Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 3 | Chip

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#3 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Picture by

slimefur ( https://inkbunny.net/slimefur )

Story and Characters belong to me

Chip arrives to Tail Lifters to meet up with Kyuubi for a night together. He rarely goes to the entertainment district and for good reasons. It can be a wild place where a Pokemon and lose themselves to their desires. While there he meets the Clefable bartender Jerry and Madam Holly the owner of the Tail Lifters. What ambitions do these two have for the young shadow fox and more importantly his Omen?

Chapter 3


Chip couldn't believe that he was doing this, he never once in his young Zorua life believed that he would end up finding himself in a club, none the less Tail Lifters. Don't get him wrong, the place wasn't dirty or anything, in fact it was clean and very well maintained. The walls looked freshly painted, granted the color was red but it had a nice vibe to it, soothing as if the colors themselves were inviting you in for a good time. The music was jazzy believe it or not, it wasn't what Chip thought that it would be when he thought of a place like Tail Lifters. At the door he was greeted by the bouncer who was a older looking Granbull, the large hound asked him how his day was and hoped that they could make it better than it already was. Inside Chip found there was plenty of his former classmates there, many were celebrating their graduations by going to the club.

``Welcome, welcome.'' A Clefable says as Chip walks through the inside doors into the club itself. Along the way he saw several pictures on the walls representing some of the different Pokemon who worked there. One of the pictures Chip saws was of Kyuubi, the Vulpix-Eevee hybrid was making out with another fox, one that Chip was very familiar with. Ribbon's little brother Fenzura. The little Vulpix that loved to dress up and look cuter than some females. How did he end up working at a place like this?

``Can I offer you a drink?''

``Um...what do you have?'' Chip asked, the Zorua wasn't familiar with anything here. There were bottles of all kinds laying around with strange labels and markings on them. He was honestly becoming overwhelmed just looking at them.

``You look like a cranberry kind of fox, how about I offer you a nice strong cranberry drink?'' The Clefable says while starting to work on his drink.

``Sure...sure....'' Chip gulps. He noticed the Pokemon worked fast and before he knew it his drink was poured and slid over to him. The fox starts looking his pouch to pay him, but the fairy holds up a hand.

``Your one of those grads, right?''


``Drinks are on the house tonight; Madam Holly wants you all to know that she's proud of you. Lucky fella. So, if you want anything just come see me and I'll pour you a good one. Though there is a limit since well...you know Pokemon, and strong drinks sometimes don't like to mix.''

``I'll keep that in mind.'' Chip says while sniffing his drink, it smelled like cranberry with a hint of something strong. With a little gulp the fox sucks back the drink...it was amazing. He wipes his mouth and holds up a paw.


Don't get hooked kid, this stuff can knock you back on your ass if you're not careful.'' The Clefable starts making another drink,Though I'll tell you this, play your cards right and you could be sitting that ass on something if you know what I mean. Or get something to sit on your lap, what ever floats your boat, I'm not here to judge. Just serve drinks.''

``Um...what's your name?'' Chip askes as he's given another drink.

Names Jerry kid, simple name for a simple fairy.'' The Clefable chuckles.What's your name? You know its normally tradition for the one who is asking for someone's name give theirs first, but I'll let it slide.''


Chip? Hearing that makes a little hungry for a chip...Chip.'' Jerry slides Chip another drink.Welcome to Tail Lifters though, we like to serve our drinks and dancers strong. I'd be careful though my friend, not all of our dancers are um...'' simple'' underneath those skirts if you know what I mean. Packing a little more than you might suspect but if that's what you're into...this place is right for you.''


Jeez kid did your mama teach you anything.'' The Clefable moves back a little bit and oddly grabs his crotch.They're swinging like you and me kid. Mess around with it a little bit and it gets long if you know what I mean.''

``I think I do...though why do you say that same thing all the time?''

Because I can kid.'' The Clefable leans on the counter.Got a problem with it, I can stop serving you those free cranberry and vodkas. And I'm putting the good shit in there too, not that bottom shelf shit like they serve over there in ``Bunnies.'' Damn bunny Lopunnies don't know how to make a drink. They can take a dick all day long but tell them to make a good drink and they don't know their right from their left. Bunnies are only good for one thing and one thing only...if you know what I mean.''

``Yes, I know what you mean...'' Chip was getting a headache just listening to this fairy. He sips down his drink and orders another.

Keep this up kid and you might find a dick in your butt...I don't think I need sayif you know what I mean'' though...pretty sure you know what I mean. Hey if you like getting corn holed then hey...more power to you kid. You're doing something, I sure as hell don't want too.''

