
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A couple get their friend to transform them so they can live out some kinky fantasies in the bedroom- except their friend has only been studying magic for a month and has no idea what he is doing. Their forms don't quite turn out and they end up improving on several things, but at least he tried his best.

(MtF TF not-right Manticore, FtM TF not-right cockatrice)

The male to female is the first- if you'd rather skip to the female to male tf just CTRL+F 'P2'

Othellow was a good looking fellow with a good head on his shoulders. He was smart enough at least to know how smart he is not- the same could not be said for his friends. Sandra and Ken were one of those couples who everyone assumed had been dating for years, before they were actually dating. They had been friends with Othellow for some time as well. When Othellow started training as an apprentice sorcerer, Ken and Sandra were excited to have a magical friend, and starting asking him favors often. Othellow did not mind normally- doing them favors with his magic was good practice and helped his studies stick in his head better. Now though, they asked of him something he doesn't know how to do. Sandra wanted to try something wild in bed, and she and Ken have fantasies about mythical creatures. They immediately went to Othellow with their idea begging him to help them out, but he had never used a transformation spell before! Not to mention none of the books he currently had access to even had spells for mythical creatures! They do not exist in reality normally, so to make one you have to create a custom rune. He was still learning pre-existing runes, never mind making custom ones!

He stood nervously in the doorway with a stack of large books in his hands. Since he was carrying the books, he had to try and blow a stray hair off his face. "So... you two are sure you want me to try this? This is really advanced stuff here and I only started my ma-"

Ken pat him on the shoulder and practically shoved him inside the house. "It is fine! We have seen what you can do so far, you are good at this stuff! Just do your best."

They set out large sheets of paper onto the floor of their living room. The plan was to transform in the living room then head to the bedroom down the hall while Othellow just hangs out, then they return to be turned back. He needed a lot of paper sheets. Normally a transformation runic circle was fairly easy, except these were creatures that did not exist. Ken kept assuring him it would not be that complicated.

"Okay, so you want to be a... striped manticore?"

"Yup, just a vanilla manticore but with stripes all over. Underrated mythical creature, in my opinion."

Sandra smiled at him from the couch. "Just be careful with the stinger."

Othellow rolled his eyes. Oh sure, a simple manticore- a creature that doesn't even exist normally, and you want to turn yourself into one. Human head, so at least he did not need to make any alterations there. But then lion mane and body, scorpion tail, and he wanted stripes. Manticore are usually depicted with bat wings on their backs as well, but Ken did not care about that part- he wasn't transforming to fly anywhere. So that meant Othellow needed to make three different animal transformations, but also amend the normal runic circle by linking them to others so that only part of each transformation was applied to specific body parts. Otherwise it would just try to mash all three together and it was anyone's guess which traits surfaced over others. He activated the tail first, since it was the least involved.

Ken smiled and lowered his pants in the back as he felt the muscles in his lower back squirm. The muscles gathered and expanded, dividing into new groups that pushed the skin out forming a plump tube that quickly grew. It looked rather deformed at first, because the bone did not extend from his spine at all, so it was nothing but muscle and skin- so the shape of the tail was undulating violently as the muscle squirmed and grew. Ken was already whipping the tail back and forth as he admired it over his shoulder. When it had gotten quite big already, it started to bloat up in specific areas, causing the skin to tighten. Keratin bled into his flesh causing it to solidify as it tightened, turning red, then bruise purple, and finally glossy black! The density of the chitin carapace forming around the tail caused it to section itself off, making it segmented so that it could still move around freely in spite of the solid armor encasing it. It became massive, as long as the entire rest of his body at least before the end started to swell up, developing venom glands. The bulbous end was as big as his head when it grew a hard ridge that grew straight off the end, curving outward to form the poison stinger! The chitin trailed up his back a little bit but not too far, just to act as a proper transition. The tail had an exoskeleton but the rest of his body still had a normal skeleton, so the two needed to overlap at least slightly in order to properly connect.

