Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 7 | Chip

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#7 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Artwork by

Revous ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/revous )

Story and character are mine

Chip and Hathor battle commences, the Fennekin proves to be more of a pawful for Chip than she looks. Chip must figure out how to slow her down or else get burned into submission.

Chapter 7


Highlands Arena, the crown jewel of the Cheater empire, or at least that was what Shawn told Chip and Hathor as he guided them through the entrance hall. Chip and Hathor had run into Shawn when they went to the park to have their match, the Bulbasaur had been so excited to hear that they were having a lover's match that he insisted that they conduct their fight in his arena and before they knew it here they were. Since they had met up the saur had talked their ears off about Alister.

"... and so I told him..." Shawn stops talking as they entered the hall. "You guys listening?"

~ Times like these I would just say yes so you don't hurt his pride. But no...no we were not listening. ~ Ironically it wasn't Inari who spoke to Chip but Hathor. The Fennekin sighs while putting her best smile on. "Yes Shawn, we couldn't help but listen to how much you like Alister."

"That's not what I was talking about." Shawn gasped, his face was nearly cherry red. "I...I...I was talking about how badass I was when I made him sit on me."

"Have you thought about telling him how you feel? I'm sure you two could work something out, just make sure Basil is in on it." Hathor says.

"That's not how it is Hathor!" Shawn taps his paw against the floor. "You two want to use my arena or not?"

"You're the one who brought us here." Chip sighs.

"And you're welcome." Shawn opens the door leading to the main battlefield. "You two are lucky since its still going to be a bit before we open this for public use. But...there are practice matches taking place here all the time. I should have brought Alister here, what would have been better than seeing two rivals sweating as they face each other on the ultimate battlefield. A battle for dominance like no other, their bodies crashing into the other as they fight to mount the other and-"

"We get it, your gay for him, do you have to keep rubbing it in." Chip was the one blurting it out. "Look I fuck my best friend the other day too, did it on the floor of a club. If you want, I could see if Kyuubi could get you two a spot in the VIP room at Tail Lifters--"

"Tail Lifters! I'm um...kind of families with it. Dad does business with the owner there. But there's um...no need for me to go there, I mean that is for gay Pokemon right?" Shawn nervously chuckles. "I'm anything but that."

"So your bisexual?" Hathor asked.

"I am not.... anything." Shawn looks around nervously as if he saw a ghost. "Keep it down about such things, the walls have ears you know. I know you two are foxes and the concept of being discrete might be foreign to you but please, for my sake don't bring up such things when we're anywhere near my family's property. And where I stick my dick is a topic of discussion that I would rather not have." Shawn takes Chip and Hathor to the field. It was easy to tell the Bulbasaur was harboring some daddy issues.

~ You know...kind of want to pry into this. ~

~ You do and I'll burn you. ~ Hathor mind speaks. ~ We are not going to pry into Shawn's business, end of the story. ~

~ Sheeh what got into you? ~

~ It's not our place to pry into someone's issues unless they need help. The best thing we can do for Shawn is to be his friend and if or when he's ready to open we be there for him. ~

Opening the door, they saw that it was massive, it was larger than the field at Bangam's with it being large enough to house several battles at once. There were about four to five battlefields though they could be closed and combined into just once with a literal lift that pushed the main arena upwards for all to see. The stadium could house about 50 thousand normal size Pokemon comfortably, while on all four sides of the arena was a large monitor that could show all the battles taking place in detail.

"What's awesome is that the arena could be changed to suit different types of battlefields. We tried to design a themed playing field for each of the major types, currently, we have about 10 different fields though more are in the works as we speak."

"This is amazing Shawn..." Hathor takes a few steps toward the battlefield. "I never thought I would stand in an arena this size..."

"Well, this arena is the largest in the known world, but that is how us Cheater's work, go big or go home." Shawn snickers. "Next time Alister wants to face me I plan for it to be right here..."

