Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 5 | Meadow

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#5 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Cover Art by

D685ab7f ( https://inkbunny.net/D685ab7f )

Story and characters belong to me

Meadow and the rest of the mystic Pokemon are summoned by Ruby to Noble Highlands in response to a possible new growing threat.

Chapter 5


Ruby needed her, Radiance needed her, her village needed her, honestly at this point Meadow wouldn't be surprised some random small Pokemon needed her. EVERYONE NEEDED HER!!! Was this really the fate of a Pokemon like her, to be needed by everyone and then some. Meadow sulks as she flew high above the ground, her destination was Noble Highlands, she was scheduled to meet with Ruby and Radiance and find out what it was that they needed. Meadow cursed under her breath as she flew as quickly as her Shaymin wings could take her. And to think she hated flying, it was such a pointless, meaningless tasked that involved moving around this world as quickly and effectively as possible.

Honestly Meadow was the only one of her kind who honestly could say that she would be better off not being able to transform but she kept that information to herself. Last thing she needed was her village Pokemon yelling at her for not liking the gift of flight. She was one of the few Shaymin that mastered the ability to transform into her Sky Form and use it nearly at will. She picked this trick up just before she was recruited into Arceus's Army by Ruby and appointed, "General of Fertility." It was her ability to fly that allowed her help defeat Necromza and save their world from being overrun by the Ultra Beast and Refraction Pokemon that they brought along with them.

"I need to hurry up, the longer I'm in the air the higher chance of getting knocked down." Meadow says to herself as she tries to pick up the pace and fly faster. She didn't hate flying because it was boring, in fact it was fun honestly. What she hated was the possibly of falling and how vulnerable she felt when she was flying around. Did you know that as a Grass/Flying type she got even more weakness than when she was just a Grass type? Who would want that? She could lose her power of flight if she got too cold, hit by ice, the sun was blocked out, it became night, she sneezed the wrong way and she might come crashing down. Just thinking about it made her shiver...oh crap.

"Your still in Sky Form Meadow...don't worry...you're not going down yet." Meadow shakes her head clearing her mind. She had to stay focused and keep moving.

She flew for a good while before finally reaching the city, the Shaymin hadn't been to the city for a good while, maybe...50 or more years but that wasn't long to a near immortal Pokemon. Time when you don't age or could die of natural causes means nothing. Many in her village have been born, lived a full life and have died and moved on and she has barely aged a day. But that was thoughts for another time, right now she needed to figure out where Neoral was. Where did he hide his little cute Jirachi ass now and days? Oh great she thought he was cute, who was she Ruby? Ruby is the one who thought Neoral was cute and loved to toy with him, to her he was her equal and someone she came too when she needed advice.

"Where are you General of Hope?" Meadow says before zipping down towards the park. Noble Highlands the last time she was here was a tiny city, almost a town. It was only in the last 25 years that it grew upwards and started to become the city that it is today. All that was thanks to families the like the Blacktails and Cheaters who invested heavily into the city. Meadow only knew about these kinds of things is because merchants who come to her village from time to time speak of the growing populations around the seven kingdoms. Pokemon were learning how to use magic in all kinds of special ways now to help them build up their homes and turn themselves from scattered villages and huts into a metropolitan wonder.

That's a big word to use.

Meadow landed in the park, coming to a halt near a Vulpix and Poochyena that were making out. When they saw her the pair ran off. She rolls her eyes as the Sky Shaymin decides to remain in this form until she found Neoral.

"Where is that Jirachi...?" Meadow walks on top of the air. She remembered him saying that he was going to meet her in the park and then take her back to his place. Meadow normally would have teleported to Neoral's since it was easy, but Ruby insisted that none of them use any type of teleporters since it was too dangerous. What this danger was Meadow didn't know yet since Ruby refused to tell them over Safari Chat. Meadow did wonder if this was because of the sudden disappearances happening around the region. Or cold it be about the Pokemon going insane? Maybe but those seemed more like isolated events and didn't need legendary Pokemon intervention.

"Meadow there you are." The voice was familiar though it wasn't Neoral familiar, instead it was Ruby. Speak of the devil.

