Hard Times Chap 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Hard Times

That big Straight Bull Cameron having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his off...

That big Straight Bull Cameron having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal...

This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out pretty interesting...

Later Chapters:



Previous Chaps:


Hard Times

Chapter 2

Cameron moaned very softly as the big black Bull atop him hilted his long cock savagely. "Ammmmm better..." Mr. Borden praised as his hips drew back and he jack hammered the passive red Bull's compliant hole. "It sounds like your enjoying it... and you had almost no trouble at all letting me into you." "I'd say your almost ready... once the holidays are over and Jordan is safely back in school." "We'll finish preparing you... and you should be totally heal and ready for him, as soon as he gets back for the summer." Looking out the window... Cameron saw the young black Bull down below in the massive yard. Playing tag football with his older cousins... and a few friends. The youth was every bit as handsome and powerfully built as his father, and although he didn't play organized sports. His big build was still very nearly as powerful as Mr. Borden's.

A shiver ran down the red Bull's spine and his sphincter involuntarily tightened on Mr. Borden's hard cock. As the big black Bull spoke of finishing preparing him... as Cameron knew that was a euphemism for gelding him. "Ohoo ho ho ho..." The big black Bull inside of him chuckled lustfully... "Someone likes that idea... Walter must be training you well." The big Bull snorted amused as he pounded that big round red ass lustfully. As Cameron lay across that hard wooden desk watching the young stud whom he would soon belong to...


Walter strolled down the hall, dressed only in a pair of black slacks and an undershirt; much less than he would usually wear. But the clothes are determined by the duties, and today he had an uncommon one. He made his way to the garage showers, his goal being the sole occupant within. Today was 'The Day', this afternoon Cameron would become a steer, just like him. So for the morning he had been advised to soak in a hot bath, and was given privacy in this normally communal room for just this purpose.

It was a long-standing tradition, to let the future Steer be alone with his thoughts for a few hours. For personal soul-searching, coming to terms with his choice, relaxing before the harsh trauma... or frankly just to crank one out. With that in mind, he knocked on the steamed-up sliding glass door of the hot tub room before sliding it open and peering in. "Cameron... it's Walter..." "Just checking on you... how are you doing old boy?"

"Errr..." The big red Bull looked up startled at the old Steers words... he'd been deep in thought about his breeding years... And as those hot waters swirled around his hefty junk, the big middle aged Bull had gotten a powerful erection. "I... I'm fine thank you..." He answered automatically in a monotone that said he was frightened and more than a little out of it... "Errr Walter could I talk to you a bit?"

"Yes of course." The older Steer said and stepped in, closing the door behind him. "I thought you might want to... in fact." He said with an understanding smile, as he sat down on the edge of the frothing jacuzzi. Heavy steam filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile... Even through all that, he could tell the stocky middle-aged bull was erect. "What is it you want of me?"

"Ummm could you tell me..." Cameron gulped and looked embarrassed at the awkwardness of the question... "What its like... you know being a Steer..." Then the big Bull smiled, as he saw the old Steer starring at his long erection through the bubbling steaming water... "I'm kinda worry ya know..."

Walter smiled still eying, and admiring the red bull's long proud erection. This one had even sired calves, he mused to himself... "It's different from being a Bull." He says with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "At first, you'll feel like...less than yourself less than what you were." "'Merely' a steer for the rutting... and it is true you won't be a Bull after it happens..." "It is something you'll adjust to... chasing tail won't be that important to you anymore." "Being competitive won't be important to you... and you may find your tastes... soften a little bit." "In a way, being a Steer is like growing up." "Once you cared about comic books, fast cars, and candy...more than anything." "But those things just don't mean much to you any more." He leaned over, and rubbed Cameron's shoulders through the hot water.

"Oh... like growing up that's not so bad... really." Cameron mumbled as his big body began to relax, from those strong but gentle hands rubbing his broad powerful shoulders... "So you enjoy it?" He blurted... clearly looking for reassurance even as his mind flashed to a far darker subject. "Is the dragon ready... Mr. Borden said they would be testing it..." He gulped half choking. "Whats it like?"

Walter sighed, and bit his lip. He gave the Bull's shoulders a firm squeeze. "Well, I've come to enjoy it, yes." "I don't regret it as much as I used to worry that I would." "As for the dragon... well it's ready, but there's no rush, you have a few hours to get yourself prepared." "And, you will need to prepare... I don't know if I've told you this, but I was castrated using the dragon as well." He took a deep breath, his hand shaking just a little bit as he continued. "It is very... painful." The old Steer admitted slowly. "I don't think they could make it more painful if they tried, really." He lets out a breath... maybe they did try." He mused for a moment as the big red Bull shivered. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to worry you..." The big red bulls strong shoulders trembled, as he heard those words...

