Made to Milk

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A company called RHE runs a private island paradise- providing milk for the world secretly from animal-human hybrid women! When business slows, one of their own researchers makes a test subject of herself and joins the others with a chaotic new transformation.

(F tf multiple bovine-human hybrid forms, BE, Lactation)

RHE is an organisation not many will recognize the name of. Founded by a great sorceress simple known as 'Moth', it was designed originally to do experiments on humans to hybridize them using transformative magics. When Moth left the organisation to be autonomous; it settled into a role providing easily digested food for the less fortunate. Using various mammalian traits and inducing a state of constant lactation, they created and shipped out specialized milk around the world. They outsourced materials and equipment from multiple countries and the RHE base of operations is a remote, privately owned island, so they remain mostly hidden.

With many homes on the island now, it had formed a community of various odd half-humans. Busty women sporting large breasts, multiple breasts, udders, or all of the above. Few forms overlapped one another because RHE was always testing new transformations and improving existing ones. Most of the island was a valley, but the north end raised up into gentle foothills, and then steep hillsides and cliffs surrounded the outer edge of the island, hiding its contents from ships that may pass it on chance. The RHE facilities were on the elevated north end, while the homes of all the happy test subjects are down in the valley, connected across the grassy plains by shale stone paths.

Dr. Julie Hedgewall clinked the nail of her index against some old vials, watching the contents carefully to see their consistency as they sloshed in their glass prisons. "A lot of these are really old, shouldn't we throw them away? Don't they expire?"

Morgan LaFey shook her head. She was sitting at a desk, using her feet to kick herself in circles on her rotating chair as she read over notes on an enchanted onyx slate. "Tinctures. If they were potions they would eventually fizzle out and be basically benign; you might get a tummy ache from drinking it but that is about it. Tonics will absolutely make you sick if you let them expire, but they do last for a decent period of time. Tinctures however are almost entirely magic based- they remain in stasis permanently. Unless you exposed them to a mana vacuum that drew the mana they are charged with out of them- they will never expire."

Julie has been working with RHE for some time now, but she handled the research end, so she usually only seen test subjects from pictures taken by other staff. Morgan on the other hand frequently checked up on the subjects personally and did a lot of the leg work, administrating chemical doses to new subjects and she was the first responder if anything ever went wrong. Morgan knew enough that she was not lost on the language of the researchers, but she was more of a traditional doctor- she is a trained healer.

Julie had a mane of huge golden curls she always kept tied back, but the curls were so voluminous that the ponytail fanned out into more of a huge ball on her upper back. The arms of her round glasses were linked together by a fine steel chain, and the lenses were so thick it was almost like having magnifying glasses strapped to her face. If anyone else attempted to look through them they wouldn't be able to see anything- Julie couldn't see anything without them. Her eyes were a beautiful cyan, but if you looked at them closely her pupils had a bit of forest green around them where the blue pigment was not layered. She was quite petite and her breasts only a B cup you could not actually see at all through the too-big lab coat she had draped over her shoulders. Her voice was soft and dry sounding, making her hard to hear sometimes.

RHE had not gotten any new volunteers in some time and were not being proactive in their searching either, because there output was already where they wanted it. This however gave the research end of the staff very little to do. Julie got the idea in her head that she would retire from the researcher role and become one of her own experiments- joining the test subjects to live in their busty paradise. The vials she looked through are old ones created during or shortly after Moth left RHE. The racks were long and narrow, sliding out of the wall. Each vial had a tiny metal disk in the top and bottom, and the rack itself was magnetic, causing the vials to float between the two metal rods that made up the rack- so nothing was physically touching the vials to disturb them, they were suspended in a magnetic field. Julie did not want to take just any old potion, because she already knew first hand the results of their own research. She was looking through Moth's abandoned projects in hopes of seeing a line of thought they had not yet followed. She stopped when he prodded a vial idly and seen its color change. She tapped it again and seen the change of color was not settled material re-mixing, but the liquid itself was reacting to her touch. Her contact was changing its color. She spun it around to look at the label.

"Gummy? Like the candy?"

Morgan hummed in thought and used her slate to look up records of the 'gummy' vial. "It was developed by Moth herself, its neural-reactive. It translates signals from your neurons into instructions for your composite genes while keeping your stored DNA as a base sample, intact."

"So... it allows you change at will? Wait! Does that mean you can turn back to a normal human?!"

Morgan shrugged. "Yes? In theory. No one knows- that tincture was never actually tested. That is why its with the rest of those archived potables. It also isn't even transformative on its own, the tincture was for the medium, you would also need an extract for the desired animal traits for it to pull from. I guess that is why it was given the name gummy- it makes your form more malleable, like a gummy." Julie smiled and pulled the vial out of the magnetic field. "W-wait, you are going to use that one? On yourself?"

Julie nodded. "It is sorted under finished tinctures, so it was complete, just untested. Moth was a brilliant mind, I trust her. Research is all about trying new things anyway. Failing often tells us just as much as succeeding."

"But, its your body we would be gambling."

Julie paused at that, her mind going to old memories, but she did not want to bring up old scars again. "Everything has its cost."

A week had passed since then, and now Dr.Hedgewall found herself moving into the valley, as subject 100; as a result she was immediately given the nickname Cent. She finished her formula and injected herself with it as she slipped into her new home. Being the most recent, her home was the furthest out so she had to be careful to avoid everyone else swarming her. Julie would introduce herself to them eventually, but, hopefully one at a time. All of her things had already been moved in so the boxes were stacked up in the middle of the living room for her to start unloading. The house already had bluetooth speakers set up around it, so she just placed her phone on the counter in the kitchen and streamed music through the house as she twirled around and did a little dance as she pulled out and placed items. Julie did not even notice since she was so busy concentrating on where to place items and visualizing her home's setup- whenever she stepped too far from a speaker her ears stretched a bit and developed muscle in their base to allow them to pivot. Little by little after an hour of wandering back and forth around the house she had leaf shaped cow ears! They automatically turned to track sound, allowing her to hear her music from further away. Julie finally noticed when her glasses slid off her face when she bent down to pick something up- because her ears were pulled forward, so the crook of the arms on her glasses did not catch on them.

Julie scurried to the bathroom to use the mirror and examine her ears. "Fully bovine, but only my ears and nothing else? Out of any traits you would assume I would get increased bust first, since it is the only thing consistent across all test subjects..." She leaned closer to the mirror while rubbing her fingers on her ears when she was hit with a feeling so suddenly she nearly bowed forward and cracked her head on the mirror. "Ahaaah~ never mind. Spoke too soon..."

She leaned back and thrust her chest out a bit, looking down at it. She could feel warmth and a strange subdued pleasure in her chest. Her breasts were developing so fast internally that it almost felt like they were growing inverted into her chest, but it was just materials and fat mass building up. Her nipples were forced to full erection, and her breasts started to rise up like dough in an oven. A tingle shot down her spine though and caused Julie to arch her back even steeper as her tail bone started to extend and develop an actual tail at the same time. She groaned from stimulus overload and wedged a thumb under the waist of her pants to pull it down enough in the back to make sure the tail did not get trapped as it formed. Her finger joints clicked though, feeling tremendously stiff all of a sudden. Before she could bring her hands up to examine them her feet started to stretch, causing her balance to be forced to the front of her feet, causing her to topple forward and need to catch herself on the sink. By the time she glanced in the mirror her lips had turned from red to pink and the coloration was advancing up to her nose! A concentrated pressure popped in her forehead and two drops of blood traced lines down either side of her face as small horns broke the surface!

"Haah! Oh-hoh... Gods. Whyyy~ah. Why all of a sudden everything at once?!"

The fabric of her shirt started to stretch out as her breasts swelled bigger and rounder. The fabric was pulled so firmly over them that her nipples and even the faint outline of her areola were visible through the fabric. The underside of her breasts became more and more exposed as the fabric struggled to cover her. A long narrow tail lashed around behind her but lacked a tassel or any fur covering yet, and her hands and feet were an orchestra of clicks and snaps as they compressed and stretched into cloven hooves! Julie's brain was buzzing with all the feelings and changes going on all at once! She did not even realize when she moaned it was more of a moo. Her shoulders rotated forward more, and her hips popped loudly expanding and becoming boxy in form. Her face started to stretch out, causing her to moo several more times, each time progressively deeper. Her neck thickened and with especially hollow pops her rib cage expanded greatly, causing her shirt to tear in the back, getting flung into the sink by her now massive breasts! Julie tried to get up off the sink but could not, and only managed to slide off onto the floor- her limbs were locked in a four legged stance! She looked up and seen the cupboard below the sink slowly get lower- her entire body growing in size now! It was so hard to think! So many feelings! Julie's mind went blank- she could not remember anything else from that day.

When Julie woke up she was in the living room, topless. Her sweat pants were very loose on her from being stretched out by the rump of a cow! She frantically looked herself over but she seemed completely human! She had somehow temporarily become a full cow... except instead of an udder she had huge boobs on her chest? What an odd change.

Julie started to change into a different outfit. "What triggered the change though? It all seemed to come on at random. And then apparently reverted when I was unconscious?"

