Grow In The Dark

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Ted is a pretty shitty guy- so shitty that the police had a spot on death row reserved for him. Rather than let a life go to waste, an arcanist guild decides to take Ted from prison and put him to use to help create new life instead. In order to better understand an otherworldly species the guild has been researching, they inject Ted with a brightly glowing transformative agent and let it go to work in a pitch black room.

(M TF monster/original creature)

Ted was tossed into a giant room as black as pitch. He had been sentenced to death, and rather than simply kill him and waste his life, the local arcanist guild took him in to use his body for an experiment. Ted would end up doing someone some good whether he liked it or not. The room was utterly devoid of all light so the only reason he even knew it was large was from the sound bouncing off the walls. There was no carpet nor furniture in the room to absorb any sound. When they closed the door behind him he could not even search for it to try to break it open- it was so dark he could not find it again. They also did not uncuff him, so his wrists were trapped in wide shackles connected by only six chain links between. His eyes adjusted to the dark but it did not help him in the least. There was zero light- so even adjusting to the dark he could see nothing. Even a nocturnal animal adjusted to be able to see at night still could not see anything in this chamber.

Ted had no way of knowing but there was a giant obsidian plate across one of the walls, which had a looking-glass enchantment linking it to a much smaller plate in the office of the people overlooking the experiment. He had been injected with a elixir before they tossed him in the holding cell. For a minute after they tossed him in; they could actually see the injection sight in the dark. There was a dim glowing spot on the back of his neck. The reason he was placed in the dark cell is because they enchanted the elixir with a spell of luminescence, making it glow brightly a neon green, which is the brightest color visible in the human spectrum. Because the room is so dark, they hope to be able to see the path it takes as it changes him as a dim illumination. Ted could feel it doing something in him. His heart beat felt stronger, and a bit strained. His veins tightened and bulged.

Ted slammed his shackles against the hard floor many times, trying to break it off. The seams on the shackles rattled a bit, indicating they have been in use many years already and it felt like he might be able to overpower the metal. The physical effort unknowingly mixed the alchemical mix in his blood however, causing it to activate faster. His shoulders started to feel tight, making the joint stiff. Instead of smashing the shackle he then tried to snap the chain. He put them on the floor and then stepped on the chain. He tried to straighten as much as he could and used his arm strength to fight the downward force of his foot. One of the alchemists pointed out to the others- dim glowing green lines in the dark! The underside of one of his wrists was exposed to them, facing the slate they watched him through, and was exposed out of his sleeve. It almost looked like it was rippling in slow motion- but the veins were not moving at all, the muscle below them was bulging, which changed the angle they were viewing them at.

Ted's arms swelled, but this also made his elbows and wrists feel stiff like his shoulders. His sleeves hugged extremely tight now. His veins swelled so fat he could actually feel his heart beat all the way to his finger tips, because of the tension it put on the surrounding tissue. Ted stopped what he was trying to do and slowly turned his hands the most he could in shackles to look at them- there was extremely bright glow dripping from his aching fingertips. It felt like someone was yanking on his fingernails, but they were actually growing out at a rapid rate. So rapid in fact that the skin could not quiet keep up, causing them to bleed at the base; exposing his brightly glowing blood to the open air. Because of how the blood pooled in the depression on either side of the nail, the alchemists could see how their shape changed, not just lenght. They were getting much, much thicker and sharper. It put pressure on the skin under it, causing it to get shoved further back, bunching up more at the base of the nail. The nail itself continued to get even thicker, and shift position on his finger! Ted groaned as his heart beat throbbed, actually causing his entire upper body to feel like it was swelling in small surges with each beat. The shackle luckily was wide, and the muscle growing within caused the tension to be spread further out on his arm- otherwise the edge of the metal might have been cutting into his skin by now. Starting at the depression into his spine the muscles of his upper back swelled rapidly, yanking his shift tight and then the growth surged down his arms!