``Huh you're not gay?''

Why would you think I'm gay kid? Shitttt......I eat pussy for breakfast buddy. You wake up to eat eggs and I wake up to pussy in my face.'' The Clefable nods.I bartend down here since I make good money. Money doesn't know orientation, plus these cats here...love them to death. Some of them are like my kids, granted I've watched my fair share of these foxes, kitties and dogs getting their tail holes blown out but hey...comes with the job. I help protect them too, sometimes some customers like to get a little too touchy with the foxes if you know what I mean. So, out comes my old friend here...''

Jerry pulls out a metal rod. ``I've had to use this a few times, not that much recently.''

``Oh my...''

Anyway, you here for business or pleasure?'' Jerry askes while making Chip another drink.Also slow down on the drinks.''

But their so good!'' Chip holds his mouth.Oh my...why did I yell?''

``Look its dangerous...take this.'' Jerry hands Chip a round thing in a small wrapper. He blinks a few times before realizing what it was.

``Why do I need TM 19?''

Make sure to use it on your partner ok. You know if your partner was to use Ditto Essence and a little bit of magic you could end up with an egg. Saw that here a few times.'' Jerry fixes himself a shot of rum and slams it back.Its something that Pokemon who have a lot of one gender tend to do a lot.''

``Chip there you are.'' The Zorua heard the voice of Kyuubi call to him. The fox comes down the stairs nearby leading up to the VIP lounge. The fox was wearing a pair of stockings, his fur was well groomed, and he looked like something who was out for a good time.

``No skirt tonight Pixvee?'' Jerry asked.

``Pixvee?'' Chip tilts his head.

``Its my stage name. You know...Vulpix-Eevee mix.''

Right...'' Chip blushes as he looks the fox over, he was cute and sexy.You look really...well...really cute.''

``Thanks.'' Kyuubi presses his nose against Chip's.

``Careful with him Pixvee, he's had a few good drinks. Sending him off with TM 19 if you know what I mean.''

``Don't worry I don't intend to use Ditto Essence tonight with him...'' Kyuubi murres and gives Chip a wink.

``What's that supposed to mean?'' Chip asked, he is pulled along by the fox.

Oh, Pixvee I didn't think you was into something like that?'' Jerry could be heard starting to laugh.You sly fox.''

``What's he talking about?''

You don't want to know what he means.'' Kyuubi shakes his tail at Chip.Come on let's go, the night is still very young.''

The VIP lounge was located on the second floor of the club with the stairs just behind the bar area. The stairs up winded a few times before you reached the top where another bar sat and a few small dance floors for personal dances. A couch sat in the middle where someone could look at the club. Laying on the couch was the owner of the place, a plump Purugly that was wearing a red sun hat, a beautiful velvet red dress that opened in the back to let her tail move around though it also made it easy for someone to have access to her butt. She wore a red collar around her neck with a tag on it that read, ``Hollyleaf Salam''

``Ah so this is the fox you spoke so much about.'' The Purugly doesn't smile as she looks Chip over from where she sat. The Zorua gulps.

``Are you afraid?''

``No...'' Chip's voice cracked. The Purugly cracks a smile.

``Do you know who I am?''

``Um...Hollyleaf?'' Chip says. The cat smirks.

Part of me wants to get angry hearing you say that but I'm more tamed than I used to be. Proper introductions are in place.'' The feline stands up off the couch and approaches Chip and Kyuubi.Kyuubi normally its proper for you to give the introduction but I won't fault you for it this time.''

``Um sorry about that...''

Don't be, it happens to best of us.'' The cat puts a paw on Kyuubi's head.You continue to impress me my child. Now...Mr. Zorua. My name is Madam Hollyleaf Salam. Though you can call me Madam Holly and if you ever get close enough to me, I'll let you just call me Hollyleaf. One can come to miss their true name from time to time, titles are nice, but they don't' tell the full story of who we are.''

~ Oh wow...she's oddly deep. ~ Chip heard the voice of his Omen speak. The Zorua's eyes flash and the next moment he saw the transparent image of the female Zorua from his dream. The fox winks at him.

~ Hey there. ~

`What are you doing here? Your...you're the Zorua from my dreams.'

