Ripe For Change

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A business woman is caught mid-meeting with a transformation spell that was not meant for her! Now she is turning into a pokemon not at all meant for the office place.

(F tf Tropius)

Lydia was giving her usual direction at a morning meeting. She had been made the director of this department for a reason, and through strict and organized leadership she was planning to take them to the top! She glanced out the row of windows of the meeting room that looked outside rather than into the hall. It was one of thousands of windows on the huge sky scraper, but it had a nice view of the lesser buildings of the city and even the mountains beyond the city because of how high up they were.

From 'Formplayers' using magic as an advanced method to play dress-up, or even the porn industry, everyone was using transformation magic. Her company produced their own kit and relatively inexpensive transformation magic to be used by anyone for any reason. Lydia's department was in charge of advertisement of their products. Currently facing a negative backlash from transformation addicts who go overboard and overlap so many spells that they no longer remember their actual body to be able to undo all of the spells- since they need to be removed in reverse order. They had to include a disclaimer now so they were not legally obligated if someone uses their product to go insane with it. There was a similar issue they had when transformation magic was still pretty new- and some people used it to rob stores because no one will know its you. They now have a built-in flaw in the magic that lets others identify you even through it if they need.

Lydia looked at her team and they were all pretty sleep deprived, and it was showing. One woman had her hoodie pulled over her head and face and was face-down over her coffee cup trying to trap the fumes in her hood to try and aromatherapy herself awake. Lydia supposed she might be working them a wee bit too hard, but they were almost done and if she gets a good review from the CEO then so does everyone on her team. As much as she sympathized with them, she wanted to keep pushing! They were absolutely not going to take a break now. She tapped a nail on the dry erase board showing them some notes but then furrowed her brow as she looked at her hand and seen her nails were all huge! Growing into what looked more like claws now, they were thick and turning a golden yellow as the material thickened! What on earth was causing that?! The R&D department in the building was ward shielded so magic could not enter or exit that floor so it cannot be a mis-fire. Who would target Lydia though? Her hands started to feel stiff. She pulled her hand back and cupped one with the other as her fingers started to bloat up, pressing together because of the growth. Lydia winced as she felt her toes doing the same- she was wearing high heels with her business suit so her toes were already quite compressed before the magic did anything. One by one her team started to stare at her, and for once that meeting their eyes actually opened fully. None actually said anything aloud so it took some much longer than others to realize something was amiss.

Her arms and legs started to look a bit puffy and her sleeves started to groan at the seams. "Ooh.... uhm...."

Her stomach started to round out, but her suit was quite form fitting so her clothing did not allow for much expansion. As soon as a seam on the bottom side of her top ripped Lydia immediately got everyone's attention shouting 'okay' and then ushered them all to leave the meeting room and take a break! She could not finish her orders to them and she had no idea what was happening to her and did not want them to see, so she had no choice but to give them a break! They were free! They could sleep again! While they evacuated quickly and scattered down the two halls leading from the room, many did not go nearly as far as she wanted. Lydia growled at them staring at her through the glass wall of the meeting room, still watching, just at a distance. She walked awkwardly over to the wall and started to pull the shutters down to block their view. On her way over the ends of of her shoes popped open completely, with a rather loud sound. What came out the end was two large triangular claws of a golden sheen. They were translucent but only just so- so you could only actually see through them toward the very edges; they were much too thick to see through the body of the claw. She looked at her hands to see what little definition her fingers had vanishing as the bones could no longer divide, and her nails all having unified into a single, long claw! Well that was weird- her hands and feet don't even match. The front only have a single digit but the back have two?

