Hard Times Chap 1

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Hard Times

A big Straight Bull ha...

A big Straight Bull having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal...

This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out pretty interesting...

Later Chapters:




Hard Times

Chapter 1

The big red Bull read over the help wanted adds again, but nothing really stood out as something he was right for. The chubby red bovine snorted half in anger half in despair... he needed work desperately. His sick mother and his three small children were depending on him! He was just getting ready to crumple the paper up and toss it aside... when an ad caught his eye.

'Wanted male servant for mounting training' 'Older male preferred... experience required... Inquire at... 1177 Bogstad Ave.' Cameron skimmed through the ad quickly, as his excitement grew. Bogstad avenue... that was up on the hill, it must be some very well to do family. How had he missed this before? But then he really didn't have time to think about it, he needed to catch the subway across town. He saw that the ad had only just started running on Sunday, which meant that to day was the first work day it had been in the paper!

The address lived up to the middle class Bull's expectations, and then some. It was a huge mansion, with a full gate house, and clearly its own staff of servants. The gate guards let him in when he mentioned the ad, however giving him a strange look. Cameron was met at the door by a very old bovine, his muzzle was almost completely Grey, and thoroughly wrinkled. His horns have been sheered very short, and he's quite rotund... even more so than Cameron. He's dressed immaculately though, and from his mechanically formal manner Cameron gets the immediate impression that this is just someone who works there.

"Good afternoon." He greets, his voice sounding a little hollow and reedy. Not quite as authoritative as Cameron was expecting from a figure like that. "You've came then, to apply for the servant position?" He inquired arching one thin eyebrow questioningly. "Mounting training?" He asks as he looked over the red Bull with a tired yet sweeping gaze.

"Errr good afternoon... I'm Cameron..." The hefty red bovine was cut off by those words.

The old Bull looking like he thought answering the door for Cameron was some kind of joke on him. "Are you serious... about applying?" He inquired more firmly, having to make an effort to sound not the least bit sarcastic.

Cameron looked a bit surprised by this reception, he'd been expecting a long line of applicants... or at least one or two. "Well yes... yes of course I'm serious!" He grunted looking more confused all the time. but plowing ahead anyway. "Why wouldn't I be?" The stout, officious butler looked Cameron's large, sodded body over again.

"Did you read the whole thing?" He asked sounding slightly irritated but smiling strangely. Then he is interrupted by a distant voice coming from another room.

"Who is it, Walter?" Came the far-off, but heavy voice. And from the way the old curmudgeon snapped to attention, Cameron instantly knew who was speaking.

"A mister Cameron, sir... he claims to calling come about the position." The butler called back flatly.

"Oh good..." That deep strongly masculine voice purred. "Show him in please Walter." Came the reply, and with a roll of his eyes the older male indicates for Cameron to follow him. The house is absolutely reeking of wealth. Every room is spotlessly clean, and peppered with furnishings and objects d'art of style, quality, and obvious expense. The old Bull navigates it all with a deftness that belies his own bulk, but as he walks in front of Cameron. He can't help but notice the way that the old fella rolled his hips when he walked, making his round butt bounce a little bit.

Then Cameron realizes that while he has been smelling money, he has NOT been smelling him! The old Bull was probably a Steer, poor ball less bastard, no wonder he's so bitter.

A slightly smug smile stretches over the large red Bull's muzzle, as he realizes the stuck up old butler's steer status... naturally feeling superior. They at last enter a large oak paneled library, the magnificent room brightly lit by a row of large windows along the far wall; and a huge Crystal chandelier dangling over head. Behind a long ebony desk sat a huge Bull, who was just as black as that mirror polished wood.

"Ahah so this is own prospective candidate." The big Bull grunted, as he stood up and took Cameron's big three fingered hand in his own. Shaking it briskly and gesturing to a chair sitting directly across from him. "I am Mr. Borden... please have a seat Cameron." He bids the chubby red Bull pleasantly. "Why don't you bring Cameron here and myself a drink Walter..."

The butler nodded curtly and shuffling over to a decanter of brandy. His master was a fine specimen, broad chested and trim. And he filled out the slacks of his $2000 suit fabulously. Cameron could smell his powerful bullish musk, even over his expensive cologne. His jet black fur is immaculately groomed, his wide horns polished to a sheen. And he had a pleasant manner, of a well born gentlemale. But at the same time, it is because he knows he's in charge that he is so calm. He eyes the heavy older red Bull as he shakes his hand, and sits on the edge of the desk casually.

"Well Cameron, tell me a little bit about yourself, and why you're here." Mr Borden ordered with causal ease. "What makes you interested in the position?" "What qualities and experience do you feel make you the best candidate?"

