Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 8 | Alister

Story by Lightsoul101 on SoFurry

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#8 of Lore of Mysticfell Series

Artwork by D685ab7f ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/d685ab7f )

Story and Characters by me

In between his lost to Shawn and now Alister finds himself wanting to do more than just sit around, he decides to be like the rest of their friends and get out of dodge. His decision wasn't hard to come too as he can't escape the embarrassment of his lost. Alister feels that Shawn went out of his way to ruin his life, make him lost respect of their fellow Pokemon and for what? To prove that he was better than him. Alister knows that there must be a way to get ahead, a way to finally end his misery of being a second rate Pokemon and finally live up to being a Blacktail.

Chapter 8


Alister's family lived in a high rise that overlooked the park. Bangam had moved here just after Alister was born and it was his place that lived in until he met Basil and left to live with her. The family's villa was perfect as it was about two floors, had at least four bedrooms and at the top there was passage that led to a clubhouse. After Alister and his big sister Angelblade left home, they turned his room into a study while Angelblade's became a workout room. Though that wasn't the only thing his parents used his bedroom for, and he would rather believe that he didn't come home one day to find out what that was. It was...unspeakable. Lucky for him that wasn't where he found his father when he came home to see his parents, he had something he needed to announce to them. He found his father Bangam hanging out on the balcony.

"Alister, welcome home son."

"Hey dad..."

Alister returned home after what felt like forever, the Minccino didn't want to come home, coming home meant having to face his dad but Basil insisted that he speak to his parents. The Minccino had made a big decision between his match with Shawn and coming to see his old mon. He decided that it was time to get out of here for the summer and get away from Noble Highlands and everyone else. He wanted to go on a journey and find himself. Losing to Shawn sucked, it sucked a lot and he didn't know what he should do anymore besides get away from it all.

"I haven't seen you since graduation and that was barely anytime. I'm happy to see you though." Bangam was beaming, the Absol looked so proud to see his son. He leans in close to give him a hug but stops, the older Pokemon sniffs his son.

"Hmm...you smell."

"Great it um...it didn't was out entirely then. Basil said that it would wash out..." Alister groans.

"You smell like...Bulbasaur?" Bangam looks at Alister funny. "What have you been up too son?"

"I...I lost a fight." Alister sighs. "I lost to Shawn..."

"And he peed on you?" Bangam tilts his head. This was becoming unbearable...

"I just want to go home..."

"This is your home son, why would you think it wasn't?"

"Because dad...how am I supposed to live up to you? Live up to being a Blacktail? I mean you're the greatest Absol to grace our region and I'm just a...you know...Minccino. Some how I got the shitty end of the stick when born."

"But you got some cool horns though." Bangam chuckles, Alister heads his horns and sighs again. "Aww son buck up. Your Mom is an awesome Cinccino..." Bangam pulls the Minccino in close to him. "You really stink son...since when have kids wanted to pee on one another for losing a match? Only time we did that was in domination matches. I remember it like it was yesterday..."

"Oh, dad if I come here for a flash back...I'll let you know." Alister says.

"Well, what did you come for then?"

"I'm thinking of leaving the city dad." Alister braces himself for the worst but...nothing, nothing came. Instead, he saw his father beam proudly.

"So, you get peed on and now you want to go on a journey of self discovery?" Bangam asked. "Oh, son you're walking in your old mon's paw steps. I remember when I fought this Mightyena and lost, I got peed on too. Right on the old tail hole, that was...embarrassing. But I learned a lot from it, and it was after that moment that I started traveling around. I was a big shot son; I hadn't lost a match until that moment, and I'll tell you what...I was crushed. I just didn't lose to that hyena, I got dominated. My pride was...everywhere and then some."

"You lost?"

"Of course, son, everyone loses at some point." Bangam rubs his nose. "Oh, my word...what did Shawn drink...eat...I swear he smells worst than that Mightyena had been. And I was stinking for a while."

"Like how long?"

"About a week or two, though the Mightyena was a dark type, Shawn is a poison type, their scents can last a very long time." Bangam lets go for his son and pokes his head off the balcony. "Thank Arceus, fresh air."

"Thanks dad..." Alister sighs. "Father of the year. My confidence is so high right now."

"Your welcome son." Bangam waves Alister over. "I wouldn't be a good dad if I wasn't embarrassing you. Now where do you intend to go son? Also are you going alone or is Basil coming along?"

"Basil is coming along, though I kind of don't want her too."

