Final Fetish II

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Maeve unknowingly pisses off an Esper by snatching up and unclaimed quest before it expires, and now she is transforming unexpectedly; and bird is the word.

(F tf Chocobo, Oviposition)

Maeve grinned as she exchanged the proof of completion of several quests for coin at the tavern, and then took up the bounty for several more. Maeve is a Blue Mage and master of monster magic- being able to copy the abilities monsters attempt to use against her. In a sense, similar to a Red Mage in that she can use both Black and White magic, but also skills that humans cannot learn at all normally. What she could not cover on her own, her boyfriend Tarn did as a Thief class. When they couldn't make enough doing bounties, he would just turn a few pockets inside out. Maeve wore a simple blue gown to signify her class, and then a grey shawl on over that. Her blond hair was so long she folded it back up onto itself and tied it in place with the key to her journal.

It was approaching the end of the day, and another woman came in to turn in a bounty herself, but she held the proof of two bounty completions. Cotta was an unusual one- she looked like a human with elven ears and odd pale pink iris, but in actuality she was an Esper disguised as a human- so while she had no official class her magical prowess was on a level of its own. Cotta tossed the proof onto the tavern counter and asked the bar keep for high price bounty she seen on the board earlier. No one touched it because it would take quite a bit of doing, so even Cotta did not accept it earlier. Instead she attempted it as a side objective while doing other bounties, and ended up completing it. She already had the proof of completion with her, so as soon as she accepted the quest it would automatically complete.

The moogle at the counter raised an eyebrow at her request and then glanced at the quest board. "Tough luck, kupo. The quest just got taken, kupo."

Cotta spun on her heels in confusion and looked over herself. "What?! That woman took it, right now?! The quests expire in and hour and a half, its literally impossible to complete it in that amount of time!"

Mog shrugged. "Ku-po. The quests have a separate timer when you accept them from their expiration time on the board. Now that she has the quest, she has another day to complete it from now."

"AAAGH, but I already finished the quest."

"Yea but you never accepted the quest, so you can't claim it."

Cotta's skin started to show glowing pink cracks of energy as her anger threatened to break her human guise. "Who is she?! I will make her pay for this!"

Mog shook his head, remaining tight lipped. He was a moogle, not a rat. Its bad for business squealing on your customers. A white mage woman started laughing at a table- a staff with a curled end in one hand and a beer mug in the other.

"Oh gosh, wasn't that Maeve? The Blue Mage? My, but she is a bizarre one. I live two houses over from her and Tarn and I once heard her scream 'give me your Jumbo Cactuar'. And with her I honestly don't know if that was a pet name for her boyfriend's penis, or if she was literally using a Cactuar."

Cotta walked over to her. "Tell me more of this Maeve."

The White Mage hummed in thought. "She is a bit lewd. I mean, nice enough woman but her and her boyfriend pull some shady tricks sometimes, and she is always looking for the most bizarre items for her fetishes. She had poor Tarn wandering the city over trying to find someone with a fake Chocobo egg! He had to ask around so many different places to find one that basically everyone in the city knows what he was up to."

Cotta hummed again, nodded and then in a ripple of the air, she vanished. Cotta appeared on a rooftop nearby, glancing around a moment before skittering to the other side of the roof and spotting Maeve down on the street heading away from the tavern, bouncing a fat bag of coin in her hand happily.

"Your Soil combination has been decided. Magun!"

She held a hand out as if holding something and seemingly from thin air a huge long barrel golden gun with three barrels appeared already in her hand! She plucked three narrow glass vials from the air containing a fine, crystal powder, each of a different color. Cotta loaded each into the gun as if they were bullets.

"Feather gold, heavy pink, and shell white!"

Cotta quickly took aim and shot Maeve in the back! Unlike bullets they did not penetrate at all, they burst on contact and the crystal powder within released its energy, but because they hit Maeve directly the energy was forced into her body! By the time she turned around to try to figure out what the hell happened, Cotta vanished again, phasing into the Esper world. The brittle, thin glass of the vials just left a fine crystal dust in their wake so Maeve did not even notice it against the sand that naturally collected between the cobble of the road. It felt like someone smacking her playfully in the back, but when she turned to look no one was there. She had to shrug it off for now, she had to meet up with Tarn quickly. His elder sister was in the city, but she is a Dark Knight, and Darkness skills were outlawed in the city at the moment... rendering her almost entirely helpless against local monsters because its literally illegal to use her skills! Maeve had only briefly met Tarn's sister Nish once before, so Maeve wanted to leave a good impression. They would have to meet her at the other end of the woods and then escort her through the woods to the city- defeating any monsters they encounter so she can get to safety. She was stuck twiddling her thumbs at the save point outside the forest till Tarn and Maeve escort her.

