Snap snorted.

"Snap is hero. Snap save villagers from evil goblins. Goblins scare villagers. Hurt. Steal. Kill."

The witch raised an eyebrow.

"You saw bodies? Injuries? Do you see us laden with material riches of the taller folk?"

The were-donkey swallowed thickly. Now that the witch mentioned it... he actually hadn't seen any physical evidence, nor did he see any sign of violence and theft here. No humanoid bones littered around the fire pit. No goblins dressed in anthro or elven or dwarven made regalia in a cruel parody of those they had taken it from. In fact, if he was being perfectly honest with himself, these goblins going about their self-indulgent pleasure seemed far more pleasant to him than those villages full of angry, entitled country-folk.

And yet, he knew he couldn't trust the goblins either. He knew he couldn't just excuse them and let them go. They were beings of evil, categorically and undeniably so.

His hand tightened on his club. The witch sighed.

"We went to the other villages and told them of our message. Our message of peace. Of love. We offered them the joy we have found, the freedom through pleasure that violence and death never offered us. But, they called us liars. Monsters. They called us beasts, filthy, perverted for wishing to even risk ' polluting' their precious bloodlines with goblin seed. Do you truly wish to fight for such small minded creatures, brave barbarian?"

Snap grunted, looking around at the still writhing, moaning goblin village's occupants. His cock throbbed, well on the way to being fully hard, and he shook his head at the witch.

"No. Snap no want to hurt people who want love. No matter what type of people. Anthro. Elf. Dwarf. Even goblin. Love is love."

The witch smiled a sharp-toothed smile, and nodded, but her smile faded again when Snap gripped his club tighter.

"But... h-how Snap meant to trust goblin? All life, he see goblin pillage and kill. All life he see goblins do evil. Lie. Cheat. How Snap know goblins not lie now?"

Looking around, then back at the were-donkey towering over her and her kin, the goblin witch shrugged.

"If I could give you proof, proof of our love overcoming our hate and anger... would you spare my people?"

Snap's eyes narrowed, but he nodded.

"If proof real, not fake. Then yes. Snap promise upon honour. Upon souls of ancestors."

The witch's smile returned, and she began to step closer to Snap. To approach him until she was easily within range of being smashed to smithereens by a single sweeping strike of his maul. Finally she was standing directly in front of the were-donkey, so close in fact that if she had craned her neck forward she could have kissed the tip of his throbbing cock, almost perfectly at eye-level with her much smaller body. Rather than moving any closer though, she opened up the palm of her other hand, and showed the barbarian what rested inside of it.

It was a carved piece of wood, upon which was inscribed the silhouettes of two bipedal figures, one tall, one much smaller. Between them, two sweeping arrows drew lines back and forth, and as Snap looked at it, both those lines and the gem in the goblin's staff began to glow.

"What doing? What magic do?!"

Snap growled nervously, tightening his grip on his club once more, never a fan of magic and definitely not magic that looked like it was about to be used on him.

The goblin grinned, and before Snap could do anything to stop her, she tapped the tip of her staff sharply against the carved piece of wood twice in rapid succession. There was an intense flash of green light which consumed them both. She shrieked in glee, Snap bellowed in fury and confusion, and a moment later...

...a moment later Snap was blinking, looking around, and trying to figure out why it was so dark all of a sudden.

"Giving you proof."

A rasping, but deep and booming voice echoed around the were-donkey. Snap looked up, and gave a strained, surprisingly high-pitched whimper of shock and wonder.

The goblin witch loomed over him, as tall and powerful as he had been, but still all woman and even more beautiful than ever while she clutched her huge, now tree like glowing staff in one powerful hand. He meanwhile looked down at his body to find himself barely three feet tall, his cock appropriately sized for his new height, and his hands clutching at a club which was now little more than a hammer.

"You wanted proof that we are not as we once were. That our violent ways are behind us. Well, barbarian... now I have the power. Now I could be the one to smash you to pieces. But, instead..."

The witch licked her lips with a long, pointed tongue, and murmured happily as the now much smaller were-donkey's cock quivered in excitement.

"...instead, I will show you what my people now crave in place of bloodshed. Constant, relentless pleasure... and the chance to share it with all we see."

By Jeeves

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