"I didn't think it would be painless... not for a second..." "And with all Mr. Bordens talk of sacrifice and baring the pain of ones choices..." Cameron snorted thinking about the big black Bull smirking, as he told the red Bull this was going to be the day he began his new life... "Wha... what kind of changes to you go through?" Walter nodded, he could answer this question much more matter of factly.

"Well of course, your libido goes right down the drain." He admitted leaning over the water a little bit as his big hands worked their way lower. "I've heard that it affects different Bulls in different ways, but for me, within a month I wasn't even thinking about sex any more." "And I used to feel like a volcano... if I went more than a day without getting myself off." He explained blushing a little as he admitted his lustful youth. "Later, you'll notice yourself gaining weight... more around the hips, chest, thighs, rump...basically. It gives you a slightly more feminine figure, which of course is one thing our master wants." The old Steer smirks. "And eventually... your dick will stop functioning, and start to shrink." "Mine's a lot smaller than it used to be, as you have already no doubt noticed." "That happens over months and years though... and honestly you won't really care by then." Cameron knew most of that of course... he had researched the effects online. But somehow it seemed more real... more personal coming from Walter... "Well that's something at least... after my wife died I was the same as you..." "I ended up spending good money for... pleasure..." He let that drop, not wanting to admit he'd paid females for sex... "Its really not so bad... and with my job... fulfilling the young masters needs..." The rotund old Steer smiled broadly.

"It looks like you have some needs of your own, right now." He notes leaning over and casually splashing the water above the red bull's hard dick. "Would you like me to help you with that?" The ball less old Steer offered affectionately.

"Yes." The big red Bull answered at once... all hesitation long vanished from his weeks of using the old Steer. "I was hoping you'd come in and help me out with that..." Cameron lifted himself up onto the rim of the tub, his long thick pink stud stick throbbing eagerly... and his huge hefty sack still dangling in the hot rolling waters...

Walter smiled, the old steer standing up and peeling off his undershirt. "I'll be glad to... my Bull." He says... knowing Cameron will not be a Bull very much longer at all, as he undresses. "Wish there had been someone willing to help me out, when I was in your position." He comments then soon has his pants off, and swings a leg into the hot tub, one then the other. He of course has nothing to dangle, the small sheath under his soft belly the only hint that he was ever a Bull.

"Wasn't there a Stee...Errr some one before you serving the family?" Cameron asks as the old Steer moves in front of him, and lightly fondles those heavy potent balls as they float in the nearly boiling water.

"The servant before me was a equine... and he was not very happy with his position." Walter explained as his big hot hands began fondling Cameron's erection. "I believe Mr. Borden's father had bought up his debt and forced him into that position." "If I'm not mistaken they had been business rivals... at any rate it was not a happy relationship." The old Steer frown in memory. "He was not willing to help anyone... and took great pleasure in torturing me with lurid tales of what was en-store for me." "Ammmm... Bull stew." He moaned shrugging off the bad memories, as he lick the river of pre-cum oozing down that Bull cock. "How do you want me, handsome bull?"

"Could I have your muzzle..." The red Bull asked, knowing that this was a very intimate thing for the Steer. Much more so than giving up his tail hole... "I got some Bull stew I'd like to get out..." He countered wickedly hoping this will excited the old Steer... "We wouldn't want any left over to mess up the masters sheets... would we?" Walter smirked at those words and snorts...

"Hes been messing up his sheets already... that why Mr. Borden decided to hire you."

"Hah!" "Has he now." The red Bull smirked and rumbled as Walter sunk down to his knees, the Steer up to his belly in the bubbling, frothy hot water. Cameron thought for a moment about that... a young Bull barely a teenager, just beginning to throw his first seed onto his sheets. Soon his life would be helping that young bullock to become a proper Bull. He was not lost in thought long though, for he soon felt the fat old Steer's gentle hands on his hard pink shaft.

"Ummmmm...you sir have a big beautiful dick." "Such a pleasure to suck on such a well-hung bull." The Steer moaned kissing the end of it, as Cameron reflected that Walter was still teaching. "Ammmmm... I bet this monster really made your wife happy... you big breeding stud." He flattered in the way a Steer should flatter his Bull, before sliding the end of that length into his warm soft muzzle...

A powerful shiver ran down Cameron's spine, as he leaned back slight. To get his amble belly out of the way, so that Walter could take him all in... "Thank you..." He grunted, and then blushed the old Steer had gotten him again... "Its ok you don't have to flatter me... I'm not the master just a soon to be Steer..." He fondled the older Steers head thoughtfully, deciding to flatter the old boi with truth... "You feel better on it than my wife ever did... I love her, but you are a more exciting mount." "Ummmm oh gods your tongue is magical!"

