Hare Of The Fox

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A woman plays an interesting game where the losers get dared into using a transformation spell on themselves in public. Having put it off for long enough one of her friends manages to intercept her to make sure she cannot get away without doing it any long. A very odd flip of the coin however gives her transformation a bit more freedom than the others...

(F tf Fox/Hare hybrid)

Vicky was a beautiful woman, and she knew it. She was not mean spirited but she did have a habit of teasing. Her heels clicked on the tile floor of the mall as she entered. Her breasts were a C cup handful each- just enough to fill a person's palm, but she had legs for days. She wore heels, black leggings and a short denim skirt. Her bust was shown off well enough in her turtle necked black sweater- the fabric was flexible enough to hug the curvature of her girls. The sleeves were a tad long, but not nearly long enough to hide her long ruby red nails. Her hair hung to her shoulders and was normally pale sandy brown but the bottom half of her head it was dyed base blue, so it looked like the underside of her hair was a different color than the outer.

A handsome dark skinned man quickly walked toward her as soon as he spotted Vicky walking by. "Ah, there is our superstar."

"Oh! Uh, hey Rick. I was just heading somewhere, sorry I can't hang out t-"

"Oh, so you aren't just window shopping?"

She smiled a bit nervously. "N-no."

He held up his cell phone. "Like it says in your twatter post from fifteen minutes ago."

She finally stopped walking entirely and put a hand on her hip. "C'mon Rick. Not today."

"Or yesterday, or the week before that. Just get it over with! Madison and Orez both did theirs long ago."

Vicky had been playing an interesting game with her friends and landed on a transformation dare. One of the stipulations they drunkenly put onto the game however is that the transformation must be at least initiated in public- at least up to the part where they most likely have to ditch their clothes. Vicky is the last to fulfill her dare, but she also had a unique situation. A dice roll and a coin toss together determined what the transformation would be- the dice narrowed hers down to either a fox or a hare. When she flipped the coin though to determine if she went predator or prey, it landed on the most unlikely side- the rim. The coin was stood up on its edge- it didn't land on either side! Her friends allowed it, and said she could pick whichever she wanted.

Rick gave Vicky the enchanted coin- practically shoving it into her hand. He was not going to let her get away with putting it off any longer. She rubbed the coin between her thumb and index as she looked around. Vicky was going to have to be strategic about this. If she just wandered aimlessly while transforming she might shrink out of her clothes in the middle of a hallway. There was no laws against transforming wherever you wanted but there are laws against public nudity. Rick told her to come with him to the foot court and he would get her a drink. Of course, drag her to the most populated area of the mall- the food court is in the middle of the entire thing! Vicky flipped the coin to the fox side and activated it. Fox are considered more elegant and clever. Plus if she starts to get too small for her clothing she can use the tail to help hold her skirt up longer- a hare basically has no tail, just a big ball of fluff. It was hard to tell as she was walking if she was transforming already or just feeling hot from preemptive embarrassment.

"Am I... showing?" She spoke quietly to Rick.

He cocked an eyebrow and gave her a casual glance over. "Ears are a bit pointy- that is it so far. You have no problem showing off your own body all the time- why so uptight about showing off a body that isn't even yours?"

"It is still mine... sort of. Except I have no control over it. Plus people might think I am some sort of pervert changing in public."

"Well it wouldn't be much of a dare if there wasn't something embarrassing about it."

Vicky started to feel subtle twitches in the muscles of her face, making her tighten her lips and scrunch up her face occasionally in response. The cartilage in her ear was thinning, causing it to change shape without the skin itself changing yet. Her eyebrows also tightened a bit, causing them to be thicker and rounder instead of long and narrow. As they continued to walk as casually as possible toward the food court she could feel her tail bone start to extend. It was an odd subtle feeling, and she could feel it more on the bones the new vertebrae extended off from than the new ones themselves. The muscle expanding over the growing tail was considerably more of a direct sensation. Reluctantly she reached back and hooked a thumb under her panties and skirt and let them down enough to flick the growing nub over top of them so it didn't feel so cramped. She almost scraped her lower back by accident with her thumb nail and looked at her fingertips after- seeing her nails changing shape. They became narrow and sharp, their mass compressing to make them much thicker, though they did not extend any further than they already were- becoming small but sharp claws. Vicky kept the coin in her left hand; she had one last trick up her sleeve to ensure she can dash into a bathroom or out of the mall before her transformation got too far. They said she could take whatever form she wanted since the coin landed on its edge. When one transformation gets too far along, she will 'change her mind' and activate the other transformation, resetting the progress.


