What Is To Cum

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man volunteers for what sounds and most likely is a dream job. Brought to a paradise island populated by part animal women with enhanced endowments, built for maximum milk production- Allen now has the first male equivalent of that job. But first he has to figure out his own transformation...

(M tf bovine/humanequine hybrid forms)

Allen Richter was a pretty average guy, living a pretty average life. He was not very tall, he was about as athletic as a month old corpse, but he was not bad looking by any standards. He was not talented and did not have any educational focus, but he had a sharp enough whit and had decent grades up to graduating high school. He did not have the money nor focus to take school beyond that, so unfortunately found himself doing odd jobs that ultimately went nowhere. Sure, they pay the bills and allowed him to get by, but he had always imagined himself the protagonist of his own little story. To help someone else, save the day, or do something that was worth remembering. But, it never worked out that way. That was when his friend Marcus presented an unusual offer to him. It seems his wife was working for a secret organization, and they were looking for test volunteers.

Now, Allen sat on a new couch in a home so modern and squeaky clean that you could immediately tell the moment you entered it that no one had lived here yet. This was all his now. The company known as RHE- the rebuilding humanity effort- had just given him this house to do whatever he wanted. Outside its doors, a beautiful little paradise island, oddly shaped like a bowl. They would even restock his fridge and make unbranded clothing for him at whatever specifications he wanted, all to keep him happy while he worked for them. And his job? Pleasure. Experience pleasure, and cum a lot. I mean, that was the super dumbed down version, but that is essentially the job requirement. Since he nodded dumbly at Marcus and told him he was on board, everything had been a blur. He met his wife, the Magistress Telah Reinhart, who then had him flown out to the island (simply called RHEI). She had a meeting in her office in the research wing of the island to talk to Allen and the RHE head researcher, but basically everything they talked about went far over Allen's head. The only thing he really understood out of any of that is that he is going to be transformed into a hybrid of an animal and man using a new process Telah herself invented and its his job to cum as much as possible.

The first pause for Allen to get his thoughts together on the matter was the sound of his new door closing after Telah gave him a brief tour of the nice one floor home that was now his. Now he was alone, though still perfectly human. He drank a tincture they gave him, but it would apparently enable him to transform into whatever body he wanted- pulling from the genes of human, equine, and bovine. Once he had his perfect body, he contacted them and they would make it permanent. It sounded too good to be true, but then the view out his front window looked too good to be true as well- but there it was. An entire wall of his living room was window, and he had drawn the curtains closed and left the lights off in his house as he seen the first woman to walk by so he wouldn't be caught staring! She had four breasts and was entirely naked except for sandals on her feet! He was a bit paranoid about meeting the other test subjects at risk of tenting his pants mid conversation or being caught staring or something. Giant udders, animal features, huge breasts, and multiple breasts! Most of the island was populated with animal hybrid women who all give massive amounts of milk, which RHE then ships around the world as specialty food.

Allen felt an odd sensation in his chest and a warmth, but whenever he looked down there was nothing amiss. He remained by the window, peeking out at anyone passing by to try to let the shock value wear off before he attempted to actually introduce himself to any of these people. The sensation in his chest continued and caused him to idly reach up and scratch his chest and then he quickly looked down and seen his nipples poking into his shirt! Allen pulled his top off and tossed it to the couch to look at himself- the lights were off but enough filtered through the curtains that he could still see. His areola were unusually smooth and puffy and his nipples were larger and erect! They turned from light brown to a red-pink. Those were a woman's nipples! A very subtle feeling of movement under the flesh and the continuation of the warmth told him he was growing breasts! Telah had told him the tincture he got could turn him into anything he wanted by using the building blocks of those three species- unfortunately that was not gender specific. It was activated by thought but that was all Allen knew- and since he has been looking at women with massive endowments walk past his mind has been on boobs all afternoon! He unintentionally gave himself tits!

The reason the transformation took so long to become visible is because the first change was establishing a network of milk veins between forming mammary glands- all of which are built at foundation level, and are not outwardly visible at all. Now fat cells rapidly multiplied, which caused the outward structure to grow, making it look suddenly quite fast. Little disks of fat formed first, then they started to curve outward. Little hills, big hills, chubby spheres, fat globes and still they grew. At first they grew spherical which made them look like fake breasts. When Allen cupped his hands to them he could feel the growth process in a bit more detail through his hands. The breasts fattened up becoming softer and wobbly as the skin billowed up between his fingers as if threatening to swallow his hands. Then the feeling of slight movement from within as the milk ducts and mammary glands grew to make use of the added space as the fat stretched their pathing for them. Then the layer of thin muscle linking fat to flesh grew and tightened, causing the breasts to firm up and become more jiggly. This is what gives them their shape- without this muscle layer they would be too soft to hold their form. Then acting like a pulley a tendon from the rib cage strengthens a bit more, causing the curvature of the breasts to rise and the breasts to become bouncier. The breasts still sagged downward where they projected the most, causing them to gain their true teardrop shape- the bottoms folded over the chest below while the tops pulled firmly into a bouncy firm slope. Allen could not help but knead his growing breasts. He supposed no one was going to see him in here so it did not matter if he had boobs. Till he called Telah to make his form permanent, any changes he makes will reset when he goes to sleep.

Even though they were attached to his own chest, he still spaced out fondling them. His penis tented his pants a bit in attention. As the breasts grew they became more and more visible to him without having to look straight down. They stopped at what looked to be around DD or even E cups! Blushing, he fixated on an erect nipple and cupped the bottom of the breast, seeing if he could roll it upward enough to suck his own tits! A very loud sound went off that almost made him stumble backward over the living room table and give him a heart attack! It sounded like someone trying to break his front door down.

Then from behind the door he heard a muffled woman's voice. "AAAAaaaoooow! ....wow. That was dumb, even for me." There was a long pause before a timid knock on the door. "Uh... anyone home?"

Allen scrambled to get his shirt off the couch and back on to hide his boobs! Unfortunately he could not pull it on- they were too big! He bowed forward and stretched the front of the shirt out and still could not get them in. He held the shirt with two fingers from both hands and used the rest of his hands to shove inward on the front of his tits to compress them enough to shimmy the top on. His midriff was completely exposed in the front now because there wasn't enough fabric to go around! There was rock hard folds across the front where his nipples were and the shirt was yanked the tightest. It was a good thing his breasts were soft- firmer melons would have just tore the shirt in half, but his squished outward and occupied space other breasts would not have been able to. Though, after getting it on he realized how futile his effort to hide the breasts was- it was still extremely obvious he had boobs. You could be standing half a mile away and still see that he has boobs at a glance. It looked like his shirt might explode if he bumps into anything.

Allen opened his front door only a crack and seen an energetic looking woman grinning at him. Even from the front he could see her tail swishing back and forth happily! She wore a tiny sleeveless top but then a black fishnet long sleeve over that, and some jean short-shorts. Her heels were far off the ground but not as far as a hooved creature would be- her legs ended in rather small looking furless paws! Her tops did nothing to conceal her assets- she had eight nipples and areola, but only the top two were hidden under her shirt. The fish net top was transparent so it did nothing to hide anything. She did not seem to have any breasts though, just nipples and areola. The front of her nose stuck out a bit more than normal and was angled forward more, with a black tip that was cool to the touch. The bridge of her nose did not curve toward the end, which made it stand out more than a normal humans, so that its angle was straighter. Her lips were mostly black like the end of her nose, but she had a pink spot on her upper lip. Giving away her species more than anything was her large rounded ears that completely flopped over- unable to lift their own mass. Though she had no fur anywhere on her, her skin was brown on her ears and the spots extended over both her eyes without ever meeting in the middle. She had a large black splotch on her back, and then on her butt she had a black spot on one cheek and a brown on the other, both shaped like half a heart. She isn't a bovine hybrid- she is a Beagle; a dog!

"Hehe, I actually already knew you were home because I can smell your scent. I also smell blood too though- you okay in there?"

Allen motioned to his nose. "Uh, I think that is you."

She touched a finger to her nose and seen the blood! She burst into his house, unintentionally knocking him back since he was trying to block the door from the inside. "Ack! Do you have toilet paper or something?!"

Allen quickly got her some tissue paper to clean herself up, and she stuffed the last square into her nostril to block the flow. Allen also quickly closed the door behind her so no one else will notice this house has an owner.

Allen cocked an eyebrow at her. "What happened?"

Her voice sounded a little odd now with one nostril blocked off. "I was coming to greet you and just as I got to your house a fly or something hit me right in the face and startled me. I ran face-first into your door."

"...you must have been running real fast."

She held up her hand showing him they were modified too. Though her hand and fingers were shaped perfectly human, the very tip and very base of each finger was a bubble of grey-pink skin, giving her canine paw pads, allowing her to run on all fours without hurting herself. She introduced herself properly now as subject 73, Roxi Roseheart! Her front used to be covered in small boobs, but as more women came to RHEI able to produce milk, Roxi's speed became the more desirable trait. She is now the official messenger of the valley, and was sent on behalf of all the valley residents to welcome Allen to his new life here in paradise! Roxi was no researcher, so she did a better job explaining for Allen the situation here. Most were here to produce milk, given life in paradise in exchange. The other modified males on the island were to service the females- to trick their bodies into thinking they are pregnant or very sexually active so they continue to lactate without actually getting pregnant. She knew Allen was not here for that though- that he was a test subject like the female residents, and told him he would likely have to explain that to others since it is the only case of that ever happening so far.

Allen noticed Roxi smile and stare at his chest, but was too embarrassed to say anything. She made a motion to grab his boobs and he quickly moved back out of her reach. "I don't suppose you know anyone who used the 'gummy' tincture?" He poked his right breast causing them to jostle in their cloth prison. "These happened because I don't know how to work it properly..."

"Mmmm, that is tricky. There is only two other test subjects who used that. One is subject 100; Dr. Hedgewall, you can find Julie in the valley lab but she is probably doing research right now so I don't know if she would have time to give you a demonstration. The other is 101, and good luck finding her. She inherited the mansion of 01 after she passed away from old age, but she never really uses the place. She crashes at other people's houses, so there is no real way to find her, she just sort of shows up. I guess look for either someone who looks totally human, or someone with four legs and is super tall? She uses the gummy tincture so her form can change at any time, so describing her also doesn't really work, haha."

