Arena the end game

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#11 of Konu Badgers tales


Arena the end game

Third and Final Chapter

The huge roan red Unicorn stomped into the baths with a clatter of his huge hooves on the course cut stone. Naked as was customary in the baths, the big equine cut an impressive figure. His tall equine body was sleek and yet incredibly well defined, with steely muscles bulging. Konu was just climbing out of the cold pool, after having steamed. When the big equine trotted in... smiling down at him. The big Badger had a very bad feeling, as he looked up at the leering equine. But then shrugged it off... the guards patrolled the baths regularly and wouldn't allow any trouble. The big Black and white striped Badger was just about to the top step. When a huge stone hard fist slammed into the side of his head, sending him spinning around. And falling back... muzzle first into the pools icy cold water, it was that coldness that saved him. Bringing him back to almost full consciousness at once as he plunged under the surface. Although he still inhaled a snort full of water as his body plunged head first to the bottom of the pool.

A huge strong hand grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and hauled him up seemingly effortlessly. Konu found himself lifted over the rim of the pool, his head, chest and shoulders pressed to the rough hewn stone floor. Choking and spitting up water Konu feigned weakness and semi consciousness, as he watched his mighty equine attacker out if his slitted eyes. While the huge gloating unicorn strutted around the big groggy Badger. As the burly chuckling equine knelt behind him... strong three fingered hands on the Badgers hip's. Lifting them up spreading those thick leg's as the big equine moved up behind him. "Hah knew you wasn't so tough outlander." The big roan stallion gloated, as he moved up behind the Badger. As Konu felt those big equine hands positioning his body, he moved to make himself look all the more vulnerable and helpless. Letting his long powerful arm's be pushed back between those wide spread knee's, even as his round sleek muscular ass was lifted up and into rutting position. By the big over confident equine. The roan Unicorn not noticing that this placed the Badger's huge strong paws right under him. His long thick aroused organ was already jutting stiffly out in front of him as he moved up to cover the Badger.

"Thought I'd come give you a taste of what yer gunna get in the Arena..." The Unicorn sneered as he leaned over the still dazed acting Badger... "Don't worry the guards aint gunna be bothering us..." The big equine promised as he saw Konu's eye's roll around, as if he were looking for help. "I paid them off... to leave us alone for a good hour... figure I'll have rutted you a good three times by then..." The big roan Unicorn spit down on the Badgers quivering tail hole, and then shoved his big blunt cock head against it roughly.

"Yer gunna be my little mare... here and in the Arena..." "If ya please me enough... maybe I'll keep ya afterwords, instead of letting everyone have you." The big stallion explained as he forced his way into Konu's tight tail hole. "Ohooooooo baby... yer sooooo hot and tight..." Jerome panted as he leaned forwards and buried his full length in that sweet tail hole. His big three fingered hands settling on the backs of Konu's shoulders pinning them down. As Konu moaned in pain and squirmed to get away from that big blunt cock head as it spread his tail hole wide... "Hahaha..." The Unicorn laughed as he fucked the Badgers tight fiery hot ass lustfully. "I knew the Outlander wasn't so tough." "Turns into a regular bitch.... when ya get a hard cock up his butt hole." Jerome sneered, as he thrust himself in and out... once... twice... three time's, and then his pelvic thrusts came to and abrupt halt. "EEEEHEHEHEEE!" The big unicorn stallion squeal as he felt those big paws clamp around his huge low dangling jewels. Jerome bucked and struggled for and instant as his mighty male orbs were squeezed almost to the breaking point. And then Konu's grip let up just a little bit, as the Badger shifted to get a better grip.

And then Konu growled softly in a low grating voice...

"Go on... better finish up stud..." Konu growled, even as the big equine sagged backwards weakly whimpering.

"IEIEIEEE... gods please." The big equine begged now as those big strong paws toyed with his jewels.

"Owwwwww come on horsie... ya gotta give the mare her due..." "Because this is the last time you're ever going to play the stallion." The big Badger taunted as he dug the tip's of his thumb claws into those big round stud nuggets. Making the big Unicorn squeal sickeningly... as Konu's grip tightened. Even as the Badger pulled back and down on those hefty low hangers. Making the Unicorn's eye's bulge out and big tears roll down his furry cheeks. As the Badger taunted him again... this time about being a stallion who didn't enjoy rutting his mare. Even as the big Badger began pushing back... riding the Unicorn's long thick hard on swiftly. Wanting to get the big stallion to cum... quickly so that he could take his time afterwords. Konu twisted the Unicorn's big velvety sack around to the left 180 degrees, those huge balls inside trapped against each other. So large in their pouch they had no way to escape the Badger's rough paw. He drove his thumb right into the middle of Jerome's left nut, hard enough to dent the orb more than a little. And then he relaxed his grip... letting those big nuts draw up... And the big roan stud was squealing in orgasm as his long pink cock flared. His hefty orb's dumping a massive load up the Badger's tail hole. As the big equine panting for breath, those strong fingers closed around his big orb's again. And as those sharp claw tip's dug into that soft male flesh the Badger yanked down savagely. There was a long wet sounding ripping noise, and the big equine suddenly found himself free. Falling over backwards his long springy cock bouncing up as it slid out of the Badger's hot hole. The last few squirts of seed sprinkling over Konu's back to glisten like diamonds in that black fur.

