Wax Seal

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A woman turns to the mythic to try and surpass her previous boyfriend who was too controlling. Turns out the woods are called cursed for a reason- and there is a reason those old magic tomes were sealed away in the first place.

(Stag on F bondage)

Jessica lived in a rather small town in the middle of nowhere. I had been originally set up as a market town on a strategic place along the road between two far larger places on the map- but it never panned out. It turned out more of just a bathroom stop along the road. Unfortunately for Jessica this meant when it came to finding a boyfriend, she did not have a lot of options. Derek proved to be a bit of an ass, trying to control what she does. His final remark to her before she stormed out was that she will never find a cock as big as his in a town this small. And he was probably right. But Jessica was determined to prove him wrong. So determined that she found herself in the basement level of the local library- probably the oldest structure in the town, and much older than the ground floor of the same library.

There was an entire huge bookshelf that was off-limits here in the basement but it did not stop some of the more youthful citizens from looking. There was a latch across each shelf that prevented you from getting the books out without the key, but they were installed so long ago that they were sort of just coming apart. You could pull the bolt out of the hinge by hand and just take the entire thing off without even needing to open it. Though only half the citizens believed in it, all of these books were old occult spell books. Before the current town had been built there was an abandoned witches village here- the basement of the library supposedly the only surviving structure from that time. The light down there was not bright enough to read by, just enough to identify the book and take it elsewhere. The room was very deep and framed with stairs leading down to it, so the bookshelves were very tall and covered the walls entirely- so the only place to put a light was in the middle of the floor. A large crystal of salt was sat on a holder above the light to help scatter it throughout the room, and to ward the elder books from moisture. She found one book on the majestic elder of the forest, and remembered having a crush on him when she was younger reading this old book for the first time.

The book had no images so one was left to imagine what the forest spirit actually looked like, but the book did have some basic descriptions of him. Very large, well endowed, strong, and never made a sound. Sounds like the perfect boyfriend to Jessica! She read over the ritual part of the book she had skipped every other time and gathered some supplies. She gathered tons of candles, a bucket of blood from the butcher's shop and a pain brush to write the runes with, and the offering. The offering part depended on what your intentions were when summoning it- because she wanted romance Jess was to offer a flower. Since it was autumn, the only sizable flower she could find was an apple blossom. She wandered into the woods late afternoon. It was supposed to be dusk or night when you did this but she was a lot more confident in her ability to find her way out of the forest than into it when it was dark, so she entered while there was still daylight to find her way. There was two forests bordering the town and wouldn't you know it- the one the witches summoned the spirit from happens to be the supposedly cursed Pitchwood Forest. Named because the tree trunks there are as black as pitch. There was tons of trees but they were more like the skeletons of trees that used to be. Even in the spring and summer there was hardly any leaves on them at all, and now that it was fall there certainly was none. Their trunks and branches twisted and turned oddly like they were tangled around some unseen object. It was clear to see why everyone thought the forest was cursed- it was certainly a wretched looking place.

In the fall the forest had more life than any other season, but it was not in the form of plants, but rather fungus. The forest floor and the lower trunks of the trees were absolutely covered in delicate, frilled mushroom growth. That was likely why the forest itself looked so grim- there was probably a colossal circle of mycelium below the ground devouring the plants to feed itself. Mushrooms are just the blossoms of the mycelium. Jess created a huge circle of candles big enough to surround a car- since she had no idea just how large the spirit was. She had plenty of extra candles since she went a bit overboard and placed the remainder at the top sides of the huge rock she decided to do this beside to help light the area. There was a particularly huge tree that looked like it had grown out from under the other half of the shed-sized boulder. Its trunk was extremely thick, and while the tree was not especially tall, its branches reached wide. This was considered to be the heart of the Pitchwood Forest. She lit all the candles and by the time they were all aflame the sky had darkened enough that being near the candle light made everything else look like complete black. She dipped the paint brush in the bucket of pigs blood and started painting the runes on the surface of the boulder- having to do a few corrections at first till she got the hang of how much to have on the brush to paint with without allowing it to drip. Once you place it thinly enough blood dries quite quickly. When it dried the red faded from it quickly as well, making it look black against the already dark surface of the boulder.

