Minotaur Milk

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Ariadne and her friend Lucria sign up for a lactose-tolerant test in which they are hybridized with animals to improve their bodies, or simply just get milkier, but the two women's forms take two very different yet equally attractive routes to get there.

(F tf Minotaur, F tf ferret hybrid)

Ariadne is a hard woman to read. When she was little she was very bull-headed and often clashed with what other kids liked. Where others attempted to mimic those they liked and play along for the sake of making friends, Adriadne liked what she liked and was never swayed by anyone else. So either someone liked her how she was, or they didn't- she will never conform. Often called a contrarian or aggressive because of this refusal to bend, she started to become more quiet and mysterious in high school. Rather than start conflicts because of her unyielding personality, she simply did not talk in the first place. But she also kept tight lipped about a secret only she knew.

Adriadne's mother Dr. Crettia secretly worked for an organization known as the Rebuilding Humanity Effort, or RHE for short. Operating on a remote privately owned island, they did experimentation on human genes using a mixture of alchemy and magic together. So since she was young, she has dreamed of different creatures she wanted to be. When she was younger, Adriadne did not quite grasp what RHE was trying to do, so her mother often chastised her. 'they change to help further research and help humanity- not to improve themselves or show off'. Hybridizing with animals, all the women on RHEI were made to try and achieve a form that allowed for extended and heavy lactation. Their job was to create milk so people with weak constitutions that could not consume normal foods could still eat. It was a job, and not one that could be put down. If it constantly consumed mana like a spell, the spell would need to be renewed all the time and at that point they might as well just use a spell to multiply the milk itself. It mixed with alchemical tinctures so that it altered the state of the persons DNA. This meant their body made the milk, and the process consumed almost no mana, and never needed to be renewed. It also meant they could not have children because their DNA was no longer correct- and it also meant there was no undo. They could regress some transformations if absolutely needed, but generally speaking the initial changes were permanent. And since RHE's experiments were not super legal... they could not let you go to potentially blab about them. Once someone signed up, they lived on the island forever- with their new body, forever.

Ariadne continued to imagine what forms she could have, and was always interested in listening to her mother tell her of the strange things that lived on RHEI, even after she understood more fully what being on the island meant. One day though, Ariadne's only close friend fell on hard times. She had been having problems finding a job already, but forest fires around their city had gotten bad and consumed some of the outer districts before the firefighters were able to beat back the firestorm. Her friend Lucria's home was among the buildings consumed in the blaze. Lucria was fine because the firefighters had everyone evacuate before the actual flames closed in, but, she was also now homeless, and jobless. Things were looking grim for her, so Dr. Crettia decided to tell Lucria about RHEI. She would have to live on the island from then on, but RHE would buy her food and shelter for her. As if to help her decide, Ariadne said she would sign up as well. She did not want to leave her only friend's side, and RHEI was a paradise island. Sure they would be like dairy cows, but they could leave in peace without having to worry about anything ever again. And so, the two signed themselves up as the newest test subjects for RHE. Lucria was easy to handle, she was sent to Dr. Augustine and she would use a new iteration of the transformation tincture on her. Dr. Crettia understandably demanded control of her own daughter however, and got to work quickly on a new iteration herself. She was starting from scratch, so Ariadne was given hers in relatively small doses to make sure nothing went wrong, so her transformation was gradual, while Lucria practically changed completely over the course of a day and two nights.

Lucria was given the designation number 69, as that was the test number for her tincture. Technically if two people had the exact same tincture there could be multiple test subjects with the same number, but very, very few ever used the same one. It was not always about finding a better way to induce lactation, but simply a different way. RHE were always testing their options, and the name of the game with 69? Multiples. Instead of creating gigantic mammaries, what if they used a species that has many mammary glands. The first thing to change was her nails on her feet and hands, they bunched up- becoming more narrow but thick and pointed, turning into small but sharp claws. By the time she woke up the next day she had a light layer of downy soft fur on the backs of her hands and top of her feet and her digits were fat and shorter! They were all compressing, causing them to get wider so they all rubbed together even when she tried to divide them as much as she could. The skin on the ends of her digits and the very base became thick and bulged up into round neon pink pads! She spent most of the first half of the day just poking and smushing together the pads on her hands and feet. They were super plush and fun to squish in, but also the skin had a ton more layers than anywhere else, making them extremely durable. The fur also spread across her entire hands and feet, and her feet started to stretch out which also promoted her self exploration opposed to exploring the island- because she could not balance while her feet were changing.