The big Badger sat up and turned around to look down at the big helpless gelding... slowly he lifted that roan pouch. And dumped it's big pale oval cargo into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge as he held them for a few seconds. Before he began to chew... crunching up those huge stud nuggets like they were candy. And then as the stunned stallion began to react at last he pounced upon him. Pinning him down... the big Badger rained heavy punches down into that handsome muzzle... Until the big equine was a groaning semi conscious lump, and then Konu grabbed that long head. And bashed it against the stone edge of the pool... until there was a loud 'CRACK'. And that magical horn... that was already restrained with a magical dampener ball on it's tip. Had cracked and broken off at the base... insuring that the big equine would not regenerate what the Badger was taking from him. Once he had that horn broken off... he held it up in front of the Unicorn's eye's... "Not going to grow them back without this..." Konu smirked. "So that means your the mare permanently now..." The big Badgers own naked cock was rock hard now as he smiled down at the new gelding. Lifting himself up... the Badger delivered one final punch to the equines jaw. And then lifted those long shapely equine leg's over his shoulders... even as he tugged that long semi hard stud stick up to his own mouth. "Figure I still got time for on good hard rutting... and a snack before the guards start back." Konu snickered plunging his big thick cock up the Unicorn's taut pucker, even as he shoved that big cock head in his maw. And snapped the big blunt head off with a single bite...

"EEEHEHEHEEE!" The Unicorn's loud squeal echoed off the thick stone walls... as the Badger made him a total mare...


Konu lay back on his bunk... now on a fluffy straw stuffed mattress. As Borhelm leaned over him, applying a magical healing salve the big Steers son had smuggled into him. Although the Gladiators supposedly had healers working in the Arena. They were only the crudest of practitioners... and didn't know how to brew a proper healing drink or salve.

The big Steers handsome young son had smuggled the salve in at the price of his anal virginity. Their Gna jailer had raped the handsome young Bovine viciously... something he'd never have done while Borhelm was a champion. But now he had brutalized the young Bull, and told him all about his fathers fall. From Champion to toothless rut slave... and had even made to boy watch his father service the guards pleasures.

It had almost driven the big Steer into a suicidal attempt on the Gna's life. Only Konu promising that he would do the same thing to the Gna, as he had done to the Cheetah had restrained him. "I'll send your son that dick to do with whatever he pleases." The big Badger had promised... unsure how he would ever be able to keep that promise.

It was almost a week of rest for him, now that his only other opponent had been found mysteriously gelded and fucked in the baths... The big unicorn had been questioned, but had admitted nothing... even tho' they all knew who was responsible. It had given the Badger his weeks rest, and Konu was glad for it. In the meanwhile the guards had taken to coming by and teasing him. Slipping their genitals through the iron grating in the door, to waggle them at him. The Badger ignore this for the most part... not wanting to get a beating or worse. Even though he had devised a plan for trapping and removing the taunting organs almost instantly...

They heard the clip clop of hoofs in the corridor beyond, but were use to it. The Gna stopped by at least once every day... to threaten Konu and gloat about his treatment of Borhelm's son. Today there was a particular aggression in that stride, and the Badger feared that the Gna had done something more to the Steers son. The instant the door swung open... Konu knew that was not the cause of the Gna's excitement.

Standing behind the Gna in golden chains was a stocky dark furred Wolverine. Clearly from his expensive clothing and golden chains... he had long since stopped being a prisoner. And in fact Konu saw that his chains didn't really restrict his moves at all. The Wolverine's fur was streaked with white where old scars littered his skin. From his position kneeling on the floor Borhelm gasped when he saw the new comer.

"Torovan!" The Steer choked, in and over awed voice, that left very little doubt they were in the presents of a legend. The Wolverine grimaced, which was as close as he could come to a smile. The flesh on his muzzle made overly tight, by a multitude of old scars around his jaw line. Obviously where desperate furs had clawed at it, trying in vain to break the Wolverine's crashing bite.

"I see your rut slut remembers the supreme champion..." The smiling Gna smirked as Torovan looked the Badger over carefully. Konu doing the same... clearly the supreme champion had been living the good life for awhile. Still his stocky body showed no signs of weakness or softness, he'd been keeping in shape. Most likely banging the tail hole of the rather effeminate Lion standing behind him holding his leash.

"Senator Augustus has graciously agreed to bring him back to the city." The Gna smirked, as Borhelm grunted in horror realizing what Konu already had. "To show the Outlander what a real Champion can do..." The Gna's smile had widen so much it threatened to split his muzzle in two.

" So a real champion can do a Senator in the tail hole..." "A lot I'm guessin' just from looking at him." Konu smirked as the effeminate Lion blushed and began to stammer, even as the Wolverine's grimace widened. While the big Gna hissed threats of reprisal and motioned for the guards to close in tighter. The big Wolverine just grimaced even wider, clearly amused by the Badgers totally correct assessment. Obviously the Champion was beyond taunting and simply word play... There would be no making the big Wolverine lose his cool and act rashly. At least not with words alone, perhaps pain would drive him into an unthinking frenzy Konu thought... Of course surviving that frenzy and bringing the big boi down would be the real challenge.

Just then trumpets blared making both the Badger and Wolverine half crouch into fighting stance. The big double doors at the end of the corridor had been thrown open. And a troop of imperial guards complete with trumpeters and toga clad bureaucrats came strolling in. And right in their center stood a tall handsome young Lion. Who didn't look effeminate nor troubled at all... in fact he looked around smiling happily. Konu's erection, which was still half hard from his Steers talented tongue. Sprung back to full throbbing stiffness when he saw the handsome young Lion Emperor.