"So, everyone can watch you pronounce your love for him?" Chip snickers.

~ Chip! ~

"No! Unlike the rest of our little group, I'm the straightest Pokemon. I can have any female in this city." Shawn says.

"Yet I see you mooning over Alister more than chasing tails...well female tails." Chip says as he passes by Shawn. "Don't worry buddy you'll win Alister over someday. Pretty sure it starts with you just telling him how you feel. Might even save him someday."

"How is telling anyone how you feel save them...NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM..." Shawn's cheeks become pink. "I don't really...I don't. I can't..." The Bulbasaur walks towards the ref box. Hathor walks over to Chip as the two were standing on the central battlefield.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Alright.... we've got ourselves a lover's match." Shawn's voice is heard over the loudspeaker. A few Pokemon were sitting around in the stands. Looking around Chip felt his heart starting to thump in his chest, he didn't expect to be fighting in a place like this. He notices Hathor standing a short distance away, the Fennekin's paws ignite.

"It's been a while since we sparred, don't worry I'll take it easy on you tonight, Chip. I'd hate for you to be embarrassed completely while on TV."

"Don't get overconfident." Chip lowers himself as he gets in a basic fox/dog stance, forelegs a little spread from his body, hind legs spread apart just enough to let him leverage his weight.

"IS THIS THING ON...YES, IT IS." Shawn says. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE WE'RE IN FOR A GOOD ONE TONIGHT. I AM YOUR HOST--" A Chatot flies out to meet with Shawn, the two have a quick chat and then the Chatot flies away.

"Sorry about that everyone..." Shawn laughs, the volume had been turned down. "Seems I was a little loud. But...welcome to Highlands Arena, I am your host, Shawn Cheater. Tonight, we have Chip the Zorua vs Hathor Doomtail the Fennekin. Lover's Battle, you know what that means. This battle will only be decided when one dominates the other. Before we start...are you two going to be using protection?"

"What kind of rules are these?" Chip asks.

"I never leave home without it." Hathor smirks. "Granted when it comes to Chip, I almost never need to worry about using it..."

"Savage..." Shawn blurts out and Chip's face drops.

"I...I think I got burned..."

"Maybe I'll take it easy on you Chip, lover's match or not I don't intend to lose. If you can prove to me you are worth pushing myself a bit for...maybe I'll honor you with a bit more effort. Oh and remember...you started this." Hathor smiles. "Though I'm just going to be the one to finish it."

"How are you going to take that Chip?" Shawn askes.

Chip didn't speak, his mind was thinking of how he was going to start this fight. He knew Hathor's strength was her speed and ability to play a good keep-away game. He knew a few tricks of his own though since he's been with Hathor, he's never been able to beat her. She was top three in their class when it came to battling with only Shawn being ahead of her and a Yamper named Angel behind her. He'll need to be careful and make sure he picked his engagements with Hathor just right.

"I'm fine, lets's get this fight underway." Chip nods. "I'll let my paws do the talking."

"That's what I like to hear. Alright, Pokes then let's...BEGIN!"

Chip begins the match by taking on a few steps forward, he wasn't in a rush to engage Hathor. Speed was her trademark and if he went in without thinking then he'll get hurt. The Fennekin ironically matched him step for step as she wasn't rushing in either. The pair slowly move in a circle, their steps slowly were drawing them closer to the other.


"Funny Hathor I was going to ask you the same..." Chip smiles. Chip's eyes flashed for a moment and another Zorua appears next to him.

"You think your illusions are going to scare me?" Hathor asked her ignite again and the Fennekin jumped towards Chip, the clone gets in between the two of them. Hathor crashes into the clone knocking it out of the way, she springboards off of the clone finishing it off and she tackles herself onto Chip. The pair roll on the ground, and the foxes nip at the other trying to get their teeth around the other's neck and shoulders. Chip uses the momentum to make sure he was the one landing on top and with a little strength slammed Hathor onto the ground.

