Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 6 | Chip & Inari

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#6 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Picture by

Revous ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/revous )

Story and Characters belong to me

Chip ends up experience some unexpected training by the paws of his Omen leading to her taking over some a little bit. Finally free Inari experiences the real world through her own eyes which leads to her finding herself in a bit of trouble...

First Chip-Inari chapter. It was fun writing it up and having the story take place from Inari's point of view. The point where she becomes the POV is marked.

Chapter 6


Chip found himself laying out in a very familiar field, the Zorua stared up at the magical-looking sky, the multicolor skyline line, overly puffy clouds, and sunlight that looked anything but natural. Yep, he was back in his Soulscape, what better way to start his day than getting to see his other half. The last thing he remembered was laying with Kyuubi and then everything went black which made him wonder if he was still laying on the floor in Tail Lifters or if he has moved to another location? The only way to find out was to return but first...he needed to find out why he was here again.

The rustling of grass told him that he wasn't alone. Getting up Chip expected to see Inari waiting for him but instead it was...A Nidorino? There was no mistaking it as the purple Pokemon came out of the tall grass, the sharp long horn, buck teeth, bulk body and an odor...oh mon he could smell the stinky Pokemon from here. Wait...he could smell it? How was that possible? In fact, wasn't this his Soulscape right?

"W-what are you?" Chip asked as the Pokemon slowly approaches him. The fox backs away.

The Pokemon didn't answer and instead growls at him, it blew some air out of its nostrils and dug its paw into the ground. From what he could tell it was getting ready to strike. Chip didn't know if he could beat this thing, none the less dodge whatever attack it was getting ready for. Though before he could even think of turning to run it leaps forward, landing nearby, and then yells to the sky. Suddenly several spikes come crashing down to the earth knocking grass out of the way and blocking Chip's escape.


"Oh so you talk huh." Chip shakes his head while looking behind himself. "Cutting me off." The Pokemon didn't wait any longer for Chip to attack back instead he charged at Chip knocking him onto the ground while following up by lifting himself up onto his hind legs and then crashing back down again slamming his paws on Chip. The fox lets out a painful cry, he felt like more than air was knocked out of him. He didn't know what was going on but if he didn't do something soon, he was going to be made into a pancake. The Nidorino tries to stomp on him again though this time the Zorua fights back by charging up a bit of dark energy and firing it right at the Pokemon blowing him back. Quickly getting up Chip puts some space between himself and his opponent.

"What's going on here?"

"Life is all about tests Chip..." Inari says from a nearby rock, the Zorua oddly enough no longer looked like a spitting image of him, instead, she had grayish fur with some purple tone to it, her chest fur was purplish while her paws and head fur was a different tone of purple. She wore a black collar with the moon on it and sported a pair of silver earrings. She was oddly very...cute and made Chip wonder if he could pick up his own accessory game. The Zorua's tail was a little different as she had purple at the end of it, something that you didn't normally see from their kind.

"Inari?" Chip keeps his eyes on his opponent who was shaking off his recent attack. He didn't have long before he'll be at it again. "What's going on?"

"You to be tested now that you're awakened." Inari grins. "You're not doing too bad for a...beginner."

"If you're my other side then why don't you help me, Omen?" Chip asked as the Nidorino charged at him again, this time Chip was ready for him as he slides under the Pokemon that got behind him, and then jumps up to slash his foe. The Zorua was in for a rude surprise as he scratches himself on the Pokémon's spikes...

"Aaahhh!" Chip jumps back, his side had a nasty cut on it with purple liquid bubbling out of it. He looks at Inari who magically sported the same, the female Zorua winced.

"Try being more careful, you can win this," Inari says. "Though...if you want me to help then all you have to do is let me take over."

"No way!" Chip says, his eyes remaining focused on his foe. "What can you do that I can't."

"You took the easy way out of learning my name Chip, you never learned to trust me, it shows." Inari frowns. "If this relationship is going to work then you need to learn to trust me." Chip watched his foe come at him again this time the Nidorino tackles him and takes him down to the ground yet again. The hard ground knocks the wind out of him, and he feels the Pokemon lift him back up with his teeth throwing him across the field towards his other half. Chip skips against the ground landing in front of Inari who stares down at him in disappointment.

"Your so soft."

"Go...fuck yourself." Chip sticks his tongue at the Zorua and jumps off the rock landing on top of him. The fox felt just as real as him, her butt pressed against his crotch. Looking beyond Inari Chip saw the Nidorino glare at him for a moment before racing towards them again.

