Dream Cum True

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man finds his crush coming onto him hard all of a sudden and volunteers to let her use magic to turn him into her ultimate, bizarre wet dream.

(M tf Multi-animal Hybrid)

Lance was on his way home from the market when he seen a crowd of people at the side of the road all murmuring to one another. He managed to peer between heads and shoulders to see a very wooly sheep that looked well overdue for a sheering. The sheep was looking around rather distressed, and shoved down onto its legs by its own wool was human clothing! Lance narrowed his eyes at that and hustled home as quickly as he could to grab something and run back. Damn that rabbit. Looming over the city's horizon was the giant castle Greivanhal, home to the sentient avatars of magic itself. Arcane was not much of a problem, though she was a bit naive and could still be tricked into doing evil. Occult on the other hand actively sought out trouble. A woman turned into a bleating sheep in the middle of the street? That had Occult written all over it. Lance quickly returned with an odd item in hand. It was a crystal dodecahedron framed by several rings of copper that both contained the crystal but also orbited it- the rings did not physically touch the crystal inside. Lance pushed his way through to the sheep as the people around it discussed what to do with her. When Lance held up his odd device he held it out loosely balanced on his palm so his grip did not interfere with the orbit of the rings. The rings spun around each other and the crystal and eventually aligned a set of runes. The rings acted as a compass- they identified the type of spell present, representing it as a set of runes. The rings were covered in runes, and each ring lined one up to form the spell identifier. Lance then activated the crystal using his will power- manifested as the bio-electrical signals his brain uses to operate his nervous system. In a burst the sheep seemed to explode into colored mist and the form of a nude woman plopped down where it had been, while the mist was drawn toward Lance's crystal and then scattered to the wind around it.

Everyone looked shocked to Lance and the woman scrambled to get her still intact clothes back on while thanking him, but also wanting to flee as quickly as possible before her tormentor returned.

The deep, hollow toned voice echoed in people's heads, without making an actual sound. "Oh there is always one person looking to rain on your parade..."

Everyone scattered to get away from Occult, but Lance just turned to face him. Occult manifested in his usual form- a tiny lop-eared rabbit. Its fur black and its eyes blood red.

"The crystal is made of Melasite- the only mineral known to repulse magic, or any form of energy it makes contact with. Between the rings and crystal it created a void of energy, so I open it to the surroundings to act as a magic vacuum and as soon as the spell touches the crystal it gets scattered as ambient mana again."

"Well, maybe I should turn you into a sheep instead. Mmm, but you upset me by so quickly unraveling my work too, so perhaps sheep is too tame. You know, I haven't done an invertebrate in a long while- how does a snail sound?"

"You're welcome to try, you damnable pest. As long as I have this ward, I am immune to all things magical, and I can save anyone else around me too. The crystal is powered off of a lack of energy, so it will literally never run out of 'power'."

Occult let out a single, hollow chuckle as it fell into its own shadow as if it were a hole in the ground. The shadow then collapsed in on itself and blinked out of existence. Though everyone in the area was silent and watching from a considerable distance in fear, Lance felt confident he had driven the wretch off. Lance had been working for some time to engineer this ward to fight back against Occult.

Not all magic is a pain though. Lance's crush Quinn actually came to him with a proposition that involved magic of a... kinkier kind. The two had been getting close lately but Lance had yet to develop the spine to ask her out on an actual date. Now it would seem Quinn made the first move- she had revealed to him she had a wet dream a few nights before. She was embarrassed in telling Lance all this out of the blue, but it had been eating away at her. The dream was unusual- she had been taken by a strange creature in it. Had someone described the creature to her she would have thought it some hideous abomination, but on seeing it in her dream she found herself wildly attracted to it. She had been thinking about it ever since, slowly deducing why she was attracted to it one feature at a time. The dream had been vivid and hot, but ended before climax as she had woken herself up pleasuring herself while she slept. As time went on the dream faded to a memory and she became increasingly frustrated wishing she could revisit it, but had no control over what she dreams. With enough research one can control what a person looks like however. Obsessed with making her dream a reality, Quinn gathered several transformative spells and had to ask around in order to discern which runes represented which features so she could splice together her own custom spell from a multitude of animals.

She leaned forward, giving Lance her best puppy dog eyes. "So... I know his is crazy, and I probably sound like a huge pervert but..."

"No! I mean yes I will do it, but no you don't look like a pervert. People have needs sometimes, no shame in that, and I do really like you, so no harm done!"