Walter moaned quietly against that large, heavy Bull cock, and it seemed to Cameron, although he couldn't be sure. That the old Steer blushed from the compliment. He certainly gave the Bull's dick an expert going-over, with those thick lips wrapped snugly around the end. And his big flabby hands encircling the long meaty shaft, the Steer bobbed smoothly up and down on that heavy meat pole. That rough tongue swirling around the end... and down the underside as he swallowed that heft fucker. Cameron's big hands reached down, rubbing and caressing the old Steers drooping male teats. Fondling those thick nipples to erection, and then tugging and squeezing on them playfully. "I hope I can please the boy as well as you please me..." The big red Bull panted his breath already coming fast... as he had been in a state of arousal before Walter had began suckling on him... The old Steer moaned around the red Bull's hard shaft, as he felt his soft chest played with and kneaded. Suckling all the harder, when he felt his nipples being played with. He gasped softly, pulling off for a second and just milking the younger Bull with a fist. His other hand kneading and tugging those heavy nuts under the water.

"Oh, you'll do just fine." He assured. "Young Bulls are easy to please, they'll thrust into anything warm." "And you've got such beautiful Bull parts, I bet you were a horny calf yourself, maybe even as horny as me." He chuckled putting his lips back on Cameron's long pole and suckling lustfully...

"Oh gods I was sooooooo bad... spurting my seed in every rest room I could get alone in..." Cameron chuckled, and shivered at the thought of what he'd have done if someone had offered him a Steer... "I guess your right young Bulls don't know the difference between good and fair sex... to them its all good heh." Cameron closed his eyes, and pictured himself in the old Steers position... Going muzzle down on the horny young black Bull... it excited him all the more and his big cock began to surge in Walters muzzle. The old Steer felt that suddenly rush of power into the hefty, soon-to-be-castrated Bull's rod, and naturally he knew what it meant. He squeezed his thick lips tight around Cameron's bull hood, his muzzle bobbing, sucking, and working that aroused meat. His hands pumping the shaft and playing with the Bull's doomed balls. He couldn't help but remember himself as a Bull... his own balls very large even for his breed. But then he was less than blessed in the dick department... so horny it felt like torture, but ashamed to show his prick to anyone... jerking off constantly...

"Ohooooooo fuck here I...I... cuuummmmmm!" Cameron moaned, his ass sliding off the edge of the tub. As he half stands up to rut that hot suckling muzzle wildly... Those huge orbs splashing around in the hot water as they bounce back and forth up and down with his thrusting... That long thick fucker tensing as hard as iron in Walters throat, before it begins to disgorge its salty froth load... The old Steer gulps down the hot milk of the stout Bull's heavy balls, his hand kneading those fat cummers under the water. As he moans, his throat is filled so nicely from the nuts of the red Bull that was soon to be a a Steer...just like him.

Cameron slowly sank back down, as his orgasm pasted... the old Steers hot mouth draining the seed out of him expertly... "Ummmmm damn that was the best ever..." He panted... actually believing it, just as he did every time he said it to the old Steer... Walter smiled, and swallowed again, and then slid forward and put his arms around the middle-aged Bull. To nuzzle his chest... quite a lot like a cow in a lot of ways.

"Ammmmm... thank you Cameron." He replied softly as he cuddling naked with the Bull who would soon be loosing his balls. "And thank you for saying that I was a more exciting mount than your wife." "I... I'm really glad you enjoyed me that much." "I really wanted to treat your Bull hood... well to day of all days." Cameron blushed, but slipped and arm around the old Steers body drawing him up close feeling that broad body between his legs...

"And thank you..." He panted softly... "Oho you have indeed done that..." "And I'm more grateful than you know..." Cameron panted breathlessly, as he nuzzled Walters thick neck... "Does this feel anything at all?" He asked fondling the old Steers limp organ, that was never the less dangling from its sheath... The fat old Steer gasped softly, as his limp noodle his groped and fondled. And the way his body twitched answers Cam's question. "Y-yes, it does still feel." Walter admitted blushing. "It just... doesn't get hard anymore... and doesn't feel as much as it used to." "But yes, it's still there." He answered, the old Steer bashfully humping his impotent bull hood into the younger, intact Bull's palm.

"Would you like me to suck on it..." Cameron offered unsure how Walter would feel about that... but now the big red Bull was wishing he had another Bull around. He was feeling the need to serve... to have something up his tail hole... To feel a hard body atop him humping and thrusting... using him as only a horny male could. Walter blinked, not having expected THAT offer, but his tail swished under the water.