It was a good thing the couch and table had been shoved over against the walls to make room for the transformations, because when Ken swung his tail around it was fast enough that Othellow and Sandra could hear the whoosh! He was surprised how powerful it was- it was almost effortless to move around! The deadly tail worked mostly on hydraulic pressure rather than traditional muscle tension. This meant there wasn't really any normal muscle strain from overexerting it- one of the reasons insects are so strong; they do not get tired the same way we do. Smiling at the new feature, Ken was quick to tell Othellow to keep going. Okay, well lion was next. Othellow activated the next set of runes.

Ken felt the spell inside of him as subtle movement and pressure from growth in his body, from the bottom up. Because the change wasn't supposed to affect his head at all, the magic got weaker the further up it went. A few small sand colored spots appeared on his lower tail- this was the lion tail trying to form, but being too small of a percentage to be able to compete with the enormous tail that was already there. Ken felt an odd tightening in his taint up into both his shaft and prostate, causing a gentle tingle of pleasure and forcing him erect for some reason. Once his feet started to change he needed to get off them anyway- and shifting down onto all fours gave the crotch of his pants a bit more slack to allow the erection. His pants would at some point be destroyed- a lion is larger than a human, but keeping them on as long as possible preserved some modesty, and Sandra wanted to see bursting threads as one of her turn-ons. Ken's arms and legs slid further apart as his feet extended on all fours. As if to catch him, his nails narrowed but became much thicker and longer, arching up, around, and back down to catch on the floor. His now talon like back claws prevented his feet from sliding further back so he had to move his arms forward a bit. Humans were not meant to be on all fours so their limbs are lop sided to begin with, the massive extension of his feet only made this considerably more so. Grey-pink bubbles of flesh formed on the tip and base of each of his toes as they compacted, compressing their overall mass into short, thick digits that always rubbed together. The muscle in the end of each digit parted in the middle causing the talons to curl back into the toe partially- felines have retractable claws to prevent them from dulling against the ground. The only toe to not follow the others still underwent the same process- just not at the same speed. This caused what had formerly been the big toe to migrate upward on the leg, staying closer to where it originally was on the now very long foot, and became a dew claw.

Ken could faintly hear it simply because it came from his own body- the sound of his bones groaning a bit like a tree in the wind. From the bottom up all his bones were increasing in size, and then the muscle around them, and then the skin stretched to accommodate. His hip joins popped loudly enough that everyone could hear it, resetting his leg joints so he could not walk upright- though he could still stand up if he remained in place. He let out a few surprised burps when his stomach shifted, looking like it was swelling out a bit, but actually just shifting proportions. His organs were slightly re-arranging which worked out all trapped air in him- his torso was becoming more barrel shaped. It was not too extreme as felines still have a dip in their stomach area, just not as much as a human. More embarrassingly, his pleasure started to spike sharper, causing him to unintentionally thrust forward a few times. His dick was popped out over his very tight fit pants as the seams started to pop open and rip wider. Induced orgasm wasn't supposed to be part of the change. Trying to resist the pleasure so he didn't blow before he was in Sandra, his tail went rigid and made the first large tear in his pants- ripping the back down over his ass from the base of the tail. Unable to fight it, he started to shoot ropes of cum onto the floor under him and when his legs bowed his much larger thighs burst the legs. Once the rips were made, any little movement he made tore them wider till they just sloughed off. He came for longer than he would even normally orgasm for, and when he looked down at his genitals Ken was shocked! They still looked perfectly human, except his balls and penis were smaller! It was still erect; the shrinking wasn't from returning soft, it was actually smaller in size. The bursts of cum were so large you could actually hear them thud against floor as they landed! The pleasure was still throbbing inside of him, trying to force another orgasm!

"Othellow, wha- hah.... what is going on with my junk? Why is it shrinking?!"

Othellow double checked the runes, leaning over Ken a bit to look, then checked them with the tome in his hand. "It is just part of the transformation, I assume. I don't know why it would cause you pleasure, but a lion does have very small genitals compared to its overall body mass. Actually, if you compare genital mass to overall mass- human has some of the biggest in the world."

