The Random Trades Game

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Junk shop


The random trade game...

"Hey random trading.... neither guy knows what the other has got and they trade..." The cute black and white Husky guy explained to the crowds on either side of the partitioned off back room. It wasn't strictly speaking a function of 'The Junk Shop', the fact was Tad had invented this game. By hooking up a couple of old obsolete units to each other in the back storage room. Neither of the units were tied into the data base... so it could only be a direct swap. Showing his invention off to just a few friends at first... and that's how the Random Trades game got started. Word had quickly spread in the small collage town... and it had became a popular under ground game. For drunken frat boy's and other even stranger folks in the local community. The way he had it set up... the traders entered on either side of the room. Neither even got to see the other, it was a totally blind trade. Swapping your junk for that of a random unknown stranger, it was a dangerous gamble. But it was a gamble a shocking number of folks seemed to want to take. Tad was unsure if this was because of the excitement of gambling, or the general unhappiness folks seemed to have with their bodies.

"Ok the booth is ready for business... let the trading begin." The sexy black and white Husky called as he settled into the control chair. A slender handsome young Skunk boi, smirked as he stepped forwards on one side. Clearly having his assets matter in the back, not in the front as he walked into the booth.

"Ready whenever..." He called from his side, which was technically a breach. Neither side was supposed to show themselves nor say anything just to keep it anonymous.

"Go on dude yer first..." A drunken group of frat boy's encouraged as a grinning Goat boy staggered forwards into the random trade exchange booth.

"k dude... do yer thing..." He called to Tad, the Husky shook his head and clicked his tongue. Ok they both had broke the rules... still that made them equal...

The slight Skunk fitted the machines scanner around his crotch with a smug smirk. 'Sucker...' He mutters under his breath, in anticipation of his new junk. The handsome Husky at the controls, instructs them where to stand and how to fit their junk into the scanner and then moved back to the control panel.

"Ok boi's here we go..." He called and then pushed the big red button... the Exchanger 'Hummed' softly. And then each guy gave a soft moan of pleasure. "Feels good huh..." The Husky smirked at the little Goat as he opened the compartment and freed himself.

"Oho fuck dude... that feels fuckin..." The little Goat exclaimed loudly, as he staggered back out of the booth. While the slender Skunk murred wondering if he was going to cum because of this, as he slipped out of his booth and around the Machine. Looking over at the Goat boy, chuckling at his new fate... "Oh wow that was awesome..." The drunken Goat boi shouts woozily... as he struggles out of the into the open.

The Skunk still without any undies or pants on, pays the Husky and looks down at his new junk appraising.

"Hey guys that was..." The Goat starts to say to his buddies... but suddenly the crowd of drunken frat boys bursts out laughing and pointing at his groin.

The Skunk smirks as he looks down at his new parts, his balls being covered in a grayish fur instead of his former black. And his new cock a good 8 inches, complete with a piercing.

"Ahah Hahaha..." "Dude you got the short in of the stick..." "Stick... that aint even a twig..." The Goats drunken frat brothers teased and taunted, as the drunken Goat looking down... At the tiny sheath and pea size testicles... slowly he masturbated that tiny cock to a full pitiful three inch erection...

"Fuck... its... a babies wienie..." The Goat shouted drawing even more attention to himself... "I want my stuff back..." He shouted trying to go back into the machine, but was ushered out by the grinning Husky.

"You know the game... ya can't get yours back..." "You gotta trade this set with some body else..." The Husky explained, as he moved back to the control panel. As a burly Bear stepped in one side, and a petite looking female fox step in the other...

"Tough luck pal..." The Skunk consoles the drunken Goat. "Oh and by the way... be careful, it'll sometimes piss it's self without you knowing." The gloating Skunk with the Goats former penis came over and warned. Put an arm around the upset Goat and rubbed his new cock, happy that it finally was something he could be proud of.

"Hey... what the fuck..." The little Goat grunted, as he saw his proud organ throbbing so big on the Skunks crotch... "But... but I need it back..." He plead... "I... I've got a date tomorrow... my... my girlfriend is coming in from out of state to... just to visit..." The little Goat stammered... as he pulled his pants up... and then jumped and blushed as he realized he'd just pissed them. The Skunk smiled as he smelled urine and saw a damp spot form on the Goats crotch.

"How about you give me a little sucklie and let me ride you a little bit." He wheeled angling to get a bit of fun from the handsome Goat jock. "And I'll think it over... in the mean time..." He smirked as he heard the Goats buddies still taunting him. "Convince your friends that the machine has an off function... that makes you feel like your getting a blow job.."