"You keep saying that and I'm going to do it. Just tempt me, hmm...keep saying it and I'm going to show you how good a wet dream can feel." Inari looks at the poison Pokemon and waves her paw creating several dark orbs.

"Check this out." Inari winks at the male fox before sending the orbs at the Nidorino who takes a few hits and falls to the ground. He gets up and runs off vanishing quickly into the tall grass.

"Aww, the baby didn't want to play anymore. That's so sad cause I wasn't even getting warmed up yet." Inari licks a paw and then presses against Chip's nose making him wince from being forced to smell her breath.

"Gross! What's wrong with you?"

"You failed this little test by the way. All you had to do was trust me and we would have won it easily. Maybe we could have even put him on his back and dominated him, always been curious about what Nido cock feels like. It kind of makes you wonder how much a Nidoran female can take considering that once they evolve they can't breed anymore. You know we should add a Nidoran to our harem when we start making one. I would love to get in between once's hindlegs and just...mah, mah, mah, eat that pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then fuck them for dessert." Inari says while wiggling her butt against him. "We should switch up soon, I need to get pussy as much as I need water." Inari sighs happily. "Hmm, where's Hathor when I need her?"

"Ok, one...you're not fucking my girlfriend!" Chip growls.

"Selfish." Inari pouts. Chip felt the Zorua push back against him making him uncomfortable. "You can't hog our body all the time, it's time to let me out to have a little bit of fun."

"I've lived the last 7 years, 11 months, and 18 days without you. I've been doing fine so far." Chip growls. "Two...what is going on here?"

"Oh, now you want my help!" Inari sticks her tongue at Chip. "Alright, Chip I'll tell you. First, what do you know about Mystery Dungeons?"

"What? I don't...hey I'm the one asking questions here!"

"Oh Chip...Chippy...Chip...Chip..." Inari pats the male's head. "Don't worry your smarter half is here for you, you know the half of you that actually paid attention in school and has more experience than you do. Mystery Dungeons my cute half...are pockets within our world that lead back to the Distortion World. You know the world in which Giratina rules over. Mystery Dungeons are formed when large amounts of magic are found in an area which leads to tears being formed where that magic is seen. What makes Mystery Dungeons so special is that they are Refractions of the real world with the Pokemon found inside of them following suit."


"I swear..." Inari sighs. "You need to start learning to pay attention in school. And you want to be an explorer. Look Chip..." Inari's eyes glow for a moment and a glass of water appears between them.

"Is that magic?"

"No, it's our Illusion ability, I can use it how I see fit while in this world. Illusions can become real in the Distortion World, or in a Mystery Dungeon though it's harder to maintain the illusion in a dungeon since we're playing by someone else's rules there. In our Soulscape, we can do nearly anything we want, though they're still some limitations. But we're getting off-topic." Inari then puts a beam of light and Chip saw that as the light went through the glass it seemed to bed and come out on the other side a little different.

"Dungeons follow a similar rule. They are a distortion of the real world; you'll find nearly everything the same in them though with some key changes. Magic follows a different rule in them, and you have a chance to find refraction versions of other Pokemon as well. That's kind of what I am, the reason why I look differently though at the same time look the same." Inari finally gets off Chip, the male Zorua sighs as he was not having a good time.

"Ok following. But how does that affect this--"

"Soulscapes are part of the distortion world, but they are personal to Shadow Pokemon. That is what makes you special, you can control a bit of that distortion while normal Pokemon can't. Because of this you'll never find your distortion version when you enter a dungeon...because I'm always with you." Inari smiles. "And now." The fox puts a paw on Chip's chest. "It's time for you to rest and let Inari have some fun." The fem says before a purple aura forms around her.

"Wait...you're not..." Chip tries to get up but Inari kept him on the ground.

"Don't worry I won't cause any trouble, maybe fuck our girlfriend, I mean...you did get to fuck our boyfriend so it's only right that I get some fun too." The fox giggles while vanishing into a purple light leaving Chip all alone in the Soulscape. He could only wonder what horrors Inari had planned...


Inari couldn't believe it, she was witnessing sunlight through her own eyes and not just sitting in the backseat watching it through her other half's eyes. This was amazing, the sun was so bright, and its light was different than that found in the Soulscape. To start it was warm, so warm almost like laying next to the fire kind of warm. She knew what these feelings were like, warmth, comfort, curiosity but they could only be experienced by feeling them through Chip. But now...now she was allowed to experience them for herself.