"I guess I would be test subject 102 if I was signed up for a normal test. But because I am under Magistress Reinhart for a new thing, I am subject XY."

Roxi nodded, looking a bit absent minded now. "Hmm, I wonder if I was even supposed to tell you my name? Oh well, too late now I suppose. Normally males are the only ones expected to use designation numbers but yours isn't a normal case. You don't service us women so... I dunno. Guess I should have asked first before coming here, hehe."

Roxi offered to ask Julie for him if she did not look too busy, and dashed off again to deliver other messages between the residents of the valley. Al wandered his house a little anxious now. At least Roxi already knew he was living here now even though he kept the curtains closed and the lights off- that meant others may know as well. He had a huge pair of tits on his chest now that gave him about a two foot long blind spot directly in front of him where he could not see the ground past them. He could sleep to get rid of these immediately; it would not even matter how long he slept for, just losing consciousness for a moment would do. Except he isn't really tired. There was still a little tent in his pants however. He could try to alter his penis, which seemed to be the primary focus of the XY test anyway, and if he masturbated it would make him tired after and hopefully allow him to sleep and reset. Then he can try to track down either subject 100 or 101. Allen glanced in his closet- there was not much clothing because his transformation wasn't done yet. There was several different sized shirts though, so he decided he would keep his top on. He grinned at his idea. Al was afraid his shirt would be too tight and rip if he moved at all with Roxi here, but now that she left again he sort of wanted to see that happen. He liked the idea of annihilating a shirt entirely with his own body size.

Allan flopped onto his bed and shimmied his pants off, not even fully on the bed in the first place he immediately grabbed his dick and concentrated. Because of his tight shirt, his breasts could not flop to the sides and completely eclipsed his view of his penis so he had to concentrate on touch only, trying to visualize bigger in his head. At first it almost felt like it was going flaccid in his hand. He felt like he was getting an erection- the nearly indistinguishable feeling of blood flow collecting quickly to a single point, but his penis felt like it was getting softer. Though it was getting softer, he also noted it was still just as big as it would be fully erect. The veins then pulsed and thickened and stiffened from the increased flow forcing its way inside. He could feel it in his urethra the most, the stretching of the shaft as it got longer. Then he started to feel it in the skin on the surface and then his cock felt like it was tightening again. He could not see any of it, but he could feel with his hands there had to be several inches more than usual at the very least! It was a good deal bigger, and had grown very quickly! He tried to grow it even more as he started to piston his hand faster, but when the speed of growth started to pick up the nerves pulled tighter toward the surface and the spike of pleasure caused him to stop growing it for a moment and start over again- the pleasure was too much.

Al gently placed his other hand on the side of a boob and concentrated on those now. He is able to control his body thanks to his tincture, he just needs to figure out how. It was thought, but obviously not just any stray thought- he had to focus on it. The spherical shape of the imprisoned boobs started to get lost and become more oval- they were trying to expand but the fabric could not go any further, so they squished sideways harder. His breathing became shallow as the pressure in his shirt started to compress his ribs. He let go of his penis a moment to reposition his arm on the outside of the curve, as the outside of the left breast was starting to roll over his arm and smiled when he felt the head of his penis bounce on the taught shirt fabric. Feeling around with his left hand he realized his dick was long enough to reach his cleavage! He arched backward which let his penis slip back and fall against his torso, then laid back down which caused it to spear his cleavage from below, which thanks to the shirt was very tight! Al shivered from the sensation and felt both his penis trying to get still bigger and his breasts just on reflex- his body wanting more of this feeling! He watched as the collar suddenly shredded through at the front middle, giving the top of his boobs more room. They billowed up causing his upper cleavage to escape the collar and form a bit of a muffin top! That put more strain on the already ripped fabric and caused the rip to progress downward, which caused more boob to shift upward and grow into the space as it was made available! Now he was bucking his hips to thrust into his own tits, watching the taught rubbery flesh billowing out and shuffling as the shirt continued to rip, putting on a show for him. The skin was shiny from a bit of perspiration- growth made heat, and fat insulated the warmth so it could not escape. Now he could tell his balls were larger from the increased weight when they flopped from his thrusts, and thinking about how much of a turn on that was caused them to surge in size even more!

Over half of his boobs were wobbling free of the shirt, sticking out at least twice as far as the lower half still trapped. The further the shirt ripped the harder the tension was pulled across more threads- which actually made it harder to continue to rip. Had it burst at once from the middle out it would have been instant, but because it started at the top it slowed the tearing, which only turned Allen on more. Even though he could feel them, and they felt amazing being squeezed so hard and jiggling around at the same time- his brain still could not fully accept that they were his, so while watching them wobble around it was like watching a woman's boobs, not his own. He could feel his dick rub a bit deeper with every thrust, spreading more precum through the cleavage to create an almost zero friction surface. His balls were so large now that when he thrust up he could feel their weight shift and rest on his ass, then roll back out more when his hips rest back down! Al finally hit climax and arched his back on reflex which caused his dick to pull out more, and throb hard against the inside of the shirt. His cock created a more concentrated point of contention which finally did the shirt in, ripping it completely down the middle which allowed his dick to fly out of the cleavage almost straight up and down as it fired off a massive load! His breasts violently freed rocked downward hard and then sprung back up far enough to almost cover his mouth for a moment before sloshing back onto his chest and wobbling constantly for several minutes.

He woke up a bit over thirty minutes later with a smile. He did not even remember going to sleep, but Al certainly remembered what happened leading up to that. He looked down at the torn shirt, the fabric stretched so far out and thought 'wow, that was all me in there'. He sort of wished he had been able to see his dick over it all though. That was the part he is supposed to be changing! Telah's project was to create a hyper endowed male that can cum absurd amounts. She would then use alchemy to refine the calories and protein content of the ejaculate and refine it into a food product. Allen was supposed to produce protein like the women around here make calcium. But unlike most others, he had the power to adjust and craft his own form with his mind to make a perfect body. He had to master the changes though first- since he accidentally gave himself boobs earlier. Since Allen was actually normal again he swapped out his demolished shirt and decided to finally leave the house. Though now it was around dinner time so a lot less people would be out and about. Normal society did not exist on this island though, so not everyone adhered to a three meal a day plan, and some people slept all day and were up all night. The only rule on RHEI was your own enjoyment.

Al walked out the shale path that connected his home to others in the shallow grassland hills of the valley. The sunlight was starting to turn golden as it got heavier in the sky. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and sighed. This really was a crazy paradise, and it was all his. Even the 'job' side of things seemed far too good to be true. He was startled by the sound of a woman crying out in surprise behind him though and almost thought it was Roxi again. Allen's house and the next one over were quite close together- divided by a gigantic tree and there was an odd looking woman hanging from its branches! It looked like she had just caught herself mid-fall! Allen scoot up closer to see if she was okay- she was apparently his neighbor. It looked like her grip was slipping and two huge wings spread from her back and started to beat so quickly they seemed to vanish! Al was shoved back by a blast of wind and the sound of humming from the rapid movement of her wings but she stopped a second later when she seen Allen standing there.

"Ah... could you give me a b-.... no. Actually, can you just catch me? I know it isn't a long fall but..."

His eyes scanned down to her rump where he would have to get under her to catch her and his face started to turn red. Test Subject 57 did not wear any clothing except a poncho and that did nothing to cover her assets because they were not up top. Her vulva was almost right against her anus, shoved back in order to make room. On her lower stomach cradling her navel in their upper cleavage was two DD cup human breasts! Then below that was a goat udder, still two segments but joined in the middle, and larger than the breasts besides- with gigantic cone-shaped teats. But it was not a normal goat udder. Under that was the bottom half of a cows udder! So rather than four segments like a proper cow it was only two- it was fused to the goat udder, so the goat udder made up for what the cow udder lacked. But cows have different proportions, so the udder itself was larger and rounder, but the teats were comparatively much smaller- only about the size of a human thumb. So the cow udder was between and a bit behind her legs, the goat a bit between and in front, and the human breasts sat comfortably on top of that- giving her a cluster of six mounds on her lower body! There was no way she could walk properly!

He seen her grip was slipping quickly so he put his embarrassment aside and rushed to catch her. She fell into him and slammed him onto his back, winding him but he broke her fall at least. Allen gasped to get his breath back and his eyes went wide as the next thing he seen was a long blade pointed straight at him!

57 chuckled. "Oops, sorry." The long, sharp chitin blade split into three segments and folded back- they joined her arm at the elbow and encased her forearm and hand normally, when folded completely back they formed a chitin blade again, but off the back of her elbow instead off her hands.

In addition to cow and goat, 57's most noteworthy change was also the source of her nickname 'The Mantis'. Her arms had an additional segment of bone, so she actually had two humerus bones and two elbows per arm! The first segment went up, so the second and third segment still bent the same way a human arm normally would, just much farther out from the body than normal. Her hands had a chitin plate on the outside facing side of her fingers, on each segment, but nowhere else. Her toes all had chitin shells protecting them but similar to her fingers, the chitin only went to the base of each toe, where most of her weight would be walking on all fours. Her skin was pale brown but the chitin areas were forest green. She had nine inch segmented antennae from her forehead as well. Her back was covered with two long thin shell segments, and under those translucent insect wings she could use to... sort-of fly. The reason she was made part mantis is because of her endowments down below- she can stand up fine but could only walk using little baby steps in a normal position. So her arms were made to be able to extend extremely long, so she could walk on all fours while also being mostly upright! Her wings could allow her to fly as well, but she was not very stable in the air, so flying very far off the ground became increasingly dangerous the further up she went. So for the most part she only ever used it to hover or jump. Her hair was pale sandy-brown colored and tied in dozens of thin braids, and her iris an odd grey color- like a flash of steel. The breasts on her lower gut were the same color as her skin with dark chocolate brown nipples, but the goat udder segment was more grey-brown, making it closer to black. The goat udder became dappled where it was conjoined to the half cow udder, which was still neon pink.

