Give Her A Hand

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Dr. Connie Curtis lost an arm in service as a military doctor, but could not metaphorically let it go. Now dipping her toes into biology, she harnesses the DNA of Salamander and their natural ability to regrow what they have lost, but is using herself as a test subject really the best idea...

(F tf Salamonster, age regression)

Dr. Connie Curtis was a dedicated woman, and a brilliant mind. She was a military doctor, and did good work in grim situations. It was one thing to learn the intricate workings of a human body, another to have the deft fingers to work on such a micro scale without doing more harm than good, and yet another thing entirely to do it surrounded by the sound of gunfire among the mud and dust. She could have found a bullet in her own head and be on a hospital bed herself in the middle of trying to fix someone else. She knew that from the start, but still went on to have a resplendent career, but... her luck did eventually run out. In one operation she was forced to retire when a grenade blast came too close to the mobile field hospital and blew her left arm clean off. She survive, but without both hands she could not properly be a doctor.

Still, her mind survived in one piece and so she settled down as a professor at a university teaching younger minds to do what she once did. Now in her mid sixties her hair was starting to get a bit more dry and brittle and what was once black has faded to silver. Her once keen eyes now needed a pair of small rectangular glasses to perch on the very end of her nose. The creases grew deeper in her face, but you could still tell she had been quite good looking. Even now years after it happened though, she found herself stumbling when she approached a podium from the right- trying to rest her left arm on it only to remember she doesn't have a left arm. She will be reading or writing with her right arm and then try to grab something with her left, only to look over and see it remains unmoved. Sometimes she even feels a sharp ache in her absent left arm and tries to grab at what is not there. Phantom pains. Her arm let go of her, but she never let go of the arm.

That was when she took up Herpetology and started to research Salamander in particular. They can breath underwater, though their gills are hidden, and breath above water. They are slippery little critters, like lizards but with smooth skin rather than scales. But most of all, what really got Connie interested in the salamander, is the fact when you cut off a salamander's arm, it grows back. Arm, leg, tail- you can fully sever its limbs and it will eventually grow new ones. A salamander had legendary regeneratory powers, and that is where Connie focused her efforts on researching. There was other animals she briefly looked into of course but none equaled the salamander. Deer technically have amazing regeneratory prowess when it comes to bone- antlers are made of full proper bone, but fall off and completely regrow every year. But an arm is more than just bone. You can explode a starfish into bits and as long as the chunks are still a good size it can most likely regenerate from that- heck, the broken bits can also regenerate which would effectively clone the starfish. But a starfish also lacks several vital organs a human has, so their biological makeup is a bit too misaligned for human use.

It was not some part of the cell tacked on that allowed this to happen, but part of cell itself, so rewriting a human cell with its genetics would not really help... and also you would turn into a salamander, which wasn't exactly what she is trying to do. Connie ended up using a virus cell as a base- unable to reproduce on their own, virus cells piggyback on regular cells and use their reproductive abilities to produce more virus. So she altered the viral cell with salamander genes, so it would attack cells like normal, but the information it force fed the cell was instead part of the salamander genetic code. She also had to isolate cell reproduction and bodily repair function which took quite some time. In order to do that with a normal salamander, she would need to extract a cell sample from every part of its body that she wanted to be able to affect and make a separate serum for each. Or, the long way she took- get a stem cell sample from a fertilized salamander egg. The sample she took was pluripotent- a cell that has not yet taken on a role, and could thus fill any role. So rather than information on a part of a salamander, it was just salamander in general. Since it was not assigned a role, when it invaded a human cell, the human cell would retain its current role instead of being overridden. Dr. Curtis finally finished a sample and just so happened to have a pet mouse that is missing almost its entire tail- appropriately named Stumpy. She also has a pet tarantula, but it wasn't missing any limbs so testing on him was pointless. She injected Stumpy's extremely short tail and waited eagerly to see the results.