"I didn't think I would be into any of this stuff, which is all the more reason for me to be so obsessed with this. It is like I discovered a whole different side of myself. It was confusing at first, but when I thought of each feature individually it started to make sense." She took a deep breath as Lance sat on the chair in her living room. "I also want to stress... I am NOT into animals, of any sort. These features are all animal, but I am not attracted to the animal they come from. It is hard to explain..."

Lance chuckled. "It's okay. Hit me with it!"

Quinn nervously sat on the floor between the living room and kitchen area since it was not divided by a wall. She did not sit in a chair because she needed room to lay out several tomes. She pulled her custom spells from papers she had used as bookmarks in the tomes she had originally referenced, and then another tome with reversal spells ready if she goofed anything up. The heat already gathered in her loins just at the thought that this was happening. Someone was willing to let her turn them into a living wet dream! Lance was voluntarily demoting himself from boyfriend to pet essentially, at least for a little while. Quinn activated the spell, touching and illuminating a rune, and then slowly tracing the spell array- turning the black ink into a white-gold glow in the wake of her touch.

Lance felt the magic enter his body as a very subtle wave- like the feeling of passing through the surface of a liquid. Then in a brief pulse his skin shivered and tensed, then his muscles flinched and finally his bones had a burst of pressure, as the spell saturated to his core. The bones in Lance's arms felt stiff and started to let off very muffled, dull cracking sounds as they expanded, making his arms longer. He felt the same thing in his neck, though because his throat was right against it, it sounded even more hollow. When he opened his mouth to groan the pops of his bones echoed loudly in the room, escaping through his mouth. His rib cage expanded a bit in size, and then in depth, causing it to be more round. This pushed his arms more to the side over the steeper curvature, forcing his shoulders to then shuffle a bit. His shoulder blades moved a bit forward and then up, shifting the socket forward and up, putting his arms naturally a bit higher up. He assumed she was making him bigger and taller, but he was increasingly less certain of that when he noted his hips and legs did not alter at all, only his upper body. His arms were also not gaining in size, only length, which made them look increasingly more narrow.

The relaxed position of Lance's fingers was increasingly more bunched up. He could divide his digits, but the bones clicked when he tried- not sitting right. It became increasingly hard to move his fingers, and quickly enough he could not move them at all as the joints grew large enough that the bone segments started to grow together, removing joints entirely from existence. His nails got thicker and turned translucent grey, then solid grey, then dark grey and finally black. Five digits became only two. While the huge keratin claws expanded massively, they did not grow back to encapsulate his two fingers- it was not a pair of hooves. Though the skin toughened on his now much more narrow palms, he still had palms. Lance may have been able to identify them better had his view not become increasingly distant. His neck had not stopped extending! One new vertebrae after another, each one filled in over the course of a few seconds followed by a sudden and loud pop and shift as space was made for the next. Since these changes were happening at the same time they were part of the same set, so if he could identify the claws he could figure out what both these changes belonged to. He started to grow fur next. It grew on his wrists, then forearms, then his upper back and chest, wrapping around and travelling up to his neck and up it, even as it continued to get longer. The fur started to curl tightly, forming a wool like layer on him, though it was brown in color like his hair is. With how curly and dense the fur was he would have guessed sheep... except sheep don't have long necks or clawed feet. The changes seemed to pause here, leaving him to puzzle over what he was still.

Quinn dashed over and took his clawed digits in her hands, smiling at them. "Oooh, cute! And your fur is so soft and bouncy! Alpaca features!"

Lance was going to comment on it but instead all that came out was a groan as a pressure surged in his lower body now- the next feature had begun. Then a shiver traveled up his back and seemed to collect into a tingle in his ears and nose! Quinn was no longer directly activating the runes so the activation was travelling outward on its own- causing both the former and the following runes to activate at the same time as the mana expanded around the array, since it was shaped like a circle. It felt like someone was tugging on his ears firmly even though nothing was actually touching them- but rather than be mildly annoying it felt really quite good. Like stretching your legs after sitting for a long time, muscles that had not even existed before were being flexed in the base of his ears now! His ass and thighs expanded greatly, in overall size as well as girth. His pants quickly filled to capacity and Quinn quickly went to take them off for him, but only managed to get the top button open. His pants had three buttons closing them in the front, she opened the top one and the other two exploded off from the force of his expanding lower half surging forward in release. The pants were too tight already, she could not get her fingers between the pants and him to be able to pull them down even with the fly wide open down. One of the discharged buttons got lost down her cleavage but she was far too distracted watching his changes to bother pulling it back out. His shirt was very tight now too, but it wasn't tight enough to strangle him, it just compacted his wooly alpaca fur down. Lance's pants on the other hand were groaning in pain as they squished his skin down hard struggling to fit. More and more of his ass was exposed as the cheeks became far too large to contain. The entire pant legs were strangling him too, not just the top, which meant his lower legs were strangely expanding huge and thick too!