She helped him up with her hand once she flipped the blade around. "I guess you are the new neighbor, my name is Hazel Nu... well, Hazel."


She blushed a bit. "There is no reason for last names here, heh... heh."

Al chuckled. "Well, I am Allen Richter." He emphasized his last name a bit.

Hazel sighed. "Hazel... Nutmeg."

Allen smiled. "That's... cute."

She sighed again. "Thanks. Anyway, thanks for the help. I hang out on my roof sometimes but I slipped."

"Can't you fly? You have wings."

"Eeeh, technically I can fly. They only work straight up and down though, and when I was hanging from the tree the wings were not parallel to the ground, so I would have fired myself sideways, not up. Oh and here comes number 28."

Allen turned around and froze up a bit at the sight of the massively endowed beauty as she smiled at Hazel and handed her a book she had borrowed. She spotted Hazel outside and took the opportunity to walk up and return the book. 28 had white hair on one side of her head and black on the other. Her horns were just short spikes and her ears fully bovine. Most of her body looked perfectly human though beside that- except for her chest. She wore a skirt over her lower half but then a girdle around her upper stomach that anchored two titanium rods that acted as support pillars for her tits, cradling the bottoms of them with a soft padded U shaped brace because her spine could not remain upright for long without it. As an earlier experiment, RHE attempted to lean a bit too heavily into cow traits for her mammaries- resulting in both of her breasts entirely converting into cow udders! She had no breasts at all, and rather two proper, full sized cow udders on her chest. They were so strapped for space on her torso that they both faced slightly to either side, pushed that way by the other udder!

She gave a slight bow to Al. "Julia Sterling, subject 28, nice to meet you. Careful with Hazel as your neighbor, if you hear something stomping around on your roof it is probably her."

"R-right." She was looking at him and he was looking at her, but unlike her, his eyes were deadlocked on hers without moving.

There was an awkward pause and an increasingly large smile crossed her face. "You are trying SO hard right now."

Hazel wrapped her scythe-blade arms around him from behind as if to shield him from Julia. "Don't tease the poor guy! He is so fresh he doesn't even have any changes yet!"

Julia leaned forward so her twin udders almost left their little pedestals and leaned in close to him, cupping their fronts to squish them up. "You can look at them if you want. If I wanted to hide them I would have had RHE ship me custom tops, but I didn't. A lot of people around here are just permanently nude. And once your changes start up, I will probably get to see what you have hidden under your clothes too~"

Hazel opened her wings and beat them, blasting Julia with wind, blowing her hair back and making her shiver from the sudden breeze on her udders. Julia giggled and took the hint, leaving the two alone for now.

Hazel pat him on the shoulder. "She can be a little out of control sometimes. She is sort of right though, it is like a nudist colony, lots of soft bits flopping around but you get used to it, so it isn't immediately a sexual thing, its just... natural. What are you going to be turning into anyway? If you were a regular breeder you would have appeared on the registry as unavailable till your transformation progressed enough- but your not on the registry at all."

"Well that is the thing... what I turn into is sort of in my hands. I am a new type of test subject under Telah Reinhart."

Once Al finished explaining situation, Hazel gave him a tour of the surrounding area. Each segment of the valley collected pathways from each home to a pool that acted as a local meeting spot, but each section also had a location unique to it. There was the valley labs in the area south of theirs, a marketplace in their area where home made crafts were traded, and in the area north of theirs was farms. Between theirs and the next was a library, and between theirs and the last was an art gallery. As she seen others catch his eye, Hazel told him the names of other women they passed. The mouse and cow hybrid twins Mint and Pepper, who were tiny but stacked with four breasts each. The monolithic udder of subject 33- Amber Tahltry, which was almost bigger than she was. When they spotted Amber, she was being teased by subject 86- Bernard. He traded for a ribbon to give her, but was making her take it from him, holding it just out of her reach as she tried to reach past her udder, rolling over on top of it so the giant endowment was actually holding her up instead of the other way around. That unintentionally gave Al a great view of her equine rump and the horse udder that was normally hidden in the shadow of the gigantic cow udder. There was even an extremely tall woman who was hybridized with an Oryx! Her chest was devoid of anything, and instead she had a cluster of four breasts in her crotch! Her hair on her head and tail were extremely long and well kept, this was subject lucky 13. Technically Saanvi is Subject 13-2; there was another person who was also 13 before her, but the other was no longer with the living, so pointing out that Saanvi was the second oryx seemed pointless. There are those who would also argue Amber is actually 33-XV, because her body is extreme sized, to the point she cannot function on her own- she requires a modified dolly to move her udder. Mahogany Primrosa is the current RHE Overseer though, and ruled that because Amber does not require to be moved to special containment that she isn't an extreme variant. The researchers remain divided on the subject, but officially she is just 33.

Once he returned home it was already time for a late dinner. He had fun with Hazel though, she is a pleasant person to be around- and he did not have as hard of a time diverting his eyes from her endowments, because all hers are down low. Allen had been a bit paranoid he would accidentally start changing himself in public, but since 57 kept them moving around on their tour and always looking at something new, his mind was flipping between thoughts too quickly for the transformation to take anything from. In the evening though, he took out a pen and paper and starting to make some rough sketches. He was terrible at drawing but wanted to sort of plan out a form on paper. Trying to plan a transformation while transforming would mean the form never turns out the way he intended, because the first thing to pop into his head would be the change he gets stuck with till he goes to sleep again. He could feel the pressure in his taint expanding forward as he sat on the couch, his balls drooping a bit with added weight. Right now it was fine even if he screwed it up because he was just going to sleep right after this anyway. He had to think of practicality too- giving himself hooves on his feet at least to help support increased body weight. He had horse genes so it would seem a waste to not give himself increased strength. Allan leaned forward at more of an angle as he continued to make sketches as his thighs and butt cheeks grew massively with taught meat. More and more of his butt cheeks could be seen over his pants. There was a loud hollow pop as his pelvis expanded, sending a shiver up his spine from the odd sensation as his entire body jostled from the sudden adjustment. He could then feel his anus expanding into a large tight ring between his butt cheeks that were further divided now.

Al paused his sketches a moment and stood up, remaining bent over, placing his hands on the coffee table now with a grin. He loved the feeling of annihilating his shirt earlier that day... he wanted to try that again with pants this time. He laughed at himself a bit and noted he can't keep doing this or he will run out of clothes quickly. His feet stretched tremendously, forcing him to roll his weight forward onto the fronts as the heels lifted far off the ground. What had been 26 different bones in his foot expanded without moving, causing them to merge together, and then their fused form expand and reshape into the cannon bone of an ungulate. The stretching of what had been the sole of his foot also pulled tight his toes and fused them as well as the nails united and evolved into hooves rapidly, giving him the legs of a lean horse. Leaning more toward a work horse, the muscles in his legs continued to expand which in turn also made his butt increasingly large. He placed one hand on the steep ridge of his hip with a groan. He was perfectly human to the hip, which caused there to be a rather extreme transition where his ass was almost twice as wide as the body it was attached to! His tail bones extended into an actual short tail and started to twitch back and forth on its own as hairs rapidly sprouted and grew into an increasingly long horse tail, the same deep brown as the hair on his head. His pants tore at the waistband, but as the rip was forced further it branched into a Y shape as his thigh muscles yanked the rift down the pant legs. His balls expanded to full horse nuts, going from peach toned skin to bruise purple and then shiny black, pulling the pants forward enough to cause the top part to fall completely limp. He stomped one hoof and then the other and the flexing of his leg muscles demolished the rest of the pants.

Allen was pleased at his dominating another article of clothing, but yawned at how tired he was. He had a lot to take in from today, so while he was turned on he decided to just turn in right now. As he slipped into bed he noted how pretty his long horse tail looked swishing behind himself, and flicked it over his muscular tight to gently run his fingers through as he went to sleep.

The next day he woke up fairly early, once again fully human. Al got himself some new pants and this day he opened the curtains up wide to let in the sun, but could not actually see anything! It was nothing but white! An extremely dense fog had settled in over the island, so thick that he could not even see the tree between his house and Hazel's, and it was only five feet away from his house. Al had never seen this sort of weather where he came from so he could not help but wander out into it. He was a bit afraid of going too far from his house though at risk of getting completely lost. It felt like wandering around in some sort of dream. The mist was very cool on his skin, and its dampness left millions of beads of dew on everything it made contact with, including Al's hair and clothes. The mist churned as he moved through it.

He heard a deep, womanly voice humming softly nearby. "I built a castle out of my dreams~ when I woke it tore at the seams~"

Allen looked around and seen out of the corner of his eye a figure moving through the fog. They were more than two feet away so the mist hid them entirely, but he could still see where they were from the movement of the fog itself. When he walked up his heart jumped a moment thinking he was looking at a ghost in the mist. Her skin was unusually pale, and her hair was white as snow! She turned to him with half-lidded eyes and then smiled timidly. Since Al was no a very tall man, she was the same height as he is.

"You must be the new guy, huh? Test Subject 101, at your service!" She took his bewildered hand and shook it. "The name is Io."

Her eyes stood out from her pale colorless appearance and the mist like a full moon in the night sky. Her iris were shimmering pools of cyan, but her eyelids were never fully open. Io was an extremely low energy personality- even if she chugged an energy drink it would only keep her as awake as she already was for longer, it didn't actually give her any more energy. She was perpetually sleepy and took many short naps, even her voice was a bit groggy sounding. Her clothes and hair were damp so he could tell she had been up and about for a while now, wandering the mist. She was oddly barefoot even though she had perfectly human feet. She wore simple pale grey sweat pants and a black long sleeve that had been well worn-in. The sleeves were a bit too long and she had worn holes in the ends for her thumbs to go through, and the body of the top had been stretched from her shoving her legs up in it occasionally, so the collar hung rather low and loose. Her breasts could not have a been larger than D cups though, and... she had absolutely no animal features! That was when Allen remembered Roxi telling him the other test subject that used the gummy tincture is 101! She can revert human when she sleeps and transform at will, just like Allen!

