
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man adopts a dark horse, but go figure, its evil. Gelding the stud took care of the problem of him making their mares turbo-pregnant, but now Ian finds himself cursed and the stud missing.

(M TF stallion)

Ian and his girlfriend Jade were out on a relaxing ride on horseback through the woods behind their ranch. It was autumn so a rainbow of leaves rained down on them as their horses trot casually down the paths- though you could hardly see the path through all the leaves collecting on it. Even the wind was scented with dry leaves. Even their horses were having fun, occasionally nipping at one another playfully and whickering to each other when their riders got off to do something. Jade had an old book she was using to collect and dry leaves in, and had a sketchbook in her other hand, trying to capture as much of the seasonal scenery as possible. Something was a bit off, though. They were startled once by what sounded like thunder... except the sky was perfectly clear. Then Ian felt like someone was watching him, and the horses started to look a bit uneasy as well- though Jade seemed oblivious. Further down the trail they encountered another horse!

The stallion did not appear to have an owner, though it seemed pretty calm for a wild stallion. It was mostly black, but its shoulders, entire neck and head were snow white. The only black that made it past the shoulders was its mane. Because of that, Jade decided to name it Imbros after the first centaur of mythology. Ian called around to other ranches nearby trying to figure out where this horse came from but no one was missing anything. He spent over a week trying to figure out where Imbros belonged, and Jade figured they had already been looking after him for that long- might as well just keep the horse. Ian was always a bit unsettled by the stallion though- it always seemed to be looking at him, like it was glaring. Things continued to get strange though, when one of their mare's turned up pregnant. But, already large and seemingly far along the pregnancy... even though she was not pregnant at days earlier. They go into estrus during spring and summer, and gestation is a full year, so they should also be giving birth in spring and summer, so a mare getting ready to give birth in autumn was not right either. Jade attempted to think of reasons it could have happened, but Ian was convinced Imbros was somehow behind it.

The next night Ian snuck around the barn, seeing if he could spot anything amiss. Sure enough, Imbros' pen was open! He somehow opened it himself and had his mouth on the hatch to the pen of another mare! Ian put and end to that, and Imbros did not like that one bit nearly kicking Ian through a wall before he got the horse locked back up. No one could explain how Imbros did it, but Ian knew it had to be him somehow. So Ian handled it the only way he knew how- other than simply loosing the evil stud back into the wild. He had Imbros gelded; that would both prevent him from getting any more mares pregnant and it should also make the stallion himself more cooperative in the future. The poor mare ended up giving birth only two days later, so her pregnancy somehow lasted a grand total of five days somehow. The foal had markings that also indicated it did indeed belong to Imbros.

Ian slipped into bed beside Jade. "Strangest thing I ever heard of. That horse ain't right."

Jade yawned and clicked off the light on the nightstand. "I think its amazing. If we left his bits intact we could have made a fortune using him as a breeding stud! Go from pregnant to birthing in the span of a week!"

Ian rolled his eyes before he slipped fully under the covers. "Yea, because lots of people are lined up to breed their mares with an unvetted stallion no one can vouch for. Also, that is probably hell on the mare's insides. It is supposed to take a year to gestate a horse for a reason. Even without his low hanging fruit- I don't trust Imbros for a second. Least now he won't be able to do no harm, I suppose."

Ian squirmed a bit in bed as he tried to go to sleep that night. He had a bit of a cramp in his lower body and was feeling a little bloated. Stressing over Imbros probably unsettled his stomach. He woke up late that night though as it got considerably worse. He groaned as he stood up, bending enough to sit up hurt his guts. He shuffled into the bathroom and clicked the light on, feeling his stomach to see if he could identify the problem better. He could clearly feel two large bumps in his lower gut! They were swollen large and firm! Ian furrowed his brows.

"The hell is that?! Oooph, its big and stiff... appendix? No, you only have one, there is two luuuh.... oouuu..."

