Mer Made

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A woman trying her best on her own to thwart cruel fishing practices in her home town finds herself in possession of the power of all mermaids. She will use her powers to live the dream of being a mer-creature and bring the evil fishermen to justice- but will she do it peacefully, or drag them to the abyssal depths?

(F tf mini-mermaid, multiple sea creatures)

If you want to skip the story introduction and get right to the TFing you can CTRL+F ***

Marina is a beautiful young woman of the bustling town of Braquewhal. Tonight she rolls her head back and forth, feeling the warm shower water beat against her face and its weight trail down her long hair. Her hair is naturally a pale sandy-brown but was currently- and usually- dyed a dark blue to match her eyes. Her breasts were pert C cups- arguably the perfect size, as they perfectly fit in a cupped hand. Her skin was naturally a pale sandy tone as well, but the summer sun had cast it in bronze, and she was enjoying her tan while she could. It was getting later in summer now and the storms were getting more frequent, common here in late summer. Braquewhal is a town that lives off of fishing you see- the entire town was shaped like a U, hugging the edges of a large inlet and framing it with many docks. That is why both Marina and her elder sister had aquatic themed names, it was common for the area. When she dried off after her warm shower she twirled in front of her full body mirror in the nude, admiring her hair as it tickled her lower back. She then gave a quick, paranoid glance at her window to make sure she remembered to close the curtain. There is a boy across the street she caught peeping on her before, as she has a habit of walking around her room without clothes. She plopped down on her soft bed and immediately hugged Baby- her plushie narwhal to her breasts and curled up to have an early sleep.

Her elder sister Naiad however was out in the brisk salty ocean wind, sneaking around the docks as one of the largest fishing boats returned to pack up its catch. She wore her usual ratty old grey hoodie- it had once said something on the front but the print broke off and wore away over the years. She had her hood up to hide as much of herself as she could. Her breasts were only B cups unlike her sister, but she was a little bit taller than Marina as well. Her hair was left mostly un-dyed except for a single narrow streak of cyan. She slipped onto the huge ship and keeping her head down she sifted through the many men who manned the vessel, finding the one who looked the most green. The sky was a featureless silver, but the day was waning causing the available light to run out quickly.

Captain Johannes stomped across the deck- he walked with a limp so most of his weight was on one leg. Millions of tiny beads of water collected in his black beard and mustache- though there was a naked line of flesh across his mouth where scar tissue no longer allowed hair to grow.

Johan scowled at Richard, one of his newer recruits. "What is that woman doing onboard my vessel?" Naiad had been walking in Richard's shadow.

"Oh, captain! This young woman was wondering if she could get a quick tour of the ship, she is interested in being a fisher too some day."

Naiad was already starting to slip away but Johan grabbed her arm and yanked her back aggressively. "She isn't interested in any of the sort. This siren is just a troublemaker, looking to cause problems where none is due."

She glared at Johan, trying to squirm out of his tight grip but unable to. "So, quite a few mutants out in those waters, captain?"

"I don't get your meanin'."

"That huge sack of shark fins. There are more fins than sharks in your hull. So, I guess that means you have been catching mutant sharks- who somehow have more fins than they are supposed to, right?"

"Y'know, my men aren't so good with counting. But they are good with fishing, and by me own count I'd say I make up almost half the bloody income of this town with my vessel, and those sharks. So, its the word of a rogue woman who don't know her place, against me and me upstandin' crew." He spun her around quickly, grabbed Naiad by her hair and shoved her quickly over the railing on the ship facing the ocean and held her there, leaned over. "If you like those heartless monsters so much, why don't you swim with them, hmm? I wonder if they would show you the mercy you seem to think they are due." He let her go so suddenly she almost fell over backwards from trying to squirm away from him. "Richard. Escort this woman off my ship, and see to it she doesn't find her way back aboard again."

"Y-yes sir..."

Naiad's parents heard her sneaking back into the house later then she was supposed to be out, no doubt getting in trouble again. They had scolded her so many times over it already that they were no longer able to care. They mentioned it with detest at breakfast the next day and did little more. Marina was the younger, but had become the golden child as she never disobeyed, or went around deliberately looking for trouble. Naiad was in a fit of yawning from having been out so late, but needed to go to work today just the same. Naiad worked at a seafood restaurant that operated entirely out of a boat permanently docked. Marina however was an apprentice seamstress at an elegant local shop- her Baby had been hand sewn by her.

Today the weather was much more inviting- plenty of clouds in the sky but they were stacked tall rather than wide, and a steady wind kept them moving quickly on through, causing the town and ocean to be spotted with mobile shade. The wind was cool but the sun was still mighty hot. The smell of batter and tartar sauce as Naiad served fish and chips about a hundred times over never got old. It was one thing to kill something to eat- she had no problem there, so serving up sea creatures where she worked was fine. The problem with Captain Johannes is that you must- by law- have an equal number of fins to sharks. Shark meat doesn't have much of a market you see, but shark fin soup does. Their fins are extremely valuable- while the rest of the creature is nearly worthless. Fishermen would just as soon cut off all its fins and roll the poor still-living creature back into the water, so they have more hull space for fins and don't have to worry about finding a buyer for the body. It was made illegal to do so, but unfortunately that law is basically never enforced. No one even bothers to check. Unfortunately this isn't Naiad's first crusade, and while this is certainly the most noble, she has little credential with the citizens by now due to her less thought out rebellions in the past. Her little sister looked up to her, so she was always trying to fight for a good cause, but unfortunately that lead her to try to find problems where there was none, and get herself in trouble. Now Marina was more concerned for her than anything- thinking Naiad would wind up in jail for disturbing the peace. Naiad was more worried Johan would tie her up and throw her into the ocean as shark bait one of these days.

Marina's boyfriend Tom popped into the shop as the work day ended to surprise her and they went to hang out. Naiad on the other hand never had a boyfriend. When work ended, she was already at the port so she wandered along the docks to see if she could spot Red Kipper- Johan's ship. She seen it- but not in port. It was a tiny red rectangle out on the horizon, murdering more sharks for profit. Surely wiping out the apex predator in an ecosystem would have no adverse effects. Let's just snap that food chain riiiiight in half. In the waters, evolution had worked more slowly. For millions of years some species have remained unchanged. Seemingly small changes can have cataclysmic results, because they are unable to adapt as quickly or easily as those above water. Naiad climbed the long cliff overlooking the ocean on the east side of the town. It was a very gradual climb from the south end, but every other side was a very steep fall into the ocean waters. The sides of the pathway had many signs sticking up out of the shrubs warning not to attempt diving off, because at the very end at its highest point, you could not dive off without dying. It was so high up that the impact with the surface tension of the water alone will break all of your bones. Naiad knew a somewhat hidden route though, at the halfway point she shuffled through the shrubs at he side and onto a narrow path that hugged the side of the cliff! It was the side facing away from the town so she could not be seen from the ground. It went around and gradually down, leading to a small hidden beach UNDER the cliff- the ocean waters eroded the land away so the end of the cliff was attached to the ocean floor by a long pillar, forming a giant arch.