In the otherwise silent room there was two sounds- one high pitched stretching of the threads of fabric straining and snapping one by one, but also a deep but quiet almost groaning sound actually made by his flesh and muscle from extreme rapid expansion. The shackles did not rattle now- they were extremely tight. The back of his shirt tore, and then the rip expanded upward, snapping loudly when it got to his collar. The alchemists immediately seen when and where the fabric tore; the exposed bulbous mounds of muscle below was covered with dim glowing veins, and a few large bright glowing ones at the surface. He groaned loudly in an almost growl as his pectoral muscles swelled huge, causing him to rear back, shaking his head- he tried to mentally resist what was happening to him to absolutely no effect. His bottom teeth even ached in his mouth. He grit his teeth and ground them together a bit trying to numb the feeling with others, but in doing so his heart jumped at how extremely loose his top teeth felt! Like they were barely attached!

His shoulder seams tore, then as he tried to make one last attempt to slam the shackles into the floor his elbows tore the middle of the sleeves which quickly traveled up the arms, and his entire shirt flopped uselessly around his waist- only the very bottom of the shirt still connected all the way around. The metal of his shackles groaned and he quickly turned his head and held his arms out in front of himself out of fear of getting metal shards in his eyes. A moment later the bolt that held either shackle closed bent and broke! The metal shackles broke completely off! His arms felt incredibly stiff though, and the veins especially on its underside were glowing bright enough that he could see their shape and why they did not move so well. He was getting quite muscular, but also the structure of the muscle wasn't human at all, causing it to overlap joints they were not supposed to. Rather than be quite bulbous in specific areas where there was no joints- it was equalizing! His arms were thick as hell but at almost the same girth the entire way down. His hands had swollen huge to, causing them to lose their shape! His fingers were being held slightly apart simply by how swollen his hand was! It wasn't fluid retention- that was solid meat. His claws were now so massively thick that they took up the entire end of each digit.

Ted tried to find a way out, shouting to the people he assumed must be watching to let him out. His walk was a bit lumbering and he had a hunched back because of the massive increase of upper body mass, he was quite off-balance. The increased blood flow to his straining legs however and his frantic running around in the dark trying to find something caused changes to start there too. As soon as the muscles in his legs started to change like in his arms, the stiffening of their joints was too much to allow proper walking and he toppled over. As soon as his arms hit the floor to catch him, the glow surged in the veins and the growth. It was not the muscle this time- the bones inside of his arm surged larger pushing them out and also causing the joints to re-align properly with the surrounding muscle and restore their mobility. It felt like his bones were colliding with something whenever he tried to reach forward though. The sockets of his shoulder blades were now on the side, not the front. His arms looked like pillars! His wrist and hand were completely lost in the thick arm now, looking like a stump-end. This also caused the base of his fingers to get trapped inside of the stump, robbing them of mobility even though the bones were all still there. What remained protruding became very thick and bulbous, as the base of his claws became still thicker! Each claw was like a large triangle. They would look more like deadly weapons, if they were not so awkward to move.

Ted groaned again, this time a hint of desperation in his tone. His pectoral and upper back muscles became so large it almost felt like it was pinching the base of his neck, but that quickly corrected itself. He bent his neck in several directions as the veins inside felt incredibly tight. The glow in the primary arteries of his neck was so bright that it partially illuminated his face! It was like someone slid glow sticks under his skin! He let out a panicked groan that was almost a roar unintentionally as he could hear the deep groan of the flesh in his neck as it expanded massively in several pulses! The bone popped loudly in his spine though as it compressed, several vertebrae cracked open, slid around the one below it and then fused together! His neck was getting wider, but it wasn't growing at all, causing the material to stretch wide forced it to shorten! His neck almost vanished entirely! His head sat at the apex of a very steep slope of flesh and fat veins that trailed from his shoulders to the base of his head. The neck was there, but so tremendously short and wide that it just looked like his torso tapering off. His skin felt like it was crawling, but was actually getting thicker. The alchemists could only see it happening around his neck where the glow was brightest- the surface skin bulged slightly into a diamond shaped pattern that almost looked like scales, but was not.