"Ruby!?" Meadow floats down to meet the Vulpix. Meadow remembered when Ruby decided to become a Vulpix full time, she was so happy to do so since being a Mew was some how exhausting. What ever that means. "Your...still a Vulpix."

"Well of course, Radiance is still an Eevee. Plus, it's a little hard for me to have a semi-normal life as long as I'm a floating kitten." Ruby says. Meadow looks at her old friend and leader's neck, she was wearing the gold collar with Radiance's gems stuck in it. A Mew-turned-Vulpix Ruby at one point was the strongest Pokemon in the world that wasn't considered a God level Pokemon or higher. Even among God level Pokemon Ruby and Radiance were able to tangle with them for some time. It was thanks to them that Meadow and the other smaller legendaries were able to go against their stronger cousins.

"Are you ok Meadow, I know its been a while and I've been meaning to go up to Paradise Village to see you. But you know...responsibilities in all." Ruby smiles, she looked so...happy. Why was she happy?

"What being a wife?"

"That and being a mom. Granted...still working on the mom part." Ruby chuckles. "Angelblade, Ribbon and Fenzura...they are a paw full. Least the first two are off on them on and Fenzura is nearly done with school now so...win." Ruby oddly enough takes Meadow's paws and kisses them. "When are you going to settle down and lays some roots."

"You mean lay an egg?" Meadow grumbles.

"You lay eggs...?" Ruby couldn't be serious...there is no way she serious right now? Meadow was about to correct her, but the Vulpix starts giggling and then kisses the Shaymin's cheek. "Just kidding, that look on your face though...priceless. Yes, lay an egg oh General of Fertility. You should live up to that name."

"I don't even want to get started...I'd make a terrible mom plus I barely would be able to move around while holding and, you know...stuff." Meadow rolls her eyes, the idea of her walking or flying around with a belly was awful. She was better than that, title or not. "Honestly what did you call me here for?"

"Oh, don't you want to catch up? Come on let's head back to Neoral's. Everyone has started to arrive." Ruby says while starting to walk, the Vulpix shakes her tails as she walks. Meadow sighs as she would rather be at home right now. Focusing on the image of herself in her natural form the Sky Shaymin floats onto the ground and shifts into her landform. Dangling from her neck was the Gracidea pendent. With another sigh the Shaymin hurries along to catch up to her friend and leader, eager to find out what was on the agenda.

Neoral's place was on the other side of the park where Meadow had met up with Ruby at. She found out that several of the other Generals had arrived just before her and Ruby had stayed in the park to wait for Meadow's arrival. Neoral himself stayed in a small house, the Jirachi's outside looked like a normal home but once inside it expanded into a mini mansion. Walking in she was in the living room, Neoral had a nice oak wood coffee table with a tea set on top of it, a Dalmanscian throw rug under it, cushions, and scented candles. It was a nice place that had a wonderful relaxing atmosphere to it.

"Hey guys." The Victini and General of Courage Ace greeted them when they walked in. Ace nods at Ruby.

"Whats up babe."

"Call me babe again and I'm going to roast your nuts." Ruby sticks her nose up.

"Ouch...do you have to be like that? I mean we haven't seen one another since Fenzura was born--"

"And I'm not stopping you from seeing your son. Who mind you has grown up into a handsome Vulpix...that really needs to learn about the birds and the bees from his daddy? Me and him might have the same material but you can relate to him in a way that I can't. He needs his daddy." Ruby says while Meadow walks past them, she wasn't interested in listening to Ruby and Ace argue over Fenzura's sexuality. Honestly to Meadow she didn't care, Fenzura was a herm like his parents, honestly like the rest of them. He was the only offspring of Ruby's that inherited her actual species. Mew and ironically fire type Vulpix.

"That's has such a sexy tone to it...daddy. Say it again." Ace snickers.

"Hello Meadow, it has been some time hasn't it." The General of Soul Aqua spoke as Meadow approached her. The Manaphy bows her head to Meadow and the Shaymin returned the same.

"Aqua how have you been, is Venice still in good hands?" Meadow asked the Queen of Venice. Aqua unlike the rest of them after the war went and built an entire city that evolved into a kingdom, the Kingdom of Venice. Venice itself was the "City of Water" and was a popular vacation spot to go too.