"Ahaha uncle Auguie..." The Emperor called cheerfully in greeting, to the stammering Senator. "I had heard you were bring Torovan back... to take the smile off the muzzle of our dread Outlander." The Emperor spoke in a loud cheerful voice... that clearly was use to addressing massive throngs. "I trust you'll grant me the pleasure of his company... should our Outlander prove to much for him." He flashed the big Wolverine a friendly grin, that spoke volumes. He clearly lusted after the Wolverine... but just as clearly did not truthfully think he would lose.

"If he should lose... your highness" Senator Augustus snorted derisively... "He'll give himself no other way." "I doubt however that he'll be in that position afterwords though." The Senator snorted.

"Oho you might be surprised... our outlander has proven very dangerous indeed." "Just ask your old colleague Oleander..." The Emperor laughed easily as the Senator winced at hearing the name of Konu's latest conquest.

"I understand he is recovering from his wounds on the isle of Capurium your majesty."

"Yes I gave him the use of my summer villa there..." The handsome young Emperor confirmed. "For all the entertainment he has provided here in the Arena... over the years." The handsome young Lion smirked, as he noted the Badgers stiff erection.

"That is very kind of you Antoninus..." The Senator growled obsequiously. The young Emperor dismissed his uncles compliment with an airy wave of his massive paw.

"A Emperor should always be kind and generous... especially after all the sweet things Oleander has done for me." He flashed Konu a leering smile, and the badger got the impression that the Lion had done to the Cheetah in private. What he himself had not been allowed to do in the Arena. Konu smiled back his hard cock drooling now as he looked the big Lion over lustfully. "Either way it looks like... I'm getting lucky tonight indeed." The young horny Emperor joked as he smiled back and forth from Konu to the big Wolverine. "Come uncle... let us retire to our seats... so that our champions can prepare themselves for the battle..." The horny young feline Emperor called, as he turned and swept grandly out of the room. With his guards and attendants stumbling around in his wake.

Konu had slipped an apple into his paw surreptitiously, as the emperor was speaking. And after the big Lion had left, he glanced over at the Wolverine . Who was himself turning to head to the opposite side if the vast underground Gladiators realm. "Here... better keep your energy up." The Badger called slinging the fruit with all of his might at the Wolverine's head. With amazing speed the big predator spun and lazily caught the fruit in one huge paw. "I Never eat... before a match..." Torovan growled gruffly as he smirked at the startled Badger. "Anyway I prefer apple sauce to apples." The huge Wolverine snickered licking his lip's suggestively, as his big paw easily crushed the apple.

"In the Arena then..." Konu grunted as his big opponent gave him a knowing grin."


The big Steer snorted in shock as he looked down the arming table, every weapon and armor type imaginable was laid out there. "Damn Outlander... their really giving you everything you could wish for."

"Well not everything..." Konu grunted seriously... "I could use a smaller, slower, weaker, dumber opponent."

"This is no time for joking Outlander... Torovan is one of the greatest Arena fighter of all time." The big Steer snorted. "Some would say the greatest..." Konu shrugged his broad shoulders, and rolled his head around on his thick neck.

"Whats he likely to use... weapons wise?" The big Badger ask as Borheim starred at the arming table with his beady dark eye's.

"He'll use the sphairai form of Cestus... fighting gauntlets." The big Steer walked around the table and picked up a pair. The heavy steel gloves had short spikes on the knuckles but left the fingers bare.

"Nice..." Konu grunted as he examined the deadly metal gloves. "Armour?"

"He'll fight naked... except maybe for a spear helm..." Borheim assured picking up a heavy steel helmet with a single curved spike sticking up from its brow guard.

"Alright..." The big Badger grunted picking up a studded leather armored loin pouch and stuffing his hefty nuts and expose cock into it.

"Ammmm I really wouldn't wear that..." Borheim choked. "He'll just take that as a challenge to... ahem smash you... in your..." The big Steer winced as the Badger grinned.

"Bait..." Konu snorted. "Now hand me the Cestus and the that mace..." "Oh and those three little flat dirks..." Konu instructed as his fitted one heavy steel gauntlet on, and then secreted the flat knife blades under the forearm guard; just then the doors open.

"It's time Outlander."


The crowd was still screaming and applauding wildly as the gates opened and the Outlander strolled out. Torovan was standing in the center of the Arena both long arm's held high. As the crowd roared and chanted his name in a frenzy of blood lust and hero worship. Konu was unsurprised to discover all of his fan's had vanished... oh well fame was fleeting... The big Wolverine ignored him as he slowly approached, sharing him the barest glance. The big Wolverine was indeed dressed just as Borheim had predicted helm and gauntlets only. The Badger circled around Torovan slowly... but was resoundingly ignored. Obviously the big Wolverine wanted his opponent to attack first... it was a conceit. Very well Konu could play it that way... if that was what the Wolverine wanted. With his mace tucked into the straps of his groin pouch, the big Badger slipped those flat blades out of his own gauntlets. He hadn't expected to get a chance to use them so quickly, but knew where he wanted to put them. Circling in from the left side, weapons conceals in his palms. He buried the first blade to the hilt in Torovan's left thigh, and then drove under the lightning fast paw swipe. Rolling between the Wolverines wide spread leg's, he left the second blade lodged in that low dangling pouch.