Inari had awoken in her nest back in the apartment, and yes it was her nest just as much as Chip's. She couldn't believe how soft it was, well she knew how it felt but this was different, she was really experiencing it now and it was so soft.

"Oh...." The fox murres as she hugs her big pillow, the pillow was the size of her and had the image of a Braixen on it. It was so sexy and despite Chip not knowing it she sprinkled a little of her influence into him to get it. Who wouldn't want to go to bed each night pressing themselves up against such a sexy and warm Pokemon?

After messing around with the pillow for a bit Inari looks in the mirror and saw not herself standing in it but...Chip. Mirrors were a window into the distorted world, most Pokemon didn't know that though nor did they know that with a little knowledge and magic you can see pace the reflection and see the truth behind it.

~ Inari... ~

"Hi Chip." The fox trots over to the mirror.

~ What are you doing? Why did you steal my body? ~Chip says before banging on the mirror, it shook though it would not have any impact on reality. She smirks.

"I didn't steal our body Chip; I'm taking over for a little bit and experiencing life for myself now. I'll give it back promise."

~ I'm supposed to believe that? ~ Chip bitterly bangs on the mirror. ~ You tricked me! ~

"At no time did I lie nor trick you," Inari says. "Heck, I even told you I was going to do it. This is my body just as much as yours and is my ticket to experiencing reality. It gets tiring and very boring just roaming around our Soulscape, I deserve a chance to experience life too. Omens are as real as you Chip, even if it doesn't seem like it. Just give me like a day or two... maybe three tops. I promise I won't do anything reckless and plus...I promise I'll wear protection."

~ I don't like the sound of that...~

"Let's go see Hathor." Inari says before picking up a small satchel, she puts some money, a book, and some food into her satchel and then runs out of the door. She passes by Kyuubi's room and noticed that he was still asleep, the fox was snoring. She could feel his Omen Gil resting beside him, though because she wasn't in the Soulscape she couldn't see him. Issues of changing between reality and the distorted world, both followed their own set of rules. Here she was like Chip now while back in the Soulscape Chip was like her meaning...

~ What the hell? ~ Chip speaks into her mind. She could feel his presence. ~ Why does Kyuubi look different? ~

'Because that is not Kyuubi, that is Gilgamesh, Kyuubi's Omen. You'll notice as we travel that anyone who is a Shadow Pokemon and is someone with that we have a bond you'll see their Omen while you are in the Soulscape. If we see a Pokemon who is not a Shadow Pokemon then you'll see their refraction. They'll be no point in interacting with their refraction.'

~ What happens if I talk to Gil or- ~

'I wouldn't mess with him, it's not right to mess with a Pokemon while they sleep.'

~ How long have you been able to see Gil? ~ Chip asked as Inari started walking towards the exit.

'I've always been able to see him. We have a bond with Kyuubi before even I awoke.' Inari picks up the pace and heads out of the door. She looks up at the sky as the Zorua felt free. Deep down she knew she'll have to return home at some point but for now...She was going to enjoy the real world, "This is so awesome!" The fox blurts out loud, her soul felt so free.

And now it was time to go see Hathor and make her feel like the special fox she was.

Inari found her way to Hathor's after a good hour of searching, she didn't get lost on the way there, but it was her desire to sniff everything along the way. The fox felt like a dog in the food factory, with so many smells and things she wanted to experience. The vixen along the way experienced a small sensory overload as she found herself sniffing a large flower, then someone's drink, then another flower, then a dog's butt (which she loved and had to get pulled away from before she found herself wanting to mount) and then another flower. It was so much fun.

"You know I have to write you a ticket right..." The Growlithe says while escorting Inari to Hathor's. The fox giggles.

"Oh, but I was just having a good time," Inari says while sneaking a peek at the Growlithe's badge. "Officer Axel."

~ _Oh it's Axel, I can't believe I didn't recognize him at first. That's right he's a recruit for the security sector. ~ _Chip says to Inari.

"I enjoy sniffing a lot of different things too, it's actually one of the reasons I'm joining Security Sector, so I can track down Pokemon and bring them to justice. But I know to control myself and not go sniffing at random Pokemon's butt...which was mine in this case. I mean if you're going to butt sniff at least ask, that is the proper thing to do." Axel says. "What makes it odder..." Chip" is that we know one another. You could have asked."

'You know the more proper thing to do Chip, give it a good lick.' Inari giggles.