One of Ken's legs buckled entirely putting him down on one knee as his dick started to bob violently and flick thick ropes of cum again only a half minute after the first orgasm! It shrank again just as quickly as the first orgasm caused, making his balls no larger than grapes and his penis was so underdeveloped now that the foreskin could no longer peel itself back even though he was still erect! The rest of the transformation started to taper off at his chest, his ribs popping lightly to give his chest a more barrel shape, which shoved his arms more to his sides. Six dots of red-pink skin appeared down his torso, and stiffened into hard, nub nipples! Ken was red-faced as he yelled out again in breathless pleasure and this time flopped entirely onto his side as his penis erupted again! It shrank more and more, and this time his orgasm lasted even longer as if it knew this was its last hurrah. It was like his body was converting his gender into hot while goo and rejecting it all over the floor!

Sandra did not look amused over on the couch. "Uh, that is definitely not part of the transformation Othellow- his dick isn't changing shape its just getting smaller!"

His diminishing balls popped back into his torso, leaving the bunched up remnants of the scrotum to pull out length wise and transform into labia- an opening pulling open in the middle to reveal a vaginal passage! The now tiny nub of a penis devolved till it was only the glans and what remained of the foreskin which turned into a clit and its hood! Ken was now a woman! The transformation stopped there. All three were confused- though Ken too breathless and stunned at the new feelings in his crotch to say anything about it. Not only did he lack a lions mane, his arms were totally human still, and he turned into a female! The forced orgasms was his balls and prostate getting rid of the remaining material they no longer needed or had room for as they shrank!

Othellow furrowed his brow at the runes in the book. "Wait... there was another rune for mane that I did not use..."

Sandra crossed her arms. "And why the hell didn't you?"

"W-well because male lions already have manes, so it seemed redundant. There did not seem to be an individual rune for gender so I thought it would just transform him into whatever gender he already was. I... I think what it means is the mane rune is male lion, because females do not have manes. But, that is an incredibly obtuse way of labeling them. Who calls animal genders by their traits? You don't call mares and stallions; dick and vagina horses- that would be idiotic."

"And his arms?"

"That was just me cutting it off too early, because I wanted to make sure his head would not turn- I just cut it a bit too early. I told you I have never done a transformation spell before! And I can't visually see how far it goes without doing it first."

Ken groaned and slowly rolled back onto all fours to pull herself off the floor. "Y-you can just... turn me back... and try again, right?" Her voice just naturally sounded a bit more breathy now- her balls converting took the bassy pitch out of her voice.

Othellow looked a bit nervous, glancing to Sandra then back to Ken. "Well, yes and no. I obviously can turn you back whenever, but a counter spell is still a SPELL. It takes mana to cast. So to transform you, undo it, and transform you again I would then have used three times the amount of power to do you alone. I may not have enough mana to transform Sandra then afterwards- or enough mana to turn either of you back until the ambient mana re-saturates."

Sandra sighed. "We will have to work around it then."

Ken looked at her confused. "I have no penis!"

"We could try tribbing... though that probably wouldn't work well with a lioness pussy. Hmm, felines also have induced ovulation rather than cyclical so you might have trouble getting back into the mood. We can just toss in more transformations to make up for it. Small additional traits still takes a hell of a lot less mana than erasing everything and starting over from scratch." She hummed in thought for a moment then motioned to Othellow's tome. "Since you botched the arms, why not give him bat wings after all?"

Othellow shrugged and flipped to a bat rune and activated it. Immediately Ken's skin on her arms started to turn to a grey-pink and then black entirely. Though his shirt may still stretch to fit, Othellow had to go against Sandra's wishes and told Ken to remove the top. Wings are a bit too delicate and if they get caught in the fabric while still forming she might break something. The skin seemed to become softer and more loose, and she shuffled her weight around to bend and flex her fingers from an odd sensation and noticed that as soon as she did, her skin stuck! The skin between her fingers stuck together, and then stretched as if it were made of some sort of goo! Her fingers started to stretch quickly, becoming extremely long and narrow, dragging the stretched skin out between them. The skin stretched between was not very thick so you could partially see the light through it whenever she lifted one up a bit- and you could see thousands of veins webbing the entire inside. The feeling was too bizarre for her to also hold herself up with them and she shakily got up and squat on her feline back legs, managing to balance upright. She hugged her arms to her body for a moment tensing the muscle in them almost as if to try and override the feeling of the changes, but when she went to pull her arms away there was a bit of resistance- the skin fused and stretched again! There was now skin flaps from her pinky finger and outer arm fused down either side of her torso!

