
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man working at a unique company is waiting on their tests to create a promised land of abundant milk and mountains of mammaries, but an accident while tinkering in the office dumps a dose of their tincture on his head and turns him into their latest test subject instead!

(MtF tf half-cow)

Lucious was a hard working man, not... particularly talented, but hard working. He was handsome and had a warm smile, and he was a good person to talk to; it was these reasons he got picked up initially by a very secretive company named RHE. His friend Amanda happened to be a scientist there and he did not even know! RHE did human experimentation so the company was very secretive and operated entirely on a remote island. Lucious was hired as a general helper- cleaning or fixing basic things, but also because they needed staff to be in charge of milking! Now that was the part that put a smile on his face. You see, almost all test subjects of RHE are hybridized with mammals, and designed to be able to give milk frequently. Therefore, the subjects who did not want a machine to be sucking on them, required a soft human hand. Well, it seemed great on paper anyway.

Lucious has been working there for a month and a half now and has not so much as touched a single breast! Heck, he has hardly ever even seen them! RHE already has 4 test subjects on the island, but two had to be released back into the outside world because the test failed completely somehow, so subject 02 and 04 were gone. Test Subject 01 lived in her own massive palace that looked like it belonged to some wealthy emperor, and had her own milking rig custom built into her massive home. Her breasts were so colossal that it would take hours to milk her by hand anyway, so it wasn't really practical. That only left Subject 03, and because of her form, Lorelei lived offshore on a tiny island to the north of RHEI, by the lighthouse. So while he could help milk her and she probably wouldn't mind... the only way to reach her is taking a boat off the west side of RHEI and going all the way north, and then all the way back. Again, very impractical, so she had her own milking station set up. So, all Lucious was doing was helping clean the place up as a glorified janitor. It was clear they were expecting many more test subjects in the future, so Lucious held out hope he would one day be buried in boobies. There was massage parlors, milking stations and even indoor sports and game rooms set up on the ground level of the main facility. They wouldn't set all that up if they did not expect someone to need them. The staff could make use of the game room, sure, but they obviously were not going to need the milking stations for themselves, and there was at least 8 in each of the two rooms for them.

The researchers were also twiddling their thumbs to be fair as well, waiting for new people to sign up for the program. Most of what they did was running simulations to half-test theories. Using spells to simulate the influence on a physical form, using a clay model. Since it is inorganic though, this doesn't at all account for clashing of existing biology or genetic differences that could influence the changes, but it was the best they could do without a human subject. Lucious often slipped into the labs to nose around. He especially liked putting in his two cents with their brainstorming sessions on what animal traits they could put together to make a better overall form. They often had rough sketches on whiteboards and Lucious would love looking them over and imagining what they would look like in real life. Who hasn't seen a drawing of a woman with cow traits? Or maybe a part dog. But to be able to see it in real life, actual flesh and blood! Or so he dreamed.

One day Lucious was helping them install new racks in the main labs. These racks were made of of two metal bars that could be pulled out from the wall- the other side was cold storage to keep everything preserved. The inner facing sides of the two bars had magnetic circles on them the vials could be placed between- this would keep the vial hovering between the two bars without physically touching them, preventing them from rattling around. Lucious was finishing up on the first rack, placing a coin between the bars to make it hover in place to see if it was working.

"Okay, hand me one of the tinctures. It is working but a coin is solid metal. Tincture bottles have a lot less metal in them, just a small thin metal circle on the bottom and top, so we need to see if the fields are strong enough to hold an actual vial."

Amanda handed him one of the vials to place in. It was not even a full tincture really- the vial contained just cow traits to be passed to a person, which on its own isn't an experiment, because they already knew it would work- that was one of the most basic transformative tinctures they made back with their founder Moth was still there. To make an actual test out of it, this tincture would be mixed with another that would either focus the traits into specific areas or blend them with another creature entirely. Lucious placed it between the bars and carefully removed his hand- it held! He tapped it toward the top and bottom to test how stable it was, and it still held. The magnets were yanking it both up and down with enough force that you would have to very deliberately be trying to remove it to get it out- there could be an earthquake and that vial still wasn't going anywhere.

Amanda smiled and clapped. "You are so good at this sort of stuff!"

Lucious shrugged. "Meh. I used to muck around with my PC obelisk a lot. I basically just learned this stuff by randomly messing around and seeing what worked."

She laughed. "Sounds like the research team."