He grabbed the counter top as he objects pulsed larger. He could feel his lower guts squeezing and shifting slightly trying to make room. Ian grit his teeth, groaning in pain; it started to almost feel like someone had kicked him in the nuts. The ache was almost bad enough to overturn his stomach! The pain became stronger and sharper but only for a split second as the pressure exploded out of him! A complete lack of room for the object in his lower torso forced it to eject and suddenly he felt a slight pain in his actual balls as another object joined them in the scrotum! A gigantic third ball was now stuffed in his sack! Before Ian could even identify what happened, it happened again and another giant ball popped out! The pain started to fade, and the pressure was immediately gone. Breathing heavily, he hefted his scrotum up with eyes wide in shock and horror. His scrotum was stretched smooth as it struggled to contain everything. He had somehow given birth to two new testicles. While his actual balls were the size of golf balls roughly, the new ones were a bit bigger than softballs- so about four times as big. The comparison was easy to make, since his ball sack was stretched so tightly over them, the curvature of each ball was clearly visible. The new balls were behind his old ones, so they cupped his normal balls from behind. Ian kept muttering 'only a dream' as he shuffled back to bed, with beads of nervous sweat on his brow. Ian went back to sleep quickly enough now that the pain was cleared.

Jade was already making breakfast when she heard Ian wake up, yelling in a panic. He came thundering down the stairs a moment later. "I am going to kill that God forsaken hell-horse!"

Jade grabbed him before he could storm out of the house in his pajamas. "Woah there, what has gotten you in a bunch?"

"Imbros did something to me! He cursed me!"

"Right. Now, lets pretend you don't sound crazy and try to rationally explain what is wrong." Ian grunt in frustration and rather than explain, simply reached into his pants and flopped out his junk for her to see herself. "Jesus! You.... you've got-"

"Horse balls. I cut his nuts off and now somehow they are inside of me!"

"M-maybe you should see a doctor about that?" She blushed a bit, thinking how hot it looked with such a full scrotum bouncing between his legs.

Ian scoffed. "Right, and let them call me a maniac instead. Imbros is using some sort of devil magic on me or somesuch! It defies logic, so doing something logical like surgically removing them won't help. He will just use his magic to put them right back in again."

"You just don't want your tender bits cut."

"I mean, yea, that is also true."

Ian put it away and stormed out of the house and over to the barn. He had taken to tying a rope around the hatch to Imbros' pen since the day he could him sneaking into the pens of other horse. The rope was still in place today, but when he opened it up, Imbros was gone! He somehow got out without opening his pen? Ian searched with increasing urgency, trying to find this stallion but he wasn't anywhere to be found! None of the other pens, no where in the barn at all, not in the fields, and not in the grassy plains beyond their land. Imbros had just up and vanished entirely! Ian was feeling weird down there too, he suspected the horse balls were irritating his human bits- not wanting to admit it was the feeling of being pent up.

Jade was concerned, mildly for her husband but more so for the missing horse. But there wasn't anything to be done about that; if they can't find him, they can't find him. Not like fretting over it will magically bring him back. Jade reckoned she could at least help her husband feel a bit better. Under the loosely veiled excuse of helping him relax, she gave him a blowjob after breakfast. Jade used her mouth on his shaft but her hands cradled either of the huge horse balls, while the horse balls in turn held up his human ones. His human nuts were pinched between the scrotum and the larger balls so they did not move around much, but the horse balls started churning quickly enough, slowly rising and lowering on their own in turns. Finally when he climaxed, his human balls jerked hard enough to slide up in the scrotum and he came in four spurts in her mouth before groaning loudly. His urethra was stretched suddenly by a huge blast as he fired a fifth burst that was suddenly massive! A long thick stream of cum erupted as the horse balls lifted, forcing the small human nuts out of the way! He came another six heavy, thick streams into her mouth forcing her to swallow many times- where she would normally swallow once and be done. The second he was done she had to pop off to catch her breath!

After a bit of a rest, Ian decided to hit the trails after lunch. Taking one of the mare's out for a ride into the woods to see if he could spot Imbros, since that is where they first found him. In the gentle shower of leaves and the swirling colors of autumn, Ian actually forgot his woes while softly trotting around the forest. He completely forgot to look for Imbros and was just enjoying the sights and sounds, and being close to a horse that wasn't evil. He was feeling pent up again somehow already, and the rhythmic motion of the horse between his legs trotting along felt good. He ignored it as much as he could, not wanting to give in to what these mutant gonads want from him- but they quickly got his attention when he felt a mild pain in his nuts. He had to pause and slide off the mare and have a seat on some rocks by a large puddle beside the trail. He flopped out his sack again to see what was the matter. Nothing looked different at first, but then he felt the pain again, this time mixed with a bit of pleasure, and this time he seen his balls getting larger! Not the horse balls- his actual human balls were enlarging! Now the horse balls were only three times as big. Ian did not know what to think about this, his best theory was that because he did not tend to the horse nuts when they were full; now they were overflowing into his human balls. He quickly grabbed his penis and started masturbating. While he was pent up, his worry negated some of his arousal and made it a bit difficult to get off. He tried his best to think of sexual things to speed this up- afraid of another growth surge if he did not finish soon, but his thoughts were too all over the place. The mare actually caught his attention, flicking her tail in time to reveal a slight wink from her ebon pussy! Her large clit peeked out behind the thick dark curtains for a moment! That was weird, why was she signalling with no other horses around, and also off-season? Ian did not think too hard on it and instead used the sight to masturbate! He did not have to imagine anything if there was a large moist pussy right there to look at. In his focus to his current activity it did not occur to him that a possible reason she may be aroused is because Imbros may be nearby. Ian came not too long after, while looking at the mare's rump. Like the time before there was three regular shots of human cum, and then a massive surge of horse cum several more times.