"Ahem..." The hefty red Bull grunted... obviously not as ready for an interview as he thought. But then, he had not been expecting to get in to see the prospective employer so quickly either. "Well I've working in may fields over the years..." "I have a great deal of life experience... therefore I'm not the type who is easily panicked by any turn of events." He assured calming as his mind fell in to a train of thought. "I am here for one purpose really and one purpose only..." Cameron stated strongly getting into his best assured job interview manner now. "To end your search... to fulfill your needs..." "To put it simply I'm here to win this position!" The chubby red Bull declared firmly looking up at the bigger black Bull who was towering over him... "My interest in this position comes from my own desires to work in this field." "I've been interested in this sort of work for sometime now..." "Since my own wife died a short while ago... I've felt a need to work in this kind of position!" Cameron watch a slow leering smile spread across the bigger Bull's muzzle as he listened carefully. "I myself have sired three calves and consider myself very knowledgeable in this type of thing." He licked his lips as he heard the old butler chuckle lewdly. "But what makes me the best candidate is my excitement and willingness more than mundane knowledge of anatomy..."

The young powerful black Bull tapped his knee as his smile grew, looking like he is suppressing laughter. He glanced at Walter as the fat Steer shuffled over with two glasses of brandy, and the butler discreetly shook his head. "Thank you, Walter." "I'm going to continue this interview in private... but please stay available in case... I need you." The old Steer nodded bowing deeply, and then leaves and the black Bull turns to Cameron. "I'm afraid you may have misread my ad." He chuckled, taking a long sip of his drink. "Don't get me wrong, I think you might do just fine in the role." The big black Bull assures smoothly as he sees Cameron about to protest. "But we need to be clear." "You'll be a domestic servant, much like Walter." "But you're also going to be a very PERSONAL kind of servant." The big black Bull explains, pausing to emphasize the word.

"I can assure you sir I am the very soul of discretion..." Cameron snorted, as the big friendly black Bull held up one huge hand.

"I am sure that you are..." "And at any rate, one wouldn't really want to speak about this kind of work." Mr. Borden smirked as he looked slightly uncomfortable for the first time. "Do you understand... that you're going to be getting mounted regularly, as part of your duties?" "You'd be playing the part of a cow..." Cameron's beady eyes widened with a start, as he heard the big Bull describing his prospective job duties...

"Get... getting mounted!" "Playing the part of a cow!" The big red Bull choked, working desperately to keep his expression calm, even as he suddenly felt very Very uncomfortable... "Well thats..." He choked, being a straight male he was appalled at this... but his family needed the money and needed it badly. And he could always quit later, when he found a more tasteful position. "Thats what... exactly what I... Errr understood it to be sir." He lied badly... The handsome young black Bull grinned, and chuckled softly.

"You lie very badly Cameron, which is a quality I like in my employees." Mr. Borden chuckled again a low rumbling chuckle of deep amusement. "You are practically breaking out in a cold sweat now." "However you are still here... so I know you need this job very badly." "And rest assured it pays very very handsomely." "Walter had this same job some years ago, you can tell he's well taken care for." The tall, trim black Bovine said with a smirk... then motions to Cameron with his glass. "Since you've decided that you can live with the job..." "Why don't you knock back the rest of that brandy." You can have more if you want, and I think you'll need it..." Mr. Borden takes a sip of his own and sets his empty glass down. "Let us review your qualifications then... would you please disrobe."

The big red Bull gulped the sweet tasting brandy down far to quickly... but the soft burning in his throat and heat in his belly felt good. Passing his sniffer to the big black Bull, Cameron stood up slowly. And very self consciously began to undress, a second larger brandy helping to calm him. He drank this one more slowly, but was feeling very light headed as he at last stood in only his baggy underwear. Wondering if his employer was planning to sodomize him right there on the desk. "And the boxers..." The big black Bull snorted, clearly aroused as he stood watching Cameron very slowly push his underwear down and stand back up. Displaying his hefty body and massive low dangling testicles as he shifted from one cloven hoof to the other uncomfortably...

The big handsome black Bull watched with an almost predatory stare as the boxers came off. Leaving Cameron standing there naked, and exposed before the clearly dominant male. Mr. Borden stood up, and walked up to the older Red Bull. Putting his strong hands squarely on Cameron's chest, he massaged the red Bull's soft male-tits kneading them, and then gently caressing his wide, round gut. The big black stud stepped around behind him, big hands caressing Cameron's ass, kneading those cheeks. Cameron's breath was coming in ragged gasps, as his body was manhandled as it Never had been before! His thick leg's spread almost involuntarily, as the big black Bull stood behind him... 'Was he really going to do this?' 'Let his bigger stronger younger male mount and use him like he was a cow.' The thought sent a shiver down his powerful spine...

And then Mr Borden's hand slid between the Red Bull's thighs and lightly smacks his inner thighs, a motion to move those legs apart. His firm grip seizes those massive, low-slung balls firmly feeling them up. "A nice pair." The big black Bull comments off hand.

"Uhuuu." Cameron grunted as his big potent orb's were roughly gripped and squeezed. "Thank you." He grunted at what he thought was a compliment...

"I take it you've never been fucked before?" Mr Borden snorted clearly excited with the idea of taking the older straight Bull's anal virginity.

"Oh... No... Never!" Cameron grunts, feeling humiliated and yet strangely stimulated by the forward treatment and plain language.

"Well... that is a problem." The big black Bull observed gruffly, as he kneaded those big bovine balls with his bare hands. "I need a male who is experienced bottoming for this job." "You are going to be teaching my youngest son how to properly mount cows... hard, lustily, and whenever he wants." "I need someone with practice getting drilled, who won't flinch or show discomfort." The big Handsome black Bull pats that furry red rump. "But I am willing to help you... 'train up' so to speak..." "Go and bend over my desk, show that nice fat rump off." He ordered releasing Cameron's fat testicles finally, and smacking his firm round ass.