Another of the researchers named Morgan yelped suddenly though and fell face first into the carpet! The lights in the room flickered and the vial suddenly clinked against the bottom bar before breaking in half on Lucious' head! It happened so fast no one knew what problem to assess first! Morgan tripped over the power cable which was running across the floor, because the equipment was still being installed and the wiring wasn't tucked away because it was still being worked on! That cut the power to the rack however and dumped the tincture onto Lucious! The overseer was rushed to the situation. The whole reason the magic was placed into the form of a tincture instead of directly into the person is because it is meant to change their genes- to make the form permanent so that mana does not need to be constantly fed into the subject to maintain their shape. That meant they could not cast a reversal spell and negate what was going to happen to Lucious. There was other problems too though... the first being the tincture was meant for a woman, not a man. Men are not known to lactate. The other being that it is supposed to be injected, not dumped on your head. It won't circulate through his body properly, it was being concentrated in his head and progressively more diluted as it went down. Lucious was hoping they would be able to just give him something to negate it and be back to work by the afternoon. Instead, he was given the title of Test Subject 05 by the afternoon, and brought down onsite.

Trying to look on the bright side of things, this meant he did not have to work cleaning up equipment and tinkering in the offices anymore- he would have free food and shelter for the rest of his life like other test subjects were offered. This also meant that when the area became populated more- he would be right in the middle of the action. There was five homes already built in the valley for test subjects and none of them currently occupied, so he was assigned the first one at the bottom of the long gradual slope that lead back up to the giant plateau the main facility was built on. All the homes in the valley were basically identical anyway so it ultimately did not matter which he was given. He felt normal all afternoon, nothing changed. Maybe they were wrong? More likely, it just took longer because he bathed in the potion instead of being injected. He started to get a massive headache around dinner time. He bowed forward and rubbed his head, feeling large, strange bumps around his temples just before he was about to pull some food out to start cooking a dinner. When he straightened back up he forgot the freezer door was open and cracked his head on it- hard enough to cause the dumps to rupture through the skin! Great, now his forehead was bleeding, and he has two short but wide horns!

His ears started to feel sort of cramped; they were growing but at a very slow and steady rate, causing the cramped feeling to concentrate at the very edge of his ears as they became pointier. The cartilage was thinning, as they became leaf shaped. Amanda came to check on him the very next day, and also noted after a night of sleep his nipples had turned from powder red to a magenta pink, and lost the few hairs he had there before. They were starting to look puffy, and the surface of the areola had expanded a bit.

"You can't undo the tincture I got on me but... can you add another?"

Amanda was a bit surprised by that. "Uh... yea? There is no limit to how many we slap on, why? We don't even know how THIS one is going to affect you yet."

He poked his puffy nipples. "Well, I think I would rather be a woman with boobs than a man with boobs."

"Oh... you... want us to flip your gender? That would probably make your form more stable. Because it will be trying to give you female cow features... the fact you are male will clash directly with them, causing them to be diluted and ineffective. Like, even if you had boobs you probably won't be able to lactate, or not much anyway. Your hormones will be constantly arguing with the change. Are you sure though...?"

He blushed. "I mean... sure. If you have to do something anyway, might as well do it right, right?"

And so later that morning Amanda returned to inject him with a tincture that would cause him to turn female. Again, simple enough change, that was something RHE could whip up without any problem, and at least this tincture was administered properly. It also worked faster than the first. Only an hour after she left, Lucious felt oddly tight. His skin firmed up and felt really bouncy and smooth suddenly. His body hair was becoming much more subdued, his pours became smaller and the hair he had on his forearms fell out entirely. He could not tell if it was the second tincture or just the thought of how he was changing, but he was feeling a bit turned on too- though his penis remained fully flaccid.

By the afternoon he had C cup breasts, and his nipples were much bigger than before- though still within a completely normal range. They felt oddly firm and hot though. Lucious examined himself in the mirror and already his face was quite different. By now he would have short bristly facial hair growing back in but his face was totally smooth still. His chin was a bit more narrow, his cheek bones a bit more defined, and his adam's apple was no longer visible on this throat! His skin looked so soft and supple! Lucious' black hair went to his chin in length before but was now to his shoulders. He blushed and leaned forward to look at his own breasts in the mirror and gave them a squeeze. As soon as he squeezed them, the firmness shifted forward with a strong pressure and his nipples tingled from the pressure before beads of white formed on their surface! He was lactating! He grabbed them closer to the areola and pulled forward a bit while squeezing and several thin streams fired into the sink. Since it was part of his original job description- Lucious knew how to properly milk a teat. As he milked himself into the sink, his breasts quickly felt much better and softened back up into jiggly mounds. They were like super soft rubber. After being milked though, touching his nipples directly did not feel good. They become oversensitive from milking and need time to rest and reset.