"Oh, hey, I need you!" She cocked an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip. "N-no, not like that! I mean I also have the gummy tincture! I have been looking for someone else who has used it to tell me how to work it properly, but there are only two other test subjects on the entire island that have it."

"Ooh, that is fun!" She paused to yawn. "Ooph, sorry. Yea, I will help you! Lets go back to your place and I can give you the run down."

His face started to redden. "Uh, w-well you could just tell me now and I can do it later. You don't have to go that out of your way."

"Oh no no, it is no trouble at all. It will be fun~!" She took a step forward with a grin, but her posture was so lazy he almost thought she was going to fall into him. "Trust me, everyone here went through some crazy changes. We can go through them again and again."

Allen could tell she wasn't going to leave him alone now that he found her, so he lead her back to his place, and Io scooted to the bathroom to dry her self off a bit with a towel first before returning to him in the living room. He had closed the curtains again but turned the lights on. Al explained his situation, getting red in the face again as he explained the purpose of test XY was protein production. Which meant primarily what he needed to focus on changing was his genitals. Io's expression remained unchanged at the revelation, she only nodded in understanding. She apparently was not given free range of her tincture like Allen and Julie had been. She was given the genetic structure of test subject 01, so she could control when she transforms and what parts but Io had two distinct forms without variation. Because she took naps so frequently, she was also almost always human. That would be different for Al eventually too- when he made his perfect body they were going to wipe out the tincture effects and imprint his genes with his current form- making it permanent. He only had the ability to free transform till he found the perfect form.

Io smiled and glanced around a moment to make sure she was not going to bump into anything, standing on the other side of the coffee table from Al. "Okay, I will transform a bit myself to start."

She concentrated a moment and then for the first time her eyes actually opened fully as she quickly remembered to get her pants off! Allen glanced away, not sure if he should be watching now. Even as she scoot her pants off her legs bulked up and especially her butt. Her tail bone quickly extended into a very long wispy tail that lashed about at random. Her butt seemed to take an unusual shape as it grew out, projecting further out than around. Once it got too big there was a loud hollow pop and suddenly a ridge of skin formed! Her pelvis split into the start of a second hip! Her tail extended faster at the base now than its body, dragging her spine out longer to keep the two hips connected as they divided, but not too far. More hollow, cracking sounds went off as he divide went down her legs! The bone was branching inside of her legs as well, causing it to split. Once the bone divided enough the muscle and then skin started to indent and eventually the rift went all the way through as her two legs split into four! The new legs were differently shaped however- they were bovine in shape, though rather scrawny for a proper cow. Io bowed her original legs and as her knees bent she remained at the same height- her ankles rising at the same speed her shin folded under her. Her human legs were becoming shaped like the rear legs of a cow as well, and the rear legs were growing longer to match the front ones properly. Her tail was now two and a half feet long and very thin, but the end bloomed into a normal cow tassel. The second hips expanded greatly, taking on a large but boxy shape to them. The front hips remained fully human, but the rear ones were fully cow! Also because of how they were positioned on the pelvic floor- she had two vulva. A human one in the front and then a bovine one in the rear, by her anus which was still the only one of its kind. Io never did grow a body between those hips like you would expect. It was one hip after the other basically. When her legs finished forming she had four hooved legs structured like the rear legs of a cow, but very tall. The only difference between her actual legs was the thighs- the front were more human in shape simply because of the hips they linked to. If Allen stood up off the couch his face would only be level with her crotch- Io's head just barely cleared his roof.

"Well? What do you think? I only transformed my bottom half."

"Wait, four back legs? Wouldn't that mean you have a really small gait for a quadruped?"

"Yea. I am built for ease of movement and increased balance, not speed. I only walk about as fast as a regular human. But good luck trying to tip this cowgirl- when one leg slips three others catch me." She bowed her rear legs and kept the front ones straight, to angle its underside toward him. "And it gives me plenty of room for this."

Io grinned when she seen his eyes pause on the growing pink between her four legs! There was already four fat nubs as the start of teats and a circle of neon pink flesh around them. Having her lower body shaped like this allowed Io to grow a large udder without putting tension on it by having a human posture- it could hang freely. As it swelled up the segments became more obvious, bulging into four united mounds, a muscle rib dividing each to hold the extremely soft rubbery skin steady. The teats stretched to about the size and length of a thumb. The udder swelling made Io hum in pleasure and as it became quite large she straightened her legs but then brought up her left front leg to squish the hoof against the soft fat flesh. Milk veins throbbed and swelled larger, trailing from all over the udder onto the underside of her hips, but were most noticeable where the two met. By the time the udder stopped growing it was about the size of four water melons stuck together.

Even Io was blushing a bit now, but more from the feeling than modesty. "I can make it bigger or smaller too, but whatever, that isn't important right now. We are working on you after all, not me."

As she walked over, Allen's stare became a bit distant in thought. "So, taking it off like that... you just get used to it?"

"What other species do you know wears clothing? Being naked isn't weird- being clothed in the first place is weird. We wear clothes around here still for fashion or comfort when the weather shifts, but we do not hide behind our clothes. Our bodies are beautiful each in their own ways. The fact that we are hybridized with animals really helps too- because it means there is no unified standard of beauty. We are too different from each other for their to be a single preference."

When Io got to him she placed her left front hoof on the table and slid it away, since her taur form took up a lot more space and Allen would need room to grow anyway. She then stood facing him a moment with a playful grin. Io stepped up, placing both her front hooves on either side of his hip forcing him to lean back, as it brought her human vagina very close to his face otherwise.

She stepped forward with one front leg but paused before the other. "And, just to make sure we are perfectly clear... I know what I am going to do will get pretty hot and heavy but do remember- we are doing this to help you transform. We aren't doing anything else. Got it?" Allen silently nodded. "Good, I would hate to lead you along unintentionally."

Io stepped forward with the other leg and then leaned all four forward. Allen suppressed his urge to moan as he felt the hot, ultra soft, springy flesh of the front of her udder press up gently on the underside of his groin. She gently dragged it up and then pressed in. His genitals pressed into the crook where all four segments of her udder joined, causing the udder flesh to squish out and fill his entire lap. His pants were not thick enough- even with his clothes all still on he knew she could feel his erection filling through his pants against her udder.

She spoke softly now, like a loud whisper. "Focus on the feeling of it filling. You like that feeling right, what it means for your endowments? Perpetuate it."

As instructed, he focused on that feeling and it did continue, his shaft kept feeling like it was getting an erection beyond where it would have already been full. Io thought about other methods though- this was a bit slow. She had half transformed the entirety of her lower body in the time its taking him to get an over-big shaft. She knew how to get the tincture working but she lacked a phallus of her own, so even Io was not entirely sure how to go about this. Once it felt long enough she jerked her hips backward a bit, which caused her udder to pull back on his pants and reveal his shaft over the waist! She grasped the end of his penis with just her fingertips- having to bend her torso over completely to be able to reach it with her height.

This was a gamble- she could cause it to soften if he reacted poorly to this. "Well, its got an admirer today. Let's see what this little guy can do. Show me what you got- your real potential." It was slowly stretching longer. "Focus on the feeling. Not me, not you, just the sensation, and wanting more."

The bigger it got the more feeling he felt. Now the veins throbbed harder and fatter. The pressure started to well up in the shaft and for a moment its lengthening stopped and the entire shaft bloated thicker! Then the lengthening continued with a gradual pulsing that thickened it slightly each time as well. Io pressed in with her hips and rocked forward again, cupping his balls inside his pants still.

"Don't forget your family jewels! They make your thick cream in the first place. Wouldn't want a pretty woman like me to go hungry would you? I want a taste~"

Pressure built up in each ball and then with a slight rumbling feeling; one and then a fraction of a second later the other started to swell. The bulge in his pants rose up and pressed harder into her fat udder.

"I am a very hungry girl." And still bigger they grew. "And this island... has SO many girls. So many... mouths... to feed." She slowly inched her face closer to his, tickling his nose with her mint scented breath before she kissed him! Her mouth was small but her lips very plush. Since her skin color was so pale, her lips were not red but powder pink like candy.

Allen could not help but moan even with his lips locked with hers. Her beautiful eyes were so close to his he could see them perfectly even through her half-lidded gaze and bushy snow white eyelashes. Because her eyes were never fully open their surface always looked a bit watery- which caused the color of her cyan iris to shimmer like gemstones in the sunlight. His balls surged in size suddenly, which also caused his hips to buck from the sudden feeling! There was a pleasure expanding in his balls, which isn't somewhere you would normally even feel it. The weight of his balls pulled his pants further down as his balls rolled down his crotch further, exposing his entire shaft as his balls themselves now occupied all the space in his pants. They were each at least as big as a softball! The scrotum around them had also grown greatly, causing excess skin to pool under them. He was part bovine- and they have very long scrotum.

Io grabbed his dick with her index and thumb only, she grabbed it where the foreskin had pulled back to and pinched. She could feel the shaft under it go diamond hard and try to shove up into her hand but she squeezed it tightly and tried to force her grip downard- resisting the expansion!

"Keep going, push past." She giggled softly. "You aren't going to let a woman tell your cock its limits are you?"

He thrust his hips a bit, making her udder jiggle from the motion. His dick was still growing but because of her tight grip it was yanking on the surface skin between foreskin and glans which was an overly sensitive area, causing discomfort. Finally it started to get a bit easier as the top portion of his shaft started to thicken, and he immediately leaned into this easier growth pattern, which caused his dick to suddenly surge in length! Io was able to slide her hand down a bit, bunching up the former skin of his shaft! His dick was expanding out from where his foreskin had been- because the foreskin was now merely a sheath! The fat skin that had been his shaft formerly was now just a nest for his actual cock which had grown beyond that. Because of this change, the former skin started to darken while the rest remained vibrant pink.