Once it was completed the edges of the painted blood started to glow orange as if on fire and the runes burned off the rock without forming any actual flames. She looked at the circle of candles but did not see anything at first and put her hands on her hips in frustration. Then she spotted a floating orb! Tiny beads of liquid white candle wax were drifting up into the air and collecting in the middle! The undulating orb turned into a curled teardrop shape and two jet black orbs opened on either side of its body- eyes! As soon as his eyes opened all the candle flames doubled in size and burned white and pale blue with increased heat! The candles started to melt quickly and the wax flowed up into the air much faster. The round liquid body of the spirit started to sink lower in the air from its increased mass and eventually squished out against the ground a moment before lurching up on the end of four narrow pillars! Jess could see knobby little knee and ankle joints- they were spindly little legs! The front surged out and up pulling more narrow than the body as it went and quickly formed into the shape of a young deer! His ears flicking up away from the newly formed head cast off some extra wax, but the beads of wax slowed mid-flight and then pulled back into its body like a magnet. It quickly stopped looking like a cervine youth as its body rapidly expanded from the collecting wax and he started to surpass Jessica in height! When it got larger Jess was able to see that its eyes were not actually solid either- they were swirling orbs of black flame. The heat from them constantly caused the edges of its eye sockets to liquefy and re-harden. The wax of its body hardened as it took shape but more wax was added, causing it all to increase in size with each new layer. Even with no wax around them, the candle wicks still had wax soaked into them and the flames remained burning even after the body of it had been stolen to feed the spirit's body.

Soon Jessica was only as fall as his neck, then his shoulders, then his large pectoral muscles. From out of the head two giant, ornate candelabra erupted, forming its antlers. The many individual candles it held acted as the many tines of the antlers! A band of red wax formed a crest of runes that circled the very base of his neck like he were wearing a giant gorget. Red wax also emerged from the white on his face to make his nose and lips. Polished brass started to emerge from the ends of his legs as well, lifting him up on metal hooves. The hooves however were giant signet rings that looked like they were made for giants. The type of signet rings a lord would use to press a wax seal on an important document. Jess was not looking at the apple blossom she placed as it burst into flame and vanished into the night. Its combustion caused a magenta wax to well up in the beast's loins, swelling a plump tube of a sheath out from it and two tennis ball sized testicles. The magenta wax then burrowed its way out of the white wax sheath it helped form and emerged as an increasingly long pillar- an extremely large tapered cervine phallus! It was slightly veiny toward the very base but was otherwise smooth and featureless like the real thing. His body remained quite warm, but mostly solidified. It retained only enough give to it that when he bent his limbs, they bent instead of breaking.

Jess timidly walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling his hide. It was somewhat textured like fur, but all wax, so clearly it had no real fur. It was sort of like someone pressed a furry animal into soft wax so that it copied the shape. His eyes were bizarre and hypnotized Jess a bit as her own eyes tried to comprehend what she was seeing. It was like the darkness of night folded in to touch his eyes, lancing the light around him without swallowing it. The black fire that made his eye balls was actually negative light- it was devouring any light it made contact with, but his antlers and the candles surrounding him were still producing light so rather than snuff the light out, it just created a cone-shaped darkness from his eyes to the ambient dark of the night. Jess started to blush increasingly bright red as the initial awe of the situation started to wear off and the knowledge of it started to sink in- she just summoned a colossal stag to fuck her. The book never mentioned the spirit of the forest was an animal... although in hindsight that does make sense. Half in fear of angering such a huge beast, and half in actual aroused curiosity she slowly slid her hand down his side toward the hot pillar of deep pink wax that was his cock. His outer layer 'fur' was soft enough that she could imprint her fingers into him fairly easily- though whenever something altered his form, it quickly reshaped. True to the book's description, he is indeed very large, well endowed, strong, and does not make a sound. He made no move toward her and did not even seem to look at her, he just stood gently breathing, waiting for her to make the first move.