That night his dreams were strange and wild- everything from reliving old memories except in the body of a girl, to being in a field getting plowed by a bull. His brain ran over every wild possibility of the changes and acted each out as a short dream- blending them together, however nonsensical the continuity. He woke up in a sweat, and cried out, but then startled himself with his own cry and rolled off the bed, smacking his face on the floor beside it! He thought someone else cried out, because his voice was quite different now, it sounded womanly! He went to bed early the night before so Lucious also woke up before he normally would- the sun was getting ready to rise, but wasn't there yet. Lucious shuffled to the bathroom, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked in the mirror again. He couldn't see his breasts in the mirror anymore! He was a few inches shorter than he had been, which meant his chest wasn't high enough to be in the reflection. His hair now went to his shoulder blades, and the roots were turning grey toward the front only. His eyebrows were thinner and his mouth and nose much smaller- lips very plump and red. He looked totally female now! Well... except between his legs. His penis was much smaller now, only half the size it had been at most, and unable to become erect at all anymore. Even his balls were much smaller, just the size of little grapes, and his scrotum had become smaller along with it, looking like a lil' penny pouch. On physical examination there was a depression on the underside of his balls- the muscle that makes up the pelvic floor was softening and opening up there, getting ready to invert his equipment.

Lucious could now pivot his ears around- and they did so automatically when he was not actively controlling them. His horns had gotten a bit longer but not by a lot. He was given cow genes not bull, so the horns would never be very big at all, unless he was given a very specific breed of cow. His breasts were huge now too! And very heavy. He could tell immediately they were overfull- they were blushing pink, the nipples were reddened and the breasts were perfect spheres.... that isn't a shape they naturally take. They looked like F cup, but it was hard to judge when they are overinflated like this. The nipples were moist even before he touched them at all, pressing on his breasts anywhere was enough to cause them to express, so he started emptying into the sink again. It seemed a waste to let so much milk go down the drain- but test subject milk cannot be used till a day after their transformation finishes, at risk of their milk carrying some of the transformative properties and transmitting it to someone else.

He groaned softly as he finally finished. "I need to keep on top of these things. It hurts when they get too full."

Amanda stopped by again to check on him later in the morning. She spotted something he did not- his tail bone was slightly longer, and he had what looked like a giant bruise on his upper back. It was the skin itself becoming discolored- it was a cow splotch fading in. It felt embarrassing as heck having to strip down to let his friend examine him, but he would still rather it be Amanda than a random other researcher.

She gave him a playful slap on the butt when she finished examining him and giggled. "Oh, I am sorry, I couldn't help it! Your butt is looking rounder!"

Lucious just smiled and shrugged, starting to put his clothes back on. "It is fine. It sort of doesn't even feel like my own body anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"It is so different from my old body it kind of feels like I just... stole someone else's body. Like, mentally it is still me, but its like I am wearing a costume or something, so I don't feel quite as embarrassed being nude because it is like you aren't looking at the real me... even though it is."

"Yea... I kinda get what you mean. I better get back to the main facility though! Someone activated Protocol Zero some time late last night."

"Protocol Zero?"

"Remember those two test subjects that were let go? Well, turns out they did transform, it was just extremely delayed. So Test Subject 00 was dispatched to recover them. They should be back on RHEI within a day... if nothing else goes wrong."

By the time Samantha left, Lucious had to milk himself again. His breasts had not started to tighten again, but he was feeling the weight- they were comfortably full. The changes were putting his hormones into overdrive so he was created milk at an extreme rate. Of course- this also meant he was ravenously hungry because his body needs the material. His hands were feeling a bit cramped and stiff as it approached lunch. He did not check the mirror again, so Lucious did not notice his lips becoming more pale, turning from red to pink. The bridge of his nose became wider gradually as well- too gradual for him to notice it by feeling. After milking himself again he noted his breasts were bigger again. Each one looked like a K cup- if not just outside the range of named bra sizes. Each breast was like a medium sized beach ball! Well, when he was wearing his shirt anyway, which was filled to max. With no top holding them up, the bottoms eclipsed half his midriff, elongating into perfect teardrop shape.

When he sat down to watch TV to pass the time Lucious could not help but have his hand in his pants. Feeling his poor genitals shrinking away ever so slowly. He would be sad to see them go, though he was aroused by what he would get in exchange. Mentally Lucious was not changing at all, so he was still a hetero male- in a woman's body, so he was now turned on by... himself. His nipples slowly became uncomfortable in the top. They were growing too, and his breasts already stretched the top out. With the shirt holding his tits up they stuck out far enough in front of him that he had a two foot long blind spot on the floor immediately in front of himself. The shirt was so stretched by them that his entire midsection and the bottom of his chest was exposed because there wasn't enough fabric left to cover anything else- which meant the bottom of his boobs were also exposed. Usually when lactating the areola darken to act as targets for infants in contrast to the rest of the skin, but his seemed to be doing the opposite now. They became more pale like his lips, turning from magenta to base pink and then to candy pink. Lucious passed it off as minor muscle spasms, but he would occasionally feel something squirming under the skin around his arm pits and the base of his breasts. It was actually the milk veins expanding and restructuring. The way cows make and store milk in their mams is not the same as a human- his were switching to bovine.