There was a few scattered coals on the beach from people setting up fire pits here from time to time. There was a huge spray-painted mural on the rock, hidden under the arch so it could only be seen by those on the hidden beach- or glanced at by returning ships. Naiad furrowed her brows at an odd sound. I almost sounded like a voice but there was no one around. The wind often whistled and hummed passing under the arch between the rocks, but this was a deeper sound. Naiad wandered back and forth trying to listen as hard as she could to identify it, and spotted something off in the water as well. A golden flicker, below the surface, shimmering against the giant stone pillar! Something was producing light! Naiad tried to spot it walking to the edge of the water, but failing to, she dove in! She swam down and toward the base of the pillar toward the flickering glow, but realized once she was far enough down that the light was coming from behind her. At least ocean water was easier to open your eyes in- the balance of salt in the water was similar to the saltiness of human tears, so your eyes can adjust more quickly to opening underwater. Naiad spotted a cave, under the beach! The entrance had been half buried in powder-like sand, but there was still more than enough room for a human to easily get in. The golden light was coming from within! Normally a cave under water would be absolutely terrifying, but the fact that there was a light coming from inside meant someone else must already be there- which meant it couldn't be a death trap. Naiad swam in quickly, but started to panic as she was running out of breath and still could not see the source. She frantically looked up to see if there was any pockets of air on the roof of the cave but there was not. A deep womanly voice resonated through the water and told her to keep going- that she would not have enough time to get to the surface again if she turned back.

Her lungs ached for more air as she swam forward, her vision starting to darken. She was in too much of a panic to even see where she was going- she just swam forward desperately trying to reach the source of the voice. To hear someone with that clarity, they cannot be far away. Naiad did not even realized what she was looking at, but seen the light behaving unusually in front of her, realizing once she was inside that it was because it was reflecting off a giant bubble! She popped in the side and then immediately fell into the sand at the bottom- it was a gigantic bubble of air just sitting stationary at the bottom of the cave! It was a dead end, there was no where to surface inside of the cave. Naiad was on her hands and knees for several moments, gasping for breath before she started to really look around. There was many odd trinkets made of fish bones, smooth driftwood, shells and gemstones strewn about the dead end. There was what looked like cave drawings on the surface of the walls, and in front of her the source of the golden light- a gigantic pearl the size of a basketball!! Just behind it though was also a giant clam. Its hinge was in the sand, with the shell facing up, oddly. A clam swims by clapping its shell closed over and over, so the way this clam was resting made it look like it crashed into the sand and got stuck.

Before Naiad could gather herself enough to call out to the voice that spoke earlier- the clam shell opened and not a clam, but a woman rose out! A gorgeous woman stood up out of the shell, but she had no legs, from her hip was just amorphous flesh that pooled into the center of the shell, like a clam would. This also meant she lacked genitals, or even an anus- bringing several biological functions into question. She had large breasts, and her hair was golden and longer than she was tall- billowing out as the shell opened and floating spread in the water around her, weightless. Her nails were pearlescent like the inside of her shell. The woman's iris were an odd pale, metallic pink, and her pupils were jagged edged narrow slits- similar to the pupils of a crocodile. Her skin was pale pink, and her areola were the exact same color, which made Naiad think that this woman may just be taking the form of a human currently because she is speaking to one. Her entire body is likely amorphous and could take on the shape of any creature she happens to be interacting with.

The half-clam woman motioned to her pearl. "For you Naiad, I have a gift."

"How do you know my name?" Naiad's heart jumped when she seen the surface of her bubble ripple. She would have to keep her questions minimal- the more she breathed the quicker the bubble shrank.

"My name is Venus, I am the creator of the beings you mortals call Mermaids. Your passion for those living in these waters has been felt like ripples on the surface. As guardian of these tides, I have learned your name."

"You... made mermaids?! Wait, if mermaids are real... how many are there? Where are they?!"

"In the vast oceans, the mermaid are minuscule in comparison. They have more than ample places to hide themselves from prying human eyes. I have made all the mermaids in this region, but not all in the world. I have six sisters who do the same."

Naiad nodded. "One for each of the seven sea."

"My kind have been given different names across the globe, but as there are only seven of us in total we see little reason for titles. I am simply Venus, nothing more. If you touch my largest pearl there, it can grant you a portion of my own powers for the span of twenty four hours. I want you to make use of these powers to bring about the changes you have been struggling for." Naiad eagerly reached out for the pearl but Venus continued, to stop her. "I must also advise you be very cautious how you use these powers. Mermaids have remained well hidden for a reason."

"Wait, if the power runs out and I am still in the form of a mer-creature...?"

"It will be undone. Without even needing to change yourself, just having the power will enable you to breath under water- that too will wear off however, so be cautious where you are when this happens. We have sworn not to interfere with the world directly, so I grant you this power instead so that you can solve this problem how you see fit. You have a single day to do this. I will not be here after you leave, so there will be no second chances."

"The power to create any mer-creature form I want, versus just Johan and his crew? No problem. With this I can give the might of the ocean a will- a focus. Thank you, Venus! I can't believe mermaids are real... wow. I have dreamed of things like this since I was a little girl!"

Venus just smiled at her warmly. Naiad touched the pearl and felt the water collapse back onto her suddenly! She thought the bubble had popped, but it was a bit more than just that. Naiad looked around in confusion as she was suddenly back outside of the cave- still facing where it had been, but the cave itself was now gone! In her surprise she had gasped- immediately demonstrating her ability to breath under water. She would have gotten a lung full of water, but did not. When she breathed in, its like the water dissolved as it touched her nostrils or lips. A flurry of tiny bubbles fired up filled with hydrogen, while pure oxygen entered her lungs! The magic was dividing the two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule from the water's molecular structure! It was a bit more complex than that- since breathing nothing but pure oxygen for any length of time would actually cause you to pass out as well; that is the brunt of what the spell did. Venus and her giant pearl were gone, but the event did happen- Naiad did have the power she was promised. Which meant she had twenty four hours starting now to change Johan's mind. Or kill him. Venus left it in Naiad's hands how to deal with the crew of the Red Kipper, and the first thought in Naiad's head was how she could turn into any sea creature and just crush that asshole to death and smear his remains across the deck of his ship.

