The Mistress' Equal

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Aubrey pays a visit to another very special, very dear lover of hers, who just happens to also be her sister. :3

This vignette was written for Aubrey as her Patreon flash fiction reward for October 2019. It contains F/Solo and F/F sex between consenting adults, and incest.

The Mistress' Equal

With a lot of her lovers, even those closest and dearest to her, Aubrey was Mistress. Of course their relationships existed beyond the boundaries of their dom/sub play, and deep down they were all equals as anyone in any decent relationship was, filled with respect and love for one another regardless of the roles they enjoyed playing together. But, so often it was easy for them to fall back into those roles even at times when it wasn't strictly necessary. It was fun, it was exciting, it was deeply pleasurable, so even when it was entirely unnecessary, yeah, Aubrey often found herself guiding things.

There was one person in Aubrey's life however with whom the bird had never had any commanding influence. Someone she trusted to the ends of the earth and back. Someone she loved dearly on so many levels, and someone who Aubrey had always seen as an absolute equal to her in every way.

The gyrfalcon's feathers fluffed up a little, and beneath them her cheeks flushed hot as no sooner had she slipped the spare key into the apartment door and let herself in, she heard moans and a soft, distant buzzing from down the corridor. Closing and locking the door behind her, Aubrey took off not just her jacket, but as she walked towards the door through which those moans were emanating began to unbutton her blouse, then to unhook her bra until by the time she arrived at the door she was already topless. Peering inside, Aubrey shuddered with delight at the sight which greeted her.

Lying on the bed was another avian woman, a gyrfalcon like herself, though a little bit more plump in figure and with a streak of dyed blue feathers crossing the right side of her head. With her head facing away from the bed and laid back on a stack of comfortable pillows, her legs were spread directly facing the doorway, and a large silver vibrator was humming louder now as it vanished almost entirely into her, held tight in the clasp of one hand at its base, before withdrawing and repeating the motion again, and again, and again. Aubrey smiled, and for a good thirty seconds she just stood there with her head peeking around the door, watching the other gyrfalcon masturbate. Eventually though the aching between her own legs reminded her that she wanted to do more than simply observe, and after taking another step forward so that she could more casually and playfully lean against the door-frame in direct view of the moaning, masturbating bird, Aubrey cleared her throat.

"So, did you forget I was coming over today, or..."

The other gyrfalcon jumped ever so slightly at the sound of Aubrey's voice, but only for an instant. A moment later her head rose from the pillows, and she giggled as she regarded her sister's presence. Her legs spread wider, and with a louder, more shameless moan and a twinkling glint in her eye, she withdrew the buzzing toy from her pussy only to hold its tip to her clit, showing off for the other woman as she gasped and chirped in pleasure.

"Aaahh... no, I knew you were coming. I just wanted to... m-mhh, to make sure I greeted you the right way. Now, stop watching me and c'mon over... give me a hand."

Aubrey chuckled, and as she walked over to her sister's bed she unfastened her trousers and slid them down, casting her underwear aside with them. By the time she actually climbed up onto the bed she was every bit as naked as her older sister, and there wasn't a trace of nervousness or embarrassment across her face as she scooted up the bed and lay down beside Claire, nuzzling her beak gently against the side of her sister's own.

"I didn't tell you exactly when I was coming over. How long have you been teasing yourself just so I could catch you?"

The younger gyrfalcon murmured as her sister's head tilted towards her, and with a little tilting of their heads their tongues met as their beaks slid across one another in a tender, adoring smooch. At the same time one of Aubrey's hands slid across her sister's slightly rounded, fluffy feathered belly, and before long was resting upon Claire's own, teasing the vibrator from her sister's grasp and taking hold of it herself.

"Nnh... not too long. Half an hour, maybe? Long enough. I... I wanna cum, Aub."

Eyes shining with eager enthusiasm, Aubrey nodded, and with the feathered thumb of her hand upon the familiar toy twisted its base, kicking its already loud, substantial vibrations up to a new level of intensity. Claire cried out, arching her back and shuddering in pleasure, but soon sinking back to the bed and returning her beak to Aubrey's own in yet another, more lengthy and passionate kiss. Between the two of them, things were so easy. Sure they might have been siblings, and thus their relationship had to remain secret. But beyond that, it felt so wonderfully natural. All they ever had to do in order to please one another was say the word. To simply ask openly and plainly, no need for obfuscation or excuses or games.

"Think you can cum twice? I kinda wanted to eat you out... and to have you do me, too."

Claire's eyes widened in mock surprise after Aubrey's question, and the other gyrfalcon smirked at the corners of her beak.

"Aubrey, did you really just seriously ask whether two orgasms, just two, were gonna knock me out of commission? Do you know me at all?"

Aubrey's cheeks flushed, and she nuzzled affectionately against her sister's face.

"You said you'd been masturbating like this for half an hour. I figure you must have cum five or six times already."

Her sister snorted with laughter, and shrugged a moment before another loud gasp and chirp of ecstasy escaped her beak, Aubrey shifting the toy briefly away from her clit and driving it back deep into her pussy, only to withdraw it again and return it to Claire's clitoris after just that single inward stroke.

"Aahhhhh... aahhyess... oh, oh god... I... mmhh, fuck... I was holding back, for once. It's been a couple of weeks since we last had a night together. I wanted every orgasm t-to be with you here."

Aubrey beamed, and kissed her sister once again.

"That's sweet as hell. I love you, Claire."

The other woman opened her beak to respond, but even as she did so her eyes bulged and her back arched once again. A strained, giddy grunt escaped her throat, followed by several loud moans as she shuddered, writhed, and before Aubrey's eyes obviously and joyously began to cum. An extra trilling cry of ecstasy escaped her as Aubrey slipped the buzzing dildo back into her pussy as Claire rode out the throes of her bliss, and the sisters rested their foreheads and the bridges of their beaks together, staring hungrily, giddily into each other's eyes throughout the remainder of Claire's pleasure-stricken peak.

"Love you too, Aub.."

Claire moaned as soon as she had the willpower to do so in a coherent manner, moaning softly as Aubrey kissed her one more time even as she withdrew the toy from her sister's depths.

"Now... c'mon, sit on my beak. Let me taste you."

Aubrey giggled, turned off the toy still buzzing in her hand, and cast it aside as she did as Claire had asked.

"Sounds like a plan..."

She murmured gleefully as she hurriedly straddled her sister's face, and leaned forward so that her own beaked featured were resting just above Claire's somewhat more rosy, swollen and dampened pussy.

"...just, promise me one thing, Claire."

Aubrey added even as she lay there staring at her sister's pussy, and feeling Claire's hot, ragged, still needy breath upon her own.

"Anything, sis."

Claire moaned back, and Aubrey's cheeks burned hot and gleeful at the fact that she knew Claire really meant it. Anything.

"Next time I tell you I need to skip one of our visits for some reason... promise me that you'll talk me out of it."

Aubrey heard Claire giggle, then gasped a moment later as she felt the other gyrfalcon's hot, wet tongue against her own throbbing clit.

"I promise, Aub."

Claire moaned a moment later, followed by another teasing lick.

"Now... shush, and let your big sis make you squirt."

By Jeeves

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