Ted kept slipping off his knees, the growth of his legs was forcing the joints to stiffen like his arms had, but that meant he could not bend them enough to be on his hands and knees, so it almost looked like he was thrusting his hips a bit before his hips just swung into the floor and his legs were forced out from under him. Putting his groin into the floor however caused more changes! Physical stimulus caused him to start getting an erection against his will. His pant legs started to tear from the bottom up- his legs thickened where the most pressure was, so his ankles and then knees- starting from the bottom up unlike his arms. Also unlike his arms however, his toenails grew thicker but not longer nor sharper. They retained their normal shape, just becoming extremely thick and blocky. They turned black as they thickened but remained translucent toward their tips- though no one could see this in the darkness and the glow refracted off their surface, so it did not help reveal this detail. Ted felt a sudden strong pressure on his hips, on either side almost like someone grabbed his waist and was trying to shove him back, except the entire rest of his body somehow remained anchored in place. An inverse tension was in his tail bone where the two sides of the pelvis united in the back. His spine started to grow longer into a tail, but unlike the rest of his changes this was extremely slow- Ted almost could not notice it at all through the rest of the surrounding changes. With a startlingly loud and sickeningly wet sounding snap, his pelvis broke in half! The front broke completely open, but remained the same in the back, causing the bone to compress and thicken. This also forced his legs apart, pulling the connecting sockets to his sides, forcing him permanently bow-legged! This immediately tore open the front of his pants, and the thickening of his legs pulled the top of his pants downward and tore his pant legs upward. The tension built as the remaining connected fabric bunched across his thighs. His underwear was yanked extremely thin, but was elastic enough that it seemed like it would hold out longer than his pants.

The coolness of the floor against his crotch made it though the fabric enough to cause his scrotum to pull tight and crinkle up in recoil. His balls pulled much tighter than his scrotum did however as the connective cords shrank rapidly. Testicles can be popped back into the torso even if they are fully grown- but both cannot fit in the opening at the same time, its not wide enough, causing his balls to compress more into each other as the opening forced them in on one another. With a deep *bloop* sound their surface shimmied like the surface of a bubble as the two balls became one ball of twice the size! Ted burped several times against his will as air bubbles were forced out of him as his guts shifted rapidly inside of him. His stomach was growing tremendously, shoving organs either higher up or further down depending on where they were in relation to his gut. His pelvic floor muscle structure shifted as well, compensating for the new structure of the bones it is supposed to hug- the pelvis. His mono-ball migrated further and further back, but the cords connecting his genitals continued to shrink. His ball was too large to get sucked inside, so as the cord shortened it caused him a lot of unwanted pleasure as it instead caused his prostate to get yanked outward closer to the surface! It felt like something gently getting pumped into his nut, inflating it! It grew longer rather than wider- developing an empty chamber inside of it! His ball now had room for storage, making it quite oblong, like a giant snake egg.

His bladder divided from the prostate- now no longer connecting into the same tract so it did not get yanked down along with it. Instead his bladder made an even more extreme migration down into the forming meat of his still short but quite thick tail. His anus had gotten dragged out with it as well, since the base of the tail now occupied the space halfway down between what had formerly been his butt cheeks. Both intestinal tract and bladder connected into a single waste passage that stretched into a narrow slit toward the end of the tail's underside- nearly invisible when closed even in good lighting. Ted's eyes watered at the knowledge of his teeth slipping. The holes in his jaw closed up, so they were loosely held by veins and gums alone, but now those pinched off and regressed as well and one by one his top teeth fell out. His bottom teeth oddly had an entirely different effect. Only every second or so tooth fell out from the bottom, the rest grew larger and became sharper, growing into very large fangs! What was the point of that though? If he has no top teeth there is nothing to grip or grind against, making any bottom teeth he has effectively unusable. His tongue was also pulled back, tightening a bit and moving further back into his mouth, but remained the same mass. Ted's confused and now frightened eyes started to become visible in the dark to the alchemists. The coloration from his blood was now starting to appear in his iris, spreading slowly in from the edges like a corruption. His legs started to slow down their changes. Unlike his fingers, his toes were not visible at all. His stump like legs had compressed in length, making them only half as long at best, and the bones twice as wide. His knee caps had fused into the ends of his shin bone, preventing his legs from being held completely straight out- but also making them considerably more durable.