Jess surprised herself a moment when she finally gasped the phallus and her fingers sunk in! The wax seemed to grip her hand- trying to reform while she was still inside of it. The wax of his penis was particularly warm, so it was also rather soft. The moment she pulled her fingers out of it, it was already fully reformed and utterly undisturbed by her influence. It did buck slightly a moment after though, and what looked like a drop of clear pre dripped out- though it became increasingly white as it fell through the air and solidified as white wax by the time it hit the ground. Jess knelt down to bring her face closer, eyeing the hot pillar. The spirit snorted out two jets of smoke and stepped forward suddenly! Since his penis was tapered the end was small enough to poke through her lips before Jess even realized what was happening and wedged the end of his dick in her mouth! She was expecting the gross taste of wax in her mouth, but there was no taste at all. His body constantly reformed so none of the wax was wiping off for her tongue to be able to taste. The stag made micro-movements with his hips, just pulsing his cock back and forth on her lips. Once the initial shock wore off Jess slid further down the shaft on her own. She could feel the throbbing of a heart beat inside, oddly. The molten wax flows through him like blood would a normal deer- so although he was almost entirely wax, it felt almost identical to a real stag. When the cock hit the top of her throat, rather than force its way down it squished a bit and became thicker in her mouth. The veins swelled larger and stiffer and Jess was again surprised when he came in her mouth! Because it was already wedged into the start of her throat she did not even have an option to now swallow- it was being fired halfway down her throat! Wax is organic... right? She should be able to digest that. Maybe. It isn't poisonous anyway.

His wax load was hot enough that it almost burned on its way down, and it sat incredibly heavy in her stomach. The beast slowly backed out of her and trot in a circle, nudging a still stunned Jess on her rump with his nose- which unlike the entire rest of his form actually felt cool to the touch. She turned to look at him, not knowing what he was trying to do. Did he want her to stand back up? He then let out another gust of candle smoke that billowed her skirt up and Jess realized his dick was still just as erect as before- he wanted to ride her other end too! She wanted that too, but had been afraid at first of even attempting because his dick isn't very thick, but it is still many times too long for a human to take. After having him in her mouth she was no longer worried though. It was made of soft wax, so it won't just jam itself into her vaginal lining and tear it- it will squish and conform itself to fit. She huffed a bit as she got to her feet, her stomach felt so heavy! He came a lot. She pulled her panties down and to her surprise he bit them and helped pull them the rest of the way off, causing her to stumble forward a bit on her hands and knees. He stepped forward slowly. She could feel the warmth coming off his front legs as he stepped over her. She bowed her arms a bit to put her ass up high and he bowed his back legs to line up and then thrust in under her skirt. The tapered form allowed him to slide into her easily and she cooed in pleasure feeling the hot rod sliding deeper and deeper. Well, she proved Derek wrong- she has found someone bigger than him in this town! A lot bigger. She had never felt anything so deep in her body before! She didn't even think her vagina was that deep in the first place! Jess then felt a bit cramped as he bottomed out in her but thrust in again to put more in! His dick squished against her cervix and bloated out fatter, and then another thrust and fatter still! It can't go longer so all the extra cock he shoves into her instead stretches her wider! She could see the bulge building on her lower gut! It conforms to whatever shape it is placed in like water- so no matter who he is inside of, his dick is always a perfect fit!

The huge bulge in her gut looked like it should hurt, but didn't. She just felt... incredibly heavy and full. It started to throb violently though and Jess moaned in breathless surprise as he was approaching another climax already! He is certainly easy to set off. She huffed unintentionally as the added pressure on her already very full insides forced some air out of her lungs. The searing liquid wax he ejaculated burned, hurting her a bit a first but it was not hot enough to actually burn her, so after a moment she adjusted to it. The slight burning only added to the pleasure; a hot pleasurable itch. The spirit already filled her completely so when he came it blasted into her womb and coated it, then overflowed and started to blast out of her pussy around his dick from lack of room! And there was a lot of it! As wildly pleasurable as it had been though, Jess never hit climax. She came very close but he slowed his thrusting from his own orgasm and her own loins cooled down. She did not notice the liquid wax seething across the ground as if it were alive under her. Another little surge of pleasure as he thrust into her again after a pause and started to pick up pace again! He was still erect! It must be because she hasn't had a full orgasm yet. She summoned him for sex, so he must remain bound here at least until they have both climaxed at least once to complete the summoning conditions.

