Yin Yang

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A hermaphrodite named Wuji has a unique problem- in a world where everyone is part animal based on their personality; like her gender- Wuji is split between two instead of one. A trip to the beach with friends sounds like a great time to unwind from a very long week of work, but her hormones are a bit pent up, and too many scantily dressed people make it all too easy to let more of her inner beast out. Which beast, depends on what she is currently attracted to.

(H tf hyper, hybrid goat&rabbit)

Wuji looked at her wristwatch for the fourth time in the last hour. She had been invited to a beach party by her friend Bai and was happy to go... but also nervous. Work has been hard for Wuji for a while now and she had to work extra shifts to get it done- so her work week turned into a proper week, having worked seven days in a row. Now she had three days off in a row and a beach party was a great way to unwind! Because Wuji is such a hard worker though, it has been a very, very long time since she has had the time for a relationship, so... she is a little pent up. And she has a rather... unique problem because of it. For eons now, thanks to the work of a great sorceress the human populace is able to gain animal aspects to become half beasts. This comes with multiple advantages, including immunity to illnesses that have attuned themselves to humans and depending on the animal you share a personality with, you could potentially gain the ability to fly, or breath underwater. Wuji however is a natural born hermaphrodite. Her gender is split evenly down the middle, she lacks the ability to give birth but still has a vagina. She has no balls but still has a full penis. She doesn't have to worry about getting kicked in the nuts, or having to deal with periods- the best of everything with no drawbacks! Well, except one.

Children are not affected by the animal aspects because it is personality based, and when you are really young, your personality has not solidified enough; its in constant flux so the magic ignores it. Once it kicks in, it turns you partially animal dependent on your personality- this determines its species but also magnitude. If you are a really dull person its technically possible to stay entirely human- or if you are off your rocker its possible to turn completely into a feral beast. Wuji enjoys being both genders and has played with both sides, but doing so created two different sides of her personality; a yin and a yang. Because they contrast each other so much however, this also caused her animal aspect to split down the middle- giving her two different animals!

Wuji has long elven ears, a small nose and grey iris. Her hair is straight and long to her shoulders with a zig-zag part, and it is silver colored- a slightly darker grey than her eyes. Her front teeth are a bit bucked, and she has not two but four breasts on her chest. Her top breasts were C cup and the bottom barely noticeable As. Her penis was oddly thick, though human in form. The extra thick, squishy skin on it worked as a pseudo sheath. The penis sat where a clit would be, so where balls would normally hang instead her labia started. She had very large meaty thighs, but her lower legs were long and narrow and ended in small cloven hooves. She had no fur anywhere on her body except for her tail which was just a tiny little pom-pom. She technically has horns, but they do not look like horns. They are so small they look like pale bone lumps over her temples. They do not even have a point, they are completely rounded from being underdeveloped. This is her form at work, and... most of the time, when things are stable. It is unusually human; her animal aspects are quite subdued, but that is only because they negate each other. As soon as one half of her personality takes priority, she becomes much more animal and turns into a proper anthro. And that is what she is worried about. Wuji is so pent up from a complete lack of relationship activity that she is afraid one or the other gendered animal within her will go wild at the beach. But... she really wanted to go. And also told Bai she would be there. And so she checked her watch one more time and sighed, admitting to herself it was time to go. She had already finished getting ready ages ago and had paced a hole in the floor procrastinating.

Wuji wore a long loose skirt patterned with green-blue leaves and magenta flowers. Her top was actually a gigantically oversized t shirt she used as a night shirt normally, but she tied it in the back as to pull it tight to her body. This outfit was chosen very carefully, considering both the setting of the beach, but also her own changes and needing to cover them up if things go wrong. Since she has hooves she never needs to bother with shoes or socks because the hooves would just cut through them anyway.

Wuji arrived at the beach, slowing her walk greatly as she looked around. It was extremely busy. It was one party that had spawned multiple parties. Groups of friends gathered around unlit fire pits in the sand and dotted what seemed like the entire length of the beach. But between everyone walking to and from the groups and into the water it was hard to tell where one ended and the next began, it was just one gigantic crowd. Wuji lacked the energy to run around like they do, but their energy filled her with joy and made her smile. Wuji enjoyed this sort of situation- where she could use someone else's social energy to jump start her own failing reserves. The gentle roar of everyone's voices joined together as white noise was also a good sound to hear in contrast to the deathly silence of her office space. She had to be careful how she steps though- her hooves are narrow and cut into the sand easily, causing her legs to sink in more than most people. Cloven hooves are not built for sand.

