Out of Towner

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Charns tales...


Out of Towner

"So yer the masseur..." The big damp equine sits back in his chair... a soft white terry clothe robe belted loosely over his still damp fur. "To be honest I was hoping for a Masseuse." The big stallion admitted as he leans back spreading his long sexy legs slightly, giving the big feline a view up under his robe.

"Prudies our Masseuse... but you wouldn't like her that much." The big Tiger purred softly as he peered up under the hem of that soft fluffy robe. "I'm much more... responsive to a clients needs." He promised slowly licking his lush lip's. "You being a good pony?"

"I'm never a good pony..." The big lusty stallion answered with a lewd grin. "Just got out of the shower myself..." Smirks... flashing the Tiger again with the good pony between his legs... as he crosses those long sexy legs. The big feline grins and sits on the arm of the horse's chair, sticking a finger into the horses coffee and stirring it.

"Ammmm... this needs cream."

"Hmmmmm now where can I get that?" The big stallion pretends to be deep in though, shifting his big strong thigh's. So those hefty orbs in their very loose sac, drop down to dangle below his crossed legs. Making the big feline lick his sensual lips.

"Well... you can get it from a cow..." "Cows have big, soft udders ripe with milk." "Just waiting for a nice, slow, squeeze..."

"Ooooooooo that's sounds disgusting..." The stallion shivers making those big orbs bob up and down tauntingly. The big Tiger laughs and shimmied down to kneel in front of the big equine. Pushing those thickly muscled thighs wide apart...

"Or you can drain it right from the tap..." Charn purrs. "Though that takes a good bit of churning first." His big silky paws hidden by the robe as they playfully bat at that low hanging fruit. The big stud smirks as the striped feline kneels between his legs, and fondles his huge, hot, damp stud hood under that soft white bath robe.

"Oh is that so... gunna milk a stallion huh..." "Churn me good... ta get some stud butter?" Charn grins and feels up those heavy, damp, dangling rocks.

"Maybe... but why should I?" "I don't have any coffee." Big silky paws moves up, and he steals the soft loose belt from the horses robe, baring that broad strong chest and tightly muscled belly. The Stallion feels the caress of that cotton band along the back of his fat male orbs, and then the front too... As the Tiger wraps them up... a sharp tug draws it tight around those Magnificent treasures.

"Well... you are being payed... but maybe there is something else in it for ya..." The horny stud moans as his robe falls open, revealing his powerfully muscled belly and chest fur still matted with dampness... "It'll only take a small bit for the coffee, and you can have the rest yerself..." He grunts as those hefty orbs are noosed tightly... making that long thick stud stick pulse and thicken slowly. The Tiger grins and tugs on either end of the hidden belt, tugging firmly and primarily at the whole of the stud's dangling rocks.

"Oh... can I?" "And what would I dooooo with so much... milk?" Charn chuckled at the sizable ridge of a swelling erection resting atop one hidden thigh. Another tug gets it flaring out between either untethered robe flaps, strong, masculine and mostly clean...

"Well... yer a pussy... cat lap it up I guess..." The big stallion taunts leeringly down at him... clearly getting off on the felines playing with his heft stud nuggets. The smell of tangy equine pre-cum growing thick in the air, as that hefty erection stiffens a bit more.

Charn smiles wickedly and ties the ends of that robe belt to the studs big shiny hooves snugly, enjoying how low those vulnerable orbs can be stretched. He pressed in against that taut scrotum, paw's clasping the stallion's length and a rough tongue raking it for any musk his shower scrubbing missed.

"Lap... Predators do not 'lap'... We FEAST!" The smiling Tiger advises as he teases that fat throbbing erection. The big stallion press's downwards, trying to straighten his long leg's... But only tightening the noose around his heavy ball sac, and tugging them down even more tautly...