Io straightened her back a bit and grabbed the head of his cock with both hands now. She only used the tips of her fingers and hooked them on he glans, tugging on the overly sensitive skin. His dick responded with swelling the glans with more blood, causing it to turn a bit purple from blood pressure and the head turned hard enough that the texture of the skin was pulled smooth, making the head shiny with pressure. That only made Io dig in a bit more with her fingers and continue pulling gently. The corona of the glans started to get a bit wider following her tugging, but that caused more pressure on the very tip, stretching the glans out sideways. The further she stretched it out like an opening umbrella, the more the body of the glans deformed. The urethra sank deeper and deeper and the glans went from one dome to several firm but subdued hills. The corona became bumpier as she gently gripped it now between fingers and thumb and spread it out wider. Allen groaned loudly and squirmed in place, barely able to stand the pleasure on the most sensitive part of his dick. Urged forward by extreme pressure his urethra rose back up forward, now rising like a tower in the pit it had fallen back in previously. Io has stretched the glans into the head of a horse cock! Flared- the glans of a horse are gigantically wide, so wide in fact that the very end of the shaft actually has to stretch wider just to be able to support it!

Io very gently let go now that it was properly shaped. She could tell he was extremely close to an orgasm but she couldn't have him blow yet. She gently took his pants and shimmied them down enough to let his balls finally pop out into the open, their bare flesh now against her hot, soft udder flesh.

Io pressed her udder on the lower side of his balls and gently cupped the upper side with her hands. "Okay, I am actually not sure you can pull this one off, but we should try. You need to ima- well, actually, have... do you know what it feels like to press in on your prostate? I was going to tell you to imagine that but if you never did any insertion before you wouldn't know what it is like in the first place, haha."

"Y-yea, I know."

Her smile widened and she cocked an eyebrow, standing up a bit straighter. "Oh really?"

He glanced away in embarrassment. "Yea..."

"What sort of toys did you have?"

"None! I was... too embarrassed to ever buy one, so I just... improvised."


He sighed. "You know those small glass jars pre-sliced olives come in?"

Io's eyes actually opened fully. "What, really?! You sat on an entire jar?!"

"It's a small jar."

"Iiiiii don't think it's that small. Any other homebrew?"

Allen shrugged. "Hairtie. Once around the base of my balls and shaft, then twist and loop around just the shaft. Presto- DIY cockring. If I wanted tighter I could just loosely tie a bedsheet around my balls, pull back lightly then sit on the sheet to hold it there."

She giggled giddily. "Ooh, you're a kinky one~"

"Aren't we getting a little sidetracked?" He smirked. "Now you should have to tell me one of your dirty secrets."

Io put her hands on her front hips. "Hmmm, I don't... really have one."

"No toys you kept hidden?"

"Nope. Same as you- I had a few I definitely wanted to try but never had the spine to buy 'em. Plus, they were expensive. Now that I live here I just use the breeder boys when I need some attention. Though I am bi- and I lean more toward the ladies. I proffer good oral over penetration."

That made Allen think. The role of the other men on the island before him were basically living sex toys. "So you just call one of those breeders whenever you want and they come running with their crazy endowments?"

"Usually. They can refuse if they are just not up for it. I have only actually used them twice- once for each guy just to try out. The other times I have relied on other girls~" She could tell he was in deep thought. "It is just two people helping each other out and sharing pleasure. No one here can get pregnant. No dating or societal rules to follow. No mating ritual, just two people helping take care of each other's itch. Everything is a little different here in RHEI than in the rest of the world- you'll get used to it." Io bent back down and cupped his balls again. "But, back to business. This might hurt a little bit, don't freak out. I am going to squeeze a bit, try to imagine the feeling of pressing in on your prostate. Will the sensation. Refuse the ache I cause and replace it."

Al immediately got nervous. If he did not manage to do this one she was going to hurt his nuts! As he tried to will pleasure into the area nothing happened at first, though the chords running down into his balls firmed in anticipation of a change- they simply did not understand what change he was trying to induce yet. When she squeezed though, his bodies aversion to that feeling caused it to try and look for any escape, so it attempted to clone the pleasure from the prostate. Io was being very careful- she did not know what having balls was like but she knew well enough how fragile they were. She could feel them squirming under the surface entirely on their own and swelling up a bit larger. With her gripping them they should not be able to move- that meant their structure was shifting, because their actual position could not. Their team work on this change was causing his body to convert his testicles into gigantic prostates! It feels good to have a prostate squeezed, and more prostate mass meant larger capacity to cum. The dull ache was being mixed with a warm pleasure, and then gradually replaced entirely. Io could tell it was working as the balls themselves relaxed more in her touch and the muscles in his groin relaxed- no longer tense with worry that she was going to hurt him by accident. She grabbed the loose skin at the start of his scrotum and gently rubbed down around their sides and then squeezed them together. His dick jumped and spat a burst of pre confirming this transformation completed properly. Because his scrotum was so loose she had to scoot forward a bit more, using the front of her udder to collect his nuts and pin them between the fat udder and his pelvis to gently squeeze again as she returned both hands to his shaft.

"Outgrow me." Allen smiled, he liked this approach.

He ruptured a shirt yesterday and then his pants before he went to sleep. Now it was time to exceed Io's hands! First the veins, then the shaft itself started to swell larger, fighting against her grip. A medial ring became visible at the halfway on the shaft now as it was now too large to simply stuff itself immediately back into the sheath- it needed to pack itself away like a telescope, the later half into the former, and then the former into the sheath. Io hummed in thought placing an index over his urethra and pressing in.

"Almost big enough." It pulsed gently a few times, almost like it was trying to suck on her fingertip. "Don't you wanna know what it would be like?" The urethral bulge started to grow, projecting out off the underside of the shaft further and further. The opening expanded and her finger started to sink in. "Almost~ let me inside." Her finger bent and finally the end slid inside his urethra!

His urethra was now wide enough for her to slide her entire finger inside of- which meant he would be able to cum a very large volume of fluid at once. She slid her finger in and out smiling at him trying to stifle moans- her other hand still squeezing his shaft trying to egg it on. Her thumb and fingers started to part as the shaft was getting too large to hold. Her back straightened a bit so she could still watch her finger slipping in and out of the head. The indentation around the urethral opening was filled with a pool of precum. Io angled her finger more and with a grin she quickly pulled it out- because of the tight angle it made a loud, wet popping sound from the suction created. The pop caused his shaft to buck and throb powerfully once, gaining enough in size to force a small gap between her fingers and thumb.

Io let go of the bucking shaft and stood up straight, stepping back off the edge of the couch. "There you go. I mean you can do lots of other stuff with it I am sure, but that should give you what you need to know about making the changes." She watched him look at his endowments a bit dazed as the bucking of his shaft very slowly started to slow down. "Intense, right? Sorry if I uh, made you a bit pent up. It is really the only thing I could think of to do those changes properly."

With a yawn Io suggested he keep at it- tweaking his junk how he wanted and get himself off so he knows it actually works as well as he thinks. Io however yawned deeply and asked him if she could use his bed. She almost never actually used her own place- she sleeps over at whatever friend's house she happens to be visiting. He was surprised how quickly she fell asleep. He glanced back in on her on his bed at the soft sound of shifting flesh and re-fusing bone. She had to be asleep because her changes were very quickly reverting, restoring her to full human. Al knew he should not stare, but Io was fully asleep so it isn't like she would know. Her lips softly parted, making her breathing a bit louder. Occasionally she would hum in comfort and squirm a bit in the bed, causing her snow white hair to vein out every which way and get messy and wild from fanning out on the bed. Even her eyelashes were stark white. She was so beautiful it hurt trying to force himself to look away and not gawk at the defenseless woman. The feeling he felt for her was not quite sexual attraction though. It was closer to admiration.

Allen went back to the living room and got to work on his own body. He figured he wanted hooves- they could handle increased weight better and if he hybridized with bovine leg structure he could increase the strength of his legs greatly. Al slipped his pants off entirely to stretch his legs out. He placed a hand softly on his sheath and rubbed to make sure his erection did not go away while he was distracted with his legs. His feet compressed and stretched; the former sole of his foot turning into a cannon bone as the toes compressed and the nails fused and bulked up to instead take his weight. Rather than fuse entirely, his toes rearranged a bit after their structures individually fused into more simplistic and bulky structures. The middle toe regressed, feeding its former mass to its neighbors, while his largest and smallest toes drew back as the end of the foot folded in an collapsed into a sturdier structure. This resulted in him having cloven hooves like a bovine. Allen groaned a bit and stretched his legs out while the actual legs literally stretched larger. In pulses his thigh muscles flinched and swelled, the crevice between them deepening and veins toward his crotch on his inner thighs became more obvious as the skin was stretched around the rapidly bulking muscle! His hooves were bovine, but he was inducing equine muscle into the rest of his legs. This also caused his butt to increase in size like the other day, but he stopped before his hips needed to adjust.

Allen shifted his seating forward to let his balls flop over the edge of the couch as they started to grow bigger. They did still produce sperm, but no longer hurt to squeeze and also produced the other elements of ejaculate too- being a hybrid of both testicle and prostate, in addition to his original prostate. He sighed from the feeling of their weight tugging at his crotch as they expanded, and he started to breath a bit heavier. Allen squirmed a bit as his taint swelled rounder and he could feel his original prostate grow! Pre started to bubble up out of his cock faster and in greater amounts, practically being forced out of his prostate because its expanding size was causing it to squish up against its surroundings! His equine form cock was as tall as he is in a sitting position like this- if he stood up straight the head would be about level with his chin. He had a sheath though- so this thing could pack itself away, there did not seem to be a reason to stop at just this size when given the chance to be as big as he could want. It started to throb more powerfully at less frequent intervals and the shaft stretched taller still. Now the base seemed to thicken slightly while the rest simply lengthened- it was now borrowing bovine mass to expand further, which was causing it to very slightly lean toward the tapered shape of a bull cock. His still growing balls were exceeding the size of ostrich eggs now, but he was no longer consciously controlling them. Their expansion continued through desire alone. Al's nuts were filled with a slow, almost itchy pleasure. He sat further and further back, watching his cock arch further over him, past his head, touching the back of the couch- the glans so close to touching the wall behind the couch that he could feel the coolness of the surface.