Wuji just wandered the beach for a while, not looking for anyone or doing anything particular. She just enjoyed watching other people have fun. The feeling of squirming between other people's bodies in a crowd to get from one place to another. So many bodies in one place... so much... flesh. Wuji shuddered suddenly feeling her four nipples rub against the inside of her shirt. She had to keep her mind out of the gutter! Even though this was a beach, so there were hundreds of people wearing very minimal clothing. She bit her bottom lip hard enough to make it swell a little, using the pain to tame her penis which started to fatten in her panties, but paused when she bit herself.

Wuji wandered close to the restaurant on the beach and looked around when she heard a familiar voice! On the patio she spotted her friend Hei. He looked like a goth, and spoke with an intimidatingly deep voice but he was actually a pushover. He was yawning like usual when Wuji walked up to him up to the wooden patio area. Hei seemed perpetually sleepy. He has the ears, tail and demi-paws of a black cat boy. His eyes were also those of a cat- allowing him to see better in the dark.

"Oh, Bai dragged you along to this too, huh?"

Wuji smiled and gave a playful bop on the head. "I came because I wanted to, silly."

The two talked for a while before wandering onto the beach, and heading past the restaurant to the edge of the beach by a large cliff. No one really went to this edge of the beach so it was the quietest place at the beach other than the cliff itself and you were not allowed to climb up there for safety reasons.

Wuji motioned over his outfit. "You look terribly hot... I don't know if wearing all black to the beach was the best idea."

Hei huffed. "I will stop wearing black when they invent a darker color." He glanced at her nipples and twanged one through her shirt with a flick of his finger, making her blush. "You look like you might be a little cold in your outfit. Want to trade?"

Wuji furrowed her brows and gave him a bit of a shove, but caught Hei off guard and he stumbled backwards and fell into the shallow water! Neither expected that, so Wuji dashed forward out of concern. Hei just laughed weakly, flicking water from his shirt sleeves.

He rolled onto his side in the wet sand in an oddly seductive pose, doing a fake pout. "You know cats don't like water. Now I will have to lick myself dry~" Hei is an aggressive sub- and a big flirt.

"Oh cut that.. out.." Wuji trailed off as she tried concentrating on thoughts that were not sexy.

She felt the bulge in her panties stiffen and start to rise, though thanks to wearing a skirt it was plenty hidden from the outside. She also felt the odd subtle tingle in her forehead of bone shifting as the little round nubs on her head sharpened into subdued points. Hei could not see what was happening in her panties but did cock an eyebrow when he seen her horns.

Hei got up with a wry smile. "Oh? Like what you see? I thought you weren't interested."

"I'm not! I just haven't had a relationship in a long time, and I was excited to be down on the beach and relax finally..."

Hei stepped up real close, lowering his voice. His wet clothing clung to his body. "Well, no one needs to know~. If you need to let off a little steam, I always have a tight hole for you." Her dick continued to bulge, her horns got a bit longer, and now her labia started to grow longer. "After you show me what a real cock is like you won't have to worry about your body shuffling around."

"N-no, I am not going to bang you Hei."

"Afraid you will destroy a little man like me? But I like being destroyed~"

Now a little bump was visible in her skirt just under the waist. Her penis exceeded what her panties could hold in and could not wedge up under the skirt waist, causing it to angle outward at the top while the panties were still trying to hold it close. Making it even more ill-fit, her labia were swelling up as testicles formed in them and grew to a proper size! The cords normally trailing into the balls instead grew from them like roots, squirming into her causing mild pleasure as they wiggled their way past pleasure nerves in her sensitive bits. To make room for all that, the two loosening labia properly evolved into a scrotum and then as soon as the weight of the balls brought the two halves together they fused. No longer exposed to the outside, her vaginal passage collapsed and fused closed from the bottom up. Her horns were growing out and managed to get long enough that they started to arch up and back a bit. A bit less of a noticeable change- her pom pom tail grew in size a bit and became pointed on the end- the tail of a goat. Now with balls in her panties, most pressure and fabric covered just her balls while the shaft was twitching straight up, unhindered.

"Hei! You know I can get really huge! And we can't have sex on the beach besides, where would we even go? Don't be an idiot. I would die of embarrassment..." Wuji was looking around to make sure no one was looking. A few people glanced over but it was at the still wet Hei, not Wuji.

Hei bit his lower lip a bit, eyes locked on the bulge in her skirt trying to poke out. "I know. I don't mean to embarrass you... but I want to see your full size so baaaad.... and teasing you is so fun! Ooh, not seeing you burst out of those clothes is torture... Bai got to see you at your largest!"