"Venice is fine, I'm more curious about how you are handling running Paradise Village. I've heard the Shaymin there have been doing very well. Your village and mine should hold a joint festival some time. Water and grass working together."

"I don't want to be its leader..." Meadow sighs. "I just want to be left alone, why does everyone want me to be in their lives? I don't need anyone else you know..."

"No, I don't..." The Manaphy says.

"Oh boy Meadow is here." Dynamo the Keldeo says while coming out of the kitchen, he was holding tray with tea and cake on it. "I figured you would have blown us off yet again."

"Oh, it's the General of Resolution, how did you get in here?" Meadow asked.

"Oh well you know...I actually show up when invited to something. You should try it sometimes. Might help you build some character." Dynamo says while sitting down the tray. Meadow could destroy him, how dare this little pony want to be speak to her like this. "How about we try this again, I say something nice, and you respond in kind."

"Why don't you find a giant dildo and sit on it." Meadow smiles.

"Oh no..." Aqua sighs as Meadow had a feeling, she knew what was about to happen.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Meadow its so nice to see you again, life been treating you well?" Dynamo asked.

"Oh, Dynamo its so wonderful to see you too, why don't you bend over, lift your ass and let me fuck you until your legs fall out from under you. Then I use your mouth for the only good things its intended for." Meadow happily says.

Dynamo was quiet and a few of the other Pokemon in the room stopped to look at them. Meadow noticed Ruby and Ace even stopped their argument which from what she could tell devolved into an argument involving Lopunnies and his ownership of "Cotton Tail Club."

"Well...if that's what it would take to you know...fix the bridge between us." Dynamo says while staring at Meadow. "That's your answer to everything right? Turn it around and fuck it."

"Let's turn that lens of judgement back on you!" Meadow felt her heart racing, oddly she wasn't upset...not instead she was getting an odd thrill from seeing Dynamo again. "Everything must be an absolute with you huh. "if that's what it takes." What kind of bull crap answer is that?"

"What kind of answer is telling someone to bend over? Oh, and mind you I'm way bigger than you, I should be putting my dick in you not the other way around." Dynamo gets close to Meadow who glares back up at the colt. Aqua gets in between them.

"Oh, really the Swords of Justice let you us your dick? Funny I thought all you know how to do was bend over you pony reject." Meadow's heart was pounding. Dynamo has a way of getting her worked up, and she loved it.

"Calm down you two! If you want to do it so badly then take it in the back!" Aqua shouts.

"NO!" Neoral comes out of the kitchen, the Jirachi was wearing an apron. "I'm still cleaning up from when Ruby and Radiance got here and decided that my bathroom was the perfect spot to try out new kinks."

"Oh Neoral...look at Dynamo, he's begging for it." Meadow starts panting, the Shaymin felt a slight draft as she was getting aroused.

"I could say about you too Meadow..." Dynamo pants, his cock was starting to show, the colt's tip was starting to poke out of his own sheath.

"What the hell are you two into?" Ace asked Meadow and Dynamo. "And here I thought Ruby was a slut for pain." Meadow watched Ruby slap his head.

"Oh, I don't know "babe" the shit that your air head slut bunnies write or show in your stupid magazine and Safari site." Ruby shoves Ace's face.

"Everyone calms down!" The room turned pink, no one dared to move as a gray and pink Eevee entered the living room from the back. Meadow gulps as she noticed small diamonds appeared right before her, they were needle like and Meadow didn't want to know if they could pierce...

"Are we done wasting time?" Radiance asked as she walks to the center of the room. "Normally moments like these lead to an orgy...my kind of party." Radiance looks at everyone as she spoke, the Eevee's pink eyes seemed to be scanning them like a robot. When she looks at Meadow the Eevee murres. "Meadow it's been a while, we should catch up."

"Ya..." The Shaymin gulps as she looks at the needle that was floating just in front of her eyes. "Can we stop being hostile."

"After I speak. This is an urgent matter. Is everyone here?"

"Radiance...good to see you..." Ace says. "You taking care of Ruby? I see she's a little you know...fatter."

"Your stupid." Ruby growls though as she did so one of the needles pokes her. "Hey? I'm your wife."

