Studio Politics

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Having sex for a living might sound like a dream to some, but for Nathan the raichu, working at a porn studio comes with the same interpersonal dramas as any other job. Thankfully, the nature of his job gives him a unique way to handle his issues. :3

This story was written for Gamerfox as their Patreon flash fiction reward for October 2019. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

Studio Politics

"Okay, cut! Hey Nathan, can we talk for a second?"

Nathan sighed as the charizard scrambled off him, shooting the raichu a rather frustrated glare as the electric pokemon scooted off the bed where he had been resting on all fours and back to his feet. He padded over to the director and stood there rather blankly, silently as the mightyena stared him up and down before letting slip a heavy sigh and rubbing the bridge of his nose between a finger and thumb.

"Nate... we need you to be into this. C'mon, man, you're a pro. I know that you and Charlie have had some issues in the past..."

The raichu snorted with dry laughter, but cut it short as the director scowled.

"...but you need to get over it. I know you can act, but... you need to get your body into it too. It's no good him giving you the pounding of a lifetime and you saying you love it, if you're sitting up on all fours and we can all see that you're totally soft."

Nathan nodded, staring down at the ground between his feet ruefully.

"Yeah, I know. I just..."

He took a deep breath, glanced back over to where the charizard was sitting on the edge of the set still naked and rock hard as he messed around on his phone, and sighed as he looked back to the director.

"Give me fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes, and I'll come back so ready to go that you'll get a shot of me cumming hands free from whatever the fuck Charlie does to me. I promise."

Once more the mightyena sighed and rubbed his forehead, but he shrugged and nodded a moment later.

"Okay, sure. Fifteen minutes. But then we're gonna get this scene in the bag, or I swear to god I'm gonna ask the studio heads to recast you, and that's gonna mean a much bigger headache for all of us."

Nathan chuckled, and gave the director a winning smile as he began to back away, away from the set and off towards the corridor which led to the studio's various dressing rooms.

"I get it, it'll be all good, I swear. Fifteen minutes, that's all I need."


3 Minutes

"Ah! Aahhhyess... promise me..."

Nathan grunted as Donny ploughed vigorously into his ass, the lithe vaporeon's hips slapped sharply and repeatedly against his ass while the water type's hands tweaked roughly at the raichu's nipples. He wailed in pleasure, his cock twitching and straining as Donny growled tenderly and nipped at his neck, before whispering to him ever so softly.

"Mnhh... f-fuck, Nate. I don't know why I can't just give you it all right now, but... I promise. You come back here in an hour, and I'll finish this. I'll rut you till you beg, then cum deep inside you till you swear you can taste it."

The raichu wailed in delight, and after another twenty or thirty seconds of the vaporeon's vigorous humping pulled away, staggering a few steps away from where Donny too was panting, his glistening, freshly lubed cock twitching and already dribbling pre-cum, before turning on the spot and beaming, crimson-cheeked at the vaporeon.

"Thanks, Donny. I'll see you soon."


8 Minutes

"Cum on me! God... ohh fuck, yes... cum on me!"

Lying on his back with both feet wrapped around Jun's cock, the raichu wailed happily as the dragonite grunted and his thick, throbbing erection began to spurt and spray the length of the smaller pokemon's naked form with hot, thick ribbons of cum. Not a moment after the dragonite's last dribble of seed dripped down over the raichu's toes though, Nathan was back on his feet, his own cock straining with excitement as he slid in close to Jun, rose up on the tips of his toes and kissed the dragonite upon the lips.

"Promise me that later today, you'll cum all over me again. My face. My ass. Anywhere you want. Just so long as you leave me sticky and happy."

Jun growled, and grabbed Nathan's ass as with a squeal the smaller male was lifted off the ground, held aloft as the dragonite stole a much deeper, heavier kiss from him. By the time he was set back down again he was panting, whimpering, and his cock was dribbling an even more liberal flow of pre-cum as Jun winked at him, and nodded warmly.

"I promise, Nate. And, thanks for stopping by. I guess you could probably tell, but I really needed that."


12 Minutes

"Ah! Nate... holy shit, I... aa-a-ahhhhgod, cumming! I'm... nh-nnhahhhh, fuck!"

Ace had just been walking past the showers, on his way there himself to relieve some tension after a particularly hot shoot on the second stage when the raichu emerged from them, hurriedly towelling himself off. The next thing he knew the electric type was on his knees before him, and two thirds of the typhlosion's ample erection was buried within his colleague's hungrily bobbling, greedily suckling muzzle. He leaned against the wall of the corridor and grunted, gasped as he let loose down Nathan's throat, only to let slip a breathless groan of wonder when eventually he was spent, and Nathan pulled proudly back off his cock, licking his lips having swallowed every last drop with seeming ease.

"Holy shit..."

Ace moaned in an echo of his earlier gasp.

"...where the hell did that come from?"

Nathan just giggled and shrugged as he rose back to his feet, and began to resume hurriedly towelling himself dry once again.

"Just looked like you needed a hand, is all. You'd return the favour if I wanted a muzzle to cum in later on, wouldn't you?"

Ace's eyes widened slightly as he looked down at the raichu's desperately throbbing cock, pre-cum not just drooling from its tip but spurting out a little way with each urgent twitch. He licked his own lips, and nodded bashfully.

"I mean, yeah, dude. Always."

Nathan giggled.


Ace's eyebrows rose, but he nodded once again.

"Yeah. Yeah, Nate. I promise. You want me to suck you off later, I'd love to."

The raichu beamed. He flung his arms around Ace's neck and kissed the camera operator deeply, then pulled back, panting and beaming, and looked hurriedly back over his shoulder.

"I've gotta go. But, I'll see you later."

With that, he bolted off down the corridor back towards the main stage, leaving Ace to blink in somewhat stunned confusion, and to settle back against the wall once again to try and steady himself in the wake of such a swift and mercilessly skilful blowjob.


15 Minutes

As Nathan strode back onto the set, he was a different man from the one who'd left. Grinning, almost swaggering with confidence, and so hard he looked like a stiff breeze could set him off. Without checking in with the director or anyone else he hurried back up to the set itself, and as Charlie rolled his eyes and rose to his feet, he gasped in shock as the raichu hungrily grabbed hold of his own stiff erection, and gave him the most wonderfully firm, pleasurable squeeze.

"Let's give 'em a show they'll never forget, yeah, buddy?"

He growled loud enough for everyone on set to hear, and as the charizard chuckled and nodded down at the other actor, Nathan rose up on the tips of his toes and pecked Charlie affectionately on one cheek... using that action as cover to whisper much more quietly to the fire-type pokemon at the same time.

"I've got three hot as hell men waiting for me after we're done. Three incredible, successful, beautiful guys ready to fuck and suck and cum all over me. So, fuck you for what you said last time we worked together. Fuck you for saying you'd never even look at me twice if you weren't being paid to be on set with me. You're gonna fuck me, you're gonna cum in my ass, and I'm gonna moan for you and cum for you while you do it because I'm getting paid. But then, I'm gonna go and get some real dick from guys that are actually worth a damn, and you? By the end of tonight, I'll barely even remember what your pathetic attempts at fucking feel like."

A second later, the raichu stepped back, and just as the charizard was about to scowl and say something to him in return, he reached out, took Charlie by one hand, and spoke loudly, openly for all to hear once again as he pulled his co-star back towards the bed where they were meant to be shooting their scene.

"C'mon, stud. Let's not keep the crew waiting any longer. You know what I want. You know what you're gonna do to me... so let's do it already. Let's show all these people what kind of a man you really are."

By Jeeves

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