His Favorite Pokemon

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Lesley has been trying to get closer to a formplayer idol named Berny, but finds out she is just incompatible as she is! With the magic of formplay however- she can still become his favorite pokemon and win him over.

(F tf M hybrid pokemon)

Berny or 'Blazing Burny' as his fans called him is a bit of an idol. A bit feminine looking, he was still handsome and had a great fashion sense. In a world where magic and the ability to transform exist, even porn sites arose catering to bizarre fetishes by using magic to change into forms that would otherwise be impossible. This mean that in a world like this, cosplayers as well stepped up their game. Known as Formplayers, they dedicate themselves to their craft and rather than putting together intricate outfits by hand, they piece together custom transformation magic. They custom build spells to turn into forms of creatures that do not even exist in reality. And Berny's specialty? Pokemon. He dresses in pokemon merch, looking like a real life trainer and then transforms himself into the form of a pokemon for photo shoots and even trots himself around at some live events!

Lesley had her eyes on him for some time. Dressed in a knee length pleated skirt, white stockings and worn in sneakers- her top was a Blazing Burny T shirt. Her bust was a modest C and her hair straight to her shoulders, a base brown in color. Of course, she was a fan of Berny but more than that, she had a huge crush on him. She became a bit obsessive, trying to dig for information on him rather than just his public persona. They have actually met on several occasions- fan signings and live shows. She was just another face in the sea of fans mostly, but they had encountered each other so many times now that he actually knew her by name. This day she waited till all the other fans had already cleared, and Berny was slipping out to return to his hotel room. She wanted to talk to him privately, but underestimated how quick he moved. Now back in a human form he managed to lose her without even realizing. Lesley caught up, but was a bit nervous because he was already at the hotel about to go in. Approaching him here would reveal she knew where he was staying, which might make her seem like a creep. But opportunities rarely knock twice.

"H-hey Berny! It's me-"

He spun around on his heels. "Lesley. I remember. I was wondering if you were going to show up."

"I was wondering... if... you wanted to get something to eat maybe?"

He cocked a brow, placing a hand on his hip. "With you? Sorry but I have a very busy schedule."

She held up her cell phone. "You tweeted fifteen minutes ago that you were going to be bored in your hotel room."

"Ahaaaah... caught me."

"Why not? Is it because I am a fan, or... just not looking for anyone or..."

"I proffer Onyx to Cloister."


"I am gay, so you, uh, don't have the right bits to play with me."

Lesley felt her heart sink at that. That was not something she could talk her way around or compromise. He did not even like women. But then an idea dawned on her.

"Wait, all your formplay spells are male."

"Yea... I am a dude, so naturally so would my spells."

"But so would I, if you used them on me."

Berny paused a moment and then chuckled. "Really. You'd swap genders just to be with me?"

He read the determination on her face a moment before shrugging, turning to walk into the hotel, and motioning over his shoulder for her to follow. A quick romp with someone willing to turn into whatever for him? Well, that was a hard offer to turn down. He could always turn himself into a pokemon to have fun, but to have another pokemon to have fun WITH? That is something special.

When they got to his room he was quick to toss his jacket off to the size, not caring where it landed. He did his signature move, where Berny flicked his sleeve and a pokeball fell from it into his hand. The pokeball was a custom case containing thin disks of crystal inscribed with his custom transformation spells.

"So, any preference yourself? Personally I think I want to try a hybrid if its alright with you. There are too many cool monsters to pick just one~"

"Heh, really? That is awesome. If you can do hybrids, why don't you ever try?"

"I have. Unless you mean publicly. Hybrids are non-canon, so it doesn't go over well with the formplay community. A fetish community, maybe."

"I dunno about preference, anything really, I am just happy to be here~! Oh, maybe Bulbasaur, to use the vines~"

Gary Oak burst through the door. "Then I guess I will choose Charmander!"

Everyone was silent for a moment before Berny leaned toward Lesley. "You're uh, going to have to pick something else- I really don't want to have to deal with this guy right now."

"Awww..." Gary slowly closed the door and left.

"Well. If you like the idea of hybrids, then I think I know just the form. But first, lets work on you."

