Rubbing Off

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man has trained an eagle and a stallion, but cannot train his lackwit bloodhound. A magical friend from afar offers a magical relic that might just be able to solve the problem. By merging with his animal familiars he will hopefully be able to rub off on them and increase the depth of their understanding and bonds. Of course; it could work the other way around as well.

(M merge Golden Eagle, Shire Stallion, Bloodhound, and TF)

Gan turned the thick leather gauntlet he wore on only one hand to look at all the tiny scratch marks on its surface. "Uraian! It's getting late."

The bird made one shrill call circling overhead once before plopping down onto his gauntlet with its massive talons. Uraian is his golden eagle- trained to hunt for him. Uraian is excellent at demolishing birds smaller than himself, which in this area is... most birds. Gan then uses the steady supply of feathers to craft arrows to hunt other prey as well. With a gentle pat on the thigh of his horse, Gan set him in motion back toward the house. His horse an extremely muscular shire stallion- ungelded, because Gan needed him to be spirited to push him further. His horse Malt was vital in helping him build his home out here in the first place, and continues to be a big help with large prey that Gan most certainly cannot carry himself. They live in the Hinterlands, at the edge of the drawn maps, so there was no store to go to for food, and they needed a good store of it for when winter came, and it was already autumn. At their side on the ground, a droopy faced bloodhound; Seeker. Because of the way his eyebrows drooped at the edges, his face always looked like he was pleading with you for something.

Today they were just out for exercise; they had not gone far enough from their cabin to find anything. Seeker going out to the bathroom prevented any intelligent prey from going anywhere near the house because they could smell his pee. Gan did not even use reins or saddle for Malt, he rode bareback- grasping the mane to give him subtle directions if he was being stubborn, but most of the time he listened to verbal directions. When the crew returned home, Gan smiled at he dark figure standing by the door to his cabin, wrapped in a very heavy bear fur cloak lined with raven feathers around the collar.

"Crow, it is good to see you. How is life in the city?"

Gan could barely see the glimmer of Crow's blue eyes under the shade of the hood. "Fair enough. Everyone has something to complain about, but I wander so frequently I seem to be immune to most of it. How goes the hunt?"

"Well enough that I shan't starve, but little else. It still amazes me how useful my two animal companions can be-" He motioned down to Seeker. "-while he is merely company."

Crow knelt down and Seeker plodded over to him to sniff and lick his hand. "He isn't the brightest torch, is he? Will he not chase rabbits at least on instinct alone?"

"Chasing and actually killing are two different things. Rather than spook prey toward me he just chases them off into the sunset. Never mind the prey- I will be lucky if I catch Seeker again. On top of all that, another friend of mine moved off and could not take his dog with him, so now I have another."

"Oh? Did not take them with you today?"

"No, the new dog is a doberman, female. Doberman may be good at catching rodents and pests around the cabin and keeping it safe from invaders, but they are not the type of dog to bring out on a hunt. To make matters worse, she is in heat so I have to keep her locked up separated from Seeker."

Crow nodded. Given how disciplined his other two companions are, that seems like it would indeed be a bit frustrating. Then suddenly Crow snapped his fingers. and started rummaging through a satchel at his side. Claiming to have a solution to Gan's problem, Crow held out an offering hand to him with a small crystal cube in it roughly the size of a die. The crystal looked a bit murky from little scratches somehow inside its surface, but Crow explained they were very tiny runes, and held the crystal up with one hand and his open palm. The sunlight shone through the crystal and the light it cast on his other contained the shadows of many words in a language Gan did not recognize. Crow explained it was very hard to make and it was not super sturdy, so if he gives it to Gan, he must promise to keep it safe. It was not exactly a solid crystal- it had been made of dozens of crystal sheets Crow etched with parts of a spell, and then fused together to form the cube. It contains a spell that will pull two living entities together and fuse them in one body! Crow hummed in thought and then clarified that it wasn't necessarily two, you could merge as many entities as there are facets on the crystal- so six since it is a cube.