~ You're really making me regret this. ~

That's right Chip knew this Growlithe, this was Axel the sweetheart from school who loved to let his nose lead him to trouble. She hardly recognizes him while he was in that outfit...all the more reason to see him while he's out of it. She brushes herself up against him. To Axel and anyone else, she looked just like Chip, colors in all. Though if she had a bond with someone, they would see the true her, but those were fellow Shadow Pokemon.

"Thanks for escorting me here Axel..." Inari says while brushing herself against him a bit more. She gets a naughty idea as she guides him towards the large bushes that were just under Hathor's condo. "How about we forget about the ticket..."

"Are you bribing me "Chip?" Axel asked.

"Are you going to take me to jail?" Inari asked, she wasn't afraid of Axel, in fact, she found him to be very...alluring. "Kinky."

"Are you ok?" The puppy asked. "It's just a ticket, more of a warning really."

"I mean...I was saying hello and...you answered your cheeky little devil." Inari's tail wags. "Your scent is so..." licks her chops. "Kind of want a taste."

"Oh..." Axel blushes. "I mean...wow this is unexpected and..."

" Chip?" It was Hathor! Her voice came from above and Inari looks up to see the Fennekin looking out of her window. "I swear I just heard his voice."

"You going to write me that warning officer?" Inari asked brushing her tail against Axel's face. "I mean if you are...you should do it the right way." She murres while letting her tail lift a bit more exposing her backside.

"Hathor is right above us." Axel says. "Breed able ass or not...I'm not going to fuck a partnered Pokemon....at least near where they live."

"Aww, your such a gentlemon" Inari says as she puts a paw on Axel's chest. "I should really think about putting a collar on you..."

"I don't know what got into you " Chip" but...I like it." Axel presses his maw against Inari's and the pair embrace the other's company for a moment before Axel lets go, the sound of Hathor searching for "Chip" was getting closer. The Growlithe sneaks out of the bush before Inari slips out on the other side, she finds Hathor standing on her doorstep.


"Huh..." Hathor gasped. "You not...you're not " Chip." Hathor's eyes flashed orange for a moment before seemly returning to normal.

"Wait...you see me for what I truly am?" Inari asked, her heart pounding in her chest as she wasn't ready for this type of confrontation just yet. She could feel Hathor's Omen...Bellona was here she knew it. This could be a problem if Hathor took her illy.

"Are you...are you Chip's Omen?" Hathor asked.

"My name is Inari...I'm surprised about this. I didn't expect you to--"

"You didn't answer my question!" Hathor says. "Are you Chip's Omen?"

"That I am." Inari says. "Why the hostility?"

"Because it's surprising to see an Omen moving around the world like this. Most only appear in battle or speak to us the Soulscape. If an Omen is in a world like this then it means that they took over. Which if unchecked could be a problem." The Fennekin's inite.

"Don't worry I'm a good Omen and I plan to give Chip back his body, not right now but at some point." Inari says. "Why not we go inside and talk like civilized Pokemon?"

"Why should I believe you?" Hathor takes a step forward. Inari sighs, Hathor never was one to easily step a step back. Such a bullish fox, she needed to learn to not just to conclusions.

~ You know I have so many reasons to chew you out right now! ~ Chip grumbles. Inari could feel his presence becoming stronger. ~ There is an angry-looking black Fennekin standing where Hathor is here on the other side. ~

'Ya that is Bellona, Hathor's Omen. She's powerful just saying, I remember the first time we met Hathor...I could feel beast's power even back then. Need I remind you that neither of you had awoken to your Omen's yet or even hit the age to start experiencing your powers. There are only a few current Omens that I'm nervous around...she's at the top of my list.'

~ What how is that possible? ~

'Because Chip she comes from very, very, old blood. Did you not pay attention when Hathor told you about her parents? You know it's almost kind of annoying how oblivious you are sometimes. She said just YESTERDAY that her mother is the most powerful known Shadow Pokemon. And I'm sure her dad is not a slouch and guess what...they fucked! Daddy injected his seed into Mommy and guess what...they made something that has even more potential than they do. And guess what you're looking at it, her name is Bellona, the Kitsune of War.'

~ Oh that can be a problem... ~

'You think.'

~ Let me take over then. ~ Chip says. ~ She's looking for me, right? Let me talk to her, I can calm her down. I mean I'm pretty good with my words and besides my girlfriend. I know Hathor like the back of my paw. ~

'Your so good with your words.'

As much as Inari didn't want to switch, she knew it was for the best. She had to trust Chip or else this relationship won't work. She just hoped that he could learn to do the same.