As she tugged on the drawstring and released the shutters she almost fell backwards as her body surged out rounder, tearing even more seams on her suit! She groaned at a stiffness in her neck and instinctively leaned it to the side to pop it and was surprised when her head suddenly got shoved further to the side than it should be able to- a new vertebrae suddenly popping in to make the entire thing longer! The shutters were down but not closed. Everyone watching just leaned closer to try harder to see between the slats. Ugh, they were not even pretending not to be staring- they were probably too tired. Lydia went to grab the rod to turn the shutters closed and as her clump of a hand slapped down onto it she realized she can't turn it if she has no fingers to grab it with. What had been her palm was also swelling out into thick, dense skin, forcing her hand to turn more and more. Another vertebrae popped into her neck making it still longer! The skin around her collar bone and chest started to feel like it was squirming on its own. It firmed up as if being exposed to something cold suddenly, but kept going. The skin was solidifying and swelling up and out similar to her palms. It looked odd though too- the pours on the surface were smoothing over and the skin started to look a rather sickly color, and then started to turn green! Her petite breasts started to shrink, for a moment making her top a bit looser but then her torso grew rounder again! It was not growing fatter- it was actually being forced into a rounder shape, which deprived her of mobility. She thumped against the window, needing the wall to support her now in an upright position. She could feel the pops of her rib cage with each expansion- her entire rib cage was getting larger and rounder, which helped stretch and obscure her shrinking breasts till even the nipples were pulled smooth, so all that was left was two circles of darker flesh.

Her muscles were pulling back- like her body was trying to pull her arms and legs in toward herself against her wishes. She tried to resist but couldn't. The bones in her legs were especially loud when they popped because a lot of her weight was still resting on them when they shifted! She lost at least a foot in height! Her arms and legs became shorter, but did not reduce in mass- causing the bones and meat around them to become much thicker and her limbs went from a bit puffy to extremely plump looking! This completely blew her sleeves apart, but her pantyhose only gained several large holes were her plush skin bubbled out trying to overcome the stretchy material. Her thighs continued to thicken though, which increased the size of her butt. She groaned long and low as if to try to mirror the sound of the fabric coming from Lydia's skirt. One thread, two, four, and then kaboom! The skirt exploded off of her and flopped to the floor! Her panties squished into her meaty butt so far that the succulent meat around it practically swallowed the undergarment and made it unseen from the outside other than a cleft in her flesh. Where her pantyhose ended her upper thighs and butt billowed out like the top of a muffin! Lydia had an idea what she was turning into, but wasn't familiar enough with the many types to know specifically what she was being forcefully turned into.

Her neck let out another hollow pop and her perspective became still higher. With a stroke of inspiration Lydia grabbed the rod with her mouth and using her tongue and lips together managed to turn it enough to finally close the shutters and cut off her audience. She could hear them groan in disappointment. The swelling around her collar and shoulders became too large on her already deformed torso and finally caused the body of her suit top to bust open and fall away. It was a deep green now, and looking at it closely she could see veins in it that were also oddly green. That wasn't animal meat- that was the flesh of a plant! She let out another moan and this time it sounded louder than she intended and deeper than she could normally produce, almost an unintentional roar as her torso filled with outward pressure. The pressure did not fill her entire torso, only toward the outside- the frame was trying to change shape more opposed to her organs which had for the most part remained almost the same as they already were. Had she been paying a bit closer attention Lydia may have noticed her canine teeth have rounded off and her front teeth were now thicker than they had been. No longer an omnivore- she is a herbivore. Her hair started to fall out and the skin on her head firmed up. There was another type of fiber replacing the hair, but on a scale too minuscule to be seen with the naked eye. Like her shoulders and collar, the skin on her head was turning green and becoming firm and bouncy.

Lydia finally collapsed onto all fours causing two changes to happen at once, and a dozen overlapped pops and snaps from her skeletal structure to go off! Her torso became even larger and rounder and all four limbs thickened even more and got even shorter! The large palm and sole of her foot became a pad like a creature with paws, but was just one single pad that covered the entire thing- unlike an animal with paws, her soles and palms were still fully flat against the ground. Her arms and legs became so bulbous and round you could not really see where any of the joints were unless she bent them- they looked like plump stumps! The holes in her pantyhose tore even wider, till it simply disintegrated off her! Her panties snapped and plopped off her from the front, causing her now gigantic butt to wobble violently- finally free of its prison. The plant flesh around her shoulders and collar formed a mantle of armor in three major segments. Two that wrapped around from her spine to shoulders, tapering off behind her shoulders a bit. Then a central one that protected her collar and sternum. They made a sound almost like someone cracking off leaves from a head of lettus, and in a sudden rush of movement a layer of them broke off! Two gigantic leaves folded up off from her mantle and billowed open looking almost like wings! Then her mantle started to puff up and she closed her eyes preparing for it again. Lydia's eyes were surprised back open when several new vertebrae extended her neck even longer still, and then as if taunting her, that was the moment the second set of leaves broke off.