"Why would you not want Basil to come along son? A kind is only as strong as his queen you know. I remember when I was the champion, I didn't just have your mother as my Queen, I had others too, that is one of the advantages of having a name son." Bangam sighs happily. "I remember your mother being a lot like Basil, she insisted coming along. I snuck out late at night and guess who was waiting for me at the city lines. Your mother. She was coming along whether I liked it or not, and trust me at first, I didn't like it. We fought a lot and there were a few times that I tried to leave her behind again but over and over she found her way back to me."

"And then you two fell in love and lived happily after?" Alister rolls his eyes.

"By the end of the story yes but it didn't come easy. I had to grow up to ultimately win her over. And for me to do that I had to figure myself out, the same journey that your about to go on son." Bangam smiles at Alister. "Don't worry about not being a Absol, you are a Minccino and one that everyone should be proud of. Stop trying to be what you're not and live up to what you are. You are Alister Blacktail, a Minccino that some day everyone will look up too."

Alister gets a kiss on his head, he gags and wipes his head of any saliva. "Gross dad I'm a boy..."

"And I'm your dad." Bangam chuckles. "Now get going son. And remember this will always be your home, you can return here anytime. Oh, and go see your mom before you leave, she's in the study."

"Do I have too, you know she's going to be...motherly and what not..." Alister sighs as he was hoping to avoid seeing Nikcino. Bangam didn't say anything and instead let his expressions do the talking. Alister groans but does what he is told and heads down the hallway and heads into the study. Books lined the walls of his former bedroom; a desk was in the middle of the room. There were portraits of their family on the walls.

"You know I hate coming in here..." Alister grumbles, he saw his mother working from behind the desk, the Cinccino was busy studying. She looks up from her book when he entered.

"Oh, Alister you came home. What do you think of the room? I repainted it." Nikcino asked.

"You turned my room into a study...what parents do that?"

"Parents who were happy when their son decided to run away from home to be with our future daughter-in-law." Nikcino smirks. "No one told you to..." Nikcino sniffs the air.

'You've got to be kidding me...'

"What is that smell..."

Alister repeats the same conversation he just had with his father only this time he got a few taps on the head from Nikcino as she scolded him for having domination matches.

"I don't know what I'm more upset with, you lose a domination match or that you sat there and let him pee on you. Matter of fact what boys like being peed on. Alister...do you have a pee fetish? What do you kids all it today, watersports?" Nikcino asked. "You can tell me..."

"What mother askes that!" Alister felt a few tears run down his face, the Minccino wasn't sad, no he was frustrated. Why did he have to talk to his mother right now, she was more instructive than his father. "Who actually wants to get peed on?"

"Well obviously you." Nikcino says. "I mean I'm sorry Alister, but I can't see why my only son would like to get peed on, I mean...everyone is into something. Your father in fact loves getting wiped. He also loves getting taken by me, that Absol...his scent gets so strong right after I stick it in him..." Nikcino pulls out a whip. "I don't see the thrill in getting hit but...its kind of fun using it on someone who is bigger than me."

"Mom everyone is bigger than you!" Alister balls his fist. "Arceus there is something wrong with this family."

"I mean we like fetishes, so what if I like size play and wiping my husband. He likes it when spank him and then take my fingers and--"

"I've heard enough...!" Alister storms out of the room. Nikcino runs after him.

"Alister! I'm sorry...its kind of fun talking about fetishes. Oh, come on baby at least let me say good bye!"

Alister walks to the front door and pulls it open, the Minccino felt himself taking deep breaths as he struggled to keep himself from bursting out. He turns around and gets a big hug from Nikcino.

"You grew up so fast, it seems like only yesterday you graduated..."

"It basically was yesterday mom..."

"Details Alister...details..."

Nikcino lets go of her son and Alister feels her kiss his head. He wanted to wipe his head but thought against it as his mother glared at him. He knew better. Bangam walks over and takes a seat next to Nikcino.

"Well son...time for you to grow up. Every boy should go on a journey at some point in their lives, it helps to toughen them up."

"Yes, but I wish he would wait a little bit before doing so, I mean...I don't want to see my baby grow up too fast. Just look what happened to Angelblade, she grew up before we knew it. And then she ran off to live her life how she wanted to live it. You didn't even try to stop her."

"She's a strong independent Absol, she should be out there doing something with herself." Bangam says.

Alister rolls his eyes and simply walks out of the door, his parents were still discussing Angelblade and that was all he needed for making his escape. Last thing he needed to hear was things about his sister, the sister that he couldn't even begin to fill the paw prints of. For now, he'll head home and see Basil.