Chip felt like he was jerked back into the real world, his eyes had to quickly adjust to the natural light and not that of the distorted world. He takes a moment to quickly look around before looking at Hathor, the Fennekin had stepped off her front steps and down on the sidewalk. Her eyes blink as she realized that Inari and he had switched...


"Ya it's me...you believe um..."me" now?" Chip asked. Hathor races over to him and nuzzles the Zorua.

"Ok, I believe you now...just...just can't be too sure you know," Hathor says while looking him in the eyes. "I can't believe that your Omen acts that way...you know how rare it is for a Shadow Pokemon to be able to switch spots with their Omen like that. Most of the time the shadow Pokemon must be knocked out for their Omen to take over."

"How do you think I feel? I mean I'm still trying to get over the fact that I am--"

"Don't you say that!" Hathor taps her head against Chip's. "You've been in denial, that is not the same as not knowing."

"I didn't think that Inari would be willing to let me switch but...she was afraid of your Omen."

Hathor kisses Chip, the fox gently nuzzles him. "Well Bellona is like an attack dog; she can be pretty scary when upset." Hathor looks at the Zorua. "Chip I've been doing some thinking and um...I'm thinking about leaving the city."


"Ya...I um...I want to get out of here and go on an adventure. So, um...what do you say?"

Chip didn't know how to respond, his girlfriend wanted to plan a getaway? He remembered her talking about something like this yesterday, but he didn't think she would go through with it. He heard the giggling of Inari in the back of his mind.

~ Need me to go back in Chip? I would hate for you to botch this one. ~

'At least I'm not the one scared of a damn attack dog!'

~ Oh you don't understand what its like to face an Omen then. Well "cute me" I hope you get to experience dealing with that "attack dog" someday soon. I hope I'm awaken for it too so I can watch you struggle. We Omens are not to be trifled with, but it'll be easier to show than to tell... "cutie."

'I am not CUTE'

"Chip?" It was Hathor. Chip shakes his head as he tries to focus on the Fenekin. "Can you answer me, would you like to come along with me? I don't want to travel alone but...I don't want to stay here either."

"Why do you have to drop me on this now?"

"Because Chip if I don't put you on the spot then you'll always take the safe road out. And...well...I'm tired of living a boring life. We just graduated and here we are just sitting around. Everyone else is either off adventuring or are planning to do so. At this point I might as well just lift my tail, let you blow your load in me and we start a family and become boring."

"It's only been a day."

"That's not the point Chip. We've spent every single summer doing nothing. We start real guild training after the summer festival meaning we only have two months to be free before being tied down again. And I'm not going to spend it here in this dusty city." Hathor closes her eyes. "Look let's get some dinner, go for a walk, and then well...maybe spend the night together." Hathor looks up at Chip her cheeks had turned red.

"You trying to seduce me?"

It was almost as if Chip flipped a switch in Hathor the Fennekin lets out a low growl. "Your such an idiot!" Hathor pushes off Chip and marches back towards her front door. Chip chased after the Fennekin.

"Hathor?" It was becoming warm, though Chip felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

The vixen twirls around. "You trying to seduce me?" The fox blows a few embers at him. "That's what you think I'm trying to do? And to think I was planning to fuck you tonight! I was going to fuck my BOYFRIEND! Who I just let last night fuck his best friend! Chip I'm the girlfriend who lets her boyfriend fuck his best friend." Hathor's eyes glowed and Chip felt a mysterious force him onto the sidewalk. "I set that up you know...I helped Kyuubi plan everything because I wanted you to be able to be happy with both of us. Because I know you love both of us. And here I am...looking to get BONED by my BOYFRIEND AND FUTURE MATE. That's right Chip I think of you as my MATE! And I'm being asked..." Am I trying to seduce you!" Hathor's paws ignite once again, the flames black instead of orange this time.

"How about we calm down...?"

"Oh, I'm calm Chip..." Hathor's eyes turned from orange to red. "If I wasn't calm, I would already have burned you to an inch of your life. "Am I trying to seduce you..." You're a fucking idiot. I'm your girlfriend, maybe one day the mother of your idiot genes. "Am I trying to seduce you..."

"You know saying it constantly is not going to--"

~ Wow Chip you're doing a great job, just saying...you're really calming your girlfriend down. ~

Chip suddenly sees a fireball fired right at him, the ball of fire hits just inches from his face, a black flame burned near his cheek. Hathor's fur turns black for a moment before the fox takes a deep breath while whispering something under her breath. Before long her fur changes back to being dark pink and the black flames vanish. "Sorry...I was starting to let Bellona out..."