Cameron's pink nose burned bright red with blush... he was about to get rutted over a desk like a naughty cow maid. "Ahem yes sir... thank you for the... instruction." The big red Bull stuttered gruffly, slowly walking over to the huge dark ebony desk. And bending himself across it's cold hard surface, his head and chest lower than his big round rump. As he gripped the far side of the desk top and looked back at his prospective employer. Thinking normally a employer screws you over after he has hired you. Suddenly Cameron was feeling very nervous, and doubtful as he saw the big organ his new employer was sporting. 'Am I really going to take that... can I really take it?' He worried as the bigger younger Bull stepped up pressing close behind him... watching the whole time.

This was where the straight ones usual tried to bolt and he could see Cameron's beady eye's were showing more and more white... It was time to take control... the big strong black Bull unbuckled his belt. Taking his time, letting the younger red Bull hear the sound, as he slid it out of his belt loops. He unbuttoned his slacks, letting them casually drop to the ground. And then stepped out of his own shorts to let his proud, pink Bull hood jut out like a flagpole. A huge and potent set of gorgeous black testicles swinging heavy and full between his strong thighs. He stepped up behind the fat older red Bull and grabbed his arms, pulling them behind his back. The big black Bull soon had his Mount's hands tied securely with his leather belt.

Cameron's eyes were so wide with shock and horror as he watched the strong black Bull undress himself... "Oho gods ohooo gods..." He mumbled under his breath as those strong hands twisted his arms back and bound them easily. And then his leg's were kicked apart as his prospective employer got ready to enjoy his latests acquisition...

Mr Borden spat into his hand and rubbed it onto the tip of his long prick, then kicked the older Bull's hooves wide apart. Making Cameron rest most of his weight on the desk, as Mr. Borden stepped up behind him. The big black Bull guided his long bovine pole between those thick butt cheeks, and pressed it against that virgin asshole... Then he reached down and seized those dangling balls again, making sure Cameron didn't try to leave. "Now just... act like a cow!" He commanded powerfully, the studly black Bull thrust forward then into the red Bull's virgin anus!

"Ohoooooooo!" Cameron squealed as he felt that smooth, round, hot cock tip pressing against his taboo orifice... "Oh FUCK!" He was about to be another males cow! "WWW... WA... WAIT!" He stammered as that big strong fist seized his fat low dangling orbs! But it was far to late, his straining sphincters were forced open wide as that big organ was pumped deep into him! "MMMOOOOOOO!" The black Bull snorted lustfully as his muscular, toned body worked. And his firm ass muscles flexed, his hips thrusting forward hard. Drilling his long stud meat deep into Cameron's virgin asshole, not caring how much the older Bull bellow in pain. Not caring how much it hurts, not caring that Cameron was also a Bull! He squeezed Cameron's fat testicles firmly, holding them in a strong grip. Even as his own powerful balls swinging between the red Bull's legs, reminding Cameron that he was being taken by a younger more powerful male.

"Yeah, that's right!" "Stop struggling!" Mr. Borden said giving this nuts a savage yank. "Hold your ass steady!" "Ohoo thats better!" "You're a fat old fucker, you've got a good cow shape to your body." "And a nice big ass, you'll loosen up in no time..." The big black Bull gloated. "I bet you'll even cum all over my desk by the time I'm done in you!" Cameron bit his lower lip and fought to suppress his own reactions... straining to relax his tail hole as best he could. 'I can't believe there are guys who like this!' He thought, as pain slowly began to melt into pleasure. Within a few minutes he was beginning to understand it better... it still felt strange and unnatural. But there was an odd euphoria building within him as well... the feeling of that long hot male organ sliding in and out becoming oddly pleasurable. Even as his humiliation deepened... as he was controlled by that big fist clutching his fat ball's! His struggling had stopped and pleasure was forming within him as that big smooth shaft scraped over his prostate gland. While the words stung and mortified him... he was having trouble denying the truth in them...

The black Bull grunted, the stronger male obviously relishing his excuse to have a fat older Bull bent over like this. He plunged his hard meat into that wide rump with smooth powerful strokes, his cock prodding Cameron's prostate firmly. Even as the pain of being so stretched eases up for the older red Bull. "Yeah, that's right old bull, it feels good to get fucked in the ass." "That nice, big, fat ass." The big horny black Bull snorted vigorously slamming Cameron's buttocks for a few more thrusts. "Yeah... by the time I'm done with you, you'll be an experienced cow." "Eager to help a young teenage Bull learn how to use what his father gave him." He smirked, his cock getting even harder in that tight ass, if that's possible... as he kneads Cameron's own big fat sack.

"Yeah, you think it'll be hard, but you'll really take to it." "Just ask Walter, he thought he'd never get used to it..." "Before he was a steer... oh yeah after he got hired and castrated, he started to really like taking it up the butt." Cameron's big bulky body was rocking back and forth now with each thrust. Leaning back, as that long thick cock slammed into him... And he knew his new employer was telling the truth, knew it was feeling good now! 'Oh... so thats what his new job was to be teaching a the boss's young son how to rut a cow!'