Alister walks through the front door of his place, the Minccino's apartment smelled like spices of every kind with different areas of it having a certain aroma to it. Basil loved to cook, but she also liked to use the spices to scent their home. Alister at first didn't like it but he soon got used to it and before long missed it when he stayed over at his parents. Well, that was before they turned his room into their study during the day and their sex chamber at night. But we don't think about that. Nooooo...mom and dad are simple Pokemon who only have sex when it was time for breeding.

"Ah perfect your home." Basil hands Alister a bowl with soup in it. "Try that."

"What is it?" Alister looks at the soup, it smelled like...pork?

"Its ramen. I'm looking up foods that we can cook while on the road that are both easy to obtain the ingredients of or we are able to hold onto for a long time. I'm expecting our trip to take into areas where we won't be able to find ingredients that easily."

"You know you don't have to come along--"

"I'm not going to have you running around this region all by yourself. You know that the further you get away from civilization the less protection you have." Basil sips on the broth. "Tell me what you think, if you like it then I'll add the rest of the ingredients to it. With the right tools I can pre-make this and then reheat it up when needed."

"You seem more thrilled to go on this trip than me." Alister sips on the broth, the Minccino blinks a few times, he was taken back by its flavor. He had tasted Basil's soups and ramen before, but this was better than usual. She was slowly becoming better at this cooking thing.

"Well, I want to get away from my mom for a while. Love her to death, she took me in when my birth mom left and has done everything, she can raise not only someone who didn't come out of her but someone that will and did grow larger than her." Basil chops up a few vegetables and slides them into the main pot. "Can you get me some bowls?"

"Sure." Alister grabs a few bowls and Basil starts working on the final preparations. "Hey um...thanks for doing this with me."

"I've been with you through everything up till now, why not run away from home together." Basil hands Alister a fully prepared bowl. The aroma made the Minccino feel a little warm inside, memories of his own mother's cooking came back to him. Nikcino despite being annoying sometimes was an accomplished cook in her own right.

"You make it sound awful."

"Well, I mean...your upset about losing to Shawn and that's ok. If you told me, you wanted to head out so you can become stronger than I'm all for it but losing to Shawn...your best friend might I remind you."

"Sure, best friend who coaxed me into a battle just so he could pee on his best friend?"

"Oh Alister...if you only knew." Basil sighs.

"Knew what?"

"I'm not telling you, I promised him I won't say a thing." Basil taps a large spoon on the pot. "You're going to talk to him before we leave, maybe see if he wants to come along?"

"What! This is my journ--"

"If you don't talk to him, he's going to think that he made you leave."

"He did!"

Great now Basil was being silly. Why did girls have to be so silly sometimes, all their emotions and...emotions...did he have to think of anything else? This was so annoying; Basil was being silly and he had to suffer because of it. Now he had to go talk to Shawn, the same Shawn who talked him into a domination battle, wrapped him up with his vines and then forced him up and down on his cock until he blew into him while Alister himself covered his friend's face in cum. Oh and then wraps it up by making him his bitch, by peeing on him. That Shawn.

"I am not talking to him. Forget it! And you can't make me."

"Oh, I can't huh..."

Almost as if the Quilava summoned the Bulbasaur there was a knock at the door. Alister looks at Basil who was smiling from ear to ear. "You going to answer that?"


Basil answers the door instead...

"Basil whats up!" It was Shawn. The Bulbasaur looks past her. "Alister I'm so happy that you two invited me over. Oh, I brought some dessert..." Holds up some cupcakes with his vines. "I made them myself, wanted to start learning how to bake. Hope you don't mind..."

"Oh, not at all. Maybe I can give you some tips."

"Sorry if I'm late, I was hosting this match between Chip and Hathor. It was interesting to watch them fight. Foxes are so good at putting on a good show."

Alister tenses as he watched Shawn walk over to him, the saur sniffs him.

"Um...you smell nice."

"That's what you're going to say to me?!" Alister felt his anger starting to boil.

"Alister..." Shawn sighs, the saur almost seemed out of character. "Look I'm sorry for the other day, I've been thinking about it and--"

"I don't want to hear it!" Alister pouts. "You got what you wanted didn't you, you got to make me your bitch. I can't even show my face in front of my parents now thanks to you. Not like you would understand how that feels."

"ALISTER!" Basil snaps as she brought everything to the dinner table.

"What? Am I wrong?"

"You don't know Shawn's story."