On his feet again behind Torovan he punched the third blade at the Wolverines kidneys. But a huge heavy steel clad paw smashed into Konu's own with a deafing 'Clang', that sent the flat dagger spinning away. It bounce in the dirt half away across the Arena... and then the Badger was seeing swirling stars. And rolling in the dirt... pain shooting through his head... he could feel blood on the back of his neck. And realized how close the fight had came to ending right there... those spikes had only narrowly missed his neck. And if they had hit that, his head would have flew almost as far as that dagger had. Rolling as far away as he was able Konu bounced to hist feet, but before he could do more than take a breath the Wolverine was on top of him. A huge fist slammed into his taut belly... those short spikes hurting but doing no lasting damage there. Desperately he backed away throwing punches wildly to try and force Torovan to back off. But the big Wolverine just ignored his punches and charged after him. Landing bone jarring blows to his shoulders, ribs and the side of his muzzle. That left the big Badger reeling backward drunkenly as the pain and anger flooded through him. There was a loud 'Crack' that could be heard over the cheering voices, and Konu hunched over to one side. As Torovan pulled his steel clad paw back and looked at the wounded Badger coolly. Blood was smeared over his black and white striped muzzle, both his nostrils were bleeding heavily. And he had a cut just over his right eye... which was rapidly swelling close. His back and shoulders were covered with rivets of blood as well... That big paw was released and sent Konu flying backwards to bounce off the cold stone Arena wall, even as the big Wolverine closed in on him mercilessly. Using the momentum of his bounce off the wall Konu drove forwards again going between Torovan's leg's.

One big paw grabbing at the slender hilt of the double edged dagger still protruding from that big jewel sack. He yanked at it savagely and was rewarded with a ripping sound as it cut through that rough sack. And then he was stand up again... looking at the fat dissever Wolverine ball in his paws. Torovan stood across from his transfixed by the single pale orb in the Badgers paws. Slowly Konu's battered muzzle split into to a bloody smile as he held up the Wolverines smaller nut. The other larger one dangled on its cords from Torovan's split open pouch. Roars of 'Outlander' could be heard faintly as he displayed that massive orb to the crowd. And then he tossed it into his mouth and swiftly crunched it up. He didn't have time to savor it though... as the big Wolverine was moving again. Konu threw the Dagger instant... and watched it bury it's self in a thick bicep. Torovan plucked it out and tossed it away, never slowing down as he charged in. But the Badger had finally gotten his mace out, and as that deadly spike bore down on his chest. He brought the heavy flanged head down on it, for the first time staggering the Wolverine. He swung the heavy mace up and around pounding that helmeted head as hard and fast as he was able. Snapping the spike off and deeply denting the hard steel, but his strength was waning. And his swings slowing down, allowing Torovan time to recover. A huge fist raised up and deflected a weakening blow, ever as a second huge gauntleted paw smashed into Konu's muzzle. Sending him smashing to the ground, with his deadly opponent on top of him.

The mace was wrenched savagely out of his paws, and flung up into the stands. Even as Konu watched helplessly as that huge steel covered fist was cocked back. And then slammed like a trip hammer into his studded leather pouch clad loins. "IEIEIEEE..." The big Badger couldn't help but scream as those short spikes dug into his male flesh. Huge steel clad knuckles smashing relentlessly into his already battered male hood... over and over again. As the cheering crowd went defy silent, watching and waiting for the moment they all knew was coming. As a sickening wet 'Crunch' echoed through the vast Arena. The Badgers big body jerked and spasmed in agony, even as his rock hard cock escaped from its concealing pouch erupted. Splattering the Badger and Wolverines dark fur with large pearls of stud milk. "OWOWOOOOO FUCK!" Konu screamed as Torovan licked the creamy spoo from his own leering muzzle. And instantly that huge fist pounded in again, this time getting only a soft wet 'Squishing' sound. As it sqiurted the mush in that bruised bag around.

Triumphantly the big Wolverine lifted his long arm's high in total victory over the Outlander. A final... if understandable mistake. No longer held down konu reached up quickly, his big paw catching the Wolverines one intact orb. As it dangled like bait from Torovan's shredded sac, the big Wolverine glanced down at the sudden movement. But could only watch in horror as the last of his male hood was savagely torn loose. The crowd screamed in horror and delight, as the outlander deballed their champion! Making the Wolverine's own hard cock spurt its last load. Even as the Badger popped that huge nut into his mouth and chewed it up. Torovan staggered back and fell to his knee's, even as the crowds screamed wildly in pleasure. It was the perfect ending, and the Emperor said as much once he'd quieted the cheering throng down. Of course by that time both the Badger and the Wolverine were being carried off the field... Instead of being taken to the gladiators underground complex, they were borne away to the imperial palace.