Maeve noted on the way there her feet felt strange. It felt like muscles in her foot were stretching on their own, which did not feel at all bad, but... also not normal. She felt prickling in her tail bone to, causing her to stop and glance around before trying to reach around and lift her skirt to feel back there. There was large quills growing out of her tail bone! She used her hand to get them all out from under her panties so they would not catch in the fabric as they grew. What on earth would cause something like this? She used transformative magic on herself before, but those spells were all undone some time ago. She did not want to bring it up with Tarn right now with his sister right there, so she would have to wait till after the escort. At least no one can see it through her skirt. Something was wrong with her teeth too- her toenails keep scraping on the front inside of her boots. Maeve was only halfway through the forest to meet them when the pressure became too much and she heard the sound of her boots rupture! Two huge claws lanced through the front of her boots! But three of her toes were the same size- for some reason only every second toe grew, so only two of the five. She had little time to ponder the change before her feet started to cramp up, trying to grow but out of room already!

She instinctively lifted her ankle, sliding her foot out of her shoe a bit and then the growth took over and forced it the rest of the way out, causing her to topple over onto her hands and knees. The ends of her feet remained where they were while the ankle slipped out of the shoes and continued to rise, stretching her foot longer and longer. Individual bones fused together into a single sturdy segment of increasing length. She kicked both boots off to escape the cramping in her muscles. The bones in her feet clicked and snapped sharply from the changes. Her middle toe was regressing- the nail already gone and the toe shrinking and devolving into nothing. The mass was being taken by the toe on either side which were getting huge- and tipped by increasingly deadly looking talons. Her large and pinky toe were being drawn back, in a process that looked like it should be incredibly painful yet was not. As the smaller bones swelled and united into larger sturdier ones, the flat bottom of the foot seemed to fold into itself, bringing the two drawn back digits together and they fused! Maeve's feet no longer touched the ground- her toes were so huge that she stood on them! Two in the front, one in the back! A bird foot.

She glanced back at herself and seen the back of her skirt raising increasingly higher as the quills growing from her became even larger before finally bursting open on the later halves! Long, bushy yellow feathers! Everyone on the planet would recognize those! Maeve realized she was somehow turning into a Chocobo! Much smaller quills tickled her skin as they grew from her thighs, while her inner thighs and crotch grew powder-soft down feathers, replacing her pubes with down as well. Her stomach gurgled as something swelled in her lower guts as well. Her muscles pulled tighter in her legs making Maeve moan at the strange sensation. The muscles were compressing, getting smaller in size but tighter. The skin started to firm up and tighten suddenly as well, making the shape of the bones within the leg more outwardly apparent. The skin started to darken as it tightened, turning peach-grey, to light grey, then finally a very dark grey. It became tough and leathery as it bubbled up a bit and became course textured in the back and banded plates on the front like pseudo scales. The smaller feathers only grew on her thighs, and stopped just after the kneecaps, it was dark grey banded skin below that. The current changes seemed to stop there for now. She could tell there was still a power inside of her that wanted to change her, but she was able to resist it for now. This was not her first time transforming, so she knew how to resist or usher changes in. She couldn't hold it off forever though. Without knowing what the source of the magic was to cut it off, it will eventually build up strength and transform her in another burst when it gets too strong to hold back.

Maeve stood up slowly, teetering on her new toes till she understood her new balance. Because her soles were elevated off the ground and so very long, she was extremely tall now. Her skirt covered to her knees, and if she relaxed the tail the feathers could be faced down and somewhat hidden under her skirt as well. That did not particularly help since you could still see the majority of her giant Chocobo legs. It luckily did not take Maeve long to adjust to walking like this. While she was not accustomed to walking on her toes, the toes were very large and the one in the back helped stabilize her quite well. Chocobo legs are also very powerful and the now very long legs gave her a huge stride, so she was able to get to Nish and Tarn quite quickly. The stiff leathery flesh of the avian feet was unbothered by the rocks and sticks of the forest floor- it would take much more than that to damage that skin. Tarn looked nervously at his girlfriend then sister. Nish cocked an eyebrow at the sight of Maeve running up, not that anyone could see. In full originate Dark Knight armor you could not even tell if it was a woman or man inside.

Tarn was the first to speak up. "Uh... what... happened to your legs, hun?"

"I... uh, I made them into Chocobo legs because I was running behind schedule and they could get me here the fastest! I am a Blue Mage after all, master of monster attributes."