"A neat trick but... how would that help me fix Seeker's brain?"

"You can share a body with him. How closely the two are mingled depends on how long you channel the spell. If you activate and then cut it off right away you may only be linked by a small patch of skin and nothing else. If you channel it all the way through; neither being will exist anymore and instead a new entity composed of the two. You can go till you mingle your two minds together and your thoughts and personality will rub off on him. At the very least- if he truly is just an idiot, you will be able to understand him better and perhaps learn to work with each other better."

"What about undoing the spell?"

"Oh, you just use the crystal again. It cannot fuse two things that are already fused, so if either of the already fused beings try to activate the crystal it will work in reverse."

Gan took the crystal with a bit of reluctance. He was not as experienced with magic as Crow. Since Crow lived in the city, he would leave the crystal with Gan for at least two weeks. It took a day and a half of riding to even reach Gan's house in the hinterlands, so he would just let him keep it for a while. It was a pain in the ass to visit too frequently. Gan invited Crow in for dinner before he set back to the road. That night he slept dreaming of the possibilities of the crystal. He was nervous about using some kind of magic, but eager to fix Seeker and finally teach that old dog some new tricks. He also thought of other possibilities too though. Gan decided he would wait on using it with Seeker... he wanted to test it on Uraian first. What was it like to fly?

The next day Gan woke with the sun again. From the second floor where his bedroom was, he could see out over the subtle green hills that lead up to the dense woodland of the hinterlands. Lots of wild horse running around out there- Malt would love to join them, though he himself was brought from the city.

Gan called called Uraian down from his roost in the rafters of the first floor. He turned the crystal cube in his hand, a bit nervous about using it. It also occurred to him he should probably not be wearing any clothes. What if the clothes get merged with him too? He stripped naked and held up the cube again. Now he was nervous about it not working fast enough. If Uraian attempts to land on him and it doesn't merge right away, he will shred Gan's flesh even without meaning to. He called Uraian to him and braced for impact, activating he crystal with his other hand. Because Uraian was swooping down, there was enough momentum for the impact that it vanished almost entirely into Gan's arm right off the bat! His arm rippled bizarrely like it was made of liquid, and a huge bulge could be seen where the bird somehow stuffed itself! It felt like something touching his arm, only on a part of his arm that normally can't feel that. The mass moved toward his body but also stretched out, mixing more with his own body. Before Uraian's body properly mixed, there was a brief moment where Gan could feel both Uraian in his body, and also his body around Uraian. Their nerve endings crossed signals before the smaller body got mixed completely into the larger.

Gan was a bit confused a moment; standing on the floor felt unnatural and he wanted to fly up, but also knew that he could not fly. It was Uraian's thoughts bleeding into his own. Gan wobbled and fell over against the wall as his legs suddenly started to stretch. His nails darkened and became taller and longer, growing at a steeper angle to hook back forward. The skin at he base of the changing nails stiffened and became the banded scales of a bird leg, and slowly started to spread from there. The body of his foot was the fastest change, because it had the most to alter. The bones of his foot united into one and grew tremendously in length. Because he was leaned against the wall Gan had to spread his legs further out as the fastest way to compensate the changing length. His toes all grew in size and length as his nails finished turning into dark talons and clicked on the wood floor with every movement. What had been his foot was now another segment to his leg- his ankle now far off the floor as the final segment of the leg was equal in length to his shins. Normally a bird's thigh sits up beside his pelvis on either side making them almost invisible without plucking its feathers off, but his did not change. His toe count and orientation also did not change, so he still had five toes unlike any known bird. Since one toe was still bigger than the others, the larger talon on it made his feet almost resemble a veloceraptor.