Ariadne arrived around noon and sat with her to help her through her much more intense transformation. Ariadne herself did not look any different, but she felt stronger, and two pale brown dots appeared below her breasts- a shadow of things to come. 69's feet stretched out into proper paws, though a bit small for her size. The fur slowly advanced as the afternoon progressed and eventually went all the way to her hips, then got longer as it stopped there, not going far enough back to cover her butt cheeks. Her pubes were replaced with a triangle of soft white fur too though. Her hands became like paws as well but the structure of the hand itself did not change, so her thumbs did not regress and she was still fully able to grasp and manipulate objects like a normal human. Like with her legs, the fur on her hands progressed up her arms and then formed longer plumes at her shoulders but again did not touch her torso. At this point a tail started to grow as well, forcing her to pull her pants down a bit in the back to let it grow out but she was only keeping the company of Ariadne so far anyway, so she did not really care. Ariadne herself complained a bit that her body felt tight and stiff. Lucria tried not to stare the few times Ariadne leaned back and she was able to see the hardening array of abdominal muscles on her stomach! She was getting more muscular!

Once her limbs had fully formed, Lucria actually did not sit still. She was pouncing up on the furniture like a cat, and skittering around the house on all fours and on two legs to try out her new body, but Ariadne kept telling her to slow down and take it easy. Her transformation was not yet done. 69's tail was already growing bushy soft fur on it while it was still getting longer and longer, causing it to expand in diameter with fluff as it expanded in length with actual flesh and bone. She went to get a snack from the fridge when she felt a prickling feeling just below her nose and sneezed suddenly, causing her to bend over quickly just enough to smash her forehead on the freezer door! Ariadne hustled over to help her and before Lucria could even figure out what happened to make her head hurt, she sneezed again, and then again! She was trapped in a sneezing fit and Ariadne spotted the end of her nose quickly turning pink, and a slew of whiskers growing out of her face! When the whiskers grew several inches long she was able to stop sneezing, but her face still felt odd. Her already four foot long and growing tail was lashing around behind her in irritation. She grabbed her face with both paw-hands and muffled snaps and pops could be heard as the bone of her skull started expanding forward! The bridge of her nose was becoming more subdued as the skull under it pushed up and forward in its place. Her teeth became sharper and more narrow, turning to small fangs. Her mid length red hair started to fade rapidly, turning white and getting softer to match her fur!

Ariadne gently took her hands away once the sounds stopped to look at the damage and smiled timidly. "Short muzzle, yea, that is a ferret alright."

Lucria suddenly looked embarrassed and timid. "Do I really look just like a ferret?"

"I don't know about exactly like one. You have no fur on your face. Dr. Augustine said they chose ferret for your transformation because they have very long flexible bodies, which gives more room for more teats. Which should allow you to make up for lack of size with increased number."

Lucria pulled her shirt up so they could both look at her torso and sure enough, there was many pink bumps down her body, almost looking like bug bites right now because they were still forming. They counted eight, so if you add her normal breasts that would make ten total. Her tail finally stopped growing at the same length as the entire rest of her body, and because of how fluffy the white fur on it was, it was just as wide as her torso too. Though the actual flesh and blood tail within was a skinny little thing. Her transformation seemed to slow down toward dinner time and seemed to be stopping, but it was just doing more fine work that was not outwardly noticeable. Her nipples stiffened and stretched, the areola formed and the mammary glands formed behind each, branching milk veins and chambers out.