"I what..." The Goat looked at the Skunk shocked and a little horrified... "A little suckie and let you ride me..." The straight frat boi jock cringes, but looks desperate knowing his girlfriend would be coming from two states away to have sex with him. When the Skunks next statement... confuses him all the more. "Uhum I can convince them of that I guess..." He stammers... wanting to shut them up.

"Good... now go do it." "I'm sure they're all hung quite nicely and I'm sure those ladies and gentleman could go for a treat." The Skunk says as he kicks back, and gives a wink to the Husky... almost like the two of them were in on somrthing together. The Goat boy hurried over to his drunken buddies, who were still giggling about his short comings... But soon he had them looking around eagerly. The horny jocks were always looking to get off... and in no time their were crowding in wanting to have a go.

"Ok ok ok... boi's one at a time." Tad the handsome Husky said, as the Skunk grabbed the tiny hung Goat boy. Pulling him into the control booth to watch as the victims... Errr... customers walked in. A big roan red jock stallion stuffed his enormous junk into the Exchanger, as on the other side a Canine did the same.

The little straight Goat was very reluctant at first, just kind of brushing with his lip's and tongue tip... But as the skunk pointed out it was actually his cock. so that it was not really gay... The little straight jock started licking and lapping a little more freely at that throbbing erection. "I never was limber enough to do this when it was on me..." He admitted drunkenly, as the stallion and Canine drunkeningly staggered out.

"I gotta knot..." The intoxicated equine slurred in amazement to his buddies, not realizing the Canine had been neutered. Most likely a rapist that had just gotten out of state prison... "Got a knot huh..." A smiling Canine with a huge bulge in his jeans smirked. "Why don't we go down the alley and compare." He invited the drunken gelding... with a evil smirk.

As a huge golden Lion the teams all star QB stepped into the booth, while an eleven year old weasel in dire need of impressing his friend snuck into the opposite side at the same time next. As the very amused Skunk pats the Goats head condescendingly. "Thats it... that's it..don't be shy..." He grunted as the former straight boy was suckling on that big hard cock very ecclesiastically now. The big Lion roars as he is short changed... and the weasel boy runs off giggling wild... While the Goat begins to actively suck that big cock... even as big Bull stumbled in the machine... and a very old fox goes in the other side. The Skunk began to feel pressure building up, and so pushed the little Goat back. And turned him around, shoving him over on to his hands and knees. And then climbs atop him beginning to plunge in, as oddly enough a hugely hung Elk was standing there without a partner. But the little Goat doesn't notice, as the Skunk kept working to get that big cock in.

I... I... I'm not so sure about..." The Goat boy protests weakly. "Not in the Tail hoOOOOOOOLLLLL..." The little straight Goat tried to deny, but then his own former cock is shoved roughly up his virgin butt. And everything else is forgotten... as that mighty Elk is waiting... until a mouse scurries up and gives it a try... The Skunk moaned and kept leaning hard against that hole, until that big dick is buried ball's deep. And then he saws it in and out, almost close to cumming. He reaches down to rub his old cock and balls, which were oddly erect in the so called straight boi's jeans. "Wha... what are you..." The little Goat squeals almost sounding panicked, as the Skunk rubs that tiny junk through his wet jean... "Ohooo fuck Noooooo..." He moans, as that tiny package goes off ridiculously fast, easy. Making his wet jeans even more embarrassing... as they're now cum stained as well...

"Jeremy..." He squeals as his own younger brother staggers into the machine... while a middle aged mare walks in the other side. The Skunk nearing climax as he watches the Goats brother become a sister. "Things are just not going well for the Goat brothers tonight..." The Skunk gloats in to the goats ear, releasing his own hot thick load... several minutes after the Goat himself had squirted. As he pants wanting to remain connected. "OH GODS.... YESS!" "FUCK YESSSS!"

"Wha...Wha..." The confused and humiliated Goat boy mumbles, as that big cock fills him with cum. And he starts to feel that this is all very wrong... "Errr... wha... what about our deal?" He asks. "I...I sucked and...and let you..."

The grinning Skunk pulled out and stood up shaking the Goats fat dick off at him. "Dude... you got screwed." He laughs tucking it in and strolling off...


Hooves Adult Hall of Mirrors

Warning for gay sex... Neutering... Gelding fucking... Cunt boi... magical TF... Cock cooking... A belated Charnival tale that kinda snuck up on me... If ya don't...

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