She reached up quickly at a prickling feeling in her eyebrows and scratched it, immediately feeling two stiff bristles. She was growing brow whiskers- the feeler hairs a fox has. Looking at her hand again as she brought it down she noted her skin was looking bruised on her palms and around her nails- it was turning black like a fox's 'gloves'. Her tail started to flick back and forth in agitation. She wanted to grab it and pull but that would absolutely call attention to it. The fur was starting to grow in on it, causing a milt itching. Vicky could feel her ears growing long and narrow now- actually changing shape as they too grew a light coat of fur on them. Rick pulled on her arm a moment snapping her out of her concentration on her own body just as another woman scowled at her, only a few inches ahead! Vicky blushed brightly and apologized- she had been concentrating on her own body as it changed so much she nearly walked head first into another person! They looked at her like she was a freak as they walked past. Oooh, they definitely noticed her weird partial form.

She sat down on a stool at a small table at the food court finally, sighing in releif. Vicky quickly spun on the stool and flicked her growing tail under the table toward Rick.

"Can you tug on it?"

He grinned. "Absolutely."

He reached under the table to grab it out of the view of other people and deliberately pulled too hard, almost yanking her off her stood and chuckling as she braced her back on the table to stop from falling. She leaned forward and he pulled back. Pulling on a tail can easily hurt an animal, but its because the first thing you grip is the fur, not the tail itself- so it would be like yanking on someone's hair. If you grip firmly enough and closer to the base of the tail, you will pull more on the actual tail itself, which does not hurt. Tugging gently on the lengthening fur helped it extend faster to ease the itch, and pulling on the tail itself helped stretch the muscles- since they are newly formed they have a need to stretch out and flex so her body knows they all work properly. The tail was getting big- fast. The tail itself was a good length but the fur of a fox tail is very bushy, making it seem even larger. The base was vermilion, then a line of black divided it from a snow white tip. Because of the tug of war between them though she was sat unusually firmly on the stool and yipped in surprise as she felt her pussy press into her panties! Her vulva was starting to change, which was triggering pleasure nerves and making her unintentionally horny- as well as causing the outer labia to project further out, making it rub against the fabric. She quickly took the coin out, flipped it and activated the other side.

Rick let go of her tail and cocked an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"I was changing too fast I... I panicked, and activated the other transformation to reset. It doesn't matter what one I turn into, so..."

He chuckled again. "It doesn't work like that."

Her heart skipped a beat and suddenly it felt like someone was tugging on her ears. "What do you mean?"

"Activating one doesn't cancel the other one. If you activated the other side that means you get both. Your now turning into a hare-fox hybrid."

Since both species are quadrupeds and pawed mammals, they have several features that overlap, which just caused those changes to do double time! Vicky went to dart to the bathroom immediately but Rick grabbed her tail again, halting her. Fully grown now it was sized up to her current body, so massively bushy and a hard target to miss. Rick told her the others waited till about the halfway point before they dipped out, though Vicky argued she was changing faster than they did. She glanced around at people looking over at them and quickly scoot back toward the table so Rick would loosen his grip enough for her to flick her tail out of his hand again. She then realized how large her ears must be and tucked them back quickly along her hair, hoping to blend them in. And they were starting to blend in a bit- but not how she intended. Her ears were black, but as the fur continued to come in it turned to vermilion again at the base, which was now starting to bleed into her actual hair, turning it from the roots out to the tips to the same vermilion- except her undertone since that was dyed in. Her ears were now beyond a fox already though, and showing no sign of stopping. A fox has long narrow ears already on its own, you add onto that the extremely long ears of a hare and you have ears so big they can hear tomorrow.