"Um, it won't... get hard or anything." He pointed out bashfully, rubbing Cameron's belly slowly. "But... um if you really would like to then feel free." The steer had to admit, he wasn't sure what would happen... it'd probably been twenty years since he'd had a mouth on his prick. But he heaved himself out of the water, and sat on the edge of the tub, just as Cameron had done before... The red Bull sank back into the hot bubbling water, his tightened testicles quickly relaxing once again... As he moved over between the old Steers fat thighs... warm rubbery lip's kissing that slender limp organ. And then he opened his mouth and engulfed it all without hardly trying... The red Bull began suckling on that flaccid cock even as his mouth moved up and down its length... finding it hard to properly suck so soft and organ. Not like Mr. Borden's which had always been huge hard and eager... The fat old Steer moaned as his limp noodle his suckled on, his fat thighs trembling as he squeezed the side of the hot tub. He panted and bit his lip, the rush of sensation from his nearly forgotten male organ. Was pulling him on quite a trip down memory lane... that warm mouth... that slick tongue... suckling lip's oh it made his soft part tingle. It was difficult to suckle, but the eunuch was obviously enjoying it... Of course in that position Cameron's chin was just about rubbing Walters castration scar. Thinking of Mr. Borden's hard, lusty shaft... Cameron recalled that he was who Walter had been castrated for to begin with. Mr. Borden had been fucking this fat Steer for years, and now was fucking Cameron himself... Soon the red Bull's balls would be taken by him... they were both just cows in his herd... Cameron's tongue swirled around that soft organ... as he worked to show what all he had learned from both Walter and Mr. Borden's training... Even as his muzzles press right up against that soft sheath... so that he could feel that cool rough scar pressed against his chin... It was very exciting for him to be between the Steers legs like this, he'd wanted to see it up close like this for sometime; but hadn't wanted to ask... And now the Steers thighs were open wide, his chubby hips working back and forth. The fat Steer practically thrusting his soft part into the Bull's muzzle, grinding his scar to him as well. "Mmmmmm... Cameron t-touch my there, between my... ohhh." Walter moaned, pushing his crotch at the Bull's muzzle... wanting to feel something there... A hand, a tongue, anything... just so he could pretend that his own fat balls were swinging there again... The red Bull lifted a big hand hot from having been in the roiling water, an rubbed it over that cool scarred flesh gently. Stroking not understanding what the old Steer wanted, but doing his best to please... As his soft lip's suckled powerfully on that weakly pulsing organ. Walter moaned, feeling that hot fist against his crotch; rubbing the scar that still felt almost like having his testicles rubbed. Almost... his fat rump flexed as he thrust into the Bull's muzzle, a useless motion since his shaft was completely limp. But it reminded him of how it felt to be a Bull... to fuck and thrust his body had never forgotten how... A strange pleasure washed over him... it wasn't an orgasm at least not that a intacted Bull would recognize. But it was the best his gelded loins could do... and it was enough to make him moan. "Ummmm thank you." Just then there came a knock at the door... and a gruff voice announced.

"Its time..."


It is a long and lonely walk down the stately marbled hallways of the manor; even with Walter beside him it still felt grim. And why shouldn't it? He was going to have his mighty Bull hood cut off, of course he's got butterflies in his belly! As if sensing Cameron's growing distress, the old Steer takes the red Bull's hand in his and squeezes gently. He like Cameron was dressed in a simple easy to remove bathrobe. The old Steer leads Cameron to another door, down in the basement levels of the manor. Which seems to be connected to the same steam and hot water as the baths upstairs, from the piping and noise. It certainly feels like a sauna, a wall of steam greets them as the door opens, and inside he can see... red eyes! Like a vicious, demonic animal coiled up... Walter squeezed that big hand reassuringly.

"Scary, isn't it?" He grunts softly. "Frightens the heck out of me." The old Steer admits when his question gets no response. Slowly he leads the red Bull into the dark, steamy room, and a candle is lit on either side of the strange device. With that spars light Cameron can see it's a squat iron contraption, molded to look like a fire-breathing Dragon. Steam wafts from its nostrils, and a glow of hot coals is visible in the 'eyes'. The room itself is octagonal, with a tile surface and benches, like an old Turkish bath. Their employer, Mr. Borden is waiting for them at the head of the beast. The big black Bull is already naked and showing off his masculine assets. Walter closes the door behind them and also undresses, motioning for you to follow suit.

The air is heavy, wet and almost stifling hot... yet a shiver runs down the big red Bull's strong spine. They are not alone in this strange tiled chamber, the benches are covered with shadowy figures. This sends another chill down Cameron's spine... who would want to be here for something like this?

"Ahaha...the chosen has arrived... at last the ceremony can begin." The tall powerful black Bull intoned in a oddly creepy voice, as he strolled forwards to greet Walter and Cameron. "Today your new life begins... as all new life with pain." "But it will lead to a long and fulfilling experience." He promised as he looked the pair over.