"She wasn't supposed to, it just happened! Besides she only seen one half. My yang."

"Wait, you became huge, but only one of your two animal aspects? Come to think of it, your ears haven't changed yet..."

Her dick was still twitching hard, causing the glans to rub tightly on the skirt fabric. "Depending on what I am attracted to, yea. Right now only my yin side is active, so only the male goat half is increasing. When Bai stumbled on me that one time it was fully my yang side- the female rabbit."

Hei's face got a bit flush now too. "You mean, you can go all hunky male? Nothing bu-" Wuji put her finger over his lips to silence him, his talking about it was making it worse.

Her horns got a little big longer and her balls grew larger, totally filling her panties to the point where aside from the waist none of the fabric was touching anything other than balls. She would use the waist of her skirt to pin her dick in place better but she was pretty sure it was too long already and would poke out. Wuji closed her eyes and sat on a big smooth rock at the edge of the sand and started humming. Hei let out a frustrated huff. Wuji was humming a tune her father used to sing when she was little. A pleasant sound, but not at all arousing. Her horns let out soft dry creaks as they started to regress back into her head. Her balls shrank slowly and the scrotum split and tightened back into labia. Her penis shrank but only a bit, mostly it just became soft.

Once Wuji was back to normal she asked Hei if he wanted to join her in the water but he declined. He was too tempted to make her change again, so decided it was best if they avoided each other for the time being. Hei went to loom around the restaurant again and Wuji swam up the beach, seeing if she could swim the entire length. Her hooves were ill suited for treading water, but at least her large thighs helped. The hooves belonged to her goat side, the thighs to the rabbit. Wuji popped out of the water a moment, waving her arm as she suddenly spotted Bai finally. Bai waved back but looked suddenly hesitant and scurried over to the water edge.

"H-hey Wuji. Glad you made it."

"You look nervous about something Bai."

She blushed a bit. "W- it's just you might not want to put your arms up so high."

Wuji's face went bright red as she glanced down and seen her powder pink nipples! She was so concentrated on finding clothes that would best hide her form while also being beach appropriate- she forgot what happens to white fabric when it becomes wet. You could see the front curve of her top breasts and all four nipples through her top! On looking at her own breasts through her top though, her horniness sparked again and her breasts got a bit bigger! The ends of her ears started to broaden, making the tips less pointed as the backs started to look more pale from the shadow of a soft white fur layer growing in. Feeling her ears moving on their own and growing felt good though, so that change sort of induced more changes on its own! Her pom pom tail grew again but this time it did not become pointed- remained a big sphere of fluff.

"Ahh~ help meeee."

Bai looked around to make sure no one was watching. "With what exactly? And how?"

"It's been too long since I had any sex, now surrounded by so many people in next to no clothing is causing my body to fluctuate! I almost went yin around Hei a bit ago..."

"Ooph. Uh, come on... I will walk with you and try to shield your, uh, assets from view and we can scurry into the changing rooms."

As they shuffled across the sand, trying to use Bai as a human shield for the transparent shirt, Wuji's changes progressed a little more. Her ears got longer, the end of her nose took on a pinkish hue and her front teeth became even more bucked as the two teeth grew in size- now slightly overlapping her lips when her mouth was relaxed. Bai paused a moment to tell her how cute she looked and Wuji just whimpered in reply. There was rather large buildings at the beach edge with bathrooms, changing rooms, and showers, since it was a salt water beach- you need to shower off before you leave or the salt will crystallize on your skin and damage it. Because the parties were already on the way but still fairly early, there was virtually no one in the locker room or showers right now, so Bai and Wuji could be alone to calm down. Bai quickly opened up a locker and scrounged through some things she brought with her.

"Actually, I have a magic tome with me on transformative magics. I was planning to turn myself into a heikegani crab later and scare people as a prank, haha."

"People are afraid of crabs?"

"Have you seen a heikegani? It has a human face on its back- it's kind of terrifying. Anyway, maybe I can find something to help you."

Wuji sat looking rather timid, not sure what to do, and trying to not think of anything sexy, but that was difficult. Deliberately trying not to think about something was still sort of thinking about it. She could not help but glance at Bai's bubble butt, and the venus dimples on her toned lower back. Bai is part water buffalo, so her head is crowned with two large horns that together form a loose W shape. Her nose is broad and becomes slightly grey colored at the end where it is textured and cool to the touch at the end around her nostrils. Her ears are leaf shaped and her legs end in cloven hooves too- but Bai's hooves are much broader and large. Her hair is shaggy and to the top of her neck only- and pure white. She is also pretty built, with lean but dense muscle. In contrast to Hei, Bai is a gentle dom. She tries to smother you with love.

