Dragon Bull

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A woman named Vivienne signs up for human-animal hybridization on a paradise island. Unlike other test subjects who became endowed cow halfs and other milky combinations, Vivi is signed up as a breeder! Whenever she gets aroused she turns into a bull, but unfortunately also loses control of herself. Now its up to RHE and Vivi herself to see if this bull can be tamed.

(FtH bull/komodo dragon hybrid)

Vivienne signed up to RHE to become a human test subject. The company worked tirelessly to hybridize humans with animals, always trying to improve their methods and forms. To provide an easily palatable specialty food for the outside world, nearly all test subjects were combined with other mammals, thus enabling and enhancing lactation. For this reason, all of the test subjects were also female.Vivienne was looking forward to living on the island simply called RHEI. No matter what your form was hybridized with, you were given a life on the island; your own home and unlimited food and drink. You could not leave the island again, sure, but you never had to worry about anything anymore. No need to find a job, pay taxes, have your parents nag you to get a boyfriend. Vivienne unknowingly signed up at the wrong time though. RHE was already 19 test subjects in, so they were starting to branch their mindset out and try more... exotic things.

Mahogany Primrosa was the researcher in charge of Vivi, and explained to her the test. "For the most part test subjects are given a tincture, which carries magic based effects into the body to create physical changes to the genes as the body breaks down the material of the tincture and distributes it. This permanently changes the body so no mana is required to maintain the form. So subjects can produce milk without consuming mana. Because if we wanted to consume mana to do it, we could just use a spell to conjure the milk directly and not even require a person... but that would be inefficient."

Vivienne cupped her small B cup breasts through her shirt- almost entirely invisible through the fabric. "So I will have a huge rack finally, huh?"

Mahogany blushed. "N-no, let me finish. I was just using that as an example of how and why it is done. There have been a few rare cases where we use an inverted mana charge- a method the sorceress paragon Moth taught us. If you need to re-apply magic, it can technically be done indefinitely using this method. Basically, the energy being expended is done in a isolated area which then create a void. The universe naturally fills in voids- but energy collapsing back into the void creates force, which can be used to create more energy. Or... more... usable energy I mean. We cannot create nor destroy energy, it is a matter of condensing it enough that it is in a usable state- mana."

"R-right, yea. So... I am... uh..."

The Overseer Tessa Bucset standing behind Mahogany piped up. "Sorry, she is fairly new here and is not used to having to explain the modus operandi of our procedures. Basically your transformation will involve a spell- which means rather than having a static form you will be able to shift from one to the other, using said spell. All you need to know is that you can change to and from your form- something others cannot do."

Mahogany nodded. "You see, none of the test subjects can get pregnant but... stimulation is still required to keep the milk flowing properly. RHE has been looking into sexual stimulation to aid in milk production. Also, since all of the test subjects are bound to the island, and none of the current subjects are male... some have expressed a desire to recruit males. So, we are trying to roll out a 'breeder program'."

Vivienne nodded slowly, trying to keep up. Tessa could see she didn't get it. "That is you."

"Wait, what?! But I am not a man!"

Mahogany chuckled. "Which is exactly why you were chosen. To control the spell without ever needing to re-cast anything, the trigger must be something biological. Since your transformation is only needed in... sexual situations- the trigger is hormones. If you were male, you would transform randomly every time you popped a boner... which would be problematic."

"But, I have only ever experimented with girls, I am into guys..."

Tessa nodded. "We will not force you to fornicate with anyone. Your job is to participate in the test, your participation beyond that is entirely voluntary. We will be transforming you into a bull, so once you have male hormones working in your system you may think differently of the women here. If not- that is fine as well."

They gave Vivienne her tincture, but the rest of the day was a blur. She quickly started to get absentminded, then aroused at seemingly nothing. Before they even removed her from the main building she was already growing larger, and quickly getting more muscular. She remembered hearing her clothes tearing a bit more and more as they walked and trying not to call attention to it from embarrassment. Her muscles got so huge, so tight... so heavy. She was hunching over, then stumbled onto all fours- but bending over caused her clothes to completely burst off. Her hands and feet started to devolve quickly from her weight being on them and the researchers who were escorting her left her side to get help from others. She remembered feeling her clit twitching under her as it got longer and longer, mutating into a penis, and that was the last thing she remembered.

