Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 4 | Alister

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#4 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Artwork by

slimefur( https://inkbunny.net/slimefur )

Story and Characters are mine

Alister and Shawn are best friends, despite how hard that fact might seem from how much of a rivalry the pair have. Alister wants to finally prove to Shawn that he's better than him and Shawn...what does Shawn want from Alister? Why challenge him to a domination fight when he could easily just fight him in a normal fight? When it comes to a domination battle there can only be one winner or winning side and the fight once issued must be played out...

Chapter 4


This was it, the perfect setting, the perfect time, the perfect opponent, there was nothing that could go wrong. This was at least what Alister thought as he stood in front of Shawn as the pair had gathered in the park for their big fight. Alister noticed the sun setting in the background, it was slowly falling behind the trees though it might last long enough for their fight. He didn't intend for it to last that long.

"Here I thought you was going to turn tail and run away." Shawn chuckles. "I mean turning tail is what your good at."

"I'm going to kick your ass." Alister slaps his thigh. "Last chance Shawn, why not we just have a regular fight so when you lose you can go back to daddy with just the black eye, I gave you."

"Nah." Shawn smirks. "I want the first domination fight to be one that everyone will remember." Shawn and Alister look around, there were a few Pokemon out in the park but none were here to watch them. Or knew what they were about to do. This park was used regularly for Pokemon to train in or have some friendly sparing matches. Any series matches were done in the stadium that was behind the Guild. Construction was nearly done though on a large-scale official stadium that was funded by Vine Co and Eevolution Co. The stadium was supposed to open in a week or two and would be the epic center for major competition battles, conferences, concerts, and anything else that would bring more tourism to Noble Highlands.

"Your little stadium is not done yet."

"Lucky for you huh." Shawn chuckles. "You get to avoid everyone watching you moan my name on a big screen. And the stadium is done Alister its just not ready for release yet. All great things happen with time Alister, just like your ass kicking. I'm going to enjoy toying with you, messing with you and finally...taking what's mine."

"The only thing I'm going to moan is..." Alister didn't know if he wanted to finish that statement.

"Alister..." Basil groans from the side lines. "Get your head on straight!"

"She's your smarter half, I'd listen to her." Shawn draws in the dirt a picture of Alister with him on top of Shawn, the Minccino was bound by the saur's vine. "I'm going to make you look just like this..."

"Alright enough of this!" Alister gets on all four. "I'm going to be like a bull and knock your ass over."

"Oooohhhh, is that the best comeback line you could come up with. I'm so scared." Shawn digs his paws into the dirt. "Alright buddy lets see what you've got. To be fair I'll even let you make the first move."

"GLADLY." Alister dashes at Shawn, dirt kicked up where he zipped from, the Minccino had more than enough speed to close the distance between the two of them quickly enough. He feels his head connect with Shawn who wasn't quick enough to get away.


The boys roll in the dirt, more dirt is kicked up. Alister skips on the ground before rolling to his paws while Shawn didn't go far, his bulb kept him from getting ricocheting like most would have. The saur got up still chuckling.

"That felt like a Pichu hitting me. Pretty sure you did more damage to yourself than me."

"Shawn!" Alister comes at the saur again this time hitting him again knocking the two of them into the dirt, Alister mounts himself on top of Shawn and began punching him. Each strike was harder than the last as he was seeing red.

"Had enough?" Alister asked, a smirk was growing on his face as he was getting excited, he was really beating Shawn. No matter what he always was getting shown up by the cocky fuck, but here he was beating him like it was nothing. Shawn hadn't even fought back yet...


"Is this the best you can do Alister?" Shawn asked. Suddenly Alister felt something grab his waist...

"Oh shit." The Minccino was flicked back by a vine, the Minccino is stopped by a tree. Painfully he falls onto his stomach, the wind was knocked out of him.

"That's right...grass type...vines and shit..." Slowly he rises to his paws, it was hard for him to think, his mind was still recovering from that last attack. Alister saw Shawn brushing himself off using his vines the saur didn't look that hurt at all. In fact...where was the black eye from earlier, the cuts and bruises he gave him? Shawn looked like he barely got touched.