The next day she woke up and looked into Stumpy's cage to see him soundly sleeping in a nest of old mulched socks with a full tail! It worked perfectly! Even on an old wound that had already mended as-is! Connie reached in and gave it a little tug to see if he had proper feeling in it and apologized when she woke him up. Yup, he can feel and move it. With absolutely no hesitation, Connie jammed the second sample of the serum into her own stump and gave herself a full dose of the stuff. A person even remotely level headed on the subject would have waited considerably longer and done quite a bit more testing, but that was not Connie right now. If she was correct in her work, these cells would actually be better than salamander, or human. A gestalt- a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

She did not have any classes till night, but she generally hung out in her classroom at the university reading and doing her own research in case anyone needed to find her before class. So, not wanting anyone to think anything was off, she did just that. Rather than research today though, she just kicked her legs up on the desk off to the side of the podium at the fore of the class and just watched video on the internet. She almost ignored the aching feeling in her left shoulder, but caught on after a while. Dr. Curtis was used to phantom pains in the missing limb and tried to tune them out, but today they were real pains. It was a dull ache, almost like a cramp. A few times it almost felt like someone poking her in the shoulder, because muscle fibers were twitching around on their own. The mouse restored its entire tail over the course of one night, so Connie's heart was racing thinking of how soon she might be reunited with her arm. She started panting a bit, and glancing over at the thermostat for the room. She was starting to sweat but it was just normal room temperature. Connie felt really hot, not just her shoulder. Her stump started to feel cramped and she undid the tie on her left sleeve and rolled it up to the shoulder to expose the skin and gasped as she seen and was able to wiggle several short tendrils! The muscle fiber was growing back and pulling the skin along with it, but had not grown enough yet to take the shape of an actual limb so it was just individual strands that almost made it look like she was growing fingers from her shoulder.

Now that they were released from their prison however, they started to grow much faster. The strands grew in length and girth, coiling around themselves and as they grew together the skin on the surface mushed together looking almost like someone uniting two different pieces of silly putty. Connie moaned sharply and raised her other arm to bite her sleeve to stifle herself. The bone was growing, and the ache went from a dull cramped feeling to a sharp almost stabbing pain. On a microscopic level the bone regenerating was like watching a spider web being woven without the spider, and then the strands each bulked up to the point where it looked more like the surface of a sponge. Bone is pourus when viewed up close, and not entirely solid even besides that since the core courses with marrow where blood cells are manufactured. The bone was dry when it formed initially however, and a dry object dragging on the soft wet inner tissues of your body is not a good feeling. The feeling stopped while the muscle and flesh continued to expand downward. Bone was still forming but it was free floating bone- not attached to anything existing. It was forming her elbow at the moment, which like a knee cap is just sort of free floating as far as bones go. What attaches it to the rest of the bones is a low friction coating of cartilage and then tendons and ligaments. Unlike the formation of the bone itself, cartilage was not abrasive even when formed rapidly.

Connie watched her arm in awe even with her teeth grit at the feeling. It was bizarre watching her skin undulate like the surface of the ocean on a windy day- all the muscles rolling around and coiling, trying to find their placement as quickly as possible. But it was not as easy as making the part and it just being where it is supposed to go. Muscle is very winding, the body isn't made of Lego blocks, you cannot pop a part off and put it back on. Each part is entwined with others, so to restore one part would involve plenty of growth from parts that are still there. She cannot regenerate all knew muscles, she restores a full muscle structure from what little remained of her previous arm. By the time the growth collected into her elbow the muscle and flesh had caught up with bone and now they traveled together. If you have ever seen a video time laps of a body decaying, this was sort of like watching that only in reverse. Bone, then muscle and veins then skin, almost looking like liquid flowing downward in its rapid growth, though adhered to a strict form. Connie noticed her upper arm looked a bit purple but that was simply her blood cells rapidly reproducing to fill the new limb, before there was a full limb to fill- causing blood pressure to skyrocket in her upper arm for the moment. Her muscles spasmed causing her entire body to tense up and relax over and over again as the muscles and nerves exploded in complexity as the wrist finished forming- and her new hand was born. She tried to hold the limb as still as possible to help the growth but when the hand formed the nerves sparking random sensations caused her fingers to twitch and gasp at nothing several times before they were fully formed- luckily not having an effect on their generation.