To get the people who were currently glancing over to stop she tried to act as calm as possible, leaning her elbow on the edge of the table as if to talk to Rick. Vicky never actually said anything to him, she just glared at him waiting for a queue to run again. Her leggings started to hug her uncomfortably and her labia turned into a small but plush black triangle- her vulva projected far enough out from her crotch because of her unwanted arousal that the soft rubbery flesh squished against the inside of her panties looking for more space than it had. Her torso squirmed as she felt tightening flesh all down her front- spots of darkening skin as additional nipples formed down her torso. Her hands were starting to look rather puffy and her fingers started to compress, making them shorter but much rounder. The skin on the base of each digit and the very tip of each digit ballooned out, now completely pitch black as her hands developed paw pads.

People were finally ignoring her again when suddenly she slipped seemingly out of the blue and smacked her head on the table. Rick grabbed her to keep her from falling completely onto the floor. She grit her teeth as her feet were cramping badly! Heels are already terrible for your feet to begin with, but her feet were now changing shape and completely trapped in the shoes! Her toes were getting stumpier but the sole of her foot was expanding faster than her toes were retracting. Rick tried to reach down and help her but realized it was too late- her foot was so deformed the shoe could not be removed. That was a serious problem- the shoe material was solid enough that she could potentially break something if she could not get it off. Rick took out a Rubiks cube from his pocket, each square had a magic rune on it. Rolling and twisting it in one hand to align the runes he wanted he cast a modifier on her quickly and she immediately felt relief. The shoe seemed to deform along with her foot- as if melting! He cast the same spell on the shoe, so it was becoming part of her altered form. That meant her back paws were going to have dark blue fur! As her feet stretched and pushed her toes past what used to be the shoes, their shape emerged again. Even her small sharp claws had a layer of dark blue polish on them thanks to the shoes now. She also gained a large claw on the back of her foot similar to a dew claw from the raised heel only partially merging into her. Since it stuck out so far, it only partially regressed and then was infused with the same material her nails are made out of, causing it to be an odd extension. The material equalized with her actual flesh, so there wasn't anything covering her. It went from a sensation of being clothed to being bare without taking anything off, which confused her brain a bit.

Her feet also transformed more rapidly than her hands thanks to the hare portion of the transformation. Her rear paws became massive, almost giving her cartoony proportions. Thanks to her slipping and slamming her head on the table, several people were once again watching Vicky. It still felt like someone tugging on her ears as they remained tucked beside her head, but were now so long they outgrew the length of her hair and were still going. She stifled a moan as her nose scrunched up on its own and her teeth felt cramped. The end of her nose started to reform, turning neon pink and a cleft formed leading from her upper lip to her nose. Rick smiled as he watched her chest- thanks to her heavy breathing he could see the curve of two more breasts below her existing ones. Her original breasts were C cup and did not change at all, but she now also had a B cup below those- and an A cup below those, and then a stray pair of nipples on her upper crotch that had no breasts at all. Only her original set of nipples retained areola though, the rest were just nipples only. Powder soft white fur started to grow on her throat and collar, making her shirt feel tight and making her uncomfortably hot.

"Riiick, I n-nee *YIPE* ah~. I need to leave now! *yiff*"

Rich was enjoying the show, and did not want to let her go since it had been so quick- but she did look about halfway already due to the acceleration of two changes at once. "Fiiine. Run away. Or... hop away?"

"*RRrff* Not funny."

She got up, wobbling a bit because she was not used to her changed legs. If she had just turned into a fox her soles would now be canon bones, but because she also turned into a hare the bones never fused- they bulked up tremendously but never wholly fused. Because a fox is digitigrade, but a hare is plantigrade like a human! This meant she could still stand with her ankles to the ground, but her feet were so gigantic that she would need to hop in order to move at any sort of speed, calling attention to herself. Standing on the fronts of her feet however made her exceptionally tall, which also called attention to herself. Her leggings were strangling her as well, causing her legs to tingle a bit because blood wasn't circulating correctly. Her putting weight on them was now causing it to be emphasized. She paused a bit to try and recover herself a bit when she reached the edge of the food court. There was several large garbage cans here Vicky could hide partially behind, and then long planters filled with fake plants that basically formed a wall around the food court itself so you could not see into it from outside or vise versa.