"Your cheating...you Cheater?"

"Great comeback as always Alister, I'm pretty sure you stayed up all night thinking of that one. Or maybe the entire time while lying on the ground from this ass kicking, I'm giving you." Shawn asked in his usual cocky voice. "I don't need to cheat to beat you Alister, you're as free as they come."


"Stop getting angry Alister!" Basil yells from where she stood. Her flames erupted. "You're playing right into his paws."

"You're not the one out here Basil having to deal with this cocky bastard! Having to listen to him gloat every single day about his perfect life, with his perfect fighting skills, and everything about him is perfect." Alister snapped. "Its hard to believe we're best friends Shawn, what kind of friend's do this to one another? But whatever, one of use is getting fucked today..." Alister digs his paws into the ground, his eyes focused entirely on Shawn, the saur was laughing.

"Sheesh tell me how you really feel Alister." Shawn sighs. "My life is not as perfect as you might think, but..." Shawn looks at Basil. "You really should listen to your mate sometimes Alister, what's the point of having one if you don't. But if you really want to win why not just tag her in, she might actually do a better job than you ever will."

"Keep laughing!" Alister zips at Shawn again this time the Minccino had to dodge in coming vines. He dodges the first one that came directly at him while jumping over the next one. Confidently he closes the distance but then feels something grab him causing the Minccino to trip. The fall hurt a lot as it felt like he had been slammed onto the ground.

"What the...?"

Looking down Alister noticed a root was sticking out of the ground. "Was that always here?"

Suddenly Alister feels a vine grab his tail and throw him again, the male hits the same tree again.

"This is getting hard to watch..." Basil groans.

"Why...?" Alister was slower to getting up, his body was in a lot of pain but the thought of letting Shawn get he better of him didn't settle well. No, he was going to win this one way or another. "I'm winning this...you just don't see it yet." Alister pants, his mind was in so much pain, it was getting hard to focus but...he can't lose.

"How are you holding up there Alister?" Shawn asked from the center of the arena. A small crowd had began forming around them, there was muttering coming from them with a few cheering on the Pokemon they hoped to win. Alister looked at the saur...he was becoming erect.

"Gross Shawn...put that thing away..." Alister gulps as he didn't want to see Shawn's cock.

"What's wrong Alister, you afraid to see what a real male looks like?" Shawn asked. "Basil...does Alister look this good."

"Shawn!" Basil growls.

How dare he talk to Basil like that, she was his mate not his. The Minccino thought of Shawn trying to show off that sorry excuse of a cock he had to his mate and...Basil liking what she saw. Alister knew that Basil wouldn't go for Shawn like that but...the thought made him even more angry and finally he was able to clear his head enough to focus.

"So, Basil...what you doing after this, must not be Alister am I right? He's going to be too drained after I'm done with him." Shawn asked, he was walking over to Basil on the side lines. Alister gets back on all four and charges at the saur who smirks and throws his vines at him again.

"Your so predictable."

"I'll show you predictable!" Alister dodges the vines again and leaps into the air...

"STOP ME THIS TIME!" Alister yells before slamming himself into Shawn, the boys slide on the ground. Alister quickly got back up and follows up his first attack by jumping at Shawn again this time slamming his tail against his skull, his slam was so hard that the saur bounced off the ground. Alister lands next to Shawn, his tail was still full of energy.

"Family special." Alister spins around before hitting Shawn backwards with his tail the saur this time was the one to fly into the tree. Alister snickers as he was doing it, his comeback was nearly complete. He walks over to Shawn the Minccino couldn't wait to rub it in his face. "Oh, how the tides have turned Shawn." Alister sticks out his tongue. "You better get that ass ready Shawny, cause I'm going to make you, my bitch. Your face down in the dirt, your ass in the air, and your family's legacy sprayed all over the ground. You're going to be the one moaning my name, as my dick is shoved so far up your egg maker."

"Alister!" Basil growls. "Stop mocking him."

"No way Basil!" Alister looks over at Basil. "I've waited so long for this, to put Shawn in his place. He deserves this, this is my time! I deserve this win! I'm better than him."