His jaw ached a bit as Lance groaned in discomfort at his overtaxed pants. With only two clawed fingers he could not even attempt to grip and remove them himself, and because his shoulders had re-set higher up, he would have trouble even reaching down to his legs now in the first place. His ears expanded massively, getting longer at three times the rate they expanded overall. His front teeth started to groan with a sound a bit like two sheets of glass being ground together- though too subtle to be heard outwardly by anyone else. The bottom row of teeth expanded only a bit, the top massively- and the growth tapered off just behind his canine teeth, so the back teeth were completely unaffected. Their growth of course needed room and thus forced his entire face to stretch out a bit. As his face stretched the cartilage in his nose popped loudly and the bridge of his nose expanded greatly in width, and then stretched along with his face. His nose and stretched face lost definition from one another, fusing into a short, incomplete muzzle. His feet were bloating up by now, making his lower body feel like it was a flesh balloon. What sort of animal had fat FEET? Lance's balance was forced forward as the bottom of his feet swelled out and pressed on the ground. He rose forward on his toes further and further, till the bottom of his feet was squished against the ground at equal level and pressure as the very ends of his toes. The nails expanded greatly as if to form hooves, but never turned black, and because his entire foot swelled up huge the toes were unable to fuse together- if anything they were further apart than ever! Lance bent down a bit and the moment he moved the waist of his pants finally gave out, and his giant ass cheeks ripped the back of his pants wide open. Lance felt a pressure in his skin and muscle, and what was almost a rumbling in his bones, as if the change had been building up in wait of the pants giving out. The growth increased and also surged up into his torso! The rip in his pants branched down either thigh and finally all the way down the legs, splitting the entire pair of pants into two halves before it finally fell free! He really regrets wearing jeans.

His lower half was so large when he stumbled a bit his footsteps actually shook the floor a bit. Quinn put her small hands on his chest to help steady him to remain standing. She slipped them up under his shirt a moment later so she could squeeze his soft fur between her fingers. Lance looked down at his legs as his ears finished growing, nearly two feet long each, huge elven ears of a jackass. His legs however were an unusual type of hoof- he only knew of three animals with legs like that, and given the size of them he assumed them to be those of an elephant! It would also explain the discoloration of his skin. Now free of pants, his skin looking pale was thought to simply being because his pants was strangling the blood flow, but the skin did not gain back its golden hue once freed. Instead it turned from pale to greyish, thickening greatly to the durable hide of a pachyderm.

"Whaaah- oh!" He surprised himself with the sound of his voice, deeper and with a bit of resonance to it that made it hard to control. "Why these ch-haaaw- changes?"

"No hands because I want you to be dependent on me, and big clumsy feet so you can't get away~!"

Like an elephant, he was able to stand on two legs but not well and not for long- and he certainly cannot walk on two. The fading pressure of growth gathered up his colossal butt and gathered into his tail bone, becoming a sharper more tingly feeling as it went. The feeling exploded along with a burst of fur from his tail bone, forming into the triangular tuft of a tail of a white-tail deer! Small and cute, but also expressive. The white underside of the tail is a flag used by their kind. She gently look her hands away and slipped to the side as he started to teeter, letting him drop to all fours.

"Oooh- aaaaw! Iheheit's chaaanging meeeeh face ma--HOre!" The reverberation in his voice was getting even stronger.

He reached up to scratch his chin, his stubble was growing rapidly, but without hands he had to rub his chin with what was essentially the one and only knuckle of his hoof. His facial hair did not grow in equal parts. The hair on his chin increased in length greatly, but remained fairly short as it followed his chin and connected to his hair, and then his face started to click and crack as it stretched still further. Two pale spots formed on the skin of his forehead before the advance of hair covered it. The blood drained from those two spots to prepare just before two small horns popped out. They were ivory white when they emerged, but as they continued to grow, exposure to the air turned them slightly yellow and then as they developed further and started to become heavily ribbed on the forward facing side, they turned grey. The long backward curved horns of a mountain goat! He also had the beard of a goat, and though he could not see nor feel the change his pupils were now horizontal rectangles like a goat too. The final of this particular set of changes was his face becoming a full muzzle and the middle section of his long ears became wider, and the ears harder to hold up, causing him to droop a bit, sticking further out sideways because of the weight. As his muzzle fully formed, it expanded to the point where it forced his eyes apart, to the sides of his head to make room. Even with his face fully expanded, his asinine teeth still did not fit properly, giving him considerable overbite. Quinn explained that on most it would look goofy, but on his form it simply made him look cute.