She straightened and went rigid in surprise as her thighs wobbled entirely on their own as a hole ripped in her leggings. Then several more! Her now extremely meaty thighs were exploding out of the fabric all on their own. Vicky was afraid to make a run for it because flexing the muscles in her thighs would annihilate the leggings in one go and probably trip her. She glanced around and quickly took her panties off behind the shelter of the garbage cans so at least her pussy wasn't constantly rubbing against them and dripping moisture. Her triangular outer labia was matte black, but the Y shaped opening was still faded to pink, and the insides were still magenta. The fur on her lower body started around her claws and was advancing up her legs now, which also pushed on her leggings. The fur was blue on her feet, then turned black at her ankles, then vermilion at her thighs. And unlike her hands, the pads on her feet were pink flesh, so her legs had four different colors! She felt the holes getting larger, join into one another and explode almost completely apart. With a nervous sigh she reached down using her claws to just rip the lower leggings off, since they were basically worthless at this point. Her thighs were absolutely gigantic thanks to the hare traits- and that also meant her skirt only covered the upper half of her now monstrously huge ass cheeks! She groaned and bowed forward almost falling onto all fours as her hips popped to make room for all the firm but jiggly mass.

Vicky seen the changes to her lower body were slowing and made a dash for it, now exiting the shelter of the fake plants at the edge of the court. There was already anthro people and the odd feral who were humans transformed in the mall, so she did not gain anyone's immediate attention. But generally people transform in the privacy of their own home, not just wherever the hell they happen to be. While the adults ignored her as she pranced across the hall, the wandering eyes of a kid with his mother immediately spotted her and seen her growing fluff. Vicky froze like a deer in headlights and her ears flicked up to hear what he was saying. Her ears were so giant now that when she raised them she actually heard a *whoosh* from them sweeping through the air! Around three feet long each and quite narrow, between the added length of her legs and her overly tall ears she seemed absurdly tall. If she was inside of any of the actual shops her ear tips would be brushing against the roof easily. As if triggered by the child pointing out how fluffy she was, the downy soft white fur on her collar increased in volume still more! She felt like shrinking away and falling through the cracks in the floor to escape their eyes as more and more people paused to look at her, now that one already was. Vicky at first thought she was dizzy from embarrassment but realized her actual perspective was changing! Both a hare and a fox are a lot smaller than a human! Her clothes were getting baggier as she started to shrink! Well, except her skirt which actually started to fit more like it was supposed to over her over-sized rump.

The mother with the child furrowed her brows progressively tighter, first at Vicky's ill fitting outfit, then as she realized Vicky was actually changing right then and there. The mother quickly covered the eyes of her child so he would not see, though the kid tried to squirm free and see anyway. Vicky opened her mouth to try and explain herself but all that came out was a high reverberance squeak as the second she tried to talk her jaw popped! The pressure in her teeth finally built too far and they started to grow. Most of her teeth became more narrow and sharp while not changing in size at all, but her front two teeth on top and bottom jaw started to grow larger while remaining flat slates for chopping. Her teeth quickly became bucked and too large to contain under her lips! Her top and bottom jaw were also extending, which caused her continued attempts to speak in her defense to only create odd chirping yipping sounds. She could still speak English, but not while her face was in the middle of changes. Her whiskers started to grow in as well during this and extended at a very fast rate since both fox and hare have them- doubling down on their size, making her whiskers extremely long!

Vicky's heart started hammering when she seen a security guard coming toward her and she jumped back and startled herself! She meant to hop back a pace, instead launching herself almost six feet into the air and ten feet back before slamming back down onto the floor. She hit the ground with enough momentum that she had to lean forward on her back paws to dig her claws into the floor to stop herself! She left foot long streaks in the floor from her claws by accident! She had jumped so far back on accident she made it all the way back to the fake plants in one hop! It took her a few seconds to sort out what she did, and the notice that no one else reacted at all. Everyone was frozen in place!

She turned when she heard Rick walking up behind her. "Wh...wha?"

Rick pocketed his Rubiks cube again after using a forbidden spell- he dislocated himself and Vicky from the timeline, which made it seem like time was frozen for everyone but them. "S-sorry. Look, I just wanted to make it fair for everyone, and the others went half before they bailed to the bathroom. Plus, they were getting a bit annoyed that you were putting it off for so long..."