Gan stood up off the wall from the prickling feeling in his tail bone as quills and then feathers bloomed into a rather small fan. Two shoulder blades formed at first below his own, but then as the muscle developed they slid up over his- since the joints faced backwards, the blades could overlap without interrupting each other. He could not completely see, so was left to simply feel the growth behind him from little flesh tubes to proto limbs to gigantic wings... which actually still just looked like tubes really, without feathers. The feathers grew in not too long after, and came in fast. Which was good, because the quills growing out caused a really prickly feeling and even an odd itch in his bones. The largest feathers grow straight out of the bone in the wing, so they are in there deep. Gan did not even notice, but his mid length messy black hair turned gold to match the feathers as well, and his vision sharpened. Everything seemed clearer but also a bit closer than they actually were- like having a magnifying glass taped to his face, which took his depth perception some catching up to adjust to. The final change was a layer of hard orange material growing down the bridge of his nose, giving it a slightly hooked end.

They were almost fully merged, but not completely. It also seemed to leave large sections of his body completely unchanged, since the second body was much smaller than the host. Had he merged completely his thoughts might be a bit more jumbled, and he would have odd hybrid arm-wings instead of proper wings. Without a full bird tail he could not fully soar, not to mention his body shape was not nearly as aerodynamic as Uraian, so he had to work much harder to stay in the air. Ganian flew over his house, nervous at first about falling if he went too high. Sure he was still naked, but who the hell is going to see him in the middle of nowhere? The morning sun was nice and warm anyway so the only chills he got was from experiencing the ability to fly! The air up high was crisp, but thin. He could see things so far away! Both because his eyes were better and because he was so high up. The Uraian part of his brain was enjoying having such a large and stronger feeling body! He was imagining all the prey he could bring down with THIS body. He could probably dive-bomb a bear and eviscerate it with these ten huge talons! Before Ganian knew it, it was noon. The sun that had been peaking over the horizon when he started was already warming his back and spread wings. So finally he flew down first to the roof and then to the ground. The Uraian in his mind was quite reluctant to land on the actual ground and dull its talons. He activated the cube again and Gan was slammed back against the door to his cabin while Uraian was launched out of his chest! Uraian looked at him as soon as it found a perch, and it seemed like it had a better understanding. Even after dividing, they had that memory shared in the same body. The crystal worked well, it felt like a bit of Uraian's prideful hunter's nature had rubbed off on Gan.

From flying around earlier though, Gan got to thinking about all those wild horse. They are competitive by nature, and Malt always wanted to challenge them to a race, or go play with them. Gan always felt a little bad about never letting him go, but he did not know if he could get Malt back if he ran off with a herd of wild horse. He figured it was easier to just not let him go than it would be to get him back. But, as Gan thought about it, rolling the crystal in his hand... there wouldn't be a problem if Gan was inside of him. If they fuse and become Malgan, Gan can influence him to return when the time comes. And so, Seeker would have to wait till the evening for his fusion. Gan took Malt out for a walk, and headed up toward the fields where the wild herd play. Again, naked, just in case. And Malt was naked too, since Gan never geared him up in the first place. He activated the crystal, and only at the moment of activation did it occur to Gan the fusion would not be the same as last time. Malt was not smaller than he is- he is a lot bigger. Malt wasn't going to be pulled into him, he was getting pulled into Malt.