"Oh really..." Shawn spits out a bit of blood. The saur looked worked than Alister but he still seemed so full of energy. "You know Alister you talk like a bottom bitch. Acting like one good hit is going to change everything."

"Big talk coming from someone whose face is lying in the dirt." Alister puts a paw on his sheath rubbing himself. "How about I meet you halfway, you look thirty..."

"Oh Alister...You've already lost this little contest...you just haven't realized it yet from your peanut sized brain." Shawn gets up, the male's wounds were slowly recovering. Alister couldn't believe his eyes.

"What the heck?"

"The look of a true beta..." Shawn sighs happily. "I swear Alister, your best looks like my worst. That's ok though... watching you struggle gets me so worked up."

"One I'm not a beta you piece of shit, and two the only thing your dick is going in is the ground." Alister zips at Shawn again though this time he finds himself not dodging vines but roots instead, the male was only able to dodge them so long before he trips again though this time, he falls face first in a patch of leaves.


"Check?" Alister repeats Shawn's last words, only to get blown off the ground by a gust of leaves. The leaves were cutting Alister as they blew him back, the male falls back onto his back, entire body was in pain again. He felt weaker than before, but it had to be from the fury of attacks he had been exposed too. As he got up the Minccino got up he noticed a seed attached to his tail.

"Where did that come from?"

"That's been there the who time buddy." Shawn chuckles.

"He planned all this..." Basil's voice was so bitter.

"What do you mean?" Alister asked, the Minccino struggled to stay up.

"Alister, you know Shawn is not one to sit around and win with brute force." Basil says.

"You never were in the lead Alister..." Shawn snickers, the saur slowly walks towards him. "Now my little bitch before I claim you how about I explain what happened."

"Great...just like an anime." Alister pants, his mind...it was becoming hard to think. He grabs the seed and tries to pull it off, but it had taken root in him. "It won't come off..."

"Its Leech Seed you fucking idiot. That seed responds to my will, so guess what that means. Its not coming off any time soon." Shawn takes a seat near Alister. "Now unlike your little animas you like so much...I won't be losing after my little explanation. But the chance to watch you continue to squirm just gets me more aroused." The saur licks his chops.

"I'm going to knock you out Shawn..." Alister falls onto all four, his body...

"Even if you wanted to fuck me Alister you don't have the strength anymore. Though it would be fun to watch you try." Shawn chuckles. "Now pay attention I only intend to tell you this once. This all goes back to when you tackled me to start our fight. Why do you think I sat there and took your attack, I did it so I could put my seed in you."

"Sus..." Alister jokes.

"Oh Alister...you truly are a beta, jokes are all you've got left in you." Shawn grabs Alister's face with a vine and makes him look at him. "Did you know that I can control the amount of energy my seeds absorb? That means I don't have to take anything until I choose to. I knew you might notice something if I started stealing your energy too fast so instead, I took portions when you hit that tree."

"How is any of this fair..." Alister asked.

"This is check my friend, don't blame me for using my gifts, and abilities. Instead of getting upset at those who are you superior how about you instead learn from them? Even a Minccino like you can learn to fight well. You'll never learn anything just throwing your head around like some cow."

"I'm not losing to you." Alister pulls himself from Shawn's grip. He channeled as much of energy as possible into his hindlegs and a moment later spring himself at Shawn...only to feel himself hitting nothing, in fact he barely felt like he moved anywhere.

"Impossible!" Alister gasped. "He's point blank...there is no way he can dodge my attack?" Alister looks at Shawn the saur looked rather...bored. The Minccino hadn't felt it until now but looking behind himself he saw that a vine was gripping his tail holding him in place. Alister felt cold, the Minccino had to ask himself...

'Am I...am I about to lose this?'

Almost as if to answer a question he notices a fine yellow powder filling the air around him. Instantly his entire body became tense as if something was grabbing him. "Checkmate Alister. GGs." Shawn murres. "I picked up this little move just for the domination tournament." Shawn licks his maw. "Can you smell it Alister...I'm getting pretty eager over here."

"I...I can't move." Alister falls onto his stomach, he couldn't move. A moment later he feels himself being wrapped up by Shawn's vines. He tries to break free, but it was impossible, the powder from earlier had taken complete affect. He was helpless.