Between the reverberation of a goat's bleating and the brays of a donkey, Lance could barely speak English still. It was mostly just a strange amalgamation of animal noises with the vague semblance of human words. Quinn held his large head with her small hands and gently rubbed the sides of his muzzle as a pressure built up in him again. Her giddy grin was enough to soothe him as she looked into his eyes as two more changes hit, though both in relatively the same area. His skull expanded and his neck thickened a bit to continue to support it well. His muzzle remained mostly the same size, causing his face to be more triangular, increasing the degree of the slope from forehead to nose. Subtle veins could be seen under the fine fur of the face, making his face almost seem muscular. The end of Lance's nose turned pink and the exposed skin on his nostrils expanded, becoming textured and moist. She had added the handsome facial structure of a bull, and this also lessened his overbite considerably, since the end of his nose and muzzle were slightly longer- you could still see a little bit of his front top teeth exposed. The other change that erupted in him started at his hair which had remained human, and fired down his neck. The fur straightened and grew longer as if trying to match the human hair. It got longer toward the middle, but because his neck was so long, this meant that it was extremely long by the time it reached the middle! His long neck was buried in a gigantic dark brown lion mane! It looked even floofier in the front, but that was just because of the weight of all that hair pulling forward and down, it was actually the same length all the way around. Quinn fully buried her face and hands in his mane!

There was a long pause that made Lance think they were done, and Quinn used the time to enjoy his floofy mane. It was not done however- she had placed several innate runes in the array to act as a sort of timer- dividing the most important changes from the rest so that they were guaranteed to happen last. When Quinn heard him let out a strange little bleat she knew the magic had started up again and moved around behind him, telling him to be still. Though his butt remained the same color, the softer skin of his anus started to darken to complete black and it started to puff up into a cute plush doughnut. Since he has no hands to wipe his butt in this form, she made sure to give him a horse's anus, since it is very efficient at being self-cleaned. The black coloration bled into his taint though and it swelled up larger as it darkened. The coloration and swelling hit his balls and Quinn's smile widened. His scrotum turned black and the long but sparse hairs on it fell out and its contents swelled larger, pulling the skin smooth. The change transitioned to another however, and his balls pulled the scrotum so smooth they looked shiny as the balls became absolutely massive! They were unable to hang away from his body at all, and Quinn had to help him pull the balls back between his legs, so their front curve rest on the back of his inner thighs, because they were too large and round to fit between his legs or he might crush them together when he walks! Luckily the scrotum was pulled so taught that they remained there all on their own once she let go- there wasn't enough slack in the skin to allow them to swing. As they grew the skin coloration also broke up. They turned completely black when the growth started, but the growth itself created neon pink cracks which expanded as they grew. Now the scrotum was pink with black patches. Pig testicles- because they have extremely long orgasms. Quinn darted around to his side and quickly took his half erect penis into her small dainty hand. His still fully human penis looked almost comically small on his now huge and animalistic body.

The penis did not take long to erect itself in her grasp, but as soon as it was fully hard, the feeling of becoming erect just continued! He felt odd pulling at the base as if something had somehow grabbed the back end of his shaft and was trying to pull it back inside of him, while the shaft itself tried to leave him! The penis actually did not look like it was moving at all outwardly- what did move was the excess of skin forming at its base! The growth was the formation of a sheath! The huge pool of squishy soft skin doubled the girth of his dick and kept going! Quinn grabbed the edges and knead the soft skin in her hands, which only caused the changes to speed along. Eventually the nest of skin was so huge the penis could not be seen at all. Quinn pressed it up from below and the top fused with his underside. Then a huge pressure started up in his groin and the sheath started to widen, but the folds of skin were pulled straight as its contents were what grew now. He also started to thrust his hips involuntarily at sharp spikes of pleasure as he felt his prostate start to twitch and grow on its own, pressing up against everything else around it! Pre already started to trail out of the sheath opening before his gigantically swelling dick did a half second later. The glans now as big around as an ostrich egg, though still perfectly human shaped for now. The glans were smooth, red and large with blood pressure and the corona purple. As the shaft started to emerge though, it bent a bit back and forth from the sensations- now able to be moved around like a limb. The human toned flesh tapered off almost immediately behind the glans into a mottled grey and pink shaft. The shaft was almost as thick as his legs! By the time it was fully out, it was actually as long as his legs too- and since his dick hung lower than his legs started, it actually had enough to rest on the ground even when he was fully standing! Like the later half of his body, his shaft was that of an elephant's phallus!