By noon he finished off what food he had left, and since RHE was likely not expecting him to need a restock so soon he had to hit the red button inside the top of the fridge- which sent a signal to the main facility that he needed an immediate restock of food. He also heard a helicopter in the distance. RHEI does not appear on any maps, and there are no air traffic routes that go over the island, so the only helicopter that would be here is a RHE chopper, which was likely the one sent to recover Test Subjects 02 and 04. Lucious leaned on the kitchen counter, grunting at the feeling of his penis feeling tight. His shaft was basically non existent, his foreskin was bunched into a ring of fat skin folds around his glans and that was basically all that was left of it, and it feel like his body was trying to yank it inside, but it couldn't fit yet. His breasts were also getting real heavy. They did not feel nearly full yet, but the weight inside was straining him so he wanted to milk them anyway just so he did not hurt his back. He never had breasts at all before now, so his lower back muscles were not equipped to deal with the weight in the least bit. He got himself a glass of water before he started to milk himself into the sink again, but his fingers were so stiff, they did not respond well to any input. When he tried to bring the glass of water to his face his hands tightened on their own and the glass slipped right out of his grip! It hit the floor on the bottom so thankfully it did not shatter- it still splashed water everywhere. With a growl he bent over quickly to grab it and clean it up but completely forgot the position of the island counter and smashed his head against it- knocking himself out!

By the time he woke up, well, he was not a HE anymore. In place of his tiny underdeveloped genitals was now a tiny underdeveloped vulva! It looked almost comically small on her body- the vagina barely large enough to fit a single finger inside. It had still only just formed, so it still had a lot of growing to do. Aside from that though- inverting her genitals also caused her hips to become much wider, her thighs wider- and as a result, her butt rounder. She felt a slight cramp in her butt as she went to sit up and realized it was her tail. It was much longer now, but was not yet properly formed so it was quite stiff still. Lucious glanced at his feet and sighed- his legs and feet seemed totally normal still so that was good. Maybe it was diluted enough that she only got minor bovine traits. She put her hands down on the tile floor to get up and immediately pulled them off when she heard the loud clack! Her arms were still completely human structured- till the wrist. Her hands were entirely gone without a trace! She had cloven cow hooves! She also winced at the feeling of her taught breasts wobbling around- even larger than before! Getting knocked out before she was able to milk herself seemed to be the final straw for her body- the very slow trickle of change finally built up into a burst, and now that she was awake again it was activating!

Lucious struggled to get up; hooves were a lot less friction against a smooth tile floor and counter tops than flesh, so she could not really get a grip on anything around her. She started to get up but the immense weight of her boobs caught her off guard and caused her to fall forward onto her hooves and knees. Fat milk veins bloated below the surface. The pressure in her breasts oddly concentrated toward the front- there was no such pressure at their base, so it was not equally distributed like it had the other times she filled up. Her nipples were almost twice as fat as when she went to sleep and were leaking down her front and pooling milk on the floor because of how tightly they were wedged into the fabric. The pressure behind them made them itch, and stretch longer, which dragged them on the inside of the top, driving Lucious nuts! She could not grab her top to pull it up, but managed to hook her primary hooves around the bottom, and wedge her dew claws into it for extra grip. When she yanked up however her boobs followed the shirt! They were pressed so tightly together she could not pull her shirt back off! The fabric being wet only helped it cling even worse. It was getting tighter! The milk escaping on its own went from a slow trickle to a steady dribble. Desperate, she reached a hoof under the bottom, squeezed it between her breasts and then pushed the front of her shirt against the side of the counter and rubbed the two together. Her hooves were newly grown; because they have never been used to walk on yet, their edges should be extremely sharp, like those of a newborn calf. Sure enough, she cut a notch in the front which her boobs promptly yanked into a large circle.

Lucious was going to try and stand up again but suddenly felt the muscles in her neck pulse! The veins throbbed to keep delivering blood around the increasing muscle mass and her neck made hollow popping sounds as it actually grew longer, while also swelling thick with muscle! Oh no- all the potion was dumped on her head so all the transformation was concentrated toward the top. Features that were meant to be spread out or in the lower body were unable to get to where they were supposed to!

"Oouu no!" She startled herself with the sound of her deepening voice. "Mouy head has been throouuugh enough already!"