"Oh...um...was this her doing? You know the temper tantrum?"

"No!" Hathor's eyes became red again. "No, I was trying to protect you, Hathor wanted to maim you. I'd learn to appreciate us if I was you, Chip. Oh and...hi Inari, we should talk sometime, you know when your stupid side is not here." Hathor takes a few more deep breaths.

"Ya I'm getting out of this city; I need to just...not be here. I don't care what your answer is anymore Chip, if you want to let your future mate go because your too much of a fucking pussy to break out of your shell...I don't care. "Am I trying to seduce you..." Hathor pushes open her front door. Before she closes it the Fennekin had one more thing to say.

"YES, CHIP I WANT MY BOYFRIEND'S COCK! BUT HE HAS TOO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO FIGURE IT OUT." Hathor slams the door behind her leaving Chip standing out on the sidewalk. A few Pokemon were staring at him including Axel, the Growlithe had secretly hidden back in the bushes. He walks over to the Zorua and pats his ass.

"Yep, right there is I prefer tail holes. Tail holes don't need to be fucked, they liked to be fucked but don't NEED to be fucked." The puppy says.

"Were you...really...honestly dude was you spying on me?" Chip sighs as he knew he blew it this time.

"Well, it's my um... job to protect the peace and...um..." The puppy puts a paw on his head. "Ya, I kind of was hoping to see some Zorua on Fennekin action. I mean...how much of that do you find on the Safari? It's always Eevee x Vulpix, or Lucario...everything. Sometimes you want some variety and - "

Chip headbutts the Growlithe putting him on the ground, the male Zorua puts a paw on the dog's crotch. "Shut up! Keep this up and I'm going to take your seed from you, not because I want to get laid but out of dominance. So, unless you want to have my scent on you, and believe me...if I'm scenting you then I'm making you my BITCH...get out of here!"

Chip was pissed, he messed up with Hathor big time and now he had to fix it. She wanted to leave town and go on an adventure, and he was honestly a little afraid to do it. But shoot he didn't want to lose her...

"..." The puppy nods, though instead of leaving he kisses the Zorua. "Oh, please let us finish this sometime..."

"GET!!!" Chip yells before making the Growlithe runaway. He lets out a growl before looking up at Hathor's window, the Fennekin was staring out the window at him.

"You should go chase him, he's about the only tail you're going to get today anyway."

"You want to let off some steam Hathor? Huh!" Chip snaps.

"What you want to fight me?" Hathor asked the Fennekin was intrigued.

"Ya!" Chip steps towards her window.

"Alright then," Hathor smirks. "If I win then you're coming along with me no matter what. And if you win--"

"Then you marry me," Chip says. Hathor blinks.

"Excuse me?"

"Ya, you marry me. We trade collars and make this official." Chip smirks. "What you scared?"

"Fine. I change my stakes too, if I win then you take my name, Doomtail. And I'm the dom." Hathor jumps out of her window landing in front of Chip. "You're still going on this venture whether you like it or not Chip. But will you be going as Chip the Zorua or Chip Doomtail, Hathor's bitch."

"Why should that matter?"

"Because your honor's on the line Chip, plus if you want to start your little harem someday I'm sure it would a little hard to do it while having your mate's last name. Granted it's not like you have a name to begin with so in a way you win regardless." Hathor starts walking towards the park. "Let's see what you're made of Chip, I hope you're made of far more than just floof and hollow bones."

Chip didn't have a goal of making a "harem" as far as he was concerned though he didn't like the idea of his honor being at stake. There was no way to talk her out of the idea of leaving the city. No he challenged her and he'll follow through with it and do the best that he could. He had to win back Hathor's respect and maybe talk some sense into her.

High above the sun was starting to set and the moon rose. In the distance, black clouds were slowly floating towards the city...

Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 7 | Chip

# Chapter 7 Chip Highlands Arena, the crown jewel of the Cheater empire, or at least that was what Shawn told Chip and Hathor as he guided them through the entrance hall. Chip and Hathor had run into Shawn when they went to the park...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 5 | Meadow

# Chapter 5 Meadow Ruby needed her, Radiance needed her, her village needed her, honestly at this point Meadow wouldn't be surprised some random small Pokemon needed her. EVERYONE NEEDED HER!!! Was this really the fate of a Pokemon...

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LoMF - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #3

Journal entry #3 dives into Zasalamel's history and his slow decent into madness. Years since end of war 305, years since devolving 302, or...something like that. Its hard to remember anymore. These days...they are...

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