Walter nodded and patted Cameron on the rump reassuringly, as the tall black Bull stepped closer. "You will be shedding your old life." Mr Borden said with a long smirk, reaching out to pull the robe off the stout red Bull's sweaty body. "Even as you shed these clothes... show the rest of us what you'll be shedding." He growls commandingly and taps Cameron's hefty thighs. Mr. Borden himself is already naked, the black Bull's fur shiny and sleek in the damp air. His toned body and sculpture of masculine perfection. His own huge black balls swayed entrancingly almost between his knees, his thick pink meat swayed before that pendulous sac. Cameron had felt that flesh inside him before... the memory of it was fresh in his mind. Stepping forwards Cameron spread his legs and slowly turned, displaying his heft organs to the eerily silent assembly watching. There is a soft murmur of approval as he completely his turn, the red tip of his spent Bull hood peeking out. Amazing Cameron who had thought himself well spent from Walters attentions earlier... Mr Borden smirked as he watched that throbbing organ begin to erect... Mr. Borden stepped partly behind Cameron, and started to show him off. Rubbing a hand down the red Bull's stout belly, and under, grasping his growing erection and pulling on it.

"Yes... as you can see this old Bull is still virile!" The big black stud smirked. "He's giving up a working pair today." The black Bull chuckled softly and stroked that raising pole, the murmuring crowd watching intently. All Cameron can tell about them is that they're male... male bovine scents, canines, felines, and others, a raw sexual musk of multiple species. "This Bull dick has had some good experience as well he's had cows, even sired calves." "This old Bull has a lot to lose today..." "We're here to witness his loss, and to witness that it is willing." "Is it willing... Bull?" Mr. Borden asked leeringly. Cameron trembled as those big hot hands swept over his naked body... and then fondled his embarrassingly growing erection and orbs underneath. His hip's thrust slightly without thinking, as that hot palm teasingly slid up and down his length. And then the question came... it startled him so that he jumped slightly, he'd thought this question was settled. Thought that by giving himself up to Mr. Borden's rutting, he'd answered it plainly. But now here he was begin given the choice to walk away. To keep his pride his potent male organs to remain a Bull. "Yes... Yes Sir... It is freely and willingly given." Cameron heard himself saying, glancing over at Walter who was nodding slowly to him. Did his male hood really mean so little, No he consoled himself he was giving it up for his sons...

The strong, younger black Bull snorted hotly in Cameron's ear. "It is said and heard, then." The silent figures all nodded muttering their agreement. The black Bull slid his right hand down to grab Cameron's big ass, and he let go of that erection, grabbing the red Bull's fat balls instead. "You came here a Bull, now I shall make you a Steer." "We shall feed these to the dragon." A murmur of approval wafted up from the dark audience, and Cameron can hear the unmistakeable sound of gentle sliding and slapping... 'They're going to enjoy themselves while your balls get the chop.' "Show him Steer." Mr Borden commands, and Walter steps in front of them naked as well. And with a grinding of gears the iron statue opens it's awful fang filled mouth. Steam billows out as the fat old Steer steps in front of it, and gently spreads his legs. Pressing his soft groin to its muzzle as if he were humping it... his fat ass gyrating as they watch...

He moans softly, grinding his scar against the statue's hot muzzle. His big ass shaking in front of them, until suddenly there's a hard CLANK and hiss of steam. And he steps away, showing the jaws closed... He backs away, the old Steer sweaty and shaking, and comes to stand beside them again. "Lift your arms." Cameron's employer commands, pointing to a ring in the ceiling above the thing. A thick foamy bovine sweet suddenly seems to cover Cameron's sleek red fur as he watches the shadowy audience enjoying themselves. His strong body shaking even more noticeably as he watches the display... seeing the fear in Walters eyes as he stepped back. 'Oho gods ohoo gods...' He thought wildly as the order came for him to lift his arm, he did so automatically. 'Am I really going to... to let them do this?' He wondered as Mr. Borden guided his hands up to that mysteries ring.

The ring doesn't remain a mystery for long, as Walter collects a long silk scarf from somewhere. And loops it through that metal ring, then ties Cameron's hands to it, rendering them helpless and out of the way. The black Bull squeezed the red Bull's ass, his own firm length pressing against Cameron's side. His huge balls bouncing gently on that shaggy thigh as he plays with those doomed testicles. "It's time Bull... time to feed your balls to the dragon." He intones gravely, pushing Cameron forward, standing him right in front of the demonic iron statue. Even from there the red Bull could feel the heat of it on his naked groin, like a hungry animal's hot breath. "Are you afraid?" "You can tell us your feelings now." "Only Bulls need to be strong and tough..."

'Helpless.' But then he'd been helpless all along... hard times had left him with no choice. To feed his family... he'd have to feed the Dragon and that was no choice at all. Cameron's big body dangled limply, only his long Bull cock arched stiffly up as if to defy what was about to befall his male hood. A shiver of lust ran through him as he felt Mr. Borden's own hard cock against him, and a fantasy of somehow shoving the big black Bull into the Dragon's maw played out briefly in his head. "Yes... I... I'm terrified." He admitted brazenly. "I never expected my life would lead me here... but... but I've got to keep my boys from staving..." He sobbed breaking down as his body was slowly pushed forwards... a big strong hand holding his rock hard cock up out of the way.

