Nine Tenths

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A young man and woman run off to have some fun with each other in the woods but don't realize how close to the graveyard they are. Some yokai decide to possess their bodies to join in on the fun- which has pretty dramatic effects on their bodies.

(M possessed TF hyper balls, F possessed hyper breasts, lactation)

Kizo was apprentice for the local blacksmith. His face clean shaven and his hair short and bristly. When it comes to working the forge- the less hair you have to catch on fire, the better. While smiths are not known for their sharp eyesight, Kizo had picked out a fine woman to sneak off with. Miruku was daughter to a wealthy clan, but the third daughter and so the least guarded of the highborn children, allowing her to run off without anyone taking notice. Her skin flawless and pale like porcelain. She wore a hand-me-down silk kimono that was rather casual wear for her, even though it was above the budget of most people. The two held hands as Kizo jogged ahead leading her out of the village so no one will see them together. If a lowborn young man like Kizo so much as stepped foot in her clan's manor he would lose his head.

The golden yellow ginkgo leaves fluttered down around them- the wind was barely noticeable so they did not travel far from the trees. They covered the ground so thoroughly though that Kizo could barely tell where the trail was. The lovers started to slow down as they passed a narrow trail between the graveyard and village. No one would come out here this late in the day- the sun was already half behind the horizon. As the sun set, the shadow of gravestones grew long and covered the trail with stripes. Miruku had a bright smile on her face, which caused her cheeks to be pronounced and her already narrow eyes turned to crescent moons. Normally her hair would be bound up with a large seashell comb, but she let it completely loose and wild for this. Both giggling and chuckling in giddy arousal- too wound up in each other and what they would do to think about how close to the graveyard they were, in the hour of twilight when the unseen realm briefly overlaps the mortal realm; the time known as Omagatoki.

Kizo put his hand across the small of her back and twirled her around, taking Miruku off her feet and easing her down. There was a stump that had formerly been a gigantic sacred tree that was taken down to build the shrine in the village. The stump was so gigantic that hundreds of years later, the top was covered with a layer of moss, a few flowers and some grass, forming a sort of bowl shape where the rain weathered down the formerly flat-cut. It almost made a natural bed for them to use. Miruku felt a powerful chill for a brief moment as he laid her down, giving her goose bumps. Neither of them noticed her visible breath as she sighed happily. The air was cooler, but not cold enough to see their breath. Tiny pin pricks of pale blue started to appear in her otherwise soft brown iris- emerging signs that there is more than one soul in her body now. There was a yurei present- but neither had the spiritual attunement or tranquil soul to see such things with their naked eyes.

Miruku's breasts were heaving from having jogged here and been laid out so quickly so it was harder to notice. Under her kimono her nipples tingled and turned rigid as if exposed to extreme cold. Her breasts felt tight, and started to actually firm up, causing their tear shape to rise into spheres. Kizo put one leg up onto the stump beside her, looking down at her with a smile and grabbed the end of her sash to undo her kimono. Miruku self consciously arched her back a bit and held her breath, trying to puff out her chest as much as possible to impress him when the silk slipped off. She ended up breathing out before that though in a moan as a gentle, warm pressure pulsed slowly into her breasts and they actually expanded in size, by quite a bit! What had been C cup breasts were instead an impressive DD cup by the time Kizo exposed them to the open air. His erection jumped in arousal under his pants, but then he felt an odd tightness deeper within. He felt quite pent up suddenly. His balls felt tight, and his pants started to feel a bit tight too- as his balls actually started to grow!

Miruku cupped her own endowments from below, half to show off and half to explore herself! She oddly was unable to think of how odd it is that they grew, and instead was only overjoyed that they had. She felt an odd need however, and could not identify what. Like a warm itch inside of herself. She squeezed her own breasts and felt the heat inside rising. Her breasts started to slowly get even bigger! Her powder brown nipples and areola started to darken now. Kizo whipped his sash off and had his hakama off in the blink of an eye. Mikuru looked up to see his balls swing out into the open and went wide-eyed. He is so endowed! Each nut was the size of a tennis ball! She sat up even further forward now to cup his balls gently, hefting them in her palms. They started to slowly feel... heavier. His taint started to puff out a bit, his prostate felt full and his balls continued to grow larger! His pubic hair started to grow in thicker but softer, turning instead to a small mat of fur. Neither noticed his tail bone growing out into an actual tail. The little flecks of light in Mikuru's eyes started to multiply and widen like embers at the edge of burning paper. Her nipples turned dark brown now, and her areola started to swell outward into soft bumpy domes themselves. Little pearl beads formed around their surface and she gave a startled cry as thin streams of milk spurt out without her even touching them! She was... lactating?

Kizo knelt down between her legs, putting one hand at her side to hold himself up and cupped a large, still growing tit with his other hand and latched onto her hard nipple. He pressed his lips into her soft tit, feeling the surface spring back with elasticity each time he pushed in and sucked. He also did not have to lean as far forward every few seconds- she was still getting bigger! Her tits passing the size of basketballs each and still growing. Even though they were still taught from growth, their tear-shape returned simply because their weight made it impossible to hold up as spheres. She continued to leak milk- even from the breast he was not sucking from. The feeling of it passing through her tits was a warm tingle in her rigid nipples. Kizo did not notice, but Miruku certainly did when she felt soft, hot flesh press against her pussy and looked past her boobs to see testicles the size of medicine balls each starting to pool against the stump between their legs! Behind Kizo was a two and a half foot long tail, that was growing in bushy fur now- banded black and brown. Black coloration started to appear around his eyes as if he were wearing makeup, but then bled out from his eyes and over either side of his face as stripes. His facial hair started to grow in at an unnatural rate now- especially his sideburns, but grew in brown instead of black which was supposed to be his hair color. The only part that actually grew in black was the hair that grew over the stripes leading off from his eyes!