Konu's filthy blood and cum splattered body was laid on a huge soft golden bed. And the simpering attendants withdrew, leaving the big Badger alone with the searing agony in his guts. A cool breeze gently waffled across his sweaty body, and Konu looked up to see the smiling muzzle of the Emperor looking down at him. "Normally my guests from the arena see my doctors first." The big handsome Lion explained clearly excited, as he sat on the bed beside the helpless Badger. "But then... I'm not normally so very blessed..." The big handsome, but rather soft looking Lion smirked amused... "I want to thank you for that... excellent move there at the end." He chuckled, as one big smooth soft paw began to fondle Konu's ruined crotch. "I never expected... to have the pleasure of yours and Torovan's company tonight." The Emperor shivered in barely suppressed lust, as he licked his lip's sensually... "I've lusted after him for ages, and now... I'll finally get to... take his cher..." The big Lion paused as his fingers kneaded the Badgers battered sac. "Oh Ho... what have we here?" The Emperor chortled as he found a soft, mushy, deformed, but still in tacted oval. "Oh dear... it looks as if Torovan wasn't as thorough as you were..." The big Lion's muzzle twisted up into a look of sadistic glee. As he wrapped his long strong fingers around that remaining orb... "I guess this makes you the grand champion after all..." The handsome Lion snickered as those strong fingers began to squeeze... There was a soft 'Crack' and the big Badger's body jerked, as fiery ecstasy flooded through his groin. "Oops... I guess that makes me the grand champion now huh..." The big feline purred as he stood up and removed his long flowing robes. "Now it's time for the Champion to enjoy the spoils... at least until my doctors finish fixing up Torovan." "Then you'll be taken down the hall to be used by the Arena commandant. The big Lion spread Konu's leg's and climbed between them, reaching down the Emperor fondled the Badgers fat cock as it lay thick and semi hard on Konu's belly. "I always have my doctors remove this as well..." The Emperor smirked. "Yours is the only one that ever been in this bed, besides my own of course." He explained with a wicked smile, as he lay atop Konu's big hot body. Inhaling the dusty sweaty musk from the Badger's fur, and licking the blood off his wounds. "I have to say... this is very exciting..." The Emperor moaned lustfully as he rubbed his hard cock against the Badgers own naked organ. "I kind of like this missing sheath thing." He admitted while stroking both their cocks together slowly... "It's exotic..." The big golden Lion purred as his hot paws, and even hotter cock rubbed against the Badgers softly throbbing cock. His breath growing deep and ragged with his growing sexual excitement, slick slimy pre-cum coated those to big male organs. As they slipped in and out of that big hot paw, the Emperor teasing himself to a peak of desire.

"You are very luck..." The big Lion panted, as his other paw slowly explored the powerful muscles of Konu's belly and chest. "Not just anyone gets to feel the Emperor's caress's... nor service his pleasure." The big golden feline gloated, as he pulled his hard cock back. And lifted one of the big Badger's thick leg's up, draping it over his shoulder. Spreading Konu's sleek round butt cheeks, and exposing that hot smooth black pucker. Lustful fingers exploring that tight tail hole, as the Lion's panting grew even more intense. Dipping a finger in a jar of scented grease from the bedside table... the Emperor slowly rubbed it over that tight pucker. Which seemed to tense and clench as it was lubed up sensually. "Now now... theres no point in resisting..." The big Lion purred amused. "I know your use to being the top champion... but your the gelded butt boi now." The Lion's muzzle broke into a gloating smile as the Badger's tail hole relaxed and let him rub lube inside. "Yes that's right... I took the last of your male hood... so your my fuck boi now!" The Emperor smeared the last of that grease down the length of his own hard cock. And then pressed the pointed head against the Badger's taut pucker. Moaning and rolling his eye's in delight as that tight hole slowly... unwillingly swallowed his throbbing erection. The big Lion continued panting and moaning dramatically, until at last he was ball's deep inside the Badger. "Hooooo... you champions are always so tight..." The big Lion purred blissfully, as he enjoyed the heat of Konu's tail hole. "I bet no ones ever been in this hole before me..."

'That's a bet you'd lose...' Konu thought, but he remained silent letting the Emperor have his fantasy of pounding virgin gladiator ass. "Owwww don't pout... you'll learn to enjoy it..." "They always do." The big feline assured as he began to pump that tight tail hole now. Greatly excited to be using the famed Outlander for his pleasure. The big Lion lifted the Badger's other leg up now, draping it over his shoulder as well. As he settled in to give the big bloody Badger a nice long hard fucking. The scents of dirt, blood and two different big males cum forming a thick erotic miasma around them.

With both his legs draped up over the Emperor's broad feline shoulders. Konu moaned softly and appreciatively, as that long barbed feline member was crammed roughly in and out of his clenching tail hole. Even as his fat naked cock pulsed and hardened even more, beginning to bounce up stiffly of his tightly defined abs. While the highly aroused Lion was to distracted by those velvety anal gates to take notice. There came a soft 'pop' from the big Badger's bruised side, and Konu's ragged breathing smoothing out at once. But again the big golden Lion took no notice, focusing on his own pleasure and ignoring everything else. Until the Badger began to push his hip's back into the big Lion's hard rut thrust.

"Hahaha... see your starting to like being my butt slut already." The big golden Lion smirked, as he pulled back until his rough hard on almost slipped out of that hot Badger hole. And then slammed back in as hard and fast as he was capable. Drawing a loud gasp and muffled moan of pleasure from the passive Badger. "Ohoooo if the crowds in the Arena could see this... the mighty Outlander moaning like a virgin on my cock." "A ball less slut boi loving the imperial cock up his butt." The Emperor panted breathlessly, as he hammered the Badgers even tighter gripping tail hole. "Ammmmm yeah that's it... squeeze it... squeeze that big cock off." The handsome golden Lion moaned as he pushed Konu's knee's back until they pressed against that broad powerful chest. All the while grinning gloatingly down at his helpless gelded fuck toy. "Is this the way you used Borheim?" The Emperor giggled, as he watched the Badgers muzzle contort as he reacted.

"Ummm Hmmm..." Konu moaned, sounding more excited and stronger now.