Mr. Borden snorted in his floppy red ear. "Mmm... very brave Bull, you're giving up your balls to help what came from your balls." "That's a real strong Bull... but now it's time to leave your strength and bull hood behind." "It's time to feed the dragon." He says, and the muffled voices of the crowd begin softly chanting... "Dragon... Dragon... Dragon... Dragon..." As he's slowly pushed forward, the iron jaws of the metal beast crank open. Letting Cameron look down into it's coal-fired belly, the hot glow of a hungry fire reaching up it's throat to shine behind it's jagged teeth. The red Bull can see now that inside its mouth are dozens of smaller spikes... The big black Bull behind him strokes his erect shaft, and then gently lays Cameron's balls inside that open maw... he can feel the spikes under his ball sack already. With a snigger Mr. Borden shoves him hard against it, the iron lips kissing Cameron's groin as his balls rest in harm's way. Those sharp points are almost scalding hot, as they press softly against Cameron's hot male flesh... Even as behind him he hears the big black Bull whisper softly for his ears only... "If it helps... your not a real Bull anymore." Mr Borden chuckled. "You haven't been since that first time on my desk... when I made you bray like a cow." And then the red bovine feels it... pressing in slithering up forcing through his gates thrusting slow up inside of him. "You were a Steer from that point on, your body just didn't know it." The big black Bull gloated, as he shoved Cameron hard against those iron lips. The Dragons fiery kiss on that aroused groin, as the mechanism is tripped. And those deadly Jaws suddenly snap closed with a deafening 'CLANK' "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

The dragon's eyes flare as its muzzle snaps closed, the hungry statue almost seeming to growl as it eats his bull hood. Cameron's fat balls are pierced by half a dozen metal spikes, and then severed by the chomping outer teeth. A sudden blast of hot steam scalds his crotch, searing the wound closed. Even as the black Bull holds him pressed against the monster. Bellowing along with him, as he surges inside that big body, his hot stud milk erupting as he feels Cameron castrated under him. Almost as one the hidden audience groans, the sound of wet splatters of cream hitting the tile floor... The big red bovines back arches... his anal muscles clenching so tightly on that big invader that the black Bull moans loudly. But quickly begins to thrust in and out as Cameron hangs withering in pain. The hot musk thick in the damp heavy air as dozen's of males release their seed watching him become a Steer. It filled Cameron with a strange honor, knowing he was pleasuring the whole room at once. As he dangled and bucked for a moment longer... And then a curtain of darkness fell over him... and he knew no more...


The weeks of recovery pasted swiftly for the new Steer... Walter playing the concerned nurse maid the whole time. Things were really quite sedate and uneventful for Cameron, who just had to heal. And thus spent most of his time enjoying the turn of seasons, as summer slowly turned into fall. Until Walter announced that the young master would be home for the holidays very soon...

Cameron already knew what his duties were to be, this had all been explained and practiced... with some help from Mr. Borden naturally. When the junior Borden arrived he was welcomed home by his father and the assembled household staff. And Cameron was introduced to him, as his personal servant just as Walter had been his father's.

The big red Steers first assignment, was to carry his luggage upstairs. The burly red Steer lifted those heavy bags. The young Bull himself is deep black like his father, but shorter in stature of course. With shorter horns that he may have gotten from his mothers side of the family. He was a bit plumper than his father, he obviously worked out. But also is clearly just turning that corner into adulthood, and still has some calfish chubbiness about him.

Cameron trailed along behind his charge slowly... as they climbed the stairs and made their way through the massive house. The young Bull trying to appear unconcerned... but clearly nervous about having this big older male at his service. Once they had made it to the room... Cameron began to unpack Jordan's bag's while the young Bull flopped onto his bed and watched the big roan Steer curiously.

Jordan starred at the big, older male, watching him with a slightly perplexed expression. His eyes followed that round rump as the older male bent over, the way that tail flitted in the air. 'Well... was he REALLY a male?' This new servant was just like Walter, and his father had explained about Walter. Sure enough, the young Bull could see by the cut of his new servant's slacks, that he was definitely a Steer. He bit his tongue a little bit... Steers are for Bulls to enjoy themselves with... right? It had been a long trip home... Jordan found himself rubbing the fly of his school uniform slacks.

Cameron sensed the young Bull's change in mood... as he was benting down to put Jordan's athletic underwear in the drawer... This was going to be an awkward moment he knew... and Walter had explained that they both might be nervous and embarrassed. But the red Steer was feeling neither, he simply felt compliant and wanted to serve his young stud as best he could. Glancing over he watched as that rubbing hand moved away from his bulging crotch quickly, even as he went back to unpacking. "Uhum..." Jordan cleared his throat nervously... and then asked. "So your a Steer tight?"

"Yes sir." Cameron answered simply flashing the youth a pleasant smile.

"Lik... Like Walter is... for my dad..."