Naiad smiled wider and started to swim out into more open water. She no longer had to go up for air, which means she can swim to places she never could have before simply because her breath would have run out. Even knowing something like Venus exists in the world gave Naiad a sense of joy. Mermaids were real, and scattered all over the place, hidden from sight. The light played across her skin from above, a constantly undulating web of light reflected from the waves above. As she swam out further, she could feel her body changing as she willed the form of a mermaid on herself. As the water gently tugged on her hair it became longer and longer. Starting at her shoulders it cascaded past her upper back, then lower, then longer still. It rippled like a wave of its own as she swam. Her tail bone extended, slipping over the back of her pants as it turned into a small chubby tail! Naiad tried to turn to see it and surprised herself when her sudden turn coiled her long hair around her face and blinded her a moment! She pulled it away and marveled a moment at it, shimmering pale brown. Now that she was no longer swimming in a direction her hair just paused around her, fanning out a bit and just floating at the level it already was- having virtually no weight at all under the water. Naiad's attention was called back to her growing tail when it grew large enough that the base was pushing against her thighs!

The tail was starting to become discolored, fading to a grey tone. It pressed up into her inner thighs from behind looking for space as it continued to grow very rapidly. It took Naiad some time of lashing it around randomly to figure out how to control it, since it is one more limb than her brain was used to operating. Naiad had to start treading water with her arms more aggressively as her legs started to weaken. At first she thought the tail was interrupting circulation to her lower legs, but it was more like it was stealing it away! Even if it had room to move away, it couldn't- the tail was actually fused to her inner thighs now, and as it continued to grow bigger and longer it swallowed more of her legs into its mass! This of coarse pushed her pants further down and eventually slipped them off entirely. A tiny crescent fin formed on the end and quickly started to grow now with the rest. Naiad watched with fascination as her feet started to simplify. Bones fused together and then regressed entirely, causing her toes to merge together, her nails to soften and vanish into the skin, and her feet themselves to entirely change shape and regress! Her legs got shorter and smaller as her tail got larger and stronger. The fin on the end started to get more curved, and the rear part of the crescent became longer and longer than the front. It was also sideways compared to most mermaid tails. It was made of very stiff and thick flesh... it was the tail fin of a shark. As her legs regressed into the now massively thick tail, the remnants flattened a bit and became two almost perfectly triangular fins that bordered her vagina. Like a mermaid, her vagina remained perfectly human on the inside- the labia on the outside of the vulva however tightened and the muscle structure bulked considerably- needing to slam shut hard enough by default that water cannot get inside. Since mermaid are half human and half aquatic creature, their lower bits need to be prepared for subnautic life, but their womb and ovaries are over the halfway point- and thus must be human.

Obviously without legs or thighs she no longer had a butt, and so her anus had to move elsewhere. The growth of the tail consumed that as well, pushing it forward as the tail thickened so it was now two inches down below her vulva. Her pelvis regressed a bit but mostly remained the same- it did not form a complete ring anymore, being a bit open in the front causing her crotch to be softer to the touch. The tail was actually a bit thicker than even her hips, which caused the bulging flesh to mirror the curvature of a butt without her actually having one. Because of how her fin was oriented she needed to use a back and forth motion to swim rather than up and down like most mermaids. Like something cold had touched Naiad, the grey skin of her tail tensed up once its growth stopped and the skin stiffened on the surface. It almost looked like she was sweating rapidly, except she was underwater so you wouldn't have been able to see even if she was sweating. What it actually was, was dentine and enamel concentrating into her surface skin causing it to bubble up and divide into small sheets- tiny scales. The grey skin was now completely hidden under a sheet of silver scales. This was a hybrid between shark and fish. Sharks have scales but they are -extremely- tiny, and composed of dentine and enamel which actually made them more structurally similar to human teeth than normal scales. This gave sharks the texture of sand paper- they can shred your skin on contact if they bump you hard enough because they are essentially covered with trillions of tiny teeth. Naiad's were scales, though small, and more solid than a fish.

Naiad laughed- the sound more like a hum in the water around her. She dove down and further out, using her powerful new tail to test how good she can swim in this form! The sandy bottom dotted with clusters of aquatic plants started to fall off- becoming more rocky and jagged as it started to sink further down. The light became increasingly dim and the waters became colder quickly. Medium sized fish darted away from her as she swam past, though the clouds of smaller fish remained relatively close even when she approached. In large schools the small fish felt relatively safe because they will just scatter and re-group if a predator attempts to attack. In a school they are more trouble to catch than a lot of predators will bother with, causing them to be ignored. Since she had the tail of a shark, even some of the larger fish scooted away when they glanced at her, treating her as a threat. This far under she could no longer see the shimmering blue sky across the surface of the ocean- she could only see the light that was the brightest to her position, so it appeared as an increasingly small circle of rippling blue overhead.

Naiad filled herself with more magic and felt her fingers stretched, dragging up the skin between them as well. It felt like having a good stretch after sitting down for too long- bit the feeling was automatic. As her fingers extended far enough, the skin they were pulling away started to expand as well, dragging some up from her wrist, then her forearm and then a bit from her upper arm as well! Structured a bit like the wings of a bat, she grew massive wing-like fins out of her arms! She could feel the massive amounts of displaced water with each flap of these aquatic wings, keeping her aloft while not having to beat them half as much as before. Thin bones started to branch from her vertebrae, starting to form another huge fin from her back. She chuckled at the feeling of getting bigger and stronger. The freedom of her form with this magic. Naiad breathed deeply feeling her lungs shove her ribs outward and her torso started to expand greatly. Her hoodie yanked tight for a moment as her body slammed against its insides before it creaked softly and then tore apart. Then her neck thickened and grew longer. Her teeth widened at the base, turning them more into triangular fangs as the growth forced her face to start stretching outward, giving her entire head a sort of anvil-shape to it. As Johannes was returning to port that night, he thought he seen a silver snake like creature slithering in the water, but when he did a double-take to look again it was gone. He shook his head and passed it off as just seeing things- no serpent was that big, in order for him to have seen it with that clarity from the deck of the ship it would need to have been absolutely gigantic. Naiad smiled at the belly of the Red Kipper, knowing she could rip it in half in her Sea Dragon form now... but no. She would wait till tomorrow. She had twenty four hours from the time she touched the pearl, which meant it would not run out till late afternoon the next day. She wanted to wait a bit longer to think her approach over. Announcing herself to them and killing Johan outright would cause the crew to hunt her down and kill her right back after. And killing the entire crew of the ship seemed a bit too much, even to her. Most of the people onboard did not know the full extent of what they were doing, and even among the ones who did- they only did it because they had no other options for work.