"Ohoooo..." He grunts loudly, as that rough tongue rakes over his huge, hot, semi hard stud stick. "Ummmm ya Feast on that pussy boi..." The horny stallion moans lustfully as the big feline toy's with his hot genitals. "After all I am paying good money for this..." Charn rakes his claws through the bathrobe... 'Silly stallion, assuming that just because the cat came to his room... in a bellhops uniform that he was the hotels masseuse...' He pulled back, eyes focusing on the blob of pre-cum at the big blunt end of that massive stud stick.

"I can't... not yet.... you need to be churned first." The big Tiger teases, big silky paws hide under that chair. As he takes those trapped nuts, squeezing each one powerfully in a big hot paw.

"Ohoooo... yeah we can't forget the build up..." The big stallion smirked, his big hands clamping down on the chair arms so powerfully they creak softly in protest. As those fat ball's are churned... that blob of pre-cum slowly expanding, until it ran down that big blunt cock head. "Strong paws..."

"You get strong paws in my trade... as I'm sure you can imagine." The big striped feline leered up as the stallion's long narrow head and smoky eyes rolled. "I'm used to turning hard, strong knots if muscle into jelly..." He purred grinding a big thumb tip along the back of one orb, a crinkly crunching sensation suddenly felt.

"Ohoooo I just bet you do..." The big horny equine moaned, his legs struggling involuntarily to straighten out as his arousal grows stronger... "But that's good... ya need strong paws... OOOOOooo." He grunted as that crinkly crunching sensation is felt... making the big stud strain to straighten his leg's even more. His fat stud nuggets pulled as taut, as the distracted studs well worked cords would allow. The deep tension on those mighty jewels sending sickening aches into the stallion's muscled gut. This the big cat seems to like, the dull pain countered with the sensation of a hot, wet, loose mouth cleaning that precum from the end of his cock tip. Hot paws moving to rub and stroke the root of the stallion's thick erection, teasing it as the cotton belt rips a bit from the strain.

"Hhhhooo Hhhooo..." The handsome stallion moaned, as his excitement grew. Those sensations of hot, wet, loose mouth cleaning his cock head making him even more excited. His thick stud stick becoming hard and springy as those paws teased it. "I... I... think I'm gotta need a new belt for this robe..." He panted, even as his powerful leg's stretched his fat nuts even lower as they struggle to straighten.

"Oh?" "Perhaps... I'm surprised nothings ripped yet..." Charn chuckles, a silky paw sliding to wrap around that cooling, stretched, straining pouch. Just below that tightly knotted belt... the other paw moving to rake a razor sharp claw over the middle of that trapped sack, just above the belt.

"Hurr Hurr Hurr..." The horny stud nickers lustfully, as he squirms and strains in pent up sexual excitement... "Yeah that clothe isn't... 'Rrriiippp' that... 'Rrriipp...' strong..." 'Pant pant pant...'

While teasingly his hot mouth re-swallows the stud's broad spongy cock head. Pulling roughly off... to nip at the protruding equine urethra tauntingly.

"Ummmm fuck... your muzzle feels so good..." The big stallion moaned as his broad spongy cock head is mouthed... and then his piss slit nipped at.

"Come on stud... Give'em to me..." The big feline purred lustfully as he teases that hard cock even more.

"Ohoo Ummm..." "Ohooo they... they're all..." The big stallions moans, as those long leg's press down almost straight... And then there is a soft wet ripping sound, and suddenly the belt does slack. As something big wet and firm smacks against the suddenly grinning Tiger's broad white chest. It makes the Tiger's cock twitch inside of his uniform, grasping those hefty jewels, still strapped tight with the belt. Charn brings them down to stroke against his erection, the cool fuzzy scrotum with it's huge orbs dwarfing his own. But they ARE his now! He licked up the underside of the horny horse's fat cock, ever the wanton slut, and then chokes and gags himself on it. Trying to keep the lusty former stud distracted by slurp the big stud off!