In examining Bai though, Wuji's condition worsened. Her front teeth got even longer and the end of her small nose became candy pink completely. Short whiskers started to work their way out, causing her face to twitch at the prickly feeling. Her fingers started to get plump looking and her nails became more narrow, condensing the mass to make them more claw like, but no larger than they already were. Her feet swelled up a lot, and between the roundest points of swelling divots formed- the shadow of division. The bone was splintering on the inside, converting from hooves to toes! Wuji also felt the gentle pinching, tingling feeling as her skin bunched up and condensed just over her navel- two more powder pink bumps formed as a third set of nipples! Her top C cup breasts firmed up with inner growth, causing them to rise higher on her chest and become less tear drop shaped and more spherical. They swelled from C to D, to DD, and then E. Wuji had to untie her shirt in the back to release its true massive size so it didn't compress her breasts- if her nipples rub against it, it will only make things worse. Her tiny A cups in the shadow of her upper breasts however swelled up and out from pert little mounds to plump, bouncy D cups! As the bottom pair grew, they rubbed the top pair and made her hornier! Her two foot long ears were pulled back in concentration. Her silver hair was becoming more pale. Her penis had become smaller and less developed as her male aspect dwindled to make room for the growing female aspect. She grimaced at the sound of her hooves threatening to crack apart into claws.

Bai shook her head, glancing at Wuji after a few minutes and then doing a double-take. "Oh gosh, you got it bad, huh?"

"Haaah~ it is so hard to fight it."

"I think I have something that might work? Most of this book is how to transform people into things- and I can't find a human transformation spell. What I did find is a reversal spell."

"But... I don't have a spell on me to reverse."

"Well, technically everyone's animal aspect is a result of a spell perpetuated by sorceress Moth, even if the cause is a physical object."

"Moth's spell is persistent on the entire planet though. Even if you cast a counter spell powerful enough to undo it, its being generated constantly, so the moment you undid it, it would be redone anyway." Thinking of the spells at least paused Wuji's changes.

"But you have three stages; Wuji, Yin, and Yang. If it reverts all animal aspects and then re-applies them, you would be back to your default Wuji form, presumably."

Wuji shrugged, it was worth a shot. The further the changes go the harder it is to resist. Now even if Wuji closed her eyes she could not help but picture Bai grinding their clits together or pinning her down and eating her pussy. By now her phallus was not a penis anymore- it was just an extremely large clit. Bai chanted an incantation to gather the mana to the page and then traced the runes with her finger to give the mana shape, and in a sudden flash from the pages the spell activated. Wuji's recent female rabbit alterations burst off her like colored mist in a sudden wave. Before she could speak to say Bai's plan worked, she was filled with a powerful heat. Her clit went diamond hard and started to swell so quickly you could hear the skin stretch! Wuji convulsed at a wave of arousal and fell forward onto all fours off the locker room bench she had been sitting on. Her mind flashed a thousand thoughts all at once, of her pinning down Bai instead of the other way around. Of humiliating Hei by comparing a cock ten times bigger to his. Of plowing all the tight round butts she has seen along the beach all day. Painting the sand white with her cum!

Wuji was panting as her clit returned to being a penis, but now continued growing still larger. Her ears shortened greatly and the layer of fur on them turned from white to black. They became even shorter than their elven default and became more thin, causing the middle to round out to make them leaf shaped. Prickly feelings ignited in her chin as hairs started to grow out, long and wavy, growing a chin beard! Her horns were the most extreme growth, making a sound similar to the groaning bark of a tree in a windstorm. They grew into short arched horns, then huge crescent horns! Wuji went to cry out in desperation at all the feelings flooding her, but it came out as a long goat's bleat! The further into the bleat she went the deeper her voice turned. She sounded like a boy now! Her thighs narrowed and fur started to grow up from her hooves slowly. Her tail became pointed again! Her vagina was sealed behind two growing balls again quickly swelling up to nearly the size of ostrich eggs! The scrotum was quickly covered in black fur, her panties only able to cover half of the scrotum at best. The fat skin on her shaft pulled back and grew, becoming a proper sheath now and the fur ate that as well. Wuji's dick continued to grow longer, but as it did its form seemed to stretch out of shape. The tent in the skirt moved further and further down; the growing length of the shaft causing more of the material to bunch up on top of it. The glans narrowed and lost definition, her dick was becoming tapered. Her third set of nipples vanished with the initializing, and now the top two shrank and tightened. The second set was almost just nipples with no breasts, the top pair was just a B cup now. The skirt fell to the base of the shaft, leaving the huge meat pillar exposed entirely.