"Ammmmmm yeah..." Cameron moaned, as he felt his own long cock had slithered out all on it's own. And now was slamming against the side of the desk with a warm wet 'Smack' as it drooled pre-cum. "Errr... Wha... before he was a steer..." "You don't... can't mean..." A powerful shiver ran down his spine, and his anus that had been weakening in it's grip on that long hard cock drew almost painfully tight!

Mr Borden snorted and leered as he felt the Bull's tension increase, watching Cameron put the pieces together! "Ohh... YEAH!" He grunted as he savagely skewers that pink tail hole and the swollen prostate within. "That's right, I don't want my boy playing with no pedo bull... Ummmmm." He grunts, thrusting harder and faster into that squeezing hole. "That's why Walter didn't take you seriously, he could tell you were still a Bull..." "I'm hiring a Steer... if you take the job your balls will be TAKENNNNN!!" And with a deep bellow, the sweating black Bull gritted his teeth. His hefty bovine stones jumping as his long pole erupted in Cameron's clenched ass!

The big red Bull lay there with his burning hot muzzle pressed against the cold desk top. Stunned at both what he was hearing and feeling. 'The big Bull wanted to cut his nuts off!' The part of him that was the dominant straight Bull trembled in terror and anger at that idea... But strangely he found that there was another side to him... a oddly passive side. A side that was enjoying what his prospective employer was doing to him... "I... I'm no pedo bull sir!" He assured weakly, as his throbbing prostate squealed in pleasure... making his own fat ball's strain in the black Bulls grip. As Cameron heard and then felt the bigger Bull orgasm into him, he shivered as a wave of submissiveness washed over him being... The big Bull lay over his back grunting lustfully into his ear.

"But you are going to take the job..." "Aren't?" He groaned through clenched teeth, as his shaft was worked by that big round rump. He panted a few more times stroking the red Bull's dangling nuts, whose days were now numbered. And patted those big, soft, round ass cheek that had just brought him so much pleasure.

"YESSSSS!" The fat red Bull moaned softly as his own fat cock erupted, splattering thick cum down the side of that polished desk pooling on the expensive carpet beneath. The big black bull snorted as he felt the fat red Bull's trembling under him. Feeling the other Bull's orgasm through the ripples and convulsions in his corpulent flesh.

"I had a feeling that you would." He snorted into the red bovines floppy ear. "You'll be a fine Steer, just like Walter a fine fat Steer right down to the balls you'll no longer have. Spread your legs Steer, and tell me your nuts are mine for the lopping." Cameron whimpered softly hardly believing what he was about to do and say. But he need this job his old mother and his calves were about to starve, and with this job he could finally provide for them. Spreading his hefty red thigh's wider he lifted his ass up display his big dangling balls to Me Borden.

"My... my nuts are yours sir... yours to...to lop."

"Hahah... good to know!" The big black Bull laughed standing up again, and pulling his still semi hard cock out of Cameron's ass. The older red Bull moaned softly in loss as that still hard stud muscle was pulled out of him. Mr Borden strolling over to the study door, he threw it open seemingly undaunted by his nudity and called for Walter. Who must have been very close by, as he came in at once. "Walter take our new body servant upstairs and get him cleaned up." "And then you can begin instructing him in his duties and labors..." The big black Bull ordered seemingly completely at easy with his and Cameron's nudity.

"Yes sir I shall see to it at once." Walter said, and took a moment to gather up the red Bull's discarded clothing. He offered the red Bull his underwear back, and then offered him his hand.


"Mr. Cameron come this way if you would... please." "I daresay... you look like you could use a bit of wash-up." The fat, immaculately dressed Steer said, his voice expressing almost as much concern as stately condescension.

"Errr... its just Cameron." The clearly mortified, but also very passive feeling red Bovine mumbled softly. As he pulled his underwear back on, instantly feeling it soaked by the hot potent cum dribbling from his abused tail hole. Mr. Borden patted him familiarly on the shoulder as he waddled past, a big gloating grin on the younger bigger Bull's broad muzzle. Slowly Cameron followed the old Steer through the huge mansion, seeing only other servants as they went. Still this left the hefty formerly straight Bull blushing in shame, as he knew that his mostly naked body reeked of male musk and semen...

Walter lead his charge through many opulent and stately rooms and corridors. Passing through a deserted section of corridor, he glances back at Cameron and grumbled reassuringly "You won't have any trouble from them." "They have seen all of this before... and they're paid very well not to notice it." The old Steer was obviously speaking from experience. The fat middle aged red Bovine nodded his head at the old Steers words... it made sense. And he had heard that a lot of these wealth families made their staff sign non disclosure statements. After a few more twists and turns, the fat butler led the red Bull into a less ostentatious part of the house; obviously, the servant's quarters.

Through a door and into a bedroom that was tastefully-decorated. With a large bed that had beautifully patterned blankets, a flat screen Tv. And a few tasteful but very expensive looking pieces of art on the walls. "This is my room Cameron... you may use my shower to clean yourself up." "This through that doorway there." The Steer pointed to the door to and a jointing bathroom. As they stopped in Walters room, Cameron paused to glance around... clearly what Mr. Borden had said was true. The old Steer must be getting payed very well... and with his room and board taken care of...

