Well there's always the park

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of In the park

A ride through a young Jaguars first gay sex in 1976...


A ride through a young Jaguars first gay sex in 1976...

Well there's always the park

"Ok... that's enough Jake." The tawny Lioness snarled pushing the big Jaguars sweaty paw off her breasts. And tugged her Cheerleaders jersey back down. "You know I'm not... ready... not that kinda girl..." She reminded him hotly, slapping his wandering paws, as they worked to get up under her short skirt.

'Then why am I dating you Barb.' The big jock feline thought, but did not say aloud. Instantly going into his whining arguments in in favor of them having sex. And complaining that he would die if they didn't do something... this had gotten him paw jobs and even a muzzle once. But she was on to him, and his whimpering pleas fell on deaf ears. Even as he made a couple more insistent attempts to get into her panties. But the sexy Lioness ably fought off her horny boyfriend, and then insisted to be taken home. So the Jaguar cranked up his dad's old Ford Gran Torino, and did just that. Dropping her off... but he didn't go home himself.

Instead he swung by the Tasty freeze... where Linda Burke the school slut hung out... between trips out to the lake to get yiffed. Jake ordered a cheeseburger and a grape snow cone while he waited. Watching as a car rolled up and Linda climbed out of it, looking slightly disheveled. But almost instantly she was pulled into another and driven away. Off to the lake the Jaguar knew... where the dirty deeds would be done. As he sat there munching on his cheeseburger, Jake realized there were at least a half dozen guys in line ahead of him. Finishing the last few bites the big jock stood up and strolled back to his dads car. Still sucking on his snow cone as he sat in that drivers seat for a moment. And then decided, tossing the rest of the snow cone into a nearby trash can. The big feline fired up the old Ford, turning the radio up loud he muttered under his breath. "Well there's always the park..." As he slowly cruised across town, just making the stop light in the town square. He drove by the high school and down to that park just by the river.

The small parking lot had only two lights, and the far one down by the walking trails had been broken out. Casting that end into near total darkness, Jake's headlights illuminated a pawful of parked cars. A few heads lifted up to look... but seeing that it wasn't on of the Sheriff's department patrol cars they quickly vanished. Jake drove up slowly and parked... shutting his headlights off but leaving the car running. Unsure exactly how this was supposed to work... he'd been here a few times earlier in the year. But the toilets had been open back then and he'd use the glory hole in there. It was autumn and the parks department had locked all the toilets up for the winter. Just then a light came on inside a car across the way, as pale yellow equine male starred at him from inside. Getting the idea... Jake twisted the knob turning on the Torrino's dome light for a second. And then self-consciously shut it off... the Horses light went off shortly after. But the big Equine climbed out and slowly trotted over to the Torrino's passenger side door. Opening it he climbed in quickly as the cold October wind gusted around him.

Jake looking him over in the glow of the dash broad lights, the radio was playing 'Tonight's the Night' as the dumpy looking horse turned to look at him. The big Jaguar unsnapped his lettermens jacket, and leaned back in the seat. "I just want my cock sucked." The big feline explained forcefully, this was the first time he'd ever actually interacted with a fag. Before it was just thrusting his hard cock through a hole and letting them suck it. And so he wanted to make it clear, that he wasn't about to touch some guys dick...

"Ohooo ok... thatsss a sssshame." The lisping equine breathed... "I wasss hoping to get my tail hole rutted."

"Really?" Jake choked, kind of shocked by this open admission... this guy really was a faggot. Still the idea intrigued him... he'd never rutted any tail hole before.

"Ammm hmmmm." The horse moaned, glancing over into the Torrino's huge back seat.

"What about... you know... the... Ummmm." The handsome young Jaguar jock stammered looking both interested and disgusted.

"Oh don't worry... I'm all cleaned out." The pale yellow horse promised softly.

"Ammm well... I guess..." The feline jock stammered, not wanting to admit he'd never fuck ass before. "Just don't touch me..."

"Whatever you like ssssweety." The horse nickered softly as he climbed over into the big back seat. Jake quickly followed, and found the big equine already had his jeans down. And was laying muzzle down on the back seat, that long flowing tail was lifted up and to one side. Below it that shockingly pink tail hole almost glittered in the half light. Quickly the feline unbutton and unzipped his skin tight bell bottoms, freeing his thick cock. Reaching down Jake grasped those soft, rounded, almost feminine appearing hip's. As he realized this was the very kinda thing he'd been hoping to do to Barb out by the lake. Carefully his maneuvered his pointed cock tip between those sleek round cheeks. Almost instantly finding that hot hole, and was shocked to find it wet. He realized that the horse had been rubbing saliva over it as he freed his junk. 'Thoughtful queer.' The big feline jock sneered as he pressed his aching hard on against that tight hole. Moaning loud and appreciatively as that wet and oh so hot flesh swallowed his cock.

"Ohoooooo damn." Jake grunted, as the passive horse just inhaled slow and deeply. As the big jocks ball's flopped into that crevice between the horses thigh's. His sheath kissing that equine tail hole... Jake moaned even louder as it suddenly clamped down on his throbbing erection. "Godssssss." The Jaguar hissed in shock and pleasure, as the horses butt did wonderful things to his needy cock. As 'Oh what a night' played softly in the back ground, the horny young jock stud began to rut. Under him the passive horse was moaning softly between deep ragged breaths. Clearly the faggot was getting something from having Jake's hard dick pounding in and out of him. Not that the straight jock cared that much... he told himself although it stroked his ego. "Bitch doesn't know what she's missing." He moaned under his breath as his hip's slammed into the passive pony beneath him. As that soft voice whinnied and moaned in pleasure, Jake's big paws began to slide up and down his sleek thigh's. And then up over those big round butt cheeks, until at last they made their way around. Discovering a surprisingly pitiful cock dangling from the horses sheath... And below that nothing... the felines nimble finger felt around but found only the raised line of an old scar.

"Where are your ball's?" He grunted in shock as the geldings tail hole squeezed his hard on in delightful ways.

"My father had them cut off... when he found out I liked boisss." The horse moaned softly as his hip's buck back into the Jaguars hard rut thrusts. "Cum inside of me..." The passive gelded pony begged as the big jock lost control and hammered him hard for a moment or two longer. And then Jake was squealing as he flooded the horses tail hole with his cum.

"Fuck..." The big feline growled as he collapsed onto the horses broad back and lay there panting for a long moment. As 'Year of the Cat' played softly filling his mind with strange images of distant lands as forbidden pleasure quivered on his spent dick.

"Ammmm thank you..." The horse moaned as the feline jock suddenly realized what he was doing and quickly climbed back into the front seat. "Anytime you'd like a repeat." The passive equine panted as he pulled up his jeans and opened the car door. The cold October wind whistled in hinting of heavy frost by morning.

"Will you be here tomorrow night?" Jake asked before he could stop himself.

"If you want me to be..." Came the soft submissive reply. The big feline jock chewed his lip, before replying softly.

"Yes." 'Nights are forever without you.' slowly began as the gelding made his way back across the dark parking lot and Jake pulled out onto the road heading home...


Hard Times Chap 2

That big Straight Bull Cameron having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out pretty...

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Keeping things lively

A couple of stallions play out ones long time fantasy... but things are not exactly what they seem... ...

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Hard Times Chap 1

A big Straight Bull having fallen on hard times... and in order to feed his offspring and look after his ill mother makes a deal... This is a story boinggoat And I have been working on for sometime... and I think it's turning out...

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