Wuji's thoughts settled down, but she was still horny to the point of almost feeling drunk. As she forced herself up off the floor to sit back on the bench her wrists clicked loudly. The bones in her hands were not sitting right- they were approaching the edge of a transformation into hooves. When she sat on the bench it put pressure on her taint which made her dick jump. He was too far gone to call himself female now- he was approaching a total Yin form. His dick was bobbling straight up and down thanks to the sheath directing it now, and the tip was level with his face! It was sort of cone shaped, so it was quite girthy at the base- well beyond the endowments of any normal goat.

Bai just stood with a hand over her mouth for a minute, eyes locked on the bobbing pillar of neon meat. "Oh no. You have three different forms so the spell could not determine which one was your default. You were turning rabbit so it went the opposite direction and slingshot you over into goat. You are as much Yin as you had transformed Yang. Which means if I cast it again you will get bounced back over into Yang. It switches which one you are, but it doesn't reduce the severity."

Wuji was panting still, his voice fully male. "W-whaaat should I do? Maaaahaaaybe an ice cold shower...?"

"I hate to say it but maybe Hei was right."


"Well, you need to let off some tension right? Anything we do at this point really seems like a temporary bandaid solution. You will still be pent up, so the actual problem hasn't been fixed. We need to treat the problem, not the symptom."

Bai watched a single drop of pre trace a shiny path down the twitching shaft, but Wuji refused to say anything. Finally Bai sighed and suggested they get him back to his appartment then, because keeping him around all the bare skin at the beach would make this impossible to manage. But to get him out of here, they had to make him as close to default as they could first. Bai looked over several incense cases and took out one she thought would work best. She lit it and told Wuji to relax, breath deep, and meditate.

"Scent is the sense most closely tied to memory. Through incense we can return our mind to a time otherwise lost to us. Return you to a state before Yin. Nothing is pure yin or yang, the seed of both resides in either. Restore balance between the two."

The smell was calming and pleasant. This was another kind of relaxation that Wuji needed. The fun and energy of the beach was a pleasant contrast, but simple relaxation and meditation helped restore order to her thoughts and get back some of the energy work had drained from her. She became lost in the void of her own mind, getting disconnected from her body and outside stimulus entirely so she was not aware her changes were reverting, till they were already gone and nearly fifteen minutes had passed- and her legs had fallen asleep because of the stiff bench she was sat on. As soon as Bai snapped her out of it to get going, she felt the pangs of her physical body again. Bai looked very good in her swimsuit. But they needed to go before Wuji started to change yet again. Hei spotted them when they slipped back out into the sun, he had been wandering around looking for Wuji, almost sure she had gotten into trouble again thanks to her body, and he was right about that. Her penis got larger under the shelter of her skirt, and in her shirt her four nipples were diamond hard and her breasts slowly jostled against each other as she walked, getting a little bit fatter. Hei walked on one side and Bai on the other to make sure as few people as possible could see Wuji.

They got off the beach and through the parking lot, but it was still a maze of narrow lanes to get back to Wuji's apartment.

"H-hang on... getting hard to walk."

Bai turned around. "Why is- oh."

Wuji was tying her shirt a bit tighter again at risk of hugging her breasts, just so her dick wasn't pulling it so far ahead of her! It ran the entire length of her torso, under her clothing. So even with her clothes all in place you could still see a section of cock between skirt and shirt over her midriff. Her ears were large again by now too, and flopped over on either side of her head. Her hair had turned white at the sides where it met the white fur on her ears, but the roots had turned the opposite direction and become black, following he same lightning bolt shape as the part of her hair. Her horns were long spikes by now, but had barely started to curve yet. The trouble of her walking came from the increased size of her balls. She tried to calm herself down, but after a full minute of breathing heavy, leaned against the side of a building in an ally it seemed like that was not going to work. She repressed herself too many times already today, it wasn't going to work now. Wuji let out a pitiful whine as she reached up under her skirt and slid her panties off. This let her balls swing freely, which allowed them to move out of the way instead of getting squeezed between her legs. Her breasts were swelling up a bit too, which seemed in contrast to her other changes.