"At this point this is nothing more than overkill." Shawn says as he looks up at Alister the male was hovering just over the saur. Alister noticed Shawn's throbbing cock, the ridges, the thickness of the head that only seemed to stay the same all the way down to the saur's base which looked to have a bit of a knot.

"One...fuck your GG, no good GGs. Two...what is that abomination?!"

"Oh Alister I forgot...you've never seen a real dick before." Shawn mocks, "Your about to learn what a real dick feels like, never know it might become your new favorite toy Alister. I can't wait to see what that thicc ass of yours feels like." Alister feels a vine slap his butt making the male shiver. This was about to happen. He was about to get fucked by his best friend.

Maybe there was a chance he could talk him out of it...

"Shawn...you can drop the joke now. I mean...I know your pretty good at playing chicken and..." Alister was pulled towards the saur who looks him in the eyes. Nothing was said between them instead Alister feels himself slowly pulled down and....


Shawn didn't say anything, the saur just kept his same cocky expression as Alister whined from having his virgin tail hole being expanded to take Shawn's throbbing cock. Alister tries to bounce out of Shawn's grip, he had to escape but it only made it easier for him take Shawn who controlled their pace. Alister kicks out as he feels the rod nearly completely inside of him now, his entire anus was full of his friend's cock.

"Oohhhh...." Alister moans, the Minccino didn't want to give Shawn the satisfaction of hearing him moan for him. Though it was hard to not want to moan as he stopped struggling, his own erect cock slipped out of its sheath.

Alister looks at Shawn the male was smiling. Why didn't he say anything, he got what he wanted, he won the fight and now was getting to humiliate him. Alister stocks out his tongue as he lets out another moan, as he felt himself being pulled up and down on Shawn's length, he had to admit to himself, this felt amazing. He didn't know that anal could not only feel this good but that being bound up like this was...oddly kind of kinky. If it wasn't Shawn, or at least was being done out in public...

Oh, Arceus they were in a public park!

"Shawn..." Alister moans, he felt like himself squirt a bit of cum out. Alister closes his eyes, he didn't want to see that cocky smirk on his friend's face, he was already moaning for him, giving him the satisfaction, he loved so much. Alister pictured Shawn laughing, mocking him, telling him how much of a nice bitch was and...oddly Alister liked it.

'No Alister don't give him that, you know you'll never hear the end of it. Even if you are enjoying yourself.'

Alister felt the ridges of Shawn's cock pressing up against his walls, the male squirts out cum each time he went back down on his friend's cock. Warm saliva slide down his throat at Alister gulps, the Minccino was having some of the best sex he's ever had. He was tempted to look at Shawn but chooses not too.

"I think I'm going to..."

"Alister..." Shawn moans back and the next thing Alister knew was the feeling of something warm being shot into the deepest part of himself as the saur's sticky seed was released into him. Alister gasped out as he feels filling him, the warmth, the stickiness, heck even the aroma of made Alister's own gasm feel that much better as he felt his balls tighten for a moment before he released his own seed all over the saur's face. Alister eyes shot open in time to watch himself spraying Shawn's face the saur seemed to be enjoying it.

'Great...I get to watch him bask in the glory of making me cum for him. I really said his name as if I liked it...'

Alister felt dizzy, he was completely drained, and it wasn't entirely thanks to one type of seed. He watched Shawn wipe his face with a paw the saur was savioring his victory while licking himself clean.

"Mmmm...that taste of Alister..."

"Stop rubbing it in..." Alister weakly says.

"The words of a true bottom." Shawn chuckles. Alister feels Shawn pull him off of him, the saur was finished with him. "Know your place my little bitch."

Alister nearly blacks out when he was pulled completely from Shawn, the feeling of Shawn's cock being pulled out of him made him remain conscious. He shivers as he felt so cold.

"Don't worry Alister you'll live. You might be a little different now, you know your confidence shattered, the realization of your place in the world, the fact that your best friend owns your ass now." Shawn puts a paw on Alister's head. "Don't worry Alister I'll be good to you." The Minccino feels something warm spray against him, and he realized that Shawn was peeing on him. The aroma of the saur's scent made him gag.