The pressure in the sheath was still increasing though! There was still a growing bulge in it! He was streaming precum almost constantly now as his dick twitched erratically. He shuffled around on his hands and hooves, trying to sit still like she told him but having a hard time with all these sensations. He brayed several times as the pleasure increased even more! His prostate was outgrowing everything and getting crushed from a complete and utter lack of room! His cock formed a perfect upward arch as the precum started to jet out at the force of a proper orgasm, even though his balls were still fully dormant. Because of the arch of his shaft, the spray of pre painted a stripe up his chest fur before splattering off onto the floor. His urethra started to stretch fatter and longer, rising from his human glans giving the end of his dick a point like a canine phallus! He felt the immense pressure inside of his sheath and further back from his mutated prostate, and it started to get shoved forward searching for more room. Quinn carefully grabbed his scrotum at the front and yanked it- being careful not to grab or hurt any of its contents. In a sudden rush the pressure exploded forward and his pelvic floor gave birth to his own prostate! His testicles were joined in the scrotum by his gigantic prostate now, slightly bigger than the testicles themselves, so his scrotum now had three spheres! The testicles rest just behind his legs, while the prostate was more between. Before Lance could even attempt to comprehend what just happened the other pressure also reached its max and was ejected because of a lack of space! His sheath let out a wet plopping sound as a dog knot erupted out of it, but sized up to his elephantine shaft! Each side of the knot was like a soccer ball! It also caused his shaft to get yanked even longer, and then locked in that overextended position because of the knot. Quinn gently ran her finger around the corona of his cock head- so big in comparison that she could barely cover the top of it with BOTH her hands. The corona looked like it was getting goose bumps for a moment, but the bumps started to look pale in comparison to the rest of it as they grew longer. They turned into tiny flesh barbs, and grew so greatly in number as Quinn tickled them that the corona was stretched outward. What had been a steep, smooth ridge was now a gradual slope covered in thousands of tiny barbs- to scratch those really deep itches. The domed front of the shaft still had the relative shape of human glans, though it was hard to notice since nothing else around it was human in form.

Lance let out a series of bleats and grunts Quinn assumed was him asking if it was done, to which she assured him it was. With a giggle she grabbed the heavy sphere that was his prostate and pushed it up and back a bit and used her other arm to reach aaaaall the way over as far up the shaft as she could and ran her hand up- bending the barbs the other way briefly. Lance almost immediately brayed out in pleasure. His balls yanked upward, shoving into his prostate from the other side and pinning it between themselves and Quinn's hand as his giant cock erupted a pillar of hot sticky goo! While Lance was still catching his breath, Quinn was busy admiring his odd body, petting and kissing him all over before she giddily went to pick up all her tomes and papers, since she was done for now.

A deep, hollow voice echoed in Lance's mind. *My, my. One is left to but wonder where such a tame girl like that got such an utterly kinky idea.*

Lance spoke with his thoughts, knowing Occult could read them, and not being able to speak normally besides. *As long as Quinn is happy. I can just undo this any time I want anyway, so I don't know why you sound so pleased.*

*Oh, yes, your little warding toy. And where is that? Oh right, you left it at home because it would have blocked her magic too. What was it that you told me before? Ah yes- you're welcome to try.*

Lance tried to make a move for the door but only shuffled his feet a bit, hesitating.

Occult chuckled. *I added a little something extra to her spell. You cannot deny her, and she wished you please her and be her pet for some time. Trying to leave would be against her will- thus the spell prevents you from doing so.*

Lance turned toward the tomes she stacked on the end of the table before going to make them a lunch. He nudged the cover open with the end of his muzzle and started to flip through using the end of his tongue to get to the reversal spells.

Occult hummed in thought. *And how do you plan to cast a reversal spell, exactly?*

*What do you mean? The same way you cast any spell. You don't nessisarily needs hands for that.*

*VERY true, the same way you cast any spell. With mana. It's a reversal SPELL, which means you need mana to expunge the previous spell, and OH would you look at that; Quinn's spell was so involved that it used up all of the local mana. You have nothing to cast a reversal with.*

*M-mana renews itself over time. I just have to... wait a bit.*

*Oh, sure. Oh and here is a fun fact for you- all the structures built within the last hundred years were built with magic dampeners within the walls for in the event that an enemy kingdom invades and attempts to employ magic as a weapon. Mana cannot flow through the walls of this structure. So unless she opens all of the windows and doors for a while, you are not changing back until she gets bored of you. And she reaaaally likes you in this form.* His hollow laughter thrummed in the dark. *Spoiler alert- I always get what I want.*

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