Strolling into the bathroom and went over to the shower to turn the water on. "Ummm would you mind if I asked you a few questions?" He called over his shoulder... and then almost jumped out of his skin as the old Steers raspy voice came from almost directly behind him.

"Feel free to ask, I shall answer all that I am able to." Walter agreed, but Cameron got the clear impression he would never divulge any family secrets. The old Steer grunted, and reached past the red Bull to the sink. To wash his hands briefly... after all, he had been handling the other Bull's underpants a minute earlier.

"Errr... sure ok."

"It seems you are serious about taking this job after all... and since I have had basically the same job for a number of years." "I suppose I'll be mentoring you, after a fashion." Walter said, and the Steer allowed himself a wry smile. "You can go ahead and undress and use the shower at your leisure." The old Steer assured. "As you've guessed... I'm no stranger to seeing Bulls naked. Cameron stripped off his cum stained underwear... grinning sheepishly.

"Yeah I guess you have..." However Cameron couldn't help noticing, that no matter what he said. The old Steer was looking over his fat nuts and still danging stud stick, with what seemed like more than mild interest. Quickly the formerly straight Bovine turned back to the shower stall. Noting that it was easily big enough for two... and that the shower head was one of those detachable models. And in fact a couple of unusual attachments were hanging on a small rack in that big shower... including a well worn enema nozzle. "Ahem as I said earlier I have family..." "Will I be living here... and if so will I be able to bring them into the house?"

Walter paused for a moment, rubbing his broad bovine chin thoughtfully, his brow furrowed. "That is an excellent question." He grunted cautiously. "You will be expected to live on premises... as I do." "So that your young master may call upon you at any time of day or night, and a young master will I promise." "As for your family living here... that would have to be worked out." "However...would you really want them to?" The old steer asked slowly, looking straight at the hefty red Bull and raising his eyebrows. "I mean... the changes will be obvious... and servants do chatter inside the house." He said carefully again glancing at the red Bull's fat bullocks. Sighing just a little bit, trying to remember back when he himself had a set like that...

Cameron blanched for a moment... his two youngest most likely wouldn't notice... but his older son was of dating age. "Ammm good point... they could stay with my mother." "She's old and ill and needs looking after... as much as the boys do." "I would think pre-planned visits would be except able..." The big red Bull reached back, fingering his tender tail hole gingerly... exploring it for damage. "Could I get my check direct deposited into my bank account... that way mother can take what she needs for the boys." He paused still fingering his throbbing rump hole then added... "Does it really get easier with time?"

"Yes... very much so." The fat Steer answered directly. "It will hurt quite a bit every time... at first, but you'll be surprised how quickly that goes right away." "It doesn't hurt me at all anymore..." "And as the young master still has a semester left at boarding school." "I am sure that the master of the house will take some pleasure in giving you some further experience." Walter explained, and began taking off his dinner jacket, and loosening his own clothing. "He'll want you to be able to take care of the boy's needs without hesitation."

Cameron shivered, unsure if Walters words made him feel better or scared him... did he really want to get good at being some horny males rut toy... However that long pink snake, that had been swinging limply between his thighs suddenly began to grow and stiffen. "Errr Uhum so the... young Master is away at boarding school huh." He grunted trying to distract his mind, and hopeful deflate his lecherous organ. But the old Steers comment about the Master of the house giving him further experience rattled in his head. "Oh I just bet he will..." Cameron grunted, remembering the pleasure the young handsome black Bull had taken in breaking him in...

Walter nodded sagely. "Yes, yes he will." "He's always enjoyed me... of course he has a wife now, and whatever else he has going on." "So he doesn't take advantage of me nearly as often as he used to." "I think he's looking forward to having a tighter, less experienced Steer under him in the future." "To be honest." The old butler remarked... his eyes wander down the red Bull's body, and he can't help but to sigh, as he sees that pink pole start to rise. "On the up side, it seems that you managed to enjoy it some yourself." "That is good, that will make things much easier for you." He said, and then decided to strike the nail on the head. "Is thinking about it... what's making you erect again Cameron?"

The red Bull blushed even redder at the old Steers very blunt and direct manner... 'So Mr. Borden had a wife and a Steer sex toy.' 'Possibly more than that... if he understood Walter correctly and now he'd be enjoying Cameron himself as well.' The hefty red Bovine shivered as he heard tighter, less experienced Steer... a stark reminder he was going to be castrated! And then the old Steer went on... "I... Errr... well it did stimulate me in ways I've Never... didn't know abou..." Cameron choked as Walter asked that question... "I... I... suppose so yes... I've never been with another male in my life." "I loved my... my wife enjoyed her... but yes thinking about it is what's making me erect again..." He confessed blushing again.