~ Good grief didn't we already go through this? I will humor this one more time! I told you who I was back in our Soulscape right? My name is ____ and I'm your Omen. I am the true you given form. Got to love this whole Shadow Pokemon thing huh? Your soul's will can be so strong that it creates a spiritual form just so it can speak to you or anyone else for that matter. Don't worry Chip I'm not here to cause any harm, just to observe. I mean who doesn't like watching some porn, and trust me...I know you love read fanficitions and watch Safari porn. What's better than watching porn? Being in it! I mean look at Kyuubi...that sweet sexy fox, so sexy and cute...I want to wear his ass like its a mask. Look at that fucking sheath of his, you know his dad was gifted and he gave that to him. You know what I mean? ~

`Please don't start that...I've heard that line more than enough tonight.' Chip sighs. _'I've got a headache just listening to that. What is wrong with you? There is no way deep down that is how I feel.'_Chip groans. ?What are you here for besides to annoying the living shit out of me.?

~ Wow your really cool with me already. I figured you'd freak out like you normally would. ~ The fox trots around the image of Kyuubi, she pokes him a few times on his ear and Chip watches as the fox scratches himself. ~


~ Oh, you saw that too. Its because he is a Shadow Pokemon too, one that can sense other Shadow Pokemon's Omens. He can't see or hear me yet but that's because you haven't introduced me to him nor has, he casted anything that would allow him to see me. ~ The fox then touches the Purugly who instantly turns to her.

~ Wait what? ~

``Hello their little Omen. You have quiet the little mouth on you. It took a lot for me to pretend that I wasn't listening. If your ever in the need for a job please let me know, I know some of my clients would love to see how far your fantasies could stretch.'' Madam Holly smiles.

``You can see me...'' The fox gasped as she was no longer transparent but instead looked as real as the rest of them. She looks around confused.

``Wait how is that possible?'' Chip asked.

``I'm a Shadow Pokemon like the rest of you, in fact many Pokemon who work here are Shadow Pokemon. Though unlike them I have the power to help bring out the potential in other Shadow Pokemon by being able to touch their Omens. Kyuubi has told me much about you Chip and I asked him to bring you here for me to meet. Its not normal for a shadow's Omen to moving this freely so soon after their awakening...what's more interesting is how yours is not fully awaken yet. Or rather you are not awakened to her just yet.''

``How much of that were you able to hear?'' Chip's Omen asked.

All of it. I was able to hear and see your Omen since she appeared. I had set up this area earlier just for this moment...'' Madam Holly points to the four corners of the lounge where there was a crystal set up.The moment you entered those I was able to track your Omen, this allowed her to more easily appear before use too. It just takes a little bit for its affects to completely activate. Don't worry I do not intend to keep you long; I can feel your desire to be with my son.''

``Son?'' Chip's Omen tilts her head.

Yes, this is my mom, well...well adoptive mom but we don't call one another that.'' Kyuubi looks up at Madam Holly.She took me in after I left Prism City long ago.''

``Kyuubi I'm proud of you, you've come a long way. Have fun tonight.'' Madam Holly then puts a paw on Chip's head, her paw glows and Chip felt like his mind was being pushed into. The Zorua lets out a howl and a moment later he falls onto his face.

``Hmm...did I go too hard?'' Madam Holly asked, the Purugly was sweating.

``What did you do?'' Chip's Omen asked, he looks up at her.

No idea Ina\_\_'' Chip stops speaking as he oddly enough nearly said her name.What? How did I know your name?''

``Its not my full name silly, my name is Inari.''

``Wait...Inari?'' Chip jumps to his paws.

Inari?'' Kyuubi asked.Still can't see her but glad to hear that you know her name. Learning your Omen's name is the first step to unlocking your true self. Mine is Gilgamesh.''

I can't believe this you really know my name...'' Inari jumps up and down.Oh, my Arceus this is going to be so cool! You don't know how long I've waited for this moment.''

Calm down.'' Chip chuckles.You'll tire us out.''

Alright that's enough from me.'' Madam Holly walks by the group.We should speak again when you're not on a date with my son. I'm just glad that it wasn't too hard to finish your awakening.'' Madam Holly oddly looked tired. Chip and Kyuubi were about to say something but the cat shakes her heard. ``It takes a bit out of me to do that, I knew what I was in for. I'm not as young as I once was, back in the day I used to this for a living back in Port Lore and Prism City. Any ability used on a Pokemon's soul can take it out of the on casting it. Now really have fun you too. And Kyuubi don't worry about waiting up for me, you're a big fox now. See you in the morning.''


``Anytime soon.'' Madam Holly bows her head and then walks away leaving Chip and Kyuubi alone. Wait alone?