Vivi woke up in a glass tube in some strange facility! It was really cold too! The walls were almost entirely hidden by a network of pipes, and branched into many other hallways from where she was. As soon as she woke up a beeping sound started to sound on a console nearby, alerting the researchers to come tend her. Among the people there, she only recognized Mahogany, her 'handler'. The tube lifted up out of the base to release her. She was shivering terribly, naked but entirely human as well.

"W-w-what am I doing here? What happened?" Her teeth were chattering from the cold in the tube- though the room outside of it was normal temperature.

Mahogany gave her a sympathetic look. "Well... it seems the transformation mechanism isn't as stable as we would have hoped. It seems you are a little too easily turned on now. When you transformed it seems to have affected your mind as well, essentially turning you into a feral bull. We had a hell of a time wrangling you back up."

"I went on a rampage? What is this place?"

"The hidden bunker. This is where we store Extreme Variant subjects. Test Subject 07-XV Mel Tranquillen, 09-XV Tolli Burganred, 17-XV Nancy Dewrain, and 19-XV Eve." She took a deep breath. "And now you, 20-XV."

"No way! I have to live here?! I was told I would live life on a paradise island, not a cold tube!"

"No, no! I mean, yes, but no. You have to be in the bunker for everyone's safety, but not that tube. We can build a habitat in here for you that will be just like out there if you want. But if you turn feral bull at the drop of a hat, we can't have you roaming around outside, because you can trample or kill someone without even being aware of it. Our research team is thinking of possible solutions. But in case we can't find anything, or until we do- you have to be down here. Even if you turn bull down here, everyone's habitat is somewhat isolated- a feral animal wouldn't be able to operate the door to get inside."

Vivi insisted she would be fine, but embarrassingly found her muscles bulking up slowly seemingly at random, forcing her to stand under the tube and use the cold air to revert her. There was nothing around her to turn her on! It took her a few almost-transformations to realize it happened when she thought about her body. She is female, and the hormones trying to bring out the bull were male- she was turning herself on. She was left to walk around the hidden facility, but not permitted to enter any other enclosure. Her own area now had a curtain surrounding a bed, couch, television, and mini-fridge as a temporary setup till they knew whether a full habitat was needed.

Vivi embarrassingly turned fully several times wandering around. She had basically transformed into a full bull the first time she seen the other XV subjects, then turned back to normal when she wandered close enough to her own chilled habitat. Though she totally blacked out the first time she transformed, all the times after it she retained her memory. But it was like recalling a dream- her body had its own agenda and was on auto pilot. Her brain can only process as much as a bull while she is in bull form, and her instincts are louder than her thoughts. It was very embarrassing, recalling what she had done after the fact. Her newly grown cock twitching and dripping in the open without a care for anyone to see.

The other XV subjects were in similar boats however. No one in this wing was able to live without someone else constantly attending them. The first of the XV subjects was Mel- 07. She seemed cool, but was gaming most of the time and blacked out the rest of the world when she was in the game. She was very competitive and good at the games she played... Vivi wondered what anyone she gamed with online would think if they knew she had breasts the size of a persons house. Mel was suspended on an elaborate rig high in the air in a very, very high roof, to give her boobs room. Her test was on vorpal resurgence... whatever that meant. Basically from what Vivi could understand, the gigantic breasts contained a hole in the dimension that lead to her breasts in another dimension, to her breasts in another dimension, to her breasts in... well, you get the point. Basically they had created an infinite milk supply by summoning the same load of milk from an infinite number of universes- from the same woman. Tolli and Nancy Dewrain (there are two Nancy on the registry) basically had the same situation except Tolli was cow, Nancy was goat. Tolli was multi-limbed cow of massive size though, with an udder that had too many teats, and was giant even on her already giant size. So big in fact that she was incapable of walking. Her mind was permanently that of a feral cow though, so using a VR rig, they trick her constantly into thinking she is living as a normal cow out in an endless pasture and she never knows better. Nancy had a human mind still, in a feral goat body- an udder barely big enough to clear the ground. She was forever horny though, and that added to the fact she has no hands, she needed to be an XV subject. Mentally she could technically take care of herself, but physically she is unable to, so the staff here must monitor and look after her at all times.