"I had him of course... right after your wonderful performance on him in the Arena." "I had my attendants leave him uncleaned... imagine and Emperor's cock slopping around in a common Outlanders leavings..." The big handsome Lion tossed his head back to clear his mane from his eye's. "It excited me sooooo much... I thought about it the whole time I was rutting him." He confessed as he pounded Konu's firm round rump roughly, totally losing control of himself then and humping wildly. "RRROROROOO." The Lion roared loudly in pleasure, as he exploded into the Badger's quivering tail hole. He thrust a few more times, and then let Konu's legs flop onto the bed. Sweating heavily and panting for breath as his cock was pulsing weakly and still drooling cum. Slowly he climbed up Konu's body, to sit on the big Badgers powerful chest. Still not noticing the little white pearl that had formed on the tip of the Badgers naked cock. "Ammmm that was good Outlander... I promise you'll be getting that at least a dozen more times tonight." The Emperor panted as he grasp the Badger's black and white striped head. Dragging it down to his weakly throbbing crotch with one huge powerful paw. "Lick me clean... so I won't feel sticky with cum while I'm recovering for your next rutting." So the Badger did just that lapping and licking wildly at that big semi hard feline fucker.

Making the Lion's big golden body jerk, hip's thrusting involuntarily in pleasure. "Hahah." The cat laughed. "Wanting more of that?" He questioned, as Konu slowly lowering his fanged mouth over that hard male hood. The Emperor blanched slightly as the Badger's mouth with its forest of sharp jagged teeth closed over his rigid organ. A high pitched excited groan escaping his throat, as the Badger's hot suckling mouth took in his full length. Big furry head bobbing up and down the Lion's quickly stiffening shaft a few times. And then he lifted his head to grin up wickedly at the Emperor.

"Want me to gobble your jewels too?" He leered as he felt the big feline shiver slightly. Reaching down he lifted his huge, floppy, low hanging sack and stuffed it into the Outlanders maw. "Go on..." He paused for a long moment tauntingly, looking deep into those dark beady eye's. "Suck on them." The Emperor leaned back, smirking to himself at the look on the Badger's muzzle. For that long moment before he said to suck on them. His heavy eyelids fluttered, watching as the Badger buried his mouth up to the sheath around that big pouch. 'Wow!' He could feel sharp teeth all round his most precious possession, caressing them teasing them. Normally his doctors removed his conquests teeth as well as their ruin genitals, still this was very exciting... He began stroking himself, as he libidinous fantasized about the Outlander and Torovan's fight. Konu was being careful to tease and taunt, but not torture those huge meaty orb's. He could feel one ball slid between his jaw's, and he applied a slight pressure against the meaty orb. He was amused with the Emperor in control at first, but decided it was time that he took that control away. Slipping one big paw up between those golden rump cheeks, he speared one thick finger into the Lion's anus.

"UHU!" The big Feline grunted in surprise and pain, at the sudden and unforeseen violation. "Wha... what are you doi..." The Emperor started, but was cut off. As the Konu's thick wiggling finger found his pleasure knot. "OHooo!" The big Lion moaned involuntarily, as his powerful body jerked like a bolt of lightening had just ran through it. This was an all new experience for the Emperor... a Very new experience. He'd never allowed himself to but penetrated before, never wanted to... And suddenly there was something inside of him, rubbing around against his most intimate taboo places. His paw reached to the side of the bed, groping blindly for bell pull, that would bring his guards... racing to the rescue. But that invading finger rubbed against his prostate harder making his big body jerk away. "Hooo Shit..." "WHOOO..." His eyes rolled in his head, as the Badger finger fucked him like he was a slut in heat. Teeth beginning to scrape more daringly, Konu's muzzle following those bucking hip's. The Emperor could tell the Badger was playing with him now, at some point beginning to realize. He was not the one calling the shots anymore, yet this only made him hornier. And all he could feel was that warmth suckling on his big fluffy ball's, and that hot thick finger spearing up his truly virgin ass. His hip's began to buck on that invading finger, making the Konu chuckle derisively. The Emperor grabbed his big cock with both paw's, groaning, hyperventilating as those teeth scraped and teased. "Oh you bastard... you... you." "Oh fuck..." "YEAH!" "Chew on em... chew on em hard!" The big Golden Lion moaned, feeling more and more aroused and submissive every second. Konu munched up along that neck, chewing softly working his mouth and loosen his throat. Suddenly the Badger pulled back and lifted up his muzzle, red stained lips draw back in a wide smile as he looks up at the Emperor. The Lion had a nice sac, and those heavy eggs laying sooo sexily low... it was a real intimidating mouthful. It was only then that the Lion realized what was happening to him...

"But I... how I crushed your last testicle my...myself." The big Lion moaned weakly, as the Outlander starred up at him amused.

"Ahaha yes..." Konu smirked as he licked the creamy cum and blood off his lip's. "I have to thank you for that... my recovery wouldn't have been so quick nor so complete without it..." The big Badger smirked as he popped the Lion's right nut into his maw and crunched it up. "For you see that wasn't a testicle you crushed at all..." Konu sneered at the Emperor's shocked reaction.

"Not...not a..." The big feline stammered stunned.