Ted had no idea what in the world he was turning into, nor was he able to really check. His visibility was dramatically less than the alchemists watching him. His head no longer turned- the vertebrae in what little remained of his neck were directly locked together and could not be turned at all, so to turn his head he would need to turn his entire body. Which... prevented him entirely from looking AT his body. He also could not hope to stand up. If someone picked him up and plopped him down on his back legs he might be able to balance like that, but he sure as hell could not get into that position on his own. He had the stance of a lizard that is very low to the ground. Although his arms were at least twice the length of his legs, so he could lift his upper body a good ways off the ground, his pelvis could only be lifted a couple of inches at most. His penis was getting longer, pulling narrow and losing much of its shape. It felt like he was getting an erection but not only did the feeling not end- his dick wasn't getting any stiffer, it was still squishy and soft! Eight, nine, ten, eleven inches long. His dick became a tapered pink pillar- though the urethral bulge still obvious on its underside. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen inches- it exceeded the realm of possible lengths for a human. As his stomach expanded in him, his gut pressed out, but a taught line of muscle pulled a deepening divot into its front- and now his growing cock fit perfectly in the long narrow depression. Because of how it saturates with blood- his entire penis was a dim glow making it very visible. His underwear filled with two other bulges and it finally expanded enough to rip the underwear off entirely at last, removing his last trace of human clothing. The only thing left on him entirely human was his head. The bulges that finally tore his underpants off were two long rolls of skin! There was nothing IN the skin, it was just very long ribbon like flaps of skin- though the inner folds of them were quite sensitive to touch.

Ted's heart felt like it was pulling in two a moment as it doubled its width. It hammered hard now, but it also became lazy and started to beat much, much less. The result was his veins glowing brightly for a brief moment every second or two in a pulse that traveled down the length of his body, then bounced back slightly before the glow faded too much to see again. It looked like lightning streaking across a stormy night sky. His thicker, textured, and leathery skin now did not let as much of the internal light escape, so mostly only the pulses could be seen- the ambient glow was no longer strong enough to completely penetrate the surface. The alchemists could only see him in breif flashes. His groans all sounded like growls now, his voice very deep and hollow sounding. His remaining teeth became so gigantic they were overgrowing his mouth, but arched in a way where he could not push them out over his top lips, forcing him to open his mouth wider and wider. The unwanted pleasure from the nerges stretching and branching in his crotch caused his now changed cock to finally acually harden... which made it even longer than it already was! As it stiffened it started to arch on its own. The blood pressure built up in the shaft toward its end first rather than at an equal rate- this caused it to curl and then double back- folding over itself! The end of the shaft was rubbing its way down the rest of the shaft, which only sped his erection up from self-inflicted pleasure! As the shaft stretched longer, the surface pulled tight revealing stiff rounded bumps down its length at regular intervals. The shaft itself also started to glow brighter and brighter- the skin was no where near the thickness of his body, and the blood concentration kept going up! He could also feel his uni-ball swelling larger behind him! It was fused with the underside of his tail now, not free hanging. The tail itself not very long but very thick. His prostate and testicle had merged together in a single unit- together cradling either end of a large chamber between. The creature makes new semen whenever it is aroused in the slightest and stores it there for when it actually has sex. This causes a large triangular section of silky smooth flesh on its tail's underside to inflate like a balloon!

The ribbon like flaps of skin from its groin waved in the air gently as if being blown by non-existent wind, and remained pointed forward, while his cock now curled itself lower and lower to point backwards! It exceeded the length of his tail by a good bit and was fully facing the same direction as his tail by the time it was fully stiff. Ted let out a long low rumble from his mutated voice box as his ribs started to pull wider! His spin started to arch toward the middle and top, and his skin was pulled very tight suddenly! A bone spur was growing off each vertebrae, pushing up into the surface skin and then squishing out from tension! Each vertebrae was growing a rounded T shaped extension, locking together at the top, forming a sort of false-spine above its actual spine- shielding it from outside harm. Since his thick hide could not stretch, this did not expand his back out, but rather pushed his actual spine deeper into his body, which is why his ribs were expanding so much to the sides- to keep up with the steepening angle the spine was forcing them on.