On her third day down here, Vivienne was given a second tincture- this time containing the genes of a Komodo Dragon. They were hoping this would help her contain herself. They were also working on some specialty equipment for her that would hopefully fix her situation when put together with her new changes. Vivi was not holding out too much hope at this point though- RHE was starting to construct a home inside of the huge bunker, and there was no news of another extreme variant which means it was for Vivi. She also found another hall she had not noticed yet however. She looked around to see if any of the staff were around to ask but no, not at the moment. The hall was much more narrow than the giant primary passage, and it was lined with pyramid shaped foam panels on the walls... noise canceling panels- which made the hall harder to notice, because the echo in the large chambers would have given it away otherwise. Then Vivi remembered Mahogany mentioning another XV subject she was yet to see- 19, the test that came immediately before hers!

Vivienne seen a staff member on the far end of the hall doing some routine checks. There was a huge house to the left in a large open space, but in addition to being enclosed in this narrow passage, the house itself was entirely closed off. There was only a single window that looked out to the walkway that went into the living room of the house. Vivi leaned over the railing to tap on the window, since she did not see anyone home.

The staff member scared her, rushing over and grabbing her hand before she even noticed him move. "For the love of God, do NOT tap on the glass!"

"She... really cranky?"

"Test Subject 19 is ultra sensitive! Emotionally and physically, all of her feelings are amplified twice over. What sounds like a quiet tapping to you is a loud knocking to her. That is why her house is reinforced with sound canceling barriers and isolated even further in than others."

"Wow... and I thought I had it rough. How did RHE mess that up? I mean... what was she supposed to be?"

"Eve was a test on making the process of expressing milk more pleasurable. It was supposed to make it feel extremely good, and made it so that basically her mammaries could orgasm, causing them to jet milk rapidly. It was supposed to make the process even more pleasurable but it worked too well. It doubled all her pleasure... and pain, and emotions. Has RHE given you your onyx tablet yet?"

"No, I am... still under construction."

"Well, in the registry you can select yourself as available for Eve, and she can make a teleport into her home for you. She has a lot of board games and likes to play with others, but its exhausting for her so she needs time to rest. So anyone willing to hang out with her marks themselves available and she will pick however many she can handle. She occasionally wanders the halls too sometimes and sits just outside the bunker, so you might see her around." He motioned to the glass before walking back to his task. "But do not tap on the glass."

Vivi had other things to worry about soon enough though. The second shot they gave her was kicking in, starting with her toenails growing thick and sharp! Her feet got a bit shorter, but also a bit wider, and all of her toes started to get much longer. Her feet almost started to resemble clawed hands by the time they finished, but before that change had stopped her skin started to shift over it. Vivi returned to her own area near the construction site so she could lay down and get off her shifting legs. The temperature felt like it lowered a bit, but that was just her body gaining attributes from a cold blooded creature. Her skin turned grey slowly starting at the claws of her toes. By the time it faded up to her knees, her toes were turning black. By the time the grey was at her thighs, her knees were black and the skin at her toes was bubbling up into small, hard round segments, becoming scales. A komodo dragon's scales are more than they seem however. On the surface they are relatively small and about as durable as any reptile, however on the reverse side of the scale is another plate that grows in that is more akin to solid bone. Basically a komodo dragon has a sheet of organic chain mail under its outer scales; making it almost immune to cuts- though like actual chain mail, still vulnerable to piercing. The skin below her scales was dull black, the scales themselves a dark charcoal grey.

Vivi blushed and clutched the bed sheets with her finger-like toes as she felt the muscle in her lower back swell in a sudden surge and spiral downward. A soft, pleasant pressure on the inside of her skin as it was stretched, and the muscle involuntarily flexed and writhed underneath. A less pleasant feeling was still deeper in, as her vertebrae started to grow additional segments and expand existing ones, growing her tail bone out into a true tail. It did not hurt, but because the solid feeling of bone on bone was generally something that only happened when the body was wounded- it gave her goosebumps and made her shiver in discomfort. The muscle spiraling around the bone and surging downward in a pulse felt like the muscle was gently tugging on the bone to usher it forward. Her tail expanded very quickly, and the muscle inside wanted to be stretched and flexed, which made her curl and flick her tail around randomly only half-intentionally. She was glad she closed the curtain around her area before flopping down on the bed. The tail became so big that it stretched her anus to conform to the base of the tail, but then the flesh of her groin continued to get tugged toward the tail. Her pelvic floor started to reshape to brace the base of the tail, which caused her vulva to also get yanked back as the tail expanded even wider! Her vulva and anus were squished together and pulled sort of half-on the tail and half-on her hips. It was a cloaca but still oriented as a vertical slit instead of horizontal like a normal cloaca would be.