Allen felt his tail bone swishing behind him. His skin felt oddly taught and smooth. He caught himself in a rather girly sounding moan and sort of startled himself out of his sexual revelry. Now with a bit more sense he shoved his shaft further from his body- or as far as it would allow him to properly measure its size. It must be at least four feet long- the flare would likely be as big around as his entire head. Thanks to Io the urethra was massively thick too. His balls were bigger than he intended to go- each around the size of a medicine ball. He wondered if he could even walk properly with nuts that big. It was starting to get a bit softer by the time he snapped out of his contemplative daze; so as pent up as his groin felt he just let it soften so he could see if it could properly pack itself away for now. It was not a good idea to try to do all the transformations in one lust-driven session anyway. It was about more than just pleasure, it needed to be functional too. As more of the cock slid back into the sheath, the fatter the sheath was forced. When fully away the sheath was like a sphere of extra thick, squishy flesh that rest in the front crevice of his balls. He could not walk properly with those balls but he slipped his pants on and that helped considerably. If he got RHE to give him a loose sling-like undergarment he would probably be ok keeping them this size. The bulge in the front of his pants was obviously gigantic, so it would be no secret he was packing plenty. It looked like he tried shoving one of those giant sized beach balls into the front of his pants!

Allen was startled by a knock at his door again and glanced at the clock. He had lost track of time- it was almost noon. He opened the door a crack and seen it was Hazel standing in the churning fog- though the mists were thinning quickly now that the sun was higher.

"Heyy~ neighbor. First night treat you right?"

"Y-yea. I actually found Io this morning, so she was helping me figure out my transformation. I was just taking a bit of a break though- don't want to rush into it."

"Ooh, I didn't see her around, you must have been up early."

"W-well, she is still here. She kinda passed out on my bed. I mean, she asked if she could take a nap! I didn't- we weren't in bed together!"

Hazel snorted out a sharp laugh. "Not that there would be a problem even if you were. So... guess I can't see what you got so far, since your hiding behind your door."

"I am not-" He cut himself off mid sentence and sighed.

He stepped back so the door opened a bit more and held his arms lazily out from his sides. His proto tail was hung over the back of his pants while his increased butt and thighs yanked the pants back and out, and then the gigantic bulge in the front taxed his pants as far as they could go.

Hazel blushed now with him. "Well, from what I can see you are sure packing. Just make sure you can still move around in your form. If you immobilize yourself you will end up in special containment. I mean, they will still look after you if you become a XV subject, but you won't have a cool neighbor like me around." She stuck her tongue out playfully. "Speaking of which, me and some of the girls were going to play drunk poker later on and lo and behold, I have no booze left in my fridge. RHE restocks about the same time I should already be at the game table sooo... do you have any in yours I could have?"

"Why don't they restock during the night or first thing in the morning?" He walked carefully over to his fridge, being very conscious of his mega balls in his pants as he moved.

"They do depending on where you live, there are a lot of homes to restock so they cannot do them all at the same time."

"I actually haven't looked at what all is in here."

"You can special order stuff as long as it isn't too crazy, or unhealthy. You would just have the standard stuff right now, which should include a bottle of wine unless you drank it already."

The chitin points of her clawed toes and her bladed arms clicked on the floor as she slowly wandered over behind him. The front door was in the same space as both the kitchen and living room- exactly where the two spaces met, so the foyer was basically just an empty patch on the side of the living room- the front door was also directly across from the hall that branched into the storage closet, bedroom, and bathroom. All the homes in the valley were nearly identical- the only exception was for people whose bodies required the house to be modified.

Allen found the wine bottle but went to rummage in the silverware drawer to find a bottle opener and was having trouble finding it. "Did they really give me a bottle without a means to open it...? I guess you can-"

He went to turn to hand her the bottle and as he turned the top of the bottle did not. The bottom followed his hand and the bottleneck simply slid off- no longer connected.

Hazel smiled and flipped the blade of her right hand backward so she could grab the bottle. "I got it. The bottleopener is at the very back of the drawer- you have to pull it completely out to see it." She had used her bladed arm to decapitate the bottle! She cut cleanly straight through solid glass without Al even realizing it had been done!

Her smile widened at his dazed expression- knowing full well she impressed him.

Allen looked from one to the other then back to her face. "Those arms of yours sure are something. So, each arm has two humerus?"


"So do you do standup?"

It took Hazel a second to get his joke, laughing loudly. "Oh, you're good."

"H-hey before you go. I was thinking, since my transformation isn't set in stone till I tell them up in the head office..."

"Mmm?" She placed the bottle on the end of the counter. Her game with the girls was not till noon so she had time yet.

Allen asked her what it was like having an udder. Hazel has both an udder and regular human breasts. Al had human breasts by mistake the other day, but he still did not know what having an udder was like. Hazel explained it was quite similar to breasts, but much heavier. Rather than be several individual mounds it was one united one- so there is no cleavage between or space under the breast, it was all solid continual flesh. Because it hung below though, it was also a lot easier to manage that weight. It did not interfere with balancing or tug uncomfortably when she moves around too much- though if she moves very quickly the weight of its swinging can yank the rest of her off-balance. With a grin she suggested he should try and he just chuckled, noting his crotch was already pre-occupied and he would have to try later. Hazel walked unusually close to him, causing him to back up- she was herding him back to the couch. She noted he had three species worth of transformations in him he could use. Ten legs and two arms between them- he was only using two of those legs currently.

He was near the couch but decided to go along, though did not sit. He visualized what Io's dual hip looked like and tried to evoke that in himself. Allen lowered his pants so his butt hung out the back, but the steep curvature of his genitals held the pants where they were in the front still. His tailbone started to extend rapidly, then it felt like his anus was trying to stretch further out from his body? He realized since the only backdoor on her was at the second set of hips, his intestinal tract would also need to extend to reach. Al's legs buckled with a powerful shiver of pleasure that made him moan without meaning to. Hazel took his hands to help keep him upright in concern. He felt his penis becoming erect again faster than it ever had! He was incredibly pent up feeling from before still, but he failed to realize another hitch with this sort of change. The urethra continues back between the legs and into the anus running all the way back to the prostate. So while his genitals remained in the front- his prostate and the tubing connecting it had to stretch! His prostate was softly brushing through newly developed meat as it grew in, causing him continuous strong pleasure. His dick was dripping precum straight through the front of his pants before it was even half erect! The threads of his pants groaned as there was no room for an erection of any degree. His penis was trapped mostly in the sheath but the fabric wasn't going to hold out forever.

The bones in his legs started to get wider, basically cloning themselves. The new segments divided and then the flesh surrounding them a moment later, but started to grow taller! He was focusing on back legs only! Io actually only has two true bovine rear legs- the front are hybrid human-bovine, to mock the rear legs, that is why her thighs are a bit different in the front! Al already used back legs to make his human legs hooved- so by trying to use back legs again he evoked horse, not cow! A horse has longer legs than a cow! It also has much bigger ass! Like when he ruptured his pants before- the newly split second hips grew massively and the huge muscle structure of his thighs gave him massive butt cheeks. This also meant his front 'rear' legs were cloven hooves, while the actual back legs now were odd toe- one solid mass. Allen was not prepared for these alterations and instead of stepping out of his pant legs as the new limbs grew he was caught by surprise, stumbled a bit and then between his erection in the front and the legs in the back his pants absolutely shredded down either side and tore completely in half! So much for modesty. His erection sprung forward so quickly Hazel could feel the movement in the air as it swung past her while she continued to hold his hands. His tail became an odd hybrid as well. It was as long as a cow tail but thicker like the base of a horses- and rather than be covered with hair or ended in a tassel it instead had a strip of hair that started from the base and got progressively longer till it reached the tip! He looked shocked a moment and tensed up, trying to hold himself back. He felt his taint tense and another surge of pleasure as his body took advantage of the added room and his prostate swelled even larger! Pre was dribbling out almost perpetually now, with the occasional larger spurt! Al wanted so badly to hide his erection but it was far, far too large.

His voice cracked like a teenager. "So... udder now."

Hazel smiled warmly in sympathy. "It's ok. You're doing great. Here, you can just copy mine." She used her extremely long arms to lift him up and force him onto his hind hind legs, then stepped forward and thrust her hips forward so her udder was close to his new currently blank crotch.

"I don't have the same animals as you!"

"Pff, where is your creativity. Just go human, horse, cow instead of human, goat, cow. You won't have the giant soft cone-teats of a goat in the middle, everything else would be the same, coloration included."

He looked down at her udder and laser-focused on it. He had to clench the muscles in his groin trying to make sure pre was all that came out of his cock. He was so pent up and over-productive that it felt like if he came he might fire Hazel across the room from the pressure. Not to mention she might think of him as a hair-trigger from then on. This time the udder itself started to form before the teats, and even before the mammaries within them! The skin discolored and swelled up with fat deposits since he was focusing on the form of her udder. First a cow udder started to form with four shallow hills, then lil bumps formed on their ends. Now pleasure started to tingle within as the mammaries formed inside, digging their way through the fat to form the network of storage chambers for its future production. He inhaled sharply like someone had punched him in the gut and the udder suddenly surged in size- now done its internal development! The bottom portion swelled out and the nipples popped to full girth and length like someone inflating one of those long narrow balloons! The top half of the udder however became firmer, and did not swell as large. The flesh on the top turned grey-pink, then a bruise purple shade before finally glossy black, having stolen the traits of a horse udder! Above the udder two human breasts formed- though unlike the udder the nipples did form first and then the areola, then the jiggly hills that fattened into plump orbs.

Allen was about to thank her for the help but looked a bit worried instead when he realized just how short of breath he was. Something felt... wrong inside of him. He gasped as his spine felt like it split! His arms remained held in Hazel's hands but his lower half sunk a bit lower! Hazel was shocked too and let him go but the two segments of spine did not settle back in place! There was a new vertebrae where it pulled apart, and a new pressure beside it- yet another growing!

"OOohh... shit."

"Are you okay? What are you changing now?"

"Nnnn, I don't... know. I think I kee-haaah ah-eep activating changes by trying to think of what change I might a-aahhlready be doing..."

Hazel bit her lip nervously. "Shoot, it might be snowballing. Because you were already changing it's easier to apply new changes. I think..."