Because he was riding Malt, he basically fell right into him! It felt like falling into a thick, heavy liquid! It rippled and waved with Malt's muscle movement. He reared up and neighed sharply in surprise, not knowing what was going on. To his surprise, Gan fell out the other side! He held his hands out to stop his fall but slowed to a stop before they touched the ground! His arms were... inside of Malt's front legs! The sensations started to blend, he started to feel all of Malt's legs, and could no longer feel his arms as seperate objects. There was still a strip of human flesh on the upper insides of his front legs, but otherwise the rest was blended. The muscles in his hands felt cramped and both of then grunt, clopping the front hooves down hard, grinding them again the ground till suddenly there was a loud sound like splintering stone! The hooves broke into three segments! Small shards fell off to smooth the edges of the break and they wiggled their newly formed toes! It developed three pseudo toes, instead of one. Gan looked down to see his own chest, just barely sticking out far enough to protrude from Malt's underside, with a mat of brown fur on his chest like chest hair would normally be. His neck stuck out between the lower cleft between Malt's pectoral muscles, and his entire head was divided still. He had no hair on his head, and instead two inches worth of length extended from Malt's mane, having absorbed it. They both groaned a bit feeling their shared butt swell a bit larger and rounder, and his legs grow in size too. This put them a bit off balance, as the rear legs were now larger than the front. In the lower half, Gan was entirely blended, so rather than human aspects show up, he just added raw mass to what Malt already had. Well, he supposed they did not become Malgan after all- their heads were still completely apart.

Gan tried a few times to see if he could take charge, but only ended up tripping up Malt, so he decided to just leave him to it. Malt knew better about how to walk on all fours. The feeling of sharing this body was amazing too, even though it could not fly. His body felt so tight, so muscular! He almost wished there was someone to hitch something to them so he could test his strength, see how much he could lift! Gan used muscle twitches to direct Malt without making them trip and brought him to the other horses! He took off almost immediately! Several wild horses raced along beside him, eager to challenge the newcomer. None seemed to particularly notice the human merged into his body. Malt was not nearly as fast as these horses- his muscles were too large and heavy, his footsteps were noticeably louder as he thundered against the ground. He did not stop running till their lungs were burning. Their heart pounding, adrenaline flowing! No wonder horses were so competitive- with bodies this fabulously built how could you not want to push it to its limits?

Gan was surprised when he felt a jet of hot air on their nuts, and looked back to see a young mare with her nose to their crotch! Malt turned and nipped at her playfully and she turned to swat him in the side of the face with her tail, but then flicked it the other way and held it there. Her matte black labia parted to show the vibrant pink inner folds as her ping-pong ball sized clit popped out a moment, letting a strand of lube drip out around it. Malt's nostrils flared and he reared up several times in a row quickly, inching forward. Gan was going to stop him but Malt's muscle mass compared to his was giant. He was going to say something, but before he could Malt landed on her back and scoot up with several long thrusts! He could feel Malt get an erection but not his phallus! Instead, a human dick emerged from the sheath above the equine! Their dicks were divided still, but one getting an erection still forced the other to as well. Malt hammered both their cocks into the young mare causing her to neigh and thrust her large muscular butt back, filling the pocket of Malt's groin. Gan's own chest was on her beck, his head resting on it under Malt's neck. He did not want to admit it, but the mare felt wonderful on his dick. Especially so, since she was not meant to take two penis at once, so the little bit of added girth the additional human phallus gave made her feel extra tight!

As they grunt and thrust, Gan's mind blanked, since he was unable to do anything to resist anyway. Both were too absorbed into the act to pay attention as their bones started to pop quietly under their skin. Their flesh and muscle started to creak as it stretched! Gan's pectoral muscles stared to grow larger and more bulbous, the veins in his neck throbbing huge. Malt's face started to compress, his skull shrinking a bit. Malt's cock started to shrink in size as well, but the front of his glans started to bulge out and becoming much bigger, stretching the glans into a more helmet shape! Gan's dick grew massively, and developed dark patches to better match Malt, as the glans of his dick stretched wider and became bumpier at the corona as his urethra stuck out a bit! Instead of a human and a horse penis- there was two half human and half horse dicks! The mare's front legs buckled in pleasure from being stretched double wide and her front half went down, further projecting her butt up into their crotch. Gan's neck grew gigantic, both in length and width, and his nostrils flared as his face started to stretch out. Gan's head became a part horse human head, and Malt's became a part human, horse head.