Vivienne cried out with an increasingly deep voice as her muscles all over started to bulge and flex. Oh no, her body transforming was causing pleasure automatically which was bringing out the bull! Her tail was now longer than her legs were and still growing! The scaled flesh was starting to advance up her back, but not in the front. The black coloration already shot past the scales however- as her bull hide was black as well. The pleasure surge that instigated the change was her clit growing and dividing! It turned in a figure 8 before a burst of pleasure made her body surge in size and it split completely into two side-by-side clitoris! Except now that the bull was waking up, they would not remain as clits. They swelled in width first before extending any, and the clitoral hood expanded into large fat folds of neon pink skin- far too big already to fit between the outer labia anymore. Once they were the proper width, they exploded in length and stretched out. The pleasure of them stretching into cocks was a constant electric pleasure, causing them to buck and drool pre as they grew- entirely from the enjoyment of growing in the first place. He did not feel his ovaries getting rejected this time though. Before they would grow too big and get rejected into a scrotum, but this time because of his reptile genes they remained internal and expanded into testicles in a compartment at the base of the tail. That is why males have much larger tails- that is where their equipment is stored. So even as a male, Vivi still had a vagina- it just did not go anywhere, it was a dead-end because everything from the cervix onward is temporarily repurposed into male. Though the clitoral hood grew into the soft folds of skin that would be a sheath, because of the odd structure of his mutant genitals they did not fuse to his underside and remained free-hanging with each shaft. Each shaft was shorter than a bull now as well, but not by too much... and there was two of them besides.

Vivienne had no hands still in feral mode so he could not masturbate normally. He grunt as he rolled off the bed and mounted its side. With his front legs on the bed and the shafts rubbing the bottom, he used the bed to get off- shooting below the bed so it was at least easier to clean. As a bull he was still herself, just much dumber. He did not remember why he wanted to shoot onto the floor, but still remembered that it would be bad to mess up the bed. He did not remember why he should be embarrassed to be in this form, but still knew to hurry and get off to revert himself. This time it was easier than usual. Now with a tail that was twice as long as even his feral body, he turned it around and stuffed it into his own cloaca! He was able to penetrate himself with it, doubling his pleasure and sending him over the edge quickly. He exploded with just as much cum as his massive bull load, but in two different directions thanks to his twin cocks! When he got off, Vivienne became a woman again so quickly it felt like her body was melting as the massive muscle mass shrank away back into her as energy. None of her dragon traits receded though. The dicks turned back into twin clits but otherwise her lower body remained the same. The scales trailed up her back in a progressively narrow stripe and stopped between her shoulder blades. On the front of her body the scales went no further than her thighs- they did not touch her crotch. Vivi found she was able to balance herself better than usual with these new feet though- since she could sort of grip the ground with her longer digits. The tail could be wrapped around things and used like an extra arm too, which was fun. She just had to train herself to not grip too hard with the tail. It was solid with muscle, so it was very easy to accidentally crush things with it that she only meant to lift.

Eve was not a threat to the outside, so she actually had permission to leave the bunker whenever she wanted, but never went further than the doors. It was on one of these walks that Vivienne finally met her. She was a very cute woman, a traditional cow girl form- since her gene split was not what RHE had been testing with her. Eve was a fun person to be around, but you had to be very careful. You could not speak louder than a whisper without making her flinch. Her hearing was so sharp she could tell what you were feeling even if you tried to hide it- because she can hear your heart beat from almost fifteen feet away. It is also perfectly normal to put her into a giggling fit with a joke that was not actually that funny at all, or make her start crying simply by leaving. It was in meeting her that Vivienne discovered the bonus RHE gave her by feeding dragon genes into her. Komodo dragon have a refractory period of several days, she CAN'T go bull for at least two days after blowing her load... unless she only used one phallus. That is why dragons have two- each one connects to a different testicle, so they can save half their load for a second female to get around their refractory period, but Vivi cums with both barrels.