Berny took out a disk and activated it, but then swiped his finger across as the mana was sparking across the runes to cancel it at specific points, so it only partially changed her into that form. Lesley let out a breathy moan like something had suddenly winded her as she felt a powerful surge of pleasure into her clit all at once. It swelled up into a perfect tight sphere from internal pressure. She was going to take her clothes off but Berny stopped her, telling her to keep them on for now with a grin, so she did. She felt a bit dizzy and spread her legs a bit to steady herself with a wider stance, and felt her tail bone press into the back of her panties. Lesley then felt an odd pressure all over her body, like a full body hug. Her head spun as her perspective changed in small pulses almost making her stagger and fall over, feeling like she was spinning even though she was standing perfectly still. The back of her panties and skirt arched outward, which actually kept them firmly on, because her shirt and bra was not fairing as well! The change in her perspective was her entire body shrinking! Most pokemon are not as big as you might think, and the one Berny chose first was especially not very big. That is why he told her to keep her clothing on- he wanted to watch her shrink, and her clothing slumping off really emphasized it. Her bra slipped off and hung around her stomach first. Her shirt became far too large, but it caught on her arms still even as her shoulders slipped up through the collar.

Lesley's growing tail pushed her panties down further and further as its arch expanded and finally it popped free by flicking her panties down to her knees and then hoisting her skirt up in the back. The tail was oddly bulbous- shaped like a teardrop, but the large part was the end and the skinny point the start of the tail. With more shrinking, and more waves of dizziness she tripped and fell onto all fours, because of her panties being around her knees. Now Berny walked around behind her to see under her skirt from where her growing tail was holding it up unintentionally. He could already see her feet stretching, and her toes bunching up and swelling into shorter, fat digits. She moaned and rocked her hips lightly from the sensations as her vaginal opening started to glow dimly at the edges and shrink in size, separately from the rest of her! With every pulse her pussy got smaller and tighter and less developed while her clit seemed to consume the mass and throb larger and longer! The bottoms of her feet fattened up into plush black bubbles of skin forming the pads of her new, tiny paws as a dark fur started to form around them. Her anus even changed shape to be vaguely triangular- like a canine. The end of her tail was starting to look really bizarre as several soft bubbles of flesh started to appear in a tight ring at the very end. The clitoral hood had grown with the clit, thickening and the flesh becoming darker as it wrapped completely around the base and formed a very small, tight sheath and her pubic hair turned to white fur and spread over the new mini sheath. When it finished developing it extended and her huge clit sunk into it as if her body was testing its functionality, before the continued growth of the clit caused it to reemerge.

She was so small by now you could fit two, maybe three of her into her shirt, but it was still technically on her, just draped off her back. Or his back, I should say. Lesley's pussy finally shrank away into nothing at all, completely sealing up as the base of her clit surged wider and the urethral opening revealed itself. The newly created dick was basically just a pink cone in shape. The fur spread fast now consuming his legs, it was black on most of his legs but faded to vermilion on the thigh, then faded back to black at the end of his very large tail. The fur also slowed to a stop in a triangle formation on his mid back- the transformation was canceled before that point so it could not go any further. Lesley moaned sharply as he felt a large mass sliding down inside of his pelvis where his vagina used to be, and a moment later it burst from his crotch and split apart at the same time. The skin started to relax as it formed into a scrotum to house the two new balls- having formed from the remnants of his ovaries! The fur on his underbelly and crotch was white, and so was his small ball sack. Each of the bulbs on the end of his tail relaxed, drifting apart a bit and the fur growing over them formed into little tufts.

Lesley paused for a few moments before practicing moving his large tail around. "The back half of a Nickit."

He blushed as Berny sat down behind him and he used his tail to rub Berny's crotch. The bulbs of flesh on the end of the tail were from muscle below the surface- tightening them caused them to grip almost like proto-fingers. Berny smiled and unzipped his fly and quickly squirmed his way out of his clothing. The sheer speed at which he discarded all his clothing indicated just how often he did it. He doesn't wear human clothes when he formplays after all. Lesley brought her tail up and then thrust it forward, and managed to jam his still erecting penis inside! She flexed the many, many muscles of the inside of the tail and Berny cooed in pleasure.

"W-what is it like in there anyway?"

"Flesh. Lots of soft, smooth flesh."