Her voice was deepening, but it still sounded feminine. The double wide bridge of her nose she had not even seen yet started to expand outward now! The end the same candy pink as her lips, the two linked together by the coloration! She was almost forced to wretch as the tongue in her mouth grew huge in a surge- the flesh of the tongue was easier to expand than bone so it grew much faster than its surroundings, overflowing the mouth. Her shirt tore a little more, and a little more, but her nipples were screaming to be free. Unable to wait for it to happen on its down, Lucious thrust his chest out and lurched forward, ramming the corner of the counter side into her cleavage. It force-divided her breasts and caused the tear to go all the way up to her collar and all the way down to the bottom, causing the shirt to violently pop in half! As soon as the boobs were free, Lucious seen they were changing in more ways than size! The nipples were basically teats now- as thick as a thumb and just as long too. The areola were very distended and the neon pink of their flesh was bleeding backwards onto the breast itself! The pink coloration was spreading further up, consuming the breast! Now free from the fabric, the teats were no longer leaking, which immediately told her they were not full- the pressure was changes happening to the breasts themselves.

"Ouuuu fuck! M-moooo face!" With a long series of cracks and snaps, the bones of her skull started to stretch!

Her jaws advanced forward and her nose expanded, pulling her face outward! Her teats were also continuing to get fatter, but not width-wise, which made them look a bit unusual in shape. It felt like someone was squeezing the skin inward toward the base of her areola, without any thing actually touching them. Her face stopped advancing- it was no were near a full cow muzzle and tiny compared to an actual cow head. Her skull remained human in shape, only the face had advanced into a mini muzzle. She let out a long, booming moo and arched her back, thrusting her chest out as her boobs surged on their own! The pressure finally burst! Her areola divided in half! Her teats split from the base out to the tip, and her breasts quickly slowed to a stop finally! Each almost the size of a beach ball, and bright pink fading into her normal skin tone only at her torso. Each breast was capped with two areola and two teats- though they were the exact same color as the rest of the boob now. Both breasts together... looked like a cow udder, except the muscle rib that would divide the teats horizontally. The cleavage basically replaced the vertical rib. As part of the internal restructuring of the breasts to be more like udders- they now stood higher on the chest. They were still tear drop shaped because that is just how gravity is going to react with them, but they were much rounder, shorter tear drops than you would think possible naturally. That made her even more top-heavy though; not allowing them to sag lower put her overall balance even further off its center.

"Can I still tooo- t- talk? Oouukay. At least have that goooing for me."

Struggling quite a bit, Lucious finally managed to stand and hobble to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She had a black patch that consumed both ears and the base, and the front of her face was neon pink. It was like a slightly humanized cow head and neck! Her hair stopped growing when it reached the middle of her back. The grey roots she had before continued to drain of pigmentation and now the front of her hair was stark white, while the rest remained black. Basically, her bangs specifically were white. The huge splotch on her upper back was now totally black, and her right arm from the hoof to almost her elbow was black- the rest of her remained normal skin tone. Lucious did not grow any fur on her body at all except a diamond shaped patch of fur where her pubic hair should be. Even once it finally finished growing her tail was naked except for the tassel on the very end, which is technically hair not fur. Normally mythological creatures have the lower half of an animal and the upper half of a human but she is backwards! Even her udder-boobs were supposed to be between her legs no doubt. Without hands she cannot pick up or operate anything normally, and with these gigantic tits she was so extremely top heavy she could barely stand up in the first place- and without hooves for feet, her regular human feet got sore quickly carrying all this around! At the very least, her regular human pants still fit basically the same- she just had to have the waist a bit lower in the back to let her tail out.

When Amanda arrived to check up on her, she had to immediately write up a checklist of things they needed to do. She tried her best to cheer up Lucious- RHE would figure something out! They would never leave a test subject hanging! The homes had television to keep them entertained and PCs with internet access, though the PC had a built-in block on RHE; preventing them from leaking information to the outside world through the net. The problem is... these required hands to operate, which Lucious no longer had. She had her food delivered to her, but no longer hands to prepare said food. Even if they made a shirt that could actually fit her- how would she get it on and off without hands to grab it with?!

Lucious bowed his head in depression as she sat on the couch, just wearing a blanket over her shoulders. "I wasn't even supposed to booo- b- be a test subject in the first place! Now I am fucked..."

Amanda pat her on the head. "Noo no no. We will figure this out! The sorceress Paragon Moth taught us how to re-configure the human genome and blend it with others! Compared to that, this is nothing! You think we can't figure out a lil' problem like this?"

Lucious brought her feet up onto the couch, shoving her tits up with her knees and then rest her chin in her own warm cleavage. "I don't see how yoouu would fix this. Give me psychic powers so I can dooo things with my mind?" They both jumped a bit at the sound of an electric guitar suddenly. "What is that?!"

Amanda smiled. "That would be your new neighbor across the way. Test Subject 02 and 04 are returned home safe and sound. 04- Lauren- was apparently a rockstar before. She was given a guitar and amp as part of her home set up. Speaking of neighbors though... how are you going to introduce yourself?"

Lucious hummed in thought. "Good point. Loooocious isn't a very feminine name."