Nish leaned toward her brother. "Is this what you meant when you said she was bird brained?"

Maeve scowled. "What?!"

Tarn laughed nervously. "I didn't say she was bird brained, I said she ate like a bird."

Maeve grunt. "Whatever. Lets book it, no time like the present, random encounter rate is pretty high and I am sure Nish has places to be."

Tarn hummed a bit. "W-well I was thinking a more leisurely pace. The forest is nice this time of year because most of the mosquitoes have died off for the year but the snow isn't here yet. Let her see the sights and sounds of our homeland."

Now Maeve looked a bit nervous, stepping closer to him. "Well yes but as someone who is quite scrappy herself, I know that not being able to fight must be irritating for her, so perhaps when she is not so restricted we can come back."

Tarn leaned in close, lowering his voice a bit. "Since when have you ever been 'scrappy'?"

"I am turning into big bird if you didn't notice. I didn't do this! Someone put a spell on me!"

"Can't you use White Wind? It cures status as well as heals the party..."

"And walk through the forest barefoot? If I went home to do it I would be late to escort your sister and I wanted to make a good impression and if I were to cure myself I should do it at home in case something goes wrong and so I don't cut my feet on the forest floor while fighting monsters to help your family so I just-" She had to pause and take a breath. "Can we get going before I turn into an oversized chicken in front of your sister?"

"Well. When you put it that way."

Maeve had to make sure she stood behind Nish and Tarn so Nish would not see her tail getting larger, and lifting the back of her skirt more. Every time she cast a spell to help fight back the monsters that they encountered as they went, her arms tingled more. Quills were growing out of her arms, starting as a stripe along he outward facing side, once those quills were quite large it spread. By the time they opened into feathers, there was quills of some size all down her arms. Her lower guts were feeling cramped as well, making her less agile in spite of the powerful legs. She look to crossing her arms behind her back as she walked to avoid Nish seeing her fingers were fusing together now! The bones in her hand were uniting instead into a third segment for her arm as they continued to devolve toward wings. And not even powerful wings- almost all Chocobo are flightless, they can glide slightly at best. She exclaimed rather abruptly that she needed to backtrack a bit and broke off to look for her contact lens. Tarn was a bit worried, but continued on with Nish without mentioning anything. Maeve doesn't wear contacts.

The pressure in her gut had quickly turned into a dull ach in her crotch, and her pussy was moist in spite of her not being aroused by anything. She held her swollen lower gut with her devolving limbs and groaned loudly as she squat down in the woods out of sight of the others. The swelling suddenly shifted- it wasn't her guts that swelled up, it was an object inside of her! Her vagina started to get forced open, drooling lube as Maeve bunched her skirt up and pulled down her panties trying to figure out what was wrong. The object started to slide downward. Her vagina convulsed on its own and open up further and further till the object slid into her passage, then slowed as it got to the end. The huge sphere crested at the opening of her pussy- the band of muscle that would normally hold it closed was having a hard time stretching as far as the rest. It was an egg! She was laying a Chocobo egg! Which was distressing for the situation, but hot conceptually. She actually had Tarn track down a fake egg before that she had used as a sex toy- pleasuring herself as she slid it in and then pretended to give birth to it after. Now she was actually birthing a real egg! Of course, she hasn't had sex with a Chocobo before, so while this egg was real, its also a dud; it cannot hatch. It very slowly started to stretch its way out, then when it hit the halfway point it popped the rest of the way out almost instantly, causing her to cry out at the sharp but short lived pain. The egg was slick with natural lube. She was almost tempted to scoop it up and make an omlette of it later, but couldn't be seen with it around Nish.

Her arms shivered powerfully and the feathers started to grow rapidly now! Being distracted by the egg caused her to stop actively trying to resist the changes! Her hands were now just a single solid segment and extended out, causing more feathers to rapidly grow to make sure it remained totally covered. She now had all four limbs of a Chocobo, and its tail holding her skirt up in the back. Maeve fumbled her panties several times with her wing tips trying to pull them back up but unable to grip anything with short wings! She groaned at a sudden pressure in her guts and then went wide-eyed as she realized quickly enough this time around, that she was growing another egg rapidly! Chocobo lay eggs at a more frequent cycle than human women- her body was going to try to play catch up! She is in her late twenties- and in Chocobo years that is even more! That was a lot of eggs to make up for! Trying to forget her panties and maybe try to run home instead without pulling them back up she only took a single step, then the pressure in her gut was too much and she started to squat again. Her crouched legs started to slide further apart to help make room.