"Wow...I didn't know you knew how to be a male."

"Shaddup!" Chip's paw glows purple. "Night..."

"Too easy." Hathor spits a fireball at Chip pelting the Zorua causing him to fall off her. The next thing he felt was Hathor spring-boarding herself against his side knocking the wind out of the Zorua who crashes a few feet away, his body was shaking. Hathor charges at him again knocking the Zorua back again. This time instead of letting him get too far away Hathor's paws glow pink and Chip is encased in the same pink energy.


"Mom taught me." Hathor pulls Chip towards her, she rubs his face. "Your are so cute...can't wait to call you "Chippy Doomtail." She then throws the Zorua behind her, he lands on his stomach.


"Who needs to be a Braixen to be a badass?" Hathor asked. "My evolved form is so overrated. Lewd bait if you ask me. I have all the magic I need right in these paws."

~ Want me to take over? ~ Inari asked Chip, the Shadow Zorua appeared next to him. ~ You're getting creamed out there. Are you sure she doesn't have the dick in the relationship? ~

'Don't you have some crotch to lick...?'

~ We'll if your offering... ~

_ 'How are you me....? Look I'm fine...its not about how you start but how you finish, right?'_ Chip says while trying to get up. 'I'm just getting started...!'

~ Maybe you are teachable. ~ Inari smiles. ~ How about I give you some advice, I mean that is what I'm here for right? To guide you. ~


~ I'm going to give it to you whether you want it or not. But every Omen has something special to give to their other half. Pretty much what I'm saying is that we have something special, a special ability that makes us unique. We Chip can be a master of illusions...that's all I'm going to tell you though. ~

'WHAT? YOU USELESS FOX! What kind of advice is that! Why are you being cryptic!?'

~ Because I'm not here to spoon-feed you. If I did that then you'll never get any stronger because you're being carried like some noob in a video game. ~ Inari oddly enough kisses Chip's head. ~ Be like a Rockruff and mount her. ~

'Are...are you really referencing Darious vs Ribbon? I don't even want to remember that moment.'

_~ Oh stop being soft. That was a beautiful moment between two of our best friends. I mean Ribbon or rather Windy seemed very satisfied after that. ~ _

_ _

"Having a talking to yourself?" Hathor asked, the Fennekin sat a short distance away. She was in no hurry to finish the match. "Don't worry I do that from time to time too. I hope your little conversation was worth it."

"You know Hathor...confidence always goes before the fall," Chip says, he feels a sharp pain in his side.

"Does it hurt Chip?" Hathor smiles. "Every attack should serve a purpose, that is what my mother taught me. Lucky for you she's only willing to teach me so much, her fighting style is more...brutal to say the least. Combat designed for war moves designed to kill...."


"I'm alright Chip. I'm blessed to be able to fight for the sport of it and not for life or death like my parents had to. They fought so we could have a match like this today, Chip." Hathor's paws turn from pink to purple. "Let me ask you this Chip, do you know what your Shadow's special ability is? Which really is me asking do you know what your special ability is?"

"No...all Inari told me was that we're a Master of Illusion."

"You don't have to master your ability to use it Chip. I'll tell you what mine is..." Hathor draws a line in the dirt and shadowy flames erupt. "My ability allows me to tap into my family's bloodline and use any ability we've ever learned. And when I say any ability..." Hathor's eyes became red. "I mean any ability."

"Great your about to become OP?" Chip prepares himself for the worst.

"No I won't use the best abilities, I'll save that for another day. But I'll show you some of my mother's favorites." Hathor zips at Chip leaving behind a trail of smoke. The Zorua starts coughing, it was becoming impossible to breathe. He rolls out of the smog only to find Hathor waiting for him, the Fennekin touches his head.

"You want me to end it now?"

"Nope!" Chip grabs Hathor's paw and throws her onto her back. The Fennekin giggles before vanishing....

