Perfect Fit

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Two very drunk women stumble their way into the woods only to find their phone is possessed by a displaced Genie. They make a few... almost coherent wishes and the reluctant Genie is forced to grant them.

(Fx2 tf multiple hyper parts)

Beth and Sarah wandered into the woods late at night, bumping into each other often as they were both so drunk they were practically bouncing off one another to stay upright. They were going to cut across the back yards to get back to their own place much further down the block than the party, but when they wandered outside they forgot what they were doing and just kept going straight.

Sarah walked in a small circle, furrowing her brows. "Where did teh part... party go?"

Beth chuckled. "We left the party, dumbass. We are... in somewhere, I dunno. Why are we walking so muuuuch. I am tired." She flopped over a large boulder.

"You can't sleep there Beth! We are have to go to the... somewhere, because beds are nice- *hic*!"

"I can't see your bed from here! It's too daaaaark."

Sarah took out her cell phone, almost fumbling it. She mashed buttons in the general area of the app she wanted, using muscle memory to find her way to the flashlight app. As soon as she did though, it only flashed white a moment and then an almost naked woman appeared curled up on the screen, looking around confused.

Sarah furrowed her brow again. "Hey, I didn't have any women on here before... who is you?"

The woman looked at her through the screen, then around herself some more, looking a bit uneasy. "I uh... I am Jhul, a genie. I don't really know where I am..." On her side it was just a solid white void. "I guess whatever this is, is your era's equivalent of a lamp. Something must have happened to my original lamp, preventing it from being used."

Beth stood up and dashed over, almost tackling Sarah by accident, relying a bit too heavily on her friend to hold her up. "Wait so grant can y- you grant wishes? I can be a moneyanair?!"

Jhul looked queasy. Why did she have to always get the drunks? "Yea... you can wait though. Till you are... I don't know... sober enough to speak actual English?"

Sarah threw her arms up, almost forgetting she was holding the phone. "I wanna be big enough thingy so I can make out with Beth!"

Beth laughed. "Yur sexy. I wanna fuck too~"

"No, your sexeh, rawr~!"

Sarah tackled Beth to the ground- which was more like them just stumbling over each other and started kissing. The phone just fell to the ground beside them and Jhul let out a long, tired sigh.

"At least they saved a wish to undo this later..."

They rolled apart a moment and Sarah motioned both hands to her crotch like she was cradling a giant phallus. "And I wanna be BIG! Hahaha~"

Jhul cringed. "You... guys know that is three wishes, right? All of them? You can't just state multiple wishes and claim it as part of a single wi-"

"Make it so, Scotty!"

"Yea, beam me up already, haha."

Jhul let out an exhausted whine like a wounded animal and activated her magic. She was... fairly sure what they wanted. Obviously sexual, right? They wanted to have big sexual bits, and be able to take one another. Alright. Jhul is physically incapable of denying them, regardless of how idiotic the wishes may be, she is at the service of whoever has the lamp.

Beth gasped as she felt her nipples tighten suddenly. They felt rock hard, like someone was rubbing ice cubes on them. They were bloating up from internal pressure though- so they were hot, not cold. They pushed against her loose top causing her to thrust her chest forward from the feeling- sparking even more as they rubbed against the fabric. Sarah seen the change and scrawled up on her hands and knees and grabbed the nipples through the shirt and pulled! Beth moaned loudly and her nipples swelled even larger! Lines stretched across the front of Sarah's own top now, as her breasts swelled larger slowly but surely. Her own nipples did not change in size at all, but seemed to be getting unusually sensitive! Because her breasts were swelling, her nipples were getting pushed against the inside of her top as well.

Soon it felt like Sarah was holding onto two fingers through Beth's top- her nipples were huge! They itched with blood pressure as they just kept swelling larger, and the increased surface area caused the pleasure nerves to branch, making it feel better and better! They got so big they bent against her shirt, finally forcing her to reach down and yank her top up to rest on top of her handful sized breasts! Her nipples had been soft powder brown, but now they were dark brown and her areola stretched into a soft dome at the base! When she seen them directly her breathing became rapid in confused arousal. She knew something was wrong but was too drunk and horny to actually piece together what. Each nipple was as big around as a one dollar coin, and longer than any of her fingers! Even cow teats aren't quite that big! Once the shirt was off them, they twanged back to sticking straight out. When Sarah flicked them they bounced around before jiggling back into their straight-out position. They were spongy and rubbery, but stiff from pressure. Beth swat her hands away because she was being too gentle- it was an agonizing tease. Beth grabbed both her nipples, wrapping her full hand around them and yanked them away over and over, stretching the nerves inside- scratching the itch they felt. It almost looked like someone jacking off two dicks. Their porous surface made them look sort of like tiny pool noodles.

Sarah's own top was starting to hinder her breathing, because it was being pulled tighter by her swelling boobs! Her nipples were so sensitive she squirmed uncontrollably whenever the fabric moved against her, so she decided to yank her own top up like Beth had. She had a much harder time getting it off! She crossed her arms across her boobs to grab the bottom of her shirt and had to shimmy the fabric back and forth to yank it around the increasingly round curve of her tits. Once they popped out, her breasts dropped into her lap! Each one was easily the size of her head and still growing! Her areola had been the same soft brown as Beth but was changing in the opposite direction! Instead of getting darker, hers were turning lighter and blushing- going from soft brown to pink, and then to magenta. The areola swelled up separately from her breasts, forming soft hills. Again though- her nipples did not alter size, so as the areola swelled larger her nipples sunk deeper in, and with a feeling like someone flicking them hard- they popped in entirely! Her nipples inverted.