Amanda shrugged. "I mean, you don't have to change it if you don't want. Whether you want them to know what you used to be is up to you."

"No no! Definitely don't tell them I uooosed to be a man. At this point I don't want to remember myself. If I name myself something toooo different I might forget and give myself away, haha. Lu...cia? No, that doesn't even souuuund like a real name."


"Toooo fancy. Oh, how about just Lumooo - ack, Lulu."

"Lumoo it is." Lulu lowered her eyebrows and Amanda just snerked. "I will be back as soon as we have word on what we are going to do to fix you up... or, tomorrow to check up on your again I guess- whichever comes sooner. In the meantime, it is a bit out of the way but since you cannot make your own food, come up to the main building and just eat with the rest of the staff for now. You can stop by the lactation stations on the way out and empty out before you return for the night.

Once Amanda left, Lulu attempted to milk herself to get rid of some of the weight if nothing else, but she could not stand straight enough to get her massive rack onto the counter to milk into the sink like before. Embarrassing as it was, she had to walk on all fours and make her way to the bathroom, hefting her huge udders onto the side of the bathtub. She had no fingers so gripping the teats properly was impossible. Like an udder though, her boobs now had actual reservoirs to store milk that was already made- it gathered in the area of her virtually invisible areola, and fattened the teats. So she pushed in on this part of her boobs, squeezing between hoof and tub and managed to milk herself that way. It wasn't very efficient, but she did get some out at least. Also by doing this she discovered another difference. A true cow udder has its own production and storage for all four segments, but Lulu only has two. Each breast had two teats, but they were both fed by the same supply of milk. So you only needed to empty two of her four teats to exhaust her supply.

No matter what Lulu was trying to do, she never put her arms down at her sides anymore. She was subconsciously compelled to hold them on either side of her huge tits as if to protect them from something. Lulu could not do much else because of her lack of hands, but found plenty of entertainment watching her own rack jostle around. Even when full her teats had a lazy arc downward from their own weight. The skin was very elastic, and when she shook her chest her teats flicked around much quicker than her breasts rolled back and forth. She could tell from the feeling of her teats flopping around on the ends of her boobs she would love having them pulled... but could not pull them herself. She also could not masturbate properly at risk of cutting herself with her hooves. That was another thing to add to the to-do list. She needed a grinding stone to smooth the edges of her hooves.

Without anything to be done yet, Lulu headed to bed and decided to just get some extra sleep. The bed was quite comfortable- her bedroom window had been open so the sheets were cool to the touch and refreshing. It was winter on the island, though everything still green outside- the island was in the sub-tropics so this was as cold as it will ever get. Lulu pressed a hoof over her pussy in frustration, then slipped it under her pants. Yea, she needed the hooves filed down asap. Her vagina was still growing- it was still a bit on the small side for her body size. Her clit was still a bit shaped like the glans of a penis before minus the urethral opening, but now it has compressed and rounded into a proper clit. When Lulu grunt in frustration and pulled her hoof back out from her pants, she slapped herself in the face with her tits by accident from the movement of her body! Like Newton getting domed by an apple- this caused Lulu to have an idea. She cupped her lower areola with her hooves and gently pushed them forward- causing her boobs to bend toward her face! She was just pushing the fronts, rolling the breast up toward her own face and as soon as she could, grabbed a teat in her own mouth! Her breasts were more than big enough to allow her to suck her own teats! Her milk was heavy with a hint of sweetness. It was half cow and half human as well- so its density was more like cream, but not quite the calorie-bomb raw cow milk would be. She bunched her legs up and thrust her hips into the air, causing her boobs to roll backwards and smother her face. She pressed on their undersides with her hooves. She sucked her own milk supply dry and gently nibbled on the long fat teats with her face pressed into the tit flesh as hard as she could without suffocating herself. Her new pussy even twitched with mini orgasms a few times from both the feeling and concept of being smothered in tit flesh!

She went to the main facility in the evening for dinner and re-emptied herself in a lactation station. The station was actually really comfortable. It was a padded bed, but arched so you were sort of sitting up- with openings for breasts to go through. You selected which and how many openings you needed. There was one for two breasts, four, two in the crotch, four in the crotch, or udder. Lulu's were half udders in spite of being on her chest so she had to work the flesh through the opening a bit to get them to fit, but they got there. The entire bed was mildly heated as well for comfort, and the suction cups on the ends of the actual milkers softly vibrate to massage the mams. For this reason, there was a rather loud, annoying sounding buzzer when it finished- since most people were put to sleep by the comfort of the process and needed to be woken back up.

