Pest Control - Part Five

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#5 of Pest Control

As Snap and his amorous companions search for a home where they can live in endless peace and pleasure, they enter an enchanted forest and soon run into its very own protector.

This vignette was written for B as their Patreon flash fiction reward for August 2020. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults! :3

Pest Control - Part Five

Snap chuckled as he glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see one of the kobold women who had recently joined their growing clan collapse to her knees. At least, she would have were it not for the two men supporting her shoulders; one a mouse barely six inches taller than the kobold herself, and the other one of the goblins whose clan had grown to encompass Snap and all these other like-minded creatures. How long the two men had been teasing the kobold, running their hands over her body and whispering delicious and teasing comments to her, he didn't know. The result of their words was now impossible to deny though, as the kobold tossed back her head and shrieked in the throes of her orgasm, soaking her scaled hand with her own juices as the two males giggled and cuddled her, proud and gleeful at having driven her to such frenzied masturbation.

The clan still had not yet found a permanent place to call home, a place where they would not be attacked by knights who believed them to be monsters, or by prudes who did not agree with the liberal, pleasure-seeking lives of togetherness and shared indulgence that they wished to live. But even as they travelled each day in search of somewhere to settle down, they did not stop in their desire for fulfilment. Barely an hour passed where some portion of the clan was not trying to figure out ways to keep on walking while still having sex. Sometimes this manifested simply as a group jerking off together while encouraging each other to keep pace, while other times it resulted in some of the larger members of the clan, Snap amongst them, agreeing to cradle a pair of kobolds or goblins in their arms as they made wild and frantic love, under the promise that when they made camp, their generosity would be repaid ten times over in pleasure.

It wouldn't be much longer until camp was to be made today, and the forest through which they had been walking since just an hour or so after setting off that morning seemed like a suitably remote and secretive place for them to do so. Then, anyone who wished to could make love for as long as they liked, until they passed out and slept off their exhaustive passions. Snap just hoped it didn't belong to some arrogant creatures who would claim that an area of trees and plants and wild animals could be under the ownership of one person; the type of creatures who would accuse them of poaching just for hunting and catching what they needed to survive, or worse, of seeking to use the forest's cover to ambush and attack other peaceful travellers.

Before the were-donkey barbarian could find a suitable spot for the whole clan to camp out though, indeed before he could even think about finding a location that was both large enough for the group of them while also being defensible against any who might seek to do them harm without cause, the forest seemed to come alive around them. All of a sudden the barbarian bellowed in fury as the giggles and gasps and moans and conversations going on behind him turned to cries of horror and fright, and he whirled around to see branches and vines and bushes blazing with emerald magic as the plants themselves sprang into motion, and entangled each and every other member of the clan besides himself.

" Stop this!!"

Snap howled to the trees themselves as though they could hear him.

"Why you capture us?! We no mean harm! We no break trees, no bring fire!"

The barbarian cried out, his vocabulary and grammar actually having come along quite a way since joining the clan and having many more creatures to converse with, but his shorter, more broken sentences re-emerging out of his stress. Before he could say anything more though, indeed before he could even raise his weapon, not knowing what good a greatclub would do against plants anyway, another voice boomed out at him from somewhere deeper in the forest.

"You say you mean no harm, but you bring creatures. Many creatures to my sacred forest. Goblins, kobolds, mousefolk, humans. Others still. Creatures I have known only to do harm to nature's bounty. How can I trust that you speak the truth?"

Snap wheeled around to try and find the source of the voice, but it was as though it was coming from every tree, every flower, every dry leaf on the ground beneath his hooves. The were-donkey trembled, huffed, and as he forced himself to think clearly and sensibly about this rather than resorting to his old habits of just smashing things, he took a deep, ragged breath, and dropped his club in front of him.

The trees seemed to rustle and whisper. The kobolds hanging from their branches, the goblins tangled upside down and immobile within thick shrubberies blinked and stared at their were-donkey protector for a moment, and then... then there was a dazzling emerald flash, and an instant later Snap was simply gone.


Snap cried out as the green light surrounded him, but a moment later it was fading again, and he found himself standing not in the depths of the forest any longer with gentle evening light cast from overhead, but in a clearing with a perfectly calm, clear pool in its centre, above which a vast trio of moons shone silvery light almost as bright as the sun. A quick look around told him that his myriad companions were no longer around him, bound or otherwise. But, he wasn't alone.

Standing in the shadows at the edge of a clearing, there was a woman. A naked woman with deep brown skin and pointed ears, clearly an elf of some variety. Yet, as she stepped forward into the moonlight, her body seemed to ripple. Snap had once been a more conventionally sized member of the donkeyfolk, until an encounter with a surge of wild magic had permanently trapped him in his burly, powerful were-donkey form. He recalled his transformation with little fondness, remembering the pain and confusion as his body twisted and crunched its way into its new form. But, as this woman transformed before him, she did so with a grace that took his breath away even more than her body itself, either before or after her change.

She grew, not just reaching his own height but surpassing it by several feet, and as her body thickened in all dimensions lush brown fur spilled from her skin. A broad muzzle burst out from her face as her pointed ears rose further up her head and began to flatten and round out, until she was standing just a few feet away from the were-donkey and towering over him with her even bigger, thicker, all-powerful were-bear body.

"You throw down your arms even as your kin are held captive. You place your trust in an unknown voice with signs of threatened violence all around you. I asked how I could know that I trusted you..."

The bear murmured, reaching out a thick paw with gleaming black claws at their tip that Snap knew could have ripped his body in two with ease, and placing it upon his chest, over his thundering heart.

"...and somehow, though even I did not know the answer to that question, you gave it to me without delay."

She chuckled, her face turning up into a warm smile as Snap trembled at the feeling of her touch, and blushed as his erection, these days perpetually resting at half mast, began to swell and throb.

"Prove to me your peaceful intention, show me not only your heart, but the hearts of your companions too, and I will let you rest in my forest this night, and as long as you seek peace."

The bear murmured, her fingers running down through the fur of Snap's broad chest, over his rounded stomach, and lower still.

"Show me and my domain respect..."

Her hand encircled Snap's erection, and squeezed it for just a moment before her fingertips moved lower still to caress his swollen balls.

"...and in return, I shall offer you and your kin not only respite from the world beyond, but the most intimate and personal of my comforts, too."

By Jeeves

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Pest Control - Part Four

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Pest Control - Part Three

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Pest Control - Part One

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