The old Steer closed his eyes and stepped closer to Cameron, to gently rested a big hot hand on the small of his back. Unsurprised as Cameron flinched at first... the big straight Bull obviously wasn't use to being touched. "Look..." Walter said slowly looking up into the middle-aged Bull's confused gaze. "I've been down the road you're about to go on soon, you're going to give up your balls to that male." "You'll be a Steer, like me..." He pauses, taking a breath and licking his lips, folding his arms behind him. Cameron trembled wondering if the old Steer was just trying to frighten him. "I don't know how many days, but it will be soon." Walter assure as he looking into Cameron's eyes softly. "If you want to take advantage of your balls... while they're still yours..." The old Steer smiled weakly... "Well... I'm willing to help you."

"Help me..." The middle aged red Bull grunted suddenly feeling his already aching erection surge. Was the old Steer offering to let him... that big pink stud muscle bounced up against Cameron's amble belly. And the older Steer smirked softly... as he watched Cameron look down at himself. 'Why the hell not?' The big red Bull thought slowly. 'It's not like anyone would ever know or tell.' And at least for a time he would be the Bull... and the old Steer would play the cow! He moved up behind the older Steer his big beefy hands cupping and squeezing those hefty butt cheeks. "Wanta be my cow..."

The fat old steer smiled just a little bit; and began unbuttoning his shirt. "Yes Bull, I can be a cow for you; you can mount me right here." "Or in the shower, or on my bed, you can have me any way you'd like, you're the Bull here." "Help me get my pants off, and you can have my rump." Cameron shivered he wasn't really feeling to much like a Bull after Mr. Borden had finished with him. But the old Steer was bringing back some of his natural male swagger. Moving over he unbuttoned those sleek black tailored trousers... and then knelt as he pulled them down Walters hefty thighs. Suddenly found himself muzzle to sheath with the stark reality... the old Steers shriveled sheath and pale scars. "Oh My!"

Walter blushed as Cameron knelt before him, at the red Bull's surprise. "Y... yes, that's what an old bull looks like when he's castrated... when he's lost his balls years ago." He grunts, his voice quavering a little bit as he tosses his shirt over a chair back. "It's... still embarrassing to show off, but... I don't need to have any secrets from you, after all..." He certainly isn't much of a Bull anymore. His sheath is about half the size it should be, and where his balls would have hung was a big, jagged scar to showing off his castration. His belly is soft and flabby, his hips are fat and round like a cow's. His thighs and groin have the shape of a cow, around his vestigial male equipment...

Cameron his breathes hard as he stands back up... half in fear knowing that some day soon he was going to look very similar... and half in sexual excitement. The old fucker really wasn't a male anymore, and by the looks of it would feel pretty much like a cow while the red Bull mounted him... "Can I... feel of it... here feel of these..." The big red Bull grunted guiding the old Steers hands down between his own leg's... putting those soft smooth palms onto his fat balls... Walter closed his eyes, and moaned softly when he felt those huge, heavy testicles against the palms of his hands. He gripped them gently, so softly and carefully; his own shrunken sheath twitching as he fondled and caressed the stout red Bull's heavy jewels.

"Ohhh... y..yes, you can touch me there... you can touch me anywhere you like." He added, the fat old Steer breathing slowly as he caressed and kneaded Cameron's dangling sack with his soft, experienced hands. "Oh gods... you're such a Bull!" He whimpered. "Ohoo... what a set of stones you have... m..much bigger than mine ever were..." Cameron moaned softly, even as his breathing becomes even more excited. As the Steer fondles his ball's loving them... cherishing them. While the big red Bulls own fingers wander over that ragged scar, feeling the cool bloodless ruined flesh. Before moving up to the shrunken sheath, even as its limp tiny organ slides out to dangle pulsing weakly. Cameron presses against the old Steer herding him into the hot shower... dominating him with body strength and potent masculinity. "Ummm hmmm tell me more... tell me what a strong powerful Bull I am."

The fat Steer moaned and trembled, when his scar and sheath are teased and rubbed. His soft body obviously aroused, even though his shriveled dick hung limply. He willingly climbed into the shower stall, taking a moment to grab the controls and turn the water on a strong, hot spray. "Oh, you ARE a big, powerful bull!" He moaned, even as his big three fingered hands knead those two proud seed sacks, tugging them, pulling on them, caressing them within their bag. "I can't wait to feel your beautiful balls swinging between my legs..." "Y..you're much more of a Bull than I ever was!" The Steer moans, leaning against the back of the shower, bending forward and showing his wide, round butt to the horny, younger male. "Please, take me." The fat Steer begged. "I want to feel your power and strength... filling me..."

Cameron shivered feeling puffed up and powerful from the old Steers words... It never dawning on him, that this was exactly the kind of thing a good Steer rut toy was supposed to do for his stud... "Yeah... yeah that right... and your goina feel them swing between your legs in a second..." The middle aged red Bull moaned, as he cupped and fondled Walters big soft cow like rump... He pulled the old Steers hands up, placing them on his hard erection... "Guide me in..." He ordered lustfully, as the hot water ran down the Steers back; and bathed his loins in wet steaming pleasure.

"Oh yes sir!" The castrated old male moaned, as he squeezed the red Bull's hard on. "Yes, just put it right here... and thrust!" He moans as he guided that throbbing Bull hood under his tail, the fat butler bracing himself for the Bull's lustful surge. "Take me hard, you big, strong Bull, I want you to breed me like a slutty cow!" Walter moaned as he ground his fleshy backside against the horny red Bull's thick pulsing erection. "Empty your balls in me... please."