"Eeeee hehehee..." The big stallion squeals, unsure of what is happening. But knowing he is in need of orgasm badly... and loving that hot tongue on his arching erection. "Ohooo... Ohoooo yeah that's it suck it... suck it good pussy..." The still horny, but now gelded equine whinnies loudly... his hips bucking up and down excitedly. Even as his might erection weakens, back into a semi erect state... Charn grins and pulls one paw up to stroke that furry belly, up and down. Firmly pinning the now docile former stud back in his chair, as he continues to jerk off the horse with his other paw... He slurps, gnaws, suckling and deep throated that rubbery salami for a while, maybe five minutes before pulling off and standing up... Something red and dripping clenched in his big paw, as he straddles the equine. Before the gelding can see what, the Tigers hard oozing cock is jutting up against those soft equine lips. Before the stallion knows whats happening, the salty heat of his semen splashes over that long equine muzzle!

"Ummmm Ohoooo Fuck?" The big horny gelding moans, as his mighty cock is slurped, gnawed, suckled and deep throated lustfully. "Oho Damn yer good at pleasing your clients." The equine moans as the feline straddles his aching cock... "Uhum wha... Ooooooo!" The big gelding moans and swears as his long equine muzzle is covered in hot, rank, musky Tiger cum... "Errrr fuckin' hell..." Charn laughs and strokes the salty fluid into those big slotted equine nostrils.

"Just thought I'd show you what a real male smells like..." He teases, before he slides down lifting one long stud leg up just enough. To slide his still hard cock into the geldings snug tail hole, bustin' that rump cherry in style. The big horse struggles now... but is to weak to be effective. And is forced to squeal in pain, as his tail hole is violated for the first time... in all his travels.

"Owww Owww what the hell..." He moans meekly, as the big strong predator smiles down at him. Charn grins and plunges in and out lustfully a dozen or so more times. Before his big paw lifts up that pilfered pouch, contents slithering loosely inside.

"What's wrong stud?" "Not feeling your usual self?" "Missing something?" He tauts, stroking the musky pouch against his nose and cheeks.

"Oh My... Ohoo Mmyyy..." The big gelding moans, as he see's that hefty pouch, with the blood stained belt still knotted around it... And realizes that it wasn't the belt that had ripped... "Oho my gods... be... be careful with...with those..." He moans as he watches the big feline play with it... Watching the horses eyes widen in horror, as he stabs a long claw through one... Lifting it up to look at and then pop it into his mouth 'Crunching' it at once. "Uhuuu..." The horse moans as if he had just been punched in the gut... his long cock bouncing and slapping against the Tigers well formed ass cheeks as the feline chews. "Oh gods please no... I... I 've got a mare at home..." He moaned pitifully.

"Who do you think hired me?" The big Tiger grinned, as he picked up the geldings second larger testicle... making a show of examining it... "She was thinking you were using these business trips to get a little ass... so hired me to follow you and find out if you were..." "And well if you were..." He popped that second big nut in his mouth, and 'CRUNCH!' he breaks it down slowly, swallowing bits at a time until he shows his empty mouth to the gelding... Slowly fucking that well loosened ass, punch stroking against that hard gland. As he fondled the limp horsie hose. "Now... she doesn't want to see your sorry face again..." He advised the gelding. "But she told me... she did like your cock..." "Can you guess what that means?" Charn asked watching it dawn on the geldings muzzle for a second, and then claws dug into the root of that handsome member. That big long cock twitches and jerks trying to spurt... even as its removed from the horses sheath... Dribbles of the studs last orgasm running down it... "So as per our agreement..." Charn purred as he held that huge stud stick up. "And I'm going to get the money... you were saving up for that new sports car... as well as that nice meal..." The big feline smiled wickedly, as the gelding shudders and squirts everywhere. Shaking his striped head, he gives the horse a solid 'Thwock' on the back of his head... with his own cock to knock him out, making his getaway.


Hooves Adult Hall of Mirrors

Warning for gay sex... Neutering... Gelding fucking... Cunt boi... magical TF... Cock cooking... A belated Charnival tale that kinda snuck up on me... If ya don't...

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