After getting dressed again she seen it was night, wandering over to a window to look out at the grassy fields tinted blue under the moonlight. She could hear music playing a distance away, and seen shadows of people around a pool. They were having a bit of a night party. Some of the women were real night owls. Julie decided to slip out and check out the party. She had just come to, so she was wide awake now, and there would be less people around at night than day- maybe no one will even notice she is the new girl on the block. There was one male hybrid- subject 66. He was in charge of tending to a portion of the bigger female population- giving them sexual stimulus to induce lactation without them ever actually being pregnant. He obviously wasn't bending them over outdoors by a public pool- it seems 66 was acting as a sort of bodyguard or escort for the ladies to make sure they did not get too rowdy in the night. There was multiple public pools for each group of homes because everyone liked to get in and cool off in them, though depending on how their bodies were modified; some sink rather than swim. Julie spotted several women around a platter of crackers, stacked with cheese and skewered together with a green olive on top. They were making a game of trying to guess which cheeses were from the outside from actual animals and which were made with milk from women on this island. Julie smirked to herself as she approached- that was easy, whichever cheese was the sweetest came from RHE island. Humans consume much more sugar than any barn animal so their milk is unusually sweet; that would carry over to any products created from the milk.

Another woman clapped a hand to Julie's shoulder from behind before she got to the platter though. "Oh my gosh! Are you new?!"

Julie winced, having been caught so quickly and turned to see a tiny sprite of a woman standing on the chair she had been sitting on- because she could not have reached Julie's shoulder if she were standing on the ground. Standing only four feet tall was a sheep hybrid woman! Her legs ended in tiny little cloven hooves, but her hands were fully human still. She wore a loose t shirt that was starting to go thread-bare at the bottom from constant use, but she did not wear anything on her lower body because her endowments prevented it. She had an almost entirely glossy black udder with two segments and two teats- but there was a single pink spot on the udder that encompassed her left teat. Compared to her body, her udder was giant. Sheep have small limbs so the teats of their udders face outward toward the sides rather than straight down- so their young can access them without trying to wedge their head under their parent. Each segment of this woman's udder was about the size of a watermelon, so as it flopped over in front of her legs, the udder eclipsed her limbs down to the kneecaps! It was also very taught and elastic though, so it likely did not hinder her locomotion. Under her shirt her chest had no visible breasts- though there was still a disk of fat there if you were to feel for breasts. Her areola and nipple were almost the same color as her skin so almost invisible as well, though still present. Her most immediately notable feature though was her head. Her pupils were horizontal rectangles and her hair was cream colored and wildly curly, forming a huge Afro on her head. Her hair was contained and pushed back a bit by her gigantic curled horns on either side of her head. The size of her horns made Julie wonder if her neck structure had been modified too- because their weight may give her neck problems in the long term. Her skin was mocha toned, so Julie guessed she was Philippian.

"New HERE, yes. I already sort of have a good idea where everything is though."

The little woman leaned closer, causing the chair she stood on to rock dangerously. "Oooh, you are so new none of your changes have taken yet." The chair tipped and fell forward. "WAH!" The small woman fell face-first into Julie's boobs!

Julie half-caught her and eased her onto the ground while the subject 66 just shook his head. Julie brushed one of her horns when pulling her arms back. "You are a bit top-heavy."

She slapped her udder with a loud *plap*. "I have plenty of weight down low too!"

Julie smiled at her confidence. "But it only anchors you if you stand upright, as soon as you bend over you'll be pulled over. What is your designation number?"

The woman's smile faded a moment in a look of confusion. "Oh, uh... 24. Women do not usually use numbers though, its only for the boys."

Julie jumped slightly as she heard 66's voice directly behind her, as he stood uncomfortably close. "Yes, Dr. Hedgewall. You of all people should know that."

Julie turned to face him, though she had to take two steps back and still had to look up to meet his face. Standing seven feet tall, 66 was a behemoth of a man. His torso wore his giant muscles like armor plates. He had two sets of pectoral muscles, shoulders and arms. His arms each ended in cloven hooves- though with four of them together he could still hold things pinched between them. His upper body bones and muscle structure was semi-bovine so when his arms relaxed they did not hang completely down, but also a bit forward like a quadruped. His head had giant bull horns that curved straight forward from his temples. His lower body looked mostly human, but as Julie created his transformative agent; she knew that was not true. Behind his heavy leather loincloth was a large hairless sheath containing a bovine phallus. And even more peculiarly, below that was not one but three scrotum, each containing two testicles- so he had six balls total, when he thrust his three sets of balls swing individually, gently slapping together like a lewd Newton's cradle. The only other thing on him that was off-human was his bovine ears, and the bridge of his nose was very wide, giving a slightly bovine shape to it.

"That is Cent to you, 66."

He cocked an eyebrow. "As in, a penny?"

Julie rolled her eyes. "A penny is called a cent because it is 1/100th of a dollar. Cent means 100, but its easier to say than 100." She placed her fingers on his rock solid abs and nudged him back. "Anyway, we can talk some other time 66, we were having a conversation, its rude to interrupt."

66 gave a very bovine sounding snort as he jet hot air from his larger nostrils and wandered away.

24 leaned forward a bit again toward Julie. "My real name is Suzy. So... you already know 66?"

"S-sort of."

"Oh! come on, let me introduce you to some of my friends~!" Suzy grabbed Julie by the hand and trotted over to another test subject.

Test subject 11, Esther. An older woman now, she was still quite pretty. She had the legs and all four hooves of a cow, but her arms and torso were still human structured. She had the tail, ears, and little stump horns of a cow, and her face was a partial cow muzzle- not nearly as long as an actual cow because her skull did not change structure to accommodate that much. She had fur but only on the strictly cow parts- and the white and black splotches advanced further over her body than the fur, but still not enveloping the torso. Her breasts were more pink than normal human skin, and they were also too large to carry. Her bones were enhanced to bovine built while keeping a human structure, giving her the strength of muscle and frame alike to lift her breasts, but because of balancing issues she could only heave them up a moment at a time. Each one was nearly the size of two beanbag chairs stacked together. Even with their bottoms gently resting on the grass, the breasts were almost as tall as Esther is, allowing her to lean forward and fully rest on them while still standing.

Suzy went to introduce them, and Julie just timidly waved back. "Where is Jacob?"

Esther was surprised she knew of her husband. "Oh, he went for a hike in the hills. He isn't much for social gatherings, heh."

Suzy tilted her head. "You know Esther and Jacob?"

"N-no. I know of them, but we have never met." She rubbed her temples, feeling two numb spots where the blood had drained out- she was getting horns again. "My real name is Julie Hedgewall, I am- er, I was one of the RHE researchers. I develop new iterations of the transformation tinctures, so I know of a lot of the test subjects."

Suzy's eyes went wide as saucers. "Reaaally? So you know a lot of people already?"

"W-well, no. I know about them and especially their transformations, but I only worked on development, not administering any of it- so I have never actually seen the subjects in person." She flinched as she felt the bone of her skull expanding forward. The spots it grew out from numbed so she could not feel it lance the flesh.

Suzy pointed them out and watched then grow intently. Julie felt really awkward being watched transform- more so because she could not see this change herself since it was above her line of sight. She reached up with her hands to gently hold the base of the horns, feeling the hard material slide past her grip as they grew steadily longer. They exceeded the size of any normal cow's horns, and started to grow a bit too big even for a bull. They grew forward but then arched back and kept arching forming almost full huge circles before they finally stopped. Julie huffed with a bit of a nervous smile, bobbing her head to emphasize how heavy they were.

Suzy tilted her head. "Are you part sheep too? They almost look like cow horns, but trying to be shaped like my sheep horns?"

"Oh! That is it 24, er, I mean Suzy! You figured it out."


"My tincture was experimental, and is supposed to be triggered by my mind. I haven't really figured it out yet, but it must have been triggered by me looking at your horns and wondering what it would be like to have them."

"But... they are still bovine, just shaped and sized different."

"Well the tincture can only pull from a pool of traits from the available genomes inside of me. I only have bovine and human."

The two wandered around the party; Julie remained mostly quiet while the energetic Suzy talked her ear off about essentially nothing- she had a short attention span so her topics wandered frequently. Julie tried not to laugh at her- several times when she got really energetic talking about something or broke out laughing, she made a sound very much like the bleating of a sheep and cut herself off. Suzy seemed to be a common link between many of the test subjects in this area of the community. She introduced Julie to two subjects even Julie was unfamiliar with. One was the hulking subject 68, Ariadne. Her form was almost that of a Minotaur of mythology. She was built of lean but tight muscle, with particularly impressive abs. Her chest had two huge pink breasts, and then two smaller ones at least two cup sizes lower than the top ones. On her upper crotch was four small pink nipples like an udder had attempted to grow and failed. Her legs were bovine but longer to accommodate her human posture- her anus, vulva and tail were all bovine but her hips still human shaped to allow her to walk on two. Her neck was bovine and she had long dewlaps hanging from its underside. On her head she had cow ears, bull horns, and her lips and nose were a soft grey color and cool and moist. The bridge of her nose expanded, giving her a bovine looking face, though she lacked an actual muzzle of any sort. Ariadne's black hair was a bit dry and frayed at the ends, making it look bushy, but she was still quite beautiful.

Julie's own bust was starting to change as she shadowed Suzy in the party. The area was illuminated only by tiki torches so no one else was keeping a close enough eye on them to notice, though Suzy and Julie noticed the changes. Her breasts blushed pink and swelled up, gently and slowly, giving a pleasant tingle of pleasure. Her nipples felt almost mildly itchy after a while though, which was annoying because she did not want to be caught scratching her boob. Julie was curious as to what was happening to them because they did not appear to be getting bigger, but something must be happening. It happened when she sat in a plastic chair set up by a poolside table- sitting down shook her enlarged boobs enough to finish the latest change off! Julie let out a shrill cry and cut herself off, cupping a hand to her mouth. Her nipples yanked in half and were immediately divided by breast fat that had built up behind them- but that caused all four nipples to rake quickly across the front of her shirt in four different directions, sending a sharp spike of pleasure into her unexpectedly!