~ As much as I would love to hang around, I think the cat's got the right idea. We can talk some more tomorrow Chip. Try not to make your first time a painful one alright. Now go get cornholed. ~ Inari says, the Zorua was transparent once again. ~ OH and make sure to use TM 19, I really don't feel like being plump just yet. ~ Inari dips before Chip say something.

`Damn that fox, why does she have to say such things?!'

``Chip.'' Kyuubi was holding his paw, the pair stare into the other's eyes.

``Oh Kyuubi...?'' Chip shakes his head as he tries to get himself to focus. The fox sighs.

``Alright look, I'm not super into these mushy things ok. I know we're being cute with one another but don't get telling or friends about this...well maybe Hathor since she is kind of your mate so...you know you should keep her in the loop.''

``What about you?''

``What about me?''

``Don't you want to be mates?'' Chip asked his friend while pressing his nose against Kyuubi's. The fox presses back.

``I mean...its tradition for Pokemon to only take one mate - ''

Screw traditions.'' Chip nips Kyuubi's ear, the fox knew what he wanted to do. Not waiting for Kyuubi to say anything else he nip's his ear again this time holding onto it.We're Shadow Pokemon, since when do we care about traditions.''

You know...there is so much wrong in that statement...'' Kyuubi murres.Though I don't think I care about to...correct you right now.''

Nope...'' Chip licks Kyuubi's ear, his maw drew in close enough for him to whisper.Now lay down. I want to fuck my mate.''

``Chip...'' Kyuubi blushes, the fox murres and then turns around lifting his butt for him. Chip licks his chops before leaning in to lick Kyuubi's exposed tail hole, the fox gulps as he catches his friend's aroma. The musk, the smell of a needy fox, it was all there, and it was his for the taking. He presses his nose against Kyuubi's entrance, his cool nose made the other fox shake.

``I didn't think you had it in you Chip.'' Kyuubi chuckles.

``You know Kyuubi...your lucky I don't want to put a kit in you yet. Your butt is made for baring eggs.'' Chip licks the fox's hole again his tongue presses into Kyuubi's little button pushing it in. Chip pulls his tongue back out; he makes a face as he didn't expect for that to happen.


Oh, shut it.'' Chip gags.I wasn't ready for that.''

Well, you're the one who is into ATM.'' Kyuubi leans his head on his paws while shaking his butt in Chip's face.You're going to leave me wanting?''

``...'' Chip gives the fox a smack on his ass making him jump a little bit.

``That wasn't a playful slap!''

``I'm not going to get the taste of your ass out of my mouth...'' Chip blushes. He gets up on the fox, his rod presses against Kyuubi's butt. Chip didn't feel like wanting to wait any longer, his mouth tasted like ass, his breath smelled now and well...he was horny and Kyuubi was going to fucked like the mate he wanted him to be. Chip didn't wait for Kyuubi's go ahead instead surprising the fox with a good shove in...

``CHIP!'' Kyuubi gasped out. The Zorua felt the warmth of his mate's hole welcoming him in, the tightness, the little bit of moisture, the aroma...it was all wonderful. Chip murres as he closes his eyes, he wanted to let his moment last forever, he had never done this before, and he was glad he waited out until he met someone like Kyuubi to share it with.

``Huh Kyuubi...I want to let this last forever. Your ass...maybe I should get some ditto essence...''

You do that and I'm going to make sure that you go from herm to female!'' Kyuubi responds.Only when we're ready and its going to be putting it in you. This ass is not laying a egg.''

We'll see.'' Chip sticks out his tongue.I mean I'm the one who is in you right now.''

Only because I let you.'' Kyuubi smirks.Now let's talk more fucking.''

``Hey who's on top?''

``I'll explain the dynamics of this little relationship of our later Chippy. Now get on with the humping.''

``Fine, fine...'' Chip takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and pushes himself as far into Kyuubi as he could before pulling back out a little and then pushes himself back in. The Zorua swallows as he lets himself become lost in the moment, he felt Kyuubi becoming warmer, he felt him tighten around his cock, his walls seemly felt like they were trying to milk him right now. Yes, that was the perfect way to think about it, he was in a milker, and he needed to fill it up as much as possible.

``Are you trying to admire my ass or are you trying to fuck me?''

``I'm doing my best!'' Chip yells, the Zorua's eyes opened. He feels under Kyuubi, the fox was wet that was for sure as his cock was dripping pre out of it. He could smile.

``Someone's getting wet.''

``Honestly Chip if I wanted to talk to someone while fucking, I'd get a Chatot as a boyfriend. Least then he has an excuse for spending all his time talking about fucking instead of doing it.''