To anyone familiar with the pokemon franchise- or at least more familiar than Lydia, her form was obviously turning to that of Tropius, the fruit pokemon. Its wings are essentially modified palm leaves. The rear ones do not flap and remain somewhat folded- these are used for steering mid-flight. The front leaves are used to actually lift it off the ground and fly. They were long and mostly rounded, but had a large serrated edge at the tips. Like any leaves, eventually they turn color and fall away, but new leaves are produced by the mantle to split off and replace the old. Rather than vanish, the darker skin of her former nipples and areola just faded away because the rest of her skin matched it rather than the other way around! Her skin turned brown like the trunk of a tree. Her neck grew still longer and more nimble. In spite of her incredibly stumpy limbs and the fact she was on all fours, she was still a bit taller than she was a fully standing human, thanks to her now incredibly long neck. The top fourth of the neck became stiff, bouncy skin like the plant parts, even before it turned green. What had been ears folded over and swelled out, the skin becoming green coconut-shell like armor. The diamond shaped hills over her ear holes protected them but were hollow so they still resonated with sound, allowing her to hear just fine. The plating on top of her head overgrew her face by a bit, forming almost a hard green, pointed pompadour.

The bone of her skull started to expand forward, pulling the structure of her nose flat against the rest of her face as it advanced forward! Her teeth grew in size, all slates to grind plant tissue and help break down their solid fibers. Tropius is somewhat a thief. It is an animal but has many plant features and abilities- stolen from the plants it eats. Its body basically extracts parts of the plants and incorporates it into its down design. Which really makes one wonder what it looks like before it eats anything. A tiny naked brontosaurus? Lydia tried to move around and found she could not help but sort of stomp her feet. Tropius are not very nimble on the ground. Their neck is as flexible as that of a snake, so most of their mobility comes from that alone- or their ability to fly, which Lydia obviously could not do in an office place. She did not want to step outside of the meeting room- Tropius do not even have tails so her huge butt was on open display! Extremely meaty round thighs meant she had a huge ass too, and nothing at all to cover the grand canyon of an ass crack. It almost felt like someone pushing on her chin trying to make her look up and away from herself a moment, but as she moved her head up to figure out what on earth was happening; Lydia felt the growth. She felt a large bulb growing under her chin and with a grunt of frustration she swung her head and neck and surprised herself of the force she was able to swing it with. The bulb snapped free from the force and flung across the room; thudding against the outside window and then to the floor.

A lemon? Oh right. Tropius' body uses plant fibers meshed with its own flesh as a grow-bed on its own body to harvest seeds from the plants it eats, and bare its own food supply. Normally Tropius grow plantains, but its because they normally eat plantains. Lydia doesn't eat much fruit... but she always has a hit of lemon in her tea. So her harvest was a bunch of lemons below her jaw. Well, the scent was rather pleasing. Made the office smell cleaner than it was. Another lemon immediately replaced the one she managed to snap off and her brows lowered. Oh right, Tropius' ability is Harvest. It regrows berries after it consumes them. Lydia looked around worriedly, wondering what she was supposed to do now when suddenly in a burst of colored vapor, her form returned to normal! She was human again suddenly, naked and on all fours in her meeting room!

Lydia's phone rang a moment later and she quickly answered- already knowing who it was going to be. Her brother. He was on vacation and his girlfriend surprised him with a pokemon formplay. Except he is Lydia's twin- so when you cast a spell on him the spell cannot tell the two people apart, and it also mirrors the spells effects on Lydia, causing her to transform back at work. Her brother apologized to her, telling her his girlfriend did not know. It was a surprise so he did not know she was going to do it till it was already happening. Lydia still had no idea how she was going to get to more clothing without at least one person seeing her naked in the meeting room. Looking at the scraps of clothing around her floor, and also seen a pile of several lemons. She picked one up with a bit of a smirk.

"Well. When life hands you lemons..."

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