Connie looked at her arm and flexed her now complete hand several times. Her smile slowly got wider and wider, till finally she slammed both hands down on her desk and burst into a fit of laughter that would scare a B film super villain.

"Dr. Curtis?"

She quickly fumbled backward into her chair and folded her new arm behind her back so it could not be seen. "Oh, Otto, I did not see you come in."

He chuckled. "I could hear you from the hall- what is so funny?"

"Oh, uh, just remembering something my pet tarantula did. You wouldn't find it funny, it is one of those things you have to be there to see the humor."

"Ah. Well, I finished with those papers you loaned me." He placed a small stack of papers on her desk. "You look a bit flush, are you feeling alright?"

"Oh, yes. I feel a bit hot today, not quite sure why. May have a mild fever, I have no other symptoms so I don't think I will throw in the towel just yet."

"And dyed your hair too I see. I personally liked the more natural look, oh, but I better get going. My next class starts in another hour and its quite a lecture today."

Dyed her hair? As soon as Otto was stepping out of the room, Connie sat back into her seat properly and turned on the forward camera on her tablet and gasped in surprise at her own face! She assumed her skin felt tighter because of it being stretched in the growth toward the new limb, but wrinkles vanished from her face! She looked like she was in her mid twenties again! Her silver hair was once again a glossy black! Even her laptop screen had become a bit blurry, indicating her glasses no longer worked. With a bright smile she took them off and placed them down onto the desk- she could now see perfectly well on her own again. Connie's most far flung theory on the serum was correct- these new hybrid cells are capable of transdifferentiation! It is a process that alters the state of a cell and transforms them to a new cell type over time, enabling the body to replace any poor biological material without relying on cellular decomposition. There is actually a jellyfish that is naturally able to do this as well. What it meant for Connie was her estimated life span went from 100 to 200 years, maybe even 300. It was hard to tell if she was giddy from getting her arm back or her transformation had restored her energy as well, but she felt more alive than she has in a long time! It was not till two hours later that she started to realize she needed a way to hide her left arm. If people found out she had the serum they would freak out; and especially so if it was found out that she used it on herself after minimal testing. There was many people in the world who could use this miracle serum, so she needed to get it public at some point, but was hoping to somehow do it without it being linked directly back to herself. And in the meantime, she needed to act like everything was normal, which meant hiding her arm.

She went to the water fountain and talked with two other professors about random stuff, just as a controlled test to see if they would notice. She tied her sleeve back up and had her left arm folded up inside of it, with her hand actually under the left side of her lab coat hanging from the shoulder seam. No one seemed to notice and she held a fairly lengthy conversation. They commented on her suddenly very good looks, but that much could be explained away with makeup and a new skin treatment. Removing skin lines was surface level cosmetics- not all that hard to do without the use of extreme sciences and neobiology. It helped that people naturally averted their eyes from dysfunctional limbs in fear of offending the owner. Most people actively tried to not look at her missing limb- so even if something was off, they will not notice. Her arm started to throb a bit, returning a dull ache. Connie could hide her arm well enough like that, but holding that position was hard on the limb, it isn't really meant to be completely folded in like that for any length of time. She felt the blood pressure in her arm throbbing as well, having it up like that was probably bad for circulation. As soon as she scooted back into her large empty class she went to slip the arm out and tore the shoulder seam a bit! Connie narrowed her eyes at it. Was her arm actually swollen? She had to use her right hand to try and wiggle the left out without tearing the lab coat off and she gasped again at the sight of her left arm! The skin was purple! Her nails were much thicker and a bit more narrow, they have turned into small claws! Her skin felt clammy and it was slowly getting darker! Her left arm was also getting larger, the muscle below the surface bulging. Normally a human arm has peach fuzz hairs on it, but hers was now utterly hairless, making the skin look shiny as well from being overly smooth.