Still no word back on what was to be done, Lulu tried to just stay in bed and sleep as long as possible just to pass the time. Lauren across the way prevented that however. Before noon, the sound of her electric guitar once again filled the area. Lulu decided to go introduce himself. She made a breakfast of her own milk supply, so with a full stomach and empty tits she was at least able to stand... mostly straight. Test Subject 02 Nancy was sitting in the grass out front of Lauren's place bopping her head to the music. Lauren had a small front patio she had the amp on, and had one hoof up on the amp and the other on the patio as she shredded on her axe. Nancy looked like your standard cowgirl. Cow ears, tiny stump horns, pink nose and lips, a tail, and hooved feet that transitioned to regular human thighs and hips. Her breasts were very large and from what Lulu seen exposed through her collar- they permanently blushed a slight pink.

Lauren on the other hand was not like anything Lulu had seen or expected- Test Subject 04 had been a bit of a mess up just like Lulu's. Her arms and legs were very long, the legs ended in hooves but the arms ended in what looked like half paw half hand. For this reason her guitar needed to be modified with abnormally strong strings- because otherwise her canine claws would cut them in half. There is no risk of the string cutting her, because she uses her claws like a pick. Her neck was very long and flexible. Lauren's head was human shaped but had a cow face and demi-muzzle. Lulu's face was like a really tiny short cow muzzle, but Lauren's was even more human. Her eyes and forehead were still positioned exactly like a normal human, only her jaws extended out further- so when viewed from the side her face was sort of L shaped, with a sudden out-turn at the bottom half of her nose. She had what looked at first like giant bull horns, but these were actually slug traits, and made of squishy smooth skin, not keratin. When her ears flicked, the many piercings in them clinked together. She had streaks dyed in her black hair and many tattoos around her body, including a particularly lewd one over her right breast. Or... her top right breast. She has eight total. Four C cups on her upper torso, then four G cups on her lower torso. The bottom set was flopped over her short skirt. The top four were small enough to be covered entirely by her shirt- both Nancy and Lauren could wear human clothing. Lauren also had a long tail that looked to be that of a slug as well, and was covered with grey freckles that were actual smooth gastropod skin.

Lauren gave one last slam on the strings before thrusting her hand in the air and sticking out her extremely long tongue- the spike studs on it shining in the daylight. "Ayyy, sup? You Test Subject 05? Or 03?"

Lulu blushed, a bit embarrassed to be outside topless- but no normal top could contain her. "5. You will never see 3 this far in-land. You might want to get to know her though, because of your musical talents."


"Lorelei was nicknamed The Siren because she has a very powerful voice."

Nancy knew Lauren on the outside, so they were already friends. Lauren had a bit of a foul mouth, but she seemed cool and very... energetic. Neither of them seemed to think twice about Lulu being topless with giant udder boobs. Well... that is the reason they are on the island, so Lulu supposed it was normal for that to be here. She just had a hard time processing it because she was mentally the same as when she was a male. It was normal for women to be topless around each other, but Lulu still considered herself secretly a man. A wolf in sheep's clothing in this environment. Lulu was also amazed at how well Lauren could still play the guitar even though her hands were half-paw. Her and Nancy invited Lulu to sit with them and told her old stories of the band and its tours. The band was called We Might Be Dragons, and their biggest song was Playing Koi.

As they exchanged stories from before they were test subjects, they did not even notice the small group of RHE staff coming to see Lulu with a solution to her problem. Lulu spotted them only as they were stopping out front and one of the staff members pointed to her. Nancy and Lauren did not recognize the cloaked figure in the middle, but Lulu did and immediately rushed over, a bit nervous. The young woman's face was hidden in the shadow of the huge hood. She walked with a large staff, dangling a lit lantern from the top.

Lulu gave a slight bow. "Paragon! It is an honor."

Moth giggled lightly. "Oh please, I am not royalty or anything. To be honest, it is not impossible to undo your changes- especially since all we technically need to change is your hands, BUT, the overseer has been arguing the contrary- insistent on us finding a way around it rather than taking the easy route, and undoing steps of an existing test. Fortunately I have not skipped town just yet so I can slap together a little something."

Moth clicked the bottom of her staff to the ground and a large glowing runic circle formed. She then took a pace back and swung her staff in a full circle, summoning a huge pillar of stone from the ground. She touched her free hand to it and several flat panels flipped outward- only one of which had yet another runic circle on it. She told Lulu to touch the panel and the spell made a copy of her will power. The stone pillar crumbled, flipped around, spread out and then re-compressed! What had been a simple stone pillar a moment before had become a statue of a human! Its expression was rather featureless, its crotch was bare but otherwise it was a rather detailed human figure. Its joints were those of a ball-joint doll, only life-sized. Moth explained that this golem would act as Lulu's servant. It is alive thanks to Lulu's own will, and would do anything she wants. She would just have to be careful when giving it orders like most golem, since they lack the free will to interpret commands- they will do literally what you say without question.