"Completely." The red Steer assured softly slowly, shivering as he hear a zipper lowering behind Him... Jordan had decided to do it, the door was locked. Nobody was watching, he was pent up from the trip and he was a Bull now. 'So why shouldn't he?' He unzipped, and unbuttoned his pants, then slid them down his thick black thighs, and spread his legs apart. The young bull started unbuttoning his shirt while he let his well-developed genitals hang out. His heavy black balls not quite as big as his father's, but getting there. His young prick already almost fully grown to a good size, and probably with more growth to come. It throbbed with his youthful lust and energy, already half-hard; he let it bob in the air as he slowly takes his clothes off. Cameron's nostrils quiver, as the room is suddenly awash with the flesh musky scent of horny young male, still he goes about his duties unpacking. Until the last suit of clothing is hung up in the closet, and then he turns to look the now almost naked young Bull over. "SsSso are you gonna..." Jordan stammered suddenly feeling very embarrassed at what he was doing, but the big red Steer only smiled knowing and asked.

"What would you prefer sir... muzzle or tail?" The young black Bull's eyes bulged in surprise... this really was going to happen...

Jordan took a deep breath, and kneaded the bedsheets as the older Steer calmly faced him and asked him what he wanted. "Umm... m-muzzle please." The young Bull replied politely, his eyes widening... His young balls rolled between his thighs, and his fat young dick straightened up stiffly. His boiling hormones doing the work that confidence wasn't there for yet. Cameron smiled softly and moved over to the edge of the bed, slowly kneeling beside of it. Jordan sat back on the bed, hanging one leg over those wide shoulders as his Steer leaned in and nuzzled those hot aroused organs. Making the young Bull moan loudly as he did so... "Oho gods." Jordan moaned as that hot breath washed over his hot loins... and then those soft lip's began kissing. First his huge ball's and then up his throbbing shaft... which had began oozing pre-cum by this point...

The young bull's balls nearly jump in their sack, when he feels the old Steer's lips on them, the young male gasping as his penis jerked upwards. He spread his legs as Cameron's lips surrounded his potent young testicles, great gifts from his father. And his eyes sprung open wider when the big Steer began to suck on them. He moaned loudly, and then watched as his servant started working his way up that young pole. The taste of his virgin bull meat on Cameron's tongue, young and virile....

"Ummmmm fuck your good at that." Jordan moaned breathlessly, as he lay back on the pillows and watcheed the red Steers muzzle curiously.

"Thank you sir..." Cameron mumbles around the long rock hard cock in his muzzle...

"Uhum... you don't have to call me... it makes me kinda uncomfortable... Just... just call me Jordan ok..." The Young Bull moans softly, as he watches his Steer's mouth pleasuring his long thick Bull stick... Cameron's soft lips slowly slide down the smooth length of the calf's throbbing organ, making the young Bull fidget and moan. He kneads the bed as he leans back on his hands, his inexperienced hips thrusting suddenly, trying to fuck, before he settles back down on the bed. Every slide and twist of those lips on his male organ, every twitch of that soft tongue drives him wild. And he can already feel his fat young balls starting to rise... suddenly he grabs Cameron's horns and starts thrusting into his muzzle. The big Steer gags slightly at first... but has been warned that this would most likely be the young Bull's first reaction. So Cameron swallows letting his throat get accustom to having that viral young cock ramming down it... It's something Mr Borden has spent many long sessions teaching him how to do. And as he lets his blunt bovine muzzle take that pounding, he reflects on how much father and son are alike... Young Jordan bites his lip and grimaces, the young Bull grasping those blunted horns tightly and starting to thrust. He holds Cameron's muzzle while he works his cock in there, where it feels the best. And then looks down to see himself holding the red Steers horns like handle bars, steering Cameron's muzzle... Jordan wonders if this is where the word 'Steer' comes from... Before he closes his eyes and takes a few more thrusts, his sweaty black body flexing and shaking a bit. And then with a deep, long 'GROOANNNN' his legs jerk, and his young cream starts pulsing down Cameron's throat... Cameron's breath comes in wheezing snorts, through his nostrils as that hard young cock tensed within his throat. And then his feels it releasing and tensing releasing and tensing as hot gush after hot gush flood down his throat and into his belly. Until with a last weak groan Jordan lets go of his horns and lays back panting for breath.

"Oho fuck... that was.." "Can we do it again..." Swallowing that last long spurt Cameron slowly pulls that long organ out of his throat and licks it clean.

"Of course S... Jordan we can do this anytime you like... or you could mount if you prefer..." After a moment's rest, Jordan nods his big bovine head.

"Yeah...Yeah, I'd like to mount you." "Only, one thing first..."

"Mm, what's that?" Cameron asked, as he wiped off his wet chin.