As Kizo sucked hungrily at her swelling melons, his stomach started to swell outward. Miruku's elbows started to hurt holding herself up in a sitting position like this- her tits were getting too heavy! She meant to re-adjust them but the weight of her breasts caused her to flop suddenly completely back! Her breasts were so huge they sloshed upward, bumped her chin and then either breast slung itself over her shoulders! Her breasts were on either side of her head! Both she and Kizo laughed. Miruku's iris were now totally glowing pale blue with only a few specks of their original brown, and her breath was visible all the time now as if she were freezing cold, even though she was not. Kizo grabbed her legs and shuffled forward on his knees, his balls dragging on the moss bed below. He thrust into her and rest her legs over his own shoulders. Miruku's breasts were STILL getting bigger, starting to cover more of her shoulders. A growing hill of fat on either side of her head! She started to let out breathless moans as she felt gentle pulses of pleasure inside of her breasts- as if they were having mini orgasms themselves somehow! The milk surged with each one, because the pulses were her breasts desperately trying to express the milk fast enough to keep up with her ability to ceaselessly make it!

Every thrust Kizo did caused his gigantic, extremely heavy nuts to swing forward and bounce off her butt cheeks! Soon they grew so massive they fully rest on the stump below him even in his position. Then they grew so large they started to help prop her butt up! Her petite ass was resting on the hot, silky smooth skin of his massive scrotum! He felt a throbbing tightness in his dick as well as a small knot started to form at its base. His finger and toe nails all started to bunch up, becoming small narrow claws, and his teeth started to sharpen. His gut continued to slowly swell out larger as well- taught and round, not soft or flabby. The tail behind him was bushy- shaped like a club. They hit climax quickly enough, but because of his gigantic balls she filled to capacity very quickly as well, while he just continued to cum! It erupted from around his relatively small penis and continued to gush out! Even pulled tight to his groin his balls were so big they were fully pressed into the stump below. Patches of fur started to grow on the backs of his hands, his shins and forearms, and his upper back! His belly became so round his belly button inverted suddenly from pressure with a loud *thunk*. The streams of pressurized milk from Miruku were arching almost two feet through the air before touching the ground! The itchy pressure built up in her puffy, dark areola- she was making milk a lot faster than she was physically able to get rid of it.

Once Kizo was done blasting out enough spunk to fill a two gallon bucket he stood up and almost stumbled back- completely unaccustomed to his body shape. He should be shocked at what has become of himself, but was unable to due to the invader's influence. Miruku could not stand straight up because her breasts were anchoring her in place. To get up she needed to flip over, causing her breasts to flip over themselves a moment after and then force herself up. She needed to use all her strength just to properly stand. Her hair now no longer obeyed gravity. When she got up her hair just sort of drifted around behind her as if floating in liquid. Standing with a bit of a forward hunch, her breasts were so large they hung low enough to completely eclipse her crotch, and partially obstruct her legs if she attempted to walk. They were so heavy she doubted she was able to walk though. She grabbed them and moaned loudly suddenly- digging her fingers into the obese flesh. Her nipples actually swelled in size now and you could hear the creaking pressure on her flesh as her tits swelled even larger! Milk was gushing from her like a broken faucet and she stumbled forward- not even able to stand still with all her strength. She did not fall far though. The bottoms of her gigantic boobs squished on the ground when she bowed forward- letting the earth take the weight instead. Thin trails of milk were veining across the entire stump and forming pools around its base. Kizo stumbled back a bit as the pressure returned to his balls on seeing Miruku swelling larger! Even fully standing his balls were squished out on the stump, but the top curves were pressed into his large round belly! They ran out of room, so now that they were trying to get still bigger, they were pushing his belly up which was shoving him backwards!

A black fox scurried up, pouncing into Kizo's gut as if he were not a solid object- but when the fox came out the other side there was a tanuki in his paws! The fox pinned the tanuki to the ground and knocked the leaf off its head- as soon as the leaf left its body its magic was broken and Kizo instantly turned back to normal, falling forward from only a second earlier trying to fight against a pressure that just suddenly vanished. He lost consciousness almost immediately from the energy all that had taken. Without even waiting for an explanation from the trickster tanuki, the fox turned and jumped straight through Miruku's breasts and torso and onto the ground behind her, causing a gigantically endowed woman to stumble out from behind her as well. As soon as the phantom woman left Miruku's body, she turned back to normal and slumped over unconscious on top of Kizo! Kizo had been possessed by a tanuki, who seen the sexy being Miruku was turning into and took it as an opportunity. Miruku on the other hand had been possessed by a Chinooya- a yurei. Chinooya are very well endowed women who constantly lactate- they are ghosts who preside over graveyards seeking dead infants or children and comforting them with their endless milk.

The fox let out several low grumbling sounds. "Just because mortals are easy to play with, doesn't mean you guys should."

The tanuki shrugged, motioning to the sleeping humans. "I don't think they mind."

Rubbing Off

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