Vicky looked at her paw-like hands, flexing them a moment and then glancing over the rest of herself. "How did you stop time for my changes too?"

"I didn't? Wait, you stopped changing?" He furrowed his brow a moment. "Oh! I think I know what happened. The transformation spell probably isn't an optimized version. Rather than have a fixed shape, it turns you into the animal version of yourself, so the appearance is modified to the individual. That means there is no set 'end point', but rather a degree of transformation. But you activated two at once. The two transformations combined hit their quota without fully transforming you into either. So because its part of two different things, it cut the cap for both of them in half. So you are half human, and then a quarter fox, and a quarter hare."

Her skirt once again fit properly over her gigantic butt and hips. Her shirt sleeves were now long enough to completely cover her hands so only her claw tips were exposed- still ruby red at the base from nail polish but exposed at their ends. Because she shrank, her top drooped off both shoulders but got caught on the massive floof of fur on her collar sitting over the cleavage of her breasts and equalizing around her neck. Though her skin was colored like her fur would be- the fur itself did not grow in outside of her collar and lower body. She noticed now that her tail was even more gigantic though. A hare has a tiny tail but the fur on it is very bushy- add that onto the long and already bushy fox tail and you get a gigantic soft tail. If you do not compress the fur, her tail was as wide as her actual torso, and just as long. Though paw-like, her hands did not extend any, so they still worked like normal hands- she still had thumbs. Vicky's hair had gotten a bit shorter, and the undyed outer layer turned vermilion but other than that; it too was largely unaltered.

After several minutes of just looking herself over she slowly turned back to Rick. "You... better hope no one finds out about you using this spell. You will get arrested in a heart beat for fucking with time."

He scoffed. "You're welcome..."

"N-no, I am grateful! You saved my ass, its just... watch your own ass too." She swept her huge tail across and brushed him with the giant fan of soft fur. "And I could personally use a de-stress after this. Maybe I can reward you~." Her tail was so bushy it actually took quite a bit of effort to move around- it wasn't aerodynamic.

Rick chuckled, grabbing the tip of her tail loosely before she could pull it back. "Mmm, why not right now?"

She lowered one ear out to the side and cringed. "Eww, in the mall bathroom? Not a chance..."

Rick laughed and pointed to the floor. "No I mean literally right here. Food court."

"What?! Surrounded by-"

"No one who can actually see us. We aren't linked to the timeline. To everyone else we seemed to vanish into thin air. We currently do not exist in the future, until we re-enter the timeline. We can see them, but they cannot see us." He tapped a person directly on the eye to no reaction. "And we cannot interact with them either- because time would need to progress for any of our actions to have consequences."

Vicky chewed her lip nervously. She was very reluctant, because everyone still looked like they could see, even though they cannot. They can't see her but she can still see them all perfectly fine which was embarrassing on its own. Rick rolled the Rubiks around in his hand some more and created a supernova of white rose petals over the food court and motioned toward it to usher her forward. Vicky sighed and went along. Rick set her huge butt into motion with a quick slap as she walked past. It jiggled, it did not ripple- it was not loose meat, it was muscle. If she actually broke into a full run she could likely clear the entire mall in less than a minute. If she actually tried hard enough she could probably tag the roof in the two-floor high central hall with a single jump. The top level of the mall was just administration basically, so no one went up there and there was no halls up there for traffic. The foor court roof was the highest as it went straight up to a sky roof, brightly illuminating the court in natural sunlight. She climbed up onto a stool, pressing her knees into the padded top while putting her hands up on the table. Vicky flagged her massive tail back and forth while sticking straight up to give him access to her rump.

Rick grabbed a huge globe of meat on either side of her butt and pulled them apart to find the plush vulva around the massive curvature- luckily it projected out enough that it was not too hidden. She had to ditch her panties already so he did not even need to make her strip. Her sweater was held in the front mostly by the floof just over her breasts, so the stretchy fabric was still not tight enough to hug her breasts in her diminished size. Every time Rick thrust into her, her torso rocking forward dragged all her erect nipples against the inside of her sweater, firing a sharp tingle of pleasure that made her torso move in a rippling motion in reaction. She loosely circled her tail around his hips, creating a massive halo of fluff around him. The plush labia dragged outward when he pulled out, following his dick a ways before springing back into place after each thrust. Braced against the table, he did not need to use his hands so he grabbed her extremely long ears instead, tugging on them lightly and brushing his thumbs over the soft fur on the backs, making her coo. Then he whispered into one of her ears that he could fill in the blanks the coin's spell left and her eyes went wide.

