Keeping things lively

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A couple of stallions play out ones long time fantasy... but things are not exactly what they seem...

Keeping things lively...

Jerome stumbled up the stairs slowly, as he tried to juggle the three grocery bags. The big roan horse had taken off early, wanting to get home and have dinner cooked when his stallion got home. They were planning a special night of sexual adventure, to keep things lively in their relationship. The big roan stallion wasn't sure what the night would bring, they had been sharing various sexual fantasies over instant messenger. But he'd left it up to his stallion as to which one they would be playing out. As he topped the steps one of the bags began to slip down, pinching the bag with one arm trying to keep in under control. A couple of big yellow onions slipped out and bounced on the hall carpeting just out side their apartment door. Juggling the bags the big roan stallion managed to get into the apartment, leaving the door wide open behind him. Hurrying down the short hallway, he put the bags down on the kitchen counter. And was just about to turn around to go back and get those dropped onions, when a heavy body slammed into his back. Sending him sprawling across the counter top, knocking the grocery bags against the wall. Suddenly a huge gloved hand with a knife was against his throat, as a strong figure draped himself over Jerome's back.

"Stop struggling... and don't scream little mare." A electronically altered voice buzzed in his ear, tilting his head Jerome glanced back. To see the black leather mask over a long equine head, and began to relax... As he recognized one of their shared fantasies... 'The masked intruder' was going to make their night really adventurous.

"Ohoo dear your here early..." The roan stallion moaned softly, as the masked intruder glared down at him.

"You didn't lock the door... and you dropped these slut." The masked figure behind him snarled, holding up the two massive yellow onions.

"It's... their for a special dinn..." Jerome started, but was silenced as a heavy gloved hand smacked across his muzzle. Not so hard as to do real damage... but hard enough to be exciting.

"I locked your door for you." "Now shut the fuck up bitch..." The masked intruder snarled placing the onions on the counter carefully. Even as his now free hand quickly dropped to unbuckle the roan stallion's belt, and then unbutton his trousers and shove them down. "Or I'll shove them up your tail hole..." Jerome's lip's curled up into a smirk, as the masked intruder stripped him naked.

"Ok but dinner won't be nearly as good without them..." The roan stallion smirked, as his big three fingered hands were quickly pulled up behind his back. And swiftly buckled into a leather harness... that locked them in place and also wrapped around his throat serving as a choker. Very effectively keeping him from struggling, next a round ball gag was pulled over his muzzle and buckled into place. The hard rubber ball holding his jaws open wide... there was a hole in the center of the ball. That let his breath whistle out of it, as a hood was placed over his head. The shiny black latex cutting off his ability to breath through his nose. Now his breath really was whistling through that tiny seeming hole in the ball gag. Jerome felt his body lifted up onto the counter even more, and a hard cold metal bar was placed between his ankles. Tying them together, but also running up to the strap around his neck... any kicking would effectively strangle him. Now totally helpless the roan stallion was panting as heavily through the tiny hole in his gag as he was able. Growing light headed as if he wasn't getting enough oxygen, when in fact he was actually hyperventilating.

The helpless roan stallion then felt something creamy rubbed over his naked tail hole. And then something big round and hard was shoved hard against it, moaning into his gag Jerome struggled to open himself. As a soft crinkling sound hinted... but it wasn't until his big round anus swallowed that round knob. That the masked intruder laughed gruffly and snickered.

"Well that's one that ya won't be having for dinner." The big blunt head and springy shaft that followed forced the Onion all the deeper. Sending it rolling over his throbbing prostate gland... and then into his depths. While that nice hard horse cock slammed into his pleasure gland roughly, as the masked intruder began to rut him. The fucking was slow, but hard for a few minutes... and the roan stallion could feel his attacker getting close. But then the intruder eased back... and Jerome felt his gloved hands on his own by now very aroused organs. Stroking that hard cock teasingly... fondling those big low dangling stud nuggets. "These are what I want for dinner." That electronically altered voice purred darkly, as those hands began to fit something cold and metallic around those big low hangers. "Its a racket bander..." That voice explained menacingly, as something was squeezed and gears clicked as it began to close tightly around those big orbs.

"Gunna make a Geldie out of you." That cold electronic voice laughed cruelly as there was a rapid series of clicks, as those metal bands were racketed closed tighter and tighter. "Ya know how those work... when the band gets tight enough the blade is automatically tripped." That wicked voice explain unnecessarily... after all Jerome had told him about it. "And then it's bye bye balls." It was the roan's fantasy... though only a fantasy, this... this was beginning to get far to real. He began to wiggle as those bands were racketed tighter and tighter... This thing wasn't a toy... it really worked just like the masked intruder had explained it. His wiggles became struggles as that grip was squeezed even faster and the bands began to hurt. "Relax... we're almost there... Geldie." That electronically altered voice taunted as the bands began to cut into his sack neck. And then there was a loud 'Chunk' and a soft 'Crunch' it took the roan stallion a second of blind panic to realize. A second for the scent of raw onion to hit his nose... and then he was orgasming down the side of the counter. As the masked intruder leaned over his back and pumped him savagely. "That's right Geldie... now I'm gunna treat you like you deserve." Slamming harder and faster again and again... until that electronic voice squealed in pleasure. Jerome shivered as he felt that big organ filling him with scalding hot stud milk. Jerome sagged then, as the dizziness of hyperventilation washed over him. Suddenly that air hole was blocked, Jerome gasped and struggled for breath as blackness washed over him.


The big roan stallion awoke, to the annoying buzz of his cell phone vibrating on the hard tile of the counter next to him. Reaching over he picked it up and flipped it open, it was his stallion... "Errr hello lover... whats going on?" He asked softly, as a naughty smile played around his soft mobile equine lip's. Even as a delightful scent of some exotic cooked dish waffled up to his nostrils.

"I'm sorry about our evening..." His stallion snorted sounding anger and frustrated. "I had everything planned... for your fantasy." "But someone stole my bag with all the gear in it..." He explained angrily. "It'll take weeks to get all that specialized equipment back together."

"Errr..." Jerome grunted in shock, and quickly glanced down at his naked groin. Spotting the bright silvery metal band drawn tightly around the small stub of flesh... and the sticky cum leaking from his raped tailhole... And then his attention was drawn to the pan setting on the stove and the exotic dinner dish cooked up in it... "Ohooo fuck..."


Hard Times Chap 1

A big Straight Bull having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out...

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