Luckily, horses are not known for their sexual stamina, and it did not take very long for them to cum. Once they climaxed and their twin dicks started to go soft, Gan immediately tried to take charge and get them back to the house to undo their fusion! Malt was feeling tired and no longer particularly cared what happened so he went along with Gan without a fuss. While the experience was quite enjoyable for both of them, Gan shared a bit more than he would have wanted to with Malt and was glad to get back to their cabin and end the fusion. He should have brought it with him on the trip just in case, but also the crystal was a delicate little thing and he did not want to give it back to Crow all scuffed up.

This experience with Malt also made him more conscious of how far to take a fusion and how to go about it. The size of the bodies as well as the way they collide seem to affect how the fused form turns out- at least if you do a partial fusion. If they 100% fused it wouldn't matter. The fused form also changed without the crystal with Malt. It seems the bodies naturally want to equalize and find balance, so when Gan went along with Malt he became more like Malt. Lust was a hard thing to fight, because who intentionally avoids a good time? Luckily that won't be an issue with Seeker. There is only one other canine around these parts and the female doberman Coffee is locked in Gan's bedroom. Even if Seeker somehow wrestled control away, he can't open the door.

Gan looked at Seeker, who just stared back with a blank look on his face, wagging his tail for reasons even he doesn't know. Gan held the crystal in one hand and wrapped his hands around Seeker, lifting him up so his back was to Gan's chest. Gan is again the larger of the two bodies, so the dog merged into his body through the chest. There was again the strange feeling of being able to feel the body inside and outside as their nerves crossed before they too fused together. Gan's torso bloated and rippled and it felt like his upper torso was being pulled apart, though without pain or even resistance. Seeker's head never got fully absorbed, his neck sunk in and then shifted up the torso before re-emerging beside Gan's own head! His tail bone felt tingly and started to stretch but then nothing else seemed to happen to it. Seeker only had a thin little tail to begin with, so equalized with a human body it basically was not a tail at all, just a plump nub where one would be. The flesh on the tip and base of each of Gan's fingers and toes started to puff up, and his nails felt like someone was trying to squeeze in on the sides of them. His nails became a bit more narrow, but much thicker, darker, and then longer- but remained blunt on the ends- the dull claws of a dog. While the structure of his hands remained entirely unchanged, his feet stretched a bit. He could still walk on his soles, but the extra length made it feel just weird enough to make him not want to walk like a human. He raised his ankles a bit and walked on the front of his feet- which was easier thanks to the inflated flesh at the base of his toes. His shins, forearms, and chest all quickly developed a mat of brown fur where body hair would be. His black hair started to turn brown at the roots but stopped there. His pubes were replaced with black fur, and a stripe of brown fur filled the depression of his scrotum, between balls.

It took nearly fifteen minutes for Gan to stop Seeker from trying to flail around wildly, causing their shared body to lurch randomly from mixed signals. Gan had most control of their body, but Seeker still had some control- his confusion at how this works caused him to randomly flail about, which made it impossible to do anything else. Gan also found he had a half chub for seemingly no reason- no doubt also Seeker's doing. Determined to show Seeker how to do things, he finally got dressed and they set out with a bow and arrow to see if any small game could be spotted. Once Seeker seen their body moved on its own if he just did nothing, he mostly relaxed and let Gan do the work. He did kick about randomly a few times trying to get dressed- not liking the idea of putting socks or shoes over his paws, or caring much for anything touching his paws ever, really. Gan actually did not care for it either now that his feet were sort-of paw like, because nothing fit correctly, but he did it anyway. He almost grabbed the leash to put that on too when he was heading out but smiled at his absentmindedness and put it back. Since their heads were apart, Gan had zero control over what Seekers head and neck did, and sighed in frustration when Seeker barked on two separate occasions when they heard rustling in the brush. They can't catch anything if Seeker scares it off! His erection was rubbing against his underpants now that he was dressed too- reminding him it is there. It was persistent too, never softening. He rubbed his crotch and found an extra bulge. Gan opened his pants to look at it directly. It had changed more than he thought- but it wasn't noticeable when it wasn't fully erect. Their dick had a slight bulge at the base that was stone-hard, and the urethra stuck out from the still human glans giving it a bit of a point.