Suzy was again wide-eyed in awe. "So... you can't stop changing, huh?"

Julie tried to slow her breathing, cupping a hand over the front of her breasts through the shirt and feeling a nipple bordering either side of each hand. "Well, I change when... oh. I see what you are saying. Actually I hadn't thought about that..."

Suzy nodded slowly. "If your transformation is tied to your thoughts, you will always be changing, because you are always thinking."

"Oh!" She snapped her fingers. "That is why I reverted from the changes earlier today! I fell asleep- the magic doesn't respond to unconscious thoughts or it would be utter chaos, and my conscious thoughts stopped because I was asleep."

Suzy leaned forward and rest her chin on the table, starting to run out of steam herself since it was around three in the morning. "So... why did you do it? Why is one of the researchers here as a test subject? Maple did that too, about two years ago."

Julie leaned back and then forward- deliberately catching the edge of the table between her sets of nipples to squish in her breasts without making it obvious. "Well I can't speak for Dr. Augustine but personally I did it as a sort of last experiment. Things were really slow in RHE lately. We aren't looking for more test subjects, and everything on the research end was basically done already. We sort of advanced ourselves into a corner. So it was looking like we would have to find another job or retire soon. I am too young for an official retirement so... I mean, nice little paradise island right here. So I took a tincture no one understood fully as a last experiment and settled in down here." Julie narrowed her eyes trying to see better in the dark, as another woman nearly fell backwards out of her chair- getting caught by someone because she was too drunk to balance herself. "Who is that?"

Suzy turned around to follow her line of sight. That was test subject 93, Beryl, known for drinking often at these sort of gatherings and getting into giggling fits when she is drunk. Her head and most of her torso looked entirely untouched human. Both her entire front and rear limbs looked like slightly modified bovine though- which meant she had no hands to hold anything with. To drink she needs to cup the bottle between hoof segments of both front limbs. Her hips had become a halfway split between human and cow, so the bone was dense and large, and slightly box shape- but she could still stand upright and still had the round butt cheeks of a human. Her spinal chord got thick suddenly toward the bottom which gave the small of her back a mean curve to it. Her limbs were a bit longer than an actual cow, so she was quite tall as a result, because the elevated ankles in addition to humanoid length legs made her about six and a half feet tall- though also quite narrow for that height because most of her frame was still that of a normal human woman. Her human breasts were not especially large... at least in comparison to everyone around her. Her bust looked about a DD cup, but her pale powder brown areola had swollen outward at a much faster rate than the breasts they crowned, stretching out so far that their curvature equalized with her nipples, forming fat cones off the front of her breasts. They looked like goat teats- except they were still differently colored than the breasts they sat on, and they were still breasts, not an udder. She did have an actual udder though, growing from her upper crotch was a cow udder. Having far protruding endowments on both upper and lower body however also prevented Beryl from wearing any clothing- nothing would fit properly without rubbing irritatingly on her many sensitive bits.

Her udder looked to be as large as a fully endowed Holstein, which would explain why all four of her limbs were changed- that udder needed sturdy supports to be able to lift. The fat milk veins that textured its surface trailed off quickly onto her human torso, and were about the thickness of a thumb. Because her hips were not fully bovine, the udder trailed off almost immediately by her vulva. Julie blushed a bit thinking about how that must feel. When her udder rocks, her pussy would feel it because the flesh from one trailed onto the other. Beryl also had an unusually long tail, though still bovine in form, it was about three feet long and the tassel on the end was quite bushy as well. Her hair was two-toned, growing silvery grey toward the sides but black at the top, causing the outer layer of her hair to be black but the under-layer to be grey. This matched her odd coloration on the rest of her body. Though devoid of fur, her body had the splotches of a cow- black on her pale peach toned skin, but the black spots had a solid rim of blue-grey. The coloration also helped emphasize Beryl had extremely rare eyes. Not only did she have heterochromia, causing her iris to be mismatched- but both iris were very rare colors! The only black spot she had on the skin of her head was directly over her left eye, highlighting the fact it was mismatched to the other eye. One was a pastel purple, the other a slightly green tinted blue like the ocean shallows. Julie smiled realizing that is probably why her parents named her Beryl. One eye is the color of Aquamarine, the other is Morganite- both types of beryl crystals.

Suzy yawned. "Careful if you plan to talk to her, Beryl can get reclusive if you try to push her. She is sort of like a deer, you have to let her come to you. I think I am going to turn in for the night though. It was really fun meeting! Hope we can hang out lots!"

Julie smiled. "I look forward to it, goodnight Suzy."

Suzy slid off her chair, pausing with a huff from her udder jostling about from he impact before quietly trotting off to her home not too far away. Julie quietly made her way over to Beryl, very curious about her transformation. Beryl was not one of the tinctures Julie worked on, and she was trying to decipher the design choice of removing her hands. Esther did not have hands either, but she was subject 11- a very old subject in terms of advancements on tincture iterations. Beryl is 93, very recent. They had already developed hoof-hand hybrid forms by then, so why give her just regular old hooves? Even as she made her way over, Julie had to squirm the back of her pants down a bit to let a tail out. She immediately liked the look of Beryl's overly long bovine tail and was now growing her own! Julie smiled as she looked around at it and guided its growth out over her pants with one hand loosely cupping it. On one hand, she loved that she could potentially change however she wanted, whenever she wanted. On the other hand, she was not sure she had any control over it nor the ability to stop. It happened on its own as soon as she thought about it, and she can't not think. The other subjects settle in to their new forms and adjust their lives accordingly... but Julie can't. She is incapable of getting used to her new self, if she has a new self every couple of minutes! There was still a lot of things she was yet to understand about the prototype tincture though, so as a former researcher; Julie remained cautiously optimistic.

"Hey there, I am subj- er, Julie. The new girl on the block." Julie plopped down in the chair beside Beryl who was otherwise alone.

Beryl looked at her then suddenly clapped her hooves on the table and ground as if trying to catch herself. She never actually lost her balance in the first place- she must be so drunk that turning her head made her think she was falling. "Oh, hehehe, gosh. Heh. You uh... caught me at quite a time. Party and everything. I am not normally like... uh, like this. I mean. Drunk, not part cow. I am definitely always part cow. Moooo~ hehe." Her voice was not nearly deep enough to have any bovine traits to it- she made the lowing in jest.

"So I see. Why were you given hooves for hands though? Did you pick out your form, or did the researchers sort of just tell you?"

"I don't walk so good like a people because I am too forward. Or, no, it has nothing to do with how forward I am, I am actually kinda shy, I mean." She motioned forward with her hooves several times.

"Your center of gravity."

"YEA! I can stand upright but when I try to walk I usually just flop over. If I had hands, it would hurt to walk on all fours, so."

"But, they can do hoof hand hybrids now. All subjects 85 or after had access to them."

"Oh, well that is just because I told them to lean more... animal."

Beryl immediately looked rather distant and Julie remembered what Suzy told her, and knew she had followed this conversation topic to its end. Pushing any further without letting Beryl bring it up herself would only drive her off. Once Beryl noticed she also had a super long cow tail she coiled tails with Julie like an odd handshake. Julie felt it was easier to talk to Beryl than most because she was already drunk- there was less consequences because the odds of offending her were slim. Beryl started to nod off while sitting up still so Julie offered to walk her home. When they stood up she noticed that they had both grown a bit while sitting! Julie's breasts were the same enlarged size but now her shirt was stretched even further forward by the expansion of her nipples into proper teats, and then large fat teats. Her areola got very swollen looking too, so that change was likely induced from looking at Beryl's goat-like teats on her human breasts. Julie was wearing a top unlike Beryl though, so the teats were jammed into the front and bent sideways a bit, unable to fit. Beryl's udder also looked bigger, and especially her teats had both engorged fatter, but also had gotten unusually long! Another curiosity Julie wanted to figure out. It would be normal for the teats to get fatter as the milk reservoir filled, but not longer. When Beryl tried to open her door, her hooves slipped and she bopped her head on the door instead. Julie was having a hard time not laughing at the clumsy bovine woman. She helped Beryl into her home and to her bed, but Beryl was so tired and drunk she practically just fell forward, unintentionally pinning Julie down to her bed under her!

Beryl cooed softly as her teats compressed into Julie's through her shirt, and immediately made it wet as the compression forced milk out. "Oooh, so... soft~ your boobies are even boobier than mine, hehe."

Beryl fell asleep almost instantly, slumping off to the side more. When Julie went to slip out from under her though, she grabbed onto Julie and softly pulled her in like grasping for a teddie bear. Julie was a bit nervous, not sure what to do in this situation, but she was tired too... so she decided to just stay here. Cuddled up with Beryl, Julie just fell asleep at her house. Not at all something Julie would have ever considered doing in the past, but it was very late, and it had been a weird day.