At the very least, his sensitive cock managed to back far enough down from the edge of an orgasm that he did not have to worry about going off spontaneously. His entire body felt tight, and the sudden surges of pressure from bursts of growth were so large it almost felt like some invisible force tugging on either half of his body in two different directions! Even his veins felt hard, he could feel the pressure in them with every beat of his heart. Then Allen's eyes went wide when he realized... there was more than one. Every heavy beat was shadowed by a smaller beat, getting stronger and slowly trying to match the rhythm of the first! His heart had split in half! One was a hybrid horse-human heart, the other a cow-human heart! His ribs started to pop as they expanded, needing to shift their angle for their new size, causing the connective cartilage to pop and re-set. His back kept getting longer and a squirming sensation forced him to arch backward as bone disks formed off his spine- new shoulder blades! He groaned as his gut started to tighten, then force his spine straighter from the tightness. It felt like a gentle pressure pushing up on the underside of his rib cage to encourage his spine to keep lengthening. His gut was rounding out quite large!

"What... on earth...?"

Even Hazel was looking a bit nervous, but trying to stay calm and collected for his sake. "Uhm, if I had to guess... four stomachs? Cows have four. Except they might be bigger than a cows, because y'know, you also have human and horse in you..."

"Haah! Ahouuu... muh vouuce. So hurd tuh stouuup chungung... muh... muuuh... muhoooo!"

The veins in his neck throbbed rock hard again and again, the muscles tightened and then with every sound he tried to make; his neck swelled bigger, changing his voice more. Small horns erupted from his head causing a quick trickle of blood on either side before the horns expanded enough to pull the hole they created too tight for the blood to escape. His ears became flatter and came to a rounded point on either side- but their base remained humanoid preventing them from being able to move about. His neck muscles and the spine within grew longer and longer, putting his perspective further from his body. The blood pressure throbbed so high with each pulse into his head that his vision kept turning blue for a moment, over and over. With one of the many surges the bridge of his nose popped loudly and expanded wider. His nostrils turned pink on the end and the coloration connected to his lips like a bull, but his nostrils kept growing, becoming massively round like a horse! His lips became loose and dexterous like a horse as well, and his tongue swelled to a massive size like a bovine! His face stretched and his teeth grew into massive slabs. On the up side since his teeth were expanding in mass, they also became a lot whiter- because the new mass wasn't stained by coffee yet. Even Hazel was worried with the growth of his neck! The muscles in its base were so gigantic and wide that it didn't even look like he had collar bones. The curvature of his neck almost just trailed into his shoulders, and the mass tapering off onto his back side almost made it look like he had a hunch back. It wasn't bull or stallion... it was both at once. It took both the length and the muscle mass of both of them and combined them... but they both have long, thick necks!

She had been gawking at his mutant neck for so long she almost completely missed his new limbs! The shoulder blades that formed in his newly expanded back grew out stumpy, featureless proto limbs that grew into underdeveloped bovine forelegs, and then into full proper ones below his human arms! They were roughly the same length as his human arms, but much thicker- both in muscle and bone mass. Because of all the expansion up top however, he teetered and Hazel had to dash out of the way as he fell over and caught himself on his new bovine forelegs! He was now down on all... six. His human arms just sort of hung out not needing to do anything and he didn't know where to put them. His hair line advanced down his extremely long neck, tapering off just before it got down to his back.

Hazel's antennae twitched and she turned toward the hallway. "Thank God you decided to finally get up, sleeping beauty."

Io slowly wandered out into the open from the hallway, mid-yawn. All the moaning and stumbling around woke even her up. Io had emerged fully transformed this time, top and bottom. Her breasts were each larger than a watermelon, and a bit softer than some of the other subjects, so the wobbled around rather freely. Because her normal skin tone was so pale, rather than look more pink her breasts were just more of a normal skin tone- her areola although present were the exact same color as her breasts. Her nipples did not stand out far from them but were quite wide, like little tree stumps. She had the large leaf shaped ears of a brahman, which were so heavy she could not lift them for very long on their own. Unlike Subject 01 that she was based on, her face remained totally human. From her temples though were gigantic horns that arched far away from her head and then curved to point back toward each other. The body of her shirt was yanked tight to her breasts and covered absolutely nothing else- her breasts occupied all space in it, so her stomach was fully exposed, revealing the diamond stud in her navel. Her hair was a bit past her shoulders before- fully transformed it almost reached her hips, which emphasized how messy it had gotten rolling in bed, so like she always did in her full form- she rolled her hair around her massive horns! Almost all her hair was coiled around her horns, though she had done it without the use of a mirror and rather quickly to join them in the living room, so there was many loose hairs still this way and that.

She gave a single sleepy chuckle. "Mmm, I left him perfectly on track... and I wake up to this. What... the heck did you do to him, Hazel?"

Still a bit winded, Allen spoke up in defense. "Shu trud tuuuh hulp mu w-whuuu'th uddur."

"... run that by me again?"

Hazel pointed down to her variety pack udder. "He wanted to know what it was like to have an udder... but to make room we needed to transform similar to your lower half... and then his body kind of went out of control completely. It uh, it seems to have stopped." She looked him over, shaking her head in disbelief. "At least your hot rod down there remained how you wanted. Subject 86, Bernard has two complete dicks and since you have three species your tinc... oh no." She trailed off as he started groaning and looking nervously. "I didn't mean to!"

Just above his balls his urethra started to split, the new fork in the road growing more forward! It grew as a little nub but then stretched out bigger and longer quite quickly! It started to leak a bit of pre as well, as the dick above the new branch spat so much pre you could actually faintly hear the flow of liquid as it forced its way out! His prostate in the back would empty a bit so it stopped leaking, but then his modified balls took over. While his balls were leaking his prostate just topped itself off and started to leak again by the time his balls let off pressure, so it was never ending!

Io's brow furrowed in concern but her mouth still turned up in a timid grin. "You are already so messed up, you might as well go for broke. Your transformations are not permanent right now so there is no reason not to experience it all." She slowly trot up to him, holding his face with both her hands and bending his long neck up to look into her eyes. "You know- 66 has three scrotum~"

His eyes went wide and he bellowed like a bull as his entire groin lit up with electric pleasure. His six legs clopped up and down as his body twitched nervously, unable to stand the constant flow of pleasure and trying desperately to restrain itself in front of these women! Two little bumps formed behind his balls, and then another two behind those! The skin started to loosen as the bumps grew into little spheres, then eggs, then tennis balls. Then his two shafts started to flow constant pre and every second and a half jet a full, powerful stream out as his four new balls started to swell and mutate beyond normal physique- turning into half prostates as well! The middle balls ultimately swelled larger than the first as they took more after horse genes. The rear two balls hung lower and were a bit more oblong, taking after bull genes more. Because of the addition of two more scrotum, his bits were now out of room again- causing the rear balls to flop over the front of his multi-udder, and then the next set to rest on those, and then the front to rest on those- all of his balls stacked up resting their weight on the front of the udder from lack of space. His second cock had much less definition than the top one, and was dappled pink and grey-pink. It had a medial ring but not as defined, and it came to a tapered point like bovine, but the shaft was veinier like an equine.

Hazel had her hands cupped over her mouth in shock. "Io, stop! If you overload the nervous core of his brain you'll put him in a coma!"

Io quickly placed her hands on Allen's shoulders and shoved him back, forcing him to stand his front legs up off the floor and balance his very forward weight instead onto Io. She then winked at him before lifting her own front legs up and kicking him lightly! She managed to knock his giant body backwards and flop over the couch behind him! Io immediately grabbed a dick and motioned for Hazel to take the other. Hazel grumbled at being roped into this situation and reluctantly grabbed the lower- newborn phallus. Neither woman needed to move their hand much at all before he erupted into orgasm with another bestial bellow! His ejaculate was clear, and blasted straight over the length of his body and hit the wall with enough force to splash around the far side of the couch and corner of the room! After almost a full minute of blasting, it started to look more and more white, and continued firing at the same strength! His prostate emptied, but now his mutant balls were taking over! All six of them pulled up to his body but would take turns bouncing against his pelvic floor- taking turns with which one contributed to the next blast of cum! He continued to orgasm for almost eleven minutes before it finally stopped.

Io sighed and plopped down onto the floor on the dry end of the couch. "Well, at least he can't transform any more, hehe."

Hazel looked at her and then to Allen, just laying there in a daze. "How do you know for sure?"

"He ran out of traits. He can enhance or subdue what he has, but he cannot make duplicates. He already used all aspects of all three species in him, so his transforming agent doesn't have anything left to pull from."

He managed to curl his neck so far over that he could almost look at them on his back without lifting his torso. "Cuhn yuuuuh hulp mu uddur?" Both women tilted their heads trying to understand him. "Muuuuulk!"

Hazel then looked at his udder and immediately seen the problem. He managed to start lactating during all that, and probably not too long after the udder first formed because it was absolutely full now. Beads of white formed on the teats which all stood straight up in attention, rigid with how tightly packed their reservoirs were! His udder felt incredibly firm and the milk veins on it were all bulging out- it was probably so full it hurt.

Hazel gently massaged its surface, drawing her fingers toward the base of a teat to milk it. "Io, run and get Dr. Hedgewall in the valley labs to help him fix this. In this state he is too worked up and panicked- we need a sleeping agent to knock him out so he reverts..."

Io slowly got up onto her four tall legs with a nod. "Aye. As fun as it is to watch, this is a bit too much for one person. I will be back soon."

Io wandered outside, having to shield her eyes for a long moment before she could see anything in the daylight. The fog was all gone now, dispelled by the sun. She trot quickly down the stone pathways, but her gait was not nearly as large as a normal quadruped since she technically has four back legs. She would be able to run faster in her normal human form technically- but she just woke up from her last power nap. She passed Barrus and Ariadne having another arm wrestling match- it again ended in a technical draw because they broke the table in half in the process; so although Adriadne pinned him down, it did not count because of interference. She passed the very large Bernard who was wandering rather aimlessly in the fields off the pathways a bit. He had the petite beauty Maple Augustine on his shoulders with her little udder pushed into the back of his neck, pointing in the direction she wanted him to go. They were picking wildflowers apparently, and she was using him like a human lookout tower to spot them.