She was given new clothing to wear in this standard form. Her upper half was totally normal still, so she could wear unmodified human clothing. For her lower body, she could wear high-waist skirts and let her tail hang below, and RHE also gave her custom fit pants with a hole in the back as well as what the called a tail ring. The ring was a metal bracket that was fit to the very base of her huge tail. Basically she slipped the ring through the fabric around the hole in her pants and then clicked it closed around her tail- bracing it to the garment. While a lot of her transformation was questionable- Vivienne had no complaints about her tail. She even hugged it like a body pillow when sleeping, or hugged herself with it while watching horror movies. Whenever she slipped or tripped, her tail would instinctively lash around and grab anything solid it came into contact with to hold her up. Like a werewolf, she kept an eye on the calendar to see when it was possible for her to turn bull so she could get herself off and then not have to worry about it.

Eventually her home was finished, and she had a house that looked much like the other homes on the island, except not actually outside. Inside, the windows were actually all LCD displays of outdoor scenery to simulate actual windows. he doorways were quite wide to allow Vivienne to still pass through in dragon bull form. She was allowed one luxury item per month from RHE to adorn her house with, so over time she could shape it into a proper home. Gaming console, television, PC, and things like that came by default though and did not need to be requested. They were considered a mandatory entertainment installment. Unlike Eve's enclosure, her door lead back out into the bunker. Eve's enclosure actually has no door- the only way in or out is teleportation. It was through Eve that Vivi started to finally meet other test subjects as Eve invited people to play with her. On day Vivienne was just stretching her legs wandering the massive passageways when Eve motioned for her to come over. Vivi went over but was going to tell her it was a bad day for that, but as soon as Eve's hand touched her they teleported into her house.

"Ah, Eve, today isn't a good time, it's the day I might... go bull."

She blushed brightly. "I know, I was... wondering what it was like..."

Eve was tall, but only because her feet extended into the canon bones of a quadruped. From her knee down, her legs were those of a rather spindly cow. Sitting on her upper crotch, eclipsing her vulva under it was her udder. It was a bit bigger than a basketball, so it wobbled back and forth when she walked- her thighs pushed it forward. It was taught though, so more jiggly than floppy. The teats were very small for a cow- about the width of a thumb but only half the length of one. On her chest she sported two E cup globes that hung just past her ribs in perfect tear drop shape. She had a long cow tail with a pink ribbon tied into a bow just under the tassel. Her hair was down to her butt but tied up in a wide pony tail by massive frilly bow. She had large leaf shaped ears she often kept turned downward because of her sensitive hearing. Her face looked like that of a cow when viewed straight on, but she had no muzzle at all. The bridge of her nose was wide and her nostrils as well. The end of her nose was neon pink and trailed to her lips which were the same color. Eve had... sort-of horns. They looked like two bone spheres half embedded in her head. The ends were completely rounded so she was incapable of hurting anything at all with them.

What made her body really stand out was her coloration is that of a cow even though she had no fur. From her right shoulder to just below the elbow was solid black. On the left, her breast was black but the nipple and areola were still neon pink. The spot that encompassed that breast wrapped around to her back but stopped in the middle. Her left arm was totally normal except her ring and middle finger were black. Then her butt cheeks were solid black but not her legs, making the black patch perfectly heart-shaped. Then her left leg from just above the knee down was all black. Her ears were both black, and the patch continued down over both of her eyes but no further- so her forehead, the bridge of her nose, and a thin strip around the pink of her central face was normal flesh tone. A single teat on her udder was also black. As for the hair on her head- it flipped the coloration of the skin just below it- so it was white on most of her head except the front; her bangs are black. Her tail was normal skin tone, and the tassel on the end was mostly white but black at the very tip- making it look like a brush that was just dipped in ink. She had a tattoo from before she was over-sensitive; on her lower back was an apple with two fang marks in it.

"Y-you...want... wait no! You can't... your too sensitive!"

Eve pouted. "No. Well... I don't know. Don't worry about me, do YOU want to do it? Even if it is too much for me, it isn't like I am going to explode or spontaneously combust or something." She spoke up again before Vivi could even reply. "Your heart is hammering..."

Vivi blushed. "I don't know! It's... confusing!"

Eve tilted her head. "What is confusing about it? You want to have sex or not. It is literally just a yes or no question."

"Well, I mean I am a hetero woman. But... not when the bull wakes up. I have to get off anyway to turn back bu- oh sorry." Eve was starting to cringe back as Vivi unintentionally started to raise her voice back to a normal speaking volume. "I have to get off in bull form to be able to turn back whether I want to or not, so it would be pleasurable and I sort of have to do it anyway. But also you are so fragile! I have SO little control as a bull! Your nervous system would go apeshit having sex with a normal person, never mind a feral beast!"