"S... salamander? But that is human musculature. Why didn't this happen to Stumpy, arrgh."

Meanwhile back at her home, Stumpy had pried the bars of his cage wide open and was slithering around her apartment. The only fur on its body was on its upper back, the rest was smooth black skin. It retained its round shaped torso, but had a long lizard like tail and clawed hands on short mouse like limbs.

"Okay. I have to get back to my place I guess... well, I told Otto I had a fever so I guess my story matches up." She kept turning the limb back and forth, looking it over. "Too much salamander genes? So if I use the same serum only with human stem cells I can just revert... but that would also disable my regenerative abilities. Well, I keep the arm anyway. Oh gosh... but how long is it going to take me to track down a donor of human stem cells?!"

Connie winced at the feeling of her skin being pulled taught again as her left arm swelled up a bit larger still. Her right arm was an average built woman's arm, but now her left arm looked like a body builders arm, and also quickly approaching pure black skin. She grabbed up her tablet and cell phone, and planned to call in sick from her car on the drive home, once she was a distance from the university. Unfortunately as soon as she turned a corner one of her students spotted her and started a conversation. She had to hide her enlarged mutant arm by turning her right shoulder quickly to the student, using her torso to block his line of sight from her arm. She was looking noticeably nervous now, the throbbing in her veins backing up into the rest of her body. Her muscles elsewhere would pulse randomly every so often in reply to the growing blood pressure. The cells were compatible with any part of her body... which meant her mutation could also spread anywhere. Thanks to her efforts both the human aspect and salamander aspect in her genes were incomplete, so when one sequence was finished the other started, but since neither had a proper end, it just started the first sequence again. She was getting both more salamander and more human, even though the growth was supposed to have finished. She looked suddenly surprised a moment mid-conversation and managed to pass it off, but her legs almost gave out at the feeling of her tail bone extending! Caudal vertebrae- a tail.

Dr. Curtis tried her best to listen to the student and her questions but was completely tuned out and just internally screaming over her body going full freak on her. She finally glanced over the student's shoulder toward the clock without actually reading it, and told him she was really sorry but she had to run, there was a bit of an emergency. The student understood and let her go, but then cocked an eyebrow at her odd walk. She was practically dragging her left leg, while she made a sweeping motion to turn around so her lab coat would billow out enough for her to quickly slip her left arm under the body of it. Her growing tail was snaking its way down her left pant leg however, overfilling her pants so she could not bend her left knee without risking her pants busting open! The student asked her if she needed help, worrying she was hurt somehow and dashed forward to help her! Connie quickly flinched away putting her right hand up defensively- almost accidentally putting them both up.

"I am fine, just a bit of a pulled muscle, nothing serious. Have a good rest of your day though."

With an awkward chuckle she dashed around the corner to break line of sight and quickly slipped into the bathroom. She grabbed the already thick base of the tail and started to pull it out even as it continued to get longer. It flopped out over her pants and she sighed in a slight relief of getting it out of the cramped space. She could wrap it around her hip under her coat to hide it- at least it won't risk bursting her clothes off that way. The tail was pitch black and glossy smooth, just like her left arm now was. Connie rotated her shoulder with a grunt, feeling a bit off even beside the growth. She then used her right arm to feel around and felt an extra bone. It was partially overlapping her ribs, and her shoulder as well, making it difficult to reach her arms straight forward. That was weird, salamander don't have an extra bone there. She groaned suddenly and grabbed her crotch with her left hand a moment, feeling the bones in her pelvis shifting suddenly, the bulk draining from the bone in the back and expanding in the front! This caused her vulva to be forced down lower as it angled her pelvic floor differently. Her growing tail also pushed her anus further up and forward, so now the two openings were crammed together! Her tail lashed out and coiled the end around the pipes under one of the sinks to brace herself entirely on reflex. She toppled over as the shifting in her hips caused the strength to leave her legs momentarily. Connie caught herself with her left arm mostly, which then swelled up massively as if in response to her using the muscles! The crevices between muscle groups deepened, but it was not muscle alone- her bones grew too, the entire limb was bigger. It looked ridiculously large compared to the rest of her, and would make her right hand look like a doll's hand in comparison.