Ariadne however went through a very different transformation. Having her own daughter as a test subject made Dr. Crettia rethink her methods. Rather than base the form on increased milk production she was trying to build a stronger woman. She used bull gene traits as a basis and carefully balanced it out so it would not interfere with her female hormone level. She did not want to change Ariadne's gender. So Ariadne felt tight because her muscles swelled up below the surface, making her stronger and pulling the skin tighter across them. She felt stiff because her skeletal structure was actually expanding, making her entire body larger! The muscle structure had to do double-time because it had to not only increase in density but also expand to follow the bones within. This caused her sockets to not sit quite right, causing joints to pop as they re-set at their new size frequently as time went on. Her slower transformation took about three days for this phase. In the first day she simply felt stronger but stiff and unable to move properly. It was the second day when she was noticeably taller and more muscular. By the third day she was two feet taller than she had been and had an extremely athletic build! Her muscles were tight- these were not 'show muscles', they were lean and effective. Because they were not bulbous they did not interfere with her feminine form, and were the most noticeable on her gut which was rock solid abs now, causing a few bulging veins to be noticeable toward her groin, pinched between skin and muscle. Increased abdominal muscles also comes with the added side effect of greater vaginal grip and control- her pussy was strong too.

Now Ariadne was having to get used to being able to move too easily. She did not have to work for her new muscle mass, so she was not at all used to being this strong and accidentally broke a glass from holding it too hard, almost bust the window on her front door closing it too hard, and could only scurry across to Lucria's house once during these days because her outfit was torn and practically rags on her at this point- she needed to wait for RHE to send her a new clothing fit. Her feet started to rapidly lengthen on the fourth day, and this transformation only took a few hours. Her soles rose far over the ground as they stretched tremendously and the bones inside all fused together into a single huge bone segment. Her toes drew together but unlike Lucria's, it was not because they were growing fatter and shorter. The bones inside were drawn together and fused, forcing her nails to unite, growing thicker and darker as they expanded! Ariadne was growing cloven hooves, like a bovine. She almost did not even notice among the stronger transformations that a tail was growing behind her. The tail was very thin, and she only really felt the growth at the very end, where her skin needed to race to keep up with the growth inside and eventually bloomed into a bushy tassel.

Embarrassingly enough the bovine traits did not stop at her feet, and trailed up her legs as the day went on. By the time she was going to sleep that night, Ariadne's legs had shifted shape to be much more bovine, but still not quite. Cows have fairly stout legs for the size of their body, but that would not do for a creature that walks upright. Because of this, her hips remained untouched in shape, though grew a bit in size- nothing too extreme. Her thighs bulked with muscle, pulling the skin taught, but the muscle structure was a bit more bovine, causing her thighs to become slightly disk shaped, looking wider when viewed from the side than they actually were. Her tail confused her a few times as well; it was not as easily read as the tail of a canine. Cows do not wag their tails when they are happy, rather it is more a general level of energy. She had control over it and could hold it still or move it deliberately, but whenever she took her mind off of it, it would move automatically and sometimes surprise her when she felt the tassel suddenly brush by her leg. Any itch or tickle on her lower body the tail immediately targeted- this was an instinctual reaction to swat flies and mosquito away. When Ariadne slept though, the transformation trickled into an area she had subconsciously ignored as a possibility. Both her anus and vulva grew in size considerably taking full advantage of her slightly larger hips and became fully bovine! When Ariadne went to the bathroom on waking up the next morning she gawked at the meaty neon pink bulge of her now large pubic mound for nearly a half hour before her still waking brain registered fully what she was looking at.