Naiad slowly reverted her form to a normal human as she approached shore- being careful not to approach too quickly. She could move easily even in a gigantic form, but doing so displaced a lot of water- if she got too close to shore without shrinking she might slam ships against the docks and cause property damage. She also had to peek out of the water and quietly try to sneak onto one of the less used docks because she destroyed her clothes in her eagerness to try her powers... so she now had to get home while completely naked. Even with the power to transform herself at will, Naiad could not bring herself to swim openly in the ocean after nightfall. The ocean depths were already dark enough in the day time- at night she would have been wandering in an endless void of light. Transforming had been such a strange and unique feeling, she had actually been a bit disappointed the reversion of her changes were astonishingly plain. It just felt like something gently pressing in on the area and before she knew it the feeling faded because the change was no longer there to feel anything in. Even small additions or alterations influence things around them or put pressure on other parts- but not removing those changes. Even the nerves and muscle of her mighty tail regressed, so even had the reversion been more involved she would have lacked the nerves to feel it with as part of the change regardless. With a smile she added one more change to herself even as Naiad walked along the docks- her skin quickly turned to a very dark blue, adapting the color change flesh of an octopus, camouflaging herself with the night.

Naiad was shivering a bit by the time she scuttled her way home in the night. They had fairly warm nights still but not if you are both naked and wet. She once again climbed the tree beside their home to slip into her bedroom. To her surprise however, once inside; Marina came running at her with the lamp from the night stand as if to break it over her head!

"Ah, Marina cut it out!"

"Naiad?!" Naiad motioned her index over her lips so Marina would lower her voice. "What the actual fuck happened to you?! Why are you naked covered in black paint!? I thought you were a robber!"

She smiled and reverted her skin to its normal pale golden brown. "Tadaaah!"


"What would you say if I told you... mermaids are real!"

"I would tell our parents their daughter was out all night doing drugs apparently."

"Ouch." She concentrated a moment and let her tail bone once again grow out, this time developing a much smaller tail, and one that was more narrow so it did not overtake her legs. "Well get a load of this then."

It took Naiad quite a bit of explaining to convince Marina of her story. Of a God-like being in the ocean just handing out power or new forms to people at random. Venus mentioned being unable to interact directly with the mortals, so it was likely a form of test, or entertainment. They introduce these powers or forms to mortals to mix things up- create a bit of chaos to see how the dust settles. As soon as Naiad explained the objective of her plans though, Marina was immediately alarmed again.

"You can't kill someone!"

"It's to save the ecosystem. The ocean covers most of the entire planet- it is a rather large percentage to fuck up. I can't protect all of it, but I can win this fight at least."

"You can stop him without murdering him!"

"How? Startle him into pissing himself? Then he hunts me down to kill me and then promptly resumes his hunts. I can turn into sea creatures, I can't turn into the mayor and have him arrested."

"Look, you said you have the powers for a full day, right? Just sleep on it at least and we can talk about this in the morning, okay?"

Naiad grumbled and agreed, though had no actual intentions of thinking of any alternate plans. She was going to kill Johan. She just made to make sure she was large or powerful enough that none of his crew dared turn on her afterwards. They could rat on her all they want when they return to shore- no one will believe them and she will be back to normal by then so they will have absolutely no proof. When morning rolled around the sisters exchanged looks and unusual conversation across the table at breakfast before work. They did not want their parents knowing what was going on, but needed to talk about the situation, so their conversation went very oddly as they tried to dance around the issue. Naiad was using it to her full advantage to avoid having to submit to any alternate plans. When she went to leave for work she simply told Marina she was too busy and had to go when she tried to question her. Naiad dashed away and heard Marina start running after her! Damn it, she was persistent. Naiad bet on her never wanting to be late for her own job, to give up the chase. Naiad dashed into several lane-ways trying to lose her, but Marina kept up. Finally Naiad turned around, out of breath and leaned on a wall. Marina was not visible, so Naiad thought she finally lost her. If Marina was determined enough to thrwart her plans, she could potentially run to Johan instead and warn him. Naiad grit her teeth, damn her sister. Why would she of all people be against Naiad in her moment of triumph?

Naiad caught her breath a bit and stood up off the wall but the moment she turned the nearby corner Marina jumped her and grabbed her arm, preventing her from getting away again! Naiad lost sight of her because she looped around to cut her off- the other forks in this particular lane were dead-ends, there was only one way to get back out onto the main street so Marina cut her off. Her boyfriend Tom lived close-by, so unlike Naiad, Marina was actually somewhat familiar with these lanes already. Thinking fast Naiad did not give Marina a chance to try to talk her down again, and made a subtle internal transformation to herself, causing her forearms to swell a bit. She clapped her free hand to her captured one and Marina quickly let go of her arm! The muscles in Marina's arm twitched wildly from the electrical charge! Naiad gave herself the twin organs of an electric eel- with one in either arm, she need only bring them together to deliver an electrical charge. Eels can use it not only to stun prey but force specific reactions from their muscles and actually force their prey to swim toward them! As soon as she let go, Naiad used her magic on her sister to make sure she could not follow, or get to the Red Kipper to warn the captain, and once again darted off!


Marina felt the magic enter her body- it felt a bit like passing through the surface of water, a gentle wave across her body. The muscles in her lower back warmed up a bit and started to bloat up so she knew she was in trouble. What had Naiad done to her? She was already close to her boyfriend's house, so she dashed to get Tom. By the time she was on his doorstep it felt like someone was pushing her down and her skin was too tight. An odd pressure that covered her entire body on all sides at once. Muscle started to swell down into her tail bone, causing it to plump up preparing for growth, but the bone did not extend yet. She was probably turning into some sort of mermaid creature- having a tail instead of legs would prevent her from chasing Naiad so it made the most sense. If she could get into the water however, it would allow her to move much faster than normal. When Tom answered the door it looked like Marina was concentrating really hard, and had not fully caught her breath even though she stopped running over ten minutes ago.

"A-are you ok? What is wrong, aren't you supposed to be at work today?"

"My sister... uh... ok, this is going to sound crazy but... my sister found some magic power and can turn people into mermaid creatures, and she used it on me."

"Uh... ok. So you think you are... turning into a mermaid..."

She sighed. "I don't THINK, I kn-now... ah..."