Her nostrils started to dilate, enlarging as the end of her nose became wider and the black skin tone started to overtake her head as well! Othellow was about to cancel the spell to prevent her head from turning but realized that would also stop her wings from fully developing which may be just as bad. The pinky fingers became the longest, and while they enlarged by a lot, they still looked incredibly thin compared to how extremely long they became. Then the ring and middle finger became quite long as well but not as long. Her thumb and index remained the same, except her nails developed into claws. Her arms gained a bit of length in the process as well, which would let her walk on all fours a bit better. Fur developed on the back of the wing only and its frame, covering the remnant of the arm and hand. It blended with the lion fur however, so while the wing itself was black, the fur faded to dark brown on the shoulders and upper back, then base brown, sandy, and finally pale sandy yellow on the rump and back legs- with the pitch black scorpion tail behind that. The end of her nose became large and upturned, almost looking like a pig nose, though it had a bit of a point on the tip. Her four canine teeth grew out into large fangs, and her ears became pointed and grew large and long- forming into large tear drop shaped ears. As soon as Othellow seen the wings were formed he stopped the spell, so the rest of her face and head remained human.

Sandra nodded. "Wow, the nose is actually super cute~! Oh my God. Must. Boop!" She dart over to the bewildered Ken and touched her nose to Ken's. "How important is the mane though? You still don't have one."

Ken looked quite dissapointed. "I mean, what is a king without a crown?"

Sandra then looked to Othellow. "Why don't you just overlap with the male lion? It might make him a hermaphrodite but, I mean we can work around that, right?"

Othellow shook his head and explained that it would not work at all. You cannot layer the same spell- any lion traits now that the first spell finished would be ignored. The spots on her scorpion tail gave Othellow another idea though. Traits blend, so if he gave Ken the neck of a creature that has very fluffy fur, it will absorb some lion traits and bring the mane out. It wouldn't be a fully normal lion mane, but it would still be a mane. Ken felt a pressure on her spine and her neck let out a very hollow sounding pop and got a bit longer. She was about to ask what Othellow used but was caught off guard by another pop, and then another! Her neck was getting longer, fast! The dark brown fur started to grow up the lengthening throat and his own human hair took its coloration- but like the neck itself, the fur was growing fast and becoming much longer than anywhere else. It grew in slightly wavy which only helped make it even more voluminous. Both Sandra and Ken watched in awe as the gigantic mane formed, becoming so round and bushy that it looked like her head was partially submerged onto the top of a giant sphere! The fur then advanced onto her face and her jaws started to click and crack. Her skull was changing shape now, and her face stretching out! The fur that consumed her face specifically was ultra fine and sand colored- the mane of long dark brown hair stopped where her hair line stopped normally. She groaned as the teeth on her lower jaw started to angle outward oddly and grow much larger than the rest, forming almost a shovel out of her lower jaw! It made it look like she had severe under-bite! Her fangs receded back into her mouth a bit as the jaw extended, but remained the same otherwise. Othellow stopped the change now that the mane was fully formed. Sandra could tell by the shape of the lower jaw that the species Othellow used is a llama! Its naturally bushy wool blended with lion traits to give him a mane, but its neck is also incredibly long, which made the mane even larger!

Before Ken could fully try to examine herself, another change hit her! Sandra whispered into Othellow's ear to use a mare transformation! Mares go into heat unlike lions, letting arousal override some of Ken's uncertainty. They also had bigger pussies which Sandra would take advantage of later. The labia swelled up thicker and turned black, trailing up to the anus which also turned black on the outside and swelled up massively into a tight projected ring of plush skin. The thick, rubbery flesh of the labia parted on their own showing the wet pink innards as Ken's clit swelled titanically, stiffening into a solid knot of sensitive flesh. Vaguely heart shaped and as big as a ping-pong ball, it popped the pussy open from the inside to act as a beckoning finger, drawing in potential lovers. The outer labia was matte black, but the clit was grey-pink, and the entire inside was still pink. As a not unwanted side effect, the final pair of nipples in Ken's crotch swelled larger and fatter and two bubbles of matte black skin jiggled into existence under them. They had partially converted into horse udders- though remained very tiny because they were equalized with lion traits.