Ian returned home, thirsty from expelling so much bodily fluid, and defeated. He had to give in to the urges of the horse balls, or risk them corrupting his actual balls. He also did not find Imbros. He had to go somewhere though, right? If he keeps searching around each day, he will have to find Imbros eventually. If it is a horse, it will want to be near other horses, which is Ian's ranch, or return to he forest since that was where he was living before. If he really was some sort of demonic entity from some hellscape, he would still need people to do evil to and thus return to this land at some point. He was getting itchy too for some reason ever since his failed hunt. He assumed maybe some mosquitoes got him while he was sitting near shallow water. When he was getting ready for bed that night however, he noticed something strange! His stubble was growing in but it looked white, not brown like his hair. He also found the source of his itching; his forearms had dense but short hair on them! He had gotten a lot harrier all of a sudden! Realizing that he took his shirt off to look at other places the itch had inhabited and sure enough, a mat of hair in the middle of his chest. His pubes were more dense but had oddly shortened, and they trailed up almost to his belly button now, and even his shins had a mat of hair now!

Jade seen him through the open bathroom door and made a playful growl as she leaned on his arm, pressing her boobs into it. "Ooh~ holding off on shaving, huh? I like it, rugged."

"N-no! I shaved my face this morning, and I never get this hairy in the first place! That damned horse is doing something to me!"

She pout a bit because he didn't take the hint she wanted to fuck. "It could just be a side effect."

"Why do you always gotta take his side?"

"I still think he is just a horse. Which would mean he doesn't have a side. Besides, with balls that big between your legs, you're going to have a lot of testosterone in you- much more than a human should. That would cause your body hair to grow in. Heck since there is so much your voice might even crack. Like a second puberty."

Jade continued to lay it on thick as they got into bed, and Ian finally took the hint and decided a bit reluctantly to have sex. If he was right earlier about being too backed up as the cause, then he would sort of need sex to ward off further problems. As they had sex the weight of his nuts really became apparent. He rose her doggy style, so his massive nuts were freely swinging below them, and swung so far forward she could feel the rush of air on her pussy. They were really big, and really heavy. Ian had a bit of a panic as he felt a slight pain in his balls just before he climaxed, like they were going to grow again but then he climaxed before he could even think about it and released the pressure. There was more cum than she could contain, causing it to blast out from around his dick even as he was still firing it. They both had to get cleaned up for bed a second time. Jade seemed to be enjoying his 'curse' quite a bit. Thanks to having sex, Ian fell asleep very quickly after. His dreams were quite sexual too, but that was understandable given the day he had. His dreams involved more mares than he would like to admit though. Standing in the barn brushing the horses, but then realizing he was oddly high up even though he wasn't on a stool. Then stumbling over a horse when he went to examine how he was so high up, accidentally rubbing his junk on its rump as he tried to get back up and then his mind just blanks and he starts thrusting.

In reality he was groaning and moving around quite a bit in his sleep, even thrusting his hips a few times. He felt a pain in his balls again but he was asleep and thus unable to react to it. Then another pain, then another joined with pleasure, and then on the next pulse his balls started to swell larger! His overfull scrotum started to slowly grow with them this time, to give them space. The creases of the scrotum started to relax and vanish and the skin grew thicker as well as growing longer to encompass the larger orbs. His skin was darkening, turning to almost a bruise purple before he woke up in a hot sweat with a loud gasp. Jade slept like the dead, so she was obliviously still dreaming away, and softly chewing the corner of her pillow. Ian flopped his massive nuts out and panicked immediately on seeing them! The horse balls were only twice as big now, and his were still growing! He scrambled to the bathroom quickly, waddling because he did not know how to walk with nuts this big. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and quickly started masturbating but again ran into the problem of not being able to get into the mood when his heart is hammering in his chest from panic! He remembered back to the mare and for some reason his mind was able to hold that thought unlike the rest. His balls were approaching the size of the actual horse nuts as the skin of his scrotum became even darker and advanced up his shaft as well, turning it to the same shade. He was concentrated so hard on visualizing the mare pussy. Ian hit climax and felt all four of his balls draw up at the same time, so he got up and aimed over the toilet- the whole reason he sat on the bathtub was so he could very quickly avert a big mess. It took less time to aim into he toilet from there than if he was sitting on the toilet itself.