"That's right it was a special container filled with a extremely concentrated healing elixir." Konu explained smiling sweetly at the helpless Lion as he sat up, sliding the Emperor down his powerful torso. Until the big Lion felt that hot throbbing wet cock head pressing against his violated tail hole. "By fully opening it... you ensured that I would be in the position I am now." Konu dug that second fat Lion orb out of it's golden pouch, even as he forced his fat cock up that loosened tail hole. "Guess this makes me the Grand Champion after all?" He giggled as he popped the Emperor's last testicle into his maw, watching the most powerful fur in the kingdom's muzzle. Even as the big cat watched in helpless horror, as the Outlander kissed that naked exposed orb. And then slipped it into his mouth and destroyed it, as the helpless Emperor's hot taut tail hole came to rest against the Badgers crotch...

"Oh gods...oh gods call my Doctors... have them fetch healing elixir." The big feline moaned weakly as Konu smirked up at him.

"Not quite yet." Konu chuckled as his big paws moved up to the Lion's cock, which ironically had grown rock hard again as he'd watched his own unmaling. "As you said earlier... there's only supposed to be one cock in this bed." The grinning Badger reminded, as his muzzle descended on that raging erection.

"Wha... what are you going to d...." "Noooooooo ohoo nooo please not..." The big golden Lion... ruler of a vast empire stretching thousands of leagues begged. Even as those hooked teeth began gnawing at the root of his proud male organ. While that thick Badger cock began to pound roughly into the depths of his bowels. The Outlander anally raping the gelded ruler of a dozen lands... in his own bed.


Clad in a simple servants robes, the Badger moved swiftly down the empty corridors. He needed to be out of the palace, and better yet out of the city. Before the Eunuch Emperor was discovered by servants or guards. Otherwise an execution was in his near future, with this worry on his mind. The big Badger had completely forgotten his vows to Borheim. That is until he heard a loud harsh laugh, the hated laugh of a certain Gna... Moving up silently on his toe pads, Konu peered into the opulent bedroom. The Gna naked tan back and long spiral horns were to him, and a tiny Rabbit was under the Gna's long slender legs. Clearly from the robes laying discarded on the floor the Rabbit was a servant boy. And just as clearly he was a not exactly willing participant in the Gna's lewd game. "And then... he lifted that huge fist high..." The Gna recounted even as he lifted his own fist up... and then brought it down swift and hard on to the small trapped orbs cupped in his palm. There was a loud smack, followed by and even louder squeal from the Rabbit. Who passed out at once, leaving the chuckling Gna to lift his leg's up over his shoulders. As he pressed his big thick cock into the Rabbit's tiny tail hole. "And now the Emperor is fucking both Torovan and the Outlander... just like this." The gloating Gna smirked... "And after he's had his fun... the Outlanders tail hole belongs to me..." The tall slender Gna boasted proudly as he slammed into the now semi conscious bunnies clenching tail hole.

The big Badgers muzzle twitched... he really didn't have time for this... But he had promised... and gods knew the bastard deserved it. Slipping silently into the room Konu crept up behind the lusty Gna, as he raped the helpless servant boy's tiny pucker.

The large Badger exercised all his stealth, using the Gna's thrusting to muffle his footsteps and breathing as he crept right up behind him. And then he sprang into action, one powerful arm clenching around the Gna's throat. While the other one slipped up between his long legs and grabbed that dangling leathery ball sack. That he was so busily slapping against the unconscious Rabbit's and gave it a dangerous squeeze. "Look who's let their guard down..." The badger growled, snickering menacingly into his captives long pointed ear.

"Wha... how dare yooooo..." The Gna snarled his head twisting around to look at who could possible have grabbed him... Those narrowed angry eye's widening in terror, as he saw the Badgers striped muzzle grinning at him dangerously. "What... how... but your... the Emperor..." He stammered clearly confused and frightened all at the same time.

"The Emperor?" Konu snickered licking his lip's sensually as he smiled at the Gna. "He won't be Emperor much longer... your country is going to need a sovereign who can produce heirs... and yours can no longer perform that act." The big Badger growled with a glint of satisfaction in his smoky eyes. As his huge paw tightened around those dangling Gnu stud nuggets. "Something you're going to have in common with him VERY shortly." Konu snarled in hatred as he brought the big Gna's fuck thrusts to a halt.

"Wha... Your not serious... the Emperor..." The look on the Gna's nuzzle, melted from horror into in-credulousness... it was to much to believe. "But I saw you... your defeat... you couldn't have possibly had... not the Emperor..." The stunned Gna protested, but then as those deadly claws gripped his own very vulnerable male jewels. And he began to have much more personal worries... "No... No please... I... I'll give you anything you want." He promised breathlessly, as squirmed in the Outlanders powerful grip..

"Yes you will." Konu agree placidly. "You'll give me what I want, and what I want are...these..." He pulled dangerously hard on that velvety sac, stretching those fat balls back between the Gnu's legs. And up between his rump cheeks, putting immense strain on those big potent orbs. The Badger growled excitedly as he ran a sharp claw over that tough sac and split it like a banana peel. Until both of those big balls pop out naked into the open, to be seized tightly and their cords pulled taut! "Say goodbye to your balls, stud." "Maybe you can take over for the arena bitch."

"No Nooooooooooo please... I... I can get your things... your equipment." The Gna pleaded as his big potent orbs spilled out of his big leathery sack. "Please...please if... if you let me keep my ball's... I... I'll get you whatever you want..." The helpless Gna moaned as Konu smirked down at him... Konu's claws paused inches from severing those straining cords.