Cameron snorted loudly, as he felt the heat of the old Steers hole on the head of his long Bull cock, eagerly he threw himself at Walters broad round back. Thrusting just as hard and fast as the old Steer had asked for... his long throbbing organ sliding in like it was sliding into a vat of warm butter. "Ohohoooooo damn you feel so..." Cameron moaned unprepared for how good that anus felt on his raging erection... He couldn't believe Mr. Borden was tired of this... it felt soooooo good.

The old Steer let out a deep 'MOOOOO!' when Cameron shoved his lusty rod between those soft butt cheeks. But he took the whole thing without complaint, in fact the old Steer even started to push back. And grind his soft buttocks against Cameron's hips and belly, the nut less old ex-Bull panting as he got drilled like the sexless Steer he was. "Gods yes." He moaned in a strained voice. "Ohooo yes... you are a beautiful Bull!" "Oh gods, oh gods, oh godsss... Ohooo you're so... so lusty...ohh fill me up!" The old Steer groped between his legs, groping for Cameron's big swinging balls and trying to catch them. "Fuck me how you want, my body is yours!"

The big red Bull pressed himself against that big, wet, furry back... reaching around that hefty frame. One big hand fondling the old Steers male tits, while the other explored that ball less crotch again clearly enjoying feeling it... Even as Walters big smooth hands reach down, catching and cupping those heft low hanging nuts pulling them down. As the old Steer looked back between his hefty thighs, watching as those might nuts swung back and forth... and for an instant it looked like those were his big balls. "Oh I'll fuck you alright!" Cameron panted through clenched teeth... he hadn't been expecting this to be so stimulating, and was fighting for control...

Walter couldn't help but moan, as the lusty middle-aged red Bull thrust needfully into his snug rear. It was actually a lot less tight than it had been when he was still a Bull, but still felt a lot more snug than most cows. And where it used to hurt to take it under the tail, now he just felt the pleasure and he was grateful for it. He almost whimpered with erotic delight, when Cameron grabbed his chubby Bull tits, those strong hands felt so good on his soft flesh... His chest filled those palms nicely, like a small-breasted cow.

He loved seeing the Bull's balls between his thighs... he couldn't forget that he was the castrated Steer. But gods... he wished they WERE his! So virile and powerful... he couldn't help but grab them in mid-swing, and rub the rutting Bull's nuts up against his groin. Pressing them right against the scar where his own had been and were taken away...

Cameron found a stiff surprisingly large nipple, and pinched it gently. Rolling it between his thick fingers... even as he felt his big low hanging nuts slap up against the Steers rough gelding scar... "Ummm Ummm Hmmm." He moaned laying against that back and rutting hard... stunned at the pleasure he was getting from a former male... No wonder Mr. Borden was so eager to mount him... no cow had ever felt sooooo good... His strong hard hip's beat mercilessly against that big round soft rump, as his passions grew quickly...

Walter moaned deeply, lustily; his own small dick drooping form his sheath. Still not erect, it hadn't been in years... and was almost lost under his soft belly, but he didn't care. He had the red Bull's testicles in his hands, and he pressed those heavy balls up against his castration scar, almost as if he hoped to take them over somehow. He pressed his chest forward, mooing as his nipples are pinched. And pressed them into Cameron's palm as he felt that lusty hardness working in and out of his ass. He started to squeeze his soft butt around that hard thick Bull hood, squeezing and gripping it as the younger stud rutted his ass!

"Ohooooo good gods!" Cameron bellowed as those strong rump muscles squeezed his aching hard erection... his pleasure easily doubling as his hip's pumped wildly. "I'm... I'm gonna... didn't want to... to go off this fast..." He stammered wildly his hard body slamming roughly against the Steers soft one... lust over riding everything else. The fat Steer panted breathlessly against the steamy shower wall, and moaned as the Bull started thrusting harder and faster. "Get ready to... tooo moo." He panted gloatingly, as his long thick cock flexed and tensed with that hot smooth tight hole... Walter squeezes his soft rump tightly around that vigorous thrusting Bull meat. And grasped those fat bovine seed sacs more firmly, kneading them as he gets ready to take their load!

"Oho yes cum in me, sir!" The fat Steer moaned eagerly. "Knock up your cow!"

Cameron grabbed those soft shapely hip's, and pounded wildly now... big furry red body out of control. "Oh yes my little cow... your going to... to get it all in a momen..." He bellowed sounding every bit the lustful Bull, as his fat balls drew up... That long thick stud stick pulsing, as a powerful spurt rushed out of it... and then another and a third. "OHOhoooooooooo." Cameron roared, as his body slammed Walter hard against the tile of the shower stall, while he orgasmed into the old Steers depths.

Walter let out a long, deep mmmooOOOOOooo, as he felt that Bull dick throbbing in his rear. And was pressed against the shower wall, his soft rump squeezing around the red Bull's length. His hands groped and massaged those heavy balls as they swung, feeling them throb as they emptied into him. "Ohhh gods yes." He groaned, as he was seeded, his plump rear trembling. The two of them stood locked together for a dozen minutes, Cameron laying against that broad back panting hard for breath... And trembling stunned at the act... now that it was over... "I... I'm sorry I didn't hurt you... did I?" The red Bull whimpered ashamed of himself for using the old Steer so savagely.