"Oh, I don't?" Alister looks at the Bulbasaur. "I mean he's my best friend right, we've been together since before I met you. I think I know Shawn and he has a perfect life."

"......" Shawn only makes a few sounds, the saur seemed to be thinking about something. The room remained quiet; a slight tension had fallen over it. Alister was fuming inside, the Minccino didn't know what to think about his closest friend and mate. Basil who wasn't his girlfriend but his mate, they shared collars and here she was going behind his back and bringing over the best friend who decided to pee all over him. What kind of support group was this?

"You have nothing to say Shawn?" Alister asked.

"Were you dropped as a baby?" Basil asked.

"Oh, ya by the mom who turned my bedroom into her study and sex chamber." Alister laughs. "Did you parents do that Shawn?"

"Alister..." Shawn simply whispers.


"I'm sorry that your life is so much more fucked up than mine." Shawn sighs. The saur's eyes were a little puffy. "I have a perfect life, don't I? I come from a rich family...just like you. My dad is an accomplished business Pokemon...just like how your dad is an accomplished Guild Master. My mom left my dad because...dad was perfect, and she couldn't stand it. My older brother left because...our lives are so perfect that he couldn't stand it anymore and left. Every single day I get to...spar with my dad who...loves hugging my neck with his vines and remind me how proud he is of me." Shawn got up from the table. "I understand Alister...I never could understand what your life is like."

"Shawn don't go." Basil jumps off her chair and hugs him. "Look we're going to go on trip starting tomorrow and I invited your over to see if you wanted to come along."

"Really?" Shawn asked.

"Yes..." Basil hugs Shawn. "Alister was going to ask you if you wanted to come along, but you know how him, and his mouth get."

"Oh, so I'm the bad guy!"

"Oh, your something else all together Alister." Basil glares at him.

"Look it's a nice offer in all but..." Shawn looks at Alister. "I'm sorry Alister for um...peeing on you. Trust me that smell is not going to come out for a long time, even with the best cleaners. I don't have a right to invite myself along but...I want to make it up to you. Come on we're best friends and...I really don't want to go back home."

"Why is something up?" Alister asked.

"Um..." Shawn shakes his head slowly. "No...I mean...I have a perfect life, right? Dad is being well...Dad and ah...I'd rather not be home while he's in one of his moods. Beside..." Shawn closes his eyes and was silent for a little bit before he opens them back up again, the saur seemed to put on his best face. "Besides Alister where you would be without me huh?"

Shawn was a little different suddenly though when wasn't he being the center of attention. Now here he was stuck with him because how could he possibly say no, not when Basil was being well...Basil and being super helpful to everyone. Alister was getting tired of this, first his parents were being stupid around him and now the two other Pokemon that he cared about and trusted were ganging up on him. That's it!

'I'm out of here, I'll sneak out late tonight and head straight out of the city before these two know it. I'll do what dad couldn't do; I'll make it on my own. Basil is too kind, and Shawn is...fuck Shawn. What kind of friend gloats about how awesome his life is compared to everyone else? He's my rival and nothing more.'

"Eat up boys we're getting out of here tomorrow afternoon." Basil smiles. Shawn leans in.

"We're in for a good time right buddy?"

"......." Alister grumbles.

Dinner was good as Basil's cooking always hits the spot; it was one of the things that attracted him to her. Shawn's cupcakes were...good. Great another thing he was going to brag about. After dinner the trio work on their plans for the next day with the intent of them heading towards the west. Basil and Shawn wanted to visit the Whitewoods, it was supposed to be very beautiful this time of the year and Basil wanted to learn about the history of the woods and more importantly the history of magic.

"Your interested in magic?" Alister asked her.

"A little bit. There is supposed to be a old Pokemon that lives there who knows about magic and Shadow Pokemon." Basil smiles. "Don't you want to make this trip memorable?"

"How is talking to some old Pokemon..." Alister knew for sure he was going to run away. "Yes...yes.... let's go on an adventure to find some old hag!" Alister pouts. "This trip is supposed to be about me."

"Its not always about you buddy." Shawn says, the saur was having himself some after dinner tea.

"Why you..."

"You know I have an invested interested in finding out more about magic and shadow Pokemon as a whole." Basil says. "After the Whitewoods we can head up to Venice, they are going to have a big tournament up there. It'll be a good chance for you to test your skills."

"I guess..."

"You'll have me here to help you train." Shawn says. "I mean I can help you train to be the second best Pokemon I know."

"Do I even want to know who the first is?" Alister knew where this was going.