They resumed their walking though their pace was slow now. Every so often they would hear a weak moan from Wuji, or a joint pop. Her body was slowly shifting and was not stopping. Her thighs got even bigger, causing her butt to get bigger and rounder, with her bushy triangle tail crowning it. Her horns started to curve and get even longer, but she still had the ears of a rabbit. Wuji cried out in surprise while walking across a street and Hei had to catch her and help her scurry across before a car came, and they slipped into the next ally. Her feet were bloating up massively, threatening to convert to paws. Wuji was too horny to ignore it, so she instead re-focused her thoughts! Her yang side was causing that change, so she leaned yin instead! She imagined mounting Hei, dominating the smaller man. Or taking a pretty young woman, wedging her sheath up into the under cleavage of the woman's breasts, slapping the underside of her tits with her huge balls. Wuji bowed from the feeling as her horns surged in size at those thoughts, and her changing feet halted, but her hands started to rapidly stretch! Though it was not- it sounded horribly painful, letting off very sharp sounding clicks and snaps as the bones of her hands restructured. They got longer but fused together. The thumb and pinky lagged behind and drew together while the rest grew out and her nails unified and thickened, getting darker as they changed. Hei was still helping her stand upright, so he had an up close and personal view of her hands devolving into cloven hooves- her hands and feet now matched, a set of goat limbs. Wuji figured that was the better of the changes though. She can still walk normally this way to get home faster.

As they went though, the swing of her nuts became less pronounced but more felt as their weight increased. They were getting a bit bigger still! They never got this big before! They were churning a bit in her scrotum, taking turns rising and falling entirely on their own slowly. The pink point of the end of her dick started to peek further out of her cleavage and she quickly tried to think female thoughts! Which was relatively easy to switch to, by simply focusing her thoughts on the dick that was already presented to her. The problem with being a bi hermaphrodite is her own body turns her on. The moment she shifted her thoughts to how delicious the bubble of pre on the end of her dick looked, her boobs all swelled up, momentarily taking her breath away from the suddenness of the shift. Again their tear shape became rounder as they pulled up from firmness and then started to swell outward. Her nipples even started to look fatter than usual. Her areola started to project out creating a separate steeper curve from the rest of the breast. Her bottom breasts grew faster than the top, so by the time the bottom hit G cups the four were evenly matched. The growth slowed, finally there, but everyone was pretty sure it only slowed down because her shirt was officially out of space. Even as huge as the top was, it was stretched across the four breasts very tightly, squishing the breasts outward a bit from lack of space. Her entire midriff was exposed up to her rib cage because the boobs yanked up all available fabric. This meant more of her lower cock was also exposed now, and her breasts squeezed the shaft more now from lack of room.

Hei and Bai paused, glancing at each other and back to Wuji again a bit worried. She looked like she was hyperventilating at this point. The pleasure was not especially strong but it was absolutely relentless, on top of her having lost her breath and never really getting it back from the initial shock, and then the fact her boobs were crushing her rib cage because of how tight the shirt was. She looked at the super smooth, shiny surface of her breasts, trying to rise out of the overstretched collar like a muffin. The skin was pulled so tight at the moment that her pours were not even visible at all, and her tits had a bright pink blush. Wuji's brow furrowed as she attempted to concentrate on only the breasts and how sexy they were, to try and flip her attention back to male, back to yin. Bai knew what she was trying to do, but she also knew it wasn't going to work, for the same reason her reversal spell failed. Yin and yang are opposing forces that counter each other, but they also work in tandem to create harmony- one does not exist without the other. They do not negate each other, they play off each other. Trying to give herself more of one doesn't reduce the other, it just creates more of both! Instead of becoming her yin or yang form, she was unintentionally creating a fourth form- a form that is both at the same time!

Wuji bowed heavily forward, pawing at the sides of her tits through the shirt with her goat hoof hands. Her tits were too heavy- her spine could not remain straight for more than a couple of seconds at a time. Unfortunately bending over bent her dick, and caused it to slide even further forward, surpassing the length of her head in this position. She tugged her hips back in response to the pleasure spike, but that created another spike! She thrust forward, then back again, moving her hips in desperate auto-pilot. She was giving herself a double-layer tit fuck! Because there was already so much pleasure in her groin she did not identify that part of it was from a different place. Not until they swelled big enough to rub her shaft too! She glanced around to her crotch and seen two huge teats sticking out from tiny, but growing mounds! The teats were comically big compared to the mounds they attached to. Goat teats! That... never happened before. Goat was her male half, which obviously would not get an udder. But because she was activating both forms at once their changes were bleeding together. She was getting a goat udder instead of a third set of breasts, which would normally be the next step of her rabbit form. Her butt got even bigger and she moaned, bowing even further over, now resting her front hooves on her knees to hold herself up! Her butt and thighs were so round now, and her udder angled her cock outward at enough of an angle that it finally snapped her skirt off- her dick basically flung it to the ground with a violent shake.