Ian blasted a powerful stream into the toilet right off the bat. Then there was an odd and quick building of pressure, and the next blast was so massive it stretched his urethra, causing him to grunt with effort. Then the next was even larger than that- his dick was having a hard time forcing that much liquid out at one time! And then it stopped. His orgasm kept going, but the cum did not. He could still feel it in him- it was certainly trying to get out, but something stopped it! He felt agonizingly pent up with each pulse from the amount of trapped liquid trying to get out. His urethra stretched even further- it was so wide now he could stick his finger inside if he wanted! His entire dick started to stretch fatter as it struggled to release its contents, and then Ian's heart bordered on heart-attack speeds as his eyes went wide and he felt something large move inside of him. He shook his head 'no' as he looked at his poor mutating genitals, breathing fast and heavy from panic and arousal both. The pleasure of his orgasm just kept pulsing just as hard without stop as the huge object plugging him up moved a tiny bit with each pulse. A gigantic bulge could be seen in the base of his dick and his urethra stretched even wider, starting to lazily drool cum. His balls continued to grow with the orgasmic pulses, becoming identical to the horse nuts and his scrotum darkened completely to smooth black- a coloration that continued to advance up his shaft as well. The object in him started to move further with each pulse now, and cum started to drool out in larger amounts. His entire cock was stretched longer than it had ever been and three or four times wider than it ever should be able to. The head of a horse penis finally burst out from his own penis with a loud wet pop! The shaft after it was not as wide, so it slid out easier! It exploded cum all over the toilet and surrounding floor- Ian was too afraid, aroused, and blinded with pleasure to aim it. With every explosion of cum it slid further out of him, getting longer and longer and the head flared larger and larger! The poor stretched head of his penis was barely recognizable wrapped around a horse dick. It almost just looked like... and then it hit him. It looks like a medial ring. It IS a medial ring now! The emerging shaft was black on the glans, pink on the shaft itself, and then his former penis had turned black and became the base of this new cock! It looked exactly like Imbros' member! Ian could fully feel both halves of the dick, and all four horse balls he now possessed.

By the time Jade woke up in the morning; Ian had cleaned it up and made breakfast- the smell of bacon woke her up finally. He told her about him being woken up before the sun was even out with a new set of cursed changes. Jade cocked an eyebrow and asked him if he had just dreamed it. When Ian took out the large flaccid member her jaw dropped faster than his balls could drop over the front of his pants to show her. Jade tried her best to sound worried and sympathetic, but he could tell by the hue of her blushing face she was also incredibly aroused. Her husband was literally hung like a horse now! Yea, having some sort of unknown magic flying around and possibly being on the shitlist of a demonic horse probably wasn't great, but also it's hard to view getting a huge cock as a negative. Jade knew Ian was very worried about it and angry at Imbros, so she did her best to console him at least. Because of that, she decided to not mention the fact his nostrils were bigger and his ears starting to change shape, becoming leaf-like. His entire body felt off, but nothing he could put his finger on specifically. It sort of felt like he was very, very slowly growing, but from the inside out. Like Imbros had poisoned him with a bit of horse, and that little bit of horse was trying to grow into a proper equine while still inside of Ian.

Because the changes were getting quite worse, Ian decided to take another horse out and once again patrol the edge of their land and head through the forest- and try to keep his mind focused unlike last time. He needed to track down Imbros. Jade wished him luck, but then when she stepped back into the barn she cocked an eyebrow as she seen the saddle still hanging on the wall. Did... he mean to ride off bareback?