Ken shakily made her way over to the couch to rest and Sandra walked to the middle of the room. "Well, I was going to go with a sort of demoness but obviously we have to make a few tweaks... like, my gender."

Othellow cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, so your solution to Ken turning female is to turn you male. Alright..."

"I mean, I want to keep as many female features as I can but... I am going to need to be male where it counts."

Othellow worked in the new runes while reviewing the others. "You say demoness but, these features sound more like-"

"A cockatrice, yea."

"I don't think I can get the spade tip on the tail... there is no creature with that feature to pull it from." As he looked at Sandra and she motioned over her shoulder with her thumb to Ken. "Oh... yes, I suppose a scorpion stinger is vaguely spade shaped. I would need to start from the tip inward and stop the transformation quite early for it to work. It is a bit risky without turning your skin partially chitinous. I will try. And, for the genitals? Human, or...?"

"Hor- wait, d-doooog, no both! Hmm, or I could go exotic with... well, let me just see your tome, what animals do you have to work with? Lets make an original blend."

One thing both transformations had in common was a very large tail- a shared fetish that neither was able to fully indulge in without Othellow's help. Sandra had a giddy smile on her face as she felt her tail bone extending out. The new vertebrae started small and soft, and hardened as they grew to better match the ones behind them. Unlike Ken, she did not make any effort to try and pull it out over her clothing and instead directed it forward, so it slid between panties and her butt crack. She felt her skin tense on its own down her legs, getting stronger as it went down! She shifted her weight up onto the front of her feet on her own, anticipating how the change will progress based on Ken. Her skin stiffened and changed color, turning grayish and then to almost but not quite black. Her foot started to grow much longer and more narrow as the bones in her soles fused into a canon bone. Her socks were pulled forward, covering less and less of the foot as it changed. The front of her foot almost looked like it was folding in on itself, and caused her to teeter and fall back on her ass in spite of her being at least somewhat prepared. The impact shoved her growing tail further forward, unintentionally grinding it against her own pussy, since it was forced to follow the curve of her panties. Sandra's biggest and smallest toes equalized and the nails quickly expanded into triangular blocks to become dew claws. The other three toes fused into a single clump and grew a single spade shaped hoof. This was actually hybridized from two animals already on its own, because the dew claws were from an animal with cloven hooves, but she had three hoof segments not four- there is no animal with just three. The hoof forming off the front cut the end of the sock open like a knife- without having ever stood on the hoof yet, its edges were actually quite sharp. Now the remains of her socks looked more like tiny, undersized leg warmers. As her skin stiffened further, it seemed to grow longer and build into folds toward the hoof. The skin on her leg became banded similar to a bird, but the bands became larger and more pronounced toward the bottom. This was actually overlap from another change that was yet to start yet.

Rather than let it grow past her underpants, Sandra curled the end of her growing tail into herself and dug into her own pussy. Because of this, she could feel the passage shrinking as her gender started to invert. She started thinking of all the boy meat that could be in her, but then started to think of what being with other women would be like, and finally most of her thoughts on women. Her clit swelled into a plump orb before stretching forward, becoming a little stiff tube. Thicker veins started to swell out from its base, and then it started to grow up and out at a faster, more rhythmic pace. Because her tail was growing thicker and pulling her panties down a bit from lack of room, her clit could freely grow out over the top of it uninterrupted. Her tail was both growing much bigger and what had already fit into her was being forced back out by her vagina shrinking! Her panties got stretched immensely over the curvature before snapping suddenly. Her tail flipped out under her skirt and thudded against the floor- catapulting the remains of her panties across the room in the process. Sandra was about to grab onto her mutating clit but noticed her arms and stopped to look them over. They were undergoing a similar change to her legs. The skin stiffened and darkened, becoming banded scales which also had the side effect of making her arms seem much bonier than they were. Her fingernails narrowed but then grew up and out, arching around into increasingly long points. Unlike her legs, her hands were not devolving into hooves, and the skin did not bulk up toward the end. Her hands were not reshaping into bird feet either- the features of a bird's feet were being applied to her human arms; so she would still have thumbs. Sandra made everyone else cringe from the sound of her dragging her talons on the floor. She crawled up off her rump and onto all four limbs. Her tail was almost as long as she is now and still growing. The skin was darkening like her limbs, but remained smooth human flesh in feel.