He stuck a finger in and stretched the opening at the end open enough to actually look inside, not that this was his first time. Nickit steal items using their tail almost like a vacuum cleaner- in order to do that the tail must have a lot of muscle control, both to pick up and hold an item inside. The reason the tail was so bulbous was not how bushy the fur is- the fur is actually not that long on it at all. The inside was like a hollow bell made of flesh! The inside was soft, smooth lumps in a layer of plush skin. All the hundreds of bumps were muscles that drew closer together and further back when tensed- causing objects inside to be gripped and pulled deeper in. Essentially, the tail was a bit like a giant vagina. When Lesley tensed the tail it sucked Berny's dick, gripping the base with the tighter outer muscles and gently sliding along the shaft with the looser inner muscles. Lesley could tell how he squirmed that it felt good, which turned on Lesley. He did not notice the pressure building in his shaft unevenly, since he never had a dick before. The tight sheath did not have much room to work with so the growing bulge at he base moved forward and popped out quickly- but continued to grow outside of the sheath too! Unlike a normal canine phallus, there was no divot at the end of the shaft, it tapered to a point. Because the urethra traveled down the center of the shaft however, that also meant the knot was not divided into two segments- it wrapped fully around the base like a stiff doughnut! The body of a Nickit, and thus Lesley currently however is only about the size of a football, so even though his new dick was relatively large on him, it is only about two inches of shaft and then another worth of knot, and then the sheath.

Lesley moaned as Berny thrust in powerfully and then he felt the feeling of magic entering into him from his hands he held either side of Lesley's tail with. The magic itself felt like subtle vibration- like his muscles were vibrating a small amount really rapidly. Lesley looked back at his tail quickly as he felt a gentle pressure nudging the tail more open. It was expanding, rapidly! It was also lifting on its own! Berny leaned into it more and the tail made an almost familiar stretching sound as he pushed in on it. It was not till a patch of fur fell out that Lesley realized what it was. A patch of skin puffed up and became hairless as it took an odd shape similar to two bandages crossed over. Drifblim! The tail was inflating like a literal balloon! It was not filling the middle of the tail, because it can open and close which would let all the air out- the air was being trapped between the firm outer hide and the soft inner flesh of the tail making it still more plush! The tail was getting absolutely gigantic now, but because the mass was stretching with air it did not feel any heavier than it was. It had barely finished growing and Lesley already squirmed from the feeling as Berny squeezed into the opening and managed to get his entire body inside of her tail!

Berny's voice could be heard muffled through the bouncy walls of the tail. "Don't mind me- I will get changed in here. You can continue though. Heh, always wanted to do this. It's like a bouncy castle except warm skin."

With him inside of Lesley's tail, he could not lift it. He felt the magic fire up into him again however so he had other things to worry about! His teeth started to become more narrow and sharp. Lesley's nose started to grow longer, following the curve it already naturally had, so it was now growing almost straight out. His mouth hung open a moment from the sensation and then the top jaw started to stretch along with the nose, forcing his mouth to remain open because the jaws were misaligned. The bottom jaw was soon to follow, but never completely made up the distance.

"Uh! Wuh is... what... next?" He blushed as his voice now sounded boyish too.

"One good fox deserves another."

Lesley's face was stretching into a narrow, pointed muzzle- a fox's face, but it still had a human brow. He started to grow hair on his chin, spreading up his jaw and almost through he was growing a beard at first, but it was soft white fur like his underside. The pointed end of his nose turned black and cool to the touch and his jaws finished stretching- the top a bit longer than the bottom, giving him a bit of a small mouth. As the fur consumed his face his human hair fell out and the strands dissolved into thin air on the way down- none of them actually reaching the floor. Lesley bowed his head and closed his eyes at the odd sensation of the muscle forming in the base of his ears as they grew and reshaped into triangles, and then the moment they reformed- grew tremendously! The skin across his entire head was momentarily pulled tight by the rapid growth of his ears becoming gigantic! Each ear was almost as big as the head it attached to! The white fur finished growing on the sides of his face, forming plumes on the sides of his face with extra length. From the center of his brow up however the fur continued at a different color- deep purple! His giant ears folded down from a prickling feeling in them, and fur started to grow out from inside of the ears too- much longer than on his actual head and in yet another color- base red. Even without being able to see himself Lesley knew what pokemon this was. Gigantic ears because their surface area is wide and thin- putting the blood vessels close to the surface allowing the animal to get rid of excess heat, because it lives in desert conditions. The bushy inner ear hair to prevent sand and other particulate from getting inside of its ears and screwing up its hearing- since its ears are such huge targets. A fennec fox. Delphox. And since the fur color is incorrect- a Shiny Delphox.