Io was getting a little winded, realizing she did not exercise much, and her general low energy personality did not help. She made it as far as Subject 85's house, pausing to rest a bit. She focused on the warm glow on the sun on her skin to try and recharge. Right next door was Subject 46 Marcy Whiteflag, who has a very odd body from her transformation going too far in the wrong direction and needing to be reduced as far as they could manage. Io was more interested in 85s house though. She slowly trot to the side to see around the corner and sure enough the old woman was sat on a large stump, just looking out over the ripples of wind against the grassy plains. 85 is Tiffany, or sometimes called the Elder Stag by others. She is an older lady now but still stronger than she looks. Blended with a stag she has cloven hoof feet, a huge array of antlers on her head, with various small jewelry hung in the tines, and a bushy little deer tail on her tushy. She wore a full dress, as her assets were not the type to resist being clothed- her test was not on lactation but application used in other tests. Tiffany was the first test subject to ever have hoof-hand hybrids. The cloven hooves on her arms had more complicated, longer joints before the repressed hoof segments, which allowed the front segments to work like fingers and the dew claws grew out into thumbs- so her demi-hand had two fingers and two thumbs. Because she was never made to lactate in the first place, after the test was over she was given the title of The Arbiter. Tiffany is in charge of island security. Whenever there is a disagreement, she is the one who settles it.

"Hey Tiff! Do you know if doctor Hedgewall is at work yet?"

"Mmm, I haven't seen her. She could have taken another path though. Why, trouble with the new one?"

"Ah... heh, something like that. If you see a bit of commotion around his place, don't get too worried, it is just a little transformation mishap."

The elder woman just nodded, and let out a soft nose laugh before turning back to her view of the plains. Io continued on her way down to the lab.

Back in the home Hazel was drinking the milk as fast as she could to try to ease the pressure out of Allen, assuring him it would be fine and to try not to worry. He at least felt better with Hazel with him. And as a side effect of her laying beside him to empty out his udder, he had a direct view of her udder. Allen's mind was not fully there regardless- being completely overloaded he did not have a chance to really think about anything. He was conscious and seeing everything, but he would not commit anything to memory or form any cohesive thoughts. He just knew he was glad to have made some friends on the island so soon.

Io reached the lab and was walking around the outside of the circular building when she seen Subject 53, Viola. Like Hazel, Viola was blended with a bug. But like Tiffany, she was never created to give milk. Her thighs were human but encased in a slightly flexible chitin armor casing that was grey. From her knee down it looked almost entirely bug- the legs narrow but hard, segmented between a chitin exoskeleton. The third segment of her leg- which would be the cannon bone on ungulates- was covered in small thin spikes on the rear side. Her foot was just a round pad with two clawed digits on the end. Her arms were entirely human looking but again mostly encased in flexible but extremely durable chitin. Her arms were only covered from the elbow down, and between the chitin segments you could see human flesh on the joints. She was considered one of 'the arts' test subjects. The air around her filled with beautiful music as she gently drifted the fingers of her right hand across the underside of her left forearm. Her forelimbs were covered in thousands of cactus thorn-like needles, which when brushed together produce music. What looked like a face mask split open into four long narrow mandibles, hinged to what is still a perfectly normal human jaw underneath.

"Sleeping beauty. It isn't even lunch and you're actually on your feet- what is the special occasion?"

"Viola! Is Julie in?"

"Nope, haven't seen her yet today. She probably isn't going to be here till after lunch." Viola huffed at the defeated expression on Io's face. "Aww, cheer up. Here, I will play you the world's smallest violin." She rubbed her index and thumb together and ironically actually made a sound almost identical to a single note on a violin. "But seriously, what is the rush."

"Allen, the new test subject went a bit out of control with his transformation and needs a reset. But he can't go to sleep on his own. We basically need to knock him out."

Viola raised her hand into the air. "Then our best puppers is probably the way to go. Roxi can run to the real labs and back faster than anyone." She snapped her fingers and produced a brief ringing.

About ten minutes later Roxi came running up on all fours! Viola can produce a sound so high pitched with the snap of her finger that only dogs can hear the full force of it... which means she can call Roxi from extremely far away. Roxi raced off to tell the researchers who in turn told their overseer Mahogany, who got Telah down on site to see to her test subject personally. Roxi dashed back after contacting the labs and met Io at Allan's place- Roxi was so quick she ran to the labs and back in the time it took Io just to walk back to the house.

Allen woke up slowly. He could see the pink sky through the sunroof, indicating it must be dusk. He then looked down to see Io sleeping on top of him! Her hair scattered about around her again, trailing off either side of him. As soon as he moved she turned her face up to him and her eyes opened half way again, a small smile traced itself onto her face.

"Have a good sleep?"

He noted he was naked, but she was mostly naked too, only wearing her shirt. "What... happened. Everything after the transformation started to go berserk is a blur..."

"Well, you became giant and basically immobile, came so hard against one of the walls in your living room that you stripped the wallpaper, and then we had to get Magistress Reinhart down on site to knock you out so it would go back to normal."

"I am so sorry, I couldn't help it! I tried doing like you said but-"

"Stopping is hard. 'An object in motion, stays in motion'. It is fine. I had fun, really. We all know it wasn't your fault really. But more importantly- did it inspire you? Do you know what form you will take for keeps?"

He smiled timidly. "I think I have an idea but... I don't think I want to tell Telah just yet."

Io smiled as she felt his erection growing larger between their bodies. "Mmm, plan to experiment some more huh?"

Hazel blushed and turned away. "Just don't immobilize yourself again, we were actually worried there."

Allen was startled by her voice so much he went to sit up and clonked his forehead against Io's. "Oh geeze, I did not see you there Hazel! Why is everyone in my bedroom by the way? And... where are my clothes?"

Roxi stood up off the floor at the foot of the bed. "Roxi here too! Aaand your clothes got annihilated. I guess we could have dressed you while you were asleep but that seems kinda creepy. So we all watched your naked sleeping body instead. Also we all seen you naked already so it kinda seems pointless."

Hazel chuckled, standing from the chair at the side of the room. "We wanted to make sure you were okay, so we waited for you to wake up again. You need a second opinion on your form, I am always next door."

Io rolled off him and slipped her legs off the side of the bed. "And I will help tutor you. Or watch you go wildly out of control. I am amused either way, hehe~"

Roxi nodded enthusiastically. "And I will continue to deliver messages for everyone! Except that you are going to not tell Telah about being ready. I will keep that to myself, hehe. Although, she is in your living room right now, and can probably hear everything we are saying.... in hind sight, I probably should have mentioned that already."

They all heard Telah muffled through the dividing wall. "It's... fine."

Using a new casting technique she dubbed the inverse charge, Telah was able to enchant Allen with the ability to cum almost infinitely without burning through his body's resources. Not wanting to rush him on such an important choice though, she continued to tell her superior that Allen was not ready yet, and he retained his ability to reshape himself for almost a full year, before finally deciding. Unlike the other males on the island, Allen did not enhance his upper body muscles- keeping a rather soft look to him. Though a bit feminine, he could not help but want to enhance his hair; both on his head and his new tail, growing it to several feet long on both. He loved the feeling of it waving around in the breeze or swishing around behind him as he moved. He grew his ears long but kept their base human in frame like when his form lost control- giving himself long elven ears. His hair line extended a bit in the back, not stopping till it was between his shoulder blades, but was very narrow where it extended past where a human hairline stopped.

Taking after Tiffany, he adopted the cloven hoof hands. The prostate-ball hybrid that Io had suggested before was actually a Telah original. She created it on her own before she even worked at RHE, and RHE first adopted the design in Subject 86; Bernard. Taking after a trait present in Subject 93; Beryl- the ability for her udder to increase in size when full. Her skin had an incredible elasticity that could be turned on as an automatic reaction to her udder hitting capacity, to allow her to carry much more than she should, but then compact back down when she does not need the size. He used that on his new balls- so Allen has nuts the size of watermelons normally, but they can expand to a size where they fully rest on the ground even when he is standing up! To handle that weight between his legs- the impressive butt and hips of a horse which is also the tail he settled with. His legs he hybridized human and horse, but went with cloven bull hooves at the ends. This gave him considerable height and muscle structure in his legs, and just over his bovine hooves were long fetlocks, though he did not grow fur anywhere else.

For his penis, well... that was the main point, so you can imagine he went big. Also able to not only erect to get bigger but actually expand bigger to an extent, at full size it was taller than he is, almost as thick as a fire hydrant, and mostly equine in shape. The glans had a bit more of a rounded front to them like a human but was mostly equine. The shaft was very slightly tapered and neon pink on the later half like a bull. It was dappled at the mid point and grey-pink on the bottom, sheath, balls, and his taint all the way back to his anus- though all the surrounding skin was untouched.

Allen sat on the roof of his house beside Hazel who helped fly him up there, basking in the slowly sinking sun. Viola was at the very peak of the roof with her legs dangling off the front as she softly played music for them all on her arms, and Io was behind her with her eyes shut, facing the sky, murmuring the lyrics to her favorite of Viola's songs.

"I built a castle out of my dreams, when I woke it tore at the seams. I built a castle when I was awake, but without a vision it was bound to break.."

As they all watched the sunset over another day in paradise, Al knew with absolute certainty he made the right choice coming here. A strange, beautiful paradise. But he also could not help but imagine what any future subjects may have to offer as well. Telah's experiment was proven a success with Allen, which means his unique test case was... only a hint of what was to come.

His Favorite Pokemon

(F tf M hybrid pokemon) Berny or 'Blazing Burny' as his fans called him is a bit of an idol. A bit feminine looking, he was still handsome and had a great fashion sense. In a world where magic and the ability to transform exist, even porn sites...

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Minotaur Milk

(F tf Minotaur, F tf ferret hybrid) Ariadne is a hard woman to read. When she was little she was very bull-headed and often clashed with what other kids liked. Where others attempted to mimic those they liked and play along for the sake of...

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Give Her A Hand

(F tf Salamonster, age regression) Dr. Connie Curtis was a dedicated woman, and a brilliant mind. She was a military doctor, and did good work in grim situations. It was one thing to learn the intricate workings of a human body, another to have...

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