Hei shrugged, knowing they were not getting back to her apartment at this point and just bent over and raised a single cat claw up and tapped it to the front of Wuji's shirt. The shirt actually made a loud popping sound as the entire front exploded open the moment the sharp object made contact! Because of pressure her tits launched forward, yanking Wuji down onto all fours and then bounced back into her torso before colliding with one another for space and then bouncing every which way for half a minute before settling down. Wuji tried to get back up but the weight of her breasts was tremendous and in her effort she snapped her hips! The socket for her legs shifting- locking her into a quadruped position! Her udder started to swell faster once the mammary glands on the inside had properly formed. Once they got to a good handful size it was apparent it was an udder and not just a pair of boobs in her crotch- the two were fused together in the middle. The teats remained huge cones and grew with the udder, becoming as big as mini traffic cones! Her back started to form a layer of downy soft white fur! She started to thrust into her cleavage more deliberately, her pupils started to stretch horizontally and her mouth hung open as she continued to breath heavily. Her front teeth became huge and bucked as she gained the whiskers and cute neon pink bunny nose. Her face started to stretch out, pushing her eyes more to the side to make room as the bridge of her nose rose up and her forehead sloped out till the two aligned. Her face looked like a rabbit, and stopped for a good several moments but only seemed to tease and end they had not yet hit. She grunted and then bleated like a goat as her face stretched even further out! White fur overtook her neck and now face but black hair grew from her chin into a goat beard! She retained the buck teeth, pink nose, whiskers, and ears of a rabbit, but her face was now goat shaped, with goat beard and huge goat horns! Her head had never changed in her past transformations! Letting both animal aspects come out at the same time was muffling her human side- she was going feral!

Her growing ass seemed to surge downward, bloating up her legs and then feet and then collecting massively in her feet just above her hooves. A divot formed in the middle of the expanding width and pushed all the way through, creating a wet snapping sound as it broke in half! Her feet divided into two giant toes, but the hoof segments at the end remained the same, as if claws on these giant toes. But she still also had the uselessly tiny dew claws- creating a bizarre hybrid of plantigrade paw and ungulate hoof! Since she now stood on the ends of two giant toes, technically she was digitigrade. Wuji started grunting and bleating in frustration as her cock was pushed at a further and further angle, shoving itself out of her cleavage because of her growing udder smushed into its base. It was too close to the base of her giant cock for her to thrust against, but it was too bouncy and smooth to not feel amazing still. A tuft of bushy fur grew on her collar covering her top cleavage, and then spreading out. While most of her torso and her entire head were covered in white rabbit fur, the rest was gaining a layer of black goat fur! The udder was the last change to stop, finally finishing when either segment of the udder was the size of a honeydew melon- only stretched oblong. Wuji could not even walk like this, because her cock was so big and long and angled so far down by her udder that the end was prodding the ground under her head; if she attempted to walk forward her dick would drag across the ground.

Wuji attempted to speak several times, creating only an odd chirping bleat. Even without speaking any actual Chinese you could tell she trailed off twice, having lost concentration part way through her own action. There was an awkward silence before Hei spoke up, about to make a sarcastic joke, but since he was the first to move- Wuji immediately jumped him! Unable to contain herself at all anymore, Wuji leapt forward and bit his pants with her buck teeth and yanked them down in one motion before thrusting forward with her hips, humping the air in hopes of connecting. Because it was a tapered penis it went in easily, but got much harder the further down the shaft you went. Wuji slammed half of it in with one stroke which caused Hei to see stars as a bit of air was shoved out of his lungs!

Bai sighed and walked up, gently touching either side of Wuji's bestial face, then twirling her goat beard in her fingers while locking eyes with the creature. "You really are such a helpless thing, aren't you, baby? We told you, you should have treated the problem itself first instead of just ignoring it. We all have needs, you cannot bury the beast inside of yourself. Every yang will have a yin- every good an evil. Every human has a beast inside." Bai deftly untied her bikini top and tugged on Wuji's beard to pull her goat face forward and tickle herself with Wuji's whiskers as the face rest in her cleavage. "Fuck that annoying little man."