She felt the magic re-enter her, but she was too breathless from his steady thrusting to protest! Her face scrunched up, causing her little pink-tipped nose to twitch as her face started to push out even further. Her muzzle was that of a hare, but a fox has a much, much longer face. Her little claws made an unpleasant grinding sound as her hands slid further across the table because her spine was letting off hollow pops of its own in growth. Both her neck and torso were growing longer! It was certainly not getting any bigger however- at the same rate it grew in length her overall body continued to shrink in size! His cock felt bigger and bigger as she got smaller in comparison! It wedged into the sides of her pussy, digging deeper into her, stretching the walls of her passage. Her hips cracked loudly- but it was not with expansion this time, it was because it shifted its shape, and the position of the sockets her legs connected to, preventing her from walking upright! She can only walk on all fours now! Her face stretched even longer and more narrow, which only seemed to emphasize the size of her buck teeth. Her hands finally started to stretch, losing their human shape, causing her thumbs to drift apart from the fingers and devolve into a dew claw! Her torso was rapidly losing human definition and becoming more tube shaped. Rick's dick became more and more visible from the outside as a bulge in her abdomen as she continued to get smaller while he remained the same size! He was likely too big to fit inside of her; he was only able to fuck her at this size difference because he was already inside of her before she reached this size! Her gasps and moans raised in pitch, devolving to yips and musical sounding growls. Fur finally started to advance up her body, following the exact color patterns her skin had already outlined for it. Her arms were black up to the elbows then turned vermilion. The inside of her upper arms and the underside of her torso was bushy, soft white fur though. The white turned to grey as it trailed up the front of her throat to the sides of her head, forming a stripe of more hare-like fur before turning back to fox fur. As the fur grew in on her neck and to her head though- the hair on her head became shorter and softer, transforming into fur itself instead of hair and just equalizing with the rest. The dyed hair however remained dyed even as it turned to fur- creating a single large stripe of dark blue on the back of her upper neck.

Vicky was so small now that Rick could reach all the way around her torso with both hands to both hold her steady and flick her many nipples with his fingertips! He was so huge compared to her that he winded her every time he thrust in- she would not be able to hold herself steady without him holding onto her body. Her butt and thighs were still large enough that her rump easily filled the pocket of his crotch even still. Her skirt was just flopping back and forth with his thrusts- it was just draped off her, not even remotely fitting. Her shirt sleeves pooled on the table around her paws completely hidden under them, and the collar hung so loose off her torso you could see her rows of black nipples easily down her front even with the shirt still on. Her ears were still tall enough that their tips reached his face- so Rick nibbled on their tips which made her make several breathless chirping sounds.

Rick tried to slow down several times to edge himself a bit more to resist how amazingly tight she was gripping his cock, but eventually teetered over the edge and climaxed. He thrust so hard forward she slid up off the seat and up onto the table completely, causing him to grab her and pull her down while stepping forward to make sure he was in her as deep as possible while he came. There was absolutely no room for the cum to go around, so it pressurized and shoved itself further into her, expanding her to maximum capacity while caused her to climax almost immediately after. Her small body shivered from the orgasmic tremors. He had to be very careful when pulling out or he could cause a prolapse. When his dick came out it made an audible pop.

After they caught their breath, he sat in the stool and Vicky remained on the table. "So... now that we cleared up the outstanding dares from the last game night... want to plan another?"

She made several odd grumbling yips and chirping sounds.

"Right, you can't talk in this form." He paused a moment and pointed to a man in the background. "Hey, did you notice that old dude has been looking directly at you this entire time? I can't believe you suggested we fuck in front of everyone like that."

She nipped his hand quickly and then half-skittered and half-hopped around to collect her discarded clothing to get ready and finally go home.

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