The muscle structure in her shoulder started to mutate more wildly, causing it to flinch automatically as it stretched the skin forward into a cancerous looking bump. Oh boy, that made her heart jump. Imagine having cancer cells with this sort of rapid regeneration? The tumor would grow gigantic in the span of a single hour. It was not cancerous though- she could move it, it was muscle but shaped incorrectly for either species. It was sticking almost nine inches out from her like a weird meaty tube before she realized. She gingerly squeezed it with her right hand to feel around inside and felt thin still developing bone! Oh no, that extra bone plate she felt before is a shoulder blade! She is growing another arm!! Quickly she felt around the other side and sure enough, pressing in beside her right breast she could feel a plate under it- another shoulder blade! These shoulder blades faced backwards though- like a salamander. Rather than seemingly branching out from the spine, the shoulders and hips of a salamander form a sort of cradle for the spine from below, so the joint for their limbs sits on top, not below. Since the limb cannot rotate through the joint socket itself, this prevents a salamander from being able to reach its arms straight forward- its limbs will stick out away from its body because of how they connect.

Seeing things were getting worse, faster; Connie quickly stood up and wrapped her tail around her hip and rushed out of the bathroom making a dash for the parking lot and her car. When she got into her car she actually needed to lean heavily to the right, because her left arm was so giant it did not fit with the door closed. She glanced down at the squirming muscles in her new limb and seen it was developing quickly! There was already a growing bump beside her right breast, and now what looked like an infant's arm beside her left breast! The skin on the new limb was turning purple, which caused the black skin on the left arm to start to bleed into the rest of her flesh. Hairs fell out and the skin tightened and became smooth and dark, spreading out from the mutated limb. As if her new limbs were stealing mass from the rest of her, she flinched at the feeling of her sternum snapping free of her ribs! It was regressing. Salamander don't really have rib cages. Their vertebrae branch out from the sides into what would look like ribs from the top down, but they only extended a fourth of the way normal ribs do, and they have no sternum to hold them together at the front; because they do not even reach the front. If you were to poke a salamander in the chest you would feel nothing solid there- its just meat and organs. They also do not have four shoulder blades however. Her ribs would not be able to regress completely, at least not toward the top of her torso because her breast musculature as well as the second set of shoulders need something to adhere to still. Leaning heavily to her right, she felt her muscles in the right arm start to slowly bulk up as well, trying to balance her out.