"Hmm perhaps I might let you keep these, then." He growled released his grip on the Gnu's balls, letting those taut cords drew the abused organs back up into the Gna's ruined ball sack. That ruptured sack was bleeding slightly, but it was nothing a few stitches wouldn't fix. Konu kept the Gnu in the headlock and kept a firm grip on his sack however... growling dangerously. "Take me to my equipment, and don't try anything funny." "You move anything but your legs, and I'm turning your balls into my traveling lunch."

The big Gna breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the Badgers words... anyone could be dealt with after all... All one had to do was make a sweet enough offer... "Ok...ok... it's not a problem." The Gna promised softly. "I brought it all with me... the Emperor always likes to play with his new fuck boi's things in front of them..." Slowly the Gna pulled his long still rock hard cock out of the small Rabbit boi. Who had awakened again, but was cowering on the bed his muzzle in the pillows... "Each of these room have their own safe..." The big Gna explained leading the Badger across the room to a small door.

"Open it." The Badger grunted, giving those trapped nuts a dangerous squeeze for emphasis. "I hope your Emperor doesn't mind his own thing being on display for his successor." Konu teased wickedly. "He's certainly not going to be doing anything, but rolling over to take cock from now on." The big Badger taunted, knowing it would further infuriate the Gnu to know that he had bested his sovereign so completely. The big Gna gritted his teeth at the Badgers taunting words... but followed his orders precisely carefully opening the safe. And swinging the door open to reveal all of Konu's old gear carefully stored.

"There you see... everything I promised... there for you." Konu shifted, moving around until the Gnu was facing him, but a grip onto those fat balls and their split scrotum. Until he can kneel and start fishing around for his gear, never taking his eyes off of the big Gnu.

"Alright... as I said for getting me my gear." "I'll let you keep your balls." But as the Badger finished speaking, his arm flashed out of the safe at lightning speed, holding one of his knives. Before the Gnu could even blink, the knife had sliced into the meat of his still rock hard cock. The big Gna smiled gloating down at the big Outlander... it had all been to easy really. He'd out played the dumb Badger for a bunch of useless old junk. And moments later, it was being held up before his muzzle in the Badger's paw. "But this, however I've promised to another." He snickered as the Gnu's stump spurts blood, before slapping one of his adhesive herbal bandages over the tiny stump that was barely peeking out if the Gna's sheath.

"A fair..." The Gna started... but then he felt the flash of pain... and watched in horror as his long proud fucker was swiftly sliced off... "Wha... but you promised... you can't..." He protested weakly as he stumbled to his knee's...

"The deal was for your ball's..." Konu smirked. "I promised you nothing concerning your cock."

"Promised to... to another?" He babbled in shock and terror even as his life is saved by the Badgers herbal bandage.

"Borhelm's son... you know the one you raped... I guess he's taking a liking to your cock..." The Badger chuckled darkly as the big Gna sank forwards onto his belly on the cold stone floor. Konu gathered up his things and strolled... with one thing of the Gna as well. As his body hit the floor, those big potent orb's spilled out of their split sac to lay exposed on the cold rough stone. When suddenly the Gna's long ear heard a stirring behind him, and big floppy foot pads bouncing across the room. Then he felt something come down hard on his exposed jewels, glancing back the big Gna watched in shock as the small Rabbit servant boi bounced up into the air. And then came down with all his weight on the Gna's exposed male jewels, those big potent orb's shattering with a loud wet double 'Crunch'. From down the hall he heard the big Badger chuckle softly, about the sound he knew very well... The Gna lost consciousness just as the young Rabbit's surprisingly thick erection spear into his virgin tail hole... Just hearing the Rabbit boi muttering the tale of the Outlander crushing his ball's...


Slipping into the Palace garden's, Konu hurried through the lush fog shrouded greenery. Finding the tiny gardeners gate in the massive wall... it was unlocked just as he'd been promised. In seconds he was out on the streets of the imperial city, dodging patrols of imperial legions. As he made his way to the great river that split the city entwine. A big beefy figure awaited him there... standing beside a small one fur fishing boat. "Gornahelm..." The Badger greeted as he stepped out of the fog almost ontop of the big Minotaur.

"Errr... Outlander." The young Bull grunted in surprise a bit to loudly, getting a big black paw placed over his muzzle.

"Sssshhhhhss." Konu hissed as he released the young Bull and stepped back... "Thank your father for me... and tell him I cept my promise." He whispered handing the young Bull that big floppy still semi erect Gna organ. Gornahelm's eyes widen in shock as he lifted the sever male hood.

"Is this..." He grunted as the smiling Badger nodded.

"He was none to happy to part with it... but then the Rabbit boi he was raping was very glad to have it gone."

"Hahaha... I'll just bet." The young Minotaur laughed softly... turning the long floppy first this way and then that. "My thanks Outlander... now into the skiff and make for the center current." He advised. "It'll have you out of the empire by morning... father and I will see to it you've been reported lurking in the city." "So there should be no pursuit for at least a day maybe longer..."

"Thank you my friend..." Konu clasped the young Bulls huge hand as he climbed into the boat. "May the fates treat you well..." He called as he pulled the boat towards main stream.

"And you... Outlander... gods speed." Gornahelm called back....


Well there's always the park

A ride through a young Jaguars first gay sex in 1976... ...

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Hard Times Chap 2

That big Straight Bull Cameron having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out pretty...

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Keeping things lively

A couple of stallions play out ones long time fantasy... but things are not exactly what they seem... ...

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