She felt the hot wax on her legs and hands but only when it started to creep across her skin did she actually look down and see the wax was trying to coat her! It tightened as it cooled, getting stiffer, and pulled her fingers and toes together inside and locked them that way. As it hardened it took the familiar shape of cloven hooves! Jessica smirked. Kinky. He is going for some sort of wax bondage, sealing her hands and feet inside hard wax hooves. The continued heat of the liquid wax in her pussy made it somewhat numb to the temperature, so she did not realize the continued heat was a small flow of continual wax, not just the remainder of the first load getting squeezed out by his thrusts. Dripping down her legs it started to stiffen and he started to straighten his own legs, causing his penis to hook on her insides and pull her up with him, forcing Jessica to straighten her limbs. The wax dripping down her legs then hardened like that however- locking her legs in that position and forming more cervine shape onto her. He started to throb powerfully again, but before he hit climax he pulled out! Jessica was already approaching hers as well, but him yanking out of her while his cock was still swollen extremely wide from her inner walls crushed against her clit and sent her screaming into an orgasm! She trembled uncontrollably against the wax starting to seal her thighs! Her pussy never closed! It was still wide open like his dick was inside of it even though it wasn't! The wax he coated it with hardened while it was stretched open, so now it was stuck like that! Just as her orgasm was starting to calm back down he rammed his dick back into her- but this time her small, virgin anus! She screamed out again in surprised pleasure as her orgasm spiked back up! His dick crammed itself in and again squished against her insides to conform to the shape of her ass just as he climaxed and fired hot wax up her intestines! Unlike her vulva which ended with her womb, the wax did not run out of room and get forced out this time- it just continued to scorch her deeper and deeper! She felt so incredibly bloated and heavy and hot! So very hot! Her legs would have buckled and cause her to collapse by now except she could not bend them! They looked like wax deer legs! The wax was too stiff for her to move her legs at all, and her arms were cast up to her elbows. Jess felt like it was exploding into her stomach again, but this time from the reverse direction! Her entire torso started to round out a bit, bloating from the massive load of wax inside of her. She felt a bit nauseous and suddenly threw up, but nothing came out except wax!

The beast's wax was still animated, even divided from him, so it was actually navigating its way through her entire body- allowing him to cum straight through her! The wax she was forced to spit up quickly slithered across the ground and up her arms, coating them further up- locking her elbow joints. The wax that dribbled down her lips and chin spread as far around her neck as it could before it hardened. His own body started to give off more and more heat. Jessica wanted to look back at him or try to squirm away but her limbs were locked to the ground, and there was already enough wax on her throat on the inside and outside to prevent her from turning her head! His body was liquefying a bit, causing him to shrink from removed wax, but also dripping hot wax all over her, causing Jess to squirm from the sensation of the hot wax. It was not dripping down- the wax dripped in whatever direction she still had uncovered skin in. The spirit started to shrink down to normal stag proportions by the time he finished and pulled out- this time his cock sliding back into the sheath.

He walked around her slowly and put his face close to hers a moment before huffing and then raising his head up high to observe the forest. Jessica would have said something but the inside of her mouth was coating in a hard wax cast that prevented her from moving her jaws. In fact- none of her body was exposed to the outside world! She was sealed entirely in a doe-shaped wax cast and completely unable to move! Even her pussy and anus was trapped open, because their insides were also trapped! Jess could breath just fine from the nostrils and mouth of the outer cast, but she could not move at all or make a sound! She would be stuck here completely at the mercy of whoever entered the forest and found her first.

Yes, the Pitchwood Forest is a cursed place indeed. No one enters it unless they absolutely have to. There have even been sightings of ghostly white deer statues appearing in the woods, and sometimes moans or other odd sounds coming from the woods, so people knew to stay well away from them.

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