Connie took off toward home, struggling to drive correctly when she was practically laying sideways to make room for her gigantic left arm. When the limb got long enough, her second left arm loosely grasped the other side of the steering wheel to just sort of drape off it for now. It still had no strength in it, and it still looked puffy, like baby fat. There was a car practically on her dumper honking at her, since Connie was driving slower than normal to be safe. Using her tail Connie was slapping the side of her seat trying to feel around for the handle that let it be pushed back and finally released it. Keeping her two arms on the wheel she quickly shuffled the rest of her body back as her hips continued to change! Her tail was still growing rather quickly, which caused her two holes to press into each other from lack of space and finally the flesh deformed to the point where the two openings became one! With a loud moan her entire body trembled and went rigid a moment from unwanted pleasure. Her cloaca clenched closed, but from top to bottom! The muscle ribbing on her inner walls deformed and yanked it horizontally, stretching the entire opening while the clenching of her more mobile muscles brought the top and bottom together, forcing it into the shape of a proper cloaca- it opened vertically not horizontally. When her hips were fully turned, she was sort of cradling what is supposed to be the back of the driver seat with her legs. If she attempted to walk on two legs now, she would be forced into an incredibly wide legged stance- the hip joints wont let her bring her thighs together. Since she was wearing shoes and socks she could not see, but could feel her feet mutating as well. It felt like they were both shrinking and growing at the same time. The body of the foot shrank but the toes grew. Holding this position while trying to drive made things more difficult, and a few times she almost braked entirely, causing the guy tailgating her to honk aggressively some more. Connie's posture was slowly starting to get easier though... which made her more worried, because that meant her entire body was starting to grow larger.

The end of her torso touched the back of the rear seat now- her body stretching longer with rhythmic deep, hollow pops from her spine. Her tail continued to grow as well though, bunching up against the seat and partially filling the back window. She tried to keep it out of sight but was running out of room to stick it. Her entire body was starting to turn bruise purple now. She had one humanoid arm on the left and one infantile arm on the right now. The humanoid arm only had three fingers and a thumb though, with small stumpy claws. The claws did not develop as large as her primary arms, nor did the muscle seem to want to get huge. A salamander only has five digits on its rear legs, its front only have four. These hands did still retain a mostly human shape though. She was outgrowing the entire vehicle at this point!

"Oh for crying out loud... go around you dipshit." Connie finally pulled over to the side of the road to let the moron behind her get lost.

Rather than continue on, he stopped as well and shout out his window at her. "Get your grand kids to drive if you won't, people have things to do!"

He quickly pulled head back into his vehicle and suddenly went tight-lipped when the driver side door of her car ripped off its hinges and flew across the street. Starting with her left arm she dragged herself out of the vehicle. By now her left arm alone was the size her entire body used to be! Her right arm was now the massive size the left became shortly after the mutations- and was racing to catch up to the left now; it also had claws and was very nearly totally black. Her arms were so gigantic that even though her hips and legs were in a quadruped stance, her front limbs held her body so far off the ground that her upper torso was still in an upright position. Connie slithered up to the front of his car and in a sudden motion punched down on the hood so hard the entire rest of the vehicle popped off the ground and stood up on its end, with her fist pinning it in that position; her face right up to the windshield.

"Honk one more time. I will crumple this car into the shape of a coffin for you."

Since her new arms were only half the size of the originals they remained crossed under her breasts while the prime limbs did their work. She glanced past the idiot and seen a police pulled over to the side of the road on the opposite lane frantically reaching for his radio to call this in to the station. In a bit of panic herself, Connie hooked her claws under the front of the man's car and tossed the entire thing through the air and landed on top of the police cruiser! He did not have line of sight to her with another car on top of his hood, so Connie quickly slithered into a lane-way. She dashed as quickly as she could to get away. As Connie ran her shoes filled painfully for a moment before the seams burst in a dull pop and her feet burst out of her shoes! Or at least, what used to be feet. She clenched the digits and loosened them again, rotating them around individually as Connie realized her feet had transformed into copies of her huge clawed primary hands! She now essentially had six arms!

"Oouuugh... so big. Too many arms! Feels like someone pulling on my head..."