Ian scanned the forest like a hunter, but continually shifted in his seating as they went. He was already inside the forest by the time he even realized he never saddled her up! He rubbed her upper back as she trot forward, admiring the muscles shifting below the surface, and her shimmering pelt. Ian started to groan as the pressure inside got a little more insistant and his balls felt like they were swelling up a bit. He tried shuffling his seating again but slid right off the side with nothing to grab onto. He stumbled on the ground and when he looked back he seen her fanning her hot pussy again with her tail. It was getting very hard to concentrate because his balls were clouding his mind with equine hormones! They were distorting his desire, making him hornier for horses than people. His dick slid out to full length, but it was so long now that a full erection couldn't fit in his clothing at all- it shoved its way out of the waist of his pants and was sticking out at about chest level, wedged against his torso. The mare just smelled sexy horse- she lacked the intellect to question the situation any further than that. She turned her rump to him letting out a soft whickering, trying to entice him.

Ian furrowed his brow. "N-no, Carmel, don't do that. What if Imbros is nearby, he will get... away..." His balls felt even tighter, even heavier. His thoughts felt like they were sinking into a thick swamp--like murk. "He might see you acting like that. N-no. Imbros can't mess with my horses. Carmel my horse. Mine... my herd."

Ian pulled his pants down, breathing heavily and taking in her scent, he had to do a bit of a jump as if trying to get onto her back just to reach her genitals. A bit surprised, Carmel quickly bowed her back legs a bit to let him reach and slam himself inside. She let out a happy whinny! Ian's logic was if he covered her, he would show his dominance so Carmel would be marked as one of his herd, so Imbros could not take her. Obviously, it was not the human part of his brain that came up with that. Ian's brain went completely into auto pilot as he started thrusting into her. His balls felt so extremely tight because while his scrotum could fit all four; only two balls could raise at a time, but all four were synchronized now so all four tried to lift at once, causing them to grind into each other. Ian really started moaning and groaning in pleasure as Carmel's pussy started to tighten on him slow but surely. Or that is what he thought anyway. Carmel wasn't doing anything- the passage wasn't getting smaller, he was getting bigger. His shaft was equine proportioned to a human body, it was becoming proportioned to an actual horse now. So even if he wasn't drunk on hormones already from his over-achieving collection of gonads, he would be drunk from bloodloss, trying to feed a beast his body wasn't built to support! Not to mention his heart was hammering overtime trying to circulate blood further than it was meant to. Though not heard outwardly, Ian could hear his entire body starting to groan with growth. He felt so tight, so big and heavy. His balls squeezed into one another so tightly the curvature between them started to flatten out. Cells from one started to jump to the other and back again. In a sudden deep sound like a bubble in a water cooler, the two balls popped together! He now had only two balls again, but they were absolutely colossal! He cried out in surprise and arousal and accidentally made a sound close to a whinny. Stiffness and growth surged up his shaft as it grew in a sudden burst and his glans flared titanically inside Carmel! Even in an actual mare, his cock nudged her cervix. The head of a horse phallus is actually the inverted shape of the cervix itself- made to be a perfect plug. The pleasure of his flare stretching into the walls of her vagina, and its tightness stretching the nerves as close to the surface as possible; Ian came explosively.

Almost as soon as the immense flow of cum slowed and his cock started to soften, Ian slid off quickly and his human thoughts resurfaced and he stood in horror at what he had done. He apologized many times to Carmel, even though she seemed perfectly content with what happened. Ian lumbered around for nearly twenty minutes trying to figure out the situation and also trying to assess the damages. He had a very hard time moving around. His body was stiff and unresponsive. His entire body felt swollen and heavy. He had grown, so now his clothes were tight- but internally he had swelled up even more than he had on the outside, causing his larger bones to not sit right, and even his muscles to be squished into incorrect shapes. His heart had definitely grown, he could tell that much. The hammering of his heart was loud in his ears and he could feel a slight tremor every time it beat, because it was gigantic for the size of his torso. His fingers and toes felt weak, and his feet and hands looked a bit swollen. The horse inside of him was bigger, too big for his body to contain properly. When Ian moved his joints would often click and re-set because nothing sat correctly. Even his teeth had a slight dull ache in them, like they were too big for his mouth. His dick was also far too large to pack away. Normally it draws back into a sheath which also guides it into a slight pocket in the pelvic floor. His pelvis was not big enough for that, so it was all packed into his sheath only, and the sheath was not fully formed even, so most of his dick remained dangling out in the open, extremely fat and squishy in its flaccid state. Either side of his scrotum looked like there was a football inside of it. Each testicle almost as big as his entire head, and their weight was massive. At least that meant they do not flop around easily- their weight keeps them anchored in place mostly. Ian could not even mount Carmel to ride her back home because he was too stiff. He had no choice but to just walk beside her, leading her with the reins back home. By the time he returned it was dinner time, and unbelievably he was feeling a bit pent up again.