Julie woke up first the next day, once again finding herself fully human again. She was both shocked and a little aroused when she went to move and realized her legs were partially pinned in place! Beryl was no longer cradling her, but her udder had grown considerably and took up the space between Julie's legs and softly pinned them down! One of her long teats was wedged up against Julie's crotch, pressing on her pussy through her pants! The udder must have been modified with an elasticity gene, allowing it to increase its size and storage capacity greatly, then shrink back when emptied. Beads of white already dotted the surface of the teats though- even with her expanded capacity she was overloaded. Julie was not sure if her disgruntled groans in her sleep were from Julie trying to squirm out from under the giant milk bag or from irritation at her being overfull... or both. She swatted Julie in the face with her long tail as she finally shimmied out from under Beryl- that was definitely on purpose. While asleep her brain's autopilot will swat at any annoyances with her tail- the way a cow would smack an annoying fly. Julie would have just slipped out of the house quietly and left but, she kept glancing at the overfull udder. Beryl was showing no signs of waking up and she was starting to leak onto her poor bed. If she completely soaks the mattress her entire bed will need changing. A mattress fully drenched in milk is basically ruined- even if you dry the liquid mass there is still too much other minerals and nutrients that will remain trapped in the fabric.

There was as many voices in Julie's head telling her not to do it as there were telling her to do it, but she was already doing things she never would have, might as well roll with it. With any luck Beryl still won't wake up and thus not know anything. She crawled carefully over the bed to Beryl and her huge udder. Calcium was good for the bones, and Julie is hungry. She would still have to be strategic about this- there was physically no way she could hold that much milk in her to actually empty Beryl or her stomach lining would rip from the sheer weight of the liquid mass. Even the bed was having a hard time keeping Beryl up, the mattress was sunken in so far in the middle the sides were practically standing upright. Her breasts and all four segments of her udder- each has its own reservoir of milk, so Julie would need to empty enough from all six to stop them from leaking. She started with the udder. Her teats were so thick and long it was almost like sucking a featureless penis. Even though it made it awkward to suck, Julie still forced the entire length into her mouth just so she could press her lips at the base, against the taught rubbery flesh of the udder's surface. Gently pressing her face into the soft mass. Beryl still showed no signs of waking- if anything her sleep looked even more sound now. Julie made a return trip to some teats, making sure they were all evenly drained enough to stop leaking, but not taking too much from any of them because she could only drink so much. The breasts were the most awkward and Julie's face was bright red the whole time. The teats on her breasts were so massively thick that they were difficult to suck on properly, and to get to them, she had to bring her own head much closer to Beryl's sleeping face.

Julie slipped away again once she was done easing the pressure and couldn't help but smile at the peaceful sleeping half cow. Beryl's pale skin between her black spots almost glowed in the sunlight coming through the sunroof in her bedroom like a spotlight. Both the udder flesh and her regular skin looked so powder soft in the bright light. So jiggly and smooth. Most of the visible mass of mammaries are entirely just fat, but if you were to ask Julie what made them attractive, she could go on for hours listing different factors. As a gene specialist research scientist, Julie could go into molecular detail about the thousands of things that make these bodies beautiful. The originals, hybrids, and even the beasts they are derived from. Each and every one of the people here were like a living scientific milestone, and walking work of art at the same time.

As Julie was about to leave the house though, she had to brace herself on the door frame. The weight in her gut seemed to shift and divide, and the second weight forcing itself outward a bit lower. Much more solid than the liquid in her, it was tissue expansion. She pulled her shirt up with one hand and her pants down a bit with the other and seen teats quickly forming on her upper crotch so fast that it almost looked like someone inflating one of those long narrow balloons! Once the size of four fat fingers, four mounds started to push up under them, at first looking like areola, but the pinkening flesh expanded outward faster than forward, eventually uniting into one huge patch. Her legs buckled a bit from the odd and pleasurable feeling of milk veins spreading and expanding quickly, dragging a bit of the pink skin away from the udder slightly with their bulge. Even her human nipples tingled with pleasure a moment, but they did not appear to change at all. It may have just been her body sending a hormonal signal to start lactating. The muscle ribbing of the udder did not form yet so while they were four teats that started on four hills, they grew out as one large sphere! A soft hill, then half a basketball, then a full medicine ball in size. Now like someone pulling a string tight across its surface, the four segments defined themselves as the muscle ribs of the udder formed to help it keep its shape. She stopped growing a bit smaller than Beryl's endowments, but very much still a full cow udder. Julie placed a hand softly on the top, and pat it several times increasingly hard- making a loud *plap* each time because her hand cupped air in the groove. She rolled onto her toes and then back fully again, huffing at the feeling of the udder's weight slosh against her crotch. At least she could not grow out of control- she only had the genes of a regular cow in her, so at absolute most she could only grow a regular sized cow udder. The only way it could get bigger is if her human mammary mass transferred over. When she let her shirt drop it partially covered the top of the udder, and her pants hugged the bottom curve. Half the udder and all four teats were basically exposed to the open air, which made her shiver a bit as she finally stepped outside again.

As Julie walked back toward her house, she could not stop idly touching her udder. She was feeling rather frisky. A lot of these transformations were pleasurable, and exciting besides. Well, there was one other luxury to living down in the valley she hadn't tried yet. Julie spotted 66 laying on a towel beside the pool, tanning. The whole reason for males on the island is to keep things sexually charged to keep the milk flowing.

66 felt the sun getting blocked and opened his eyes to see Julie's udder lazily swinging. She had one foot on either side of his lower body, giving him the best view of it. "Woah. What's up doc?"

"What are you, a rabbit now? What do you think is up, Barrus? You up for a little sweaty fun?"

He blushed a little and let out a half-laugh. "Uh. I suppose. That is why I am here."

Julie rest a hand on his shoulder preventing him from standing completely up. "You know you can say no though, right? Your body was designed to give and receive pleasure in equal measures. I can handle myself if you don't want in."

Barrus grabbed her hand and made her help him up. He furrowed his brow a bit at the feeling, her hand was oddly cool, but the sun was already high and the day was warm. Barrus followed Julie back to her place and she wasted no time in kicking off her shoes, then pants as she went toward the bedroom. She plopped down on the end of the bed, and when Barrus paused in front of her she nodded toward him, indicating she wanted him to lose the loin cloth- his only article of clothing.

Barrus snorted lightly. "We have an odd relationship, eh?"

"It is only weird if you make it. You were just struggling to find your way, and picked the wrong swindle. No one regards you any differently for it, so you might as well just leave it in the past yourself." She placed a hand on her udder and rolled it up a bit. "Lower body only, don't use your phallus. Those are my terms."

The reason Barrus knew Dr. Hedgewall's name already was because he once applied for a research position in RHE. He was not qualified however- and had lied several times on his resume, thinking he could fake it till he makes it. This created a problem for him and RHE, because they found him out and he was not getting a job. But also he then knew about their operations on the island and they needed to make sure he never so much as whispered about it in the outside world. The solution was simple- they made him a test subject, so now he does have a job, and he can't tell the outside world because he cannot leave the island. This made Barrus agree to things all of the time- even before considering his own emotions on the matter, because deep down he has always thought of himself as a prisoner. Lying on a resume, especially for a medical position is very much illegal. But the other subjects aren't aware that even happened, and RHE basically forgot about it as soon as he was signed up for a test subject position. So Barrus was the only one punishing Barrus.

Julie plopped down fully laying on the bed with her legs off the end, and Barrus knelt down to tend to her moist pussy. He used his broad nose to nudge her udder up, wedging his forehead against the soft rubbery curvature of its lower end. He had to be careful with his horns since they went straight forward, anything he looked toward had the potential to get skewered. Looking at her vulva now, his horns were on either side of her udder, sort of cradling the top curvature. He could tell she was already aroused going into this. Every time he snorted out a jet of air she cooed at the feeling of it tickling the underside of her new udder. Barrus had a partially bovine tongue too, which meant it was quite large. He was an experienced romancer at this point, so he took his time working up to that. Kissing her labia first, then pushing deeper in with his lips, nudging her clit with his cool nose, and then spearing her on his tongue. Julie immediately started squirming at the sensation and crossed her legs around his head, locking him into her crotch.

There was a knock at the door, and Julie breathlessly called over. "Twenty five."

Morgan answered from the other side. "Twenty five minutes it will be then." Morgan had come to check up on Julie, since she was a test subject now, and Morgan's job was to make sure everyone was tended to.

Since Julie was hugging him with her legs, he had to put two arms up on the end of the bed to brace himself, the other two on the floor to hold himself up. For a moment he went wide eyed, feeling like his face had somehow started to penetrate her. He had to move his head back as much as her legs allowed, because her labia were now bigger- both inner and outer! Blushing bright pink with arousal and shiny with lube both from inside her clenching pussy and from his mouth; Barrus watched the pussy actually grow! Keeping a mostly human shape but adding the biomass from a fully bovine vulva, her vaginal passage, labia, and even her clit were swelling larger! Her hips had not changed at all though nor her torso size, so her pussy actually bulged further out from her body, forming a steeper curved mound of soft rubbery flesh! He used his many bulging muscles to fight back against her death grip to rear up a bit, then deliberately breathed out hard through his nostrils onto her pussy making her shiver. He placed a hoof above and below both her legs and knelt back down, gently nipping her huge clit in his teeth! They both did not move. Julie just clenched the bed sheets in her hands and her body frozen from the sensation, her torso very slowly starting to arch up.

"Haah...hah.... ah.. ahh... aaanhh~ naaah HAAAH!!" Her breathing got sharper and her cries higher pitched till it sounded like someone blowing a dog whistle.