Her skull made dull cracking sounds only she could hear as her mouth stretched wider. Her neck thickened and grew a bit longer but not by a lot. Her new arms grew fairly muscular now too, though seemed to stop there, still within human possibility, minus the claws and coloration. The black did not consume them however. While her skin darkened everywhere, it did not turn black everywhere. The insides of her new arms turned bright red instead of black. Her breasts turned black, but the nipples and areola red. The red was around three sides of her breasts, and covered her entire underbelly and the base of her tail. A slightly orange toned neon red stripe also appeared on either side of her neck and then trailed up and down her entire backside all the way to the tip of her tail. There was a fine dusting of very small freckle-like red dots on her hide even where it is otherwise black as well. Unfortunately all her body hair fell out wherever the flesh tone changed and her pours tightened to make her hide water proof. The hair on her head was not safe either. As her mouth continued to get stretched wider, forcing her skull to follow; the coloration of her skin advanced up, and her human hair started to fall out. As her jaws stretched the base of her teeth stretched as well, causing them to become triangular and sharp. Her skull started to take on a triangular shape if viewed from above or below- and looking rather flat when viewed from the sides. Her muscles bulged all over her still growing body, but because of the lack of bone structure in the torso, they were not outwardly visible except on her upper back and arms. She almost looked like a dragon- only instead of two huge wings on her back it was just another pair of arms. Even with her increased body size, her primary arms were ridiculously large.

The muscle of her arms tore her shirt and then lab coat at the seams, but the body of the garments remained mostly intact through most of her changes because her torso grew in length more than it did in size- though it did still grow in size too. Eventually when it hugged her tight enough to hinder her breathing she used her new arms to dig into the fabric with her claws between her tits and tear it off of herself. Her pants at least still fit... mostly. The legs were no where near long enough and they were pulled extremely tight, but they were still holding up, thanks to her tail having been set free early on. The black coloration of her breasts trailing from her collar, but not beside or below them made their teardrop shape stand out even more against the red flesh surrounding them. Without a top now, she used her normal sized arms to cup her breasts and hold them steady as her mega arms carried her weight. Because of the wide stance, her legs could barely lift her crotch off the ground a foot, so her back half sort of just slithered along while her front half was carried by her giga arms. Her torso must be at least three times as long as it used to be, but only about one and a half times larger around. Connie did not even really notice that while her skull changed shape, her tail was slammed hard against the ground, tense from the feelings, but so tense that the muscles started to swell up and branch! Fat nubs formed on the end of her tail and the end itself became more bulbous and a red circle formed on its underside. The nubs started to stretch out as bone segments formed inside and the red skin underside stretched with them. Within a few minutes her tail was tipped with four huge clawed fingers! Her tail acted as yet another arm! She had seven arms!!

When her arrow shaped skull finished changing her transformation seemed to finally end. She was sort of turned sideways to try and fit in the lane-way that was much too small for her gigantic form now. Connie just leaned on one wall to catch her breath and get her thoughts together. There was no way the officer seen her long enough to identify her, and she no longer looked like herself now- so no one knew to be looking for Connie Curtis. She still needed to make her way back home without anyone seeing her, and try to find a cure for herself. Even if she reverts human now though- she might still have four arms. Or hands for feet. Or fingers sticking out of her tailbone. She had a lot of problems she needed to figure out, but at least having too few arms was no longer one of them. She looked up and grabbed the wall, then pressed her shoulders and back into the wall behind her. Using the building behind her as support she started to crawl up the side of the building in front of her. She slithered over the edge onto the roof just as people started to stick their heads into the lane-ways looking for the huge salamander monster. Thanks to her having hands for feet and a hand on her tail, she could cling to things just as easily with her back half as she could her front half. Her arms were huge enough to reach over the gap between buildings and pull herself over, and then she used her tail hand to shove her back half off. Connie traveled from rooftop to rooftop trying to make her way home over the view of any prying eyes.

When she was nearly there though, a naked man suddenly climbed over the opposite side of the buildings onto the roof! "Oh there you are! I seen your car and thought something had happened." The man had six arms! Though, all his were roughly where you would expect arms to be.

"W-who... are you?"

He chuckled, brushing some of the hair away from his face, revealing he had another two eyes on his forehead. "Don't recognize me? It's me- Harry. Your pet spider!"


"You will not believe what a day I have been having. I got bit by a radioactive human!"


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