Now Jade was a bit more worried for him. She helped him inside and gave him a nice meal, and made a note of him asking for seconds and then thirds- but only for the vegetable portion. His junk was just flopped out of his pants at all times now- since there was no way he could fit balls that big inside his pants, never mind his cock too. She could tell by the way he was breathing that he was having a hard time with everything now, breathing included. It was like he had to breath harder just to fully expand his lungs properly, because everything around them was fighting for space. And his larger heart demanded more oxygen for the blood stream. He often had a blank look on his face, his thoughts easily disconnected now. By the time he finished eating almost every vegetable they had, Jade had already finished her normal portioned dinner and was watching TV already. Ian shuffled his way over, but Jade seen his dick was mostly erect, jutting out in front of him. He did his best to ignore it, not wanting to give Imbros what he wants. He was not going to act like some horny horse! The erection wasn't going away though. Jade kept glancing at him worriedly as he sat beside her trying to also watch TV. He would occasionally groan, and shift in his seat, and you would hear several bones pop. His dick started to bob occasionally, and stood so erect that he then had to look around the shaft to see the TV- trying to keep his thoughts off it even as it took up real-estate in his line of sight. Jade seen a strand of pre connecting the bobbing head of his cock to the floor in front of him, thanks to the light from the TV screen reflecting in it. He was squirming almost constantly now, making micro movements all the time.

"Ooouuuhh... I... I need to... cum." He was rocking back and forth in his seat, trying to control himself but unable to. His thoughts kept going back to the feeling of stretching that young mare's pussy open wide.

Jade rolled over in her seat and grabbed the cock, needing to use both hands to lather it up in the pre it was burbling out. She worked him over for several minutes and then heard an odd sound. She tried cradling his gigantic balls with one hand and worked the other from medial ring to glans. The sound became louder and she realized it was his clothes! Holes appeared along all of the seams as it started to groan and tear! His entire body was growing! His muscles started to bulge and the mats of dark hair started to grow larger, becoming more like fur than hair. The hair on his head started to darken, almost looking as if it were being scorched by something, turning from brown to black! His facial hair however continued to grow denser but not longer, and came in pure white. He had joked before it was from the stress of having to put up with Imbros' tricks, but Jade was starting to think it was something else causing it. The muscles stretched large in his neck, which pulled his spine tight, making even his neck stiff and hard to move. His hands and feet started to deform more- his fingers and toes wiggled uselessly, no longer any strength in them, and the nails getting abnormally thick and dark looking.

"Too much... too much horse! Need to get it out of meeehehehe!" His body convulsed a bit and then gave a sudden pulse of growth and his clothes shredded almost entirely off!

"I'm trying!"

She stood up while still trying to work the shaft with her hands and managed to pop her lips around the glans. She sucked and traced circles around the divot surrounding the urethra. His cock really started to pump the hot salty pre out now, and his balls twitched in his scrotum but still he did not cum. His weight increased, pressing him down into the couch harder so he could feel his anus start to balloon out into a prominent ring. His ass started to expand larger and rounder with growing muscle. Even through his skin Jade could see his massive muscles were not human in structure, but they were trapped in a human body, so they were not the correct shape for a horse either. His tail bone grew out a little bit, and grew hairs that sprouted at a much faster rate. Each time it flicked back and forth automatically in response to he pleasure, it was a bit longer. His teeth ached, and his jaw was locking up because they were trying to grow larger than his current jawbone could support. Ian's ears were now fully those of a horse as well, and his hair line was advancing down in the back, slowly converting to a mane!

"Need... cum. Ian need... so horneehehehe. Inside! Neeheheed to be inside!!" His cock flared a moment and nearly dislocated Jade's jawbone!

Jade popped off his dick as soon as the head shank down enough for her to, so she could get her breath. "Are you kidding? I can't get any more of that in my throat without suffocating, and there is no way in hell you can get that in my pussy without tearing it in half. It is a horse cock, its not supposed to fit in a human..."