"A clone?"

"Yep." A fireball is launched at Chip, the Zorua dodges it. He sees the real Hathor giggling. "I can do this all day you know. It's hard to believe that I'm not even trying."

"I'm getting tired of this. I'm really losing to my girlfriend!"

"What's wrong Chippy, you're afraid to lose to a girl?"

"NO! Just my girlfriend...I'm the one who is supposed to be protecting you, not the other way around."

"Well, my family treats our positions like those in the chest. Mom aka the "Queen" protects my father the "King". She does most of the fighting so he can conserve his strength for the strongest of opponents. Been working for them well. Why not drop the over-masculine act Chip."

'Damnit! She's got my number right now, and she's not even trying. I can't lose...I refuse to lose. But how...how do I get around her defense, she's got me out of the match at every turn. The only way to keep up with her is to be here...' Chip works to calm his mind, blocking out Hathor's giggling. He pictured the Fennekin, her beautiful body, her elegant moves, the way she leaps around the battlefield...

'Wait...be her...? I that what Inari was talking about, Master of Illusions? But even if I copy her abilities with my main ability, it's just an illusion...'

_~ Only if you believe it's an illusion. ~ _

"Ready to give up?" Hathor asked as Chip's mind returns to the battlefield. "All you have to do is lay down Chip and I'll take care of the rest. Unless you want to bend over, I'm sure I can find a nice fat strap on to use" Hathor whistles.

"It's only round two Hathor." Chip's forepaws ignited...

"Huh...why are your paws doing that?" Hathor asked. "Is that my...Flame Charge?"

'Ok...time to say something cool, don't miss this chance Chip, be cool...' Chip thinks. He puts on his best smirk. "I don't Hathor...you had such a cool ability so why not copy it."

~ That's what you came up with? ~ Inari sighs.

"Leave the puns to me, Chip." The Fennekin shakes her head. "It's one thing to turn on the heat Chip, let's see if you know how to use it." Hathor's paws ignite, and a pink flame erupts. "Add a little psychic juice to the flames this time." The Fennekin zips at Chip and the Zorua copy her the pair dash at one another leaving behind flames in their wake. Chip's fur turned a little pinkish as he fought using Hathor's ability, the pair hit one another repeatedly, and the flames erupt each time they struck the other. Before long they were locked, head-to-head as the foxes were pushing against the other...

"I knew it... it nothing but show. Figuring out what your gift is doesn't mean you automatically mastered it." Hathor smiles as she pushes her head against Chip's. Chip smiles back.

"I'm still learning, how was I supposed to do know that I could copy another Pokemon."

"Um...you're a Zorua, that's kind of your think hun. But normally it's just a fancy illusion. You're the rare case who can make it real. Plus you didn't even turn into me, you're still you...just with some of my colors." Hathor points out. It was true, unlike other Zoruas' who turn into another Pokemon he was still himself though his fur had transformed into Hathor's colors. His body was dark pink while his neck and head fur was a mixture of pink and orange. Even his eyes were orange like Hathor's.

"Those flames though...those are real," Hathor says before breaking them apart. "That's not normal. Zorua's can't hurt someone with their illusions."

"Oh, now you're the Zorua expert?"

"Considering the fact, that I'm dating one...yes I'd like to think I'll take time to learn more about the Pokemon that I'm intending on mating with." Hathor's paws glow pink. "Let's see if you know how to use anything else..." Hathor sends a shockwave of psychic energy at Chip who leaps forward and does the same, the two attacks smack the other canceling themselves out. "Your attacks are real..."

"Whoa..." Chip chuckles. "Kind of cool."

"You little copycat." Hathor smiles. "Guess I've got one more thing to look out for." Her eyes flash orange and Chip sees several tornadoes of fire erupt in front of him. He tries to do the same back, but Hathor vanished into the firestorm. He tries to chase her but the moment he touched the flames the Zorua was burned.