"Shit, Tarn is going to have to tell Nish I- WARK! Ah!" She startled herself with the very Chocobo sounding call abruptly escaping. "Tell her I got lost. Oooh crap. I can't cure myself here even if I kwehanted... to. Kwweh! Ah. Damnit. If I revert human with several Chocobo eggs inside of me it will rupture my ovaries and womb. Kweh."

Her teeth were starting to ache and she opened and closed her mouth several times from the feeling. She knew what change that must be and was focusing her effort into resisting it. Her hips started to involuntarily thrust forward slightly, her spine was trying to tighten. Her vagina was starting to open on its own again in preparation as the huge round object started to slide down. The feeling of both at once caused her to stumble a bit forward and have to catch herself with her wings against the ground. As soon as she did her hips moved forward and her spine made a rather brutal sounding crunch as it arched forward steeply, then locked in that position! Chocobo have very round shaped torso, not unlike that of an ostrich. This was still far from its proper shape, but closer than she was. This caused her organs to shuffle forcing her to burp several times as excess air was worked out suddenly by the shift, and the second egg fired out of her much faster than the first because of her organs involuntarily convulsing.

"KWEH! Oooh, I don't think I will be a- ab- le... WARK!" Another egg almost immediately entered her birthing canal. "Tarn will have to buy a cure tonic to revert mweeeh! I wark- am going full bird. Can't h- hold-d-dah! KWARK!" The third egg came out without much ache- her vagina was still stretched from the last two, making it easier to birth more.

A Chocobo egg is like the size of a football- big birds have big ass eggs. The problem was her stomach kept bloating out rounder and bigger- it did not shrink back down when an egg left her now and only continued to get larger! That meant she was holding more and more eggs inside of her at a time! Her pussy was steadily drooling lube in an attempt to protect itself, and it barely had time to close from one egg before the next was already shoving its way out! Quills started to grow up her spine, advancing the cover of feathers slowly up from her tail. The base of her tail expanded greatly though the feathers on it remained the same. Her hips popped and stretched out drastically in reverse, while the sides drew in becoming more narrow. The tail contained mostly bone, but rather than multiple segments of bone vertebrae like most creatures; it was actually just their long triangular hip bones- one huge solid bone mass. Maeve groaned and croaked out a few more abrupt squawks without meaning to as her wings ached and she had to shove herself up and re-balance on her legs. Her wings were not meant to hold any weight, so she could not hold herself up on all fours like that without hurting herself. Her legs were wide stanced and bowed as far as they could go- if a human were to pose like that their leg muscles would cramp almost immediately, but Chocobo legs can do that pose easily without harm. It was also the only way to get her searing hot, swollen pussy as close to the ground as possible to the eggs popping out of her did not bust on the ground. Three, four, five, six. The eggs kept coming and she kept grunting and squawking in response to the feelings. The eggs now had to shove the already birthed eggs out of the way as they came out! Some even popped out as pairs now- one shadowing another, using the opening one made to slide out easier. They were coming out so frequently and still her stomach swelled!

Maeve's body shivered as her ribs and shoulder blades disconnected entirely a moment, and her strained spine straightened once again! The other bones remained where they already were, so all the length of spine that formerly was her midriff now surged up into her neck, stretching it out tremendously! Her ribs were now right in front of her hips. Maeve cried out in surprise with rapidly distorting voice box, as her head became higher and further away from her torso on a long but sturdy neck! Feathers rapidly started to form up the neck toward her head. She could feel the eggs rolling inside of her trying to find more room before even being able to force themselves out! She was giving birth even faster now, her pussy could not even close between eggs! The muscle and skin around her vulva started to deform from the pummeling the eggs were giving it, and the anus drew up toward her vagina. Her teeth gave off a sickening sound like two panes of glass grinding together as they merged and rapidly started to grow almost straight out from her face! The teeth were turning orange-yellow as they were exposed to the open air now, quickly forming into a beak! The expanding shape of the forming beak forced her mouth open till it properly aligned and locked with her jaw bones, stretching her lips into complete obscurity. It grew tall enough on the top portion to shove into her nose, which started to harden with an overdose of keratin, hardening it into the same material as the beak to join it! A Chocobo beak looks triangular from every angle except dead-on, where it looks diamond shaped. The top beak has a slight downward hook at the very tip. While the hook on the end of its beak is usually indicative of a predatory bird; Chocobo are strictly herbivores, and their slight hooked beak is simply for self defense. Similarly, their huge hooked talons are not used to rend flesh, but rather for traction on terrain when travelling at high speeds. They are usually timid, but you don't want to piss it off. A bird that is able to carry a warrior, his entire inventory, and the steel armor and weapons he is carrying on its back can very easily cave in your skull with its beak if it wanted to.