His guts churned suddenly making him burp several times as air squirmed its way out as his digestive tract expanded. He let out a long moan and his nostrils flared larger as he drew in a deep breath, but then another. His eyes went wide as he kept taking sharp breaths in, without breathing anything out! His lungs were expanding rapidly like balloons, and he could feel them squeeze up on the inside of his ribs, trying to grow bigger than he could fit! This put stress on his ribs, which then taxed his spine. His vertebrae started to expand, which pulled his ribs. They were united in the front still by her sternum, so his ribs became overly pourus and brittle, but only momentarily, till calcium and collagen flooded in through them and properly expanded their mass, letting his lungs get even bigger. The expansion of his spine stretched his body longer as well, making it even more awkward to bend or move. He shoved Jade away by accident and fell forward making a very loud and sudden moan. She was going to ask what was wrong, but she could easily guess by his cock bobbing steadily up and down several times and spouting precum like a broken faucet. His prostate was expanding like a balloon now too- a water balloon. A full water balloon. The load it held was expanding with it however, so in spite of all his cock was releasing onto the carpet; he was not feeling any more relieved.

"Ah.... uh... the horses! A horse dick still fits in a horse!"

Jade helped him stumble his way to the barn and immediately opened up the pen of Carmel to let her at him. She furrowed her brows though. Ian said she was overly horny earlier, but she just looked at Jade in confusion when offered to walk out- she had no interest in Ian now. Jade also noticed there was a bit of a curve to her gut, and her teats were looking a bit puffy. Oh no, Carmel is pregnant. Pregnant and much further along than should be possible; Ian must also have Imbros' unnatural ability to make mares turbo-pregnant! Jade quickly went to release a different mare, though groaned at the thought that while this might settle Ian down- it will make another mare extremely preggers. There will be two foaling in the next three or four days! Sure enough, all the mares were eager to go- overcome by the cursed scent of the stallion man. Ian wasted no time in mounting Valley, the next mare offered to him. This time she did not need to bend over for him, though he did still need to make an awkward jump to get up on her. He groaned long and deep in relief, feeling the slick inner walls of mare pussy around his shaft again. His voice was very deep now, the expanded lungs and still growing throat shifted his voice. The deformity of his hands infected his weak digits and started to fuse the bone from the bottom up as his nails continued to expand and darken to graphite grey, till the fusion reached them as well and united them into hooves! His hands and feet stretched completely out of shape and deformed into fully equine structure! His arms and legs were stretching longer and a bit thicker as the bone inside grew as well. Finally Ian came explosively into the mare. He remained covering her for a full minute as more and more cum trailed out.

Ian slowly slid out, looking a bit confused and dazed. "Why.... why stull herhard? So horehehe... horneehehehe! Neeheed... cum!!" His entire body groaned with growth as the horse aspect inside of him still grew larger, more dominant.

His torso was barreling out as he rushed the next mare and mounted her too! Jade did not know what to do. She thought about stopping him, but wondered if that was a good idea. Ian seemed more of a stallion than a man- trying to force a stallion off a mare is usually asking for a fight, and fighting a creature ten times your mass generally isn't a good idea. But she also knew he was just going to get yet another one pregnant. He thought getting off would get rid of the tainted energy to stop the curse from spreading... but he never had any actual proof that that was the case. Getting off just cleared his thoughts a little, it didn't actually affect the curse one way or the other; so fucking these mares did not actually help anything, it just made more horses. The heavy shift of each thrust caused his body to surge a little more in time with the humping. It was as if each thrust rubbed a bit more of his humanity off on the walls of their horse pussies.

"So... muhuhch h-horse. Too... much need. Much need cum!" He whinnied loudly in his still deeper voice as it started to distort further, no longer able to make human sounds well.

His neck was getting hugely muscular now, and stretching toward full horse. His jaws clicked as the bone expanded, forced larger by his growing teeth, pulling his face out. It felt like he was a human condom somehow stretched around a horse. Eventually the human aspect will be stretched so far and so thin that it will just stop existing. Ian could not hold onto any thoughts at all anymore. His brain operated almost entirely on instinct now, causing his intellect to start dropping because his active brain was no longer in use, causing it to atrophy. His iris very slowly started to expand, and his pupils stretch horizontally. His hair line now reached the bottom of his huge neck, becoming a fully formed mane. Jade was sort of stunned silent as she watched the patches of hair-turned-fur quickly spread out, consuming his entire body in a ultra fine coat. The white facial hair covered his face and raced down his neck, stopping at his shoulders- everything else, including his mane remained black. The exact same coloration of Imbros. Imbros hadn't gone anywhere- he was inside of Ian this entire time! Though stagnated and faded, fundamental knowledge started to well up in the back of Ian's mind, unknowingly granting him use of some powerful magic. He lacked the intellect to actually use said magic, but should his emotions become intense enough, his instinct may still trigger a spell.