He muttered some high verberance, low pitched sounds trying to make words as the last signs of his humanity left him. His entire iris were glowing brightly now, so much so that the light they threw off was just enough to see a portion of his face around them. His forhead started to angle up, and the front of his skull cracked and popped as it expanded forward, but even more than that- outward. His skull almost started to take a flatter shape, but also extend out into a short rounded muzzle. The shape of his nose was lost entirely in the expansion of his face, and his nostrils stretched a bit longer and more narrow. His teeth surged in size again, but his mouth was already open as far as it could go! He could feel the growth welling up in his lower jaw. Ted shook his head back and forth as if trying to disagree with the transformation- it was trying to grow parts that could not grow! His heart started to speed back up almost to a normal human pulse, and then surged bright light several times through his body as he unintentionally hit climax, at the same time the changes pushed forward. He was hit with massive pain on one end and massive pleasure on the other! His dick exploded faintly glowing cum all over the floor behind him, illuminating the underside of his back half as it pooled on the floor. The skin on the underside of his tail pulled tight, squeezing his prostate on its own to help milk all the built up fluid from the chamber over it. The many huge fangs in his mouth however also pooled brightly glowing fluid on the floor- as they lanced through the roof of his mouth! Glowing neon blood trailed down his chin and throat while some drops broke free and pooled on the floor! His fangs kept growing! He could feel them grinding against the bone of his skull as they refused to stop! They lanced right through his entire face and out the other side!! His eyes wide in confusion as his thoughts became a jumble- he was trying to think of more complex thoughts than he was able to. His brain was becoming simple. His pupil stretched into vertical rectangles- allowing him to track motion above him better, since he is so low to the ground.

The alchemists knew this was the end of the transformation. His form was still settling, but there need not be any more changes. What looked like a crown of horns sitting on his face was actually the tips of his bottom teeth sticking up through his skull- protecting it from above. Since the creature is so low to the ground, there are no threats that could attack it from below, so all of its defenses are faced up toward the sky. A slow moving, dim witted creature not of this world. Though to most he would seem like some deformed monster, Ted had transformed into a creature from a different world known simply as a Cagemouth. Ted was made to help them repopulate- since a single male can impregnate many females in a short period of time. Their penis reaches behind them, because they are so low to the ground they cannot hop onto each other's backs- they raise their tails and go butt to butt. The most unusual and unique thing about a Cagemouth though obviously is its mouth- and seemingly larger than necessary stomach. Because its teeth are used defensively and go through its entire face- its mouth looks like the bars on a prison cell. The huge claws and fat digits on its front legs are used to burrow into the ground. Cagemouth deliberately eat fertile soil- the grains of dirt being able to pass through its cage of fangs. They find seeds and deliberately agitate fungus to get them to release their spores- and then inhale the seeds and spores through its 'bars'. It then forms a bed in its acidless stomach and the Cagemouth actually GROWS its food in its wide stomach! When the growth has reached a certain size, the chamber collapses, digests the material and then it poops out the unused material and starts again. That is also why its heart beat is so slow- the creature has a very slow metabolism. It doesn't need to eat very often- which is good since it has to grow the food in its stomach in order to eat it. Once flaccid, the penis became shorter and squishy again, fitting perfectly in the long narrow pocket on its belly, and then the two skin flaps that had been just waving around pulled taught and united over top of the penis- hiding it entirely from view and protecting it when not in use.

Ted was no longer smart enough to know to want to be angry with anyone, so they were safe to turn the lights on and enter the chamber to collect him. He will be brought to another world to meet other Cagemouth and help breed. Instead of simply executing Ted for his crimes, he was instead going to help an endangered species repopulate- with a very hands-on approach. The arcanists of the guild dispelled the mana from him- causing the light effect inside of him to end. They wouldn't want him to keep glowing or he would creep out the other Cagemouth. It had been an interesting experiment though, and now the guild felt it knew the creature a bit better, having seen the circulation as it changed Ted. It made the guild members ponder what other, otherwordly creatures they could learn about by growing in the dark.

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