Ariadne had been holed up waiting for RHE to give her new clothes for two days by then and got tired of waiting. They wanted to make sure she had stopped growing so she did not just outgrow the new clothing as well immediately, but she wanted to check on Lucria! So Ariadne managed to stuff herself into an outfit that just barely held onto her. Her breasts were squished uncomfortably together and even though it was a long sleeve shirt it barely made it past her elbows. Her midriff was fully exposed, and her pant legs only made it a bit past her knees, which actually meant over half her legs were exposed because of the added length from ankle downward. Since her legs retained human length but gained in bovine bone mass and foot structure, her legs were far taller than a normal humans, and nowhere remotely close to a cows. She had to move very carefully trying not to stress her outfit and went to get to Lucria's house, which was thankfully right beside hers. Their test subject numbers were side by side as well after all; Ariadne was 68, Lucria is 69.

Ariadne jumped a bit as two women startled her calling out. "Oh hey! We thought you moved in but haven't seen you around at all." "Yea, welcome to the island, you! What is your name?!"

They both leaned over enthusiastically, causing Ariadne to blush because it also hung and wobbled their tits in that position. Neither woman wore a single bit of clothing, but both stood on sandals since they were among the relatively few subjects that did not possess paws nor hooves. Ariadne stood frozen for an awkwardly long time without saying anything, having a hard time registering what she was looking at. Both women looked about four feet tall at absolute most, maybe less. They were also both virtually identical in appearance! The women introduced themselves as subject 44 and... subject 44. They were born twins, so they also received the exact same tincture to transform them, so they have the same test number. They had not two but four breasts that looked to be around a DD cup in size each... which was extremely impressive given how tiny their bodies are. Their tails tasseled like a cow but extremely long, and they twisted the ends of each others tails around the other whenever they stood together. Their feet were a bit long, and the toes were oddly long and clawed as well- these were the traits of a rodent. Both women were a bit cow and a bit mouse! Their hands had tiny claws and the skin on them were a bit pinkish but otherwise they were human. They both had slightly bucked teeth and their ears were giant. Mostly round, their ear tips still had a slight point at the very end, being both mouse and cow. They both had six nipples total, but only four breasts- the last set of nipples on their upper stomach had no breasts behind them nor could they produce milk, not being properly developed- and because of that they were almost invisible below the lower curve of their second breasts. They had differences, but it was hard to spot. Both wore a thick leather buckled choker around their neck dangling a large cow bell, but only one bell had a clacker- the other did not ring. The other difference was a streak dyed in their hair specifically for identification purposes; Pepper had a red streak, Mint had a green streak. Red and green stripes like a candy cane- together they are peppermint!

"I am subject 68. I was just going to check up on 69, so..."

"Ooh, your friend is the sexy number!" Mint gave her a playful shove. "Don't be silly. Hey but what is your real name 68? Only boys on RHEI use designation numbers." "Yea, boys are too dumb to remember real names." "Haha, that is definitely not the reason."

"Ah... Ariadne. Ariadne Crettia."

"Isn't that one of-" "-the researchers names! Oooh, family in the company." "Special treatment?" "Oh, don't be a gossip Pepper." "I am just curious!" "Hey, they need to send you new clothes huh? Is your transformation done...?" "Yea, they have to provide you with custom clothes if you request it, no matter how bizarre your new frame gets." "She is a relative of Dr. Crettia, I am pretty sure she must already know." "I am just making sure!"

"I uh, already requested it. I still have some changing to do, so."

"It might be easier to just go nude for a bit. We do it all the time." "We sometimes both wear a single big shirt though, its fun, its like playing in a potato sack race, haha." "Yea. Most are female, and the island is totally clothing optional." "And the weather is nice."

Ariadne blushed. "N-no..."

She bowed forward a bit, trying to make a motion to slip away from the conversation and into Lucria's place, but in bowing forward her pants ripped a bit down the middle in the back. When she straightened suddenly a hole tore open in the front of her shirt, creating a cleavage window where the projection of her breasts pulled on the fabric the tightest! She could feel her heart beat in her face as she blushed even redder and her ears felt like they were on fire. Because of this, she did not notice the gentle tickle of a trail of blood dripping down either side of her face.