Pulling Wuji forward also caused her to step forward to keep balance and shove more cock into Hei. Wuji trembled from the pleasure and bent all her legs a moment because the pleasure took the strength out of them. Her balls visibly surged in size, getting even bigger! Bleating and rearing her head back a bit, her breasts also surged in size, though this time the top grew a bit larger than the bottom two. The top of Wuji's breasts gently touched the underside of Bai's breasts in this position, since she was on all fours. Hei was moaning and groaning like a beast himself, the cock buried in his tight little ass was so big he couldn't put together a single cohesive thought with it there. His open mouth curved up a bit at the edges, so Bai was sure that babbling fool was enjoying himself plenty. The huge thing hurt being in him, but Hei kinda likes being hurt. His own bristly pink feline phallus was out of its small sheath but not erect- it was not that he was not aroused, its just that Wuji's penis was so large that it was cutting the blood flow off that the shaft would need to get hard.

Bai sneared a bit at Hei then looked back to Wuji with a more loving look, brushing the side of her face with one hand and cupped her large upper tits with the other, pressing them up into the bottom of her own breasts. "Hei is such a relentless tease, let us show him what we think about his taunting, hmm?"

Bai grabbed both of Wuji's horns and leaned back, pulling Wuji forward! Wuji stepped forward to prevent herself from being pulled off balance again! As a feral beast on all fours, her pectoral muscles are in front of her front legs not between them, which means that is also where her top breasts are- the second set is between her front limbs. This also means she has considerable forward weight, to tilting forward puts her off balance quickly because her weight distribution is already off. Bai leaned back though, she did not step back so her own balance tilted dangerously far back till she fell over, yanking Wuji with her! Wuji's mega cock slammed into Hei, causing him to wheeze from the object being slammed into him, also forcing him to lift his hips as a high angle to guide the dick in deeper, otherwise it would have just jammed itself into his spine from inside. Hei's comparatively tiny penis startled to dribble cum as his prostate was absolutely flattened against the invading dick. He could feel every one of the throbbing veins under the surface of Wuji's shaft. Wuji was forced to bow her front half down as Bai fell and their breasts mashed together, cushioning her landing! Bai's tits managed to wedge themselves between Wuji's breasts- so Wuji had two above Bai's breasts and two below! Hei had the entire shaft to the sheath in his ass, which meant his own genitals were now wedged into Wuji's plump goat udder, since he was face up!

Bai booped her broad, cool nose against Wuji's as she shook her tits between hers to jiggle all six breasts together. She could tell by how Wuji's eyes were rolling back that she was approaching climax, so Bai kissed her deeply. Since Bai is part water buffalo, her tongue is very large for a still mostly human creature, and she coiled it with Wuji's tongue just as she climaxed. Hei straightened with a breathless 'oh god' as his intestines were yanked straight with a blast of cum, and then several thin high pressure streamers of cum forced their way out between his butt and the mega cock still wedged there from lack of room inside. It was wedged in him so hard that you could see the shaft pulse from through the bulge in his gut! As she came though, Wuji shrank! A goat is a bit smaller than a human, and a rabbit is considerably smaller than that. Her excess mass was being flash-converted to more cum to give her an impossible volume. She shrank to about the size of a regular barn goat.

Wuji stumbled back, popping out of Hei to rest on the ground for a few minutes; a tired but blissful look in her eyes. Hei could feel the late afternoon air in his gaping butt as it slowly tried to close back up.

"Uh... shouldn't she... he? Turn back to normal? Why is Wuji still feral?"

Bai hummed in thought. "It requires a higher heat or pressure to convert a material between states than it does to keep them in that state. She just needs to find her zen again and rid herself of extraneous traits and desires. This is not Wuji in this state, this is... Taiji. Yin is darkness, yang is light. Wuji is a void, an absence of both darkness and light. Taiji is both darkness and light together."

"Right... so, Taiji will be Wuji, whenji?"

Bai rolled her eyes, dusting herself off and re-tying her bikini top. "My incense can restore her. I will wait on it to see if she really is spent though. If she isn't, it may do her better to leave her like this a while longer so Taiji can go on a bit of a rampage. Then we can fix her."

It was not about darkness and light after all- the name of the game was balance. Remember, in order to give your all around others, you need to take care of yourself first. Working on your own mental calm isn't selfish, its mandatory. If you are not zen within, you will be chaos without.

Palomino Del Paradiso

(F tf M horse x100) Hana had started to feel like she was going crazy, and honestly still wasn't entirely sure she wasn't. It all started with University. Hana and her two friends Sylvia and Marcy were having a hell of a time surviving their...

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Tails You Win

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Dream Cum True

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