Without either of them moving an inch, her pleasure teetered on the edge of no return and slid off the cliff all on its own. He released her clit just in time for her lower body muscles to start spasming and tilted his head down to avoid her blasting him directly in the eyes with the deluge of pussy juice. Barrus let out a chuckle at another job well done. He could not even begin to count the number of orgasms he has given women now. This was the first time he seen a pussy that large explode though. It was huge- bigger than an actual cows because it had combined the mass of both a human and cows, while still being attached to a fully human body. Barrus flopped over onto his butt on the carpet to catch his breath and Julie did the same. His shaft was only semi hard, peeking out of the sheath and fattened up but not out yet. She did tell him to remove the loin cloth for a reason though. She slipped off the bed before he had fully recovered to notice and grabbed up his genitals. She softly cupped his balls with one hand while grabbing the end of his sheath with the other and making pulsing motions with her grip. She softly traced the curvature of his balls to zig zag between them, since he has three separate scrotums. Each nut was larger than a human, but a shade smaller than an actual bull. She coaxed his shaft out to play, but did not actually touch it till she seen the first drop of pre form on the tapered tip. She grabbed it up and then smeared it down the shaft, twisting her hand in a loose grip. Once the shaft was coated, she continued to milk out more pre and collect it, smearing some on his sheath and polishing each of his many balls to a shine, making him real slippery. She rubbed his crotch at the base of the sheath several times, massaging the muscles, feeling the hard veins below the surface throb in time with his heart.

Julie sat up again, thrust her hip forward and plopped her udder down on top of his genitals! She started to gyrate her hips, rolling her fat, full udder on him. She fell forward, placing a hand on either side of his lower chest and started to hump, rubbing her udder up and down his shaft, prodding him with her erect teats.

"So... what is your favorite cow feature?"

Barrus motioned to the udder with his eyes and then back to her face. "You mean... besides the obvious?"

Julie smiled, and rolled her eyes. "Yea, besides the obvious."

"F-face. Probably. Cow face, with human head. Something about it just looks cute."

He trailed off as Julie's face started to change right in front of him. While masturbating him with her massive milk tank, she was making unbroken eye-contact. The bridge of her nose flattened a bit, becoming less projected but much more wide. The end of her nose started to turn pink at the same time her lips turned from red to candy pink and the two connected. The end of her nose around her nostrils became slightly textured and cool and moist. Her ears started to grow and becoming leaf shaped; cartilage inside thinning while new muscle fibers took root in the base. She playfully stuck her own larger tongue out at his bewilderment. She felt his first scrotum draw up, then the next, then the next. Julie spread her legs further and mashed her udder down fully into him, pinning his cock to his body, so when he exploded, it painted a stripe up his own torso.

Julie scoot up the bed a bit more, planning to take a nap. Barrus dipped into her bathroom to clean himself off before slipping his leather loincloth back on to leave.

"So, every time I look at you, you are changing. What gives?"

Julie was startled back into sitting upright, she did not see him come back out of the bathroom and quickly aborted her effort to see if she could suck her own udder. "My transformation was created by Moth, the sorceress paragon. It was never actually tested before she left RHE so it was sitting in storage since forever ago. Decided to make an experiment of myself and try it. It gives me free reign but... it's sort of too free."

"How can you be 'too free'?"

"Well I can pick and choose what transformations I get, using what genes I have injected myself with. But any conscious thoughts trigger it, so I can also accidentally give myself a change. And once I have a change, I can modify it but not get rid of it- because having a change means I am always thinking about it a little bit, so I can't get rid of it. Sleeping reverts me fully to human, which is a very good thing. I also can't really lock myself in though because of it. I change whenever I think of a change enough, and I revert whenever I go to sleep..."

Barrus nodded, understanding. "So you can't ever finish. There is no option to settle down or adjust because you will be transforming forever."

She nodded, bouncing on the bed a little. "Good thing I only injected myself with bovine genes. If it had a more varied trait pool to mold me from, my body would be complete chaos all the time." She spoke up again when Barrus turned to leave. "Oh and 66? You are not a prisoner. Consider your own feelings before you reply next time. That is an order."

Barrus huffed with a small smile, turning his back to her again to leave. "Ah. Being a prisoner in heaven ain't so bad."

She threw a pillow at his back as he walked out of the room. "Aargh, you're hopeless!"

Morgan returned in a few minutes after Barrus left to check up on Julie, and took many notes on the effects of the Gummy tincture. It worked as intended, sure enough. It would not be fit for common use with test subjects however because there was no mechanism in place to start or stop it consciously. For it to work ideally, it would require a mental trigger to be flipped first before it does it's thing. It might have one more added benefit though- or at least Julie theorized. She had Morgan take a blood sample from her to test it later. The process always started with creating a benign extract from animal DNA using alchemy, then using transformative magics they convert the essence into a transformation tincture. This way the effects of drinking it alter your actual genes, making for a permanent transformation, so a constant mana flow is not needed. If you used magic only to transform someone, the spell would end when the local mana was depleted. If you took a DNA sample of someone transformed entirely by magic only- it would look like a normal human gene. So their genetic code would be exactly the same even though their body is not. Using the RHE tinctures however, the DNA IS altered. If Julie's cells keep changing form and function back and forth however, they would wear out a lot less. Converting them sort of resets the age of her cells, but she is constantly changing them. As a side effect, Julie may have extended her life span by a great many years, allowing her to live well past 100. Once Morgan left back to the research buildings, Julie decided to have a quick nap. She flopped on her side and curled into a fetal position, so she could push her udder up with her legs and cradle it to her body like a bouncy warm pillow.

Julie woke up from a very loud noise with a gasp, looking around startled, and then confused as to why it was so dark. She looked at the clock beside her bed and groaned. She meant to take a quick nap. It wasn't even lunch time when she went to sleep- it was now almost 9 at night.

"Well... my sleep schedule is fucked." She gasped again at a loud crack of thunder. "Guess that is what woke me up. G

Jeez, it was perfectly sunny out when I went to sleep." Rubbing sleep from her eyes she shuffled over to the light switch and flicked it on, and then it immediately turned back off. "... ok. Guess watching TV isn't an option now."

The storm had cut the power to her house. Each district in the valley had its own sub-generator, so power wouldn't have gone out everywhere. Even if all the power blew out though- the research facility has its own rather large emergency generator to ensure no accidents ever happen. Materials in cold storage would only last fifteen minutes without power before they were basically garbage, so they had to make sure they remained powered at all times, even if nothing else was. Julie was once again perfectly human. At least she did not need to change clothes this time- she had to remember to tell HQ to send her extra clothing just in case. Every time she wakes up she has the potential to stretch her clothes or completely burst out of them depending on her transformations. And the fact she cannot fully predict the changes made it more likely she gets caught in her clothing.

There was a knock at her door though, which also startled Julie a bit. It was weird anyone would be out in this weather. They likely seen her lights turn on in the dark, so they knew she was awake.

Suzy stood there, sopping wet and a bit breathless. "Oh my gosh! Julie!"

"W-what, what happened?"

"You'll never believe it! It's raining out!"

"I... yes. I can see that. You had me worried, I thought something bad happened!"

"I know! I also like to mess with people!" She startled giggling and playfully headbutt Julie in the stomach with her huge horns. "So, you up for a hike?"

"In this?!"

"You're not made of sugar are ya? You won't melt in water. I LOVE the rain and it is intense out here tonight. Thunder is super loud too, but it almost always is here for some reason."

"It's the hills."

"Huh? How would hills make thunder louder?"

"The island is bordered by steep hills and cliff sides- the valley is actually an extinct caldera, making the entire island bowl shaped. So its natural geographic features cause it to act like an amphitheatre- the sound of the thunder refracts off one hillside and then gets trapped ping-ponging between them, causing sound to become trapped and thus appear to be incredibly loud."

Suzy was impressed with how much Julie knew about the island and just life in general, but like the other night it was Julie quietly following Suzy's guidance mostly. Julie had spent many years now monitoring the island, and looking down on it from her lab up in the research facilities, but she had never really visited it. She was always up in the research area, never venturing down into the island so her distant view was all she had. So even though she knew almost everything about it, this was her first time ever experiencing it, and she looked a bit like a kid in a candy shop. It took all of ten seconds for her to become completely drenched but neither of them particularly cared. Even at night the island was pretty warm, it was situated in the sub-tropics, near the equator, so even in the winter it was not actually cold. The two glanced at each other and smiled each time there was a really bright flash. The lightning danced across the sky like a serpent striking its prey, vanishing back into the clouds on the other side. The rain drops were large and came down steadily, causing them to have to talk a bit louder to hear each other over the pattering of rain. It was an incredibly soothing sound. Some people fear thunder but Julie had sometimes gone to sleep using the sound of a thunderstorm as white noise. Soaked, Julie's fluffy mane actually looked wavy rather than curly- straightened by the weight of the water in it. Suzy's hair was still tight curls, it just sunk lower with the weight. It was over halfway converted to sheep wool, so the curls were far too tight to be undone. The water collecting and dripping off the underside of her udder occasionally tickled her.