The pressure suddenly reset, slowly building again and for a moment her body instead felt incredibly light, and weak. She wobbled in place and let out a long breath without meaning to. Looking back to Tom in the doorway she put her hands on her hips and leaned forward about to try and convince him to help, but both he and Marina looked down at her cleavage in surprise when she leaned forward! Her collar was much larger! Her shirt was looser! She shrank!! Her unintentional exhale was because her lungs shrank and could not hold as much air as they used to- forcing her to breath out the extra!

She put her arms out to either side motioning to her body with a nod. "See!?"

"I see you just got smaller. You said she was turning you into a mermaid not a midget."

"I... don't actually know what she is turning me into, I assumed mermaid."

"So what do we do?! Where is she now?"

"I don't know... on either account. I know she is trying to find the Red Kipper- that huge fishing ship. She is going to kill the captain! That is why she did this to me, so I wouldn't be able to stop her."

"Wooookay, that is a lot to take in. So, we need to get to the Red Kipper before her and cut her off? But what about your... transformation?"

"I don't know... she can undo it, and we find her at the ship, so all we can do it get to the ship. But I don't know if I will be able to walk much longer, so I need your help."

Tom grabbed his coat and locked the door behind him. In the short moments he had his back turned, Marina was forced to let out another long sigh and became dizzy a moment in sudden weakness as she shrank again. She was blushing as Tom looked back at her and paused to take it in. She was shrinking but not proportionally. Her hair was still as long as before, and her bust was completely unchanged. So her shirt collar kept lifting up- because the rest of her shrunk but her breasts remained the same, making them proportionally much larger on her, and holding her shirt up where her body no longer did as good of a job. Tom was already taller than Marina, but now she was only as tall as his chest. She had to pause a moment and squirm in her pants. There was a wide tail forming off her lower back, though oddly the bone still did not extend- it was muscle and flesh only making it quite squishy. She pulled it out of her panties and guided it toward one of her pant legs so she could continue walking for now.

Marina could not risk running into anyone she knew, so they had to take back lane-ways, but that also caused their path to be much more winding. Every few moments she would stop and stumble a bit, letting out a sharp long sigh as she got smaller and smaller! Her shoulders popped out the collar of her ill-fit shirt now and her bra slipped off uselessly. The cups still fit fine, but the strap was now too long. Her breasts did seem to shrink a bit- just not nearly as much as the rest. Her tail squirmed its way down her pant leg, filling it where her legs no longer did, and it filled to the point of pulling the fabric tight and preventing her from bending that leg as much as she normally would at risk of ripping her pants open. The tail was oddly wide- making it slightly triangular in shape overall, but it was fairly thin, so it looked flat. Marina was only as tall as Tom's stomach soon enough and had to hold her pants up with one hand, and hold onto Tom with her other hand for stability.

"Ah~ n-naah! Tail... so strange... what is happening to meee?"

Tom stopped and looked at her concerned. Marina went rigid and arched her back. "What is it?"

"The skin on my tail and back, it feels like... hot, and itchy! Its getting heavier!"

She turned around and let her pants droop enough that they could both look and seen her tail was a completely different color now! Ridges formed as the skin stiffened. Marina's bone never extended into the tail because the material that would normally form the bones was instead bleeding through the skin and solidifying on the outside into a chitin shell! Marina bowed forward so far she needed to place her hands on her knees to stay up. Her tail yanked out of her pants and lashed around, flicking up and down quickly in response to the sensation.

"Hooooo... I- I can't haaaaaaaaa... haaaAAH~" She was breathing out in bursts now- her entire body pulsing smaller and smaller rapidly!

Her pants fell to the ground with her panties, pooled around her increasingly tiny legs, her shirt slid down over more and more of her body. Her breasts and her hair were shrinking with her now at least as she shrank down below Tom"s hips. She was the size of a little kid! She cried out in confused pleasure as her hardening skin stretched out in many places, forming huge flexible plate-like scales of a bright orange color! The scales fanned out so large they actually surpassed the tail they were attached to, making it seem even wider than it already is! Her hips made muffled cracking sounds as the bone dissolved to help make more scales. The end of the tail formed a huge fan of the scales with feathered edges.

"No! N-naaah~ Tom.... Tom please aah, I can't haaah!" She clutched his pant leg and he knelt down, not sure what to do for his diminishing girlfriend.

Her legs trembled and the muscles shifted inside violently. The coloration of the bright orange bled into her thighs as her skin started to stiffen there, but not into scales. She wobbled in place several times, the strength was draining from her legs- fast! She shrank even more, now no taller than his thighs- if he stood up straight she would have to look UP to even see his crotch! Her tail was longer than her legs now by some bit and still growing at a rate almost equal to the rest of her shrinking. Two deep divots appeared in her thighs with the sound of a sudden pop and she cried out again in confusion! The bone inside had split in half! The split continued down her legs and her toes bunched up, starting to fuse together. By When the divide made it all the way down and split her simplifying feet in half, the divot in the flesh deepened more and more, till it met on both sides and went all the way through! Her legs split in half and she collapsed to the ground, no longer able to hold herself up on them. The coloration raced down and the skin stiffened and swelled a bit after it, into an armored shell. Her feet were no longer recognizable as feet, even if they were not split in half- the toes were fused fully and no longer visible at all. The ankle joint simplified as well as the bone softened to contribute instead to the outer shell. The muscles pulled the wrong way now, so if she tried to bend her foot it bent backwards to how it would have before. The chitin scales advanced to the small of her back, swallowing her venus dimples on the lower back. The orange coloration faded slower, progressing past the scales and stopping in a narrow triangular strip up her back stopping between her shoulder blades. The underside of the tail however and her crotch were white in contrast, and so the altered coloration faded into her normal skin tone much earlier in the front- being normal flesh at her belly button. Because of how huge the tail became at the base, her anus was pushed forward and now resided on the tail itself a bit below her vulva which sat at the halfway point between tail and torso.

She looked surprised at the ground, feeling the air trying to surge out of her again, and Marina struggled to keep it in as if that would somehow stop the transformation. It forced its way out though, as the transformation did not slow for anything and her tiny lungs could not hold all that air. Tom had his hand on her back trying to calm her if nothing else, but he started to remove weight from it as she continued to shrink, afraid he might crush her. She could feel his hand spreading across her back as she got smaller and smaller! Below his knees, his shins, his ankles! Little pebbles on the side of the lane started to look like huge rocks! Tiny flecks on the ground before were now large enough for her to see as even smaller rocks and crystal sharks, or minuscule fragments of glass from broken bottles or windshields that had been mostly cleaned up ages ago. Little mono-colored bugs became visible that she would not even have been able to see with her naked eye before. Still air pored out of her lungs, a constant unending exhale as her body felt so light, so weak, so insignificant. She tried to look over at Tom as she shrank but could not even see him past her shirt, which now covered her entire form easily many times over.