"That just means it will be more explosive, hehe~. I don't want to let my new body hold me back on anything. I have to be gentle with a lot of things, sure, but its okay to go all out sometimes. Just don't get scared if I start crying or something... you know how I am- just ignore it and I will pull myself together." She watched Vivi with curiosity as she was clearly struggling with the choice still. "You have such a cool job, I wanna be a part too!"


"Yea? Being the first breeder RHE designed."

"I... well, they never actually signed me up, because I was sort of out of control."

"Awww, really??"

"Well, I also did not really bring it up ever again. They sort of left the choice in my lap and I forgot about it entirely to be honest."

"You should sign up again now that you know your new body better. You're like Cupid!"

Vivienne furrowed her brow in confusion. "The naked angel baby that shoots people?"

"You spread love! Your designed to be able to have pleasure, giving others pleasure! To help women feel good in their new bodies, and experience sex again."

Vivi grumbled. "But I have no control. I turn into a big dumb animal! I am not even normally attracted to women, so the fact I get aroused in the first place isn't even me!"

Eve made a little pout as she chose her next words. "Do you need to be in control of everything?"

"Well, not everything..."

"Are you ever in control of your orgasms? Once they hit there is no going back. You call the bull an invader in your body, but don't your normal hormones also flood your mind and influence your choices in the same way? Does it really matter what direction they pull you in? I think losing control is part of the fun. No worrying about day to day life, just focusing on the pleasure and nothing else. Let the waves take you~"

Vivi was starting to breath heavy and sweating a bit. "Eve, I really... starting to slip I think, I should...mmmh." She stepped back onto the runic teleport circle on the floor but nothing happened. Vivienne looked to Eve who held up the focus crystal that allowed mana to penetrate her armored house- without it the teleport out doesn't have anything to power it. "C-come on Eve... I am serious I can't.... resist.. strong... oouuugh, bull soouh big!" Her voice distorted and got deeper as her neck started to swell.

Her shirt was pulled tight and Vivi started to hunch forward as the muscles of her upper back swelled massive. Huge pectoral muscles stretched her breasts out of existence as her twin clits started to stretch out- pleasuring themselves with the stretching of their nerves, which only sped the transformation along. As soon as Vivi's horns erupted from his head, Eve grabbed them like handle bars and pulled him down onto all fours. Vivi was getting too dumb to trust himself, and being paranoid about hurting Eve caused him to just sort of freeze up- afraid to move at all. Even his massive tail barely moved behind him- normally it would slither back and forth idly. Most of the floor in Eve's entire house were covered in pastel colored pillows so she just lay down where she was and slipped her skirt and panties off. Vivi surged in size a moment before shutting his eyes. His shirt exploded off in the burst of growth from looking at Eve strip. Eve smiled at his timidness. She stood up and held his head as it stretched and grew into the muscular, chizzled muzzle of a bull. As he continued to grow, his nose booped the underside of Eve's breasts. He lowered his head to evade them but bumped his chin on the top of her udder instead! His head was boxed in by boobs!

Vivi let out several grunts from the internal pressure of growth surges as his bull features were finishing. Eve giggled at the feeling of his hot breath gusting out of his nostrils. Her own heart jumped when his cool nose touched her. Her physical feelings are doubled over as well, so even the slightest touch can turn her on. Vivi opened his eyes when his brain regressed too far to remember why he was closing them in the first place- he still did not move however. He curled his tail around his side and plopped down into a sitting position, which looked rather odd with a half bull body hunching over. Eve stood in front of him and cupped her breasts, jiggling them for him. He idly licked his lips and started to lean further forward. She stepped forward and touched his lips to her nipples and he gently licked her breast, causing her to giggle and blush. Her entire body tensed up a bit from the feeling. He latched on and sucked lightly and her legs trembled and she fell into him slightly, grabbing a horn to brace herself because the pleasure took all the strength out of her limbs. Using her weight leaning on him she dragged his head down as she slumped onto the floor and then lifted her legs up on either side of his head to invite him in. He almost stomped forward right away but paused.

"Do what feels good Vivienne! Lets both lose control together~!"