Her clit wobbled around in the open air under her skirt as it continued to grow and mutate. The fat veins grew faster than the clit itself, making it look heavily ribbed before it grew to more proper proportions after being fed with more blood. The nerves bunched mostly toward the end as it expanded and stretched to take on the shape of human glans, but then stretch further. Once it became long enough to shove the skirt out of the way and grow past, it seemed to collapse partially in on itself for a moment before lurching back forward an continuing onward. The collapse pooled skin at the middle point and base, forming a medial ring and helping turn what was left of her former clitoral hood into a furless sheath. The skin of the new born sheath bulked up tremendously, forming many thick folds of rubbery skin, and then continued backward as her labia fused together- now that the passage they bordered no longer existed. The huge folds of skin suddenly yanked taught as two spheres ejected from her pelvic floor and got caught in the scrotum. Now Sandra would officially be male. The waist of his skirt started to make strained sounds as his tail continued to expand massively, becoming too thick at the base for the skirt to handle. Sandra tensed a bit and pulled his shoulders back at the feeling of thousands of quills erupting from the skin of his upper arms and shoulders. The quills all quickly burst open into black bristles, forming large plumes of black feathers on his shoulders and upper arms only.

Sandra felt a warmth in his breasts and then a gentle pressure which caused an ambient pleasure in them as it tickled past all his pleasure nerves. His breasts started to gently swell outward, fattening up considerably. His areola widened a bit and the skin darkened to almost black to match his limbs. The areola then started to puff up, becoming shallow hills of their own as his nipples stretched thicker and then were pushed rock-hard erect and stretched longer too. As they wobbled entirely from their own growth and swelled heavier and fatter, Sandra's boobs started to push on his arms. He tried to spread them but realized the shift in his shoulder joints would not allow it!

"Uh oh..." Sandra looked to Othellow. "I can't move my shoulders around, my boobs are growing into my front legs!"

"You want me to stop their growth?"

"N-no, can't you.... uh... wait, spread the equine changes further up. Try not to give me fur though."

"Equine..? Okay, if you say so."

Othellow did as Sandra wanted, though did not see how that would help. Sandra felt all his muscles tighten and then flex on their own, swelling larger, causing him to groan in pleasure from the feeling. He was nervous though- he only really wanted one part of this change so they would need to cut it off as soon as it happened. Sandra's upper back muscles swelled larger and tighter, and the plume of feathers was stretched wider at his shoulders. His pectoral muscles then swelled and the growth surged into his neck. His neck popped several times as he groaned. It was getting longer but also a lot more muscular and veiny as well! His shirt tore at the seams for the sleeves first, then the collar as his neck became giant. It arched back and suddenly his breasts popped forward! A horses pectoral muscles are almost entirely in front of its legs instead of between- and human breasts sit on top of the pectoral muscles; move the muscles and you move the breasts on top as well! The torn remains of his shirt finally exploded the rest of the way off. He quickly told Othellow to cut it off there. Sandra could feel his heart beat in the swollen veins on his muscular neck. That change was not supposed to be there, but it let him keep the large tits he wanted without incapacitating his front legs. He was supposed to have full range of movement with his front legs too, but that change was already in place, so there was nothing they could do about that. The bottom curve of the breasts were still pressed into his upper arms but not enough to hinder them. They formed tear drop shapes that trailed up into the base of his now very huge neck. His chest was a bit more barrel shaped now too as a side effect.