Maeve made a few more awkward chirps and squawks trying to make human words, but could not. Not only was her voice box completely changed in her now massive neck, but with a beak she no longer had any lips to form words with. And the eggs just kept coming! Her belly was so large and heavy now that even her powerful bird legs were starting to strain! A powerful prickling feeling crawled up her head and her human hair started to fall away as the feather crest of the Chocobo started to grow in. They have a crest of longer feathers that go straight off the back of their heads. Feathers came to cover her entire face, but the others were less noticeable to her, since their quills were much smaller, and did not uproot her hair to make room. Maeve was winded a moment as her rib cage changed structure. Her ribs paired up and fused, lowering the rib count by half while keeping the same bone mass. This stretched her torso a bit rounder and started to stretch her breasts into obscurity. Finishing the job, her sternum expanded titanically in a giant bone plate, and caused her human tits to vanish entirely as the feather coating raced past.

"W-...waah... WARK!" She involuntarily cried out even while trying to resist the urge. It was like her body announcing the changes were finished. Or at least seemed to be.

The egg coming out of her at that moment paused, the muscle around it was changing shape forcing it to get backed up a moment. Her anus and vulva fused together into a single opening! Her pussy stretched sideways very wide, causing the top and bottom to get yanked closer together! It was devolving into a cloaca! She made strained, distressed sounds as it continued to stretch sideways till the top and bottom met- it now opened horizontally rather than vertically! She made a sound like someone had punched her in the gut as the egg quickly launched out of her! Now that she had proper Chocobo genitals, the eggs had an even easier time getting out! She wobbled and then fell over on her tail as the eggs started flowing out of her in a continuous stream! It was like she was using giant-sized anal beads, and the string had no end- it just kept coming and coming! Her stomach still grew larger, but not with its contents; with padding! She was gaining a layer of fat, that progressed up her entire body and even into her neck! Oh no... she isn't turning into a regular Chocobo, she is turning into Fat Chocobo, their portly leader! Her thighs ballooned out and her gut especially became gigantic, spreading out, causing her to arch her neck further back as the front of it also bloated with the overflow of fat from her torso! Maeve's gown was hiked up and stretched around her torso, not even covering her hips at this point, and as soon as the fat padding started to balloon out straight up her torso, the seams started to rip. Her limbs started to look comically small compared to her increasingly giant and round body! Her torso grew so round, and her neck so thick that it did not even look like she had a neck at all! It looked like her head simply sat on a huge sphere of a body. Her tiny wings were shoved to the side and looked like basically nothing compared to the rest of her. Her gown ruptured entirely with the high pitch sound of shredding seams and her body jiggled violently as it catapulted off her! Maeve's poor legs were almost entirely eclipsed and could absolutely not lift her- Fat Chocobo are tended to by the regular ones, because they are immobile. The stream of eggs quickly slowed toward an end finally, but by then she had passed so many eggs through her poor battered genitals that she was almost entirely numb to it.

Maeve wobbled in place, her body jiggling a bit and undulating like a water bed as she attempted to move but could not. Then she had hit with a huge surge of pressure! As it shifted to her lower body she started to roll backwards! Her limbs flailed around uselessly trying to steady her body as the fat sloshed around inside of her, but she could not. She fell onto her back with a dull thud that caused the entire surrounding area to vibrate. Her cloaca was forced open wider and wider, spitting salty lube all over the ground in am attempt to cope with the monumental size of the object inside of her! She only had one egg left to get rid of... unfortunately, its the egg of a Fat Chocobo. Her cloaca lost coloration in the skin around it as it was stretched so far the blood was drained out of it. It opened wider and wider as more and more of the dome shaped bottom of the egg peeked out. As soon as it hit the halfway point she had to take a massive breath as it felt like her body collapsed in on itself and the egg was launched hard enough out of her that it cracked a tree it collided with before settling on the ground. The egg was so big you could fit an adult human curled up inside!

Exhausted and completely unable to move anyway, she would have to wait for Tarn to find her to fix this anyway, so Maeve just went to sleep right there in the forest. None of the local monsters are going to be stupid enough to try to take down a Fat Chocobo anyway. She casts one Choco Meteor and the entire surrounding area will be reduced to a smoldering crater. Her plan to cast White Wind to cure herself would not have worked anyway. What they needed to do was dismiss a summon. It was not a standard spell but a summoning magic that turned her into this form. Cotta went on thinking she had gotten that Blue Mage back for stealing the bounty out from under her nose, but the joke was on her- this was one of Maeve's fetishes.


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