Mint looked a bit timid at Ariadne's reaction. "Ooh, it's okay if you don't want to either. We won't pressure you." "Y-yea, chill vibes only. We are here to help!" "You can adjust at your own pace." "You are bleeding though." "Yea, uhm, your head is dripping."

Ariadne touched her face and felt the thick hot fluid, tracing the drip back up and coming into contact with a tiny bone spur! She was starting to grow horns, but because of the increased blood pressure in her face from embarrassment it was bleeding more than it should. The twins told her it was fine and she could go ahead to her friend's place to get cleaned up. Ariadne scoot to the kitchen sink to splash water on her face and clean the blood off right away. She was in such a hurry to get the blood off that she did not notice right away the changes that happened to Lucria since last they seen each other. Six nipples started to swell out, growing into stiff pink nubs, then each stood on puffy, slightly projected areola, and then those in turn stacked onto fat little mounds. Over night they swelled into hills, and then stretched and fattened into round orbs. She woke up in the night from the feeling as she squirmed in bed, her nipples dragging on the bedding giving her electric sparks of pleasure! There was six of them and only two hands to tend to them, so she was wedging her hands between tracing the fat round curvature of their sides, cupping and hefting them around and tugging on the seemingly perpetually erect nipples! They each grew into a plump D cup tear shape, but they looked like an almost perfect sphere when sat on her chest while she stood up, because the bottom breasts held up the set above them- so only the bottom set was actually free hanging normally. Now with Ariadne over, she had a top on, but you could still see the bottom half of her bottom breasts under the shirt, and the shirt itself was quite full. Not only that- her pants were pretty full too. Not one but four lumps shoved into the front of her pants from within, she had a small cow udder! So between breasts and udder she had ten teats total. The udder was like a cows in form but it was not especially big- the curvature actually did not project quite as far out as her breasts, though it was a cluster of four. It did not have areola though and instead of aggressive nipples they were actual teats, so as fat and long as a thumb, and even when erect they still flop over from their own weight.

The cool water helped slow the flow of blood and as her nerves settled the bleeding stopped, though the horns were still growing rather quickly. They grew more in width than length at first; turning from bone spurs to fat spikes, then they thickening stopped and they took off in length. It felt like something that stuck in her head and someone had grabbed it and was slowly sliding it out. They arched out away from her head then forward, and then started to curl back in toward her head before stopping. Most of the horn was the off-white of sun-bleached bone, but the tips were black. These were not the horns of a cow, they were far too long- these were bull horns!

Lucria chuckled, standing behind her watching it happen. "Careful you don't put someone's eye out with those. Or heck, you are so tall now, careful you don't break the lights off my ceiling!"

"It's hard to tell how long they are, I can only sort of see them with my peripheral vision...I think my boobs are trying to grow too." At if on queue her shirt tore a bit more. "Yup. Definitely growing."

"Oooh, wanna compare?! Mine are done growing- look at them all!"

Lucria hoisted up her shirt but only the bottom pair popped out. She bunched the shirt up in her hands and pulled again, getting the second set, and then bunched up more shirt in her hands to finally squeeze the top set out and let the shirt rest on the top set of boobs. Ariadne blushed again, but luckily her horns were fully grown now so her forehead did not spring a leak. Not as embarrassed as being around other people, she smiled timidly instead this time and quickly jerked her arms backward, thrusting her chest forward and in one swift motion shredded her shirt completely in half, and also blew the seams around her shoulders partially. Neither had noticed till Lucria pointed out now that she had a second set of boobs below the first! The nipple and areola had formed but only now was the actual breast growing. Ariadne felt it as a warm pressure at first. She wanted to flex to help stretch the skin out but doing so only caused her breasts to hop on their own! Flexing caused her tight pectoral muscles to tense which made the breast attached to it jump, but did nothing to stretch the breast itself. She burst out laughing in amusement of the discovery and Lucria started laughing as well soon after. While they watched her breasts swelling, Ariadne made the two jump back and forth just by flinching her muscles. It only worked with the top breasts, but once the bottom grew large enough the top would collide with them on the way back down and set the bottom breasts into motion from the impact. Because her skin was already firm from the muscle tension below the surface, her breasts also grew quite pert and round. They were soft but the skin especially elastic- you could probably bounce a coin off her tits. The top set bloated up into a round G cups, with the set below those a DD. All four blushed a permanent pink hue now, though her nipples and areola remained a pale brown.