"M-Marina? You're... still there, right?" His voice sounded high above her.


"Marina?" He sounded worried. He didn't hear her- her voice was so tiny he could not hear!

"YES!" She raised her voice so he could still hear her over the white noise of the bustling town around them.

Tom carefully picked up her shirt with only two fingers, afraid of crushing the tiny woman under it without knowing. She let out a few tiny cries of confusion as she tumbled amongst the fabric as it was pulled away from her and finally she rolled out fully exposed. Marina was only six inches long! And three of those were just tail! Her hair looked to be about seven inches, surpassing her body by a bit. The blue coloration was dyed in however, so only the last fifth of her hair was dark blue, the rest was its natural brown. She shakily got up onto her legs... all four of them. They were only half as thick as her two former legs had been, born literally of a half each. She had no real feet, what had been feet were now just a crooked chitin spike. Tom picked her up by her tail fin, knowing her tail was most likely the most solid and safest place to handle her without hurting her by accident, but she still furrowed her brows and shout at him because all her blood rushed to her head! Not just from being turned upside down, but being yanked upward at what was to her, very fast. Marina was a mermaid alright... but she was not half fish.


"Hey, don't make f- oh. You mean literally."

From the hip down, she is a literal shrimp. She had also developed two long, narrow antennae from her forehead as well that allowed her to feel movement in the air- which was good because with how tiny she was, her perspective was too low for her eyes to see much. Shrimp have many little arms up their body, but she was only shrimp from the hip down, so she only had two sets of legs and then her regular human arms above. The underside of her tail and crotch were flesh, but stiffer and bouncier than normal human flesh. Her vulva was shut tight now, and her pubic mound more subdued, though it remained the same as always on the inside. Her pubic hair had all fallen out, leaving it bald. Her breasts were quite large on her, though to Tom each tit was about the size of a marble. He flipped his hand around and let go of her so she softly bounced into the palm of his hand. The skin on his palm felt so soft and squishy! When his hand was in a relaxed state the skin was very loose- or at least on her scale it was, to him it was just normal skin. She could also smell things he could not. His hand smelled slightly metallic- from touching the doorknob when he locked up his house. It wasn't that her sense of smell was any better, its just that small insignificant smells are huge to her. She could not hear things nearly as far as Tom could- sounds blended together and became just a jumbled roar to her not that far away. Marina had to speak quite loudly for Tom to even be able to hear her- her voice was so tiny!

Without knowing what else to do, Marina told Tom to carry her and just keep going toward the docks to find the ship. Her plan of jumping into the water to swim faster than Naiad could run would not work anymore either. Sure, she could swim really fast- but she is absolutely tiny, so a long distance to her is only a couple of feet. The roar of white noise made her nervous as Tom got to the end of the lane and was about to walk into the open to cut across a street.


"Hmm, what was that?"

"Don't walk out into the open with your hand out like this- someone will see me. If they see your hand up they are going to naturally try to see what is in it..."

"Well if I hang my hand down at my side I might drop you by accident. I don't want to grip you because I might crush you..."

"Hrmn.... your pocket! Put me in your pocket for now. Just don't forget about me and sit on me."

He chuckled. "Like I could ever forget you, even for a second."

He held his pocket open and plopped her in gently. She had to flick her tail a few times to dig into the fabric and part it enough to get to the bottom of the pocket. It was quite warm and stuffy in there, but it would have to do for now. She could feel him start to walk again. There was a piece of lint in his pocket as big as her entire fist. Slowly, her thoughts started to blank, and Marina was starting to space out. Her breathing became slower but her breaths deeper. The air in his pocket was hard to breath. So hot and there was an odd smell.

"What is that smell...? Wait... is that... his...?"

She pictured his genitals through the wall of fabric and unintentionally moaned- luckily her voice was too tiny to be heard. Marina tried to think of something else, crossing her arms below her breasts, but they bounced up toward her face and brushed her chin! She switched to crossing her arms above her breasts but that just felt weird. She gently cupped them, looking down at her enhanced assets. The standard mermaid was pretty busty- to make a non busty mermaid you would need to specify, and Naiad was in a hurry so she did not think to do any detailing.

"Hah...hah... musk... so thick.. mmmm. His balls smell so good.... want to lick..."

Her pussy was clenching on its own, causing beads of natural lube to be forced out to the surface of the tight pale slit. She curled her body up, bending her torso easily. Shrimp swim backwards by flicking their tail, so their body had a natural curve to it. Marina reached forward and grabbed the fan on the end of her tail and used her grip to help her bend even further forward, trying to bring her face toward her own pussy! Grrr, so close yet so far. She could smell her own crotch now... fishy- if that was a surprise to anyone. She was breathing even heavier now, her thoughts fuzzy, drowning in the thick air. The more she breathed the worse it got- she was heavily breathing in his pheromones! Normally it would be virtually nothing because he showers often, but she is so tiny that even a little bit was a lot!

Tom blushed as he felt her squirming around in his pocket, trying to get closer to hit crotch! He dashed into another alley and made sure to get a good ways in before he pulled her out of his pocket again. She was blushing hard and almost looked drunk, grinning like a goof and reaching for him with her tiny arms. She immediately starting flirting with him and demanding to get at his package even though they were in public! Tom tried to snap her out of it and remind her, her sister is on the way to murder someone but Marina's mind could not hold onto any thoughts for long that were not sex. At this point he figured it would take longer to try and convince her to stay on track than to just let her at him and get it over with so they could return to the hunt for Naiad. Plus, Marina was just so darn cute. To Tom her breasts were the size of marbles but on her mini torso the bottoms hung just over her belly button! He poked her breast and covered the front curve with the end of his index finger alone, seeing the plush bouncy skin smush out sideways from him pressing in on it. He rolled it around a bit making her coo from the touch. Without even needing to take his index off her boob he pressed in on her pussy with his pinky finger- of course it was far, far too large to get inside of her. When he rubbed on her labia her tail started to twitch and flick automatically from the feeling. She looked really beautiful with such long hair forming a blanket under her as she lay in his palm. She really did look like one of the mermaids of legends, a gorgeous woman with a huge tail and long cascading hair, born of the ocean. Of course the usual mermaid legends depict them being considerably larger than a couple of inches.