"Let's turn the lights out." He grunts, and then squirms a bit and blushes a little. "I've... always had a fantasy about undressing a girl in the dark." He explained. With a chuckle, Cameron nods and stands up, and crosses the room to switch off the lights. Jordan helpfully turns on a reading light by his bed, so that the Steer can find his way back. Once Cameron is sitting down, the young Bull turns out the light, and shuffles over to sit beside him. In the dark, and trembling slightly, he puts a hand firmly on the Steer's thigh... Cameron sits still... but his breathing deepens as that big hot hand rubs slowly up and down his inner thigh. Before moving up to pick at the buttons of his trousers, even as Jordan's other arm snakes around his waist. "Its ok baby..." The young Bull whispers softly into Cameron's ear as he slowly works to get those pants unbuttoned. "Just relax..." He mumbles as he begins to kiss and nibble on that strong neck... as Cameron lifts himself up so the young Bull can work his trousers and silky underwear down those hefty thighs... Jordan breathes heavily onto the older Steer's thick neck. as he gently nibbled on it. Pretending the big, beefy creature was a really big cow. And except for the still slightly male scent of him, he could almost believe he was. One hand slid down the back of Cameron's pants and gave those wide, furry buttocks a firm squeeze. The young Bull feeling his manhood throb as he did it. 'Ohhhh yeah.' He thought to himself, and then he started working the Steer's pants and underwear down, imagine he was taking off a cow's panties... 'Ohhhhh YEAH!' His strong young heart thumped wildly in his chest, as he slid his hand up the Steer's inner thighs and groped... Feeling no balls there, imagining it was a cow he was fondling... "Oh baby, I want you so bad." He whispered, his young shaft throbbing hotly... Walter had taught him how to keep his scar and tiny sheath shaved... so the young Bull's groping hand swept over hot bare flesh. Feeling so much like a cows hot sex that Jordan actually wiggled a finger into that sheath opening. Giving Cameron a start... he'd not expected this and no one had giving him instruction in what to do. So he just passively let the young Bull have his way... gently Jordan shoved him back on the bed and spread his leg's. And then the next thing Cameron knew he was feeling hot lip's on his sheath, and then a long wet tongue lapped at it drawing a long moan from the big red Steer... The young Bull moaned to himself as he went down on his cow, his tongue sliding between the smooth, hot folds down there... Intellectually, he knew what it was he was licking, but he didn't let that stop him from pretending he was going down on a cow, and enjoying having his way with a pussy. He wiggled his tongue and worked it inside, licking the very innermost parts of that sensitive flesh, and hearing that long bovine moan from his cow let him know she was liking it. His firm young penis throbbed in excitement, as he rubbed his nose in that trembling, warm crotch. Before climbing up onto his knees, and leaning over his conquest... With one hand resting on Cameron's belly, he guided his hot young prick against that warm cleft he had just been licking. The horny young Bull moaning and rubbed his rod against that shallow valley...

Taking a bit of saliva Cameron quickly wet his anus... and then gently took that hard throbbing organ away from the young Bull and guided it in.

"Oho Ummm!" Jordan exclaimed loudly as he felt that heat on his cock head, thrusting hard at once. But the Steer was prepared for that and had taken his father often enough that he was open and ready. The horny young studs long cock sank smoothly into that tight orifice with little resistance, and only a soft Moooooo from his Cow... The young Bull thrust forward eagerly, moaning as his ready pole sank into this fat cow's big rump. His black buttocks flexed as he thrust, his belly crunching up against Cameron's furless groin as he pumped his young pole into that welcoming warmth. His healthy balls slapped the Steer's fine rear, as Jordan pumped with all he had. The young Bull really getting into it, even leaning forward and groping his cow's breasts... Cameron lifted his big soft rump up, as the horny young Bull pounded it lustfully... The slap of hard young masculine muscle on soft effeminate neutered flesh filling the air. 'Gods the boy could rut!' Cameron thought as he worked his tail hole... clenching down on that hard springy young prick. Even as Jordan moaned and panted lustfully kissing and squeezing those soft fat breasts... Jordan was far too young to hold anything back, and he gave his cow every thrust his balls demanded. The plump young Bull, just barely not a calf, stuffed his stiff prick into that warm hold hard and earnestly, letting every inch of stroking stimulate him. He kneaded those nice soft tits, each squeeze making his prick throb inside his fat cow conquest. The young Bull getting all his young fantasies of riotous breeding a rollicking workout. It's a hard, vigorous rutting of course... the boy works himself up to a climax quickly. Soon he's groaning and emptying his balls hotly into Cameron's big fleshy rear. The big Steer lay there under the big hot sweaty young Bull, gently stroking his head and back as Jordan lay panting and moaning atop him. Just as Walter had warned... he'd got little sexual pleasure from the act... But had received a strangely fulfilling sense of satisfaction from pleasuring his Bull... And the vigorous prostate pounding had triggered a weak yet thrilling orgasmic sensation, somewhere between his sheath and brain...

Keeping things lively

A couple of stallions play out ones long time fantasy... but things are not exactly what they seem... ...

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Hard Times Chap 1

A big Straight Bull having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out...

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