He had been paying so much attention to the sensations in his head changing he had not even noticed his arms and body change- though to be fair it was more minimal. His breasts had shrunken flat and what parts of his torso that had not been covered with Nickit fur was now under shiny Delphox fur; white below and deep purple above. The fur seemed to fade off onto the arms however- which remained human still, and he lacked the bushy fur mantle around his shoulders. Lesley shook his head, feeling the long hair in his ears swish separately from his head since it was so light but long. His body went rigid from the feeling of Berny moving around and he popped back out of his giant inflated tail! His body was only half the size it had been however- Berny completely transformed himself while inside the tail like it was a womb for his new body!

He had a rather large pair of balls but a relatively narrow sheath. His entire body was covered in dense but extremely fine fur. Behind him three tails lashed around with three black orbs on their ends. His body was thick now, almost to the point where it was spherical, and his limbs so stumpy you could not even discern their joints if they were not currently bent. Both his legs and arms ended in a single hoof with a notch in it- like a odd toe hoof trying to mimic an even toed hoof. He had leaf shaped ears and quite large horns. Around the base of his head where his undefined neck is was a bushy light brown mane that trailed up the back of his head onto its top, and ending at a forward point where there was a single silver bead embedded in his skin. Lesley gawked at him for several moments in confusion before putting together what he even was. It's... a Tauros... shaped like a Miltank. The entire shape of the body was completely that of a Miltank, but all the features and coloration was that of Tauros. A male only pokemon in the form of a female only pokemon... somehow that seemed to fit Berny perfectly. Lesley's eyes fixated on the sheath as a very long, narrow pillar of neon pink meat started to slide its way out. He looked at Lesley in a way that made him think there was something on his face. The two leaned closer and closer bringing their faces close and then Berny smiled and booped him on the nose with his index- sending another wave of magic into his head!

Lesley felt a pressure on his scalp and tried to bow his head and look up past his brow to see what it was, and it folded down for him to see. His fur was growing out long on his head, returning to hair! Once it grew long enough the hairs started to fade from deep purple to a seafoam blue. It touched the ground and Lesley lifted his head and it just continued to grow, pooling on the ground one, two, almost three feet long! Then the hair lifted up on its own, floating up into the air as his arms felt strange! He looked down and seen his thumb and index fusing, as well as his pink and ring fingers! The middle finger was expanding to make up the difference. His arms got longer and the skin on the surface pulled firm but elastic- characteristic of most pokemon, concealing the limb joints, making it look featureless when held straight. Lesley wanted to get off his hands to better look at them change and struggled to get up. He managed to hop back onto his rear paws and then press his giant tail into the floor to act as a third leg and let him balance upright. His hands were expanding but it seemed to only be growing in width! He turned his limbs and seen the entire end of his arms and all of his 'hands' were very flat! Much, much wider than thick. These were not hands at all, they are pseudo flippers! His floating hair suddenly bunched up at two different points as large pearls materialized in a halo around him and then gathered into a tie for his hair.



"I dunno, kind of a girly choice is all. Wouldn't think you would like it."

"Is it? Last time I checked, Primarina has a 88.1% chance to be male. Making it statistically unlikely to be girly."

"We- *urp* oh. Sorry I... oh *burp*!"

Berny chuckled. "You aren't quite done yet." He walked up close to him balancing on his tail and nudged his cool bovine nose against the still erect shaft to make sure it did not feel forgotten.

Lesley burped several times without meaning as her guts seemed to churn on their own. He looked down to see his gut start to swell out and tighten. Lesley clamped his mouth shut tightly as he felt like throwing up but the feeling only lasted a moment- surging down the length of his tongue which started to swell. He groaned and opened his mouth reluctantly, knowing what this must be. He let his swelling tongue hang out and could feel it gently sliding on the inside of his throat- no longer fused with his esophagus. In a surge it lunged out of his mouth, completely filling his mouth with its girth as it passed through, forcing him to breath through his nose. The gigantic tongue arched in the air in front of him, extending at least three feet out of his mouth! The bulge in his gut was now gone- because it had been extra lengths of tongue, which were now extended. Lickitung's namesake feature. A giant tail on one end, a giant tongue on the other- his features were all bigger than the body that hosted them! He was drawing his tongue back in to speak when he felt a pressure surge in his chest and lurched in response, causing him to teeter and fall forward onto all fours again. Berny had to slip out to the side to avoid getting pinned. As soon as Lesley's flippers hit the ground his sternum erupted from his chest! It grew out of his skin in the form of a bright red plate now! Long narrow bones slid out from his elbows as well, like saber blades. These were features of Gallade!