The plump Steer moaned, and let out a deep ragged breath... just resting against the hard tile of the shower wall. "Ohhh... no... no sir, not at all." He answered with a gentle shake of his head... "Oho... you were very vigorous sir..." "I've... well I really appreciated it." He confessed softly, rolling his rump backwards against Cameron's groin, and giving another squeeze to that shaft still inside him. "I... I was actually going to say... that we could do it again..." "If you wanted..." He panted then. "But maybe we should do it on my bed... I feel like my legs are about to give out!" The old Steer admits with a soft chortle.

"Hahah.." Cameron laughed, his own knees feeling like they had turned to rubber... "Yes a bed would certainly be a lot easier..." He slowly pulled out of the old Steers rump... feeling regretful. It felt so damn good on his cock... the old boy really had some muscle control. "I'm kinda spent at the moment..." He admitted, even though he was still harder and more excited than he'd ever been after mounting a cow. Walter laughed, looking over that big still throbbing Bull dick.

"You're spent?" "You don't look it..." He said smiling and just shaking his head. "Looks like the ol' boy still wants another go at my behind." "Well he can wait if he must."

"Errr... uhum well maybe not tooo spend." Cameron admits sheepishly... as he realizes the old Steer is right. Moving over he soaped up that big organ and washed it down...

"Oh here, let me do that." The old Steer said sinking down to his knees, and taking the soap from Cameron's big hands. With reverential gentleness, he caresses and soaps up that big ball sack. Rubbing those large Bull nuts gently, and then he soaps up the rest of Cameron. His belly, legs, and big round rump as well. Before heaving himself to his hooves, and rubbing the soap over that wide belly and chest. "Might as well get clean while we're here." Walter mumbled, the old Steer clearly enjoying having his hands on a younger masculine body.

Cameron looked on in shock at first, but grew to enjoy this treatment quickly... it made him feel special and valued. "Oh yes that is why I came in here to begin with..." "Although its been an amazing experience otherwise..." The big red Bull admitted honestly, as he enjoyed the feeling of those big hot hands sliding all over his body... Walter smiled, and kneaded the red Bull's gut, and his furry chest; taking his arms in hand and soaping them up. And then he had Cameron turn around and he ran the soap up and down the red Bull's broad back, almost like a rubdown. "Thank you." The old Steer said with a soft smile. "It is good to know, I can still satisfy a horny Bull after all these years." He took some extra time kneading Cameron's ass, and working the soap into it. Before backing up to let the warm water rinse him clean. "I am really glad you enjoyed yourself... I certainly enjoyed it." The old Steer added blushing a little as he did. "Oh here's the soap." He added sheepishly handing it back to Cameron.

"Oh yes... you can sure do that!" Cameron grunted, a bit of lust already thickening his voice. As the sensual feelings of being rubbed and massaged relaxed him... "You did... really... so S...Steers had still get pleasure..." Cameron looked down at the soap confused for a long moment... Walter looked at the soap, then up at the red Bull smiling.

"Oh, that's in case I missed a spot, or in case you wanted an excuse to grope me again." The old Steer explained patiently. "I noticed you seemed to enjoy that... I did too, to be honest." He admitted, leaning his fat body against the side of the shower. "And yes Steers can still get pleasure... it... works a little differently, compared to when I still had balls of my own." "It's hard to describe, but I imagine it's a bit more like what a cow feels when she's well-mounted." He explains as best he can smiling and shrugging.

Cameron blushed realizing how inconsiderate he had been... quickly he rubbed the soap bar between his big hands and then began to soap up the old Steer. "Well now that you mentioned it..." The red Bull chuckled as he began rubbing his slippery hands over those broads shoulders... thick neck and then down to that amble chest. "That... that's good to hear... I've been afraid..." His hands had worked they're way down the that scar once again... the big Bull just couldn't seem to stay away from it. "Ahem how was... was this done exactly..." He asked, as his hands stroked over the old Steers crotch... and then around his cum dribbling tail hole...

The fat old Steer moaned as his soft chest and belly were worked over, and then again when his scar was fondled. He pushed his wide hips forward a bit, grinding it into the Bull's hand... obviously enjoying the touch on some level. He sighed and leaned back against the wall, his legs spread while Cameron explore his fat, castrated body.

"Mmmmmm... how was it done?" He takes a deep breath. "It's a... painful memory, as you might imagine." He admits softly, barely audible over the running hot water. "The family has an... appliance, that they use for such things." "It's very old... they call it the dragon." Walter paused and puts his hand on the Bull's side gently. "If you're sure you want to hear it, I'll go into more detail."

Cameron wasn't sure at all... seeing as he would soon be experiencing it first hand... "Ummm well if its painful for you... I don't want to cause you any pain..." The big red Bull grunted softly, as he took the shower head and rinsed the soap off the old Steers hefty body... His long thick organ bumping against that soft round body once again, as they stepped out of the shower and toweled off...

"Lets go to the bed... and see about making that aching muscle better..." The old Steer offered...


Hard Times Chap 2

That big Straight Bull Cameron having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out pretty...

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