"Why of course me." Shawn chuckles.

"......." The Minccino grumbles.

After everyone was asleep Alister sneaks out of the apartment, the Minccino was careful to make sure that he didn't step on anything laying on the floor. Basil was a light sleeper so he had to be extra careful since even the smallest noise could wake her. He crossed the living room reaching the front door. Lucky for him Shawn was using the spare bedroom or really the bedroom he was restricted too if he upsets Basil.

Once out of the apartment Alister creeps down the hallway as to not wake anyone else up in the other apartments. Before long he reach the stairs and the way out of the building, he was free. Alister ran as fast as he could down the street, he didn't want to slow down until he was sure that he was a safe enough distance away. He didn't stop running until he reached the park.

"Made it..." Alister lays down in the grass. "I did it..."

Alister lays there staring up at the night sky, the stars were covered the sky while the moon was beaming down on him. It was said that outside of the city there were more stars than a Pokemon could possibly count out in the wild. He wanted to experience that joy, to enjoy staring up at the night sky and feel a sense of true freedom. Alister pictured himself laying out in the forest somewhere, he was staring up at the sky just like this and...Basil was there.


"Isn't this amazing Alister?"


"Worth all the trouble huh." Dream Basil asked him, the Quilava laid her head against his.

"What trouble?"

"Doing the right thing." Alister saw Shawn step into view, the saur had a softer look about him. "Life's better when you have others to enjoy it with."

"You two are in my dream- "

"Ah but that's thing Alister, your dreams are a reflection of your heart and...from what I'm seeing you are feeling guilty." Dream Shawn comments.

"I am not guilty, you two shouldn't be so annoying. I didn't ask for either of you to come along, this is my journey." Alister got up. "And I can make it on my own, just you watch. I'll be out of this town before you two even have a chance to catch me."

"You would have..." Basil says while still looking up at the night sky. "If you hadn't fallen asleep."


The Minccino felt a cold chill. Looking around the dream world seemed to continue, Shawn and Basil spoke with one another though they didn't seem to notice him anymore. He feels a cold hand touch his shoulder causing him to jump backwards. Standing before him was an Alakazam, the unmistakable long body, spoons and that mustache.

"Do not be alarmed little Minccino, for I am not here as an enemy but as a friend..." The Psychic Pokemon smiles.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Professor Ommin Ruin, some call me Professor Ruin though you can call me Ommin. I have felt your suffering and have come here to offer you...a chance to chance to change your life forever. How would you like to be given the power to awaken a sleeping power that will make you more powerful and unlock your true potential?" The Psychic Pokemon shows Alister a tail ring.

"How are you even here?"

"The question shouldn't be how I'm here but why I'm here. I'm in the business of helping others, such as yourself. A researcher who specializes in Pokemon potential. I saw your battle the other day and felt your pain as you lost. Losing to someone who is lesser than you...I know that pain. But with this..." Shows Alister the tail ring again, it was nearly all black, a few white stripes ran along it. Alister thought that it looked like a odd type of stone or maybe crystal...that's it was crystal. Though it wasn't any kind of crystal that he knew of, it almost seemly like it didn't belong.

"You invade my dream and then want to give me something...?"

"I'm only here to give you an offer." Ommin lifts a wrist showing Alister he was wearing something similar. "I've given this to others as well, the results are...interesting. Tell me...I know your tired of losing and feeling lesser than everyone else around you. Try it out." Flicks the ring towards Alister who catches it. "What harm is there in trying something new..."

Alister stares at the ring, he felt a odd power radiating from it. He looks from the ring back at Ommin but the Pokemon was gone. "Guess there's no giving it back then..." He returns his gaze to the ring, a odd sensation came over him, a desire to maybe try it on and see how it looks...

_ _

Besides what's the worst that can happen? Its just a harmless ring.

_ _

Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 9 | Alister

# Chapter 9 Alister The bright early morning sun awoke Alister the next morning, the Minccino found himself sleeping underneath the old oak tree in the park, his body felt oddly well rested and ready for today's travel. The...

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# Chapter 7 Chip Highlands Arena, the crown jewel of the Cheater empire, or at least that was what Shawn told Chip and Hathor as he guided them through the entrance hall. Chip and Hathor had run into Shawn when they went to the park...

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# Chapter 6 Chip Chip found himself laying out in a very familiar field, the Zorua stared up at the magical-looking sky, the multicolor skyline line, overly puffy clouds, and sunlight that looked anything but natural. Yep, he was back...

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