Lucria pointed out another change Ariadne herself had missed though- teats over her crotch! Ariadne felt no growth though, and as they watched they did not seem to change at all. There was four small cow teats on her crotch, neon pink against her peach toned skin but no udder seemed to be forming below them, it was just the teats and nothing else. While bent over looking at the teats however, Ariadne lurched forward and then fell back against the kitchen counter from a surge of change up her spine causing her entire body to tense up a moment, and her skin to get goosebumps. She grit her teeth and moaned in an increasingly deep voice as her spine let off several deep, hollow pops and her head vibrated with each new vertebrae that popped into existence between the others! Her neck was getting longer, the veins in her neck were throbbing large and swollen and the muscle in her neck grew massively as well, making her neck a great deal thicker as well! The skin on the surface clenched from the pulsing growth, but that also caused it to bunch up and stretch toward the front, forming increasingly long thick folds of flesh! Ariadne grew a full bovine neck which also altered her voice to be very deep, though still womanly. A bit confused at first, she reached up and grabbed at the dense loose skin at the front of her neck, so long the bottom folds almost touched her breasts. It was very squishy in her hands since it was nothing but skin, but the feeling from the flesh itself was minimal- there was a low nerve count inside of it. Lucria explained it was called a dewlap- some species of cow have them, like Brahman.

As a final change, Ariadne bowed forward a bit again and held her face with both hands. The cartilage in the bridge of her nose popped loudly several times as the bridge became much wider, and projected less forward. Her ears rapidly started to change as the cartilage there thinned and their form became thin and leaf shaped. Muscles developed in their base to allow them to pivot around and face sounds- like her tail, the direction of her ears could be controlled directly or move automatically. By the time she raised her head out of her hands, her nose had restructured. Though she did not have a muzzle of any sort, her nose had reshaped to that of a cow! The end was now textured and moist, and that same soft grey skin trailed from her nose to her lips which now matched it! Ariadne had a few question for her mother when she seen her next. She looked sort of masculine, though still clearly female. Her body was large and strong, but only mildly adapted to milking. She would not even start to lactate for another week and a half, and her production was never especially impressive... at least, compared to the other residents of RHEI. While she found her new body impressive and empowering, it did seem to go in a completely different direction than RHE normally shoots for.

Lucria was actually not done her transformation either. She had not mentioned anything to Ariadne earlier when she was over, because apparently the final transformation stage required sexual stimulation to promote. So, she started to throw gutter balls with her mind later on as she relaxed for the night and ripped her bedding up to make a nest of softness for herself at the head of the bed. She held up a potion bottle separate of her tincture- it would control magnitude, because Lucria had been indecisive on what final size she would like. So she was given this round bottomed potion bottle full of dimly glowing blue liquid. Lucria was a bit nervous as she looked at it and remembered the instructions. With this she could control her own size, but this potion activated part of her tincture- which is a permanent part of her DNA now. So while she could keep adding size on, she could not subtract size. Not easily, or completely anyway. A tablespoon of the potion will give her a cup size, but two tablespoons did not equal two cups. The doses amplified as you went, so to get two cup sizes would be more like one and a half tablespoons. But then three tablespoons would end up more like six cup sizes or more. So, she popped the lid off and drank a small pit of the potion. It surprised her when she put it in her mouth because the fluid reacted with the moisture on her tongue and started to fizz. She lifted her butt just long enough to pull her pants off and then cupped her paw-hand over her hot pubic mound, her labia already swelling up a bit and blushing pink in arousal. Her sexual stimulus and the potion together triggered the dormant portion of her transformation.