Gan could see their hunt was going nowhere today, and they were losing daylight fast at this point so he just returned home. It was hard to think of anything but the raging hardon in his pants. It had been fully erect for some time now- isn't it supposed to be bad if you have an erection for too long? The blood could coagulate while inside of the dick and make it impossible to go soft. Seeker kept trying to lick him randomly but their heads were too close together, he could not reach Gan's head so he just ended up rubbing his loose flappy jowls on his face. Seeker's left ear and Gan's right ear kept rubbing together too, but that was more pleasant. His ears were floppy, silky smooth skin too, but his ears aren't moist and smelly like his jowls often are. Gan left the crystal on a window ledge like last time at the cabin, not wanting to take it with him at risk of something happening to it. He also did not want to leave it inside of the house in case something happened to his hands and prevented him from being able to open his door to get to it. When he got back to the cabin to give up the hunt for the day though, Gan was horrified to see the crystal on the ground, broken in half! He knelt down to examine it, and it felt a little wet. He did not know how, but knew it was saliva on the crystal. Seeker must be able to identify the smell, and Gan is getting the thought as a crossed signal. Gan looked at Malt wandering around the front of the house, nibbling the grass. Oh no. The crystal looks almost exactly like a sugar cube. Malt tried to eat it while they were gone, and spit it back out when he realized it wasn't sugar.

When Gan got in, he immediately sent out his messenger pigeon to contact Crow back in the city- they needed another crystal immediately! It would take time for the pigeon to get there and for Crow to notice though, and then still longer to make a new crystal, and then even longer to travel out to get it to Gan. Gan was looking at three or four days bare minimum before he could divide from Seeker again. He let out a sigh so long and exaggerated it sounded like a balloon deflating- and the balloon was his spirit. Eating dinner that night was tricky. He put Seeker's food dish up on the table so they could both eat, but every time he tried to bring the fork up to feed himself Seeker snatched it up- because he is right handed, and Seeker is on the right side! In order to eat his food without Seeker trying to steal more off his plate, he had to lean his head over like an animal guarding its kill. He grumbled at Seeker whenever he tried to hustle in on it, and shoved his head back with his own head. Seeker understood those signals, they were very animal. After dinner, as awkward as it felt, Gan needed to get rid of the damn endless boner. He did not even have the luxury of doing it in his own bedroom, because he did not want to have to deal with Seeker flailing around again once he came into close contact with Coffee who was locked in there. She already had her own food and water, so Gan only had to worry about letting her out to go to the bathroom quickly and then scooting her back in.

As Gan grabbed his dick, it felt a bit odd but not unpleasant to hold with the pads on the inside of his hand now. He worked the shaft, and as he did, the skin started to feel a bit looser than usual. He kept shifting his position higher toward the top as the foreskin kept pulling back further than it should have been able to. Every time he pulled it all the way back to its new low, the skin on the upper shaft pulled tight and turned a bit more red. It took a few seconds of pistoning the shaft for the foreskin to shift position again, but by the time it fully stopped it was as low as the mini knot at the base! The entire rest of the shaft exposed and red, while the foreskin was loose, thick, and pulled back so far it almost formed a sheath. Almost. Gan found himself hammering his dick harder than usual- because pounding down on the top of the small knot felt quite good. Doing that worked himself into a bit of a pant though- so both he and Seeker were panting. Seeker kept trying to thrust his hips instinctively, but because they were sat down like a human, he could not move their hips far. Seeker howled in pleasure and Gan let out a long moan as they came explosively for some time- the knot throbbing with each stream. Gan did not notice his teeth all sharpening as he moaned.