"So, there is a limit to what your illusion can do." Hathor walks out of the tornado. "At least as far as we can see."

"Let's finish this Hathor." Chip growls. Though as he spoke these words the Zorua felt a little lightheaded.

"I see..." Hathor doesn't attack Chip but instead puts a paw against his cheek, the Zorua's fur turned back to normal. "Your ability drains your mana, which means you can only pull your little trick off for so long before you're wasted.

"I can still fight..." Chip knew he was full of shit, but he didn't want to just admit defeat even to his girlfriend. Chip jumps onto Hathor the pair fall onto the ground together. Chip tries to get on Hathor though she puts a hindpaw against his crotch. Hathor was dripping sweat.

"I hate to admit it but...we're both tired. How about this, we call it a draw and just enjoy the other's company. Save our energy for tomorrow." Chip noticed that Hathor was looking a little tanked herself though she was better at hiding it.

"What about the--"

"Oh, don't worry Chip...I'm going to make you a Doomtail before this journey is done." Hathor pokes her nose against his. "But there is more to life than titles and names." She kisses him. "But...if I wanted to win this little match...I would have."

"Sure..." Chip yet again knew he was full of shit, but he didn't want Hathor to know that. He kisses the fox back.

"If you want me to finish this match..."

"No, no...I think we're good...really..." Chip grins nervously.

"Good boy." Hathor giggles. "No hold me, I want to feel loved." Hathor licks Chip's cheek. "We leave first thing in the morning so make sure to not get too crazy tonight."


"What...what is this?" Shawn asked as Chip and Hathor got up and walks the exit. There was a little booing from the crowd. "That match was great and...it ends like that? I mean at least fuck."

"Did you want to fuck?" Chip asked Hathor.

"I do," Hathor says, her tail smacking Chip's face. "But I kind of want to do it along with my boyfriend. I mean Shawn...you can join us if you want. Though if you do Chip is fucking you, not me."

"Ah, how about no..."

"I mean I can become Alister for you if that's what you're into." Chip chuckles.

"No comment..."

Chip and Hathor spent the rest of the night being in the other's company. The next morning Chip rose from his nest and looks down at the sleeping Fennekin, her chest rose up and down as she was sound asleep.

"And she was all worried about getting up at the crack of dawn." Chip chuckles. The Zorua left his room and runs into Kyuubi who was already in the kitchen, there was travel gear sitting on the table.


"Good morning, Chip." Kyuubi smiles. "I'm making breakfast this morning, how many waffles do you want? I suggest not eating too hard since you'll be sluggish on the road and we're trying to get to Wooloo Village before nightfall."

"You're coming along?" Chip asked.

"Yep. I'm not going to have my best friends leave me behind, plus it's a tough world out there, and if you're not careful you'll end up being someone's bitch. Now either you can go back to sleep or you can help me fix breakfast, we're going to hit the road before 10."

Chip smiles as he walks into the kitchen, give Kyuubi and kiss, and starts helping the hybrid with the rest of their meal. Chip didn't know it but he was in for one adventure of a lifetime, one that was going to take him further than he ever thought possible. But for now, it was time to enjoy a moment of rest with those closest to him.

Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 8 | Alister

# Chapter 8 Alister Alister's family lived in a high rise that overlooked the park. Bangam had moved here just after Alister was born and it was his place that lived in until he met Basil and left to live with her. The family's villa was...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 6 | Chip & Inari

# Chapter 6 Chip Chip found himself laying out in a very familiar field, the Zorua stared up at the magical-looking sky, the multicolor skyline line, overly puffy clouds, and sunlight that looked anything but natural. Yep, he was back...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 5 | Meadow

# Chapter 5 Meadow Ruby needed her, Radiance needed her, her village needed her, honestly at this point Meadow wouldn't be surprised some random small Pokemon needed her. EVERYONE NEEDED HER!!! Was this really the fate of a Pokemon...

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