Lucria arched back and cried out in arousal a bit louder than she intended as her back popped loudly! Her entire body seemed to jerk longer, putting strain on her organs for just a moment before everything swelled and stretched to settle into the new size, and then another pop! Her long hair-like fur started to get shorter, but the hairline started to advance backwards as well, slowly spreading out across the back onto her neck! Her neck started to slowly grow longer, and her torso quickly grew longer and more flexible. That was the reason she got ferret as her species in the first place- long flexible torso meant more room for tits! She arched her back up and down with the sensation of the spine popping as it grew, which caused all her many mammaries to jostle around violently and collide with one another as they puffed up. They firmed as they filled with greater mass and then started to swell and fatten larger overall- though her nipples and teats remained the same size. She started to get a little worried the farther her body stretched, because she could no longer grab her vulva! Her arms can't reach that far! At first Lucria thought she had maybe drank too much of the potion, but her body length wasn't controlled by that, it was already a length set by the scientists, so Lucria couldn't have screwed that up. Even her neck was almost double the length it had been, but did not bulk up like Ariadne's neck had. Instead, her hair regressed into normal fur, and consumed her entire neck, getting a little bit longer toward the front of her collar where its growth stopped. It did not advance onto her face still- it stopped where her hair line would have in the front.

Because she did not have nearly enough hands to touch all her tits, and could no longer reach her pussy, Lucria bent forward to squish her tits together as they grew, and in doing so noticed how easily she could bend her torso now. Her back got much longer- her rib cage didn't. She lifted both her hips and head up and surprised herself, managing to bend herself in a complete circle! She unintentionally booped her lips against her... other lips. Her arousal spiked at this revelation and she wrapped her extremely puffy tail around the back of her head to help her hold this pose, while her legs hung sort of limp over either side of her head. She used her paw-hands to grab two teats from her udder each, pinching them together to hold them and then yanking back on them, occasionally wiggling them back and forth to shake the fatty mass and revel in the pleasurable ripples through her tender flesh. She paused only a moment to take one hand away and grab the potion bottle. Her breasts swelled subtly and relatively slow- clearly she had taken far too little. The feeling of the second dose piggybacking on the strength of the first sent pleasurable warm tingles through all her tits- and since they covered the entire front half of her very long body, it was basically full body pleasure! She kissed her pussy, dug in with her tongue and occasionally nibbled lightly on her own clit as she held her position of a human circle- the inside a ring of tits. Her breasts swelled steadily but still fairly slow, the stretching skin and nerves created a very mild but constant pleasure that never paused. Her udder unlike her breasts became much more apparent through sheer weight. It flopped down, which in this position put it onto her belly and far enough up that her folded over lower breasts touched it and the nipples from one were jousting with the teats on the other. She squealed at a loud extremely high pitch almost sounding like a whistle as a sharper pleasure fired into her! Her breasts all started to firm up and shove back against one another harder, forcing her to unfold, reluctantly getting her face pushed away from her crotch.

She grabbed her top breasts and as soon as she put pressure on the stiffening spheres the pleasure and heat launched forward and into the nipples so fast they vibrated for a moment before several thin streams of milk erupted out! The stimulation and rapid growth was forcing rapid lactation! She had far too much to milk so she managed to arch her body back forward enough that she could once again grab and yank her udder teats and used the length of her arms across the sides of all six breasts to squeeze inward, causing a little bit of milk to spray from all ten of her taps! In an arousal driven frenzy she breathlessly swung her arm over and grabbed the potion off the night stand again. She hesitated a moment, her heart pounding as the glass touched her lips. She drank a bit more and then before she could stop herself, she took even more in, swallowing almost a full mouthful! She moaned over and over, each time getting more shrill as her limbs felt like jelly as the pleasure completely took the strength out of her muscles. Her body twitched and jiggled violently as the bed springs groaned and her mammaries became fatter and fatter! Her form remained lethe but her tits became obese. The milk built faster than she could empty it herself, forcing a trickle out completely on its own, and then small streams which arched higher and higher up as her pleasure broke new ground on levels of possibility. Ariadne tried to ignore her screams of pleasure from her house a distance away that night, but it was a bit difficult. Just what was going on over there?