The next day was a pain in the ass too. After having to sleep on the couch to keep Seeker from Coffee, he still had to let Coffee out to go to the bathroom, and every time he almost fell on top of her as Seeker kept trying to pounce her. She is in heat, so they got a raging boner every time she walked past. It was hard to concentrate, and the lack of anything to do did not help at all. He could not go out to hunt with Seeker in him as last night proved. He could not even do house chores. Trying to do dishes, Seeker would try to flick the water off his hands constantly, which caused him to drop dishes and break them. He did not even want to attempt chopping fire wood- would likely cut his own legs off. But just sitting around the house all he could think about was his erection and the feeling of masturbating the night before with the strange new hybrid dick. He could not even go for a ride on Malt- it reminded him of plowing the mare the other day, and riding bare back caused his taint to rub on Malt's muscular back, pronouncing his erection even worse. By the evening of the second day he needed to masturbate again, it was driving him crazy. As he did this time though, the foreskin pulled even further back and exposed the top portion of his knot. The knot itself swelled up in size quite a bit, and the entire cock grew a bit. His tail bone grew not one, but two points and gained just enough mobility to vibrate in a pseudo-wag. His fingers and toes got a tiny bit shorter, but did not shrink, causing them to get a bit chubby looking. Halfway into the act of masturbating though, Gan thought about Coffee. No not the drink, the dog. They don't have two separate pairs of balls, which means their sperm is half human half dog. That means even if he let Seeker mount Coffee, she cannot get pregnant, because her eggs won't accept his mutant sperm. An odd train of thought- to allow Seeker to mount her, when they share a body. His mind rationalized it by letting Seeker do it, as if Gan had no involvement.

Seeker was not smart enough to open doors, but Gan is and they have the same body now, so Seeker finally got back into his master's bedroom. He immediately yanked them onto all fours and Gan just grunt and looked away, off to the side as if to disassociate with the situation. His eyes went wide when Seeker thrust in quickly though. Being in heat, Coffee also wasted no time in aggressively backing her butt into Seeker's face. Sliding in, her pussy was moist, tight, and inviting. Her arousal caused the muscle ribbing on the inside to milk their shaft like a hungry mouth trying to devour them, pull them deeper. That much was the same with the mare from before, but what was quite different now was the very dark brown labia. A plush triangle of soft rubbery skin, it projected some distance off of her, especially now that she is in heat, which felt so good his thoughts completely whited out every time the front of their knot bumped into the plush pillow of her pussy lips! Because it projected off her with such flexible flesh, when they pulled back, her pussy followed for some length. The feeling of the plush labia against his knot caused them to thrust in more aggressively, and its tight grip grabbed their foreskin and started to pull it even further back. The skin bunched at the base of the dick becoming more and more like a sheath as more of the knot was exposed! Finally the entire knot popped in suddenly causing all three of them to yelp in surprise! The pleasure was so strong, he tried to pull back out but gripping the back of the knot felt even better than the front! He shoved back and forth, caught ping-ponging between pleasure pulses, and unable to thrust fully out because the knot now locked them inside. The thrusts were shallow and very fast, causing even Gan to pant along with them. His nose started to turn cold at the end, and darken because he wanted to better taste the wonderful smell of Coffee. His ears started to grow a bit longer and the cartilage started to thin, making them looser, because he wanted to better hear all the breathless sounds she made as they pounded her rump. He came explosively again. This time, they were locked in place, so Seeker turned them around to be rump-to-rump, this allowed blood to drain out from the knot so they could be set free. But all three ended up going to sleep curled up there, so Gan did not even remember popping back out.