Ian dismounted from another mare, and mounted still another before the deluge of cum even stopped falling from the one he just dismounted! His grunts and moans held no hint of human inflection anymore. His voice box certainly already gone equine. The bridge of his nose popped loudly as it expanded greatly in width even as it continued to follow the outward growth of his entire face and stretching of his jaws. His eyes were forced to the side of his head by the massive expansion of his head and face. Only predators generally wear their eyes in a forward orientation, for stalking. Prey species had eyes on the sides of their head to instead watch for threats. Ian's iris finished expanding, making them seem to go dark because the whites were no longer visible, and his pupils fully stretched into rectangles. He whinnied loudly and his balls drew up as he burst into yet another mare in triumph, having completely forgotten why he was supposedly so frantic to fuck them in the first place. He looked at the sad and worried expression on Jade and his ears tucked back and he lowered his head a bit. His cock was going soft again at least. Four pregnant mares in one evening was already enough damage for one day.

As the days went by, Jade tried to do a little research on possible magic at play, but had limited resources available at the ranch to do so, and she dread leaving Ian alone at the ranch for any length of time. What if she went to town to get help? It would take so long to get to town that he likely would have broken out and gone missing and then getting someone to help wouldn't actually help. She tried locking him in his pen, but he would get out every second or third day. When the need of those gigantic balls became too overwhelming he found a way to get out of the pen without actually opening the pen, so her efforts to barricade it were only a delay. She never seem him do it, but naturally assumed it was a form of magic. He is a simple animal so naturally he isn't anywhere near smart enough to cast spells, so the magic is only usable as an automatic reaction to his feelings when he is completely overwhelmed and desperate. The mare's bellies swelled at alarming speeds- the longest pregnancy he caused only lasted seven days! And they only seemed to birth fillies. Fillies that would grow up into more mare for him to mount. At least they seemed to age normally once born. Horse aren't supposed to have particularly long life spans anyway. That was not Ian in that pen, it was Imbros now... or whatever his original name was.

Jade wondered if Imbros had ever been a single entity in the first place. It fully recognized and still had feelings for Jade, that much was clear- so Ian was not erased, he was still in there. It was likely originally a mage who had turned himself into a horse in both body and mind- not realizing the transformation would take his mind as well. Someone probably found him like Ian and Jade had, and eventually tried to geld him. Who knows how many regressed human minds existed inside of Imbros by now, there could be an entire army of people in there, Ian was not alone in that body but they were all horses now, so the multitude of personalities was not outwardly apparent. He can escape, speed up pregnancies, and possess bodies to restore its genitals if they are damaged. It can use magic, but only when its equine instincts are loud enough to direct it. They found him wandering in the woods because the last person to try and contain Imbros joined it as yet another personality and set of faded memories in its head.

Now Jade worried for the mares. He made every single one of them pregnant eventually. Then he made several of them pregnant a second time! Their bodies were not meant for that! Speeding up the pregnancies doesn't make them any easier on the mare going through it, they aren't foal factories. If he keeps doing this he might end up fucking them to death. And then as soon as their many daughters grow old enough he will start the cycle with them too! Jade does not have any magic of her own, so she has no way of keeping him inside his pen. She can physically lock him up which will delay him for a couple of days but then when his need becomes too great he will just teleport out.

Imbros woke up a bit confused. He was not in his pen, and he did not even remember going to sleep. He felt oddly light, but also there was a dull ache in his loins. He neighed in surprised anger, rearing his head back at the sight of Jade standing nearby, her hands caked in blood and a bucket most likely containing two giant severed balls. He looked at his crotch and seen the stitches across the empty scrotal flesh.

Jade just shrugged. "This will give the poor mares a little time at least before you drive them wild again. At least until we see how long it takes your magic to make me grow a pair." She would be with her husband again soon enough.

Made to Milk

(F tf multiple bovine-human hybrid forms, BE, Lactation) RHE is an organisation not many will recognize the name of. Founded by a great sorceress simple known as 'Moth', it was designed originally to do experiments on humans to hybridize them...

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Yin Yang

(H tf hyper, hybrid goat&rabbit) Wuji looked at her wristwatch for the fourth time in the last hour. She had been invited to a beach party by her friend Bai and was happy to go... but also nervous. Work has been hard for Wuji for a while now...

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Palomino Del Paradiso

(F tf M horse x100) Hana had started to feel like she was going crazy, and honestly still wasn't entirely sure she wasn't. It all started with University. Hana and her two friends Sylvia and Marcy were having a hell of a time surviving their...

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