Lore of Mysticfell - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #1 - Basics of the Magical World

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#1 of Zasalamel's Journal

Artwork done by D685ab7f ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/d685ab7f )

The story and characters are mines

Welcome to the Lore of Mysticfell context section. Yes that is right I am giving you context, you asked for it and I'm giving it to you. The context section is not required but you'll become more knowledgeable about my story world by reading it. Please bear with me as I am still developing this story and might not answer all of the context figured out right away, remember this is a work in progress story. But I will tell you guys that there is back story to be found in these journal entries as we explore Zasalemel the Slowpoke who at one point was the greatest magical mind in the world.

For over art please enjoy this great picture of our favorite Zorua and what he might look like as a Hisian Zorua. Could this form be canon to our little trickster? We'll have to see.

Journal Entry 1

A Basic Understanding of the Magical World

My name is Zasalmel, I was formally a Slowking though I am nothing more than a Slowpoke. I was in my prime one of the greatest magically gifted Pokemon of this generation. My powers for understanding the magical world were endless and I spent some of my best years with my nose in a book or testing my theories. It was only in my later years that I began adventuring as I looked for a way to extend my already long life. I have a very powerful soul and as such it allowed me to live long beyond the natural years of a Slowking.

Everything began crumbling as I began my research into Shadow Pokemon and met that bitch Ninetales Delphine and her bastard of a mate Dolphus that damn orange Lycanroc. But that is a journal entry for another day. My life even now I feel it slowly leaving me as I press my paws on this sheet of paper to record. All I can do now is as much of my knowledge before I am no more. So... let's begin.

Basic Known History of Magic:

To first begin understanding the world of Mysticfell one must first begin by understanding magic and how it affects the natural world. Magic was first created by Giratina when the world was first formed. We know this from journals written by himself. Giratina gave us access to magic which in turn gave life to what was a mundane world that his fellow creation Pokemon Arceus had made. Arceus created Pokemon, the land, and the sea and gave balance to this world but that was the extent of what he did. Giratina created magic giving Pokemon their abilities but also bringing into this world a sense of unbalance which in turn breaths excitement.

To bring forth magic though Giratina was required to draw it from another realm that has magic already there. You see magic is a force that resides not in this realm but in another and it must be brought into this realm. This can be confusing but let me explain. Our world is not able to naturally create magic, in fact, no world is able to. Magic is too great to be hosted in our world and instead must be brought over from what I like to call the Realm Between. The Realm Between sits in an area that is connected to all other worlds. This power is unfathomable and natural beings such as you and me are not able to cross into this realm without our very bodies being destroyed. Magic that is found in the Realm Between is too pure for our bodies to handle.

Giratina though can withstand this power.

Giratina went into the Realm Between and created a pipeline of this power that is filtered into our world. When its filtered into this world it becomes something that normal Pokemon can withstand and more importantly absorb into our bodies. That power is what allows Pokemon to use their abilities.

Magical Power Sources

Power Gems are the concentration of elemental magic and are normally formed in areas where a magical pipeline might connect to, while a crystal is a shard of a power gem that one can carry and use as they see it. These Gems are what allow Pokemon to be able to use their elemental abilities. It also plays a role in Pokémon's ability to evolve and continue to grow in unusual ways. Some Pokemon learned how to take this power and transform it into what we know as Mega Evolution.

Magic is tied directly to Pokemon souls and before it was introduced into the world Pokemon did not live very long lives with the oldest possible recording being roughly around 50 years old though more evidence must be found to support that. Once magic was introduced into the world Pokémon's life spans along with their potential became unmeasurable. Some Pokémon species like Ninetales (Even writing Ninetales on this paper is making my paw shake.) have to be recorded to live well over a thousand years while others like Absol reach over a hundred and yet dragons have been seen to live two thousand years and then some. One thing all these have in common is that their lives did not increase until after the introduction of magic into the world.

Mist is a free-flowing magical energy that can be seen in the natural world. Normally magical essence is too thin to be seen by the naked eye though when it is near a large enough power source it can be seen. This energy normally appears multicolored. Large concentrations of mist can be harmful to a normal Pokemon and should be avoided unless you have protection from it. There are some expectations to this rule though it's highly advised to limit your time around large mist concentrations.

Understanding Magical Energy

There are two main variations of magic that draws on different forms of energy. Magical Energy and Spiritual Energy. These forms of energy come from two different pools of power within a Pokemon.

Magical Energy or as some know it "Mana" is drawn from a Pokémon's magical power within themselves. Pokemon by just living draw in magical energy and their bodies can keep those in reserves allowing them to use their attacks. This power is finite, and someone can run out of their ability to use abilities if they are not careful. This form of power is the most common one Pokemon draw upon and has seen the most creative use.

Spiritual Energy is drawn directly from a Pokémon's soul allowing them to tap into greater power. This energy is what Pokemon can use to increase their speed, strength, endurance, and so on and so forth. This form of power is very, very limiting though when used right can turn the tide of an engagement. Some Pokemon types can tap into this form of energy better than others and prefer to use it during combat to increase their natural attacks.

Types and their preferred energy

Normal: Spiritual. A normal Pokemon that is not mixed with another elemental type will lean heavily towards spiritual energy. Though when they are mixed with another type, they can enhance that type's energy and their normal element will take on the properties of the other element. Some of this power could reflect Arceus's normal typing.

Fire: Magical. Mostly magically based species, they can tap into their spiritual reserves to give their none fire elemental attacks fire properties. Fire magic tends to scale during battle becoming stronger depending on the user's emotions. This elemental species is very prone to losing control of powers if left unchecked.