Suzy gave Julie a bit of a tour of the island, or at least their area. The island was rather large, so the homes were pretty spread out, each had ample space around it for women to roll in the grass. Around Beryl's house was a field of lavender that filled the air with potent but pleasant smells. There was trees in the valley but not too many, and almost all of them were near homes- the seeds having caught on the structures while being carried on the winds. Each house was connected to the others by a long and often winding path of shale stones sunken into the grass, and where the most paths united a pool was made as a sort of gathering area, with proper cobblestone surrounding it. While it looked flat when you were in it, looking at it from a distance revealed the valley was not exactly flat, there was a lot of hills, they were just very shallow. Julie and Suzy wandered up away from any of the homes, the ground getting steeper as they climbed. The grass was not tame here, and was dotted with a huge assortment of wild flowers as they got to the sparse forest that acted as the border between the valley and the cliffs at the island's edge. With the trees just behind them, the two sat in the tall grass and flowers and looked back down at the valley, down at all the homes below. A blue-white glow would occasionally flash from above as a brief gap in the churning clouds revealed the moon beyond. They threw around the word paradise often without even thinking about it, but it really was. There was no crime here, nothing to really stress over. Their needs were taken care of- all food and shelter provided, all they had to do was make and give milk, which in itself was pleasurable.

Caught in the awe of it all, and also taking more than a few glances at Suzy's body, slick with water Julie was finding herself a little turned on again, even after 66 worked her over. Granted, she did sleep for around almost 12 hours between then and now. Suzy never wore a bottom, so her black sheep teats were always bouncing out in the open. Her udder was too large and low for her shirt to possibly cover. Thanks to the rain it was glossy from the water and shimmered in the lightning flashes. Julie felt the tingle of change in her, but it concentrated to her crotch, making her a little nervous. She was probably growing a sheep udder like Suzy, right? Though, she felt really aroused, maybe she was growing a huge pussy like with 66... which would make wearing pants awkward.

Suzy looked at her as soon as her breathing started to get deeper. "Oh, changing again? What is it this time?"

Julie just shook her head. "I don't know feels~ nnngh" She stifled a moan. "Odd."

They both seen a bulge stretch the front of her pants but both went wide-eyed at the shape! It was far too narrow! Julie quickly lifted her butt long enough to pull her pants down a bit, unintentionally catching on its end and causing it to *twang* back into place, making her cry out again! Her clit was big, but even more than that, it was very long! The clitoral hood was getting larger as well though, building up thicker folds of squishy dense flesh! It was growing so rapidly in pulses with her heart beat that you could almost hear the skin stretch! When she felt something stiff growing even deeper within her pelvis she knew what was happening and groaned.

"Oh no... oh... aahn~ no."

"What is happening to you?"

"I just realized the genes are not explicitly cow. They are BOVINE- they are not gender specific!"

"Not gender s-.... you're turning into a BULL?!"

Julie squirmed and moaned in place. The feeling from within was her ovaries mutating and growing larger, converting to testicles! Her vaginal passage started to clench tighter, getting smaller with each pull. Her labia fattened a bit as they pulled closer together, slowly starting to fuse together at the top and bottom. Her clit continued to throb larger and longer. Once her clit was over eight inches long, each throb caused a urethral bulge to swell larger off the underside of her clit, having been redirected from her evolving pussy. The now thick, large clitoral hood wrapped all the way around the base, forming into a furless sheath. Julie grunt and raised her hips, pushing against the pressure within and then gasped twice in succession as she birthed two testicles into her now formed scrotum. The balls quickly grew to normal human proportions, but it was clear that was not their goal as they continued growing. Julie could not stop herself as she grabbed the squishy flesh of her sheath and yanked back, exposing more of the developing shaft and seemed to promote its growth with her increasing horniness! It became a foot long, then a foot and a half, then two, then two and a half. She was breathing fast and heavy- it almost looked like she was drooling on herself but it was just the rain water catching in her mouth. A bull's sheath travels up half its entire torso, the phallus does not leave the sheath till almost right over top of its belly button. So a bull's dick looks decently long normally- but in actuality most of it is still internal. Julie's sheath wasn't even a fraction of the size of an actual bull, but her dick was full sized- causing the amount of exposed shaft to be tremendous! It finally stopped growing at three feet long! It was still narrow enough for her to get her hand all the way around it though- bulls do not have girth.

The rainwater felt amazing against the searing hot shaft, making it twitch with each cool droplet that collided with it. The arch of the shaft was so long the tapered point was almost pointing back at Julie's face, so every time it throbbed she blinked on reflex, afraid it will buck back and jab her in the eye. Her balls were large and oblong- full bull testicles, long loose scrotum and all. While it felt amazing, part of Julie clenched up in resistance. Her feminine side was offended by the very masculine presence on the same body, and she inhaled sharply grabbing both breasts through her shirt as she felt them start to swell in defiance! They swelled very quickly, the rain water again helping to cool them off as the rapid cellular growth created friction and thus heat buildup- and the fatty mass of a pair of tits was already overly good at insulating. Suzy for once was totally silent, watching dazed and blushing at the transformation.

Julie's breasts filled her shirt, sliding along the wet, clingy fabric. Her nipples swelled up larger and then her areola swelled as well. Julie grabbed the top of her breasts and dug her fingers in- pulling the top of her tits up and back while their weight pulled them down. Her nipples split again like the other night, dividing into two complete areola and nipples and then the areola continued to swell out, making her nipples look a bit like tiny goat teats, like Beryl's boobs! Her top was tented outward by the four teats, which all bent slightly in towards each other from lack of room. Her top lifted as her breasts collected more of the fabric, exposing more of her torso to the direct rain. The water made the shirt stretchier than it normally would be though, so it never ripped, even though it was incredibly tight. Julie just sat there catching her breath, a bit stunned by the two changes.

Suzy reached forward and grabbed the shaft near the end, causing Julie to shiver from the jolt of pleasure before she could speak up. Suzy kept her hand in place and moved over to between the bewildered Julie's legs and plopped down facing her. She unintentionally rest her large plush black udder against Julie's big bull balls. Because it was so long, Suzy took the base with one hand and the end with the other to masturbate it in two different places at once. Everything was slick with rain water, so the pre that started to bubble out was just extra. Between her two small hands there was still a good section of the middle of the shaft that was not being touched at all. Julie managed to sit herself up, and ushered Suzy's hands lower. Suzy then started working just the bottom of the shaft and tugging on the sheath and scrotal flesh gently, rolling the balls within. Julie with a bit of trouble managed to shimmy her massive boobs out of her shirt and slapped them together around the middle of the shaft, and then sucked the end of the penis that was still sticking out of her cleavage! She placed a hand on either breast and squeezed them together as she gently thrust her hips. Now with the pink prong fully coated in supple, slick female flesh, it did not take long for Julie to reach her limit and she promptly swallowed her own load- to make sure she did not goop her hair or clothes up.

It only took a minute for the large bovine cock to lose strength and slide back into the sheath, causing it to bloat up fatter to make room.

Julie's face was flush in spite of the rain cooling it. "Uh... thanks."

Suzy laughed nervously. "W-well you looked like you were having trouble. You get used to helping people settle in with their bodies, since it can be pretty intense when the transformation is still happening. Takes some getting used to, so people get a little out of control and need a hand sometimes. But your stuck changing..."

Julie nodded, seeing her phallus was fully soft now and quickly flopped her balls back into her pants to pull them up. "Uh... don't tell anyone I had a cock, ok?"

"Had? You still do!"

"Well, I won't as soon as I go to sleep."

"Is your voice deeper too?" Suzy leaned a little closer.

"Is it? My voice sounds like shit to begin with so it is hard to tell, haha. Well, that will wear off when I go to sleep too." She yawned. "Which might not be that long from now. Oxytocin is done ravaging my brain, now I am burned out."

"Oxy-what now?"

Julie laughed. "Chemical that heightens arousal, it is released by the brain during sex but it burns through your energy quickly, which is why guys generally pass out after blowing their load. Well, there is also prolactin, and the fact a male orgasm is explosive while a female orgasm is implosive. The slight change in my voice would be a side effect of testosterone, produced thanks to these bull nuts."

Julie leaned back a bit, seeing the flash of more distant lightning in the beads of water that collected on the lenses of her thick glasses only when she leaned back.

"Wait, you aren't going to sleep here!"

"The grass is comfy, and the rain is so refreshing~"

"No, no no no. Hanging out in the rain is fine but if you go to sleep in a storm you'll catch your death of a cold for sure." Suzy grabbed her arm and tried to drag her up but paused almost immediately. "Oh my god! You are as cold as ice! And your bleeding!!"

"H-huh?" That woke Julie up a bit more.

Suzy let go of her right arm almost immediately, afraid she had hurt Julie somehow. Julie rolled her arm back and forth, seeing a few drops of rain that were tinted red from her blood, but could not figure out where it was coming from. Finally she rolled her sleeve up a bit and seen a rather large splinter wedged above her right wrist. She just casually pressed in where it was sunken the deepest and pushed back the other way. She drew more blood out of herself but also pushed the splinter far enough that she could grab it with her other hand and pull it out.

"There, good as new."

Suzy looked a bit shocked and confused. "Didn't that hurt? That was a huge splinter, how did you not even know where it was?"

Julie laughed. "You picked the wrong arm."

Since her shirt was still rolled up on top of her huge breasts anyway, she grabbed it and pulled it completely off, making Suzy gasp at the large amount of gnarled leather-like, angry pink scar tissue. There was a crater in Julie's right shoulder and a circle on the other side, where a chunk of shrapnel lanced straight through. Spreading out from that were scars of grievous chemical burns and smaller debris. That was why her voice was so dry and gravelly! The scar tissue extended onto the bottom right side of her throat- her voice box was permanently damaged! Her right hand was freezing cold to the touch, but not her left, because the right had poor circulation.