Reluctantly Tom pulled his pants open and flopped his junk out over the front- looking around nervously to make sure no one was around. He did not wander around this area so he did not know how frequently these lanes were populated. They were getting close to the docks so most of the buildings around them were no longer homes but storage facilities for cleaning, processing, and storing fish for transport. Marina practically drooled as he lowered her down to his already erect cock. One thing she had been too horny to think about however was how to work with his member- because currently its bigger than she is. At seven and a half inches, his dick is bigger than her entire body, even including her tail. She skittered to the base and using her arms to pull and four little legs to grip she managed to crawl up his shaft, dragging her tits up its length so she could reach the glans. It was stiff to Tom, but on Marina's scale the glans felt bouncy and spongy. She bit the corona playfully- her teeth far too tiny to do any harm. She headbutt his frenulum and then slid her face up, dragging the bridge of her nose up its length and taking a long deep breath of its scent as her face turned to an angle to kiss it. It pulsed in response and a bead of pre formed on the head. On her scale, the drop of pre was the size of a baseball! Marina pulled herself up higher and smiled at her reflection on the surface of the drop of precum. She kissed the bubble and then drank it in! The bubble felt strange to her, almost feeling like it was trying to repulse her when she first touched it with her tiny lips. She was so small that the surface tension on liquid was almost enough for her to be able to pick up and carry water! She wrapped her arms around the bottom of the glans- her arms just big enough to fill the space in the crook between corona and shaft. Marina wedged her face into the cleft of the urethra like a starving beast, lapping at the moist opening with her tiny tongue. Her four spindly legs played with the bulkier skin of the foreskin pulled back on the shaft and her large tail fanned out to cover as much of the shaft as possible- luckily its underside did not have scales or it would not have felt too good.

Tom did nothing but watch her work his shaft. There was always the risk of accidentally hurting her, but also he was just simply stunned by the situation. Her hair was long enough that the dark blue ends tickled his balls below her. On her scale, every time his dick throbbed it felt like it was growing larger to her by several inches, and then shrinking back. She could feel the blood pressure surging up the veins against her underside as it fired up the shaft. The pre started to come out faster than she could swallow- since one drop was several mouthfuls for her; so it trailed down her entire body and the shaft, pooling a bit in her cleavage since her breasts were pushed against his shaft so firmly. The shaft squished her breasts in toward her cleavage, causing them to bulge out below her arms. Tom was getting close, and had to fight the urge to use his index and push her head down onto it. She is too small, if she actually tried to swallow a full load from his cock her stomach would probably rupture. The glans turned purple and swelled with the impending orgasm and because her face was already stuffed into the cleft it felt like it was swelling up around her head, trying to swallow her. She managed to pull her face out of the grip of the tightening flesh just in time to lean back and evade the pillar of white that erupted out! It came back down and washed over her, slapping her shoulders and cascading down her entire body! She managed to climax as well- her pussy pressed into the urethral bulge of his shaft, she had been grinding herself against it but now with the powerful flow of cum firing up, the bulge was grinding back on her too and set her off!

Marina's grip trembled as her own orgasm caused a loss of control of her lower muscles and all his cum made everything slippery; she slipped off entirely and startled herself afraid she was going to fall a long ways to the ground. She did not fall too far though and landed with a soft *plap*, having fallen onto his soft scrotum. His balls were the size of beanbag chairs to her, and his scrotum about as soft as one too. She lay breathing heavily, recovering her thoughts slowly in his scrotal flesh between balls like it was a hammock. Before she had even caught her breath fully though, her rational mind remembered Naiad and she scared herself at how distracted she had gotten! Now Tom had a bit of a mess in his pants, but they had no way to clean it really and they had to hurry, so he stuffed his still cum covered girlfriend in his pocket and resumed the chase for Naiad. Marina grabbed the material of the inside of his pocket and did her best to clean herself off. He could just dunk her in water once they got to the docks anyway. There had been a slight itch in her tail forming before and the cum actually made it go away. Being half shrimp- she isn't meant to be completely dry and out of water for any length of time, her tail will get irritated if it gets too dry.

Johan heard a woman's voice calling to him, which was not a good sign because his crew was all male, and they had already left port. They were still within the inlet so it could be someone calling to them from land, but it sounded like Naiad, so he stormed across the deck to make sure she had not stowed away on his ship again. He seen no one on deck, then looked to the arch shaped cliff behind him and the far side of the inlet that lead out to the lighthouse and seen no one there either. He definitely heard a woman's voice though. She called to him again and Johannes went to the edge of the deck and looked down, seeing Naiad in the water, somehow keeping up with the ship. She waved with one arm up at him and Johan scowled at her.

"The hell do you think you're doing, trying to get run over? By all means, stop swimming for a moment and let the rudder chew you up. You'll do me better as chum for the fish."

"I thought I would follow you out, to make sure you don't try to murder any more sharks. If you catch something, you either damn well use all of it, or you release it and take none of it."

"I don't take orders from you, woman. If you come onto my ship I will have you arrested for trespassing. If you disturb my fishin', I will have you arrested for obstructing businesses and disturbin' the peace. Go mind yer down damnable business and I will tend to mine."

"Last warning..."

"Last...? Is that a threat? You're lucky I don't fire my harpoon gun into you as soon as we are far enough from shore."

Naiad laughed like a mad woman, stopping where she was. The ship slid past a few feet and then with the sound of groaning metal it abruptly stopped as well, causing everything in the ship- including the crew- to slide forward quickly and then back, tossing everything to the floor. Naiad slowly rose from the water, her human body stopped at the hip, becoming long, narrow and featureless below. And it kept rising out of the water, further, and further. She was as tall as the deck and kept rising, leaning forward from the weight of her torso on the end of such a long narrow shaft of flesh. And then her other head emerged from the water! Her human torso hung at the end of a single antennae like the lantern of an angler fish! The gigantic maw that emerged from the water below was filled with millions of needle-like teeth that were not even straight. Its eyes were dead looking, a featureless black- not capable of seeing anything with any sort of detail because they were adapted to depths where there is no sun. From just behind the mega-angler head were sea dragon fins, sized up to the monstrous body. Each wing-like fin almost as long as the entire Red Kipper ship. The rigid digits of the frame of the fins could still partially be used as fingers, and ended in short but wide claws. Behind the head was a gigantic body similar to a sea lion- a mostly featureless tube of solid meat. Soft, fat bubbles of flesh on the back quickly stretched extremely far, pulling into long narrow streamers of flesh, stretched so far out they became partially translucent. They drifted around waving in the air almost like they were weightless. A dim glow would surge up their length in strange patterns of bioluminescence- a warning that they convey a neurotoxic touch- parapodia of a sea slug.