This became a regular routine. Gan could not concentrate or do anything with a boner, and with Coffee in heat, the air was always filled with her pheromones driving them nuts. They needed to do things together to get to know each other better anyway. So they mounted Coffee every day, and then twice a day. And then Gan lost track of days and nights, he was just having sex, eating, sleeping, repeating. The problem with Seeker and Gan's exchange was that Seeker was the only one doing things most of the time. They were doing all dog things and very little human things. So rather than Gan rub off on Seeker, Seeker was rubbing off on Gan. His teeth turned fully to fangs, his twin nubs became two full, thin tails. When they wagged their tails they started in opposite directions, causing their tails to clap together mid-wag over and over, making a dull thudding sound. His feet continued to stretch, the bones in his soles fused into a cannon bone, making standing upright very hard, so most of the time he did not bother. Being on all fours put them where Coffee was. Watching her little nub of a tail wiggling back and forth, that juicy pillow of a labia swollen out behind her. Her doberman fur was very fine, so you could see every curve of her body in the shimmer of her pelt.

As time went on, Gan's ears got larger and droopier. His face started to stretch out. At first just his jaws, which made it look like he was pursing his lips at first. Then the face as a whole started to stretch out, causing the bridge of his nose to start to become less defined, vanishing into the rest of the bone that was extending out. The cartilage in the bridge started to calcify into proper bone. It was a very gradual change- each session of sex caused his face to feel a dull pressure behind it. One, maybe two cracks and creaks could be heard from the bone in his head and his face was a little longer each time. To Coffee's delight and even slight distress later on; their cock and knot continued to get bigger. Much bigger than Seeker ever was. Not only was their combined body larger and thus their dick bigger to begin with- it was combining the size of both the human and dog dicks together. Their balls also doubled in size, putting both species sizes together. The fur patches started to spread- brown on the extremities, black on the body and the end of his face. Facial hair grew in as fur, but as his head deformed and became more canine, it too spread to places facial hair would not. The skin on his face felt oddly heavier, and started to droop to take on the bloodhound look.

Now it was hard to think even when he wanted to. So many new smells he could not pick up on before. Gan blushed at how often he had his massive knot jammed in Coffee. She was barely big enough to fit him- he had to be careful when they tied because she was stretched to absolute max, if they tug too hard they might rip her vaginal lining. Gan kept telling himself; he can't do anything else right now, and they want to mate so he might as well. Twice a day? A bit much, but sure. It felt amazing after all. Just once or twice more. Just woke up, dehydrated from cumming so often. Drink, eat. Drink again, fuck. Just one more fuck. Is day or night? Doesn't matter, Coffee ready to fuck more. Drink. Sleep. One more fuck. Still hard, keep fucking more. More fuck. Drink. What day? Other me hungry, eat. Person coming? What sound he called by again? He smell of many ingredients. Strange smell. Magic. Worry later, now fuck.

Crow arrived six days later on the back of a lithe horse. He already had the magic crystal in hand as he rushed to the door and knocked, but there was no answer. He tried the door and found it was not locked. As soon as he entered the house he was hit with a hell of a stink. There was blood and some old meat and bone chips all over the place, and furniture was displaced. Gan and Seeker had taken zero care when getting food out of storage, and the mess from many meals between them and the meat tossed to Uraian was making a stink. They also stopped bothering to go outside to go to the bathroom- both Gan and Seeker knew how to use doors now even after their hands devolved completely into paws, but Gan wanted to pee inside to mark his territory so they just went in the living room / foyer area, so anyone trying to get in knows this is their place. Crow found the giant two headed bloodhound sleeping beside the doberman bitch, dried cum splatters all over the bedroom. Including on the night table- however the hell that happened. Crow did not even wait for them to fully wake up and start barking at the guest to activate the crystal and in a burst of fizzling energy the two were rejected from on another like two same-polarity magnets!

Unfortunately, neither was Gan. One was Seeker, the other is Ganker. Both were normal bloodhounds! Seeker had rubbed off on Gan completely. The crystal divided them again, but it had been so long and Gan had let himself completely go to the point where he is just a knock-off clone of Seeker! Crow asked them a few questions to see who was who, and dubbed the new dog Ganker. They were both unnaturally intelligent dogs. So... the spell did exactly what it was supposed to. Seeker IS very smart now. Crow sighed, scratching his head. It looks like he just unintentionally inherited a lot of new pets.


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