Julie held her hands out toward Suzy level with her fingers together, to show her how much the right hand shook uncontrollably. "I have very little feeling in my right arm, it has severe nerve damage. I am right handed, but I always sign my name with my left hand because no one could read it otherwise, I can't hold my right hand still."

Suzy seemed a lot more bothered by it than Julie, holding a hand to her lower neck, likely imagining how severe the wound would have to have been to leave such grim scars. Julie explained the scars are a result of her earlier experiments. She had a firm grip on the knowledge and jumped right into advanced application, thinking she could easily make headway in research. Without giving the chemical components time to steep with the magical elements, the reaction was far more volatile than it was meant to be and it literally exploded. The pit in her shoulder was a shard of her metal lab table, still glowing at the edges as it speared her. Julie laughed it off now, but also noted had she been standing a few inches more to the side, that metal spear would have gone through her head instead of her shoulder, and she would have been killed instantly. And that is why Moth chose her without hesitation to work here with RHE. Julie knows more than anyone to be patient, to double-check, and to always consider all influencing factors. She had to be especially careful now that her right hand could not be steadied, so it was prone to spilling things. She wore her grim markings with a sort of pride. A contrasting comparison; to see the genius she is now, and look at those scars to see what a fool she had been in the past. And a complete lack of additional scars to measure the distance between her past and current self.

Suzy decided to take Julie back to her place to get dried off and rest. Her house was closer to the hills than Julie's. Suzy actually lived right north of Beryl so you had an up-close view of the lavender field, when it wasn't pitch black out anyway. The power was still off when they got in. Suzy tossed Julie a towel and she plopped onto the living room couch once she was mostly dry again- or as dry as a single towel is going to get you. She just tied her shirt around her hip for now and went topless, squirming in and out with breasts this big was too difficult. The fabric clings to her skin so until both were dry, she wasn't even going to try.

Suzy snatched up her glasses when she put them down to dry off, and tried them on out of curiosity and immediately felt dizzy and disoriented. "Oh gosh, you're blind too?"

"H-huh? Oh, haha." She took the glasses back. "Yea, pretty much. I am extremely short sighted- far too many hours with my nose wedged into the spine of a book in not optimally lit libraries. I can't even read a book while holding it normally- I would actually need to put my face, like, right up to the page to read the text."

"Jeeze... life of a researcher is hard."

Julie just shrugged. "Everything has its cost."

This time when Julie took a nap, it was a nap. She woke up and hour and a half later to the sound of Beryl and Suzy talking softly by the kitchen. The kitchen and living room were connected, the only division was the floor turning from carpet to tile. Beryl did not look like she had gotten wet at all. When Julie glanced outside she seen the shadow of clouds cast over the valley by moonlight. It was quite windy now, but the rain had stopped and the storm had moved on. Her top was definitely dry now so she exhaled to make her torso as narrow as possible and squirmed her way back into the shirt.

She managed to sneak up to them without Beryl catching on that she had woken. "Hey!"

"Ah!" Beryl flinched so hard her front hooves slipped on the smooth counter top and she almost fell over it. "Oh, Julie! Oooh... the other night! That was a terrible introduction! I didn't even know anyone new was here!"

"Heh, its okay Beryl. People are allowed to drink, we are all adults."

"Yeaaa... but... I am not a drunk! Literally the first time we met was when I was drunk! I am sober most of the time!"

Suzy had her head in the fridge a moment and looked back at the two on the other side of the counter. "Hey, you want some cheese to snack on?"

"Oh! Sure, you know me, I like my cheese like I like my drinks- dry and sharp. ACK-" She quickly turned back to Julie. "No, it's not what it sounds like!"

Over the next several days the three of them hung out quite a bit, and wandered around exploring the island. Beryl actually knew some of the forest pretty well, because being on all fours made her more sure-footed than most. Because it was humid often and shaded, most of the forest was covered in frilly delicate mushrooms and thick bushy moss. One day Julie had to spend indoors entirely though because she had well exceeded her size limit. Julie was a bit disappointed she could not match the endowments of larger girls like Amber. Amber, also known as subject 33, had an udder larger than her entire body and required a modified dolly to move it around with. In thinking about that, Julie wondered what her limit actually was, because most of the visible mass is fat, and she could just eat to get fatter. Simply thinking about that however was enough for the spell to do its work. It could give her anything a human or cow had... and both animals are capable of getting fatter, with seemingly no limit. So on that day her breasts actually crushed the walls of her room outward, bending them all as she completely filled her room. She needed to call Barrus just so he could shove his way inside to bring her food and water, because she was completely immobile for the rest of the day, anchored in place by monolithic tits. Barrus also massaged them for her, which unfortunately relaxed her enough that she started to automatically express milk and caused flood damage in the hallway. The day after the next, RHE had repair men in her house repairing that little experiment.

One day, she had been out wandering with Beryl and finally decided to ask. "So... why did you come here originally anyway? Was it money trouble? I know a lot of people came here because of that; 11, 12, 66, 85, 86 just off the top of my head."

The soft clacks of her hooves on the shale path slowed considerably. "Oh... I just... I don't know. I wanted to be useful. The position advertised obviously did not say what all was going on here, but it did mention being a test subject. It sounded like a job that would help out, while not requiring any sort of skill on my part, so I went for it."

"Well I mean, you could have helped out any number of people in any number of ways that were not this, too. What about your changes... you said you requested to be more on the animal side?" Beryl hung her head low a moment, causing her hair to brush the ground slightly. "I-if you don't want to talk about it-"

"No it's... it's fine. I just don't want you to get the wrong impression. I went more animal so I could go bigger on milk production!" Julie was about to say that sounded perfectly normal, but Beryl spoke up again before she could. "And because I hated my body anyway." Beryl looked up at Julie and her face scrunched up a bit like she was bracing for impact.

"You wanted to help, but only thought you could do it through something that had no credential requirements, and hated your body?"

"And here we go! Beryl has self confidence issues, lets all hold a pitty party for the worthless mope."

"Woah! Okay, calm down."

"I am calm!" She said, clearly disgruntled and unintentionally stomping her front hooves. Her brows were furrowed so hard it was like they were trying to meet each other in the middle.

"We are friends, aren't we? I just want to get to know my friend a bit better. All I can do, is make assumptions based on what you have told me. It does sound like you have confidence problems right now, but you're welcome to explain why you don't."

Beryl stood up, wobbling a bit to get her balance. "Look, I am sorry. I just know where this is going because it always goes the same way! I couldn't ever get my body exactly the way I wanted to. I wasn't ugly... I am not ugly, I know that, I am not blind. I was good looking, really, but it was an utter waste on me because I never did anything with it. I couldn't be some perfect model type and it wouldn't have mattered anyway because I wasn't very social! It was a pain in the neck trying to maintain beauty and I just couldn't be bothered. I had no interest, so it's a gift that was completely wasted on me." Julie held her hooves so she could balance easier. "All I really cared about was drawing comics but I was never really good at it, and I couldn't make any money doing it, so. Turns out leaning all your interest, talent, and practice into one thing that doesn't make any money is really bad for when your parents aren't supporting you anymore, because then you can't get a job that goes anywhere. I would be stuck doing starter level jobs for the rest of my life, toiling at a task I don't care about just to make enough money to stay alive and continue to work doing something I don't care about. Sounds like a real great life, huh? I am not terrible at everything, but I am not good enough at anything for it to particularly matter anyway. I am so average, it's bland. It is almost frustrating because of how good I looked or how decent I was, because it seems like I should have been able to be great but I am constantly not. Even my looks, look fine but then something like my eyes fucks it up."

Julie's eyebrows twitched at that. "Y-your eyes?"

"Mismatched. Asymmetrical, abnormal."

"NO!" Julie pulled her closer, bopping their foreheads together. "Don't you dare insult your eyes! They are like precious gemstones! Do you know how rare they are? I am a genetics specialist, so you better believe I do! They are beautiful, and rare, and perfect!"

Julie's eyes had tears in them and her face was turned red from her burst of emotions, causing Beryl to be shocked silent for several long moments before trying to pull back a bit. "Uh... look. I know me, even the parts that aren't outwardly expressed. You are my friend so of course you see me through rose tinted glasses."

"Okay! Then we will get a third party!"

"Oh come on Ju-"

"Here, I will show YOU a place on the island for a change."

Julie took Beryl by the hoof so she had no choice but to follow along, or stumble back onto all fours. Julie took her far north, toward the research buildings. At first Beryl thought she was going to take her to see one of her former co-workers in the labs, but they turned east before following the road up to the research buildings. She did not know what was over here. There was supposedly hidden bunkers with the extreme test subjects in it, but that was on the west not east. They came on a forest of well trimmed hedges and marble pathways, and eventually got through enough of it to see a huge mansion at the middle of it. It looked like a small palace! There was a huge bull head mounted on either of the huge doors sealing it closed, and Julie took the septum ring knocker on the bull head and slammed it into the door several times, making sure the sound echoed through the mansions many halls so its master knew there was guests seeking audience. Julie did not wait for the door to be answered through, and needing to heave on it with both hands she managed to get one door open enough for them to get inside.

Inside it was even more ridiculously posh. The floor was made entirely of giant amethyst slates veined with quartz, and the walls were white marble. Golden candle fixtures were etched with flame enchantments allowing them to be lit without having to bring a spark to them. Up ahead at the end of the long hall was the main foyer. It was three floors high- bordered by balconies that connected the upper hallways that lead into it. At the top was a glass dome that illuminated the room and the garden in the middle of the floor. Raspberry bushes, long stem roses, and an olive tree in the middle.