"You I have to control even more, General of Emotions." Radiance says, the Eevee seemed to be in the zone as Commander of Knowledge Radiance was coming out. Meadow remembered her being a lot like this right before their final battle against Necromza.

"I think we have everyone who would show up." Radiance says.

"Don't forget about me." Standing at the passageway leading to another section of the house was Isabella the Meloetta or better known as Commander of Truths. The green and while singer walks towards everyone, she passes through the field of needles pushing them out of the way as she went and finally pops a seat next to Meadow.

"Of course not." Radiance says. "Now shall we begin?" Suddenly the needs all vanish become small balls of pink light that return to Radiance.

"Such a neat trick huh." Isabella says. "Being able to turn the magic in the air into a weapon. You must show me sometime how to do that Radiance."


"That's it...no?" The singer asked. "No explanation? Just, no?"

"Correct." Radiance says and then directs her attention to what Meadow believed was more important matters. "You've all been summoned here because of the growing threat in the region. There haven't been many reports about it but there are Pokemon going missing around the region. But what they are no reporting is how some of those Pokemon are popping back up...as insane Pokemon."

"How would you be able to prove that?" Isabella asked.

"Let her speak!" Dynamo says and for once Meadow could agree with him on that. Meadow knew that Radiance was smart, the smart of them all. If she was telling them this, then it must be some truth behind it.

"Species are the same as the missing ones. Like recently there was a Cinderace that went missing in Prism City and then a few weeks later there was an insane Pokemon that attacked a city several hundred miles away. Then there is the case of the raging Gyarados--"

"Those creatures are normally mindless." Aqua says. The Manaphy's hand was shaking. Ruby brushes up against her.

"Not all of them are mindless, you know that."

"That's correct and this one was a well-known Gyarados who was supposed to be gentle. He went missing several weeks ago and recently appeared on the other side of the region itself and attacked the seaport city of Harbor Bay. The city was nearly leveled before they were able to kill him."

"Pokemon killing other Pokemon..." Meadow says.

"Wild Pokemon do it all the time." Isabella says. "You know the Pokemon who haven't wised up and live in cities like the rest of us. Or Destiny...where is she by the way? I was hoping to see my old rival."

"That is something I wanted to bring up too." Radiance says. "We need to investigate the disappearance, see if they are connected to the insane Pokemon and possibly check on the status of the plates."

The room went silent as everyone looks at one another. There was no way the plates could be in danger, they couldn't be. Everyone knew not to mess with the plates else risk the world balance falling apart once again. They hadn't seen such an event take place since the war against Necromza ...

"We need to investigate their status too. For that I'll ask Meadow for you to do it. We need you to go investigate the plates." Radiance says.

"Me? Why me?"

"Your ability to fly will come in us. We can't risk long range teleporting right now, not until we know whats happening." Radiance waves a paw, and a large map appears in front of them, she waves her paw again and several pink diamonds in the shape of everyone in the room appear and falls on top of a spot marked as "Noble Highlands Base."

"Meadow, I need you and hm...who should go with you..."

"I'll go with her." Isabella says. "I might not be able to fly but I have means of getting around quickly without the need to teleport."

"I can go with her." Neoral says. "Both myself and Ace can fly and that'll leave Isabella to help with the disappearance investigation."

"I concur." Ruby says. "I could go with her myself though that means not being in my Vulpix form which means that potentially reveal myself to our enemies."

"I don't really think our enemies are watching us just yet." Isabella says. "I know I haven't been around that much, but you guys are being a little paranoid. Let's investigate first and see if these things are connected, I boldly say they are not but hey."

Radiance moves the pieces into certain positions with Meadow's and Neoral's being directed to go towards Port Lore and Star Struck Valley first. Several plates were supposed to still be hidden there and it would be a good spot to start looking. Plus, they could meet up with Delphine and Dolphus who were experts on the plates and the heroes of the last war. Lastly, they could check on the status of Zasalamel who was under their care, maybe the former research on the plates could give them more insight. The rest of the group was broken into their own teams and told that they'll be leaving within the day. Meadow hoped that they didn't have to worry about anything, and this was all just a series of bad events.

But as life for a General goes, nothing is ever that simple.

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