"It sticks..."

"Well of course...its called marking...its not suppose to smell good Alister." Shawn sighs. "You've never done this with Basil...speaking of which where is she."

"Huh?" Alister realized that Basil had left. He didn't blame her; he was terrible to her. This moment, this was his fault, he deserved it. Alister expected Shawn to say something cruel but instead and feels him nuzzle him.

"You need me to go find her?"

"No need..." It was Basil the Quilava had come back. Alister noticed that she looked like she had been crying, her eyes were a little puffy. The crowd that had been watching were starting to walk away leaving the three alone. Basil looks at Shawn and Alister expected her to want to punch him but instead she pets Shawn's head.

"I hope you had your fun Shawn, would have been easier to just tell Alister how you really feel." She leans over Alister petting his matted fur. "Oh, Giratina he smells. The entire apartment is going to smell..."

"Ooohhh..." Alister groans.

"I really don't know what you're talking about Basil, this was simply no more than a contest of skill. I contest that yours truly won." Shawn gloats. Alister's head felt dizzy, but the Minccino continues to keep himself awake.

"I'll get you...next time..." Alister groaned. "Everything hurts."

"...." Basil lifts Alister onto her back the Quilava knew that he didn't have the strength to move on his own anymore. "You'll live."

"We should do breakfast some time, my treat." Shawn offers.

"There is a good breakfast spot down in the harbor. You better not complain about the prices after this little stunt." Basil sighs and Alister tries to look at her. "Don't give me that look Alister, I haven't even gotten to what I'm going to say about you. We'll see you tomorrow." Basil starts walking them away.

"You really stick..." Basil groans.

"..." Alister didn't want to talk about the humiliation he just endured. No matter what Shawn always had a way to beat him. It was one thing to lose to him before when there was little on the line but now his pride had been on the line and Shawn took that too. It didn't help that Basil was commenting on how he smelled, he was just marked by Shawn, smell that will not go away for possibly the next week even with good bathing. But that wasn't the most humiliating part of all this, no he can take the mocking, beating and even the peeing on. That all game with fighting in the Pokemon world. What hurt more was...

"Why did you leave me?" Alister asked.

"Because Alister you were going to learn more by me not being there." Basil says.


"You fell into Shawn's trap. He baited you into that fight, and you fell for it. Simple as that. But that was recoverable, you was winning or at least you looked like you was. You kept letting your anger get the best of you and honestly Shawn didn't have to do much more than what he did. He's a very accomplished fighter whether you want to see it or not."

"Oh, why don't you go marry him then." Alister growls.

"Because Shawn wouldn't..." Basil stops herself. "I'm not Shawn's type let's just say that. But he's not the Pokemon I fell for, I fell for you Alister, I picked you to be my mate and I'll stand by you always. Even if you don't see me. Plus, I couldn't stand to watch you lose like that, or listen to you bash me every chance you got. So...I walked off so you could learn a lesson."

"You could have at least stopped him from peeing on me..." Alister sighs.

"Oh no you deserve that Alister, that's for yelling at me." Basil giggles. "Granted my back is going to smell like Shawn."

Alister happily sighs, he really did love Basil. "I'm sorry Basil."

"I know you are my little Minccino." The Quilava gently bumps back against Alister.

"I love you, Basil."

"I love you too Alister. Now let's get you cleaned up."

Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 5 | Meadow

# Chapter 5 Meadow Ruby needed her, Radiance needed her, her village needed her, honestly at this point Meadow wouldn't be surprised some random small Pokemon needed her. EVERYONE NEEDED HER!!! Was this really the fate of a Pokemon...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 3 | Chip

## Chapter 3 Chip Chip couldn't believe that he was doing this, he never once in his young Zorua life believed that he would end up finding himself in a club, none the less Tail Lifters. Don't get him wrong, the place wasn't dirty or anything, in...

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Lore of Mysticfell - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #2 - Shadow Pokemon Basics

**Journal Log 2** Shadow Pokemon, what are they one might wonder? I wondered this as well for a long time and I gave up some of the best years of my life in pursuit of this answer. My findings...there is still more for me to discover. **Shadow...

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