Vivi let out a half-moo and stepped forward, licking Eve's pussy with his massive tongue and caused her to shriek in pleasure in a pitch so high it could probably shatter glass. He took another step forward and pressed his cool damp nose against her pussy and her entire body started writhing! His tongue was so gigantic compared to her it felt like he was petting the inside of her womb with it! The pleasure was sharp like electric voltage, and so all encompassing her thoughts completely whited out. Between moans, shrieks and gasping for breath, all her concentration was focused on not choking on her own drool or passing out because she didn't breath enough! When Vivi had coated every inch of her insides with saliva he backed off and stepped up over Eve. His gigantic, tight, muscular chest hovered over her- she could see the fat veins pulled tight under the surface throbbing in time with his heart.

Eve seen him about to thrust in and quickly turned onto her side! He isn't smart enough to line up his twin phallus! His dicks are side by side, but there is no way Eve can fit both into one hole! She turned to her side so one dick slid into her anus and the other into her vagina, splitting them up a bit better. The huge brute started thrusting into her, causing her to let out a half-moan with each inward thrust and gasp with each outward thrust. The cocks took up so much room in her they were shoving air out of her lungs! He bowed his head down as he thrust to press it up against the soft tit flesh. In her curled position on her side, her breasts cradled the top of his face and her udder the bottom. The skin also jumped with each thrust though. Her mams responded to pleasure unlike other women. They were capable of orgasm as well- the muscle tissue in her boobs and udder clench from the pleasure, the tension building and bringing them closer to their own explosion! Milk rushed forward as if magnetized to the underside of her nipples and teats and pushed up against it like a dam about to burst, making her feel more full than she actually was. It did not take very long for Vivi to climax, his cocks were such a tight fit that none of the cum could escape! The tidal wave of hot, heavy cum flooding Eve, stretching her insides even more sent her fully over the edge! Her udder and breasts suddenly became quite firm, the teats and nipples twanged to full stiff erection like door stoppers and erupted in geysers of milk! Her legs and pussy vibrated and her chest heaved in breathless moans. The trembling milk-gasms is where Eve got her nickname- Milkshake.

The next day Vivienne asked the RHE staff who came to check on her about the breeder program, having thought about what Eve told her the day before. They already had a system in place based similarly to Eve's game room reservations. All test subjects have an onyx slate that acts as a simple mobile PC- but they are all linked to the same arcane processor acting as nodes, so sending information between them is very easy. When RHE marks Vivienne as a breeder, other subjects around the island will be able to make themselves as interested for a kinky romp, and Vivi can then go visit them if she wants. Which was a bit of a pleasant surprise to her. Because of her dragon traits and long refractory period, there was two or three days where she knows she can't turn and is thus allowed to go wherever she wants. If she doesn't turn bull, she isn't a threat to anyone and there is no need to contain her. The only problem then is- in order to service the other women properly she needs to be able to turn bull... so how does she get there without risking turning along the way? For this, RHE presented her a little something it has been working on just for her. It was a back pack with two plastic lines running down into odd looking gloves. The pack contains pressurized gas that is currently zero Kelvin... absolute zero. When activated the pack cools her body and because she is part reptile, that causes her body to slow down and energy level to immediately drop, preventing her from getting fully aroused. When she needs to visit a woman on a sexual call, she wears the pack which will cool her down and then turns it off when she arrives and the host is prepared to deal with the bull.

Vivi is still marked an XV subject, and her home will remain in the hidden bunker, but she doesn't mind at all. She can roam the island like anyone else most of the time, and she has made good friends with the other XV subjects in the bunker besides. She earned herself the nickname 'were-bull', and wears her title as the island's first breeder with pride. And while no one caught her doing it- she has tapped on the glass several times.

Paradise Dreamer

(F hybrids) The RHE researcher looked over the woman's file, while the woman herself was visible several floors down on the ground, being taken down into the valley where the other test subjects live. "Her hair is snow white, even...

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Desire e

(FtM tf bull) Desiree was a plump woman with a very pleasant personality. She was kind but also smart enough to not let people take advantage of said kindness. She was a real star of her office, as not many people can sit in a cubicle all day...

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(MtF tf half-cow) Lucious was a hard working man, not... particularly talented, but hard working. He was handsome and had a warm smile, and he was a good person to talk to; it was these reasons he got picked up initially by a very secretive...

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