The next day Ariadne seen her mother in the labs to ask about her form. "So, not that I don't like it..."

Dr. Crettia sighed, looking out her lab window at the rest of RHEI far below. "RHE was originally created by Moth to improve humanity. To help her native world adapt to a situation it could not have otherwise. When she left we found a new purpose in providing specialized foods for the world in secret, while also continuing our research on manipulating and improving on the human body. But our research had become a bit narrow minded."

"So you designed me to just be... better overall?"

"Yes. You are stronger, yet feminine. You are still able to give ample milk when desired so my work has not strayed that far from our current operations. I wanted.... I wanted you to be able to stand as an idol for the rest of the women on this island. You have always been rather quiet, and stoic. You are strong Ariadne, unrelentingly so. I have given you a body to reflect the strength of your conviction."

Ariadne blushed. "But I don't even have any reason to be strong anymore, heh. I mean, I live on a paradise island now, what am I even going to do with power?"

"That I will leave up to you. What do you want to do? RHE operates on a private island in secret so we do not really pay any taxes or have to pay rent or anything- our budgeting is actually quite generous. Whatever you think of, I am sure we can arrange. You cannot go back to the normal world, but we can bring as much of the outside world as you want onto the island."

Later that day, Ariadne found out the fate of Lucria from Mint and Pepper. She had taken way more of the potion than anyone was expecting and grew to a size in which she could not move around normally- she could only move in short bursts and was for the most part now immobile! That put her into a special classification of test subjects known as the extremes, changing her subject designation to 69-XV. Ariadne needed her mother's access code to get into a secret bunker below the labs where the extreme subjects were housed. For one reason or another they were incapable of living normally on their own, even on the paradise island scenario where their food and shelter is provided. In a huge chamber in the bunker was a regular sized house, and inside of that was Lucria! While Ariadne was distressed for her new fate, Lucria seemed perfectly fine with it. Each of her six breasts was the size of a large beach ball, and her udder was the size of an entire beanbag chair! She could lift herself but not carry it- so she could only move around making lurching motions to heave her many tits ahead of her, inch forward, then heave them forward again. Though Ariadne had a hard time understanding it, Lucria seemed quite content with this situation and went on at length about how all consuming the pleasure was, and how good she was at her new job making milk. She even had a custom milking device installed that suited her unique form. It looked like a large sphere of foam rubber with various pipes connected down into it. She pulled it down and then aligned her gigantic udder with a pocket shaped perfectly for it. It was a bit hard to fit in because the udder was so squishy, but once the suction turned on it pulled the udder snug into the pocket and then soft rubber rings tightened at the base of each teat. She then slowly turned the orb and fit her bottom breasts into two sockets, then her middle breasts, then her top breasts, and each had another set of rubber rings to hug the base of her fat nipples. She cradled the warm ball with her body and the rhythmic pumping started from the last two teats up to the top two nipples in a wave motion causing her to moan and involuntarily hump the sphere as it milked her.

Ariadne was blushing from watching the demonstration and sighed. "It will be a pain in the ass finding my way here through the halls of this hidden area."

"Making excuses so you don't have to hang out as muh-haaah... ah. I thought Minotaurs were good at navigating labyrinths?"

Ariadne chuckled. "Touche."

These days you can find Ariadne's house in the middle of a field of corn! Putting her power to use, she started the island's own farmland, so now her and several others gather to do gardening. Both for the fun of gardening in itself but also the pleasure of eating good food grown by your own hands. And it made RHEI that much more autonomous from the outside world. Ariadne stands as an example of the strength of femininity, while Lucria was an example of another extreme, soft and pleasurable. If anyone needed to find the Minotaur- she is at the center of the maize.

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