Beryl gasped as she glanced over at a painting on the wall just before the main foyer. "N-no way... she... we thought she was just a legend!"

The clatter of hooves against the solid crystal floor echoed down toward them as the very tall figure approached, her soft womanly chuckle preceding her. "There needs to be a beginning for there to be an end."

Julie bowed slightly toward her as she stepped into the light. "Beryl, I would like to introduce you to... Test Subject 01. The RHE Genesis Project- the only model directly created by sorceress Moth."

She stepped forward timidly with a gentle smile. "Serene Stonewall."

Angels might as well have started singing the moment she stepped into the sunlight and revealed her unfathomed beauty to them. Though the Serene in the painting and the one standing before them were quite different. This one had almost 60 years on the painted version. Her once black hair was now silver. The deep creases had built up in the corners of her eyes, and laugh lines carved the memory of good times into her face. Her once nearly spherical breasts now pointed down more than forward, though still maintained a teardrop shape... just, a longer teardrop. You could see a few pale blue veins on the surface of her large breasts as some of the pigment in her skin faded with time. She leaned rather heavily onto an ornate cane as well to help her balance. In the painting she was in her prime, and back then her breasts were so colossal they nearly touched the floor- which was saying a lot given how extremely tall she is. She had a second tincture to try and shrink her breasts as she aged because she could no longer handle them at all. They were still outside any reasonable cup size, but only about a third of what they had been. This was as small as they could be made- since the tinctures are meant to work forever, fully undoing a change isn't usually possible. That was why she needed the cane; her back would have a real nasty lean without it.

Her horns were giant, and went almost straight up, curving out at the base, then gradually in, then steeply out and in again at the very tip. An inscribed orb of solid gold was wedged into where the horns nearly met, balancing perfectly over her like an emblem of divinity. She had the huge leaf shaped ears of a Brahman, and a tiny piercing at the very ends, trailing a long tiny chain of purest gold connecting to a large ring in her nose, connecting both ears and nose together loosely. The bridge of her nose was wide giving her bovine nostrils- the coloration of her nose and lips though were black instead of the common pink. She had a few black splotches on her backside, but none on her arms or head, and only two on the front of her torso- all of which were on her skin; her body had no fur. She had one heart-shaped spot on her collar, with the downward point of the heart trailing into her cleavage. The other was an upside-down heart centered over her belly button, so its tip was pointing up to the underside of her cleavage. Her breasts permanently blushed a slight pink hue. Her areola were large and puffy, and her nipples were quite large when erect, but when not full or aroused they are actually inverted.

Her legs were bovine, but unusually tall and narrow and the hoof segments were encased in bronze- shielding them from ever being scuffed on the ground. Uniquely, she did not have just two legs. Immediately behind her still human hips was fully bovine hips! She was like a bovine centaur except... no body. There was not a cow body below her human body, it was just one hip after the other with nothing in between. This however meant her huge cow udder had ample space to hang comfortably below her. The teats on the udder were thicker at the base like small cones, and the front teats bent backwards a little while the rear ones bent forward a little. Because of how they are positioned on their respective hips, this also meant she had two vulva! The one on the front was perfectly human, while the back was perfectly bovine. Like Beryl, her tail was unusually long, but not quite as long as Beryl, and the tassel on the end was normal sized. There was several metal hoops on her tail that were not nearly tight enough to stay on on their own, so her tail was always playing a bit of a balancing game with them. Her back legs were identical to the front, so she had four rear legs. Serene's hair had two narrow white stripes on either side of her head, which stood out a lot less now that the black hair was silver. Her bangs were cut just short enough to not interrupt the view of her eyes; blue like a mid-afternoon sky. Her hair was so extremely long and perfectly straight and well combed, that it exceeded her massive height and trailed at least a foot on the floor under her!

Beryl went extremely quiet, frozen up in timidness, like an ant standing before a God. Julie on the other hand had already met Serene multiple times, as does everyone working on the research end. Serene is after all subject 01- every other test subject is based on the work that went into first creating Serene. Julie explained Beryl's situation, using Serene as an impartial judge. They all sat together on the edge of the central garden, in the giant pillar of sunlight.

Serene gently placed a hand on Beryl's head and tilted it back to look into her crystal eyes. "Gods, yea. Hedgewall has the right of it. At least as beautiful as the gemstones your named after. But. Beauty isn't everything... or, much of anything actually. I mean, how often do you look at yourself? So why would you care what you look like if you barely ever look at it? Unless you decorate your halls with yourself like I did, haha." She motioned to the painting Beryl was looking at before. "But as you can see, physical beauty fades with time. It is only beautiful because it is fleeting."

Julie nodded. "What really worries me though, Beryl, is you gave up your hands."

She cocked an eyebrow. "But I can still live just fine without them?"

"You said you lacked any other talents because all you cared about was drawing... you can't draw without hands."

Beryl raised a hoof to stop the others from continuing for a moment. "Ok. Okay, yes. It was stupid, I was frustrated and wanted to just throw away my past life entirely. Maybe I shouldn't have lost my hands. In. My. Defense. I was not that good at it. Not bad, but not particularly good either. There is a lot of competition out there and not a lot of market for artists in the first place, so a so-so artist isn't going to make anything. My talent wasn't really helping anyone, I wasn't worth anything. Here, making milk and helping advance research, now I am worth something."

"Worth?!" Serene furrowed her brows. A giddy smile slid across Julie's face. Ah yes, this was the Serene she came to hear. "I am beyond baffled when people talk about their worth. I want to be important, I want to be needed, I need to be worth something. To who?! Slave traders?! Humans have no worth- they aren't a God damned form of currency! You aren't asked if you want to be brought into this world, you just are. You have your own life to live, it is YOUR life, you are the only one who should have any power over it. Someone doesn't like what you are doing? Well its a good thing you didn't ask for their fucking opinion, eh? People used to tell me I was so precious and valuable like I was a gemstone to be traded off at an auction. I don't give a damn if anyone else thinks I am important- I am not here to impress them, I am not a circus act!" With a bit of a groan she leaned heavily on her cane and got up onto her feet again. "I am here because I want to be. I help others because I like to. I don't care if they are too ignorant or ungrateful to realize I am helping them, because I know I am still helping and its something I enjoyed doing."

Beryl was a bit stunned seeing such a tranquil person suddenly so inflamed. "B-but my parents. I owe them so much, it would be nice to give back something. Show that I did something with the life they gave me."

Serene closed her eyes and shook her head gently, sending tidal waves down her extremely long hair. "They created you because they wanted to. They raised you because of a choice-" She lowered her voice a bit. "Or consequence- of decisions THEY made in THEIR lives. You never asked for any of that, they did it because they wanted to, you don't owe them anything. You don't owe anyone shit. And you know what?"


Serene placed a hand gently on her head. "Your smile is worth more than any amount of money you could have ever made. If you want to show them raising you was worth it- live. They raised you to live, to love, to be happy. Money won't do that. Maybe a job will, depends on what you yourself want. Sounds like what you wanted was to just draw. So draw, and be happy."

"B-but..." She lifted up her hooves. "I... there... there is no going back. I am happy enough here, the island is amazing. It isn't perfect, but what is, right?"

Julie took her hoof gently, examining it. "I haven't poked around your tincture breakdown yet. If you'll let me, I might be able to modify your genes enough to give you... sort-of hands. You may be able to draw still."

And so Julie went to work. And slowly, the island started to change. Morgan brought equipment down for Julie to work on sight, and eventually a lab was built in the valley! Julie let the other subjects wander around inside and ask her questions, to learn more about what went into making each of them. After hearing from Beryl that the others thought subject 01 wasn't even real, she spread the word. Serene was very pleased to finally get guests to her mansion that were not the usual RHE staff, talking to the other subjects who came after her, and sharing her luxurious home. It often got dreadfully lonesome up there. Eventually a few other RHE staff moved into the valley lab, particularly Morgan since this meant she had to do a lot less walking to check up on everyone. With the added help, Julie cured Beryl's hooves! She was unable to restore proper human hands, but it was pretty close. Human fingers have three segments, Beryl only had two- and the former hooves were still present, segmented on the outward facing sides of her digits. This meant she could still walk on her fingertips, because when she applies pressure the segments lock together and brace the weight. Not long after, another rather large building was added to the valley- its first art gallery.

As for Julie's own problem; she found a solution to that too. Her transformation is hard to modify once the changes are already in place, so she started a morning routine of deliberately transforming herself, giving her a high resistance to any unexpected changes! Listening to what her body had already been telling her, her common form was two areola, two nippled breasts, but only somewhat enlarged- so her loose shirts fit tight, but don't strangle her. A long cow tail so she matches with her new bestie, Beryl. She made sure to give herself the cow face that drives Barrus wild, so she can tease him, licking her neon pink lips whenever he looks over. Letting loose after her research had truly ended, she finally took off the ties and let her giant wild curls cascade over her shoulders, and turned them snow white except for a few stands of pitch black here and there. She got the large floppy Brahman ears like Serene, because she just personally thought they were adorable. Julie left her hands alone, while making her legs from the knee down, bovine. That was her usual go-to form from then on. But unlike anyone else of course, she resets every night, so there was nothing stopping her from getting crazy with it, if she was in the moo'd.

Yin Yang

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Palomino Del Paradiso

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Tails You Win

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