Sarah scrunched up her face and squeezed her tits as it felt like something was growing inside of them. She felt movement on the inside and a sudden expansion moving from her nipples to deeper inside- this caused her breasts to pull from tear drop shaped to more spherical and rise slightly out of her lap when they were forced rounder. Their weight oddly was not increasing as this growth was going on- their mass was not actually changing, just shape and structure. She started to feel her own itchy need for touch from her nipples. Her areola puffed up even more, with a plush cleft in the middle where her nipples used to stick out from. She reached up and touched them and was surprised at how deep the cleft was! Her fingers slipped inside and it felt... slippery? Moist? Her nipples felt ultra sensitive and had migrated to the top of the cleft.

Before Sarah could figure out what happened through her drunken haze, Beth exclaimed she needed to rub her mega nipples on her soft tit flesh and fell over on top of Sarah! Beth's nipples were now as long as her entire hand, and sunk completely into the openings at the front of Sarah's tits! Both women cried out in surprised pleasure and arched their chest out- causing Beth's nipples to penetrate deeper and the two sets of boobs collide and squish together at the front! Sarah's nipples were now clits! Her areola were puffy labia- her boobs grew into huge vulvas on her chest, and Beth's giant nipples were so large they can be used as dicks! Beth was fucking Sarah, both using their breasts! The first two wishes were to be able to have sex, and that they would fit each other perfectly, so this is what they got. Sarah made another wish though- motioning to her crotch and saying she wanted to be big.

Beth held herself up with an arm on either side of Sarah and was basically doing push-ups; dropping herself on Sarah to penetrate her over and over with her mega nipples. Lube drooled from Sarah's pussy tits and smeared over both of their breasts, making them shiny and slick. Sarah was changing again, but this time much lower! Her clit swelled large, forcing its hoodie to pop off which caused its bare surface to touch her panties, making her moan sharply. Since Beth was in control of their tit fuck, she had her hands free to frantically feel around to grab her panties and get them off before the overly sharp pleasure drove her nuts. The clit has its own hood of flesh because it is generally too sensitive to be touched directly- but hers now outgrew the hood considerably. As it continued to grow chubby veins bulged around the base trying to sustain it, and it grew longer now more so than thicker. It changed from a large marble in shape to more of a tube with a slightly bulbous end. It grew so long it stared to make her thrust her hips and squirm uncontrollably again as it rubbed on her skirt, pushing the fabric further and further up. It got a bit thicker toward the tip, so it was not perfectly rod-shaped, but more closely resembling a small baseball bat. The veins on its surface throbbed aggressively and fattened larger, spreading further around the giga clit. The skirt finally flopped off it entirely, pushed aside from its gigantic size! It was so large now that when it twitched from a powerful throb, it slapped against Beth's pussy above!

Beth paused a moment to look back at it and froze for several long seconds trying to understand what she was looking at. It looked just like a baseball bat, except covered in fat veins and throbbing. It did not just resemble a bat in shape now- it was actually so large that it matched it in size as well! Beth was quick to yank her pants down and sit on it, but paused immediately when she felt the round end plap over her vaginal opening. That was... much too big. It was slowing to a stop but it actually was still growing a bit, and it already did not fit. If Sarah tried to cram that into her, she would tear! Jhul knew this already though- and their previous wish still affected this luckily. They had wished to be perfect fits for each other. Beth grunt and thrust her hip down slightly on reflex, grinding against the growing end of Sarah's throbbing meat bat. Beth's pussy clenched on its own and blood rushed into her vulva, causing her pubic mound to swell out and blush pink. Her pussy started drooling and relaxed, but continued to swell outward!

Though the giant clit still did not fit inside- the rapidly fattening labia swallowed it up and progressed down over the end on their own, like soft rubbery pillows. Beth's own clit grew, but only to match her pussy, so its proportions remained normal, swelling up into a large marble in size. There was a surge of automatic pleasure and pressure up into Beth and her upper crotch swelled outward to make room! Her entire vaginal passage was increasing in size, deforming her torso slightly to accommodate! Suddenly the giga clit made a wet popping sound and burst into Beth! The pleasure spike was so powerful her legs collapsed out from under her and she unintentionally skewered herself on the clit! A huge bulge rammed out just under her belly button as the round end of the clit slammed into the side of her inner pussy! Sarah bottomed out, but Beth's extremely huge pussy ground her fat labia into Sarah's own. Beth's nipples penetrated Sarah, and Sarah's clit penetrated Beth! The two ground and thrust their bodies together in wave motion, penetrating and being penetrated at different points. The forest was filled with wet squelching sounds as they slapped their plush tender flesh together.

Jhul sighed and shrugged. Her job was done here. As stupid as the wishes were- at least they were having fun with it, and no one got hurt. Jhul has granted more dumb wishes than smart ones- and the worst of them often resulted in someone's destruction, so compared to that at least; this wasn't that bad. Although, since neither of them actually had a dick, there was no true climax. They were both female so fully able to climax multiple times- there would be no defined end to this, they would just keep fucking till they exhausted each other into falling asleep. Jhul shrugged and then blinked out of existence from the tiny screen. At least they were a perfect fit for each other.

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