Meanwhile, his tail is yet to even slow down in growth- though it had greatly slowed down in lengthening. It was now so tremendously thick at the base that there was a cone-shaped hill up half his spine leading into the tail in order to support its girth. There was ridges forming down its length on the back that stiffened into scales, but the rest of it remained untouched by them- they only grew in two rows. Her mutant clit was now gigantic and almost perfectly penile. The skirt finally snapped all the way off thanks to the tail, and as soon as the weight of the fabric on the front was removed his growing dick sprang up and slapped his underside! It looked almost perfectly equine at first- the near black skin of his tail and legs bled onto the scrotum and sheath but the shaft itself turned neon pink- just a deeper tone of his normal skin. The depression around the projected urethra however started to close in on it, and the urethra started to stretch further out. This created a small spike- like ridge on the glans, similar to a canine phallus. The bumps on the corona started to stiffen further and stretch out, taking on a pointier shape themselves, becoming rubbery barbs, taking traits from a snake penis! Sandra started to moan again and bowed his back legs to thrust forward a bit.

His dick was wobbling back and forth with his pulse, strongly enough that the wide, flared glans bounced off his underside repeatedly. The base of his dick started to swell enormously, causing it to look slightly malformed. He felt a swelling in his lower gut, and then a pressure. Then a slight, nauseating pain that made him scrunch up his face, bracing against it. Before the pain started to sharpen, the pressure forced the growth down very quickly and two more testicles erupted into his scrotum, just behind the two that were already there! By now Ken was no longer so distracted in exploring her own body and was watching these changes intimately. Both sets of balls swelled massively, becoming quite heavy, large horse nuts. The tubes linking them back into the torso also grew, creating fat bulges at the top of the scrotum as well, since there was twice as many as it was meant to normally hold. The base of the shaft was stretching wider but only up and down, and only the first half of the shaft, making it look badly mutated, but Sandra planned this change. A ridge started to form down the sides of the shaft as it continued to pull wider, and the ridge deepened. In a wet sticking sound, the ridge finally went all the way through and the base of his cock yanked in half! He spawned a second cock- only half the length of the first one! The dipped head and pointed urethra immediately gave its form away as a canine based dick! As it tensed automatically, twitching with pleasure, it banged against the mostly horse dick above it rubbing hot, tight, rubbery flesh together. A gigantic bulge started to form in the loose folds of the sheath and both dicks slowly started to stretch longer, though their size remained the same. The canine dick on the bottom started to develop what at fist looked like goosebumps, but erected into a stripe of tiny soft barbs- traits from a feline penis, but arranged only on the outer facing side. Both dicks lurched forward suddenly as the growing pressure in the sheath finally let loose, and both dicks bounced off one another and his underside! Two massive knots popped out of the sheath, forcing both dicks to full stiffness and locking them there. Both canine and equine based dicks ended in knots, and both were just as big- about the size of half a softball on either side of the dick! The equine phallus was meant to take the anus, while the canine filled the pussy.

Sandra felt the last of his changes taking place, his jaw clicked as his face started to push out, but then he seen strands of his hair falling away! "H-hey! I wasn't supposed to lose my hair, dammit! Anthro lizard!"

Othellow groaned. "Sorry. I tried. I think because the horse features advanced up your neck so far, it caused the reptile features to bleed further back than intended to meet them- and the reptile traits don't go well with body hair."

Sandra groaned and then glanced back at his tail, narrowing his eyes. His face started to pull away as his skull lengthened. He looked at the ridges down the tail... those were not supposed to be there. Why did they only form in two rows? Those were not scales. Those are scutes!

"Wait, whaur... wur... lrzrd hssss yur yusssss?" His voice distorted as his face rapidly got longer and his lips stiffened.

"You wanted something with a strong tail, and doing snake would risk your limbs becoming reduced, so, crocodile."

Ken looked at him surprised. "She meant a normal lizard like face!"

Othellow furrowed his brows and shrugged his hands outward. "'Normal' lizard? Normal for what lizard? If you wanted a specific one you should have said something, I am not psychic!"

Sandra meant something more along the lines of a Gila monster- a shorter, rounded muzzle better suited for an anthro reptile. Not the several foot long face of a croc! Then again, there was already quite a few things in both their transformations that did not quite match up with their vision. One was supposed to be a manticore and the other a bipedal, humanoid cockatrice, but Othellow wasn't sure he would use either term to describe these forms.