The body and some of the head was covered with giant hexagonal plates of armor, shaped like the scutes of a tortoise shell, but textured and colored like solid rock. They were quite spaced out, looking a bit odd, but this was because of pressure difference. Most creatures that live in the abyssal depths cannot survive in low pressure environments. Likewise, something from the surface travelling that deep would get crushed like an empty tin can. Her body was built to exist in both. When she travels to the depths, her body compacts and the hexagonal plates squeeze together and lock in place, forming a petrified shell around her entire body. When she returns to the surface, the body expands and the plates divide. Where rear flippers may have been on her form was instead three tentacles per side- very large and long each and their back sides covered in the armor plates, the undersides covered in suction cups. The tail that lead off from behind these where the torso tapered off looked like a giant eel's tail- with a narrow translucent fin that followed around most of its entire length.

The Red Kipper stopped moving because two of her tentacles were gripping the back of the ship with the suction cups! Using the power of a vacuum seal to grip with and an impressive muscle mass- the limbs had the strength of an octopus. And for their size, octopus are actually extraordinarily powerful. Naiad actually had to hold back so she did not accidentally tear the hull of the ship right off. She brought her lower head closer- the rusty pin-like teeth of the open maw just above the deck. Johan was stunned silent- remaining on his back on the deck from where he was tossed when the ship stopped suddenly. On their scale, the pin like teeth were like rusted five foot long javelins. If it was able to eat like an actual angler fish- their entire ship could vanish in a moment. Angler Fish can turn their stomach inside out and wrap it around their victims, enabling them to swallow things twice as big as their actual body! Naiad pressed her gigantic tail on the ocean floor to hold herself up, cradling the bottom of the ship on a bed of writhing tentacles. She raised her wings out of the water and using the fingers that made up the frame of the wing-fins she waved them in the air like a conductor. From under her left wing and forward the water almost instantly solidified, splashing against the side of the ship and freezing mid-wave to hold the ship still. The mist and drops of water froze mid-air, clinking against the frozen surface as a shower of thousands of little beads of ice. In this form, she could control the water itself.

Naiad's human torso bobbed lower toward the deck. "Maybe I should rip off your arms and legs and see what humans I can catch with your screams of pain. That is how you hunt sharks after all."

Tom called over to Naiad, causing her to pause and look up to him on the cliff side. "Stop Naiad! He isn't worth it!"

Marina told Tom to throw her. Her voice was far too tiny for Naiad to hear her even if she screamed at the top of her lungs. There was no quick way down to the water on the west side of the cliff, so the fastest way to Naiad is if he threw her! She did not have much heft to her though, and Tom doubted he could even throw her far enough that she would clear the rock below, never mind the ship beside that. She demanded he do it though, and with the situation being quite dire, he did it against his better judgement. He was right- even with the wind blowing in a favorable direction, she would barely clear the rock cliff below him but Naiad seen what he was doing and with a wave of her fins she condensed a bubble of water floating in the air and caught her sister! With a quick motion she crooked her fin and the orb yanked across to her human torso bobbing over the deck of the ship.

Marina could breath water like Naiad in this form, but had to swim to the surface of the floating sphere to speak. "Please stop! If you murder him he will just be replaced by someone else doing the same thing. And you will be a killer just like he is!"

"But I finally have the chance to be a hero. Not just some... annoying do-gooder failing to actually do any good."

"I don't... want a hero. I just want my sister."

Naiad scooped Marina out of the water as it fell away and cuddled her to her cheek. "But he is doing so much harm, and refuses to stop."

"Unless you splashed water on specifically his crotch, I am pretty sure he's pissed himself. You are too far from shore for anyone in the town to know this is you, and I am far too tiny for them to see at all. If you turn back to normal after, no one will ever believe this sea monster was you. You know what they say 'the fear of death is often worse than death itself'."

Naiad smirked, raising Marina up so she could cling to her hair. She brought her human torso down to Johan. "I will be merciful on you this one, last time captain. Only because you provide much of the town's income, as you've said. I will not stand for the destruction of the ecosystem however, even if it is to save this town. I will let you live, and instead curse you to a form more befitting for a short time- to let you think things over. If I see you using these fishing tactics again however- your ship will feed new coral reefs at the bottom of the food chain."

Johan was about to say something but a strange feeling surged through his body. Be broke out into a cold sweat and looked down at his hands seeing his nails soften and seem to melt into his skin! His skin was turning to a soft grey-brown and his bones softened! He wobbled in place as he shrank, his digits first and then his limbs started to look pudgy and become stumpier as all of his bodily features started to rapidly simplify! He tried to yell out in fear but a gob of thick spit bubbled out, joining his rapidly thickening perspiration as he continued to shrink into his clothes! The sisters dove into the waters, diving deep enough that no one could see any part of her from the surface. The ships rattled against the docks back at port from the waves created from her movement.

Marina clung to Naiad's hair just over her ear. "S-so what did you turn him into?"

"Hypselodoris bulloki. It's a slug. A sea slug, so he will need to be in the water before he dries out- and once in the water he will need to make sure he doesn't get eaten~ buuut my power runs out in around two hours, so."

"I am proud of you for doing the right thing, sis. He doesn't know your power is only temporary. The fear will prevent him from tormenting the sharks like that again, but he can still fish." Marina looked nervously down the length of Naiad's body, not even being able to see the end of it. Even in relatively shallow water, her tail was obscured well out of her field of vision. "You, uh... sure are big."

Naiad glanced at her with a grin. "And you sure are cute."

"So what now? Tom is probably waiting on the cliff, worried out of his mind."

"Oh ol' tommy boy can wait. I have a few hours left of power- wanna see the real ocean floor?"


What Is To Cum

(M tf bovine/humanequine hybrid forms) Allen Richter was a pretty average guy, living a pretty average life. He was not very tall, he was about as athletic as a month old corpse, but he was not bad looking by any standards. He was not talented...

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His Favorite Pokemon

(F tf M hybrid pokemon) Berny or 'Blazing Burny' as his fans called him is a bit of an idol. A bit feminine looking, he was still handsome and had a great fashion sense. In a world where magic and the ability to transform exist, even porn sites...

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Minotaur Milk

(F tf Minotaur, F tf ferret hybrid) Ariadne is a hard woman to read. When she was little she was very bull-headed and often clashed with what other kids liked. Where others attempted to mimic those they liked and play along for the sake of...

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