With his transformation done, Berny slipped under Lesley finally and gently kissed his cock, causing it to buck slightly and throb- getting a tiny bit bigger when it did. Then another kiss and a tiny bit bigger again. And again.

[Berny used Sweet Kiss]

[Lesley used Harden]

Lesley's cock was bucking frequently now, making Berny's nose and lips slick with pre.

Berny smiled and cupped a hand to Lesley's junk- his palm on the sheath and fingers between balls. The cock grew a little again, but now the balls also expanded, feeling warm and... full.

[Berny used Growth]

[Lesley's PP won't go any higher!]

Now the cock was nearly seven inches long but also very thick still being mostly cone shaped- and the knot at least as big as a softball. Each testicle about the size of a tennis ball, which was quite big given the size of his torso.

[Lesley used Growl]

[Lesley used Bite]

Lesley turned around and growled playfully before nipping one of his leaf shaped ears, making him coo. With a chuckle he slipped his ear back out of his teeth.

[Berny used Struggle]

Berny bowed his front limbs to present his butt. Because of the meaty haunches on a Miltank, the butt of this form was surprisingly round and attractive.

[Berny used Attract ... it failed because they are both Male]

[Lesley used Glare ... narrator reascends previous statement; Attract works]

Bowing his head between his front flippers, Lesley fires out his tongue again and catches Berny by surprise, penetrating his butt! A rim job from a mega tongue!

[Lesley used Lick ... it's a critical hit!]

Berny was so surprised he bowed forward to better brace himself on his front legs and slid himself down Lesley's shaft without even meaning to! The huge knot bumped his lips and stopped for a moment but Lesley quickly thrust forward and managed to slam it in!

[Lesley used Pound]

Berny could hear the hinge of his jaw creak for a moment trying to let it in. There was no way this cock was coming back out till Lesley finished- he was tied to Berny's face!

[Berny equipped Destiny Knot]

Lesley's tongue kept sliding further in; he had found Berny's prostate and was basically coiling around the area.

[Lesley used Target Lock]

[Lesley used Wrap]

Though Berny's long bovine phallus was bobbing around energetically under him, doodling on the floor with pre already from the prostate play- Lesley did not want to leave it out on its own. He stuffed his huge inflated tail under himself, pressing up on his own balls with its soft bouncy surface, and used the end to suck up Berny's entire cock and his balls! He was skewered between tongue and cock and bouncing on a giant soft tail sucking him off at the same time, he could not move at all, only suck.

After only a few minutes he felt the knot swell a bit larger, almost rock hard. His jaw bone ached from the pressure. Lesley's balls clenched and he erupted a powerful stream into Berny so hard he did not even need to actively swallow- the flow forced its own way down!

[Lesley used Hydro Cannon]

Lesley applied more pressure with his tongue just on reflex from his own pleasure and set Berny off as well. His narrow but long cock fired thick ropes across the inside of the tail, pooling on the bottom toward the back of the writhing chamber within.

[Berny used String Shot]

Lesley's limbs went weak from the pleasure blast, and his first male orgasm. He almost immediately fell asleep, plopping onto the floor, slowly releasing Berny. Berny was still tied cock to face so he was not going anywhere for at least a little while, so he just snuggled up beside Lesley and had a nap too.

[Lesley fainted]

Lesley woke up a while later, looking at the clock in confusion for a bit before realizing he had slept through the whole night on the floor! It was fairly late when he went to sleep, but still. He looked around and seen one of yesterday's event exclusive shirts on the floor beside him on top of his discarded panties and skirt. On the back it had Berny's signature with a message in permanent marker. 'the next event is on the 28th, see you there <3'

[Berny used Substitute]

[Lesley activated Berny's ability Emergency Exit]

"Grrr, you sneak. I will win you over soon! I will have more than your signature you beautiful devil!"

[Lesley used Pursuit]

He went to pick up the clothes but found it hard with pseudo flippers, remembering that he was still a pokemon. "Wait... how do I turn back?"

[Lesley has become confused]

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