Sandra's face kept cracking and snapping as his teeth enlarged and sharpened and his skull stretched longer, and longer. His lips were stiffened flesh now no longer suited for human speech. His skull stretched longer and longer. He hissed and made deep roar-like growls, sounding much angrier and savage than he intended to. That was just what any of the sounds he tried to make came out as now. Like his limbs, the flesh of his face and then head turned near-black, and then traveled down his neck fading to normal skin tone halfway down. His torso remained normal human toned flesh, but because of their increased size, there was more matte black on him than normal tone. At least the massive neck better suited the crocodile face. Because of how his back bulged out to meet it, his tail was actually wider at its base than his actual torso, and the tail itself was twice as long as his entire body. Aside from the scutes on the back of it, it at least turned out as desired. Sandra curled it around and pressed the tip in on his butt, pressing in toward the prostate to pleasure himself as he made his way over to Ken.

Since it was twice as long, the mostly equine phallus went in first- though it took some gentle back and forth to get it all the way in, because the transformation had already locked it into full flare and generally it is supposed to already be inside when it flares. The barbs were stiff, but still only flesh and blood so they bend pretty easily, dragging gently on the walls of Ken's vaginal passage. They were angled downward so they went in a lot easier than they can be taken out. The colon is larger by default, so it got the larger dick, once it was half inside the canine dick touched Ken's equine lips and pressed in. Because they mounted in the doggy style position like most beasts would, the tiny but numerous barbs of the lower dick's cat traits dragged along the opening directly by the clit. They were a slight texture going in, but gripped and pulled gently on the outward thrusts. The sensations of the inner vagina are a lot more generic than the outside, so you could be rougher without hurting, so by the time the barbs dug in there was no risk of being too much. Sandra ended up nipping Ken's neck to hold himself steadier as he thrust, because his front talons were extremely sharp and he was less likely to accidentally lacerate her with his teeth than he was his talons. They humped away happily like this for a while, savoring the moment as Sandra just teased her holes with his double knot. When things heated up he finally popped them all the way inside and locked their hips together, forcing his thrusts to become quick and shallow since he could not pull his hips back without taking hers with it. The two passages ran so close together that when one runs out of space it just presses into the other to steal some of its space, but Sandra had two dicks, so both passages were fully occupied at the same time. The knots took up so much space that when he shoved in fully, Ken's massive mare clit popped out in pleasure and then got trapped! The knot stole the space it needed to pop back into place, trapping the clit! Because it was stuck exposed, Sandra's balls gently slapped against it every time he thrust in, and he had four so each swing was two impacts; one immediately after the other. Sandra slid his titanic tail under them, pressing it into all of Ken's nipples on the way up and basically formed a mattress for them of super thick tail meat, and then slid into Ken's mouth as a playful gag. Ken gently sucked on the end of the tail and moved her own scorpion tail around, twisting it around the base of Sandra's tail in a kind of embrace and then wedged the large bulb of the stinger against his butt to put pressure on his prostate- careful not to accidentally prick him with the stinger. A scorpion stinger actually arcs outward, not inward, so the stinger curved away from his taint in this position rather than curving into it.

Othellow was just watching television in the living room, trying his best to drown out the hisses and grunts from the other room. He would really rather head home already, but without him there the couple would be unable to revert to human afterwards. He sighed to himself, trying to think on the brighter side. Their forms were a bit messed up, but still worked well enough that they were able to get it on quickly afterward, and it sounded like they were having plenty of fun still with their mismatched forms. So this still turned out better than the children's party he was made to help with before this. Or the Siamese twins who asked him to use his magic to divide them before that. People really needed to stop asking him to do stuff with his magic- he has only been studying it for a month, he can barely pull a rabbit out of a hat.

To The Point

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Udderly Forgetful

(F tf Goat, mental) Kayla was over at May's house for the night. Both were drinking but May was only a little buzzed since she was the host. Everyone else had already left back home since it was very late at night, but Kayla was staying over...

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Hare Of The Fox

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