And so Lulu forgot her old life as a man and quickly got accustomed to her new life as a cow half. RHE would install voice command interfaces for most of the home appliances from then out, just in case someone else had to give up their hands, by accident or otherwise. But Lulu simply made her golem do it for her. She quickly learned to use her tail to attend her pussy in bed when she masturbated, while playing with her massive squishy boobs- but the golem can be ordered to use his hands for that too. Lulu would enter into an exercise regime that slowly worked her lower back muscles up so she could stand on her own, but at the same time she technically no longer needed to. After exercising she would get the golem to pick her up and carry her on its shoulders, so she could just rest her tits on his head while he carried her back to bed. It was like having a servant always around to do her bidding! She would often hang out with Lauren and Nancy, and also introduced them to Lorelei at the west shore while they were all exploring the island more.

Amanda caught up with her as Lulu was heading out. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

The golem stopped and turned with Lulu on its shoulders. "It has been three days since yoouur last checkup, I figured we were done..."

Amanda paused a moment to catch her breath as she finished running up to them. "Well... I suppose that is true. Technically I wasn't assigned to come check up on you now, I am sort of using you as an excuse to feel the sun on my skin that hasn't been filtered through a window pane first."

Lulu pouted, resting her head in her cleavage like a mobile pillow, while her tits were in turn propped on the head of the golem. "Soou... we just don't see each other anymoooore, huh?"

"Nooo, it isn't like that! You can come visit me whenever you want in the main facility. We haven't got it up and running yet, but there are plans for RHE to set up a shuttle service for the valley once there are more test subjects to warrant it- and make milk to offset the costs."

"Won't I get in trouuble for disrupting research?"

"Nnno.... not if you are there to visit someone specifically. And I invited you! If there is any trouble I will be the one who gets punished, not you. Anyway, how are... things? No more changes right? Milk production slowing down...?"

"Milk hasn't slowed doouuwn, no. I don't moo- m- mind though. Gives me something to a build a schedule around, y'know? Plus, it feels gooood." She rubbed her chin back and forth on her soft tit flesh. "I don't know how youuuu girls can get anything done with these always around to distract youuu~"

Amanda rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Well you are mentally still male- I don't think the average woman is infatuated with boobs as much as you are. Not going to lie, I do sometimes just grab them and roll them around when I am bored. I would also like to point out you don't have the blight that is a menstrual cycle. Test subjects by default are incapable of reproducing because their genome is half and half- so in order to be fertilized they would need a sperm cell that is the exact same half n half as they are... which doesn't exist. So, whenever an experiment involves genitals, we generally shut off or re-purpose functions- since they are unable to serve their primary function. You have a vagina and womb, but your testicles just shrank away into nothing- the biomass was repurposed. So you never had ovaries in the first place. No eggs, no periods. You get a hard pass on the most annoying part of being a woman, so of course it's all sunshine and rainbows for you."

"And I have this stone servant ooun my beck and call. I know I have it easy. With a booody like this, I could have just as easy been reduced to a barn animal without hands tooo moo anything. That is why I will make it my mission to help other test subjects moo- w- who have trouble. I think his island has a lot of potential. Not just messing with science to see what sort of things woo- ...we can do but; this paradise island, filled with exotic women?"

"Careful, don't drool on your shiny new servant."

Lulu blushed. "Not just because of hoouw sexy it will be. My changes were terribly inconvenient but also really pleasurable and hot. Having your booody itself changed takes a lot of getting used moo, and its interesting. I think it helps distance yourself from yoour former life too. So coming here is sort of like... a second life. A hard refresh. Everything feels new because yooouur feeling it with an all new body."

Amanda smiled, looking back up toward the main facility a moment, the chopper taking off from the supply tower to escort a new volunteer to the island. "I think you are right."

Slow but surely more test subjects started to pop up on the island and RHE would start building more homes for more subjects. Whenever there was a new subject who had trouble adjusting to their new body- Lulu was always the first to come help them out, because no one knew awkward body types more than Lulu, the inverse cow. Plus... she still enjoyed marveling at the new and unique forms RHE kept coming up with.

Don't Tip The Cows

(F tf Half-cow, F tf hybrid) Life normally has a lot of ups and downs normally, but Nancy was really riding a roller coaster at this point. She had shadowed a band when she was younger, and through being a groupy she learned how they made their...

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Sugar And Spice

(F tf candy reindeer) Holly was having a good holiday so far, and seemed quite happy at first, but as Christmas came closer her apparent happiness became less genuine. Finally on a phone call with Bell she started crying and blurt out her...

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(MtF TF not-right Manticore, FtM TF not-right cockatrice) The male to female is the first- if you'd rather skip to the female to male tf just CTRL+F 'P2' Othellow was a good looking fellow with a good head on his shoulders. He was smart...

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