Water: Magical. This elemental species has a large well of mana. They are very good at restoration magic and being able to assist others. Most guild teams tend to take the supportive role as their restoration and protection abilities can be a lifesaver. Unlike fire types, they are not very capable of adding their typing to other elemental abilities. Water types tend to be very calm and are in control of their minds and emotions. Their strength becomes stronger the calmer they are.

Grass: Magical. Grass types take advantage of the world around them being able to absorb magical energy from nature itself. Grass types are very good at manipulating others with their various powders and enhancement magic. Their power is similar to dragons in how they seem natural to be balanced between spiritual and magical energy though they draw on the magical based a bit more.

Flying: Spiritual. Much like Normal types, they mimic some traits of dual type. The few solo flying types tend to lack any special traits. A very boring type.

Electric: Magical. Greatly affected by their emotions with many being able to enhance their abilities through emotionally charged attacks. Like grass and fire types they can give their non-elemental abilities electric traits by channeling their power into them, while at the same time sometimes being able to use leftover reserved magical energy to further enhance their powers. The drawback I've found to electric types is their lack of mana reserves.

Rock: Spiritual. There are very few to no rock-type Pokemon that have any kind of magical talent and are mostly spiritually based. Rock types lack magical power so much that any dual type with rock suffers. Their strength though is their natural ability to control the battlefield.

Ground: Spiritual. A lot like rock types in that they lack magical power even when duel type. They are able to feel the ground around them and can make split-second decisions about an opponent's movement that is near them. Though most lack the ability to react effectively.

Fighting: Spiritual. The benchmark when it comes to spiritual control. Fighting types are very gifted at being able to enhance their attacks and stats with their spiritual energy. Though in turn, they lack next to no magical energy even when duel type. If they are duel types with a magical element they're fighting energy will help to enhance the other types' physical traits but in turn, will reduce their magical traits.

Poison: Magical. Despite what one might believe poison types are magically based with their type being one of the best to control their mana flow. Much like fire and electric types, they can give poison elements to their none poison moves. Talented poison types of also possess the ability to lace their poison with various traits and are limited only by their imagination. This means if a poison type wants to make you fall for them or just have sex with you, they can do it. Just noting that fact.

Bug: Spiritual. Sound-based attacks, constantly enhancing themselves and the ability to steal another Pokémon's energy and use it as their own. Bug types are to be feared. Their power doesn't scale that well as they grow instead trading for the ability to quickly grow. Their type plays very well with other types adding odd traits to them that are still being researched.

Ghost: Spiritual. One would believe these Pokemon would be magically based but nope they are spiritually based. Ghost types unlike other spiritually based Pokemon though are able to use their abilities as if they were magically based meaning they can be creative with how they use it. They also have one of the largest energy pools and access to abilities that allow them to control others. In the competitive scene, there are many rules against Ghost Pokemon.

Ice: Magical. Ice types are one of the scariest types to fight, they have water types' magical reserves, grass types' natural ability to absorb energy from their surroundings and the power to literally channel their energy into tools of death. Ice types are frail but none of that matters if you can possibly freeze the blood inside of someone's body and end the fight when you choose to. Ice type's largest weakness besides their lack of endurance (unless they are part of the Spheal or Seel family and through genetics were able to overcome that) is their power requires greater focus than most other types. Their most powerful attacks require longer channel time, something that they can get of course freezing someone in place.

Psychic: Magical. Fighting-types that use their minds and that is what a psychic type is. If a psychic type is given the chance to get their game going they can out scale most opponents and even defeat Pokemon who are stronger than they are. Like-Ice types, their power comes from time. Psychic types are not banned from competitive arenas, but they are heavily shunned for their ability to control others' minds and actions.

Dark: Spiritual. Dark types are Normal types of steroids. They do not naturally process magical powers and in fact, they heavily resist them. But some species have the power to tap into magical energy and if they are able to do so can manipulate it to their liking. Dark-types can control the area around them fusing it with their will. In fact, if you want to summarize it, Dark types have strong wills that can change the world around them. Dark types rarely are Shadow Pokemon but the ones that are borne as such can scale to be even stronger than other Shadow Pokemon. Some like to call the dark type the prodigy type.

Steel: Spiritual. With strong bodies and even stronger wills, steel types have large spiritual pools of energy and the power to enhance their secondary types or if they are a solo type keep enhancing themselves. Unlike other spiritually based Pokemon steel types have the power to blend their power with magically based elements. One of the greatest examples of this is Neoral the Jirachi who can scale his power to rival that of some Elder Legendries.

Fairy: Magical. Like steel types, fairy types are very good at enhancing their other elemental abilities. Fairy types have large mana pools and a very, very strong connection Mist, so much that they can manipulate the magic in the air to bend to their will. Fairy types like Bug-types have the ability steal other's magical energy and bend it to their will. Fairy types are not to be trusted(little evil devils). The greatest known fairy types are Radiance the Diancie and Tabitha Xerneas.

Dragon: Both. Dragon types are a perfect balance between spiritual and magical energy. A dragon type can change the properties of their abilities almost at will and their energy pools sometimes seem limitless. The only save and grace is that they struggle to reproduce, but they make up for that by having very long lives. Dragon types have been known to steal away Pokemon of other species to experiment on them and reproduce. Dragon types tend to keep to themselves with most staying in their isles and up on Dragon Peak. They are competitive and like to come out to fight in tournaments. Famous dragon types...all of them.

All of this is subject to continuing to be updated as we discover more information.

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