I'll show you!'' Chip slammed himself back into Kyuubi as hard as he could, the fox lets out a cry.Oh, you better get your voice ready!'' Chip slammed himself into Kyuubi again and again each time making him cry loudly. The Zorua smirks as he liked hearing Kyuubi's voice like this. The Zorua leans over nipping the fox's neck fur and pulls it back causing Kyuubi to whine again.


``Look whose talking?'' Chip growls, he gives Kyuubi a few more rough humps causing the fox to moan.

``Oh Chip...that tickles.'' The fox giggles.

``Oh, you like being tickled...'' Chip nips harder, his forepaws wrap around Kyuubi's chest, and he pushes himself into his mate as fast as he could, the Zorua didn't care about being rough anymore instead he wanted to make Kyuubi eat his words. He feels his knot pushing in and out of Kyuubi's butt, a small noise could be heard as it was becoming hard for Chip to pull his knot out or shove it back in, with it finally getting locked in. The Zorua whispers into his mate's ear again.

``Say my name....''

``Oh Chip...you too gentle...fuck me like you mean it.''

``I've already got my...knot in you...how much rougher do you want it...you little slut.'' Chip pulls back and forth, his knot wouldn't allow him to pull out, but it made for a nice tool for making Kyuubi whine. The fox cries out as he sprays his seed all over Chip's paws.

``That's right...whine you little...slut...beg for...what you like...''

``I like...strawberries....''

Chip wanted to respond but the Zorua couldn't think of a response before he shoved himself as deep into the fox as possible and sprays his own load inside of Kyuubi, the warm Zorua seed finds its way into his mate's deep regions. Kyuubi moans Chip's name, the fox looks back licking his nose.

``That's my Zorua...good boy.''

``I'm not...fuck it...ya I'm a good boy...'' Chip wags his tail. He did like it when Kyuubi said such things to him, the fox blushes as the two of them lay down slowly together, tied by Chip's rod. The pair unfortunately had to lay in their own seed but...Chip didn't mind, he liked it oddly enough. Kyuubi's scent was everywhere and that was comforting.

At least for now Chip could happily fall asleep holding onto his best friend and now the fox that he wanted to call one of his mates.

``You know Chip...''

``What is it love?'' Chip murres.

Oh love...we're moving fast huh.'' Kyuubi kisses the Zorua.No you still can't put a kit in me.''

``I wasn't thinking that...''

Sure....'' Kyuubi smiles.No Hathor is doing a breakfast tomorrow right?''

``Um...I think so?'' Chip shrugs.

``She's your girlfriend, a girlfriend I'm sure you're going to mate with and then start calling mate, right?''


``You haven't tied the knot with Hathor yet...Chip you wanted to tie the knot with me before you did so with your girlfriend. You better but sliding yourself in there soon, she's a good fox, one that I'm sure someone might have eyes on. You better not waste time, shit after breakfast tomorrow you need to be in that bathroom fucking and marking her. Females like that don't wait too long.''

``Thanks for the advice but I've got this.'' Chip yawns.

``Um Chip...''

``What is it Kyuubi?''

``We are not sleeping on this dirty ass floor. Do you know how much cum has been on this floor that didn't come out of either of us? Plus it's not that comfortable down here and plus...I'm not very good at being little spoon so we're going have to change this.''

``Are you really complaining...''

Well...honey I'm a needy mate and well...since someone wanted to put a collar on me...which we still need. You're going to live up too it.'' Kyuubi smirks.Got it Chip Salam?''

``I am not taking your name!''

``Kyuubi and Chip Salam.''

``Seriously...'' Chip sighs as he didn't know how much he wanted to fight his mate on this. He gets a kiss from Kyuubi who murres his name a few times.

``A quick nap won't hurt...but you better not let of me you hear.'' Kyuubi blushes.

Chip didn't let go for Kyuubi instead the Zorua held tightly onto him. The thought of what he said crossed his mind as he began drifting off to sleep, the image of Kyuubi and Hathor, his best friends and well...the Pokemon he wanted to make into his mates. Though was he ready for that? Plus, what about Inari, he was just learning about her, how will she play into anything? For now, he needed to rest and then later take him and Kyuubi back home. Tomorrow he was supposed to go to breakfast with Hathor and their friends.

Who knows what tomorrow will hold, but one thing was for sure, Chip knew he wasn't going to be walking it alone? Just hopefully there was enough of him to satisfy everyone else.

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